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From 1975 through 1991, three sets of twins were born from a total of 693 live and stillborn births (0.43%) at the UCLA/Sepulveda Veterans Administration Medical Center Nonhuman Primate Research Laboratory, CA. None of the twin's mothers were related. Positive patrilineal relationships have not been established; however, a brother (not a twin) of the first set of twins may have fathered the third set. All twins were born to multiparous females and, in each case, only one infant survived beyond 4 days. One set of twins was dizygotic; the genetic status of the others is unknown. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Behavioral observations of free-ranging female vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) suggest that priority of access to food enhances individual fitness. Seventeen adult females living in two social groups were observed for 26 months in the Samburu/Isiolo Game Reserves, northern Kenya. Priority of access to feeding and sitting sites was associated with significant differences in diet and reproduction. Food species distribution altered rank-related differences in diet. Rank-related differences in diet occurred when food items were clumped in distribution, but not when they were randomly distributed. The relation of individual food items to reproduction influenced rank-related differences in reproduction. Rank was significantly correlated with birth rate when a preferred food species was clumped in distribution.  相似文献   

The frequency of use of diagonal walking by three motorically immature vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) is discussed. The subjects were housed at The Balcones Research Center (Austin, Texas) and ranged from 15–105 days of age. Mixed longitudinal data taken from film indicated that lateral walknig was the first gait employed by the infant vervets studied, but that diagonal walking completely replaced lateral walking by 81 days of age. These data were compared with those of captive infant Macaca mulatta, and feral infant Papio anubis. General agreement was found regarding onset and frequency of use of diagonal walking in the three genera.  相似文献   

This study assessed the impact of Westernised and traditional African diets on mineral metabolism in general and calcium status in particular in vervet monkeys. Twelve adult male vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), with an average weight of 5+/-0.58 kg each, were divided into two groups of six individuals each and fed traditional diets containing largely maize + legumes (17.4%) or Westernised diets containing milk solids (17.2%) as the source of high crude protein for 8 weeks. Blood was taken at 2-week intervals, the animals were weighed, while urine and stool samples were collected over 24 hours. The monkeys on the milk solids diet had diarrhoea for 6 weeks post-dietary intervention, and produced significantly greater quantities (P<0.02) of stool. These animals also produced significantly more urine (P<0.02). There was no difference in the degree of calciuresis of the two groups, but the monkeys on maize + legume proteins absorbed significantly more calcium during weeks two and six (P<0.04). Furthermore, both groups of monkeys showed a significant decline in plasma calcium levels over the experimental period (P<0.001). The diets had no effect on phosphate levels in the plasma or urine. However, both groups of animals absorbed less phosphate (P<0.09). There was an increasing loss of urinary magnesium (P = 0.03) in both groups, with the milk solids group showing lower plasma levels of this element (P = 0.09). However, the milk solids group lost less magnesium through the stool (P<0.03). In addition, the animals on milk solids showed significant natriuresis (P<0.05), while plasma sodium levels in both groups declined over time (P<0.03). Both diets induced a state of urinary potassium loss (P = 0.0003) and decrease in plasma potassium (P<0.0002). Urinary pH and plasma urea were unaffected by the diets, but the monkeys on maize + legumes excreted significantly less (P<0.001) urinary urea. This study indicates that the milk solids diet compromised mineral homeostasis by interfering with gut and renal functioning, while the traditional African diet did not induce these effects.  相似文献   

Background Human African trypanosomiasis is associated with metabolic changes which have not been well characterized. Methods Chlorocebus aethiops were experimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and late‐stage disease induced at 28 days post‐infection. Ear prick blood for glucose determination and blood samples were obtained at weekly intervals for 56 days. Analysis was carried out using dry chemistry analysis. Results In early infection, there was a significant increase in creatine kinase, while during early and transitional stage of infection there was a significant decrease in glucose and high‐density lipoprotein and an increase in triglyceride levels. In the late stage, there was a significant increase in both total cholesterol and LDL levels. Conclusions Further investigations should focus on levels of total cholesterol during the follow‐up period in curatively treated vervet monkeys. Apart from their importance in disease staging, the changes in lipids levels may also affect the pharmacokinetics of some trypanocides.  相似文献   

