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The universal membrane association of positive-strand RNA virus RNA replication complexes is implicated in their function, but the intracellular membranes used vary among viruses. Brome mosaic virus (BMV) encodes two mutually interacting RNA replication proteins: 1a, which contains RNA capping and helicase-like domains, and the polymerase-like 2a protein. In cells from the natural plant hosts of BMV, 1a and 2a colocalize on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). 1a and 2a also direct BMV RNA replication and subgenomic mRNA synthesis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but whether the distribution of 1a, 2a, and active replication complexes in yeast duplicates that in plant cells has not been determined. For yeast expressing 1a and 2a and replicating BMV genomic RNA3, we used double-label confocal immunofluorescence to define the localization of 1a, 2a, and viral RNA and to explore the determinants of replication complex targeting. As in plant cells, 1a and 2a colocalized on and were retained on the yeast ER, with no detectable accumulation in the Golgi apparatus. 1a and 2a were distributed over most of the ER surface, with strongest accumulation on the perinuclear ER. In vivo labeling with bromo-UTP showed that the sites of 1a and 2a accumulation were the sites of nascent viral RNA synthesis. In situ hybridization showed that completed viral RNA products accumulated predominantly in the immediate vicinity of replication complexes but that some, possibly more mature cells also accumulated substantial viral RNA in the surrounding cytoplasm distal to replication complexes. Additionally, we find that 1a localizes to the ER when expressed in the absence of other viral factors. These results show that BMV RNA replication in yeast duplicates the normal localization of replication complexes, reveal the intracellular distribution of RNA replication products, and show that 1a is at least partly responsible for the ER localization and retention of the RNA replication complex.  相似文献   

Genome packaging in the plant-infecting Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a member of the alphavirus-like superfamily, as well as in other positive-strand RNA viruses pathogenic to humans (e.g., poliovirus) and animals (e.g., Flock House virus), is functionally coupled to replication. Although the subcellular localization site of BMV replication has been identified, that of the capsid protein (CP) has remained elusive. In this study, the application of immunofluorescence confocal microscopy to Nicotiana benthamiana leaves expressing replication-derived BMV CP as a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion, in conjunction with antibodies to the CP and double-stranded RNA, a presumed marker of RNA replication, revealed that the subcellular localization sites of replication and CP overlap. Our temporal analysis by transmission electron microscopy of ultrastructural modifications induced in BMV-infected N. benthamiana leaves revealed a reticulovesicular network of modified endoplasmic reticulum (ER) incorporating large assemblies of vesicles derived from ER accumulated in the cytoplasm during BMV infection. Additionally, for the first time, we have found by ectopic expression experiments that BMV CP itself has the intrinsic property of modifying ER to induce vesicles similar to those present in BMV infections. The significance of CP-induced vesicles in relation to CP-organized viral functions that are linked to replication-coupled packaging is discussed.  相似文献   

Replication of viral RNA genomes requires the specific interaction between the replicase and the RNA template. Members of the Bromovirus and Cucumovirus genera have a tRNA-like structure at the 3' end of their genomic RNAs that interacts with the replicase and is required for minus-strand synthesis. In Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a stem-loop structure named C (SLC) is present within the tRNA-like region and is required for replicase binding and initiation of RNA synthesis in vitro. We have prepared an enriched replicase fraction from tobacco plants infected with the Fny isolate of Cucumber mosaic virus (Fny-CMV) that will direct synthesis from exogenously added templates. Using this replicase, we demonstrate that the SLC-like structure in Fny-CMV plays a role similar to that of BMV SLC in interacting with the CMV replicase. While the majority of CMV isolates have SLC-like elements similar to that of Fny-CMV, a second group displays sequence or structural features that are distinct but nonetheless recognized by Fny-CMV replicase for RNA synthesis. Both motifs have a 5'CA3' dinucleotide that is invariant in the CMV isolates examined, and mutational analysis indicates that these are critical for interaction with the replicase. In the context of the entire tRNA-like element, both CMV SLC-like motifs are recognized by the BMV replicase. However, neither motif can direct synthesis by the BMV replicase in the absence of other tRNA-like elements, indicating that other features of the CMV tRNA can induce promoter recognition by a heterologous replicase.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mechanisms of intracellular targeting of viral nucleic acids within infected cells. We used in situ hybridization to visualize the distribution of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) viral RNA (vRNA) in infected tobacco protoplasts. Immunostaining of the ER lumenal binding protein (BiP) concurrent with in situ hybridization revealed that vRNA colocalized with the ER, including perinuclear ER. At midstages of infection, vRNA accumulated in large irregular bodies associated with cytoplasmic filaments while at late stages, vRNA was dispersed throughout the cytoplasm and was associated with hair-like protrusions from the plasma membrane containing ER. TMV movement protein (MP) and replicase colocalized with vRNA, suggesting that viral replication and translation occur in the same subcellular sites. Immunostaining with tubulin provided evidence of colocalization of vRNA with microtubules, while disruption of the cytoskeleton with pharmacological agents produced severe changes in vRNA localization. Mutants of TMV lacking functional MP accumulated vRNA, but the distribution of vRNA was different from that observed in wild-type infection. MP was not required for association of vRNA with perinuclear ER, but was required for the formation of the large irregular bodies and association of vRNA with the hair-like protrusions.  相似文献   

