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Extreme AT bias in Hymenopteran mitochondrial genes have created difficulties for molecular phylogenetic analyses, especially for older divergences where multiple substitutions can erode signal. Heterogeneity in the evolutionary rates of different codon positions and different genes also appears to have been a major problem in resolving ancient divergences in allodapine bees. Here we examine the phylogeny of relatively recent divergences in the allodapine bee genus Braunsapis. We examined heterogeneity in nucleotide substitution parameters for one nuclear gene and codon positions in two mitochondrial genes, exploring various phylogenetic analyses for recovering relationships among species from Africa, Madagascar, southern Asia, and Australia. We explored maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, Log determinant and Bayesian analyses. Broad topological features of best fit trees tended to be similar for equivalent data sets (e.g., total, or with 3rd mt positions excluded), regardless of the analytic method used (e.g., maximum likelihood or Bayesian). Analyses that used the total data set without modelling partitions separately gave unlikely results, indicating that the Malagasy species was most closely related to Australian species. However, analyses that excluded 3rd mitochondrial positions, or modelled partitions separately, suggested that the Malagasy species falls within the African clade. The unlikely topologies apparently result from long branch attraction, and this problem is ameliorated where modelling allows more realistic estimates of base composition and evolutionary rates for 3rd mitochondrial positions. However, we found that even when codon positions are modelled separately, estimated evolutionary rates for 3rd mitochondrial positions are likely to underestimate true rates. Long branch attraction and multiple substitutions are likely to be much more difficult to circumvent in analyses that explore older, generic-level, divergences in allodapine bees where overwriting is expected to be much more extreme. Our results indicate an African origin for Braunsapis, followed by a single, very early, dispersal event into Asia and then by a later dispersal event into Australia. The Malagasy species is derived from within the African clade.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Estimates of relationships among Staphylococcus species have been hampered by poor and inconsistent resolution of phylogenies based largely on single gene analyses incorporating only a limited taxon sample. As such, the evolutionary relationships and hierarchical classification schemes among species have not been confidently established. Here, we address these points through analyses of DNA sequence data from multiple loci (16S rRNA gene, dnaJ, rpoB, and tuf gene fragments) using multiple Bayesian and maximum likelihood phylogenetic approaches that incorporate nearly all recognized Staphylococcus taxa. RESULTS: We estimated the phylogeny of fifty-seven Staphylococcus taxa using partitioned-model Bayesian and maximum likelihood analysis, as well as Bayesian gene-tree species-tree methods. Regardless of methodology, we found broad agreement among methods that the current cluster groups require revision, although there was some disagreement among methods in resolution of higher order relationships. Based on our phylogenetic estimates, we propose a refined classification for Staphylococcus with species being classified into 15 cluster groups (based on molecular data) that adhere to six species groups (based on phenotypic properties) CONCLUSIONS: Our findings are in general agreement with gene tree-based reports of the staphylococcal phylogeny, although we identify multiple previously unreported relationships among species. Our results support the general importance of such multilocus assessments as a standard in microbial studies to more robustly infer relationships among recognized and newly discovered.  相似文献   

In phylogenetic analyses with combined multigene or multiprotein data sets, accounting for differing evolutionary dynamics at different loci is essential for accurate tree prediction. Existing maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian approaches are computationally intensive. We present an alternative approach that is orders of magnitude faster. The method, Distance Rates (DistR), estimates rates based upon distances derived from gene/protein sequence data. Simulation studies indicate that this technique is accurate compared with other methods and robust to missing sequence data. The DistR method was applied to a fungal mitochondrial data set, and the rate estimates compared well to those obtained using existing ML and Bayesian approaches. Inclusion of the protein rates estimated from the DistR method into the ML calculation of trees as a branch length multiplier resulted in a significantly improved fit as measured by the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Furthermore, bootstrap support for the ML topology was significantly greater when protein rates were used, and some evident errors in the concatenated ML tree topology (i.e., without protein rates) were corrected. [Bayesian credible intervals; DistR method; multigene phylogeny; PHYML; rate heterogeneity.].  相似文献   

