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Aerial surveys of ice-associated pinnipeds were conducted south of St. Lawrence Island in March 2001. The observed distributions of bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus), ribbon seals (Phoca fasciata), ringed seals (P. hispida), spotted seals (P. largha), and walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) were compared to the distributions of ice habitat types and benthic communities. Randomization tests were used to investigate habitat selection for each species. Both ringed seals and walruses preferred large ice floes (>48 m in diameter) that were common in the interior ice pack. Spotted seals favored smaller ice floes (<20 m in diameter) common near the ice edge, and bearded seals avoided large floes and preferred transitional habitat between small and large floes. Ringed seals also seemed to prefer areas with greater than 90% sea ice coverage, and bearded seals preferred 70–90% sea ice coverage while avoiding areas with greater than 90% coverage. All species, except spotted seals, were seen most frequently in a region of high benthic biomass, and randomization tests suggested that bearded seals actively selected that region.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of spotted seals (Phoca largha) and ribbon seals (Phoca fasciata) were assessed in March and April, 2000, by aerial line-transect surveys along the southern edge of the pack ice off the coast of Hokkaido (southern Sea of Okhotsk), Japan. Five hundred and seventeen spotted seals and 107 ribbon seals were found on the total 2944 km survey line. Total abundance was estimated to be 13 653 spotted (95% CI = 6167–30 252) and 2260 ribbon seals (95% CI = 783–6607) in March, and 6545 spotted (95% CI = 3284–815 644) and 3134 ribbon seals (95% CI = 1247–17 802 512) in April. The pack ice area off Hokkaido had higher densities (0.54 seals km–2 and 0.58 seals km–2 in March and April, respectively) of spotted seals than those reported in eastern Sakhalin, whereas densities (0.09 seals km–2 in March and 0.28 seals km–2 in April) of ribbon seals were lower than those in eastern Sakhalin. The large number of spotted seal pups suggests that the study area is an important breeding center. A greater number of female spotted seals with pups tended to be found in the center of larger and rougher floes than in other categories, and they were more abundant in stable pack ice areas. Observations of ribbon seals were limited because the survey period preceded the peak of pupping season. Ribbon seal surveys were also hampered by the inability to fly over the main breeding area between the Shiretoko Peninsula and Kunashiri Island.  相似文献   

Harmful animal controls on spotted seals on Rebun Island have been conducted each spring since 2010 due to an increase in the number of seals and damage to local fisheries. To evaluate the influences of controls on seals, we used the numbers of haul-out sites and hauled-out seals, and photo-identification to study differences in the usage patterns of haul-out sites by seals before and after controls. As a result, two major changes were confirmed. Firstly, in spring after controls, the numbers of hauled-out seals at Northern Rebun (NR) greatly decreased, while at Bensashi (Ben) on the southern side of Rebun they greatly increased, compared to spring prior to controls. Secondly, the number of identified seals observed at both NR and Ben (NR-Ben) increased after controls, while most of the seals that changed to NR-Ben after controls were observed only at NR (NR-NR) before controls. Additionally, most of the seals using NR-Ben were observed year-round. The controls had a direct influence on reducing the numbers of seals in the controls area mainly during the period of controls. However, many seals that avoided the controls area used other haul-out sites, and the numbers of year-round-seals on Rebun increased after controls.  相似文献   

Satellite-linked tags were attached to 12 spotted seals (Phoca largha) captured at a coastal lagoon in the eastern Chukchi Sea during August 1991–1993. Movements of seals were tracked for 32–298 days using the Argos system. Of 9,651 total location records obtained, 7,268 were usable. Individual seals were located on 41–96% of the days that tags were operational. During August–November, tagged seals alternated haul-outs at coastal sites lasting 1–304 h with trips to sea of 14–901 h. Coastal haul-outs occurred at 14 sites in western Alaska and eastern Russia. On several trips to sea, seals covered distances of more than 1,000 km. Movement southward from the Chukchi Sea generally began in October, with most of the seals passing through the Bering Strait during November. Seals first hauled out on sea ice in October (Chukchi Sea) or November (Bering Sea), and generally moved southward during October–December as sea-ice coverage increased. Seven seals, whose transmitters were still operating, spent December to June in the Bering Sea region between Kuskokwim Bay and Anadyr Gulf, which corresponded to the location of the ice front. The seals made active east-west movements within the ice front. Spotted seals are unlike other ice-breeding seals in that they regularly use coastal haul-outs during summer and autumn. Compared to the closely related Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi), spotted seals make much longer trips to sea and spend longer continuous periods at their haul-outs during summer and autumn. Received: 9 April 1997 / Accepted: 30 September 1997  相似文献   