For various groups of plant viruses, the genomic RNAs end with a tRNA-like structure (TLS) instead of the 3' poly(A) tail of common mRNAs. The actual function of these TLSs has long been enigmatic. Recently, however, it became clear that for turnip yellow mosaic virus, a tymovirus, the valylated TLS(TYMV) of the single genomic RNA functions as a bait for host ribosomes and directs them to the internal initiation site of translation (with N-terminal valine) of the second open reading frame for the polyprotein. This discovery prompted us to investigate whether the much larger TLSs of a different genus of viruses have a comparable function in translation. Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a bromovirus, has a tripartite RNA genome with a subgenomic RNA4 for coat protein expression. All four RNAs carry a highly conserved and bulky 3' TLS(BMV) (about 200 nucleotides) with determinants for tyrosylation. We discovered TLS(BMV)-catalyzed self-tyrosylation of the tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase but could not clearly detect tyrosine incorporation into any virus-encoded protein. We established that BMV proteins do not need TLS(BMV) tyrosylation for their initiation. However, disruption of the TLSs strongly reduced the translation of genomic RNA1, RNA2, and less strongly, RNA3, whereas coat protein expression from RNA4 remained unaffected. This aberrant translation could be partially restored by providing the TLS(BMV) in trans. Intriguingly, a subdomain of the TLS(BMV) could even almost fully restore translation to the original pattern. We discuss here a model with a central and dominant role for the TLS(BMV) during the BMV infection cycle.  相似文献   

Brome mosaic virus (BMV) is a positive-strand RNA virus that encodes two RNA replication proteins, the helicaselike 1a and the polymeraselike 2a. 1a and 2a share extensive sequence similarities with proteins encoded by many other members of the alphaviruslike superfamily. While further purifying enzymatically active RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from plants infected by BMV, we observed that 1a, 2a, and the polymerase activity all cofractionated through multiple independent purification steps. Moreover, using immunoprecipitation, we found that BMV 1a and 2a proteins synthesized in rabbit reticulocyte lysates or insect cells can form a specific complex in vitro. Complex formation was more efficient when 1a and 2a were cotranslated than when they were mixed after independent synthesis. In an antibody-independent assay, in vitro-translated 1a protein was also found to bind to 2a protein fixed on a nylon membrane. A three-amino-acid insertion in 1a that blocks BMV RNA replication in vivo also blocked in vitro interaction with 2a, while another two-amino-acid insertion that renders the 1a protein temperature sensitive for RNA replication interacted in vitro with 2a at 24 degrees C but not at 32 degrees C. These results and previous genetic data suggest that the 1a-2a interaction observed in vitro is required for BMV RNA replication and may have direct implications for other members of the alphaviruslike superfamily.  相似文献   

