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In the hybrid cells obtained by fusion of embryonic stem cells with adult differentiated cells, homologous chromosomes are in two ontogenetic configurations: pluripotent and differentiated. In order to assess the role of cis- and trans-regulation in the maintenance of these states, we studied a set of clones of hybrid cells of the type embryonic stem cells-splenocytes and used two approaches: segregation of parental chromosomes and comparison of pluripotency of the past hybrid cells and embryonic stem cells. The segregation test showed that the hybrid cells lost only the homologs of the somatic partner and this process was sharply accelerated when the cells were cultivated in nonselective conditions, thus suggesting the full or partial preservation of the initial differences in the organization of parental homologs. The descendants of the former hybrid cells, which had the karyotype similar to that of embryonic stem cells, demonstrated the level of pluripotency, comparable with that of embryonic stem cells despite the long-term effect of trans-acting factors from the somatic partner in the genome of hybrid cells. The data obtained are interpreted in the framework of the concept of "chromosome memory", in the maintenance of which the key role is played by cis-regulatory factors.  相似文献   

In hybrid cells, not only are the nuclear genomes of parent cells fused, but their cytoplasm is as well. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a convenient marker of cytoplasm that allows us to gain insight into the organization of hybrid-cell cytoplasm. We analyzed the parental mtDNA in hybrid cells resulting from the fusion of Mus musculus embryonic stem (ES) cells with splenocytes and fetal fibroblasts of DD/c mice or with splenocytes of M. caroli. Identification of parental mtDNA in hybrid cells was based on polymorphism among parental mtDNA for certain restriction endonucleases. We found that intra- and interspecific ES cell-splenocyte hybrid cells either entirely or partially lost mtDNA derived from a somatic partner, whereas ES cell-fibroblast hybrids retained mtDNA from both parents in similar ratios with a slight bias. The loss of somatic mitochondria by ES-splenocyte hybrids implies a nonrandom segregation of parental mitochondria, which was supported by a computer simulation of genetic drift. In contrast, ES cell-fibroblast hybrids show bilateral random segregation of the parental mitochondria judging from the analysis of mtDNA in single cells. Preferential segregation of somatic mitochondria does not depend on the differences in sequences of the parental mtDNA, but rather on the replicative state of parental cells.  相似文献   

