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High-resolution XANES (X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure) spectroscopy for Mn in the S1 and S2 states of the spinach photosynthetic O2-evolving complex revealed distinct features in K-edge spectra, when a high signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of ca. 80 with a low and constant background-to-signal (B/S) ratio of 0.15 to 0.18 was attained. Six features resolved in each S-state spectrum involve a pre-edge feature due to 1s----3d transitions, a main-edge feature possibly due to 1s----4s transitions and four fine structures superimposed on the principal absorption bands due to 1s----4p* transitions. The high-quality pre-edge features were analyzed according to a parametric ligand-field theory in comparison with those of some typical authentic Mn complexes. It was deduced that i) all of the four Mn ions in the S1-state are octahedrally coordinated and two of them constitute a di-mu-oxo bridged Mn(III, III) dimeric subunit; ii) the bridged Mn(III) ions are further bridged by a deprotonated water dimer, (HOHOH)-, and coordinated by imidazole-N and carboxylate-O- on the opposite side of the Mn atom from the di-mu-oxo bridge; iii) the other two Mn ions exist in the form of Mn(III) monomeric subunits; and iv) upon the S1----S2 transition, only the bridged Mn(III,III) is oxidized to Mn(III,IV). The distinct change in the principal absorption band shape upon the S1----S2 transition is briefly discussed to obtain the XANES evidence for a tetrameric Mn-cluster.  相似文献   

The structure of the Mn complex in the oxygen-evolving system and its mechanistic relation to photosynthetic oxygen evolution are poorly understood, though many studies have established that membrane-bound Mn plays an active role. Recently established procedures for isolating oxygen-evolving subchloroplast Photosystem II (PS II) preparations and the discovery of a light-induced multiline EPR signal attributable to the S2 state of the O2-evolving complex have facilitated the preparation of samples well characterized in the S1 and S2 states. We have used extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy to probe the ligand environment of Mn in PS II particles from spinach, and in this report we present our results. The essential feature of the EXAFS results are that at least two Mn atoms per PS II reaction center occur as a binuclear species with a metal-metal distance of approx. 2.7 Å, with low Z atoms, N or O, at a distance of approx. 1.75 Å and at approx. 1.98 Å, which are characteristic of bridging and terminal ligands. These results agree well with those derived from whole chloroplasts that provided the first evidence for a binuclear manganese complex (Kirby, J.A., Robertson, A.S., Smith, J.P., Thompson, A.C., Cooper, S.R. and Klein, M.P. (1981) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103, 5529–5537).  相似文献   

We introduce a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics model of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II in the S(1) Mn(4)(IV,III,IV,III) state, where Ca(2+) is bridged to manganese centers by the carboxylate moieties of D170 and A344 on the basis of the new X-ray diffraction (XRD) model recently reported at 1.9 ? resolution. The model is also consistent with high-resolution spectroscopic data, including polarized extended X-ray absorption fine structure data of oriented single crystals. Our results provide refined intermetallic distances within the Mn cluster and suggest that the XRD model most likely corresponds to a mixture of oxidation states, including species more reduced than those observed in the catalytic cycle of water splitting.  相似文献   

X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Mn K-edge has been utilized to study the origin of the g = 4.1 EPR signal associated with the Mn-containing photosynthetic O2-evolving complex. Formation of the g = 4.1 signal by illumination of Photosystem II preparations at 140 K is associated with a shift of the Mn edge inflection point to higher energy. This shift is similar to that observed upon formation of the S2 multiline EPR signal by 190 K illumination. The g = 4.1 signal is assigned to the Mn complex in the S2 state.  相似文献   

