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Ten insecticides representing seven chemical groups were applied at various concentrations topically by using a Potter Spray Tower to evaluate their relative toxicities on the European wireworm Agriotes obscurus L. (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Wireworms were stored at 15 degrees C after exposure to organophosphate (OP) (chlorpyrifos, diazinon), pyrethroid (tefluthrin), thianicotinoid (thiamethoxam, clothianidin), chloronicotinoid (imidacloprid, acetamiprid), phenyl pyrazole (fipronil), organochlorine (lindane), and spinosyn (spinosad) insecticides, and their postapplication health was evaluated weekly for up to 301 d. LC50, LC90, LT50, and LT90 values were calculated for each chemical except acetamiprid, and compared with those of lindane, clothianidin, and chlorpyrifos. Wireworms exposed to OPs died or recovered more quickly (LT50 < 20 d, LT90 < 50 d), than those exposed to all other insecticides tested except tefluthrin (LT50 = 25.5 d, LT90 = 66.5 d). Wireworms exposed to sublethal concentrations of all neonicotinoids quickly became moribund after application but made a full recovery. Wireworms exposed to fipronil at concentrations near the LC90 value showed no intoxication symptoms for up to 35 d, and they did not recover after symptoms developed. For each chemical, increasing the concentration increased the time required for wireworms to recover but decreased the time required to kill wireworms. Fipronil was highly toxic to wireworms (LC50 = 0.0001%), but acetamiprid (LC50 = 1.82%), imidacloprid (LC50 = 0.83%), tefluthrin (LC50 = 0.23%), diazinon (LC50 = 0.54%), and spinosad (LC50 = 0.51%) were not. The toxicity of both clothianidin (LC50 = 0.07%) and thiamethoxam (LC50 = 0.17%) were similar to those oflindane (LC50 = 0.06%) and chlorpyrifos (LC50 = 0.10%).  相似文献   

The effects of carbon dioxide and the induction of morbidity on aversion learning in larvae of the Pacific Coast wireworm Limonius canus LeConte (Coleoptera: Elateridae) are discussed. Wireworms preconditioned by exposing them one or four times to odour of Tefluthrin 20SC and Dividend XLRTA [Syngenta Crop Protection (Canada), Inc., Canada] during the induction of temporary morbidity subsequently contact tefluthrin‐treated wheat seeds in soil bioassays for as long as naïve (i.e. not preconditioned) larvae but are repelled four to five‐fold more frequently by Dividend‐treated seeds in soil bioassays than naïve wireworms, suggesting that wireworms are capable of associating a novel odour (i.e. Dividend) with morbidity but require a minimum of 10–15 min subsequent contact time with treated seeds before being repelled. Wireworms preconditioned by exposure to peppermint odour during the induction of morbidity are not subsequently repelled by peppermint odour in soil bioassays, suggesting that wireworms are either not capable of aversion learning or that the presence of a CO2 source and/or a suitable host plant may override a negative cue (i.e. peppermint odour). In studies conducted in the absence of soil, a host plant and CO2 production, wireworms are repelled slightly by droplets of 1.0% but not 0.1% peppermint oil. Previous exposure to peppermint odour or contact with peppermint oil‐treated filter paper during one induction of morbidity does not increase the repellency of wireworms to 1.0% peppermint oil significantly. Repellency to 1.0% peppermint oil is almost eliminated when morbidity is induced five times in the absence of peppermint odour but is restored when peppermint odour is present during preconditioning. These findings suggest that wireworm sensitivity to repellent compounds decreases when repeatedly made moribund, although the results are not sufficient to conclude that wireworms are capable of associative learning.  相似文献   