When hybrid cells are created, not only nuclear genomes of parental cells unite but their cytoplasm as well. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a convenient marker of cytoplasm allowing one to gain insight into the organization of hybrid cell cytoplasm. We analyzed the parental mtDNAs in hybrid cells resulting from fusion of Mus musculus embryonic stem (ES) cells with splenocytes and fetal fibroblasts of DD/c mice or with splenocytes of M. caroli. Identification of the parental mtDNAs in hybrid cells was based on polymorphism among the parental mtDNAs for certain restrictases. We found that intra- and inter-specific ES cell-splenocyte hybrid cells lost entirely or partially mtDNA derived from the somatic partner, whereas ES cell-fibroblast hybrids retained mtDNAs from both parents in similar ratios with a slight bias. The lost of the "somatic" mitochondria by Es-splenocyte hybrids implies non-random segregation of the parental mitochondria as supported by a computer simulation of genetic drift. In contrast, ES cell-fibroblast hybrids show bilateral random segregation of the parental mitochondria judging from analysis of mtDNA in single cells. Preferential segregation of "somatic" mitochondria does not depend on the differences in sequences of the parental mtDNAs but depends on replicative state of the parental cells.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescent analysis of markers specific for parental genomes was used to study heterokaryons and hybrid cells soon after the fusion of diploid embryonic stem (ES) cells marked with green fluorescent protein and diploid fibroblasts labeled by blue fluorescent beads. Heterokaryons were identified by an analysis of parental mitochondrial DNAs. Within 20 h after fusion, most heterokaryons (up to 80%) had a fibroblast-like phenotype, being positive for typical fibroblast markers (collagen type I, fibronectin, lamin A/C) and for the modification me3H3K27 chromatin marking the inactive X chromosome but being negative for Oct4 and Nanog. Approximately 20% of heterokaryons had an alternative ES-like phenotype being positive for Oct4 and Nanog, with signs of reactivation of the previously inactive X-chromosome but negative for fibroblast markers. Hybrid cells having alternative phenotypes were easily identified from 24-48 h. The level of DNA methylation at the promoter of the fibroblast Oct4 allele in the ES-like hybrid cells at day 4 was similar to that of ES cells but at the same time, both parental Oct4 alleles were heavily methylated in fibroblast-like hybrid cells. Thus, bidirectional reprogramming initiated at the heterokaryon stage seems to lead to the formation of two types of hybrid cells with alternative dominance of the parental genomes. However, the further fates of two types of hybrid cells are different: ES-like hybrid cells form colonies at 4-6 days but no colonies are derived from the fibroblast-like hybrid cells. The latter grow as disconnected single cells and are unable to form colonies, like mouse embryonic fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Chromosome segregation of the parental chromosomes was studied in 20 interspecific hybrid clones obtained by fusion of Mus musculus embryonic stem cells with Mus caroli splenocytes. FISH analysis with labeled species specific probes and microsatellite markers was used for identification of the parental chromosomes. Cytogenetic analysis has shown significant intra- and interclonal variability in chromosome numbers and ratios of the parental chromosomes in the hybrid cells: six clones contained all M. caroli chromosomes, nine clones showed moderate segregation of M. caroli chromosomes (from 1 to 7), and five clones showed extensive loss of M. caroli chromosomes (from 12 to complete loss of all M. caroli autosomes). Both methods demonstrated "cryptic" segregation of the somatic partner chromosomes. For instance, five clones with near-tetraploid chromosome sets contained only few M. caroli chromosomes (from 1 to 8). The data obtained suggest that the tetraploid chromosome set per se is not a sufficient criterion for conclusion on the absence of chromosome loss in the hybrid cells. Note that "cryptic" chromosome segregation occurred at a high frequency in the examined hybrid clones. Thus, "cryptic" segregation should be borne in mind for assessing pluripotency and genome reprogramming of embryonic stem hybrid cells.  相似文献   

Embryonic developmental stages and regulations have always been one of the most intriguing aspects of science. Since the cancer stem cell discovery, striking for cancer development and recurrence, embryonic stem cells and control mechanisms, as well as cancer cells and cancer stem cell control mechanisms become important research materials. It is necessary to reveal the similarities and differences between somatic and cancer cells which are formed of embryonic stem cells divisions and determinations. For this purpose, mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), mouse skin fibroblast cells (MSFs) and mouse lung squamous cancer cells (SqLCCs) were grown in vitro and the differences between these three cell lines signalling regulations of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) and autophagic pathways were demonstrated by immunofluorescence and real-time polymerase chain reaction. Expressional differences were clearly shown between embryonic, cancer and somatic cells that mESCs displayed higher expressional level of Atg10, Hdac1 and Cln3 which are related with autophagic regulation and Hsp4, Prkca, Rhoa and ribosomal S6 genes related with mTOR activity. LC3 and mTOR protein levels were lower in mESCs than MSFs. Thus, the mechanisms of embryonic stem cell regulation results in the formation of somatic tissues whereas that these cells may be the causative agents of cancer in any deterioration.  相似文献   