O2-evolving photosystem II (PSII) membranes from spinach have been cryogenically stabilized in the S3 state of the oxygen-evolving complex. The cryogenic trapping of the S3 state was achieved using a double-turnover illumination of dark-adapted PSII preparations maintained at 240 K. A double turnover of PSII was accomplished using the high-potential acceptor, Q400, which is the high-spin iron of the iron-quinone acceptor complex. EPR spectroscopy was the principal tool establishing the S-state composition and defining the electron-transfer events associated with a double turnover of PSII. The inflection point energy of the Mn X-ray absorption K-edge of PSII preparations poised in the S3 state is the same as for those poised in the S2 state. This is surprising in light of the loss of the multiline EPR signal upon advancing to the S3 state. This indicates that the oxidative equivalent stored within the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) during this transition resides on another intermediate donor which must be very close to the manganese complex. An analysis of the Mn extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) of PSII preparations poised in the S2 and S3 states indicates that a small structural rearrangement occurs during this photoinduced transition. A detailed comparison of the Mn EXAFS of these two S states with the EXAFS of four multinuclear mu-oxo-bridged manganese compounds indicates that the photosynthetic manganese site most probably consists of a pair of binuclear di-mu-oxo-bridged manganese structures. However, we cannot rule out, on the basis of the EXAFS analysis alone, a complex containing a mononuclear center and a linear trinuclear complex. The subtle differences observed between the S states are best explained by an increase in the spread of Mn-Mn distances occurring during the S2----S3 state transition. This increased disorder in the manganese distances suggests the presence of two inequivalent di-mu-oxo-bridged binuclear structures in the S3 state.  相似文献   

The Mn donor complex in the S1 and S2 states and the iron-quinone acceptor complex (Fe2+-Q) in O2-evolving photosystem II (PS II) preparations from a thermophilic cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp., have been studied with X-ray absorption spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Illumination of these preparations at 220-240 K results in formation of a multiline EPR signal very similar to that assigned to a Mn S2 species observed in spinach PS II, together with g = 1.8 and 1.9 EPR signals similar to the Fe2+-QA- acceptor signals seen in spinach PS II. Illumination at 110-160 K does not produce the g = 1.8 or 1.9 EPR signals, nor the multiline or g = 4.1 EPR signals associated with the S2 state of PS II in spinach; however, a signal which peaks at g = 1.6 appears. The most probable assignment of this signal is an altered configuration of the Fe2+-QA- complex. In addition, no donor signal was seen upon warming the 140 K illuminated sample to 215 K. Following continuous illumination at temperatures between 140 and 215 K, the average X-ray absorption Mn K-edge inflection energy changes from 6550 eV for a dark-adapted (S1) sample to 6551 eV for the illuminated (S2) sample. The shift in edge inflection energy indicates an oxidation of Mn, and the absolute edge inflection energies indicate an average Mn oxidation state higher than Mn(II). Upon illumination a significant change was observed in the shape of the features associated with 1s to 3d transitions. The S1 spectrum resembles those of Mn(III) complexes, and the S2 spectrum resembles those of Mn(IV) complexes. The extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectrum of the Mn complex is similar in the S1 and S2 states. Simulations indicate O or N ligands at 1.75 +/- 0.05 A, transition metal neighbor(s) at 2.73 +/- 0.05 A, which are assumed to be Mn, and terminal ligands which are probably N and O at a range of distances around 2.2 A. The Mn-O bond length of 1.75 A and the transition metal at 2.7 A indicate the presence of a di-mu-oxo-bridged Mn structure. Simulations indicate that a symmetric tetranuclear cluster is unlikely to be present, while binuclear, trinuclear, or highly distorted tetranuclear structures are possible. The striking similarity of these results to those from spinach PS II suggests that the structure of the Mn complex is largely conserved across evolutionarily diverse O2-evolving photosynthetic species.  相似文献   

