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The third intron from Physarum polycephalum (Pp LSU 3) is one of the closest known relatives to the well-studied Tetrahymena group I intron. Both introns are located at the same position in the 26S rRNA gene, and with the exception of an open reading frame in Pp LSU 3, are highly homologous. While Pp LSU 3 has been shown to self splice, little is known about its activity in vitro. We have examined the requirements for self splicing in greater detail. Despite its similarity to the Tetrahymena intron, Pp LSU 3 is 1500-fold less reactive, demonstrates a preference for high salt, and exhibits a low Km for GTP. Removal of the open reading frame results in a modest increase of activity. This system provides an opportunity to understand how sequence variations in two related introns alter the efficiency of autoexcision, and how this relates to adaptation of group I introns to their particular sequence context.  相似文献   

The self-splicing intron ribozymes have been regarded as primitive forms of the splicing machinery for eukaryotic pre-mRNAs. The splicing activity of group I self-splicing introns is dependent on an absolutely conserved and exceptionally densely packed core region composed of two helical domains, P3-P7 and P4-P6, that are connected rigidly via base triples. Here we show that a mutant group I intron ribozyme lacking both the P4-P6 domain and the base triples can perform the phosphoester transfer reactions required for splicing at both the 5' and 3' splice sites, demonstrating that the elements required for splicing are concentrated in the stacked helical P3-P7 domain. This finding establishes that the conserved core of the intron consists of two physically and functionally separable components, and we present a model showing the architecture of a prototype of this class of intron and the course of its molecular evolution.  相似文献   

High-throughput screening assays have been developed to rapidly identify small molecule inhibitors targeting catalytic group I introns. Biochemical reactions catalyzed by a self-splicing group I intron derived from Pneumocystis carinii or from bacteriophage T4 have been investigated. In vitro biochemical assays amenable to high-throughput screening have been established. Small molecules that inhibit the functions of group I introns have been identified. These inhibitors should be useful in better understanding ribozyme catalysis or in therapeutic intervention of group I intron-containing microorganisms.  相似文献   

RNA containing the aI3 group I intron of the yeast mitochondrial gene encoding cytochrome oxidase subunit I shows self-splicing in vitro. The excised intron, comprising 1514 nucleotides, is partially split into an upstream portion, containing the intronic reading frame, and a downstream portion, containing the typical group I conserved sequence elements. Full-length intron RNA and intron parts occur in linear and circular form. In the transesterification reactions leading to circle formation, only the guanosine nucleotide added during splicing is removed. Reincubation of isolated, complete circular intron RNA under self-splicing conditions leads to formation of free subintronic RNA circles. Under similar conditions, purified linear intron RNA gives rise to a number of circular and linear products, one of which consists of interlocked subintronic RNA circles. These observations suggest that the intron RNA possesses a dynamic structure in which subtle alterations in folding result in the formation of RNA products with different topology.  相似文献   

A A Beaudry  G F Joyce 《Biochemistry》1990,29(27):6534-6539
We have completed a comprehensive deletion analysis of the Tetrahymena ribozyme in order to define the minimum secondary structure requirements for phosphoester transfer activity of a self-splicing group I intron. A total of 299 nucleotides were removed in a piecewise fashion, leaving a catalytic core of 114 nucleotides that form 7 base-paired structural elements. Among the various deletion mutants are a 300-nucleotide single-deletion mutant and a 281-nucleotide double-deletion mutant whose activity exceeds that of the wild type when tested under physiologic conditions. Consideration of those structural elements that are essential for catalytic activity leads to a simplified secondary structure model of the catalytic core of a group I intron.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the existence of a specific intron-intron interaction, necessary for the formation of the branched product in the self-splicing reaction of a group II yeast mitochondrial intron. Trans-splicing reactions involving two RNA molecules (5' exon with covalently linked regions of intron and intron with covalently linked 3' exon) show that the presence of portions of intron domain I on the 5' molecule is necessary for the formation of branched products which are not seen with shorter 5' molecules. Modification/interference reactions show regions necesary for branch-formation and support a major role for specific regions of intron domain I. Further experiments, utilizing a truncated 3' molecule that is missing the conserved branchpoint nucleotide, indicate that domain VI may be required for a successful domain I interaction. A model for the formation of a proper branched structure includes implications for both cis and trans configurations.  相似文献   