Agriotes obscurus (L.) wireworms assembled in increasing numbers at rows of treated (Agrox DL Plus seed treatment) and untreated wheat, Triticum aestivum L., planted at increasing densities (0, 0.15, 0.30, and 0.60 seeds/cm). In treated wheat plots at all planting densities, no wireworm damage to seedlings was apparent, and total wireworms taken in core samples in wheat rows increased according to the asymptotic equation y = B0(1 -e(-Blx)), where B0 is the asymptote, B1 is the slope of the initial rise, and x is the seeding density. The number of dead wireworms in treated plots increased linearly and intercepted the asymptotic models (theoretical point at which 100% mortality of assembled population occurs) at 0.95 seeds/cm on 11 June and 1.14 seeds/cm on 18 June 1996. Untreated wheat at all densities planted had severe wireworm damage and significantly reduced stand. Populations that had assembled at the surviving untreated wheat were fewer than in the treated wheat plots, and although increasing with seeding density, did not follow the asymptotic model. The data suggest that A. obscurus populations can be assembled and killed in fallowed fields in large numbers at treated trap crops of wheat over a 19-d period when planted in rows spaced 1 m apart at a linear seeding density of 1.5 seeds/cm.  相似文献   

A bioassay for observing wireworm behavior in soil is described. The bioassay permits analysis of orientation, feeding, repellency, and postcontact toxicity behaviors of wireworms in response to insecticide-treated wheat seeds. Wireworm positions were recorded every 5 min for 3 h, and the time required to orient to and contact seeds, and the duration of individual feeding events, was calculated. Both avoidance (before contact with seeds) and repellency (after contact) were quantified. A high proportion of Agriotes obscurus (0.95), Limonius canus (1.00), Ctenicera pruinina (0.80), Melanotus communis/dietrichi (0.80), and Hypolithus sp. (0.70) larvae contacted untreated wheat seeds and began feeding within 120 min when seeds were preincubated for 60 min in soil with 20% moisture. A smaller proportion of A. obscurus contacted seeds if seeds were not incubated in the bioassay before wireworm introduction (0.80) or in soil with 10% moisture (0.65). L. canus larvae required a significantly shorter time (25.3 min) to contact seeds if seeds were incubated for 60 min than if seeds were not incubated before wireworm introduction (43.1 min). Wireworms exposed to untreated seeds and seeds treated with the fungicide Dividend XLRTA fed normally (i.e., sustained feeding for at least 60 min), but a significant proportion of wireworms exposed to seeds treated with Tefluthrin 20 CS (containing the synthetic pyrethroid tefluthrin) fed for 15 min or less and were subsequently repelled. Wireworms exposed to Vitavax Dual (containing the organochlorine lindane) were not repelled after feeding and showed symptoms of illness for up to 28 d before making a full recovery (89%) or dying (11%).  相似文献   

Wireworms, the larvae of click beetles (Elateridae), are difficult to manage due to their habitats and behaviour. Wireworms pose a major threat to the wheat crop in the north‐western USA. Seed treatment with neonicotinoids, biological control management and some cultural controls are recommended to manage these pests. Trap cropping is an emerging way to manage wireworms. In strawberry and potato crops, trap cropping has been found effective at attracting wireworms away from the principal crop. An earlier study in the Golden Triangle area of Montana found that pea and lentil could be effective trap crops for managing wireworms in spring wheat. In the present study, experiments were conducted at two locations. The effectiveness of peas and lentils as trap crops with wheat at different seeding densities was assessed [pea at 0, 4, 8, 16 seeds/sq.ft. or 0, 43, 86, 172 seeds/sq.m.; lentil at 0, 6, 12, 18 OR 0, 65, 130, 194 seeds/sq.m.; both with wheat at 0, 11, 22, or 28 seeds/sq.ft. or 0, 120, 230, 300 seeds/sq.m.] in a randomized design where all three crops were intercropped. Both trap crops were found to be effective in protecting wheat at standard seeding rates of 8 seeds/sq.ft. for pea and 12 seeds/sq.ft. for lentils. At these seeding rates, higher numbers of wireworms were found to be attracted to the trap crop, resulting in higher yield (7%–10%) of the associated spring wheat plant stands at 22 seeds/sq.ft. To develop an effective trap crop strategy, the pea–wheat and lentil–wheat spatial patterns that are possible need to be assessed in further field trials. Proper design and evaluation of the cost–benefit ratio of pea and lentil as trap crops are likely to produce good results for wheat crops in Montana.  相似文献   