During dark adaptation, a change in the O2-evolving complex (OEC) of spinach photosystem II (PSII) occurs that affects both the structure of the Mn site and the chemical properties of the OEC, as determined from low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and O2 measurements. The S2-state multiline EPR signal, arising from a Mn-containing species in the OEC, exhibits different properties in long-term (4 h at 0 degrees C) and short-term (6 min at 0 degree C) dark-adapted PSII membranes or thylakoids. The optimal temperature for producing this EPR signal in long-term dark-adapted samples is 200 K compared to 170 K for short-term dark-adapted samples. However, in short-term dark-adapted samples, illumination at 170 K produces an EPR signal with a different hyperfine structure and a wider field range than does illumination at 160 K or below. In contrast, the line shape of the S2-state EPR signal produced in long-term dark-adapted samples is independent of the illumination temperature. The EPR-detected change in the Mn site of the OEC that occurs during dark adaptation is correlated with a change in O2 consumption activity of PSII or thylakoid membranes. PSII membranes and thylakoid membranes slowly consume O2 following illumination, but only when a functional OEC and excess reductant are present. We assign this slow consumption of O2 to a catalytic reduction of O2 by the OEC in the dark. The rate of O2 consumption decreases during dark adaptation; long-term dark-adapted PSII or thylakoid membranes do not consume O2 despite the presence of excess reductant.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hydroxylamine at low concentrations causes a two-flash delay in the first maximum flash yield of oxygen evolved from spinach photosystem II (PSII) subchloroplast membranes that have been excited by a series of saturating flashes of light. Untreated PSII membrane preparations exhibit a multiline EPR signal assigned to a manganese cluster and associated with the S2 state when illuminated at 195 K, or at 273 K in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). We used the extent of suppression of the multiline EPR signal observed in samples illuminated at 195 K to determine the fraction of PSII reaction centers set back to a hydroxylamine-induced S0-like state, which we designate S0*. The manganese K-edge X-ray absorption edges for dark-adapted PSII preparations with or without hydroxylamine are virtually identical. This indicates that, despite its high binding affinity to the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) in the dark, hydroxylamine does not reduce chemically the manganese cluster within the OEC in the dark. After a single turnover of PSII, a shift to lower energy is observed in the inflection of the Mn K-edge of the manganese cluster. We conclude that, in the presence of hydroxylamine, illumination causes a reduction of the OEC, resulting in a state resembling S0. This lower Mn K-edge energy of S0*, relative to the edge of S1, implies the storage and stabilization of an oxidative equivalent within the manganese cluster during the S0----S1 state transition. An analysis of the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) of the S0* state indicates that a significant structural rearrangement occurs between the S0* and S1 states. The X-ray absorption edge position and the structure of the manganese cluster in the S0* state are indicative of a heterogeneous mixture of formal valences of manganese including one Mn(II) which is not present in the S1 state.  相似文献   

T Ono  Y Inoue 《Biochemistry》1991,30(25):6183-6188
Our previous experiments with a histidine modifier suggest that in Mn-depleted photosystem (PS) II a histidine residue is photooxidized and charge recombination between the oxidized histidine and QA-emits the thermoluminescence AT-band [Ono, T., & Inoue, Y. (1991) FEBS Lett. 278, 183-186]. By use of the AT-band as an index for histidine oxidation, and EPR signals IIf and IIs as indexes for tyrosine oxidation, we studied the role of this putative redox-active histidine in the photoactivation of the O2-evolving enzyme in NH2OH-treated PSII. The following results have been obtained. (i) Strong-light photoinhibition of NH2OH-treated PSII quickly impaired both capabilities of photoactivation and AT-band emission with almost the same half-inhibition time of 1-2 s, while signal IIf was well retained and signal IIs was not affected at all after complete loss of photoactivation capability. (ii) The capability of exogenous Mn2+ photooxidation was relatively sensitive to strong-light photoinhibition, but DPC was relatively sensitive to strong-light photoinhibition, but DPC photooxidation was highly resistant. (iii) Weak-light photoinhibition simultaneously impaired the capabilities of photoactivation, AT-band emission, and signal IIf with the same half-inhibition time of 1 min, leaving signal IIs unaffected. (iv) It was inferred that the putative redox-active histidine is essential for the photooxidation of coordinated Mn2+, the probable initial step of photoactivation, and its photodamage results in the loss of the capabilities of photoactivation and AT-band emission. Based on these, a scheme of electron transfer on the donor side of PSII involving histidine oxidation via Z+ is proposed.  相似文献   

