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Mebus CA  Singh EL 《Theriogenology》1991,35(2):435-441
A total of 436 embryos/unfertilized ova was collected from 30 foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) viremic cattle; 106 of these embryos/ova were from eight donors that had FMD virus in their reproductive tracts. The 436 embryos/ova were washed and then either assayed in cell culture or intradermally in steer tongues or transferred to recipients. Foot-and-mouth infectivity was not found to be associated with any of the embryos/ova assayed in cell culture or intradermally. The 149 embryos transferred produced two abortions, five sets of twins born prematurely, and 15 normal calves. All of the recipients and all of the calves remained FMD-seronegative.  相似文献   

Ten holstein heifers were made viremic by inoculation with type 17 or type 18 bluetongue virus (BTV), superovulated, bred artificially with semen from a BTV seronegative bull and slaughtered for the collection of 8-day embryos. A total of 28 embryos were transferred into 28 BTV seronegative recipients.Fourteen transfers resulted in pregnancies. None of the recipients developed BTV antibody during pregnancy or within 30 days of parturition. No antibody or virus was detected in the 14 calves at parturition (of which 4 were lost due to dystocia), in one recumbent calf at the time of euthanasia at 5 days of age or in the remaining 9 healthy calves at 30 days of age. This study suggests that BTV-free calves can be obtained from infected dams by embryo transfer.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) viral infectivity detectable in cell cultures or by animal inoculation was not found to be associated with any of 48 washed zona pellucida-intact (ZPI) embryos collected from 8 cattle during the acute stages of disease. Similarly, infectivity was not found to be associated with any of 42 washed ZPI embryos collected from 3 cattle 21 d after infection with FMD.  相似文献   

As part of a program to study the feasibility of using embryo transfer to control disease, initial experiments were undertaken to determine the virus susceptibility of early embryos. Two hundred and ninety-three preimplantation bovine embryos (16-cell to blastocyst stage) were exposed to either akabane virus (AV), bluetongue virus (BTV) or bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). Two hundred and thirty-seven of these embryos were then cultured for 24-48 hours in order to determine whether the virus had any effect on embryonic development and to allow viral replication to occur. No infectious virus was isolated from any of the embryos and the in vitro development of virus exposed embryos proceeded normally. In addition, twenty-nine eggs/embryos isolated from donors that were seropositive to BVDV were found to be uninfected with this virus.  相似文献   

Singh EL  Thomas FC 《Theriogenology》1987,28(5):691-697
Infectious virus was isolated from both porcine and bovine zona pellucida-intact embryos that had been exposed to the Indiana strain of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and then washed. The amount of virus isolated from embryos depended on their initial exposure level. Porcine embryos always retained more virus than bovine embryos. When embryos were cultured for 24 h after viral exposure and washing, the number of embryos carrying VSV and the amount of virus on each of the embryos was reduced. Trypsin (0.25%) was also found to be effective in inactivating/removing the VSV from embryos, suggesting that most, if not all, of the virus was bound to the zona pellucida.  相似文献   

When 169 zona pellucida-intact bovine embryos were exposed to 10(6) pfu/ml of foot-and-mouth disease virus and then washed, no infectious virus was detected on any of the embryos. FMD viral infectivity was found, however, in association with 14 of 42 hatched (zona pellucida-free) bovine embryos and in a small number of zona pellucida-intact porcine embryos. The porcine embryos were assayed individually and in groups of 8 embryos. Four of the 124 individual embryos and 2 of the 9 groups of embryos carried the infectious virus.  相似文献   

Two experiments involving the transfer of embryos from donors infected with swine vesicular disease virus (SVDV) to "clean" recipients were carried out. In Experiment 1, 47 embryos were collected from 4 SVDV-infected donors and transferred to 2 recipients that subsequently produced 10 piglets. All of the recipients and piglets remained seronegative for SVDV. In addition to the transfers, 10 embryos and 58 unfertilized eggs from the infected donors were assayed in vitro and found to be negative for SVDV infectivity. A fifth donor was also inoculated with SVDV in this experiment, but it could not be demonstrated that infection had occurred. This SVDV-exposed donor provided two embryos for transfer and one embryo and two unfertilized eggs for in vitro assay. In Experiment 2, 158 embryos from 9 infected donors were transferred to 7 recipients, resulting in 12 piglets. A total of 7 embryos and 37 unfertilized eggs were assayed in vitro. The recipients, piglets, and embryos/eggs were all negative for SVDV infectivity. Although a final conclusion on the safety of using embryo transfer for the control of swine vesicular disease (SVD) is not possible, the results obtained justify additional studies.  相似文献   