1 Wireworms, the soil dwelling larvae of click beetles, Agriotes spp., have recently become a more prevalent pest of potatoes. The present study investigated whether potato varieties showed variable susceptibility to wireworm herbivory, and also tested whether increased susceptibility was associated with lower concentrations of glycoalkaloids. Twelve varieties were originally screened across a range of experimental scales, including laboratory and tunnel experiments and a large‐scale field trial involving over 2000 tubers. 2 In laboratory no‐choice tests, Maris Peer, Marfona and Rooster varieties were significantly more susceptible to wireworm attack, with 63% of tubers showing damage, compared with just 15% of the less susceptible varieties of King Edward, Nadine and Maris Piper. There was also greater tissue consumption and weight gain when wireworms were reared on the most susceptible varieties. 3 In choice tests, wireworms showed a significant preference for those varieties previously identified as being the most susceptible to wireworm herbivory (4.2 holes per tuber) compared with the least susceptible (1.2 holes per tuber). Similar patterns of susceptibility were seen in the field trial, although there was generally more variation in susceptibility. 4 In a tunnel experiment, Marfona and Maris Peer were significantly more susceptibile to wireworm attack (47% of tubers showing damage) compared with Nadine, King Edward and Maris Piper (27% of tubers showing damage). Although Nadine, in particular, had the highest glycoalkaloid concentrations (309.33 mg/kg) and lowest amounts of wireworm herbivory, the relationship between susceptibility and glycoalkaloid concentrations was weak, suggesting that this is unlikely to be the sole mechanism underpinning varietal susceptibility.  相似文献   

Interactions between above‐ and belowground invertebrate herbivores alter plant diversity, however, little is known on how these effects may influence higher trophic level organisms belowground. Here we explore whether above‐ and belowground invertebrate herbivores which alter plant community diversity and biomass, in turn affect soil nematode communities. We test the hypotheses that insect herbivores 1) alter soil nematode diversity, 2) stimulate bacterial‐feeding and 3) reduce plant‐feeding nematode abundances. In a full factorial outdoor mesocosm experiment we introduced grasshoppers (aboveground herbivores), wireworms (belowground herbivores) and a diverse soil nematode community to species‐rich model plant communities. After two years, insect herbivore effects on nematode diversity and on abundance of herbivorous, bacterivorous, fungivorous and omni‐carnivorous nematodes were evaluated in relation to plant community composition. Wireworms did not affect nematode diversity despite enhanced plant diversity, while grasshoppers, which did not affect plant diversity, reduced nematode diversity. Although grasshoppers and wireworms caused contrasting shifts in plant species dominance, they did not affect abundances of decomposer nematodes at any trophic level. Primary consumer nematodes were, however, strongly promoted by wireworms, while community root biomass was not altered by the insect herbivores. Overall, interaction effects of wireworms and grasshoppers on the soil nematodes were not observed, and we found no support for bottom‐up control of the nematodes. However, our results show that above‐ and belowground insect herbivores may facilitate root‐feeding rather than decomposer nematodes and that this facilitation appears to be driven by shifts in plant species composition. Moreover, the addition of nematodes strongly suppressed shoot biomass of several forb species and reduced grasshopper abundance. Thus, our results suggest that nematode feedback effects on plant community composition, due to plant and herbivore parasitism, may strongly depend on the presence of insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Wireworms are important pests in newly planted sugarcane fields in Florida. Current management involves an integrated programme of cultural and chemical controls. Current chemical controls used are the organophosphates phorate and ethoprop. As federal regulations tighten the uses of organophosphates, effective chemicals from alternative classes of chemistry need to be found. The organophosphates were the only insecticides that effectively protected the emerging shoots from damage in our study. Phorate consistently reduced the number of wireworms. While the pyrethroids and neonicotinoids were able to protect the seed piece and non‐sprouted buds, they did not consistently protect shoots and tillers. Neither pyrethroids nor neonicotinoids caused wireworm mortality in excess of that which occurred naturally.  相似文献   