Among nonhuman primates the composition of social groups influences the interactions of group members. We assessed the effects of acute changes in social composition on behavior among 15 adult male vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus). Subjects were observed in their basal social groups which comprised 3 adult males, 2–4 adult females, and offspring; and in two subgroups consisting of either two or three adult males. Agonism and vigilance increased in smaller groups relative to basal conditions, while subjects in two-male groups displayed more aggression than those in three-male groups. These findings suggest that, among male vervet monkeys, acute disruption of stable social groups increases aggressive behavior, and that the amount of agonism is influenced by the composition of the consequent subgroups. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human behaviour is often based on social learning, a mechanism that has been documented also in a variety of other vertebrates. However, social learning as a means of problem-solving may be optimal only under specific conditions, and both theoretical work and laboratory experiments highlight the importance of a potential model''s identity. Here we present the results from a social learning experiment on six wild vervet monkey groups, where models were either a dominant female or a dominant male. We presented ‘artificial fruit’ boxes that had doors on opposite, differently coloured ends for access to food. One option was blocked during the demonstration phase, creating consistent demonstrations of one possible solution. Following demonstrations we found a significantly higher participation rate and same-door manipulation in groups with female models compared to groups with male models. These differences appeared to be owing to selective attention of bystanders to female model behaviour rather than owing to female tolerance. Our results demonstrate the favoured role of dominant females as a source for ‘directed’ social learning in a species with female philopatry. Our findings imply that migration does not necessarily lead to an exchange of socially acquired information within populations, potentially causing highly localized traditions.  相似文献   

Several genera of platyrrhine monkeys show significant polymorphism of color vision. By contrast, catarrhine monkeys have usually been assumed to have uniform trichromatic color vision. However, the evidential basis for this assumption is quite limited. To study this issue further, spectral sensitivity functions were obtained from vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) using the technique of electroretinographic flicker photometry. Results from a chromatic adaptation experiment indicated that each of the twelve subjects had two classes of cone pigment in the 540/640 nm portion of the spectrum. That result strongly suggests that this species has routine trichromatic color vision. Comparison of the spectral sensitivity functions obtained from vervets and from similarly-tested humans further indicates that the cone complements of the two species are very similar. Results from this investigation add further support to the idea that there are fundamental differences in the genetic mechanisms underlying color vision in platyrrhine and catarrhine monkeys.  相似文献   

Seven small groups of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops aethiops), totaling 124 individuals, from Awash National Park, Ethiopia, were trapped and blood samples were obtained. Twenty-three loci were examined by starch gel electrophoresis and four loci, Tf, E, ADA, and PMG2 were found to be polymorphic. The average heterozygosity (H?) of the population was calculated to be 5.6%. No significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium proportions occurred and a chi-square test for group homogeneity was also not significant. Average FST for all polymorphic loci was calculated to be 0.062. This suggests that the entire group functions as a single Mendelian population.  相似文献   

Aim To examine and visualize clines in size and shape of Cercopithecus aethiops Linneus, 1758 (Primate, Cercopithecidae) skulls, and to investigate environmental factors which might best explain the observed variation. Location Sub‐Saharan Africa. Methods Eighty‐six three‐dimensional anatomical landmarks were used to describe 306 skulls of adult C. aethiops sampled over its entire distribution. Geometric morphometric methods for the quantitative analysis of form variation were applied. Size and shape variables were computed and regressed onto geographical coordinates and environmental variables (elevation, temperature, rainfall, moisture and Shannon rainfall diversity index) using both linear and curvilinear models. Components (geographical, environmental, spatially structured environmental and residual) of ecogeographical variation in skull form were partitioned using partial regression. A novel approach for summarizing and visualizing nonlinear patterns of clinal variation using surface rendering of three‐dimensional shapes is presented. Results Clinal variation in size and shape was highly significant, and was best described by curvilinear models. There were strong similarities between females and males. The cline in size was especially pronounced, explaining up to about 40% of observed variation, and was mainly longitudinal rather than latitudinal. A major trend of clinal shape variation also occurred from west to east, and corresponded to an expansion of the face relative to the neurocranium in the west. In the east, skulls also tended to be deeper and with narrower zygomatic arches. Geography and the spatially structured environmental component were the major contributors to the explained variance in size in both sexes, but the proportion of variance explained by the latter was smaller in females. In contrast, geography and environment explained similar amounts of variation in shape and their contribution was about twice that of the spatially structured environmental component. About 60–80% of variation in skull form was not explained by any variable in the analysis. The main factors influencing skull size differed in females and males, with rainfall being very influential in males. Both female and male skull shapes were strongly affected by average annual rainfall. Main conclusions A strong spatial and environmental basis to variations in African vervet monkey skull form was evident. However, the observed pattern did not conform to predictions based on Bergmann's rule. Rainfall consistently emerged as an important predictor, which may contribute to intraspecific variation in the size and shape of vervet monkey skulls through its effect on habitat productivity.  相似文献   

