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Community structure may differ dramatically between clear-water and turbid lakes. These differences have been attributed to differences in the cascading effect of fish on prey populations, owing to the reduced efficiency of fish predation in the presence of macrophytes. However, recent theoretical ideas suggest that water turbidity may shape predator–prey interactions, and it is predicted that prey will relax its antipredation behaviour in turbid water (H1). As a result, the nature of predator–prey interactions is expected to shift from both direct and indirect in clear water to dominantly direct in turbid water (H2). We tested these ideas in a fish–damselfly predator–prey system. In a first behavioural experiment, we looked at antipredation behaviour of damselfly larvae isolated from habitats that differ in turbidity, in the presence of fish in clear and turbid water. As predicted in H1, the larvae were more active in turbid than in clear water. In a complementary enclosure experiment, we reared larvae in a clear-water pond and a turbid pond, respectively, and manipulated the origin of the larvae (clear-water, turbid pond), fish presence (absent, present), and vegetation density (sparse, abundant). In both ponds, fish had a direct negative effect on survival of the larvae, which was mitigated in the presence of vegetation. In the fish treatment, the change in average body mass tended to be higher in the turbid pond than in the clear-water pond, suggesting indirect effects of fish were mitigated in the turbid pond. This was supported by a negative effect of fish on the effective growth rate of larvae in the clear pond, but not in the turbid pond. These results are compatible with the idea that predator–prey relationships are mainly governed by direct effects in turbid water, and by direct and indirect effects in clear water.  相似文献   

Fast-starts are distributed over a wide phylogenetic range of fish and are used for different purposes such as striking at prey or escaping from predators. Here we investigated 42 fast-starts of rainbow trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss) elicited by a startle stimulus. We investigated the patterns of water movements left behind by the escaping fish and their possible value as a source of information to piscivorous predators that rely on hydrodynamic sensory systems. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements revealed a temporal extension of up to 25.5 min and a spatial extension of up to 1.53 m (extrapolated) for a certain flow structure called jet 1, that is the flow produced by the tail fin. Duration and spatial extension of jet 2, the flow produced by the body, were on average lower, and both jets differed in size. The fish escaped in a mean direction approximately parallel to jet 1, and antiparallel to jet 2, with a range well above 200°. This study quantified the flow patterns generated by escaping fish and, as piscivorous predators would greatly benefit from being able to analyse these flow patterns, provides cues for the behavioural and physiological investigation of hydrodynamic sensory systems.  相似文献   

Many organisms display oscillations in population size. Theory predicts that these fluctuations can be generated by predator–prey interactions, and empirical studies using life model systems, such as a rotifer-algae community consisting of Brachionus calyciflorus as predator and Chlorella vulgaris as prey, have been successfully used for studying such dynamics. B. calyciflorus is a cyclical parthenogen (CP) and clones often differ in their sexual propensity, that is, the degree to which they engage into sexual or asexual (clonal) reproduction. Since sexual propensities can affect growth rates and population sizes, we hypothesized that this might also affect population oscillations. Here, we studied the dynamical behaviour of B. calyciflorus clones representing either CPs (regularly inducing sex) or obligate parthenogens (OPs). We found that the amplitudes of population cycles to be increased in OPs at low nutrient levels. Several other population dynamic parameters seemed unaffected. This suggests that reproductive mode might be an important additional variable to be considered in future studies of population oscillations.  相似文献   

Functionally redundant predation and functionally complementary predation are both widespread phenomena in nature. Functional complementary predation can be found, for example, when predators feed on different life stages of their prey, while functional redundant predation occurs when different predators feed on all life stages of a shared prey. Both phenomena are common in nature, and the extent of differential life-stage predation depends mostly on prey life history; complementary predation is expected to be more common on metamorphosing prey species, while redundant predation is thought to be higher on non-metamorphosing species. We used an ordinary differential equation model to explore the effect of varying degree of complementary and redundant predation on the dynamic properties of a system with two predators that feed on an age-structured prey. Our main finding was that predation on one stage (adult or juvenile) resulted in a more stable system (i.e., it is stable for a wider range of parameters) compared to when the two predators mix the two prey developmental stages in their diet. Our results demonstrate that predator–prey dynamics depends strongly on predators' functionality when predator species richness is fixed. Results also suggest that systems with metamorphosing prey are expected to be more diverse compared to systems with non-metamorphosing prey.  相似文献   