Molecular clock methods allow biologists to estimate divergence times, which in turn play an important role in comparative studies of many evolutionary processes. It is well known that molecular age estimates can be biased by heterogeneity in rates of molecular evolution, but less attention has been paid to the issue of potentially erroneous fossil calibrations. In this study we estimate the timing of diversification in Centrarchidae, an endemic major lineage of the diverse North American freshwater fish fauna, through a new approach to fossil calibration and molecular evolutionary model selection. Given a completely resolved multi-gene molecular phylogeny and a set of multiple fossil-inferred age estimates, we tested for potentially erroneous fossil calibrations using a recently developed fossil cross-validation. We also used fossil information to guide the selection of the optimal molecular evolutionary model with a new fossil jackknife method in a fossil-based model cross-validation. The centrarchid phylogeny resulted from a mixed-model Bayesian strategy that included 14 separate data partitions sampled from three mtDNA and four nuclear genes. Ten of the 31 interspecific nodes in the centrarchid phylogeny were assigned a minimal age estimate from the centrarchid fossil record. Our analyses identified four fossil dates that were inconsistent with the other fossils, and we removed them from the molecular dating analysis. Using fossil-based model cross-validation to determine the optimal smoothing value in penalized likelihood analysis, and six mutually consistent fossil calibrations, the age of the most recent common ancestor of Centrarchidae was 33.59 million years ago (mya). Penalized likelihood analyses of individual data partitions all converged on a very similar age estimate for this node, indicating that rate heterogeneity among data partitions is not confounding our analyses. These results place the origin of the centrarchid radiation at a time of major faunal turnover as the fossil record indicates that the most diverse lineages of the North American freshwater fish fauna originated at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, approximately 34 mya. This time coincided with major global climate change from warm to cool temperatures and a signature of elevated lineage extinction and origination in the fossil record across the tree of life. Our analyses demonstrate the utility of fossil cross-validation to critically assess individual fossil calibration points, providing the ability to discriminate between consistent and inconsistent fossil age estimates that are used for calibrating molecular phylogenies.  相似文献   

The phylum Microsporidia comprises a species-rich group of minute, single-celled, and intra-cellular parasites. Lacking normal mitochondria and with unique cytology, microsporidians have sometimes been thought to be a lineage of ancient eukaryotes. Although phylogenetic analyses using small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU-rRNA) genes almost invariably place the Microsporidia among the earliest branches on the eukaryotic tree, many other molecules suggest instead a relationship with fungi. Using maximum likelihood methods and a diverse SSU-rRNA data set, we have re-evaluated the phylogenetic affiliations of Microsporidia. We demonstrate that tree topologies used to estimate likelihood model parameters can materially affect phylogenetic searches. We present a procedure for reducing this bias: "tree-based site partitioning," in which a comprehensive set of alternative topologies is used to estimate sequence data partitions based on inferred evolutionary rates. This hypothesis-driven approach appears to be capable of utilizing phylogenetic information that is not available to standard likelihood implementations (e.g., approximation to a gamma distribution); we have employed it in maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis. Applying our method to a phylogenetically diverse SSU-rRNA data set revealed that the early diverging ("deep") placement of Microsporidia typically found in SSU-rRNA trees is no better than a fungal placement, and that the likeliest placement of Microsporidia among non-long-branch eukaryotic taxa is actually within fungi. These results illustrate the importance of hypothesis testing in parameter estimation, provide a way to address certain problems in difficult data sets, and support a fungal origin for the Microsporidia.  相似文献   

Aligned protein-coding genes from 19 completely sequenced mammalian mitochondrial genomes were examined by parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses. Particular attention is given to a comparison between gene-based and structure-based data partitions. Because actual structures are not known for most of the mitochondrially encoded proteins, three different surrogate partitioning schemes were examined, each based on the identity of the consensus amino acid at a specific homologous position. One of the amino-acid-based partitioning schemes gave the highest likelihood, but that scheme was based on concordance with a well-corroborated phylogeny from an earlier parsimony analysis. The gene-based partitioning scheme gave a significantly higher likelihood compared to the only structure-based scheme examined that could be generated without prior assumptions about the phylogeny. Two contrasting phylogenetic inferences were supported by the analyses. Both unpartitioned analyses and analyses in which all partitions were constrained to have identical patterns of branch lengths supported ((Artiodactyla, Cetacea) (Perissodactyla, Carnivora)), whereas all analyses with that constraint relaxed supported (((Artiodactyla, Cetacea) Carnivora) Perissodactyla).  相似文献   