The effect of extraction of weakly bound Ca2+ by low-pH treatment on the O2-evolving apparatus was studied by use of low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. In low-pH-treated PSII membranes, an S2 EPR multiline signal with modified line shape was induced by illumination at 0 degrees C, but its signal amplitude decreased upon lowering the excitation temperature with concomitant oxidation of cytochrome (cyt) b-559 in place of Mn. The half-inhibition temperature for formation of the modified multiline signal was found at -33 degrees C, which was much higher than that for formation of the normal S2 state in untreated control membranes. Signal IIf was normally induced down to -30 degrees C, but its dependence on excitation temperature was different from that for modified S2. This was interpreted as indicating that the low-temperature blockage of modified S2 formation is due to the incapability of electron abstraction from the Mn cluster. The Mn K-edge of X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectrum shifted to lower energy by 0.8 eV after low-pH treatment, but the shift was reversed by addition of Ca2+. Upon illumination at 0 degrees C of treated membranes, the K-edge energy was up-shifted by 0.8 eV, but was not upon illumination at 210 K. These results were interpreted as indicating that extraction of weakly bound Ca2+ by low-pH treatment gives rise to structural and functional modulations of the Mn cluster.  相似文献   

Properties of the S2 state formed in photosystem II membranes in which Cl- had been replaced by various anions were investigated by means of thermoluminescence measurements and low temperature EPR spectroscopy. The Br--substituted membranes showed the normal thermoluminescence B-band arising from S2Q-B charge recombination, whereas the SO2-4-, F--, CH3COO--, and NO-3-substituted membranes showed modified B-bands with variously upshifted peak temperatures. The extent of the peak temperature upshift varied in parallel with the extent of inhibition of O2 evolution depending on the anion species. A normal EPR S2 multiline signal was induced in Br--substituted membranes, but its amplitude was reduced to less than 10% in F--, NO-3-, CH3COO--, and SO2-4-substituted membranes, In contrast, the g = 4.1 signal from S2 was markedly enhanced in F-- and NO-3-substituted membranes, not much affected in CH3COO-- and SO2-4-substituted membranes, and decreased to 70% in Br--substituted membranes. Based on these data, the effect of various types of S2 modification on the O2-evolving activity was discussed. It was suggested that anions have an important role in regulating the interaction between the Mn atoms, and thereby adjust the redox properties of the S2 state to enable further transitions beyond S2.  相似文献   

Photosystem II, the multisubunit protein complex that oxidizes water to O2, requires the inorganic cofactors Ca2+ and Cl- to exhibit optimal activity. Chloride can be replaced functionally by a small number of anionic cofactors (Br-, NO3-, NO2-, I-), but among these anions, only Br- is capable of restoring rates of oxygen evolution comparable to those observed with Cl-. UV absorption difference spectroscopy was utilized in the experiments described here as a probe to monitor donor side reactions in photosystem II in the presence of Cl- or surrogate anions. The rate of the final step of the water oxidation cycle was found to depend on the activating anion bound at the Cl- site, but the kinetics of this step did not limit the light-saturated rate of oxygen evolution. Instead, the lower oxygen evolution rates supported by surrogate anions appeared to be correlated with an instability of the higher oxidation states of the oxygen-evolving complex that was induced by addition of these anions. Reduction of these states takes place not only with I- but also with NO2- and to a lesser extent even with NO3- and Br- and is not related to the ability of these anions to bind at the Cl- binding site. Rather, it appears that these anions can attack higher oxidation states of the oxygen evolving complex from a second site that is not shielded by the extrinsic 17 and 23 kDa polypeptides and cause a one-electron reduction. The decrease of the oxygen evolution rate may result from accumulated damage to the reaction center protein by the one-electron oxidation product of the anion.  相似文献   