Singh EL  Thomas FC 《Theriogenology》1987,27(3):443-449
When zona pellucida-intact porcine embryos were exposed to 10(7) plaque-forming units (pfu)/ml of swine vesicular disease virus (SVDV) and then washed, infectious virus could be isolated from all of the embryos. Culturing the embryos for 24 or 48 h or treating the embryos with pronase, trypsin, or antiserum after virus exposure and washing reduced the number of embryos carrying virus and lessened the amount of virus on each of the embryos. None of the treatments, however, was capable of disinfecting every embryo.  相似文献   

African swine fever virus (ASFV) was detected on or in zona pellucida-intact porcine embryos that had been exposed to 106.6 hemadsorption dose 50%/ml (HAdD50/ml) of ASFV for 18 hours, washed and then cultured. Ninety-five percent of the embryos retained infectious virus after washing. Treating the embryos with papain, EDTA or ficin had no effect on the retained virus, whereas treating them with trypsin or pronase reduced the number of embryos carrying detectable virus (30% instead of 95%) and lowered the amount of virus on the embryos. It has not yet been determined whether ASFV enters the embryonic cells but the evidence suggests that most of the virus, and possibly all of it, is bound to the zona pellucida.  相似文献   

Four Holstein heifers were superovulated and inseminated with infectious semen from a bull experimentally infected with type 17 bluetongue virus (BTV). A total of 20 embryos were collected at donor slaughter and transferred to 16 recipients. Ten recipients became pregnant of which one subsequently aborted, one gave birth to twins which died at birth, one was killed at term because of dystocia, and 7 gave birth to live calves one of which died perinatally. All animals were tested for BTV antibodies at the time of slaughter which was at least 30 days post partum for surviving heifers and calves. Two of the four donor heifers were retrospectively determined to have been infected by the semen (viremia demonstrated) and their embryos accounted for 9 of the 10 pregnancies including the six surviving calves. None of the recipients or calves developed BTV antibody by the termination of the experiment. This study suggests that BTV-free calves can be readily obtained from the use of BTV-positive semen.  相似文献   

Sixty heifers were infected with bluetongue virus (BTV) by the bites of the vector and by inoculation with insect origin virus. During the acute and convalescent stages of the infection, embryos were collected nonsurgically from these animals and washed according to the recommendations of the International Embryo Transfer Society (1). No BTV was isolated from 77 of these embryos when they were inoculated onto cell culture and into embryonating chicken eggs. There was no evidence of lateral BTV transmission when 231 of these embryos were transferred into susceptible recipients, nor was there evidence of vertical BTV transmission to the 88 calves resulting from these transfers. Another six donors that were assumed to have recovered from a natural infection of BTV, were added to the study to increase the probability of obtaining embryos from a persistently infected BTV carrier. However, it was determined later that these animals had not been infected with BTV but with the closely-related epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV). Embryos were collected from these donors and washed as above. Neither BTV nor EHDV was isolated from 26 of these embryos by the inoculation of cell culture and embryonating chicken eggs. There was no evidence of lateral BTV or EHDV transmission to recipients of 15 of these embryos or of vertical BTV or EHDV transmission to the resulting 7 calves. However, two recipients of embryos from one of these donors developed antibodies to BTV 6 to 9 months after transfer. Passive antibodies to BTV were also detected in their calves. There is good evidence that these two recipients acquired BTV from natural exposure to infected insect vectors and not from the transferred embryos.  相似文献   

In order to import non-seasonal Creole goats from the Carribean to Europe for an experimental purpose, thirty Creole goats were treated with 10 mg of FSH; embryos were collected at slaughter, washed and deep frozen. After rapid thawing, they were reimplanted surgically into European dairy goats. Twenty-four females ovulated but only 17 of the ovulating females had functional corpora lutea (CL) at collection. Ovulation rate (CL goat ) and recovery rate (embryo CL ) were 13.8 and 78% for females with functional CL. Of 191 embryonic structures collected, 79% were considered suitable for deep freezing: 23% were young blastocysts, 47% were expanded blastocysts, and 30% were zona-pellucida (zp)-free and zp-damaged embryos. Seventy-eight embryos were thawed and 63 were reimplanted. Sixty-eight percent of the recipient females delivered 19 kids. The percentage of kids born relative to good-quality re-implanted embryos was higher for zp-free embryos (64%) than for young and expanded blastocyts (36%). Forty-seven percent of the donor females had strong positive serological reactions for bluetongue virus antibodies against serotypes 6 and 14. However, no recipient goats or newborn kids were positive. Virus isolation attempts on the collection media and last embryo washes were negative.  相似文献   

