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Past studies on the relationship between nest ectoparasites and avian fitness have been primarily limited to altricial hosts. Life history strategies of precocial and altricial birds vary considerably, limiting our ability to infer the effect of nest parasites on fitness of precocial species. Ross's Chen rossii and lesser snow goose Chen caerulescens caerulescens populations have been growing at unprecedented high rates. New limiting factors on vital rates of these precocial birds may arise after populations have been released from previously regulating factors. The flea Ceratophyllus vagabundus vagabundus is an apparently newly emerging nest parasite in the arctic goose colony at Karrak Lake, Nunavut, Canada. We examined the relationship between flea abundance (measured by the proportion of goose eggs covered by blood in each nest) and goose reproductive success from 2001–2004. In three of four years of study, nest success was inversely related to flea abundance in nests. Despite the potential for high costs to individuals, the overall effects of fleas on goose nesting success have thus far been small. We demonstrated that nest parasites negatively influence reproductive success of precocial bird hosts despite host life history strategy of leaving the nest quickly after hatch, which results in minimal exposure to nest parasites compared to altricial birds that raise their young in the nest.  相似文献   

Evaluating consequences of habitat selection is an important step in understanding life history strategies and behavioural decisions of animals. Kilpi and Lindström (1997) found that incubating common eiders Somateria mollissima on exposed, treeless islands lost weight faster than females nesting on wooded islands and proposed that this difference was due to adverse incubation conditions at exposed nests. Therefore, we tested whether common eiders gained an advantage when nesting in sheltered habitats by placing artificial shelters over randomly-selected females after the onset of incubation within an eider colony in arctic Canada. We predicted that sheltered females would be heavier on completion of incubation than control hens lacking shelters. Females nesting in artificial shelters experienced a more moderate thermal environment at both cold and warm temperature extremes. Eiders nesting in shelters were heavier than control females during mid incubation, consistent with habitat-specific rates of weight loss reported by Kilpi and Lindström (1997) . Natural overhead cover was available at potential nests but few eiders used those sites. We suspect that microclimatic advantages offered by sheltered sites may be offset by costs of increased female vulnerability to predators. Further work is needed to test this hypothesis, and to determine mechanisms responsible for lower weight loss in eiders attending well concealed nests.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   In 2003 and 2004, we placed 41 floating nest platforms on Grassy Lake in southeastern Wisconsin (USA) to test the hypothesis that reproductive success of Black Terns ( Chlidonias niger ) is limited by the quality of suitable nesting habitat. Extreme differences in water levels between these 2 yr provided a natural experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of the nest platforms during a drought year (2003) when natural nesting substrate was abundant, and a flood year (2004) when natural substrate was limited during the peak nesting period. Terns nested on 27 of 41 (66%) of the platforms in 2003 and 26 of 41 (63%) in 2004. No difference in the occupancy rate of platforms and natural nests was evident in 2003, but the pattern of clutch initiations early in the season in 2004 indicated that platforms were preferred over natural substrates. In 2003, nest survival rates did not differ between nests placed on platforms and those placed on natural substrates, but platform nests had significantly higher hatching success and nest survival rates in 2004. Both the Kaplan-Meier and Apparent Nest Success methods of calculating nest survival provided similar estimates. In both years, eggs laid on platforms were significantly larger than those laid on natural substrates, suggesting that platforms were occupied by high-quality birds. Our study indicates that floating nest platforms can be an effective management tool to enhance nesting habitat for Black Terns and other aquatic birds that construct floating nests, primarily because platforms provide nest sites when natural sites are not available due to flooding. Nest platforms also may be useful for addressing questions concerning habitat selection and parental quality.  相似文献   