筛胸梳爪叩甲幼虫寄主调查及其土壤空间分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邓顺  舒金平  王浩杰 《昆虫知识》2010,47(5):983-987
对安吉竹博园内筛胸梳爪叩甲Melanotus cribricolls(Faldermann)的寄主危害进行调查,主要调查竹种隶属于刚竹属(Phyllostachys)、矢竹属(Pseudosasa)、大明竹属(Pleioblastus)、唐竹属(Sinobambusa)、短穗竹属(Brachystachyum)、少穗竹属(Oligostachyum)和箣竹属(Bambusa),共7个属,包括47个竹种,其中41种寄主都不同程度地受到筛胸梳爪叩甲幼虫期的危害,新发现受害寄主30余种。据筛胸梳爪叩甲幼虫在5个竹种林区间的空间分布表明:筛胸梳爪叩甲较大体型的幼虫在竹林土壤中主要为聚集分布。调查过程发现,除筛胸梳爪叩甲幼虫对竹种的危害以外,竹笋夜蛾Apamea spp.也是导致退笋的主要虫害之一,二者一并成为目前竹博园内竹笋退笋的主要害虫。此外,园内竹种也受到浙江栉蝠蛾Bipectilus zhejiangensi、叶甲、白蚁和腐生蝇的侵害。鉴于筛胸梳爪叩甲幼虫危害的竹种范围比以往报道的有扩大的趋势,在竹种移植、土壤改良及敏感品种的选育应考虑到这些方面。  相似文献   

A study was conducted in Mississippi from 1995 to 1997 comparing soil rhizosphere fungi isolated from Pioneer 3167 hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) planted on Brooksville silty clay and Memphis silt loam soils. Maize seedlings were collected over four sampling dates from conventional and no-tillage plots. Eleven fungal genera consisting of nineteen species were isolated from these plants; Trichoderma spp. were most frequently isolated, followed by Fusarium spp. The highest disease incidence occurred in tilled plots of the latest planting date on Brooksville silty clay when samples were collected 17 days after planting. Root disease was most severe in 1996 from seedlings planted on the last planting date in tilled plots sampled 17 days after planting. Yields were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher on Brooksville silty clay soil than on Memphis silt loam in both 1995 and 1996. Yields were highest from no-tillage plots and from maize planted on the earliest date. There was a significant correlation between incidence of root infection and disease severity. There was no correlation between the incidence of root infection and yield or between disease severity and yield at either location. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, is an important pest of corn, Zea mays L., causing yield losses from root damage, plant lodging, and silk feeding. Because little is known about its impact on sweet corn, we conducted research to evaluate the combined effects of insecticide, planting date, and cultivar on root damage, plant lodging, and yield in central New York sweet corn. We also examined the influence of planting date and cultivar on the emergence of adult western corn rootworms. The research was conducted in 1994 and again in 1995 by using a split-split plot experimental design with insecticide as main plot, planting date as subplot, and cultivar as sub-subplot. The effect of cultivar on beetle emergence was not significant. Root damage was not correlated with adult emergence in 1994 but was positively correlated in 1995. In 1994, there was no interaction of the main factors, and all factors had a significant impact on root damage. In 1995 there was an interaction of insecticide and planting date, and of cultivar and planting date. Generally, root damage was reduced by insecticide and later planting. Plant lodging was affected by the interaction of insecticide and planting date, and the interaction of cultivar and planting date, for both years of the study. As with root damage, lodging was reduced with insecticide treatment and later planting but also was dependent on cultivar. In 1994 and especially in 1995, silk clipping by adult western corn rootworms precluded much inference about how yield was influenced by larval feeding damage on roots. The number of emerging western corn rootworm adults was lower and later in later plantings.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted to characterize the yield responses of pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo L., and wintersquash, Cucurbita maxima Duch., to simulated striped cucumber beetle, Acalymma vittatum (F.), feeding damage. Preliminary studies in pumpkin ('Spookie') were conducted in 1993, and more complete studies in 1994 and 1995 in pumpkin (Spookie), and in 1995 and 1996 in winter squash ('Waltham'). Plants were artificially injured 1 time at the cotyledon, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd true leaf stages by clipping specified percentages of leaf area from all leaves on the plant. Treatments consisted of a control treatment with no simulated injury and 4 levels of simulated injury. Pumpkin treatments were 10, 20, 40, and 80% leaf area removal in 1993 and 1994 and 20, 40, 60, and 80% in 1995. Winter squash treatments were 20, 40, 60, and 80% leaf area removal in 1995, and 10, 20, 40, and 80% in 1996. In 1993, 5 wk after planting, mean leaf, stem, and total dry weight were significantly lower on pumpkin plants subjected to > or = 20% simulated leaf injury regardless of the growth stage when the injury occurred. Injury at the 3rd leaf stage resulted in a significant reduction in the mean leaf and total dry weight of plant, across all levels of injury. At 2-3 wk before crop maturity, fruit weight and number of fruit per plant were significantly lower with 80% leaf area removal. In 1994 and 1995, and when pumpkins were grown to full maturity and apparently able to compensate for the simulated damage, neither number nor weight of marketable fruit per plant were affected significantly by simulated injury at any stage of development nor level of simulated injury. In contrast, > or = 20% and 80% leaf area removal to winter squash resulted in significant reductions in the weight of marketable fruit and/or number of marketable fruit, in 1995 and 1996, respectively. The results of this study indicate that pumpkins can tolerate relatively high levels of simulated defoliation, whereas winter squash is less tolerant. Variable results across years in winter squash may indicate an interaction between injury and plant stress caused by abiotic factors such as soil moisture availability.  相似文献   