Feeding habits of ringed (Phoca hispida), bearded (Erignathus barbatus), spotted (Phoca largha) and ribbon (Phoca fasciata) seals and walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) were studied using stomach contents and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Bearded seals fed benthically, primarily crustaceans and mollusks. Both zooplankton and fish were significant prey for ringed seals, while fish was principal spotted seal prey. Few gastric contents were available from ribbon seals. δ15N was positively correlated with age in ribbon seals and δ13C was positively correlated with age in ringed and ribbon seals. δ15N was highest in spotted seals, in agreement with their fish-dominated diet. δ15N was not different between Alaskan-harvested ringed and bearded seals, while δ15N was lowest in ribbon seals and walrus. Carbon-13 was most enriched in bearded seals and walrus reflecting benthic ecosystem use. Canadian ringed seals were depleted in 13C compared to Alaskan pinnipeds, likely because of Beaufort Sea versus Chukchi and Bering seas influence.  相似文献   

Technological advances have facilitated collection of vast quantities of photographic data from aerial surveys of marine mammals. However, when it is difficult to distinguish species from a distance, reliable identification from aerial images can often be challenging. This is the case for ice‐associated seals, species for which global climate change has motivated intensive monitoring efforts in recent years. We assess species and age class identification from aerial images of four ice seal species (bearded seals, Erignathus barbatus; ribbon seals, Histriophoca fasciata; ringed seals, Pusa hispida; spotted seals, Phoca largha) in the Bering Sea. We also investigate the specific phenomenological and behavioral traits commonly associated with species identification and observer confidence. We generally found species and age class misidentification occurred at relatively low levels, but only 83% of spotted seals tended to be correctly identified (with 11% mistaken as ribbon seals). We also found certain traits were strong predictors for observed species, age class, or observer confidence. Our findings add to the growing body of evidence that species misidentification is pervasive in passive sampling of animal populations. Even low levels of misidentification have been demonstrated to induce substantial biases in estimators of species distribution and abundance, and it is important that statistical models account for such errors.  相似文献   

Domoic acid (DA) and saxitoxin (STX)-producing algae are present in Alaskan seas, presenting exposure risks to marine mammals that may be increasing due to climate change. To investigate potential increases in exposure risks to four pagophilic ice seal species (Erignathus barbatus, bearded seals; Pusa hispida, ringed seals; Phoca largha, spotted seals; and Histriophoca fasciata, ribbon seals), this study analyzed samples from 998 seals harvested for subsistence purposes in western and northern Alaska during 2005–2019 for DA and STX. Both toxins were detected in bearded, ringed, and spotted seals, though no clinical signs of acute neurotoxicity were reported in harvested seals. Bearded seals had the highest prevalence of each toxin, followed by ringed seals. Bearded seal stomach content samples from the Bering Sea showed a significant increase in DA prevalence with time (logistic regression, p = .004). These findings are consistent with predicted northward expansion of DA-producing algae. A comparison of paired samples taken from the stomachs and colons of 15 seals found that colon content consistently had higher concentrations of both toxins. Collectively, these results suggest that ice seals, particularly bearded seals (benthic foraging specialists), are suitable sentinels for monitoring HAB prevalence in the Pacific Arctic and subarctic.  相似文献   

Brucella infection in Hokkaido was serologically surveyed in four species of pinnipeds inhabiting Cape Erimo during 2008–2013 and the Shiretoko Peninsula in 1999 by ELISA using Brucella abortus and B. canis as antigens. Anti‐Brucella positive sera showed higher absorbance to B. abortus than B. canis in almost all samples. Anti‐B. abortus antibodies were detected in serum samples from 24% (n = 55) of Western Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina stejnegeri) in Cape Erimo and from 66% (n = 41) of spotted seals (P. largha), 15% (n = 20) of ribbon seals (Histriophoca fasciata) and 18% (n = 17) of Western Steller's sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus jubatus) in the Shiretoko Peninsula. Anti‐Brucella antibodies were detected at higher absorbance in 1‐ to 4‐year‐old harbor seals than in the pups and mature animals, suggesting either that Brucella infection mainly occurs after weaning or that it is maternally transmitted to pups with premature or suppressed immunity. Anti‐Brucella antibodies were detected in both immature and mature spotted seals and ribbon seals, with higher absorbance in the former. The antibodies were detected only in mature Western Steller's sea lions. Western blot analysis of the serum samples showed some differences in band appearances, namely discrete versus smeary, and in the number of bands, indicating that multiple different Brucella may be prevalent in pinnipeds in Hokkaido. Alternatively, the Brucella of pinnipeds may have some intra‐species diversity.  相似文献   