A 5 min exposure of photosystem II to a pH 3 citric acid solution is a simple method for selective removal of Ca(2+) from the O(2)-evolving complex. The resulting preparation retains the 23 and 17 kDa extrinsic polypeptides, but the activity of this material is only 10-20% of that of an untreated control sample. Biochemical characterization of citrate-treated photosystem II reveals that some reaction centers lose the extrinsic proteins during citrate treatment. Furthermore, a comparison of photosystem II preparations treated with citrate, or depleted of 23 and 17 kDa extrinsic polypeptides by high-salt treatment, shows that low concentrations of a small reductant, NH(2)OH, which has little effect on the activity of intact photosystem II, can reduce and inhibit the Mn cluster in both types of preparations. In contrast, a large reductant, hydroquinone, cannot access the majority of O(2)-evolving centers in citrate-treated preparations, while 23 and 17 kDa-depleted material is rapidly inactivated by the reductant. Incubation of the citrate-treated samples in high ( approximately 60 mM) concentrations of CaCl(2) restores 50% of the lost activity; this Ca(2+)-reconstituted activity is chelator-insensitive, indicating that rebinding of Ca(2+) restores the structural integrity of the O(2)-evolving complex. A characterization of Ca(2+) and Cl(-) affinities in steady-state activity assays shows that citrate-treated preparations exhibit a Cl(-) requirement similar to that of polypeptide-depleted photosystem II, while Ca(2+) reactivation of O(2) evolution appears to occur at two structurally distinct sites. One site exhibits a high Ca(2+) affinity, similar to that found in polypeptide-depleted samples, but a second, lower-affinity site also exists, with a K(M) that is approximately 10 times greater than that of the high-affinity site, which is associated with centers that retain the extrinsic polypeptides. These data indicate that citrate-induced Ca(2+) depletion causes release of the 23 and 17 kDa extrinsic polypeptides from some photosystem II reaction centers, and also modifies the structure of the polypeptide-retaining O(2)-evolving centers so that the Mn cluster is exposed to small, but not large, reductants. This change may be due to subtle modifications to the structure of the photosystem II extrinsic proteins that produces a new pathway between the solvent and the Mn cluster or, alternatively, to the opening of an existing channel in the intrinsic lumenal polypeptide domain, between the solvent and the Mn cluster, that is normally occluded by a bound Ca(2+) atom.  相似文献   

We report on the x-ray absorption fine structure of the Fe(2+) site in photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Crystallographic studies show that Fe(2+) is ligated with four N(epsilon) atoms from four histidine (His) residues and two O(epsilon) atoms from a Glu residue. By considering multiple scattering contributions to the x-ray absorption fine structure function, we improved the structural resolution of the site: His residues were split into two groups, characterized by different Fe-N(epsilon) distances, and two distinct Fe-O(epsilon) bond lengths resolved. The effect of the environment was studied by embedding the reaction centers into a polyvinyl alcohol film and into a dehydrated trehalose matrix. Incorporation into trehalose caused elongation in one of the two Fe-N(epsilon) distances, and in one Fe-O(epsilon) bond length, compared with the polyvinyl alcohol film. The asymmetry detected in the cluster of His residues and its response to incorporation into trehalose are ascribed to the hydrogen bonds between two His residues and the quinone acceptors. The structural distortions observed in the trehalose matrix indicate a strong interaction between the reaction-centers surface and the water-trehalose matrix, which propagates deeply into the interior of the protein. The absence of matrix effects on the Debye-Waller factors is brought back to the static heterogeneity and rigidity of the ligand cluster.  相似文献   