C C Kao  P Ahlquist 《Journal of virology》1992,66(12):7293-7302
Brome mosaic virus is a positive-strand RNA virus whose RNA replication requires viral protein 1a, which has putative helicase and capping functions, and 2a, which has putative polymerase function. Since domains of related sequence are conserved in a wide range of plus-strand RNA viruses, analysis of 1a and 2a function should have applicability to many other viruses. We have recently demonstrated that 1a and 2a form a complex in vivo and in vitro. Using immune coprecipitation and mutant polypeptides made in reticulocyte lysates, we have now mapped both the 1a and 2a domains necessary for complex formation. The sequences needed to bind 2a map to the carboxy-terminal helicase-like domain of 1a. Truncated polypeptides containing this domain were able to bind to 2a, while several small insertions in the helicase-like domain disrupted binding. The sequence required for binding 1a lies within a 115-residue subset of the 2a N-terminal segment preceding the polymerase-like domain. Truncations or fusion polypeptides containing this segment can bind 1a. We also determined that highly purified 2a protein made in insect cells can form a complex with highly purified 1a helicase-like domain made in Escherichia coli, suggesting that no other factor is required to mediate 1a-2a interaction. Previous genetic analyses of 1a and 2a are consistent with this mapping and show that the newly defined 1a and 2a binding regions are required for RNA synthesis. The locations of these interacting regions are discussed with regard to models of viral replication and the evolution of positive-strand RNA virus genomes.  相似文献   

The RNA replicase extracted from Brome mosaic virus (BMV)-infected plants has been used to characterize the cis-acting elements for RNA synthesis and the mechanism of RNA synthesis. Minus-strand RNA synthesis in vitro requires a structure named stem-loop C (SLC) that contains a clamped adenine motif. In vitro, there are several specific requirements for SLC recognition. We examined whether these requirements also apply to BMV replication in barley protoplasts. BMV RNA3s with mutations in SLC were transfected into barley protoplasts, and the requirements for minus- and plus-strand replication were found to correlate well with the requirements in vitro. Furthermore, previous analysis of replicase recognition of the Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and BMV SLCs indicates that the requirements in the BMV SLC are highly specific. In protoplasts, we found that BMV RNA3s with their SLCs replaced with two different CMV SLCs were defective for replication. In vitro results generated with the BMV replicase and minimal-length RNAs generally agreed with those of in vivo BMV RNA replication. To extend this conclusion, we determined that, corresponding with the process of infection, the BMV replicases extracted from plants at different times after infection have different levels of recognition of the minimal promoters for plus- and minus-strand RNA syntheses.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol (PI) is a minor phospholipid with a characteristic fatty acid profile; it is highly enriched in stearic acid at the sn-1 position and arachidonic acid at the sn-2 position. PI is phosphorylated into seven specific derivatives, and individual species are involved in a vast array of cellular functions including signalling, membrane traffic, ion channel regulation and actin dynamics. De novo PI synthesis takes place at the endoplasmic reticulum where phosphatidic acid (PA) is converted to PI in two enzymatic steps. PA is also produced at the plasma membrane during phospholipase C signalling, where hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol (4,5) bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) leads to the production of diacylglycerol which is rapidly phosphorylated to PA. This PA is transferred to the ER to be also recycled back to PI. For the synthesis of PI, CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (CDS) converts PA to the intermediate, CDP-DG, which is then used by PI synthase to make PI. The de novo synthesised PI undergoes remodelling to acquire its characteristic fatty acid profile, which is altered in p53-mutated cancer cells. In mammals, there are two CDS enzymes at the ER, CDS1 and CDS2. In this review, we summarise the de novo synthesis of PI at the ER and the enzymes involved in its subsequent remodelling to acquire its characteristic acyl chains. We discuss how CDS, the rate limiting enzymes in PI synthesis are regulated by different mechanisms. During phospholipase C signalling, the CDS1 enzyme is specifically upregulated by cFos via protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) is a glycosidase of plant origin that has been shown to depurinate some viral RNAs in vitro. We have demonstrated previously that treatment of Brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNAs with PAP inhibited their translation in a cell-free system and decreased their accumulation in barley protoplasts. In the current study, we map the depurination sites on BMV RNA3 and describe the mechanism by which replication of the viral RNA is inhibited by depurination. Specifically, we demonstrate that the viral replicase exhibited reduced affinity for depurinated positive-strand RNA3 compared with intact RNA3, resulting in less negative-strand product. This decrease was due to depurination within the intergenic region of RNA3, between ORF3 and 4, and distant from the 3′ terminal core promoter required for initiation of negative-strand RNA synthesis. Depurination within the intergenic region alone inhibited the binding of the replicase to full-length RNA3, whereas depurination outside the intergenic region permitted the replicase to initiate negative-strand synthesis; however, elongation of the RNA product was stalled at the abasic nucleotide. These results support a role of the intergenic region in controlling negative-strand RNA synthesis and contribute new insight into the effect of depurination by PAP on BMV replication.  相似文献   