The reproductive efficiency, defined as the number of breeding recruits produced per egg laid; of intraspecific nest parasites; of hosts in parasitized nests; and of unparasitized nesting females, was measured for 14 years for lesser snow geese Anser caerulescens caerulescens nesting near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Relative efficiencies were 0.71–0.88, 0.91, and 1.0 for eggs of parasites, hosts, and unparasitized birds, respectively. Differences in the hatching probabilities of the three classes of eggs produced the efficiency differences. Parasitic success was limited by the parasites' failure to place more eggs than expected by chance into nests at the appropriate time relative to host incubation. Host nesting success was lower when more than one parasitic egg was added to the clutch. No differences in gosling survival and breeding recruitment probabilities were detected among any categories of goslings. Thus, hatching parasitic young are at no disadvantage relative to parental young, and there is no support for the hypothesis that increased success of host young at later stages of reproduction might offset negative effects at the egg stage. The hatching efficiency of parasitic eggs declined more rapidly than that of parental eggs as the parasitism rate increased. Efficiencies were similar when 3–4% of the eggs laid per year were parasitic, but relative parasitic efficiency was significantly lower when the parasitism rate was 8–9% or more. Using ancillary information and assumptions about the fecundity, viability, and behavioral flexibility of parasitic and parental females, we conclude that intraspecific nest parasitism could compete with nesting as a reproductive strategy in this population. The conditional use of parasitism by a large component of the population in certain years, however, combined with negative-frequency dependent success, limits the potential spread of a purely parasitic strategy in this population.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(1):1-10
The role of prior experience in nest-site selection by a long-lived corvid, the pinyon jay, Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus, was investigated. The major sources of nest failure were loss to avian predators (Corvus corax and Corvus brachyrhynchos) and abandonment after cold and snowy spring weather. Cold weather favours exposed nesting because solar radiation reduces the energetic costs to nesting females and quickly melts snow in and around the nest. Predation favours cryptic nests. The relative height at which individual jays nested (an index of nest exposure) was compared to their previous nest height and to the fate of that nesting attempt. For the following reasons jays appear to associate nest exposure with the fate of a particular nesting attempt: (1) after nesting in exposed sites, subsequent nests were 27·3% lower (more concealed) in the nest tree following predation, but only 9·7% lower when predation did not occur; (2) concealed nest sites were avoided only after failure due to cold weather; and (3) nest placement following the successful fledging of young did not differ significantly from the previous nest placement. The frequency of nesting in exposed locations dropped from 80% to 55% after individuals suffered their third predatory experience when nesting in exposed locations. Experienced jays nested relatively low throughout the season, which enhances concealment, but nested farther out from the trunk early in the season, which reduces incubation costs. The use of prior experience in nest-site selection is adaptive because sites can include properties associated with past success and exclude those associated with past failure.  相似文献   

Jouke Prop  John L. Quinn 《Oikos》2003,102(3):571-580
In this paper we aim to explain the distribution of red-breasted geese Branta ruficollis over different nesting habitats. To be safe from land predators red-breasted goose colonies were restricted to i) islands on rivers, ii) cliffs with peregrine falcons Falco peregrinus , and iii) the close proximity of snowy owl Nyctea scandiaca and rough-legged buzzard Buteo lagopus nests. Among years nest site availability varied by fluctuations in numbers of owls and buzzards in association with cycles in lemming abundance, but the total number of goose nests found in the study area did not vary. The distribution of geese, in combination with data on reproductive success, suggested a despotic mechanism: at cliffs, goose numbers were constant among years with an invariably high reproductive success, whereas large fluctuations in numbers on islands coincided with opposite trends in success. Apparently, geese nesting with owls or buzzards moved to the few islands present in the study area during years when these birds of prey were absent. Consequently, in such years the average density of geese on islands was more than twice as high as at cliff colonies (5.4 and 2.3 pairs per ha of foraging habitat, respectively). Colony size at cliffs may have been restricted by territorial behaviour of the geese, though there is evidence that, additionally, the host falcons also limited the number of nesting geese. Apparently rare in closely related species, we observed a negative density-dependent effect on reproductive success during the nest phase, and attribute this to limited food resources, reinforced by the high frequency of territorial interactions. This leads to the conclusion that, in addition to predation pressure, nesting density is an important agent in the link between lemming cycles and goose breeding success.  相似文献   