Climate change is having profound impacts on animal populations, and shifts in geographic range are predicted in response. Shifts that result in range overlap between previously allopatric congeneric species may have consequences for biodiversity through interspecific competition, hybridization, and genetic introgression. Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and spotted seals (Phoca largha) are parapatric sibling species and areas of co‐occurrence at the edges of their range, such as Bristol Bay, Alaska, offer a unique opportunity to explore ecological separation and discuss potential consequences of increased range overlap resulting from retreating sea ice. Using telemetry and genetic data from 14 harbor seals and six spotted seals, we explored the ecological and genetic separation of the two species by comparing their utilization distributions, distance from haul‐out, dive behavior (e.g., depth, duration, focus), and evidence of hybridization. Firstly, we show that harbor and spotted seals, which cannot be visually distinguished definitively in all cases, haul‐out together side by side in Bristol Bay from late summer to early winter. Secondly, we observed subtle rather than pronounced differences in ranging patterns and dive behavior during this period. Thirdly, most spotted seals in this study remained close to shore in contrast to what is known of the species in more northern areas, and lastly, we did not find any evidence of hybridization. The lack of distinct ecological separation in this area of sympatry suggests that interspecific competition could play an important role in the persistence of these species, particularly if range overlap will increase as a result of climate‐induced range shifts and loss of spotted seal pagophilic breeding habitat. Our results also highlight the added complexities in monitoring these species in areas of suspected overlap, as they cannot easily be distinguished without genetic analysis. Predicted climate‐induced environmental change will likely influence the spatial and temporal extent of overlap in these two sibling species. Ultimately, this may alter the balance between current isolating mechanisms with consequences for species integrity and fitness.  相似文献   

Alaskan seals are found in remote and sometimes inaccessible locations, making it difficult to collect time‐series information. This study explores a novel method to examine temporal changes in diet and physiological status of ringed (Pusa hispida), spotted (Phoca largha), and harbor (Phoca vitulina) seals using cortisol concentrations and δ15N and δ13C stable isotopes (SIs) measured in serial sections of whiskers. As whiskers grow, whisker tissue is deposited sequentially making these measurements temporally aligned. Whisker cortisol presented in a distinct pattern with elevated concentrations at the root section followed by a curvilinear decline moving toward the tip of most whiskers. Comparing SIs at the root to the rest of the whiskers, δ13C values were slightly lower in ringed and harbor seal whiskers and δ15N values were slightly higher in harbor seal whiskers. The data were modeled controlling for the observed trends in cortisol concentrations and further associations between cortisol concentrations and SIs were detected in spotted and harbor seal whiskers. Additional research examining the source and stability of whisker cortisol is warranted. However, the methods presented here demonstrate that whiskers could prove valuable to gather long‐term and naturally aligned dietary and physiological information.  相似文献   

Four species of pagophilic phocid seals in the Western Arctic—bearded (Erignathus barbatus), ringed (Phoca hispida), ribbon (Phoca fasciata), and spotted (Phoca largha)—are particularly vulnerable to arctic warming trends. Documenting diet composition over time is one way in which the flexibility of a species, in the face of broad ecosystem changes, can be measured. Because the fatty acid (FA) composition of depot lipids has long been known to reflect diet, we analysed the FA composition of blubber samples collected from bearded (n = 30), ringed (n = 15), ribbon (n = 32) and spotted seals (n = 24). All animals were taken near Little Diomede Island in May and June 2003, providing a unique opportunity to study interspecies differences with minimal effects of spatial and temporal variation. Bearded seal FA composition was significantly different from all other seals (P < 0.001 in all cases), ringed seal FA composition was significantly different from that of both ribbon and spotted seals (P < 0.001), but ribbon and spotted seal FA compositions could not be distinguished from each other. Overall, the blubber FA compositions of ribbon, ringed and spotted seals implied diets dominated by pelagic prey. Inferences we made about current diets of bearded and ringed seals suggest that certain prey important to them in this area in the 1970s remain important today, despite notable changes in the ecosystem. We believe that blubber FA analysis will be a useful tool in assessing the response of ice-associated pinnipeds and their ecosystem to changes associated with arctic warming.  相似文献   