Ulas G  Olack G  Brudvig GW 《Biochemistry》2008,47(10):3073-3075
The oxidation of water to molecular oxygen by photosystem II (PSII) is inhibited in bicarbonate-depleted media. One contribution to the inhibition is the binding of bicarbonate to the non-heme iron, which is required for efficient electron transfer on the electron-acceptor side of PSII. There are also proposals that bicarbonate is required for formation of O 2 by the manganese-containing O 2-evolving complex (OEC). Previous work indicates that a bicarbonate ion does not bind reversibly close to the OEC, but it remains possible that bicarbonate is bound sufficiently tightly to the OEC that it cannot readily exchange with bicarbonate in solution. In this study, we have used NH 2OH to destroy the OEC, which would release any tightly bound bicarbonate ions from the active site, and mass spectrometry to detect any released bicarbonate as CO 2. The amount of CO 2 per PSII released by the NH 2OH treatment is observed to be comparable to the background level, although N 2O, a product of the reaction of NH 2OH with the OEC, is detected in good yield. These results strongly argue against tightly bound bicarbonate ions in the OEC.  相似文献   

Iron is the quantitatively most important trace metal involved in thylakoid reactions of all oxygenic organisms since linear (= non-cyclic) electron flow from H2O to NADP+ involves PS II (2–3 Fe), cytochrome b6-f (5 Fe), PS I (12 Fe), and ferredoxin (2 Fe); (replaceable by metal-free flavodoxin in certain cyanobacteria and algae under iron deficiency). Cytochrome c6 (1 Fe) is the only redox catalyst linking the cytochrome b6-f complex to PS I in most algae; in many cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta cytochrome c6 and the copper-containing plastocyanin are alternatives, with the availability of iron and copper regulating their relative expression, while higher plants only have plastocyanin. Iron, copper and zinc occur in enzymes that remove active oxygen species and that are in part bound to the thylakoid membrane. These enzymes are ascorbate peroxidase (Fe) and iron-(cyanobacteria, and most al gae) and copper-zinc- (some algae; higher plants) superoxide dismutase. Iron-containing NAD(P)H-PQ oxidoreductase in thylakoids of cyanobacteria and many eukaryotes may be involved in cyclic electron transport around PS I and in chlororespiration. Manganese is second to iron in its quantitative role in the thylakoids, with four Mn (and 1 Ca) per PS II involved in O2 evolution. The roles of the transition metals in redox catalysts can in broad terms be related to their redox chemistry and to their availability to organisms at the time when the pathways evolved. The quantitative roles of these trace metals varies genotypically (e.g. the greater need for iron in thylakoid reactions of cyanobacteria and rhodophytes than in other O2-evolvers as a result of their lower PS II:PS I ratio) and phenotypically (e.g. as a result of variations in PS II:PS I ratio with the spectral quality of incident radiation).  相似文献   

The structure of the Mn complex of photosystem II (PSII) was studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Oxygen-evolving spinach PSII membranes containing 4-5 Mn/PSII were treated with 0.8 M CaCl2 to extract the 33-, 24-, and 16-kilodalton (kDa) extrinsic membrane proteins. Mn was not released by this treatment, but subsequent incubation at low Cl- concentration generated preparations containing 2 Mn/PSII. The Mn X-ray absorption K-edge spectrum of the CaCl2-washed preparation containing 4 Mn/PSII is very similar to spectrum of native PSII, indicating that the oxidation states and ligand symmetry of the Mn complex in these preparations are not significantly different. The Mn extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) of CaCl2-washed PSII fits to a Mn neighbor at approximately 2.75 A and two shells of N or O at approximately 1.78 and approximately 1.92 A. These distances are similar to those we have previously reported for native PSII preparations [Yachandra, V. K., Guiles, R. D., McDermott, A. E., Cole, J. L., Britt, R. D., Dexheimer, S. L., Sauer, K., & Klein, M. P. (1987) Biochemistry (following paper in this issue)] and are indicative of an oxo-bridged Mn complex. Our results demonstrate that the structure of the Mn complex is largely unaffected by removal of 33-, 24-, and 16-kDa extrinsic proteins, do not provide ligands to Mn. The Mn K-edge spectrum of the CaCl2-washed sample containing 2 Mn/PSII has a dramatically altered shape, and the edge inflection point is shifted to lower energy. The position of the edge is consistent with a Mn oxidation state of +3.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The parallel polarization electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) method has been applied to investigate manganese EPR signals of native S1 and S3 states of the water oxidizing complex (WOC) in photosystem (PS) II. The EPR signals in both states were assigned to thermally excited states with S=1, from which zero-field interaction parameters D and E were derived. Three kinds of signals, the doublet signal, the singlet-like signal and g=11–15 signal, were detected in Ca2+-depleted PS II. The g=11–15 signal was observed by parallel and perpendicular modes and assigned to a higher oxidation state beyond S2 in Ca2+-depleted PS II. The singlet-like signal was associated with the g=11–15 signal but not with the YZ (the tyrosine residue 161 of the D1 polypeptide in PS II) radical. The doublet signal was associated with the YZ radical as proved by pulsed electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and ENDOR-induced EPR. The electron transfer mechanism relevant to the role of YZ radical was discussed.  相似文献   