We have applied Bayesian and maximum likelihood methods of phylogenetic estimation to data from four mitochondrial genes (COI, COII, 12S, and 16S) and a single nuclear gene (EF1alpha) from several genera of New Zealand, Australian, and New Caledonian cicada taxa. We specifically focused on the heterogeneity of phylogenetic signal among the different data partitions and the biogeographic origins of the New Zealand cicada fauna. The Bayesian analyses circumvent many of the problems associated with other statistical tests for comparing data partitions. We took an information-theoretic approach to model selection based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). This approach indicated that there was considerable uncertainty in identifying the best-fit model for some of the partitions. Additionally, a large amount of uncertainty was associated with many parameter estimates from the substitution model. However, a sensitivity analysis on the combined dataset indicated that the model selection uncertainty had little effect on estimates of topology because these estimates were largely insensitive to changes in the assumed model. This outcome suggests strong signal in our data. Our analyses support a New Caledonian affiliation of the New Zealand cicada genera Maoricicada, Kikihia, and Rhodopsalta and Australian affinities for the genera Amphipsalta and Notopsalta. This result was surprising, given that previous cicada biologists suspected a close relationship between Amphipsalta, Notopsalta, and Rhodopsalta based on genitalic characters. Relationships among the closely related genera Maoricicada, Kikihia, and Rhodopsalta were poorly resolved, the mitochondrial data and the EF1alpha data favoring different arrangements within this clade.  相似文献   

We examine ways of testing for the reliability of inference from biological sequence data using sequences from Xiphophorus fishes and newly implemented methodology for sequence analysis. The approach we take provides one means to examine the fit between model and data for different sequences and hence to evaluate heterogeneity between data sets. In the case of the present study we show D-loop sequences to be a better molecule for studying the phylogeny of Xiphophorus fishes than cytochrome b sequences. The results of the split decomposition and spectral analysis confirm an earlier phylogenetic hypothesis which had been based on maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, maximum likelihood analyses. Correspondence to: A. Meyer  相似文献   

We propose two approximate methods (one based on parsimony and one on pairwise sequence comparison) for estimating the pattern of nucleotide substitution and a parsimony-based method for estimating the gamma parameter for variable substitution rates among sites. The matrix of substitution rates that represents the substitution pattern can be recovered through its relationship with the observable matrix of site pattern frequences in pairwise sequence comparisons. In the parsimony approach, the ancestral sequences reconstructed by the parsimony algorithm were used, and the two sequences compared are those at the ends of a branch in the phylogenetic tree. The method for estimating the gamma parameter was based on a reinterpretation of the numbers of changes at sites inferred by parsimony. Three data sets were analyzed to examine the utility of the approximate methods compared with the more reliable likelihood methods. The new methods for estimating the substitution pattern were found to produce estimates quite similar to those obtained from the likelihood analyses. The new method for estimating the gamma parameter was effective in reducing the bias in conventional parsimony estimates, although it also overestimated the parameter. The approximate methods are computationally very fast and appear useful for analyzing large data sets, for which use of the likelihood method requires excessive computation.   相似文献   

The subfamily Crotalinae (pitvipers) contains over 190 species of venomous snakes distributed in both the Old and New World. We incorporated an extensive sampling of taxa (including 28 of 29 genera), and sequences of four mitochondrial gene fragments (2.3kb) per individual, to estimate the phylogeny of pitvipers based on maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic methods. Our Bayesian analyses incorporated complex mixed models of nucleotide evolution that allocated independent models to various partitions of the dataset within combined analyses. We compared results of unpartitioned versus partitioned Bayesian analyses to investigate how much unpartitioned (versus partitioned) models were forced to compromise estimates of model parameters, and whether complex models substantially alter phylogenetic conclusions to the extent that they appear to extract more phylogenetic signal than simple models. Our results indicate that complex models do extract more phylogenetic signal from the data. We also address how differences in phylogenetic results (e.g., bipartition posterior probabilities) obtained from simple versus complex models may be interpreted in terms of relative credibility. Our estimates of pitviper phylogeny suggest that nearly all recently proposed generic reallocations appear valid, although certain Old and New World genera (Ovophis, Trimeresurus, and Bothrops) remain poly- or paraphyletic and require further taxonomic revision. While a majority of nodes were resolved, we could not confidently estimate the basal relationships among New World genera and which lineage of Old World species is most closely related to this New World group.  相似文献   

