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Under the influence of environmental factors, the neural crest gives rise to numerous cell types and is therefore, by definition, a pluripotential structure. However, it was not clear until recently to what extent each individual neural crest cell possessed multiple capacities for differentiation. As a result of in vivo and in vitro approaches aimed at solving this problem, it has become apparent that the neural crest is made up of cells in different states of determination and that some lineages are segregated very early. In particular, analysis of clones obtained from single cells grown in culture has shown that, although many individual neural crest cells are pluripotential to varying degrees, others are apparently committed to give rise to only one derivative. The role of the embryonic microenvironment in the emergence of phenotypic diversity is probably complex, certain factors acting to promote the survival of selected subpopulations of fully determined progenitors, while others may direct partly committed precursors towards a specific developmental fate.  相似文献   

The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is a powerful model genetic organism that has been used since the turn of the previous century in the study of complex biological problems. In the last decade, numerous researchers have focused their attention on understanding neurodegenerative diseases by utilizing this model system. Numerous Drosophila mutants have been isolated that profoundly affect neural viability and integrity of the nervous system with age. Additionally, many transgenic strains have been developed as models of human disease conditions. We review the existing Drosophila neurodegenerative mutants and transgenic disease models, and discuss the role of the fruit fly in therapeutic development for neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

The development of cell lineages: A sequential model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. The concept of cell lineage and the empirical characterization of specific lineages provide valuable insight into the problems of developmental biology. Of central interest is the decision-making process that results in the diversification of cell lines. Studies of the haemopoietic system, in which stem cells can be committed to one of at least six pathways of differentiation, have suggested that the restriction of differentiation potentials is a progressive and stochastic process. We have recently proposed an alternative model which hypothesizes that lineage potentials during haemopoiesis are expressed individually and in a predetermined sequence as progenitor cells mature. The model first arises from experimental studies which show that both normal myeloid progenitor cells and a human promyeloid cell line, which are able to differentiate towards either neutrophils or monocytes, express these potentials sequentially in culture. The close linear relationship between other haemopoietic progenitor cells is inferred from collective data from studies of bipotent progenitor cells and of haemopoietic proliferative disorders. If the development of haemopoietic cell lineages shows a tendency to follow a particular program, such a mechanism is likely to operate throughout development. In this paper we consider the evidence in favour of programmed events within progenitor cells implementing diversification, and the implications of predetermined and restricted pathways of embryonic development.  相似文献   

"Normal" development requires a finely tuned equilibrium between cell differentiation and cell proliferation. Important issues in development include whether the cell cycle controls the cell-fate determination and whether cell identity in turn regulates cell-cycle progression. Although, these issues are of general biological relevance, stereotyped Drosophila neural lineages are particularly suited to address these questions and have provided insights into the links between cell-cycle progression and cell-fate specification.  相似文献   

Mackie GO 《Neuro-Signals》2004,13(1-2):5-19
Like other hydrozoan medusae, Aglantha lacks a brain, but the two marginal nerve rings function together as a central nervous system. Twelve neuronal and two excitable epithelial conduction systems are described and their interactions summarized. Aglantha differs from most medusae in having giant axons. It can swim and contract its tentacles in two distinct ways (escape and slow). Escape responses are mediated primarily by giant axons but conventional interneurons are also involved in transmission of information within the nerve rings during one form of escape behavior. Surprisingly, giant axons provide the motor pathway to the swim muscles in both escape and slow swimming. This is possible because these axons can conduct calcium spikes as well as sodium spikes and do so on an either/or basis without overlap. The synaptic and ionic bases for these responses are reviewed. During feeding, the manubrium performs highly accurate flexions to points at the margin. At the same time, the oral lips flare open. The directional flexions are conducted by FMRFamide immunoreactive nerves, the lip flaring by an excitable epithelium lining the radial canals. Inhibition of swimming during feeding is due to impulses propagated centrifugally in the same epithelium. Aglantha probably evolved from an ancestor possessing a relatively simple wiring plan, as seen in other hydromedusae. Acquisition of giant axons resulted in considerable modification of this basic plan, and required novel solutions to the problems of integrating escape with non-escape circuitry.  相似文献   