Soil‐dwelling insects commonly co‐occur and feed simultaneously on belowground plant parts, yet patterns of damage and consequences for plant and insect performance remain poorly characterized. We tested how two species of root‐feeding insects affect the performance of a perennial plant and the mass and survival of both conspecific and heterospecific insects. Because root damage is expected to impair roots’ ability to take up nutrients, we also evaluated how soil fertility alters belowground plant–insect and insect–insect interactions. Specifically, we grew common milkweed Asclepias syriaca in low or high nutrient soil and added seven densities of milkweed beetles Tetraopes tetraophthalmus, wireworms (mainly Hypnoides abbreviatus), or both species. The location and severity of root damage was species‐specific: Tetraopes caused 59% more damage to main roots than wireworms, and wireworms caused almost seven times more damage to fine roots than Tetraopes. Tetraopes damage decreased shoot, main root and fine root biomass, however substantial damage by wireworms did not decrease any component of plant biomass. With the addition of soil nutrients, main root biomass increased three times more, and fine root biomass increased five times more when wireworms were present than when Tetraopes were present. We detected an interactive effect of insect identity and nutrient availability on insect mass. Under high nutrients, wireworm mass decreased 19% overall and was unaffected by the presence of Tetraopes. In contrast, Tetraopes mass increased 114% overall and was significantly higher when wireworms were also present. Survival of wireworms decreased in the presence of Tetraopes, and both species’ survival was negatively correlated with conspecific density. We conclude that insect identity, density and soil nutrients are important in mediating the patterns and consequences of root damage, and suggest that these factors may account for some of the contradictory plant responses to belowground herbivory reported in the literature.  相似文献   