The direct lethal impacts and the indirect effects predators have on prey characteristics, such as behavior, have fitness consequences for the prey. Whether the level of predation risk that prey face in the presence of multiple predator species can be predicted from a null model that sums the risk from each predator species in isolation is unclear. In field enclosures, we tested whether the predation risk experienced by Stenonema mayfly larvae from a dragonfly larva (Boyeria vinosa) and a hellgrammite (Corydalus cornutus) together matched the predictions of the multiplicative risk model. We then compared whether any deviations from the models predictions were larger in the presence of two predator species than in the presence of an equivalent density of individuals from either predator species alone, to determine if unique effects arise for the prey in the presence of multiple predator species. We also determined if prey moved preferentially into predator-free refuge spaces or decreased their movement in the presence of predators. Stenonemas risk of predation was reduced compared to the models prediction, but no unique multiple predator species effects were present because this risk reduction was comparable in magnitude to the level exhibited in the presence of each predator species alone. The prey did not move into predator-free refuge spaces in the presence of predators in the field enclosures. Thus, these predators appear to interfere interspecifically and intraspecifically, which may facilitate the coexistence of the predators and the prey.  相似文献   

The global climate change may lead to more extreme climate events such as severe flooding creating excessive pulse-loading of nutrients, including nitrogen (N), to freshwaters. We conducted a 3-month mesocosm study to investigate the responses of phytoplankton, zooplankton and Vallisneria spinulosa to different N loading patterns using weekly and monthly additions of in total 14 g N m?2 month?1 during the first 2 months. The monthly additions led to higher phytoplankton chlorophyll a and total phytoplankton biomass than at ambient conditions as well as lower leaf biomass and a smaller ramet number of V. spinulosa. Moreover, the biomass of cyanobacteria was higher during summer (August) in the monthly treatments than those with weekly or no additions. However, the biomass of plankton and macrophytes did not differ among the N treatments at the end of the experiment, 1 month after the termination of N addition. We conclude that by stimulating the growth of phytoplankton (cyanobacteria) and reducing the growth of submerged macrophytes, short-term extreme N loading may have significant effects on shallow nutrient-rich lakes and that the lakes may show fast recovery if they are not close to the threshold of a regime shift from a clear to a turbid state.  相似文献   

Many chemically defended aposematic species are characterized by relatively low toxin levels, which enables predators to include them in their diets under certain circumstances. Knowledge of the conditions governing the survival of such prey animals—especially in the context of the co‐occurrence of similar but undefended prey, which may result in mimicry‐like interactions—is crucial for understanding the initial evolution of aposematism. In a one‐month outdoor experiment using fish (the common carp Cyprinus carpio) as predators, we examined the survival of moderately defended aposematic tadpole prey (the European common toad Bufo bufo) with varying absolute densities in single‐species prey systems or varying relative densities in two‐species prey systems containing morphologically similar but undefended prey (the European common frog Rana temporaria). The density effects were investigated in conjunction with the hunger levels of the predator, which were manipulated by means of the addition of alternative (nontadpole) food. The survival of the B. bufo tadpoles was promoted by increasing their absolute density in the single‐species prey systems, increasing their relative density in the two‐species prey systems, and providing ample alternative food for the predator. Hungry predators eliminated all R. temporaria individuals regardless of their proportion in the prey community; in treatments with ample alternative food, high relative B. bufo density supported R. temporaria survival. The results demonstrated that moderately defended prey did benefit from high population densities (both absolute and relative), even under long‐term predation pressure. However, the physiological state of the predator was a crucial factor in the survival of moderately defended prey. While the availability of alternative prey in general should promote the spread and maintenance of aposematism, the results indicated that the resemblance between the co‐occurring defended and undefended prey may impose mortality costs on the defended model species, even in the absence of actual mimicry.  相似文献   

