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A great deal is now known about the effects of spatial attention within individual sensory modalities, especially for vision and audition. However, there has been little previous study of possible cross-modal links in attention. Here, we review recent findings from our own experiments on this topic, which reveal extensive spatial links between the modalities. An irrelevant but salient event presented within touch, audition, or vision, can attract covert spatial attention in the other modalities (with the one exception that visual events do not attract auditory attention when saccades are prevented). By shifting receptors in one modality relative to another, the spatial coordinates of these cross-modal interactions can be examined. For instance, when a hand is placed in a new position, stimulation of it now draws visual attention to a correspondingly different location, although some aspects of attention do not spatially remap in this way. Cross-modal links are also evident in voluntary shifts of attention. When a person strongly expects a target in one modality (e.g. audition) to appear in a particular location, their judgements improve at that location not only for the expected modality but also for other modalities (e.g. vision), even if events in the latter modality are somewhat more likely elsewhere. Finally, some of our experiments suggest that information from different sensory modalities may be integrated preattentively, to produce the multimodal internal spatial representations in which attention can be directed. Such preattentive cross-modal integration can, in some cases, produce helpful illusions that increase the efficiency of selective attention in complex scenes.  相似文献   

Previous work along the coast of Newfoundland has shown that aggregative responses of puffins, Fraiercula arctica , and common guillemots, Uria aalge , to schooling fish, primarily capelin, Mallotus villosus , occur at spatial scales of 2-6 km. The present work tests the hypothesis that coastal upwelling results in aggregation of capelin at this scale, and that the scale of interaction with predators can be predicted from wind-driven coastal upwelling. An observational experiment in 1987 showed that a relatively simple physical model could be used to predict the spatial scale of upwelling, that schooling fish aggregate at this scale after upwelling, that aggregation of schooling fish at the scale of upwelling decays as upwelling relaxes, and that the spatial association of puffins and guillemots with schooling fish reaches a maximum at this scale. These results suggest that relatively simple physical theory can, in some cases, be used to identify the spatial scale of interaction of predators with prey.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a system of integrodifferential equations which models a predator-prey system with both species (predator and prey) age-structured and predators living only on the eggs of prey. The present model is a generalization of the model given in [20]. The existence, stability, and instability of nonnegative equilibria is studied assuming a general fecundity rate function for the prey. With a special choice of fecundity rate function for the predator it is shown here that a large maturation period m of the predator leads to stability. This seems to be contrary to the usual rule of thumb that increasing delays in growth rate responses cause instabilities.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a concept for using presence–absence data to recover information on the population dynamics of predator–prey systems. We use a highly complex and spatially explicit simulation model of a predator–prey mite system to generate simple presence–absence data: the number of patches with both prey and predators, with prey only, with predators only, and with neither species, along with the number of patches that change from one state to another in each time step. The average number of patches in the four states, as well as the average transition probabilities from one state to another, are then depicted in a state transition diagram, constituting the "footprints" of the underlying population dynamics. We investigate to what extent changes in the population processes modeled in the complex simulation (i.e. the predator's functional response and the dispersal rates of both species) are reflected by different footprints
The transition probabilities can be used to forecast the expected fate of a system given its current state. However, the transition probabilities in the modeled system depend on the number of patches in each state. We develop a model for the dependence of transition probabilities on state variables, and combine this information in a Markov chain transition matrix model. Finally, we use this extended model to predict the long-term dynamics of the system and to reveal its asymptotic steady state properties.  相似文献   

Brisson D  Dykhuizen DE 《Genetics》2004,168(2):713-722
The outer surface protein C (ospC) locus of the Lyme disease bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, is at least an order of magnitude more variable than other genes in the species. This variation is classified into 22 ospC major groups, 15 of which are found in the northeastern United States. The frequency distributions of ospC within populations suggest that this locus is under balancing selection. In multiple-niche polymorphism, a type of balancing selection, diversity within a population can be maintained when the environment is heterogeneous and no one genotype has the highest fitness in all environments. Genetically different individuals within vertebrate species and different vertebrate species constitute diverse environments for B. burgdorferi. We examined four important host species of B. burgdorferi and found that the strains that infected each species had different sets of ospC major groups. We found no variation among conspecific hosts in the ospC major groups of their infecting strains. These results suggest multiple niches create balancing selection at the ospC locus.  相似文献   

