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Unfolding of DNA quadruplexes induced by HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 nucleocapsid protein (NC) is a nucleic acid chaperone that catalyzes the rearrangement of nucleic acids into their thermodynamically most stable structures. In the present study, a combination of optical and thermodynamic techniques were used to characterize the influence of NC on the secondary structure, thermal stability and energetics of monomolecular DNA quadruplexes formed by the sequence d(GGTTGGTGTGGTTGG) in the presence of K+ or Sr2+. Circular dichroism studies demonstrate that NC effectively unfolds the quadruplexes. Studies carried out with NC variants suggest that destabilization is mediated by the zinc fingers of NC. Calorimetric studies reveal that NC destabilization is enthalpic in origin, probably owing to unstacking of the G-quartets upon protein binding. In contrast, parallel studies performed on a related DNA duplex reveal that under conditions where NC readily destabilizes and unfolds the quadruplexes, its effect on the DNA duplex is much less pronounced. The differences in NC's ability to destabilize quadruplex versus duplex is in accordance with the higher ΔG of melting for the latter, and with the inverse correlation between nucleic acid stability and the destabilizing activity of NC.  相似文献   

The d(TTGGGGGGTACAGTGCA) sequence, derived from the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) central DNA flap, can form in vitro an intermolecular parallel DNA quadruplex. This work demonstrates that the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein (NCp) exhibits a high affinity (108 M–1) for this quadruplex. This interaction is predominantly hydrophobic, maintained by a stabilization between G-quartet planes and the C-terminal zinc finger of the protein. It also requires 5 nt long tails flanking the quartets plus both the second zinc-finger and the N-terminal domain of NCp. The initial binding nucleates an ordered arrangement of consecutive NCp along the four single-stranded tails. Such a process requires the N-terminal zinc finger, and was found to occur for DNA site sizes shorter than usual in a sequence-dependent manner. Concurrently, NCp binding is efficient on a G′2 quadruplex also derived from the HIV-1 central DNA flap. Apart from their implication within the DNA flap, these data lead to a model for the nucleic acid architecture within the viral nucleocapsid, where adjacent single-stranded tails and NCp promote a compact assembly of NCp and nucleic acid growing from stably and primary bound NCp.  相似文献   

A unimolecular oligonucleotide switch, termed here an AlloSwitch, binds the mature HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein, NCp7. This switch can be used as an indicator for the presence of free NCp7 and NC domains in precursor and fusion proteins. It is thermodynamically stable in two conformations, H and O. A FRET pair is covalently attached to the strands to report on the molecular state of the switch. The results show that NC has an affinity for O 170 times higher than its affinity for H and that in the absence of NC the equilibrium ratio K1 = [O]/[H] = 0.10 +/- 0.03 for the switch sequence reported here. The change between the two states happens on a rapid kinetic time scale. A framework is introduced to aid in the design of AlloSwitches aimed at other targets. A high-affinity probe segment must be available to bind the target in the O-form, while a cover segment hides the probe in H. A key is adjusting the cover sequence to favor the H-form by a factor of 10-1000. This affords a robust response to small changes in target concentration, while saturation produces more than 90% of the maximal change in fluorescence. When a competitor displaces the switch from the NC-O complex, the released switch reverts to the H-form. This is the basis for a mix-and-read strategy for high-throughput screening of anti-nucleocapsid drug candidates that is much simpler to execute than traditional assays that require immobilization and washing steps.  相似文献   

NCp7, the nucleocapsid protein of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1, induces an ordered aggregation of RNAs, a mechanism that is thought to be involved in the NCp7-induced promotion of nucleic acid annealing. To further investigate this aggregation, the morphology and the properties of the NCp7-induced aggregates of the model RNA homoribopolymer, polyA, were investigated by electron microscopy in various conditions. In almost all the tested conditions, the aggregates were spherical and consisted of a central dense core surrounded by a less dense halo made of NCp7-covered polyA molecules. The formation of these aggregates with a narrow distribution of sizes constitutes a distinctive feature of NCp7 over other single-stranded nucleic acid binding proteins. In most conditions, at the shortest times that can be reached experimentally, all the polyA molecules were already incorporated in small aggregates, suggesting that the nucleation step and the first aggregation events took place rapidly. The aggregates then orderly grew with time by fusion of the smaller aggregates to give larger ones. The aggregate halo was important in the fusion process by initiating the bridging between the colliding aggregates. In the presence of an excess of protein, the aggregates grew rapidly but were loosely packed and dissociated easily, suggesting adverse protein-protein interactions in the aggregates obtained in these conditions. In the presence of an excess of nucleotides, the presence of both amorphous nonspherical and slowly growing spherical aggregates suggested some changes in the mechanism of aggregate growth due to an incomplete covering of polyA molecules by NCp7. Finally, we showed that in the absence of added salt, the aggregate fusions were unfavored but not the initial events giving the first aggregates, the reverse being true in the presence of high salt concentrations (≥300 mM). © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 45: 217–229, 1998  相似文献   