While the common conceptual role of resource subsidies is one of bottom-up nutrient and energy supply, inputs can also alter the structural complexity of environments. This can further impact resource flow by providing refuge for prey and decreasing predation rates. However, the direct influence of different organic subsidies on predator–prey dynamics is rarely examined. In forested wetlands, leaf litter inputs are a dominant energy and nutrient resource and they can also increase benthic surface cover and decrease water clarity, which may provide refugia for prey and subsequently reduce predation rates. In outdoor mesocosms, we investigated how inputs of leaf litter that alter benthic surface cover and water clarity influence the mortality and growth of gray treefrog tadpoles (Hyla versicolor) in the presence of free-swimming adult newts (Notophthalmus viridiscens), which are visual predators. To manipulate surface cover, we added either oak (Quercus spp.) or red pine (Pinus resinosa) litter and crossed these treatments with three levels of red maple (Acer rubrum) litter leachate to manipulate water clarity. In contrast to our predictions, benthic surface cover had no effect on tadpole survival while darkening the water caused lower survival. In addition, individual tadpole mass was lowest in the high maple leachate treatments, suggesting an interaction between bottom-up effects of leaf litter and top-down effects of predation risk that altered mortality and growth of tadpoles. Our results indicate that realistic changes in forest tree composition, which cause concomitant changes in litter inputs to wetlands, can substantially alter community interactions.  相似文献   

In dealing with the spatial and temporal variability of prey species, predators may be able to forage optimally if they have flexible and rapid behavioral plasticity rather than predetermined responses. For predators that learn to focus attention on the cryptic prey type most frequently encountered during recent searching (termed a “search image”), rare prey types may be overlooked because of a focus on more common prey. Search imaging reflects biased searching for one of a number of available prey types, and has been studied widely in birds and mammals. Here we discuss the significant implications of this phenomenon for insect predator–prey systems, particularly with respect to parasitic wasps searching for host species using learned olfactory cues. We (1) review studies about perceptual development through individual ontogeny, (2) define the term “search image” and discuss the cognitive mechanisms involved in search-image formation, (3) discuss the role of search images and frequency-dependent predation as a proximate mechanism in the maintenance of prey diversity, (4) examine data on host–parasitoid olfactory search imaging, and (5) conclude by identifying important research areas for future studies in the field of olfactory search images.  相似文献   

Predation often represents the prevailing process shaping aquatic ecosystems. As foraging and antipredatory behaviour frequently relate to vision, turbidity may often impair the interactions between the predator and its prey, depending on prey type and source and level of turbidity. We studied the effect of inorganic turbidity (0–30 NTU) on the effectiveness of fish feeding on two types of prey in different habitats: free-swimming cladoceran (Daphnia pulex) in open water and plant-associated cladoceran (Sida crystallina) attached to Nuphar lutea leaves. For the planktivore, we used vision-oriented perch (Perca fluviatilis) common in the littoral zone of temperate lakes. In our study, increasing inorganic turbidity did not appear to initiate any significant change in the feeding efficiency of perch on free-swimming Daphnia pulex. However, we saw a markedly different feeding efficiency when perch targeted plant-attached Sida crystallina. Our results substantiate that floating-leaved macrophytes in turbid lakes may provide a favourable habitat for plant-attached cladocerans.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - Invasive plants often modify the structure of the community of native plants and animals, but their potential impact on the plant–soil interface is poorly studied. In...  相似文献   

Teplitsky C  Plénet S  Joly P 《Oecologia》2005,145(3):364-370
Inducible defences have long been considered as a polyphenism opposing defended and undefended morphs. However, in nature, preys are exposed to various levels of predation risk and scale their investment in defence to actual predation risk. Still, among the traits that are involved in the defence, some are specific to one predator type while others act as a more generalised defence. The existence of defence costs could prevent an individual investing in all these traits simultaneously. In this study, we investigate the impact of an increasing level of predator density (stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus) on the expression of morphological inducible defences in tadpoles of Rana dalmatina. In this species, investment in tail length and tail muscle is a stickleback-specific response while increased tail fin depth is a more general defence. As expected, we found a relationship between investment in defence and level of risk through the responses of tail fin depth and tail length. We also found an exponential increase of defence cost, notably expressed by convex decrease of growth and developmental rates. We found a relative independence of investment in the different traits that compose the defence, revealing a high potential for fine tuning the expression of defended phenotypes with respect to local ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Apex predators perform important functions that regulate ecosystems worldwide. However, little is known about how ecosystem regulation by predators is influenced by human activities. In particular, how important are top-down effects of predators relative to direct and indirect human-mediated bottom-up and top-down processes? Combining data on species'' occurrence from camera traps and hunting records, we aimed to quantify the relative effects of top-down and bottom-up processes in shaping predator and prey distributions in a human-dominated landscape in Transylvania, Romania. By global standards this system is diverse, including apex predators (brown bear and wolf), mesopredators (red fox) and large herbivores (roe and red deer). Humans and free-ranging dogs represent additional predators in the system. Using structural equation modelling, we found that apex predators suppress lower trophic levels, especially herbivores. However, direct and indirect top-down effects of humans affected the ecosystem more strongly, influencing species at all trophic levels. Our study highlights the need to explicitly embed humans and their influences within trophic cascade theory. This will greatly expand our understanding of species interactions in human-modified landscapes, which compose the majority of the Earth''s terrestrial surface.  相似文献   