Group I introns are inserted into genes of a wide variety of bacteriophages of gram-positive bacteria. However, among the phages of enteric and other gram-negative proteobacteria, introns have been encountered only in phage T4 and several of its close relatives. Here we report the insertion of a self-splicing group I intron in the coding sequence of the DNA polymerase genes of PhiI and W31, phages that are closely related to T7. The introns belong to subgroup IA2 and both contain an open reading frame, inserted into structural element P6a, encoding a protein belonging to the HNH family of homing endonucleases. The introns splice efficiently in vivo and self-splice in vitro under mild conditions of ionic strength and temperature. We conclude that there is no barrier for maintenance of group I introns in phages of proteobacteria.  相似文献   

The nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene of the unicellular green alga Ankistrodesmus stipitatus contains a group I intron, the first of its kind to be found in the nucleus of a member of the plant kingdom. The intron RNA closely resembles the group I intron found in the large subunit rRNA precursor of Tetrahymena thermophila, differing by only eight nucleotides of 48 in the catalytic core and having the same peripheral secondary structure elements. The Ankistrodesmus RNA self-splices in vitro, yielding the typical group I intron splicing intermediates and products. Unlike the Tetrahymena intron, however, splicing is accelerated by high concentrations of monovalent cations and is rate-limited by the exon ligation step. This system provides an opportunity to understand how limited changes in intron sequence and structure alter the properties of an RNA catalytic center.  相似文献   

An oligonucleotide-directed deletion of 156 nucleotides has been introduced into the yeast mitochondrial group II intron al5 (887 nt). The deletion comprises almost all of domain II, which is one of the six phylogenetically conserved structural elements of group II introns. This mutant displays reduced self-splicing activity, but results of chemical probing with dimethylsulphate suggest that sequences at the site of the deletion interfere with the normal folding of the intron. This is supported by computer analyses, which predict a number of alternative structures involving conserved intron sequences. Splicing activity could be restored by insertion of a 10-nucleotide palindromic sequence into the unique Smal site of the deletion mutant, resulting in the formation of a small stable stem-loop element at the position of domain II. These results provide a direct correlation between folding of the RNA and its activity. We conclude that at least a large part of domain II of the group II intron al5 is not required for self-splicing activity. This deletion mutant with a length of 731 nucleotides represents the smallest self-splicing group II intron so far known.  相似文献   

RNA is one class of relatively unexplored drug targets. Since RNAs play a myriad of essential roles, it is likely that new drugs can be developed that target RNA. There are several factors that make targeting RNA particularly attractive. First, the amount of information about the roles of RNA in essential biological processes is currently being expanded. Second, sequence information about targetable RNA is pouring out of genome sequencing efforts at unprecedented levels. Third, designing and screening potential oligonucleotide therapeutics to target RNA is relatively simple. The use of oligonucleotides in cell culture, however, presents several challenges such as oligonucleotide uptake and stability, and selective targeting of genes of interest. Here, we review investigations aimed at targeting RNA with oligonucleotides that can circumvent several of these potential problems. The hallmark of the strategies discussed is the use of short oligonucleotides, which may have the advantage of higher cellular uptake and improved binding selectivity compared to longer oligonucleotides. These strategies have been applied to Group I introns from the mammalian pathogens Pneumocystis carinii and Candida albicans. Both are examples of fungal infections that are increasing in number and prevalence.  相似文献   

J L Jestin  E Dème    A Jacquier 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(10):2945-2954
Thus far, conventional biophysical techniques, such as NMR spectroscopy or X-ray crystallography, allow the determination, at atomic resolution, of only structural domains of large RNA molecules such as group I introns. Determination of their overall spatial organization thus still relies on modeling. This requires that a relatively high number of tertiary interactions are defined in order to get sufficient topological constraints. Here, we report the use of a modification interference assay to identify structural elements involved in interdomain interactions. We used this technique, in a group II intron, to identify the elements involved in the interactions between domain V and the rest of the molecule. Domain V contains many of the active site components of these ribozymes. In addition to a previously identified 11 nucleotide motif involved in the binding of the domain V terminal GAAA tetraloop, a small number of elements were shown to be essential for domain V binding. In particular, we show that domain III is specifically required for the interaction with sequences encompassing the conserved 2 nucleotide bulge of domain V.  相似文献   