Considerable attention has been paid to identifying genetic influences and gene-environment interactions that increase vulnerability to environmental stressors, with promising but inconsistent results. A nonhuman primate model is presented here that allows assessment of genetic influences in response to a stressful life event for a behavioural trait with relevance for psychopathology. Genetic and environmental influences on free-choice novelty seeking behaviour were assessed in a pedigreed colony of vervet monkeys before and after relocation from a low stress to a higher stress environment. Heritability of novelty seeking scores, and genetic correlations within and between environments were conducted using variance components analysis. The results showed that novelty seeking was markedly inhibited in the higher stress environment, with effects persisting across a 2-year period for adults but not for juveniles. There were significant genetic contributions to novelty seeking scores in each year (h(2) = 0.35-0.43), with high genetic correlations within each environment (rhoG > 0.80) and a lower genetic correlation (rhoG = 0.35, non-significant) between environments. There were also significant genetic contributions to individual change scores from before to after the move (h(2) = 0.48). These results indicate that genetic regulation of novelty seeking was modified by the level of environmental stress, and they support a role for gene-environment interactions in a behavioural trait with relevance for mental health.  相似文献   

The specific vitamin A (VA) requirements of nonhuman primates have not been adequately determined via species-specific scientific experimentation. Recommendations are considered to be similar to human requirements, particularly for Old World monkeys. Manufacturers of primate diets add an excess of most nutrients in order to compensate for losses that occur during storage and handling. Moreover, the form of VA used in these diets is synthetic VA esters, which are readily absorbed and stored. Primates in the wild obtain much of their VA from provitamin A carotenoids, which are cleaved as needed to form active VA and are considered nontoxic, unlike preformed VA. The purpose of this study was to determine what types of feed are used at the National Primate Centers and to estimate the amount of VA that rhesus macaques are consuming. Five of the eight centers responded to a short survey that was administered through telephone and electronic mail contacts. VA intakes are well above those that are considered adequate for humans, and VA concentrations in commercially prepared standard primate diets exceed National Research Council (NRC) recommendations by as much as four times. Thus, the VA provided in primate diets should be reevaluated with regard to the concentration and form of the vitamin used.  相似文献   

Blood and saliva samples were collected from 330 vervet monkeys living in 30 troops in central and southern Kenya. The saliva samples were tested for the presence of human-type ABH antigens by standard agglutinationinhibition tests. This population of vervets is the first in which the O phenotype has been found to occur. The gene frequencies in the overall population are as follows: A, 0.74; B, 0.21; and O, 0.05. The serum samples were tested for the presence of agglutinins having specificities like those of human anti-A and anti-B. Ten percent of the vervets have anomalous combinations of salivary antigens and serum agglutinins. The nature of the anomalies is described and a hypothesis presented to account for these observations.  相似文献   

Hematological and blood biochemical parameters are of great importance in medical and veterinary practice. Unfortunately, normal reference range intervals for hematological and serum biochemical values in the tufted capuchin monkey (Cebus apella) have seldom been reported. The study reported here is based on data from blood samples collected from 44 monkeys over an 8-year period. Male and female data are displayed separately within two age categories: juveniles and adults, and effects for sex and age are examined. Significant differences between males and females are found for erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and α(1) globulin. Significant differences between juveniles and adults are found for neutrophils, calcium, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase, inorganic phosphorus, glucose, total protein, serum iron, and some serum protein parameters and albumin/globulin ratio. These values are compared with values we previously reported, and their importance in care and well-being of captive tufted capuchin monkeys is discussed.  相似文献   

Daily intake of gross energy (DGEI) and protein (DGPI) of Japanese monkeys in a cool temperature forest were investigated in different four seasons. As a result, dramatic seasonal differences in DGEI and DGPI were found: DGEI and DGPI in winter were significantly lower than those in spring and autumn, being only about 17–42% of those in the two seasons. DGEI and DGPI in summer were also lower than those in autumn and spring, being only about 29–52% of those in the two latter seasons. Seasonal comparisons of some variables on food qualities revealed that much lower values of DGEI and DGPI in winter and summer were influenced srongly not so much by the lower calorie and protein content of food as by the lower speed of dry weight intake. Multiple regression analyses for each food item revealed that the unit weight was a more important factor in determining the speed of dry weight intake than was the speed of unit intake. In addition, the speed of dry weight intake contributed much more to the speed of calorie and protein intake than did the content of calorie and protein. Multiple regression analyses, employing DGEI and DGPI (as dependent variables) and daily mean values of some variables related to food quality (as independent variables), revealed that the mean values of speed of calorie and protein intake on food items eaten in a day could explain 79.0% and 85.9% of the variance in DGEI and DGPI, respectively. In addition, the mean value of the speed of dry weight intake of food items eaten in a day can be used to explain 74.3% and 52.8% of the variance in DGEI and DGPI, respectively. These findings suggested that not only nutritional content of food but also the speed of dry weight intake strongly determined the nutritional condition of nonhuman primates. Am. J. Primatol. 41:267–288, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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