Spotted seal Phoca largha is considered typically pagophilic species, but in the Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan it is closely associated with specific coastal sites all the year round. Four types of largha inshore associations (preliminary, breeding, molting, and rehabilitative) invariably connected with certain types of haulout sites are cyclically formed on the islands of the bay. Principles of formation and features of functioning, as well as structure, specificity of dynamics, the degree of aggregation and behavior features of each type of inshore associations are considered.  相似文献   

Harbor seals, Phoca vitulina, use diverse haul‐out substrates including ice calved by tidewater glaciers. Numbers of seals at glacial and terrestrial haul‐outs on the southeastern Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, were assessed using aerial, vessel, and video surveys. Mean annual abundance at glacial and terrestrial haul‐outs differed temporally. From 2004 to 2011, numbers of seals counted during the molt increased 5.4%/yr at glacial haul‐outs and 9%/yr at terrestrial haul‐outs while numbers of pups increased 5.0%/yr at glacial sites and 1.5%/yr at terrestrial sites. Numbers of seals without pups counted during pupping increased 7.96%/yr at glacial sites and 5.1%/yr at terrestrial sites. Results indicate that pupping and molting locations are not equivalent and population monitoring during the molt does not necessarily reflect habitat association of pupping seals. Ratios of pups to total seals counted during pupping and the subsequent molt were used to contrast habitat use. Low proportions of pups at terrestrial haul‐outs, relative to most glacial haul‐outs, indicate an overall preference for pupping in glacial haul‐outs. High proportions of pups at most glacial sites (during pupping and molting) suggest reduced use of tidewater glacier habitats by nonbreeders and molting seals. Results suggest more seals associate with glacial haul‐outs than currently estimated.  相似文献   

Long‐term social structure data on small delphinids is lacking for most species except the bottlenose dolphin. This study describes the long‐term social structure of one community of Atlantic spotted dolphins, Stenella frontalis, divided into three social clusters. Data from 12 yr were analyzed using SOCPROG 2.3. Coefficients of association (CoA) were calculated using the half‐weight index. The overall mean community CoA ranged from 0.09 to 0.12. Temporal analyses and mantel tests revealed significant differences between sex class associations due to high male‐male CoA (0.12–0.23) compared to female‐female and mixed sex CoA (0.08–0.10). Female associations were strongly influenced by reproductive status, calf care, and social familiarity, but not by age class. Male associations were strongly influenced by age, access to females, and alliance formation. Males showed two levels of alliance formation, long‐term first order pairs/trios (CoA 0.70–1.00) and shorter‐term second order alliances between two or more first order alliances (CoA 0.45–0.69), and a possible third level during interspecies interactions. Mating strategies, sex, and cluster formation shaped the social structure in this spotted dolphin community. Similar to many bottlenose dolphin studies, long‐term affiliations for spotted dolphins were correlated with age, sex, and reproductive status.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure of the spotted seal, Phoca largha, along coastal regions of Hokkaido was investigated, using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. A 571-bp fragment of the mtDNA control region and adjacent threonine and proline transfer RNA genes was sequenced from 66 seals. We categorized all individuals into three groups considering sampling area and season: twenty-four seals from the Sea of Okhotsk in winter, 11 seals from the Sea of Okhotsk coast in fall, and 31 seals from the Sea of Japan coast in winter. From the 66 animals, 57 haplotypes were identified. Compared with the harbor seal sequence, all spotted seals examined shared two deletions in the control region, which distinguished between the two species. Forty-nine haplotypes were represented by a single individual, and haplotypes shared by more than two animals were generally restricted to same sampling-groups. Phylogenetic trees did not indicate clear geographic differences among the three groups. An Analysis of molecular variances (AMOVA) did not showed any significant population genetic structure in Hokkaido spotted seals (Phi(st )= -0.003). Our results showed a high level of diversity but no genetic structure, and did not deny the possibility that seals in the Okhotsk breeding concentration mainly stayed in the fall Okhotsk and also inhabited in the winter Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

We studied the dispersion of 4-year-old southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) along a 75.5 km coastal area at the Courbet Peninsula, Iles Kerguelen, relative to their birth site when they were ashore to moult in early 1984. The seals were mostly faithful to their natal sites, but availability of suitable moulting habitat (e.g. wallows, vegetated areas) influenced seal dispersion. As moult progressed, the seals moved farther away from their initial moult sites and natal sites, but remained largely on the easterly beaches of the Courbet Peninsula. This behaviour would facilitate mark-recapture estimates of age and sex specific survival.  相似文献   

Concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons and their derivatives in the organs of spotted seals captured in the Sea of Japan are determined. Isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCCH) and metabolites of dichlorodiphenyltrihlormetilmetan (DDT) are detected in all the studied animals in all the samples, but the highest concentrations are found in adipose tissue, which is a peculiar depot in which toxins are accumulated. Substantial differences in the extent of damage by toxins are discovered in seals of different populations, which is due to different intensities in the action of technogenic load on separate water areas. The level of accumulation of lipophilic xenobiotics in the tissues and organs of spotted seals of the Sea of Japan, particularly from the Peter the Great Bay (PGB), turn out to be very high (several orders of magnitude higher than that in spotted seals from the Tatar Strait and the coastal region of Hokkaido). Such a high level of chlorinated organic pesticides (COPs) has not yet been detected in any Pinnipeds inhabiting the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. The results of our studies allow us to state that COPs have been present in the ecosystem are the Sea of Japan for a long time and have undergone substantial transformation.  相似文献   

Haulout behaviour of harbour seals, living at the northern limit of their distributional range on Svalbard, Norway, was investigated from June to August 2000 using a combination of low-tide counts performed during boat surveys, hourly counts through 12- or 24-h cycles at specific haulout sites, and telemetric data from 37 VHF-tagged seals. The largest aggregations of seals were found at Skarvnes, a site where numbers increased steadily through the summer, reaching a peak during the moulting period in August. At this site, season/date, time of day, tidal state and temperature all significantly influenced the number of animals ashore. At the second most frequented haulout site, at Sørøya, season/date, time of day, temperature and cloud cover significantly affected the number of seals using the site. Pups were found predominantly at Sørøya (7.8 pups±6.3 SD, N=53 counts); they were less common at Skarvnes (1.0 pups±0.2 SD, N=95 counts). Haulout patterns varied by age and sex class in accordance with the demands of lactation, mating and moult. Our limited data on mother-pup pairs suggest that they are closely associated during the nursing period, spending approximately 50% of their time hauled out together. Post lactation, most adult females left haulout areas for periods of up to several days. The haulout behaviour of adult males suggested that they adjusted their behaviour to follow female distribution and movement patterns during the breeding period. Most juveniles and adults of both sexes stayed ashore for prolonged periods during moulting, which took place first in juveniles, then in adult females and finally in adult males. The results of our study show that the basic haulout behaviour patterns of harbour seals at Svalbard are similar to this species behaviour at lower latitudes.  相似文献   

The seasonal distribution and abundance of harbor seals occurring south of Maine were documented by counting the number of seals at traditional haulout locations. The average number of seals counted during each survey in Massachusetts and New Hampshire was 3,560 ± 255 (95% CI), 1983–1987. The maximum number of seals counted on any individual survey was 4,736 individuals. Fifty percent of all the surveys since January 1985 have resulted in counts greater than 4,000 seals reflecting a 27% increase in the abundance of seals in our study area since that date. Seventy-five percent of the seals in southern New England are located at haulout sites on Cape Cod and Nantucket Island. The largest aggregation of seals in the eastern United States occurs mid-winter at Monomoy Island and adjacent shoals. A single high count of 1,672 seals occurred at this site during the study period. An additional 271–374 seals were also counted in Rhode Island, Connecticut and eastern Long Island Sound during surveys conducted in March 1986 and 1987. The American sandlance Ammodytes americanus was the single dominant prey item of harbor seals in waters adjacent to Cape Cod based on the modified frequency of occurrence of each prey species in scat samples collected from three haulout sites on Cape Cod between 1984–1987. During January and February sandlance was the near exclusive prey item at Monomoy (99%, n= 80). During March and April, the frequency of Atlantic herring Clupea harengus increased in the scat samples at this site. Regional differences in the diet of seals reflect distinct prey communities throughout the study area. Since 1986, the percent occurrence and importance of sandlance in the diet of seals has decreased, reflecting an overall decrease in abundance of this prey species in waters adjacent to Cape Cod. In spite of fluctuations in abundance, and regional differences in the diet of seals throughout the study area, sandlance still comprised a minimum 55% of the total prey species of harbor seals throughout the study area.  相似文献   

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