The housing of animals at night was investigated as a possible means of protecting them from attack by Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), the vectors of bluetongue. Light-trap catches of Culicoides were compared inside and outside animal housing, in the presence and absence of cattle. A three-replicate, 4 × 4 Latin square design was used at four farms in Bala, north Wales, over 12 nights in May and June 2007, and the experiment repeated in October. In the two studies, respectively, >70 000 and >4500 Culicoides were trapped, of which 93% and 86%, respectively, were of the Culicoides obsoletus group. Across the four farms, in May and June, the presence of cattle increased catches of C. obsoletus by 2.3 times, and outside traps caught 6.5 times more insects than inside traps. Similar patterns were apparent in October, but the difference between inside and outside catches was reduced. Catches were strongly correlated with minimum temperature and maximum wind speed and these two variables explained a large amount of night-to-night variation in catch. Outside catches were reduced, to a greater extent than inside catches, by colder minimum temperatures and higher maximum wind speeds. These conditions occur more frequently in October than in May and June, thereby suppressing outside catches more than inside catches, and reducing the apparent degree of exophily of C. obsoletus in autumn. The results suggest that the risk of animals receiving bites from C. obsoletus is reduced by housing at both times of year and the benefit would be greatest on warm, still nights when outside catches are at their greatest.  相似文献   

The objective was to use the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) as a model to assess the risk of infectious disease transmission in the system of in vitro embryo production and transfer via somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technology. The risks of BVDV transmission in the SCNT embryo production were previously evaluated [1]. In that in vitro study, following standard operating procedures (SOP), including pre-nuclear transfer donor cell testing, oocyte decontamination and virus-free cell and embryo culture conditions, SCNT embryos produced were free of detectable viral RNA. The current study focused on the evaluation of the potential risk of disease transmission from SCNT embryos to recipients, and the risk of producing persistently infected animals via SCNT embryo transfer. Blood samples were collected from 553 recipients of SCNT embryos and 438 cloned calves and tested for the presence of BVDV viral RNA via a sensitive real time PCR method. All samples tested were negative. These results, in conjunction with the previous in vitro study, confirmed that the established SCNT embryo production and transfer system is safe and presents no detectable risk of disease transmission.  相似文献   

Embryo transfer was attempted in order to control disease in rabbits. Embryos were collected by flushing of the oviducts of donor rabbits on Day 2 of gestation, into small tubes containing the medium, transported within the body warmth of the person carrying the tubes and transferred into the oviducts of SPF pseudopregnant recipients. The time between embryo collection and transfer was 7-8 hours. Ten of 56 embryos derived from Bordetella bronchiseptica infected animals developed into newborns. As a result of bacteriological examination of intranasal exudate in six weanlings, no pathogens were detected. We suggest that embryo transfer is an effective and simple alternative to caesarean operation in Bordetella bronchiseptica infected rabbits.  相似文献   

An analysis of the literature allowed a theoretical grounding of the possibility of microbial control of the immune status of the organism by the use of saprotrophic bacteria regulating its metabolic status (i.e., its enzymatic reactions). The main objective of the microbial control is protection from infections caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora. Bacterial formulations can produce the following effects: (1) a decrease in the activities of the oxidation system, glucuronyl transferase, and NAD+ glycohydrolase and an increase in the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in hepatic microsomes; (2) an increase or a decrease in acetylation activity in the liver and its increase in lymphocytes; (3) an increase in the activities of the enzymes of glycolysis, the hexose monophosphate shunt, and the NADPH oxidase system, as well as succinate and glutamate dehydrogenases, acid phosphatase, -naphthyl acetate esterase, and nonspecific esterase, in immunocompetent cells; and/or (4) stimulation of humoral and cell-mediated immunity. To achieve microbial control over the immune status of the human organism, it is necessary (1) to study the correlations between the pharmacokinetics of test substances, the activities of enzymes involved in their metabolism, and humoral and cell mediated immune reactions; (2) to determine the metabolic phenotypes of individuals; (3) to identify and systematize the normal saprotrophic microflora of each individual; (4) to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of biochemical effects exerted by saprotrophic bacteria; and (5) to select specific strains of saprotrophic bacteria that secrete substances regulating the activities of the above enzymes and metabolic processes. Different tactics of the microbial control of the individual immunity should be selected for subjects with different phenotypes.Translated from Fiziologiya Cheloveka, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2005, pp. 88–99.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Piruzyan, Mikhailovskii.This work is based on an original concept suggested by L.A. Piruzyan.  相似文献   

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