We develop a biophysical method for investigating chemical compounds that target the nucleic acid chaperone activity of HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein (NCp7). We used an optical tweezers instrument to stretch single lambda-DNA molecules through the helix-coil transition in the presence of NCp7 and various chemical compounds. The change in the helix-coil transition width induced by wild-type NCp7 and its zinc finger variants correlates with in vitro nucleic acid chaperone activity measurements and in vivo assays. The compound-NC interaction measured here reduces NCp7's capability to alter the transition width. Purified compounds from the NCI Diversity set, 119889, 119911, and 119913 reduce the chaperone activity of 5 nM NC in aqueous solution at 10, 25, and 100 nM concentrations respectively. Similarly, gallein reduced the activity of 4 nM NC at 100 nM concentration. Further analysis allows us to dissect the impact of each compound on both sequence-specific and non-sequence-specific DNA binding of NC, two of the main components of NC's nucleic acid chaperone activity. These results suggest that DNA stretching experiments can be used to screen chemical compounds targeting NC proteins and to further explore the mechanisms by which these compounds interact with NC and alter its nucleic acid chaperone activity.  相似文献   

The specific binding of HIV-1 nucleocapsid (NC) to the hinge region of the kissing-loop (KL) dimer formed by stemloop 1 (SL1) can have significant consequences on its ability to isomerize into the corresponding extended duplex (ED) form. The binding determinants and the effects on the isomerization process were investigated in vitro by a concerted strategy involving ad hoc RNA mutants and electrospray ionization-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (ESI-FTICR) mass spectrometry, which enabled us to characterize the stoichiometry and conformational state of all possible protein-RNA and RNA-RNA assemblies present simultaneously in solution. For the first time, NC-hinge interactions were observed in constructs including at least one unpaired guanine at the 5'-end of the loop-loop duplex, whereas no interactions were detected when the unpaired guanine was placed at its 3'-end. This binding mode is supported by the presence of a grip-like motif described by recent crystal structures, which is formed by the 5'-purines of both hairpins held together by mutual stacking interactions. Using tandem mass spectrometry, hinge interactions were clearly shown to reduce the efficiency of KL/ED isomerization without inducing its complete block. This outcome is consistent with the partial stabilization of the extra-helical grip by the bound protein, which can hamper the purine components from parting ways and initiate the strand exchange process. These findings confirm that the broad binding and chaperone activities of NC induce unique effects that are clearly dependent on the structural context of the cognate nucleic acid substrate. For this reason, the presence of multiple binding sites on the different forms assumed by SL1 can produce seemingly contrasting effects that contribute to a fine modulation of the two-step process of RNA dimerization and isomerization.  相似文献   

The chaperone properties of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) nucleocapsid protein (NC) are required for the two obligatory strand transfer reactions occurring during viral DNA synthesis. The second strand transfer relies on the destabilization and the subsequent annealing of the primer binding site sequences (PBS) at the 3' end of the (-) and (+) DNA strands. To characterize the binding and chaperone properties of NC on the (-)PBS and (+)PBS sequences, we monitored by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy as well as by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy the interaction of NC with wild type and mutant oligonucleotides corresponding to the (-)PBS and (+)PBS hairpins. NC was found to bind with high affinity to the loop, the stem and the single-stranded protruding sequence of both PBS sequences. NC induces only a limited destabilization of the secondary structure of both sequences, activating the transient melting of the stem only during its "breathing" period. This probably results from the high stability of the PBS due to the four G-C pairs in the stem. In contrast, NC directs the formation of "kissing" homodimers efficiently for both (-)PBS and (+)PBS sequences. Salt-induced dimerization and mutations in the (-)PBS sequence suggest that these homodimers may be stabilized by two intermolecular G-C Watson-Crick base-pairs between the partly self-complementary loops. The propensity of NC to promote the dimerization of partly complementary sequences may favor secondary contacts between viral sequences and thus, recombination and viral diversity.  相似文献   

We present a new methodology for site-specific sensing of peptide–oligonucleotide (ODN) interactions using a solvatochromic fluorescent label based on 3-hydroxychromone (3HC). This label was covalently attached to the N-terminus of a peptide corresponding to the zinc finger domain of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein (NC). On interaction with target ODNs, the labeled peptide shows strong changes in the ratio of its two emission bands, indicating an enhanced screening of the 3HC fluorophore from the bulk water by the ODN bases. Remarkably, this two-color response depends on the ODN sequence and correlates with the 3D structure of the corresponding complexes, suggesting that the 3HC label monitors the peptide–ODN interactions site-specifically. By measuring the two-color ratio, we were also able to determine the peptide–ODN-binding parameters and distinguish multiple binding sites in ODNs, which is rather difficult using other fluorescence methods. Moreover, this method was found to be more sensitive than the commonly used steady-state fluorescence anisotropy, especially in the case of small ODNs. The described methodology could become a new universal tool for investigating peptide–ODN interactions.  相似文献   

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