Packaging of the segmented RNA genome of Brome mosaic virus (BMV) into discrete particles is an essential step in the virus life cycle; however, questions remain regarding the mechanism of RNA packaging and the degree to which the viral coat protein controls the process. In this study, we used a plant-derived glycosidase, Pokeweed antiviral protein, to remove 14 specific bases from BMV RNA3 to examine the effect of depurination on virus assembly. Depurination of A771 within ORF3 and A1006 in the intergenic region inhibited coat protein binding and prevented RNA3 incorporation into particles. The disruption of interaction was not based on sequence identity, as mutation of these two purines to pyrimidines did not decrease coat protein-binding affinity. Rather, we suggest that base removal results in decreased thermodynamic stability of local RNA structures required for packaging, and that this instability is detected by coat protein. These results describe a new level of discrimination by coat protein, whereby it recognizes damage to specific viral RNA elements in the form of base removal and selects against incorporating the RNA into particles.  相似文献   

Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a positive-strand RNA virus in the alphavirus-like superfamily, encodes two RNA replication factors. Membrane-associated 1a protein contains a helicase-like domain and RNA capping functions. 2a, which is targeted to membranes by 1a, contains a central polymerase-like domain. In the absence of 2a and RNA replication, 1a acts through an intergenic replication signal in BMV genomic RNA3 to stabilize RNA3 and induce RNA3 to associate with cellular membrane. Multiple results imply that 1a-induced RNA3 stabilization reflects interactions involved in recruiting RNA3 templates into replication. To determine if 1a had similar effects on another BMV RNA replication template, we constructed a plasmid expressing BMV genomic RNA2 in vivo. In vivo-expressed RNA2 templates were replicated upon expression of 1a and 2a. In the absence of 2a, 1a stabilized RNA2 and induced RNA2 to associate with membrane. Deletion analysis demonstrated that 1a-induced membrane association of RNA2 was mediated by sequences in the 5'-proximal third of RNA2. The RNA2 5' untranslated region was sufficient to confer 1a-induced membrane association on a nonviral RNA. However, sequences in the N-terminal region of the 2a open reading frame enhanced 1a responsiveness of RNA2 and a chimeric RNA. A 5'-terminal RNA2 stem-loop important for RNA2 replication was essential for 1a-induced membrane association of RNA2 and, like the 1a-responsive RNA3 intergenic region, contained a required box B motif corresponding to the TPsiC stem-loop of host tRNAs. The level of 1a-induced membrane association of various RNA2 mutants correlated well with their abilities to serve as replication templates. These results support and expand the conclusion that 1a-induced BMV RNA stabilization and membrane association reflect early, 1a-mediated steps in viral RNA replication.  相似文献   

Replication of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) RNAs depends on the virus-encoded proteins P1 and P2. P1 contains methyltransferase- and helicase-like domains, and P2 contains a polymerase-like domain. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed an interaction between in vitro translated-P1 and P2 and showed that these proteins are present together in fractions with RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity. A deletion analysis in the yeast two-hybrid system showed that in P1 the C-terminal sequence of 509 amino acids with the helicase domain was necessary for the interaction. In P2, the sequence of the N-terminal 241 aa was required for the interaction. In infected protoplasts, P1 and P2 colocalized at a membrane structure that was identified as the tonoplast (i.e., the membrane that surrounds the vacuoles) by using a tonoplast intrinsic protein as a marker in immunofluorescence studies. While P1 was exclusively localized on the tonoplast, P2 was found both at the tonoplast and at other locations in the cell. As Brome mosaic virus replication complexes have been found to be associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (M. A. Restrepo-Hartwig and P. Ahlquist, J. Virol. 70:8908-8916, 1996), viruses in the family Bromoviridae apparently select different cellular membranes for the assembly of their replication complexes.  相似文献   