Drosophila oogenesis is a complex developmental process involving the coordinated differentiation of germ line and somatic cells. Correct execution and timing of cell fate specification and patterning events is achieved during this process by the integration of different cell-cell signalling pathways, eventually leading to the generation of positional information inside the oocyte, that is instrumental for the establishment of embryonic polarity. The large body of data accumulated at both cellular and molecular levels in the last decade clearly demonstrated how Drosophila oogenesis is a genetically tractable system particularly suited for the investigation of key developmental biology questions. Our recent contribution to the field relies on the characterisation of three different mutants named tegamino (teg), hold hup (hup) and tulipano (tip), identifying novel gene functions required during oogenesis. Specifically, teg is implicated in the morphogenesis of the follicular epithelium surrounding the germ line cells in the egg chamber, hup is involved in the establishment of egg chamber polarity and tip in the regulation of the dynamic germ cell chromatin organisation.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to evoke briefly the progress that has been made in our knowledge about the contribution of the neural crest to the vertebrate body since it was discovered by Wilhelm His in 1868. Although first studied essentially in amphibian embryos, a large amount of what is known on this very special structure was gained by experimental work carried out on the avian embryo. The making of chimeras between quail and chick has permitted not only to analyse the normal course of neural crest cell migration and differentiation but also to reveal some of the cellular interactions that regulate these events. Looking to the future, we can foresee that the novel methods, which now allow to manipulate gene activities in definite groups of cells and at elected times in the developing embryo, will make the avian model even more instrumental than ever to approach the developmental problems raised by neural crest cell differentiation.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(9):1596-1602
Long-chain fatty acid amides are cell-signaling lipids identified in mammals and, recently, in invertebrates, as well. Many details regarding fatty acid amide metabolism remain unclear. Herein, we demonstrate that Drosophila melanogaster is an excellent model system for the study long-chain fatty acid amide metabolism as we have quantified the endogenous levels of N-acylglycines, N-acyldopamines, N-acylethanolamines, and primary fatty acid amides by LC/QTOF-MS. Growth of D. melanogaster on media supplemented with [1-13C]-palmitate lead to a family of 13C-palmitate-labeled fatty acid amides in the fly heads. The [1-13C]-palmitate feeding studies provide insight into the biosynthesis of the fatty acid amides.  相似文献   

Chlamydia spp. are major causes of important human diseases, but dissecting the host-pathogen interactions has been hampered by the lack of bacterial genetics and the difficulty in carrying out forward genetic screens in mammalian hosts. RNA interference (RNAi)-based methodologies for gene inactivation can now be easily carried out in genetically tractable model hosts, such as Drosophila melanogaster, and offer a new approach to identifying host genes required for pathogenesis. We tested whether Chlamydia trachomatis infection of D. melanogaster S2 cells recapitulated critical aspects of mammalian cell infections. As in mammalian cells, C. trachomatis entry was greatly reduced by heparin and cytochalasin D. Inclusions were formed in S2 cells, acquired Golgi-derived sphingolipids, and avoided phagolysosomal fusion. Elementary body (EB) to reticulate body (RB) differentiation was observed, however, no RB to EB development or host cell killing was observed. RNAi-mediated inactivation of Rac, a Rho GTPase recently shown to be required for C. trachomatis entry in mammalian cells, inhibits C. trachomatis infection in S2 cells. We conclude that Drosophila S2 cells faithfully mimic early events in Chlamydia host cell interactions and provides a bona fide system to systematically dissect host functions important in the pathogenesis of obligate intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   

The Drosophila brain consists of a relatively small number of invariant, genetically determined lineages which provide a model to study the relationship between gene function and neuronal architecture. In following this long‐term goal, we reconstruct the morphology (projection pattern and connectivity) and gene expression patterns of brain lineages throughout development. In this article, we focus on the secondary phase of lineage morphogenesis, from the reactivation of neuroblast proliferation in the first larval instar to the time when proliferation ends and secondary axon tracts have fully extended in the late third larval instar. We have reconstructed the location and projection of secondary lineages at close (4 h) intervals and produced a detailed map in the form of confocal z‐projections and digital three‐dimensional models of all lineages at successive larval stages. Based on these reconstructions, we could compare the spatio‐temporal pattern of axon formation and morphogenetic movements of different lineages in normal brain development. In addition to wild type, we reconstructed lineage morphology in two mutant conditions. (1) Expressing the construct UAS‐p35 which rescues programmed cell death we could systematically determine which lineages normally lose hemilineages to apoptosis. (2) so‐Gal4‐driven expression of dominant‐negative EGFR ablated the optic lobe, which allowed us to conclude that the global centrifugal movement normally affecting the cell bodies of lateral lineages in the late larva is causally related to the expansion of the optic lobe, and that the central pattern of axonal projections of these lineages is independent of the presence or absence of the optic lobe. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 434–451, 2016  相似文献   