<正>"不说全国,就是昆明的茶叶市场里也很少见到真正的古树茶,产自芒景的就更少了。茶商们给外行拿出的所谓古树茶全是假的,要价还挺高,即使是那些一两千元一公斤的所谓‘真茶'中最好的,真货也不过七八成。"在盛产优质古树茶的云南芒景村,我们多次从村民口中听到这样的说法。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Life history parameters tend to differ between aphidophagous and coccidophagous ladybird beetles. It seems that the nature of prey, in particular the abundance, number and size of the colonies and their spatial distribution, may have been selected for the evolution of the life histories in these two groups of coccinellids, leading the aphidophagous ladybird beetles to develop at a fast pace and the coccidophagous beetles at a slower pace. To study the abundance, number and size of the colonies and the spatial distribution of aphid and coccid species, 100 sampling plots regularly spaced along four parallel transects were surveyed in the summer of 2004. At each sampling plot, species abundance, and the number and size of colonies of aphid and coccid species were recorded. Iwao's patchiness regression was used to assess the spatial distribution of aphids and coccids. From this study, it was found that coccids are much rarer than aphids but formed more colonies. Whereas aphids display a stonger tendency to crowding, aphid colonies are randomly distributed in space while coccid groups are aggregated. So, it seems that the abundance and spatial distribution of prey distribution may be factors selecting for the evolution of different life histories among aphidophagous and coccidophagous ladybird beetles.  相似文献   

A food chain model with two predators feeding on a single prey in a chemostat is studied. Using a multiparameter bifurcation analysis, we find parameters values for which there is stable oscillatory coexistence of the predators. It is also shown how these coexistent states provide a transition between two possible states of competitive exclusion. It is shown that the competitive exclusion principle need not hold if one or more of the predators has oscillatory behavior in the absence of other predators.This work was partially supported by National Science Foundation Grant MCS 83-01881  相似文献   

Juen A  Traugott M 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(7):1545-1557
Soil food webs are particularly important in terrestrial systems, but studying them is difficult. Here we report on the first study to apply a molecular approach to identify species-specific trophic interactions in below-ground food webs. To identify the invertebrate predator guild of the garden chafer Phyllopertha horticola (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) whose root-feeding larvae can be highly abundant in grasslands, a specific DNA marker was developed. It allowed detection of P. horticola egg and white grub meals within the gut content of Poecilus versicolor (Coleoptera, Carabidae) larvae for up to 24 h post-feeding. Soil samples from an alpine grassland revealed a diverse below-ground macro-invertebrate community with earthworms, P. horticola larvae, and centipedes as well as beetle larvae as the most abundant detritivores, herbivores, and predators, respectively. Garden chafer DNA was detected in 18.6%, 4.1%, and 4.4% of field-collected Geophilidae (n = 124), beetle larvae (n = 159), and Lithobiidae (n = 49), respectively. We conclude that most of the investigated predators actively preyed on P. horticola, as secondary predation is unlikely to be detected in below-ground systems. Moreover, scavenging most likely contributes only to a small percentage of the revealed trophic links due to the low availability of carrion. Sampling date did not influence prey detection rates, indicating that both P. horticola eggs and larvae were preyed on. Only 2.7% of the below-ground predators tested positive for earthworms, an alternative, highly abundant prey, suggesting that P. horticola represents an important prey source for centipedes and predatory beetle larvae during summer within the soil food web.  相似文献   