The Channichthyidae is a lineage of 16 species in the Notothenioidei, a clade of fishes that dominate Antarctic near-shore marine ecosystems with respect to both diversity and biomass. Among four published studies investigating channichthyid phylogeny, no two have produced the same tree topology, and no published study has investigated the degree of phylogenetic incongruence between existing molecular and morphological datasets. In this investigation we present an analysis of channichthyid phylogeny using complete gene sequences from two mitochondrial genes (ND2 and 16S) sampled from all recognized species in the clade. In addition, we have scored all 58 unique morphological characters used in three previous analyses of channichthyid phylogenetic relationships. Data partitions were analyzed separately to assess the amount of phylogenetic resolution provided by each dataset, and phylogenetic incongruence among data partitions was investigated using incongruence length difference (ILD) tests. We utilized a parsimony-based version of the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test to determine if alternative tree topologies are significantly different from trees resulting from maximum parsimony analysis of the combined partition dataset. Our results demonstrate that the greatest phylogenetic resolution is achieved when all molecular and morphological data partitions are combined into a single maximum parsimony analysis. Also, marginal to insignificant incongruence was detected among data partitions using the ILD. Maximum parsimony analysis of all data partitions combined results in a single tree, and is a unique hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships in the Channichthyidae. In particular, this hypothesis resolves the phylogenetic relationships of at least two species (Channichthys rhinoceratus and Chaenocephalus aceratus), for which there was no consensus among the previous phylogenetic hypotheses. The combined data partition dataset provides substantial statistical power to discriminate among alternative hypotheses of channichthyid relationships. These findings suggest the optimal strategy for investigating the phylogenetic relationships of channichthyids is one that uses all available phylogenetic data in analyses of combined data partitions.  相似文献   

The leaf beetle genus Trirhabda contains 26 described species from the United States and Canada, feeding on host plants from the families Asteraceae and Hydrophyllaceae. In this study, we present a phylogeny for the genus that was reconstructed from mitochondrial COI and 12S rRNA fragments, nuclear ITS2 rRNA, and morphological characters. Both parsimony and mixed-model Bayesian likelihood analyses were performed. Under both methods, the mitochondrial and nuclear partitions support the same backbone phylogeny, as do the combined data. The utility of the molecular data is contrasted with the low phylogenetic signal among morphological characters. The phylogeny was used to trace the evolution of the host-plant association in Trirhabda. The recovered phylogeny shows that although the host-plant association is phylogenetically conservative, Trirhabda experienced one shift to a distantly related host-plant family, 6 shifts between host-plant tribes, and 6 between genera within tribes. The phylogeny reveals that Trirhabda were plesiomorphically adapted to tolerate complex secondary compounds of its host plants and this adaptation is retained in Trirhabda species, as evidenced by multiple shifts from chemically simpler host plants back to the more complex host plants.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Crocodylia offers an unusual twist on the usual molecules versus morphology story. The true gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) and the false gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii), as their common names imply, have appeared in all cladistic morphological analyses as distantly related species, convergent upon a similar morphology. In contrast, all previous molecular studies have shown them to be sister taxa. We present the first phylogenetic study of Crocodylia using a nuclear gene. We cloned and sequenced the c-myc proto-oncogene from Alligator mississippiensis to facilitate primer design and then sequenced an 1,100-base pair fragment that includes both coding and noncoding regions and informative indels for one species in each extant crocodylian genus and six avian outgroups. Phylogenetic analyses using parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference all strongly agreed on the same tree, which is identical to the tree found in previous molecular analyses: Gavialis and Tomistoma are sister taxa and together are the sister group of Crocodylidae. Kishino-Hasegawa tests rejected the morphological tree in favor of the molecular tree. We excluded long-branch attraction and variation in base composition among taxa as explanations for this topology. To explore the causes of discrepancy between molecular and morphological estimates of crocodylian phylogeny, we examined puzzling features of the morphological data using a priori partitions of the data based on anatomical regions and investigated the effects of different coding schemes for two obvious morphological similarities of the two gharials.  相似文献   