Orphanin FQ/nociceptin: from neural circuitry to behavior   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Orphanin FQ/nociceptin (OFQ/N), the endogenous ligand for the "orphan" opioid receptor ORL-1 (NOP(1)) was first identified in 1995. In the years since its discovery, a large body of evidence has accumulated showing that OFQ/N and its receptor are widely distributed in the nervous system, and showing that OFQ/N has potent and indiscriminate inhibitory actions on neurons in many regions. However, numerous studies investigating the functional role of OFQ/N in physiology or behavior have failed to provide a coherent view. Pain and analgesia have been the best studied, and administration of OFQ/N is reported to have no effect, to produce hyperalgesia, analgesia or anti-hyperalgesia. Effects of OFQ/N receptor antagonists have proved similarly contentious. In an attempt to resolve this controversy, we investigated the actions of OFQ/N on the activity of physiologically characterized neurons in the rostral ventromedial medulla, a region with a well-documented role in pain modulation(Heinricher et al., 1997). The results of those experiments demonstrate that this peptide is neither "anti-opioid" or "anti-hyperalgesic". It is simply inhibitory. For this reason, the effects seen in functional studies will only be fully understood when examined in the context of identified neural circuits.  相似文献   

Animal studies have been instrumental in providing knowledge about the molecular and neural mechanisms underlying drug addiction. Recently, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has become a valuable system to model not only the acute stimulating and sedating effects of drugs but also their more complex rewarding properties. In this review, we describe the advantages of using the fly to study drug-related behavior, provide a brief overview of the behavioral assays used, and review the molecular mechanisms and neural circuits underlying drug-induced behavior in flies. Many of these mechanisms have been validated in mammals, suggesting that the fly is a useful model to understand the mechanisms underlying addiction.  相似文献   

The lateral line of the zebrafish has many of the advantages that made the sensory organs of Drosophila a very productive model system: 1) it comprises a set of discrete sense organs (neuromasts) arranged in a defined, species-specific pattern, such that each organ can be individually recognized; 2) the neuromasts are superficial and easy to visualize, and the innervating neurons are easy to label; 3) the sensory projection is simple yet reproducibly organized. Here we describe some of the tools that can be used to investigate the development of this system, and we illustrate their usefulness with specific examples. We conclude that the lateral line is uniquely suited among vertebrate sensory systems for a molecular, cellular and genetic analysis of pattern formation and of neural development.  相似文献   

The development of the tracheal system of Drosophila melanogaster represents a paradigm for studying the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation of a branched tubular network. Tracheogenesis has been characterized at the morphological, cellular and genetic level and a series of successive, but linked events have been described as the basis for the formation of the complex network of tubules which extend over the entire organism. Tracheal cells stop to divide early in the process of tracheogenesis and the formation of the interconnected network requires highly controlled cell migration events and cell shape changes. A number of genes involved in these two processes have been identified but in order to obtain a more complete view of branching morphogenesis, many more genes carrying essential functions have to be isolated and characterized. Here, we provide a progress report on our attempts to identify further genes expressed in the tracheal system. We show that empty spiracles (ems), a head gap gene, is required for the formation of a specific tracheal branch, the visceral branch. We also identified a Sulfotransferase and a Multiple Inositol Polyphosphate phosphatase that are strongly upregulated in tracheal cells and discuss their possible involvement in tracheal development.  相似文献   

There are significant structural and functional differences between primate calls and human speech. In addition, these two forms of vocal communication appear to largely depend on nonhomologous brain structures. However, an analysis of the underlying axonal circuitry of these brain systems suggests that there are significant interrelationships between them, both in functional and in evolutionary terms. Based on both primate neuroanatomical studies and humanin vivo mapping studies it is argued that the ventral prefrontal area is the critical link, both functionally and anatomically between these distinct vocal systems. A model of human brain evolution with respect to language is proposed in which limbic-midbrain vocalization circuits became progressively subordinated to the activity of prefrontal-midbrain and frontalmotor circuits for regulating facial gesture, skilled oral food manipulation, and conditional association learning. Quantitative and developmental data are used to suggest that this resulted from the relative enlargement of prefrontal areas and the consequences this has on the relative proportions of different corticomidbrain and diencephalic-midbrain projections. Although humans exhibit a significantly reduced call repertoire, it is argued that the display-vocalization circuits that play the central role in all other primate communication have neither been eliminated, supplanted nor suppressed by language systems. They have instead become integrated into the more distributed language circuits and play a ubiquitous though subordinate role in all normal language processes.  相似文献   

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