Ten primary clones of hybrid cells were produced by the fusion of diploid embryonic stem (ES) cells, viz., line E14Tg2aSc4TP6.3 marked by green fluorescent protein (GFP), with diploid embryonic or adult fibroblasts derived from DD/c mice. All the hybrid clones had many characteristics similar to those of ES cells and were positive for GFP. Five hybrid clones having ploidy close to tetraploidy (over 80% of cells had 76–80 chromosomes) were chosen for the generation of chimeras via injection into C57BL blastocysts. These hybrid clones also contained microsatellites marking all ES cell and fibroblast chromosomes judging from microsatellite analysis. Twenty chimeric embryos at 11–13 days post-conception were obtained after injection of hybrid cells derived from two of three clones. Many embryos showed a high content of GFP-positive descendents of the tested hybrid cells. Twenty one adult chimeras were generated by the injection of hybrid cells derived from three clones. The contribution of GFP-labeled hybrid cells was significant and comparable with that of diploid E14Tg2aSc4TP6.3 cells. Cytogenetic and microsatellite analyses of cell cultures derived from chimeric embryos or adults indicated that the initial karyotype of the tested hybrid cells remained stable during the development of the chimeras, i.e., the hybrid cells were mainly responsible for the generation of the chimeras. Thus, ES cell/fibroblast hybrid cells with near-tetraploid karyotype are able to generate chimeras at a high rate, and many adult chimeras contain a high percentage of descendants of the hybrid cells. A. A. Kruglova and E. A. Kizilova contributed equally to this work. This study was financially supported by grants from the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch 5.2 and 14.0.  相似文献   

Somatic cell hybridization is widely used to study the control of gene regulation and the stability of differentiated states. In contrast, the application of this method to germ cells has been limited in part because of an inability to culture germ cells. In this study, we produced germ cell hybrids using germ-line stem (GS) cells and multipotent germ-line stem (mGS) cells. While GS cells are enriched for spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) activity, mGS cells are similar to embryonic stem (ES) cells and originally derived from GS cells. Hybrids were successfully obtained between GS cells and ES cells, between GS cells and mGS cells, and between mGS cells and thymocytes. All exhibited ES cell markers and a behavior similar to ES cells, formed teratomas, and differentiated into somatic cell tissues. However, none of the hybrid cells were able to reconstitute spermatogenesis after microinjection into seminiferous tubules. Analyses of the DNA methylation patterns of imprinted genes also showed that mGS cells do not possess a DNA demethylation ability, which was found in embryonic germ cells derived from primordial germ cells. However, mGS cells reactivated the X chromosome and induced Pou5f1 expression in female thymocytes in a manner similar to ES cells. These data show that mGS cells possess ES-like reprogramming potential, which predominates over-SSC activity.  相似文献   

Protecting genomic integrity in somatic cells and embryonic stem cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mutation frequencies at some loci in mammalian somatic cells in vivo approach 10(-4). The majority of these events occur as a consequence of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) due to mitotic recombination. Such high levels of DNA damage in somatic cells, which can accumulate with age, will cause injury and, after a latency period, may lead to somatic disease and ultimately death. This high level of DNA damage is untenable for germ cells, and by extrapolation for embryonic stem (ES) cells, that must recreate the organism. ES cells cannot tolerate such a high frequency of damage since mutations will immediately impact the altered cell, and subsequently the entire organism. Most importantly, the mutations may be passed on to future generations. ES cells, therefore, must have robust mechanisms to protect the integrity of their genomes. We have examined two such mechanisms. Firstly, we have shown that mutation frequencies and frequencies of mitotic recombination in ES cells are about 100-fold lower than in adult somatic cells or in isogenic mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). A second complementary protective mechanism eliminates those ES cells that have acquired a mutational burden, thereby maintaining a pristine population. Consistent with this hypothesis, ES cells lack a G1 checkpoint, and the two known signaling pathways that mediate the checkpoint are compromised. The checkpoint kinase, Chk2, which participates in both pathways is sequestered at centrosomes in ES cells and does not phosphorylate its substrates (i.e. p53 and Cdc25A) that must be modified to produce a G1 arrest. Ectopic expression of Chk2 does not rescue the p53-mediated pathway, but does restore the pathway mediated by Cdc25A. Wild type ES cells exposed to ionizing radiation do not accumulate in G1 but do so in S-phase and in G2. ES cells that ectopically express Chk2 undergo cell cycle arrest in G1 as well as G2, and appear to be protected from apoptosis.  相似文献   