Pairwise difference analysis is a phenetic method that groups taxa on the basis of the number of differences they exhibit. Recently, pairwise difference analysis has been used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of hominid fossils at the centre of the modern human origins debate. It has been argued that the results of these analyses disprove the African replacement model of modern human origins, and support instead its competitor, the multiregional evolution model. However, this inference is problematic because the ability of pairwise difference analysis to recover phylogenetic information from morphological data has not been demonstrated. With this in mind, we conducted pairwise difference analyses of craniodental and soft tissue evidence from a group of extant primates for which a reliable molecular phylogeny is available, the hominoids. We found that the phylogenies yielded by the pairwise difference analyses were incompatible with the molecular phylogeny for the group. Given the robustness of the molecular phylogeny, these results suggest that pairwise difference analysis cannot be relied on to generate reliable estimates of primate phylogeny from morphological data. The corollary of this is that the results of published pairwise difference analyses of hominid fossils are not informative regarding the origin of modern humans.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear rDNA sequences from species of all the superfamilies of the insect order Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, and relatives) confirmed that although mitochondrial sequences provided good resolution of the youngest superfamilies, nuclear rDNA sequences were necessary to separate the basal groups. To try to reconcile these data sets into a single, fully resolved orthopteran phylogeny, we adopted consensus and combined data strategies. The consensus analysis produced a partially resolved tree that lacked several well-supported features of the individual analyses. However, this lack of resolution was explained by an examination of resampled data sets, which identified the likely source of error as the relatively short length of the individual mitochondrial data partitions. In a subsequent comparison in which the mitochondrial sequences were initially combined, we observed less conflict. We then used two approaches to examine the validity of combining all of the data in a single analysis: comparative analysis of trees recovered from resampled data sets, and the application of a randomization test. Because the results did not point to significant levels of heterogeneity in phylogenetic signal between the mitochondrial and nuclear data sets, we therefore proceeded with a combined analysis. Reconstructing phylogenies under the minimum evolution and maximum likelihood optimality criteria, we examined monophyly of the major orthopteran groups, using nonparametric and parametric bootstrap analysis and Kishino-Hasegawa tests. Our analysis suggests that phylogeny reconstruction under the maximum likelihood criteria is the most discriminating approach for the combined sequences. The results indicate, moreover, that the caeliferan Pneumoroidea and Pamphagoidea, as previously suggested, are polyphyletic. The Acridoidea is redefined to include all pamphagoid families other than the Pyrgomorphidae, which we propose should be accorded superfamily status.  相似文献   

Recent studies have observed that Bayesian analyses of sequence data sets using the program MrBayes sometimes generate extremely large branch lengths, with posterior credibility intervals for the tree length (sum of branch lengths) excluding the maximum likelihood estimates. Suggested explanations for this phenomenon include the existence of multiple local peaks in the posterior, lack of convergence of the chain in the tail of the posterior, mixing problems, and misspecified priors on branch lengths. Here, we analyze the behavior of Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms when the chain is in the tail of the posterior distribution and note that all these phenomena can occur. In Bayesian phylogenetics, the likelihood function approaches a constant instead of zero when the branch lengths increase to infinity. The flat tail of the likelihood can cause poor mixing and undue influence of the prior. We suggest that the main cause of the extreme branch length estimates produced in many Bayesian analyses is the poor choice of a default prior on branch lengths in current Bayesian phylogenetic programs. The default prior in MrBayes assigns independent and identical distributions to branch lengths, imposing strong (and unreasonable) assumptions about the tree length. The problem is exacerbated by the strong correlation between the branch lengths and parameters in models of variable rates among sites or among site partitions. To resolve the problem, we suggest two multivariate priors for the branch lengths (called compound Dirichlet priors) that are fairly diffuse and demonstrate their utility in the special case of branch length estimation on a star phylogeny. Our analysis highlights the need for careful thought in the specification of high-dimensional priors in Bayesian analyses.  相似文献   