A survey of threecornered alfalfa hopper, Spissistilus festinus (Say) (Hemiptera: Membracidae), damage in 60 South Carolina peanut, Arachis hypogaea L., fields showed that 89 and 58% of plants had feeding girdles during 2003 and 2004, respectively. Use of a foliar insecticide for other target pests reduced hopper damage. Hopper damage was not affected by sampling distance from the field edge; therefore, injury was adequately assessed at 10 m from field borders. In-furrow insecticide choice, planting date, soil texture, previous crop, or tillage did not measurably affect girdling. Subsequent field experiments demonstrated a cultivar effect on threecornered alfalfa hopper injury, with the standard runner-type cultivar ('Georgia Green') more susceptible than the standard Virginia-type ('NC-V11'). More than 50% of stem girdling occurred on the basal quarter (first five internodes) of the plant. Most feeding occurred on secondary branches of main and lateral stems. Weekly sampling of seven grower fields showed that adult hoppers colonize peanut during June and produce two generations on peanut. Only low levels of plant girding were observed in June, but plant girdling increased gradually through late July, when girdling markedly increased contemporary with peak populations of first generation nymphs and adults. A second increase in plant girdling, observed in early September, coincided with the second generation of nymphs on peanut. Foliar treatments at 45- 60 d after planting (DAP) were most effective in suppressing injury. Granular chlorpyrifos treatment also suppressed hopper injury. There was no yield response to insecticide treatments at the hopper injury levels in these tests (up to six girdles per plant). Although the economic injury level (EIL) for this pest has not been defined, our data indicate that a critical interval for monitoring hopper activity is the first 3 wk of July, before the occurrence of significant injury. Where growers have a consistent risk of economic injury, applying foliar treatment in mid-July would be most effective in suppressing damage.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the pest potential of millipede species occurring in Ontario sweet potato and carrot fields was conducted in response to recent grower concerns about the presence of millipedes in close proximity to damaged vegetables. This study is the first North American survey of millipedes on arable soils and the first evaluation of North American millipede damage to sweet potatoes and carrots. Through field surveys, Cylindroiulus caeruleocinctus was found to be the dominant millipede species in Ontario sweet potatoes and carrots. Fields were surveyed over the growing season, and the factors important to each species’ abundance were evaluated using Minimum AIC Estimation (MAICE). Post‐harvest damage assessments were performed, and MAICE analysis was used to determine which arthropod and environmental parameters were most important in explaining damage to sweet potatoes and carrots. Wireworm (Elateridae) abundance was consistently found to explain root damage better than C. caeruleocinctus abundance, and it is concluded that the majority of field‐observed damage was caused by wireworms. C. caeruleocinctus was negatively correlated with both wireworms and damage in carrot fields and is not likely to be a pest of that vegetable. However, abundance of C. caeruleocinctus in sweet potatoes was positively correlated with both wireworms and damage. This species may cause some damage to sweet potato tubers under field conditions, but management tactics should focus on wireworms as the primary source of damage.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2019,22(1):140-150
Wireworms are recognized as economically important oligophagous pests of Phyllostachys bamboo shoot, which have caused a huge economic loss in South China. Studies of bamboo shoot wireworm control and management were seriously hampered by the lack of reliable identification of larvae. DNA barcoding has been proved to be an important and useful tool in species identification of morphologically cryptic insects. Accurate knowledge of damage-causing species and the phylogenic structure of elaterids will provide insight into their sustainable and effective management. Here, we use interspecific variation in COI and EF1-a as a robust method of identification and consider the intra- and interspecific genetic variation of bamboo wireworms. This approach has revealed that three Melanotus larvae occurred in Phyllostachys forest. The dominance of one species in different sampling location suggests there maybe underlying difference in habit and host plant preference. These data provide a starting point for determining the distribution of wireworm species feeding on bamboo shoots in South China. The inclusions would further aid identification of wireworm species and relationships between certain wireworm species with specific environments.  相似文献   