The two transesterification reactions catalyzed by self-splicing group II introns take place in either two active sites or two conformations of a single active site involving rearrangements of the positions of the reacting groups. We have investigated the effects on the rates of the chemical steps of the two reactions due to sulfur substitution of nonbridging oxygens at both the 5' and 3' splice sites as well as the deoxyribose substitution of the ribose 2' hydroxyl group at the 5' splice site. The data suggest that the two active sites differ in their interactions with several of these groups. Specifically, sulfur substitution of the pro-Sp nonbridging oxygen at the 5' splice site reduces the chemical rate of the step one branching reaction by at least 250-fold, whereas substitution of the pro-Sp oxygen at the 3' splice site has only a 4.5-fold effect on the chemical rate of step two. Previous work demonstrated that the Rp phosphorothioate substitutions at both the 5' and 3' splice sites reduced the rate of both steps of splicing to an undetectable level. These results suggest that either two distinct active sites catalyze the two steps or that more significant alterations must be made in a single bifunctional active site to accommodate the two different reactions.  相似文献   

Xiao M  Li T  Yuan X  Shang Y  Wang F  Chen S  Zhang Y 《Nucleic acids research》2005,33(14):4602-4611
The presence of non-conserved peripheral elements in all naturally occurring group I introns underline their importance in ensuring the natural intron function. Recently, we reported that some peripheral elements are conserved in group I introns of IE subgroup. Using self-splicing activity as a readout, our initial screening revealed that one such conserved peripheral elements, P2.1, is mainly required to fold the catalytically active structure of the Candida ribozyme, an IE intron. Unexpectedly, the essential function of P2.1 resides in a sequence-conserved short stem of P2.1 but not in a long-range interaction associated with the loop of P2.1 that stabilizes the ribozyme structure. The P2.1 stem is indispensable in folding the compact ribozyme core, most probably by forming a triple helical interaction with two core helices, P3 and P6. Surprisingly, although the ribozyme lacking the P2.1 stem renders a loosely folded core and the loss of self-splicing activity requires two consecutive transesterifications, the mutant ribozyme efficiently catalyzes the first transesterification reaction. These results suggest that the intron self-splicing demands much more ordered structure than does one independent transesterification, highlighting that the universally present peripheral elements achieve their functional importance by enabling the highly ordered structure through diverse tertiary interactions.  相似文献   

Group I self-splicing introns have a 5' splice site duplex (P1) that contains a single conserved base pair (U.G). The U is the last nucleotide of the 5' exon, and the G is part of the internal guide sequence within the intron. Using site-specific mutagenesis and analysis of the rate and accuracy of splicing of the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron, we found that both the U and the G of the U.G pair are important for the first step of self-splicing (attack of GTP at the 5' splice site). Mutation of the U to a purine activated cryptic 5' splice sites in which a U.G pair was restored; this result emphasizes the preference for a U.G at the splice site. Nevertheless, some splicing persisted at the normal site after introduction of a purine, suggesting that position within the P1 helix is another determinant of 5' splice site choice. When the U was changed to a C, the accuracy of splicing was not affected, but the Km for GTP was increased by a factor of 15 and the catalytic rate constant was decreased by a factor of 7. Substitution of U.A, U.U, G.G, or A.G for the conserved U.G decreased the rate of splicing by an even greater amount. In contrast, mutation of the conserved G enhanced the second step of splicing, as evidenced by a trans-splicing assay. Furthermore, a free 5' exon ending in A or C instead of the conserved U underwent efficient ligation. Thus, unlike the remainder of the P1 helix, which functions in both the first and second steps of self-splicing, the conserved U.G appears to be important only for the first step.  相似文献   

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