Chelating agents have been shown to induce characteristic changes in the light-minus-dark Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectrum for the S(2)/S(1) difference in the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC). Addition of various ethylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EDTA)-type chelators, such as EDTA, O,O'-bis(2-aminoethyl)ethyleneglycol-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (CyDTA), or N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine-N,N',N'-triacetic acid (HEDTA), to Ca(2+)-depleted PS II membranes resulted in the suppression of typical S(2)/S(1) vibrational features, including the symmetric (1365(+)/1404(-) cm(-1)) and the asymmetric (1587(+)/1566(-) cm(-1)) carboxylate stretching vibrations, as well as the amide I and II modes of the backbone polypeptides. In contrast, the addition of ethylenediamine-N,N'-diacetic acid (EDDA) showed less inhibitory effects. The effects of the chelators depended on the number of the carboxylate groups; chelators with more than two carboxymethyl groups were effective in altering the FTIR spectrum. The bridging structure that connects the two nitrogen atoms also influenced the inhibitory effects. However, the effects were not necessarily correlated with the stability constants of the chelators to Mn(2+). The vibrational modes that were suppressed by EDTA were almost completely restored by subsequent washing with Chelex-treated Ca(2+)-free buffer medium, indicating that the spectral changes are attributable to the reversible association of chelators with the Ca(2+)-depleted OEC. Nevertheless, prolonged incubation with chelators led to the impairment of the O(2)-evolving capability, with differences in the effectiveness, in the order that is consistent with that for the suppression effects on FTIR spectra. Chelators with carboxylate and/or carboxymethyl groups bound to a single nitrogen [nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) and iminodiacetic acid (IDA)] or carbon (citric acid) were relatively ineffective for the suppression. A chelator that includes four phosphate groups, ethylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(methylenephosphonic) acid (EDTPO), also showed suppression effects on both the carboxylate and amide modes. Based on these findings, a possible mode of interaction between the chelators and the Mn cluster is discussed.  相似文献   

The low-temperature S2-state EPR signal at g = 4 from the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of spinach Photosystem-II-enriched membranes is examined at three frequencies, 4 GHz (S-band), 9 GHz (X-band) and 16 GHz (P-band). While no hyperfine structure is observed at 4 GHz, the signal shows little narrowing and may mask underlying hyperfine structure. At 16 GHz, the signal shows g-anisotropy and a shift in g-components. The middle Kramers doublet of a near rhombic S = 5/2 system is found to be the only possible origin consistent with the frequency dependence of the signal. Computer simulations incorporating underlying hyperfine structure from an Mn monomer or dimer are employed to characterize the system. The low zero field splitting (ZFS) of D = 0.43 cm-1 and near rhombicity of E/D = 0.25 lead to the observed X-band g value of 4.1. Treatment with F- or NH3, which compete with Cl- for a binding site, increases the ZFS and rhombicity of the signal. These results indicate that the origin of the OEC signal at g = 4 is either an Mn(II) monomer or a coupled Mn multimer. The likelihood of a multimer is favored over that of a monomer.  相似文献   

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