The interaction of platelet factor 4 with heparin of varying chain lengths has been investigated by labelling the heparin with fluorescein isothiocyanate and monitoring the change in anisotropy of fluorescence when the protein is added to a solution of the polysaccharide. The shape of the titration curve depends on the Mr of the heparin and chains of Mr greater than 10 000 showed a definite break when the concentration of polysaccharide and protein became equimolar. Evidence is presented to show that most of the fluorescein label is linked to residual serines on the heparin. Similar break-points were observed if total fluorescence or light-scattering was used to monitor the interaction. Unlabelled heparin was used for the latter method. These results together with those obtained in buffer of high ionic strength lead us to propose a model where the heparin is wrapped around the tetrameric protein.  相似文献   

1. Climatic variation outside the breeding season affects fluctuations in population numbers of seabirds and marine mammals. A challenge in identifying the underlying biological mechanisms is the lack of information on their foraging strategies during winter, when individuals migrate far from their breeding grounds. 2. We investigated the temporal variability in resource partitioning within the guild of five sympatric Subantarctic penguins and fur seals from Crozet Islands. The stable isotopic ratios of carbon (delta(13)C) and nitrogen (delta(15)N) for whole blood were measured for penguins and fur seals, as were the isotopic ratios for penguin nails and food. Animals were sampled at two periods, during breeding in summer and at their arrival in the colonies in spring (hereafter winter, since the temporal integration of blood amounting to several months). 3. In summer, delta(13)C and delta(15)N for blood samples defined three foraging areas and two trophic levels, respectively, characterizing four nonoverlapping trophic niches. King penguins and female Antarctic and Subantarctic fur seals are myctophid eaters foraging in distinct water masses, while both macaroni and rockhopper penguins had identical isotopic signatures indicating feeding on crustaceans near the archipelago. 4. Isotopic ratios were almost identical in summer and winter suggesting no major changes in the species niches, and hence, in the trophic structure of the guild during the nonbreeding period. A seasonal difference, however, was the larger variances in delta(13)C (and also to a lesser extent in delta(15)N) values in winter, thus verifying our hypothesis that trophic niches widen when individuals are no longer central place foragers. 5. Winter isotopic ratios of macaroni penguins and male Antarctic fur seals had large variances, indicating individual foraging specializations. The range of delta(13)C and delta(15)N values of male fur seals showed, respectively, that they dispersed over a wide latitudinal gradient (from Antarctica to north of the archipelago) and fed on different prey (crustaceans and fish). 6. By comparing summer and winter isotopic ratios and examining the summer diet, we highlight the feeding habits of marine predators that were not previously addressed. The findings have a number of implications for understanding the functioning of the pelagic ecosystem and on the demography of these species.  相似文献   

Nishimura T  Honda H  Takeichi M 《Cell》2012,149(5):1084-1097
Neural-tube closure is a critical step of embryogenesis, and its failure causes serious birth defects. Coordination of two morphogenetic processes--convergent extension and neural-plate apical constriction--ensures the complete closure of the neural tube. We now provide evidence that planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling directly links these two processes. In the bending neural plates, we find that a PCP-regulating cadherin, Celsr1, is concentrated in adherens junctions (AJs) oriented toward the mediolateral axes of the plates. At these AJs, Celsr1 cooperates with Dishevelled, DAAM1, and the PDZ-RhoGEF to upregulate Rho kinase, causing their actomyosin-dependent contraction in a planar-polarized manner. This planar-polarized contraction promotes simultaneous apical constriction and midline convergence of neuroepithelial cells. Together our findings demonstrate that PCP signals confer anisotropic contractility on the AJs, producing cellular forces that promote the polarized bending of the neural plate.  相似文献   

Experiments are described which assess ‘boldness’ towards a pike and ‘aggressiveness’ towards conspecifics in sticklebacks in non-reproductive condition, with a newly-built nest and with a recently hatched brood of young. The level of both of these aspects of behaviour increased across the three conditions. The possibility that this covariance indicates shared internal causal factors for the response to predator and conspecific is discussed.  相似文献   