Brome mosaic virus (BMV) packages its genomic RNAs (RNA1, RNA2, and RNA3) and subgenomic RNA4 into three different particles. However, since the RNAs in the virions have distinct lengths and electrostatic charges, we hypothesize that subsets of the virions should have distinct properties. A glutamine to cysteine substitution at position 120 of the capsid protein (CP) was found to result in a mutant virus named QC that exhibited a dramatically altered ratio of the RNAs in virions. RNA2 was far more abundant than the other RNAs, although the ratios could be affected by the host plant species. RNAs with the QC mutation were competent for replication early in the infection, suggesting that they were either selectively packaged or degraded after packaging. In support of the latter idea, low concentrations of truncated RNA1 that co-migrated with RNA2 were found in the QC virions. Spectroscopic analysis and peptide fingerprinting experiments showed that the QC virus capsid interacted with the encapsidated RNAs differently than did the wild type. Furthermore, wild-type BMV RNA1 was found to be more susceptible to nuclease digestion relative to RNA2 as a function of the buffer pH. Other BMV capsid mutants also had altered ratios of packaged RNAs.  相似文献   

Li L  Wang L  Xiao R  Zhu G  Li Y  Liu C  Yang R  Tang Z  Li J  Huang W  Chen L  Zheng X  He Y  Tan J 《Bioscience reports》2012,32(2):171-186
The ability of human cells to defend against viruses originating from distant species has long been ignored. Owing to the pressure of natural evolution and human exploration, some of these viruses may be able to invade human beings. If their 'fresh' host had no defences, the viruses could cause a serious pandemic, as seen with HIV, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and avian influenza virus that originated from chimpanzees, the common palm civet and birds, respectively. It is unknown whether the human immune system could tolerate invasion with a plant virus. To model such an alien virus invasion, we chose TMV (tobacco mosaic virus) and used human epithelial carcinoma cells (HeLa cells) as its 'fresh' host. We established a reliable system for transfecting TMV-RNA into HeLa cells and found that TMV-RNA triggered autophagy in HeLa cells as shown by the appearance of autophagic vacuoles, the conversion of LC3-I (light chain protein 3-I) to LC3-II, the up-regulated expression of Beclin1 and the accumulation of TMV protein on autophagosomal membranes. We observed suspected TMV virions in HeLa cells by TEM (transmission electron microscopy). Furthermore, we found that TMV-RNA was translated into CP (coat protein) in the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) and that TMV-positive RNA translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleolus. Finally, we detected greatly increased expression of GRP78 (78?kDa glucose-regulated protein), a typical marker of ERS (ER stress) and found that the formation of autophagosomes was closely related to the expanded ER membrane. Taken together, our data indicate that HeLa cells used ERS and ERS-related autophagy to defend against TMV-RNA.  相似文献   

The impact of turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) infection on the endomembranes of the host early secretory pathway was investigated using an infectious clone that has been engineered for tagging viral membrane structures with a fluorescent protein fused to the viral protein 6K(2). TuMV infection led to the amalgamation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, COPII coatamers, and chloroplasts into a perinuclear globular structure that also contained viral proteins. One consequence of TuMV infection was that protein secretion was blocked at the ER-Golgi interface. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments indicated that the perinuclear structure cannot be restocked in viral components but was dynamically connected to the bulk of the Golgi apparatus and the ER. Experiments with 6K(2) fused to photoactivable green fluorescent protein (GFP) showed that production of motile peripheral 6K(2) vesicles was functionally linked to the perinuclear structure. Disruption of the early secretory pathway did not prevent the formation of the perinuclear globular structure, enhanced the clustering of peripheral 6K(2) vesicles with COPII coatamers, and led to inhibition of cell-to-cell virus movement. This suggests that a functional secretory pathway is not required for the formation of the TuMV perinuclear globular structure and peripheral vesicles but is needed for successful viral intercellular propagation.  相似文献   

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