Unequal segregation of parental chromosomes in embryonic stem cell hybrids   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Chromosome segregation was studied in 14 intra- and 20 inter-specific hybrid clones generated by fusion of Mus musculus embryonic stem (ES) cells with fibroblasts or splenocytes of DD/c mice or Mus caroli. As a control for in vitro evolution of tetraploid karyotype we used a set of hybrid clones obtained by fusion of ES cells (D3) with ES cells (TgTP6.3). Identification of the parental chromosomes in the clones was performed by microsatellite analysis and in situ hybridization with labeled species-specific probes. Both analyses have revealed three types of clones: (i) stable tetraploid, observed only for ES x ES cell hybrids; (ii) bilateral loss of chromosomes of both ES and somatic partners; (iii) unilateral segregation of chromosomes of the somatic partner. Observed unilateral segregation was extensive in ES-splenocyte cell hybrids, but lower in ES-fibroblast hybrid clones. Developmental state of the somatic partner is presumably responsible for directional chromosome loss. Nonrandom segregation implies that initial differences in the parental homologous chromosomes were not immediately equalized implying at least transient persistence of the differentiated epigenotype.  相似文献   

Pluripotent human stem cells isolated from early embryos represent a potentially unlimited source of many different cell types for cell-based gene and tissue therapies [1-3]. Nevertheless, if the full potential of cell lines derived from donor embryos is to be realised, the problem of donor-recipient tissue matching needs to be overcome. One approach, which avoids the problem of transplant rejection, would be to establish stem cell lines from the patient's own cells through therapeutic cloning [3,4]. Recent studies have shown that it is possible to transfer the nucleus from an adult somatic cell to an unfertilised oocyte that is devoid of maternal chromosomes, and achieve embryonic development under the control of the transferred nucleus [5-7]. Stem cells isolated from such a cloned embryo would be genetically identical to the patient and pose no risk of immune rejection. Here, we report the isolation of pluripotent murine stem cells from reprogrammed adult somatic cell nuclei. Embryos were generated by direct injection of mechanically isolated cumulus cell nuclei into mature oocytes. Embryonic stem (ES) cells isolated from cumulus-cell-derived blastocysts displayed the characteristic morphology and marker expression of conventional ES cells and underwent extensive differentiation into all three embryonic germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm) in tumours and in chimaeric foetuses and pups. The ES cells were also shown to differentiate readily into neurons and muscle in culture. This study shows that pluripotent stem cells can be derived from nuclei of terminally differentiated adult somatic cells and offers a model system for the development of therapies that rely on autologous, human pluripotent stem cells.  相似文献   

Nuclear reprogramming by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) provides a practical approach for generating autologous pluripotent cells from adult somatic cells. It has been shown that murine somatic cells can also be reprogrammed to a pluripotent-like state by fusion with embryonic stem (ES) cells. Typically, the first step in SCNT involves enucleation of the recipient cell. However, recent evidence suggests that enucleated diploid ES cells may lack reprogramming capabilities. Here we have developed methods whereby larger tetraploid ES cells are first generated by fusion of two mouse ES cell lines transfected with plasmids carrying different antibiotic-resistance cassettes, followed by double antibiotic selection. Tetraploid ES cells grown on tissue culture disks or wells can be efficiently enucleated (up to 99%) using a combination of cytochalasin B treatment and centrifugation, with cytoplasts generated from these cells larger than those obtained from normal diploid ES cells. Also, we show that the enucleation rate is dependent on centrifugation time and cell ploidy. Further, we demonstrate that normal diploid ES cells can be fused to tetraploid ES cells to form heterokaryons, and that selective differential centrifugation conditions can be applied where the tetraploid nucleus is removed while the diploid donor nucleus is retained. This technology opens new avenues for generating autologous, diploid pluripotent cells, and provides a dynamic model for studying nuclear reprogramming in ES cells.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the FISH analysis of the regional replication of homologue of chromosomes 1, 3, and 6 in hybrid cells obtained by the fusion of Mus musculus embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and somatic cells—M. caroli splenocytes. The obtained data showed that, in hybrid cells with near-diploid karyotypes, the parental chromosomes were replicated synchronously in 70–75% of tested cells, similar to in diploid ESCs and diploid fibroblasts. In hybrid cells with near-triploid karyotypes, the asynchronous replication of the parental chromosomes increased to 46–57% of tested cells. However, this is true for hybrid cells with three copies of tested chromosomes, whereas, in triploid cells with two copies, the level of the homolog synchronous replication was close to that of diploid cells. In hybrid cells with near-tetraploid karyotypes, the level of asynchronous replication was observed in more than 50% of cells, which is comparable with the level in tetraploid ESCs and tetraploid fibroblasts. Thus, in hybrid cells with no more than two copies of an individual chromosome, the synchronous replication of homologue that initially had different levels of differentiation and parameters of replications was observed. However, the information value of the method of in situ hybridization on interphase nuclei changes significantly with an increase in the number of copies of individual chromosomes and thereby restricts possibilities of this approach for evaluation of synchronous homolog replication in hybrid cells.  相似文献   