Liquid baits were evaluated for control of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), and associated mealybug and soft scale pests in California vineyards. In 2003, liquid baits with small doses ofimidacloprid, boric acid, or thiamethoxam dissolved in 25% sucrose water resulted in lower ant and mealybug densities and fruit damage, compared with an untreated control. Similar treatments in a soft scale-infested vineyard showed only a reduction of ant density and fruit infestation in only the boric acid and thiamethoxam treatments. In 2004, commercial and noncommercial formulations of liquid baits reduced ant densities in three separate trials, but they had inconsistent effects on mealybug densities and fruit infestation; granular protein bait had no effect. Using large plots and commercial application methodologies, liquid bait deployed in June resulted in lower ant density and fruit infestation, but it had no effect on mealybug density. Across all trials, liquid bait treatments resulted in lower ant density (12 of 14 trials) and fruit damage (11 of 14 sites), presenting the first report of liquid baits applied using commercial methodologies that resulted in a reduction of ants and their associated hemipteran crop damage. For commercialization of liquid baits, we showed that any of the tested insecticides can suppress Argentine ants when properly delivered in the crop system. For imidacloprid, bait dispensers must be protected from sunlight to reduce photodegradation. Results suggest that incomplete ant suppression can suppress mealybug densities. However, after ant populations are suppressed, there may be a longer period before hemipteran populations are effectively suppressed. Therefore, liquid baits should be considered part of a multiseason program rather than a direct, in-season control of hemipteran pest populations.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to determine the effect of preceding crop on wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) abundance in the coastal plain of North Carolina. In all three studies, samples of wireworm populations were taken from the soil by using oat, Avena sativa L., baits. Treatments were defined by the previous year's crop and were chosen to reflect common crop rotations in the region. Across all three studies, eight wireworm species were recovered from the baits: Conoderus amplicollis (Gyllenhal), Conoderus bellus (Say), Conoderus falli (Lane), Conoderus lividus (Degeer), Conoderus scissus (Schaeffer), Conoderus vespertinus (F.), Glyphonyx bimarginatus (Schaeffer), and Melanotus communis (Gyllenhal). The effect of corn, Zea mays L.; cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L.; fallow; soybean, Clycine max (L.) Merr.; sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.; and tobacco (Nicotiana spp.) was evaluated in a small-plot replicated study. M. communis was the most frequently collected species in the small-plot study and was found in significantly higher numbers following soybean and corn. The mean total number of wireworms per bait (all species) was highest following soybean. A second study conducted in late fall and early spring assessed the abundance of overwintering wireworm populations in commercial fields planted to corn, cotton, peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), soybean, sweet potato, and tobacco in the most recent previous growing season. C. lividus was the most abundant species, and the mean total number of wireworms was highest following corn and soybean. A survey was conducted in commercial sweet potato in late spring and early summer in fields that had been planted to corn, cotton, cucurbit (Cucurbita pepo L.), peanut, soybean, sweet potato, or tobacco in the most recent previous growing season. C. vespertinus was the most abundant species, and the mean total number of wireworms per bait was highest following corn.  相似文献   

In situ bait plants as a method for detecting red core in strawberry fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spread of strawberry red core root disease (Phytophthora fragariae) from a heavily infested field with a history of 40 yr continuous strawberry growing, to and across an adjacent field where strawberries had never before been grown, was charted by growing bait plants of the highly susceptible alpine strawberry ‘Baron Solemacher’ at the intersections of an 8 m grid. Initially the fungus could not be detected by a soil sampling/glasshouse baiting test or in field grown baits, but after a very wet winter it was detected in the field grown bait plants. Most infections occurred in plants growing in a shallow depression running the length of the field, receiving drainage water from the higher infested site and where there had been standing water for much of the winter. The importance of topography was further demonstrated when baits were planted at commercial densities in two small areas of the field, one adjacent to and the other 18 m distant from the central depression. In the former many plants were infected within 2 months of planting whilst in the latter bait plants remained free of the disease for at least 18 months. The highly susceptible bait plants may be suitable for monitoring the health of commercial propagation stocks; they are easily propagated from seed and as they do not runner there is little hazard to stock purity.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to evaluate the economics and effectiveness of Trichogramma and earwigs in the suppression of corn borer and identify other corn pest associated during vegetative stage using light trapping. A Randomized Complete Block Design was used in laying out the experiments with five treatments as follows: Treatment 1-Control, Treatment 2-Trichogramma, Treatment 3-Earwigs, Treatment 4-Light Trapping and Treatment 5-Trichogramma + earwigs. Based on the analysis of variance it revealed highly significant variations among treatments with regards to number of parasitized and unparasitized egg mass of corn borer at 35 and 45 days after planting. In like manner, the damage assessment done by corn borer differed significantly at 35 and 45 days after planting. With regards to weight of green corn grains per sampling area, a highly significant differences was observed among the treatment means. The combination of Trichogramma and Earwigs showed high effectively in the field by exhibiting the highest computed yield per hectare and higher return of investment per peso invested.  相似文献   

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