The expression of the elongated fibrinogen gamma chain, termed gamma', derives from alternative splicing of mRNA and causes an insertion sequence of 20 amino acids. This insertion domain interacts with the anion-binding exosite (ABE)-II of thrombin. This study investigated whether and how gamma' chain binding to ABE-II affects thrombin interaction with its platelet receptors, i.e. glycoprotein Ibalpha (GpIbalpha), protease-activated receptor (PAR) 1, and PAR4. Both synthetic gamma' peptide and fibrinogen fragment D*, containing the elongated gamma' chain, inhibited thrombin-induced platelet aggregation up to 70%, with IC(50) values of 42+/-3.5 and 0.47+/-0.03 microm, respectively. Solid-phase binding and spectrofluorimetric assays showed that both fragment D* and the synthetic gamma' peptide specifically bind to thrombin ABE-II and competitively inhibit the thrombin binding to GpIbalpha with a mean K(i) approximately 0.5 and approximately 35 microm, respectively. Both these gamma' chain-containing ligands allosterically inhibited thrombin cleavage of a synthetic PAR1 peptide, of native PAR1 molecules on intact platelets, and of the synthetic chromogenic peptide D-Phe-pipecolyl-Arg-p-nitroanilide. PAR4 cleavage was unaffected. In summary, fibrinogen gamma' chain binds with high affinity to thrombin and inhibits with combined mechanisms the platelet response to thrombin. Thus, its variations in vivo may affect the hemostatic balance in arterial circulation.  相似文献   

The risk of predation generally entails alterations in prey behaviour or morphology, but only a few organisms, such as caddisfly larvae, are able to undergo rapid morphological changes mediated by behaviour. Here I explore whether predatory fish (Squalius pyrenaicus) and crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) provoke similar responses from caddisfly larvae (Calamoceras marsupus) in terms of the speed of case construction and the use of different materials differing in their protective value (sticks > leaves; tough leaves > soft leaves). Laboratory experiments demonstrated that C. marsupus larvae were able to recognise both types of predators, and responded to them by constructing a case within hours. Moreover, predation risk motivated the use of more protective materials for case construction when compared to controls. The response to the crayfish was faster than that to the fish, which could be related to differences in the nature and predation efficiency of different predators (i.e. crayfish may be more efficient at predating on leaf litter-dwelling invertebrates than fish, which live in the water column). This study provides novel evidence about the expression of morphological defences mediated by behavioural responses to predation risk, and demonstrates that the speed of case construction and its resulting protection level can vary depending on predator nature.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic electron transport is coupled to ATP synthesis. This process - photosynthetic phosphorylation - proceeds by several alternative electron-transport pathways in isolated chloroplasts. The question: 'Which of these works in real life?' has long occupied students of photosynthesis. Recent results from structural biology and genomics suggest that the answer is 'All of them'. The interplay between the pathways might explain the flexibility of photosynthesis in meeting different metabolic demands for ATP.  相似文献   



Large marine predators, such as cetaceans and sharks, play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity patterns and ecosystem function, yet few estimates of their spatial distribution exist. We aimed to determine the species richness of large marine predators and investigate their fine-scale spatiotemporal distribution patterns to inform conservation management.


The Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana/Te Moananui-ā-Toi, Aotearoa/New Zealand.


We conducted a replicate systematic aerial survey over 12 months. Flexible machine learning models were used to explore relationships between large marine predator occurrence (Bryde's whales, common and bottlenose dolphins, bronze whaler, pelagic and immature hammerhead sharks) and environmental and biotic variables, and predict their monthly distribution and associated spatially explicit uncertainty.


We revealed that temporally dynamic variables, such as prey distribution and sea surface temperature, were important for predicting the occurrence of the study species and species groups. While there was variation in temporal and spatial distribution, predicted richness peaked in summer and was the highest in coastal habitats during that time, providing insight into changes in distributions over time and between species.

Main Conclusions

Temporal changes in distribution are not routinely accounted for in species distribution studies. Our approach highlights the value of multispecies surveys and the importance of considering temporally variable abiotic and biotic drivers for understanding biodiversity patterns when informing ecosystem-scale conservation planning and dynamic ocean management.  相似文献   

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