Since generalist predators feed on a variety of prey species they tend to persist in an ecosystem even if one particular prey species is absent. Predation by generalist predators is typically characterized by a sigmoidal functional response, so that predation pressure for a given prey species is small when the density of that prey is low. Many mathematical models have included a sigmoidal functional response into predator–prey equations and found the dynamics to be more stable than for a Holling type II functional response. However, almost none of these models considers alternative food sources for the generalist predator. In particular, in these models, the generalist predator goes extinct in the absence of the one focal prey. We model the dynamics of a generalist predator with a sigmoidal functional response on one dynamic prey and fixed alternative food source. We find that the system can exhibit up to six steady states, bistability, limit cycles and several global bifurcations.  相似文献   

The relationship between predators and prey is thought to change due to habitat loss and fragmentation, but patterns regarding the direction of the effect are lacking. The common prediction is that specialized predators, often more dependent on a certain habitat type, should be more vulnerable to habitat loss compared to generalist predators, but actual fragmentation effects are unknown. If a predator is small and vulnerable to predation by other larger predators through intra-guild predation, habitat fragmentation will similarly affect both the prey and the small predator. In this case, the predator is predicted to behave similarly to the prey and avoid open and risky areas. We studied a specialist predator’s, the least weasel, Mustela nivalis nivalis, spacing behavior and hunting efficiency on bank voles, Myodes glareolus, in an experimentally fragmented habitat. The habitat consisted of either one large habitat patch (non-fragmented) or four small habitat patches (fragmented) with the same total area. The study was replicated in summer and autumn during a year with high avian predation risk for both voles and weasels. As predicted, weasels under radio-surveillance killed more voles in the non-fragmented habitat which also provided cover from avian predators during their prey search. However, this was only during autumn, when the killing rate was also generally high due to cold weather. The movement areas were the same for both sexes and both fragmentation treatments, but weasels of both sexes were more prone to take risks in crossing the open matrix in the fragmented treatment. Our results support the hypothesis that habitat fragmentation may increase the persistence of specialist predator and prey populations if predators are limited in the same habitat as their prey and they share the same risk from avian predation.  相似文献   

In this paper, a predator–prey system with harvesting prey and disease in prey species is given. In the absence of time delay, the existence and stability of all equilibria are investigated. In the presence of time delay, some sufficient conditions of the local stability of the positive equilibrium and the existence of Hopf bifurcation are obtained by analysing the corresponding characteristic equation, and the properties of Hopf bifurcation are given by using the normal form theory and centre manifold theorem. Furthermore, an optimal harvesting policy is investigated by applying the Pontryagin's Maximum Principle. Numerical simulations are performed to support our analytic results.  相似文献   

Encountering mates and avoiding predators are ubiquitous challenges faced by many organisms and they can affect the expression of many traits including growth, timing of maturity and resource allocation to reproduction. However, these two factors are commonly considered in isolation rather than simultaneously. We examined whether predation risk and mate availability interact to affect morphology and life-history traits (including lifetime fecundity) of a hermaphroditic snail (Physa acuta). We found that mate availability reduced juvenile growth rate and final size. Predator cues from crayfish induced delayed reproduction, but there were no reduced fecundity costs associated with predator induction. Although there were interactive effects on longevity, lifetime fecundity was determined by the number of reproductive days. Therefore, our results indicate a resource-allocation trade-off among growth, longevity and reproduction. Future consideration of this interaction will be important for understanding how resource-allocation plasticity affects the integration of defensive, life-history and mating-system traits.  相似文献   

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