Han X  Han J  Ding F  Cao S  Lim SS  Dai Y  Zhang R  Zhang Y  Lim B  Li N 《Cell research》2011,21(10):1509-1512

Parthenogenesis and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) are two methods for deriving embryonic stem (ES) cells that are genetically matched to the oocyte donor or somatic cell donor, respectively. Using genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis, we demonstrate distinct signatures of genetic recombination that distinguish parthenogenetic ES cells from those generated by SCNT. We applied SNP analysis to the human ES cell line SCNT-hES-1, previously claimed to have been derived by SCNT, and present evidence that it represents a human parthenogenetic ES cell line. Genome-wide SNP analysis represents a means to validate the genetic provenance of an ES cell line.  相似文献   

Chromosome complements of 20 hybrid clones obtained by fusing Mus musculus embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and Mus caroli splenocytes were studied. The use of two-color fluorescence hybridization in situ with chromosome- and species-specific probes has allowed us to reliably reveal the parental origin of homologs of any chromosome in hybrid cells. Depending on the ratio of parental chromosome homologs, all 20 hybrid clones were separated in several groups ranging from the clones that contain cells that are nearly tetraploid with two diploid sets of M. musculus and single M. caroli chromosomes to clones with a marked predominance of the M. caroli chromosome. In eight hybrid cell clones, we observed the pronounced prevalence of chromosomes of the pluripotent partner over chromosomes of the somatic partner in a ratio of 5: 1 to 3: 1. In other hybrid cell clones, the ratio of M. musculus to M. caroli chromosomes was either equal (1: 1; 2: 2) or with the prevalence of the pluripotent (2: 1) or differentiated (1: 2) partner. In three hybrid cell clones, for the first time, we observed the predominant segregation of ESC-derived pluripotent chromosomes. This might indicate the compensation for the epigenetic differences between parental chromosomes of the ESC and splenocyte origin.  相似文献   

This study attempted to investigate whether different levels of mitotic activity exist within different physical regions of a human embryonic stem (hES) cell colony. Incorporation of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) within newly-synthesized DNA, followed by immunocytochemical staining was used as a means of detecting mitotically-active cells within hES colonies. The results showed rather surprisingly that the highest levels of mitotic activity are primarily concentrated within the central regions of hES colonies, whereas the peripheral regions exhibited reduced levels of cellular proliferation. Two hypothetical mechanisms are therefore proposed for hES colony growth and expansion. Firstly, it is envisaged that the less mitotically-active hES cells at the periphery of the colony are continually migrating outwards, thereby providing space for newly-divided daughter cells within the more mitotically-active central region of the hES colony. Secondly, it is proposed that the newly-divided hES cells within the central region of the colony somehow migrate to the outer periphery. This could possibly explain why the periphery of hES colonies are less mitotically-active, since there would obviously be an extended time-lag before newly-divided daughter cells are ready again for the next cell division. Further investigations need to be carried out to characterize the atypical mechanisms by which hES colonies grow and expand in size.  相似文献   

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