The organization, structure, and nucleotide variability of the ribosomal repeat unit was compared among families, genera, and species of cockroaches (Insecta:Blattodea). Sequence comparisons and molecular phylogenetic analyses were used to describe rDNA repeat unit variation at differing taxonomic levels. A reverse similar 1200 bp fragment of the 28S rDNA sequence was assessed for its potential utility in reconstructing higher-level phylogenetic relationships in cockroaches. Parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of these data strongly support the expected pattern of relationships among cockroach groups. The examined 5' end of the 28S rDNA is shown to be an informative marker for larger studies of cockroach phylogeny. Comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the rDNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) among closely related species of Blattella and Periplaneta reveals that ITS sequences can vary widely in primary sequence, length, and folding pattern. Secondary structure estimates for the ITS region of Blattella species indicate that variation in this spacer region can also influence the folding pattern of the 5.8S subunit. These results support the idea that ITS sequences play an important role in the stability and function of the rRNA cluster.  相似文献   

Although temporal calibration is widely recognized as critical for obtaining accurate divergence-time estimates using molecular dating methods, few studies have evaluated the variation resulting from different calibration strategies. Depending on the information available, researchers have often used primary calibrations from the fossil record or secondary calibrations from previous molecular dating studies. In analyses of flowering plants, primary calibration data can be obtained from macro- and mesofossils (e.g., leaves, flowers, and fruits) or microfossils (e.g., pollen). Fossil data can vary substantially in accuracy and precision, presenting a difficult choice when selecting appropriate calibrations. Here, we test the impact of eight plausible calibration scenarios for Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae, Fagales), a plant genus with a particularly rich and well-studied fossil record. To do so, we reviewed the phylogenetic placement and geochronology of 38 fossil taxa of Nothofagus and other Fagales, and we identified minimum age constraints for up to 18 nodes of the phylogeny of Fagales. Molecular dating analyses were conducted for each scenario using maximum likelihood (RAxML + r8s) and Bayesian (BEAST) approaches on sequence data from six regions of the chloroplast and nuclear genomes. Using either ingroup or outgroup constraints, or both, led to similar age estimates, except near strongly influential calibration nodes. Using "early but risky" fossil constraints in addition to "safe but late" constraints, or using assumptions of vicariance instead of fossil constraints, led to older age estimates. In contrast, using secondary calibration points yielded drastically younger age estimates. This empirical study highlights the critical influence of calibration on molecular dating analyses. Even in a best-case situation, with many thoroughly vetted fossils available, substantial uncertainties can remain in the estimates of divergence times. For example, our estimates for the crown group age of Nothofagus varied from 13 to 113 Ma across our full range of calibration scenarios. We suggest that increased background research should be made at all stages of the calibration process to reduce errors wherever possible, from verifying the geochronological data on the fossils to critical reassessment of their phylogenetic position.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic studies based on different types and treatment of data provide substantially conflicting hypotheses of relationships among seed plants. We conducted phylogenetic analyses of sequences of two highly conserved chloroplast genes, psaA and psbB, for a comprehensive taxonomic sample of seed plants and land plants. Parsimony analyses of two different codon position partitions resulted in well-supported, but significantly conflicting, phylogenetic trees. First and second codon positions place angiosperms and gymnosperms as sister clades and Gnetales as sister to Pinaceae. Third positions place Gnetales as sister to all other seed plants. Maximum likelihood trees for the two partitions are also in conflict. Relationships among the main seed plant clades according to first and second positions are similar to those found in parsimony analysis for the same data, but the third position maximum likelihood tree is substantially different from the corresponding parsimony tree, although it agrees partially with the first and second position trees in placing Gnetales as the sister group of Pinaceae. Our results document high rate heterogeneity among lineages, which, together with the greater average rate of substitution for third positions, may reduce phylogenetic signal due to long-branch attraction in parsimony reconstructions. Whereas resolution of relationships among major seed plant clades remains pending, this study provides increased support for relationships within major seed plant clades.  相似文献   

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