The suggested link between lemming cycles and reproductive success of arctic birds is caused by potential effects of varying predation pressure (the Alternative Prey Hypothesis, APH) and protective association with birds of prey (the Nesting Association Hypothesis, NAH). We used data collected over two complete lemming cycles to investigate how fluctuations in lemming density were associated with nesting success of greater snow geese ( Anser caerulescens atlanticus ) in the Canadian High Arctic. We tested predictions of the APH and NAH for geese breeding at low and high densities. Goose nesting success varied from 22% to 91% between years and the main egg predator was the arctic fox ( Alopex lagopus ). Nesting associations with snowy owls ( Nyctea scandiaca ) were observed but only during peak lemming years for geese nesting at low density. Goose nesting success declined as distance from owls increased and reached a plateau at 550 m. Artificial nest experiments indicated that owls can exclude predators from the vicinity of their nests and thus reduce goose egg predation rate. Annual nest failure rate was negatively associated with rodent abundance and was generally highest in low lemming years. This relationship was present even after excluding goose nests under the protective influence of owls. However, nest failure was inversely density-dependent at high breeding density. Thus, annual variations in nest density influenced the synchrony between lemming cycles and oscillations in nesting success. Our results suggest that APH is the main mechanism linking lemming cycles and goose nesting success and that nesting associations during peak lemming years (NAH) can enhance this positive link at the local level. The study also shows that breeding strategies used by birds (the alternative prey) could affect the synchrony between oscillations in avian reproductive success and rodent cycles.  相似文献   

Jennifer Stien  Rolf A. Ims 《Ibis》2016,158(2):249-260
Human disturbance of nesting birds may cause reduced breeding success. It is therefore necessary to assess the impact of disturbance to identify steps that minimize negative impacts. We carried out a study of nesting success at two adjacent colonies of Common Eider Somateria mollissima on the islands of Grindøya and Håkøya in northern Norway between 2006 and 2011. Over the study period, nesting success was consistently higher on Håkøya (69–82%) than on Grindøya (35–60%). Between 2009 and 2011 we used camera monitoring of individual nests to identify determinants of nest survival and predation, focusing in particular on the effect of departures from the nest due to human disturbance, which differed between the colonies due to a long‐term research project on Grindøya. Overall, absence of Common Eiders from nests due to disturbance increased the predation risk by a factor of 6.42 for an increase of one additional daily disturbance. In contrast, absence due to natural recesses did not increase nest losses. Under high levels of human disturbance, camera monitoring indicated that the main cause of breeding failure was predation, primarily by Hooded Crows Corvus cornix, but also to some extent Great Black‐backed Gulls Larus marinus. The presence of cameras did not increase the predation risk. Both the presence of researchers and the sight of Common Eider females conspicuously departing from nests are likely to have provided cues to these predators. We suggest management trials to reduce nesting disturbance through the guarding of unoccupied nests to mitigate the effects of human disturbance on reproductive success.  相似文献   

Y. YOM-TOV  R. WILSON  AMOS AR 《Ibis》1986,128(1):1-8
The water budget of incubating Jackass Penguin eggs was studied on Marcus Island, South Africa, and complementary measurements were made in the laboratory. The mean ambient temperature was 16-5 "C and the mean humidity was 12-4 Torr (89% relative humidity). The temperature of incubated live and water-filled eggs ranged between 14oCand 37 oC. The mean calculated egg temperature was 34-9' C. The mean brood patch temperature was 37-1 oC, slightly lower than the cloacal temperature (37.8 oC). The mean brood patch area was about 38 cm2. The rate of water loss was 411 mg day-1. The total diffusive water loss during 37 days of incubation was, as predicted, 15-2% of the initial 100-3 g egg mass. The total pore number was 6245 per egg and the shell thickness was 577 fira. It is suggested that the eggshell parameters, incubation length and nesting behaviour are compensated in such a way that an egg-to-nest water vapour pressure difference lower than commonly found is sufficient to bring about the normal total water loss.  相似文献   

Colonial island‐breeding birds can be particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance, which can adversely affect their nesting success. We studied Sooty Falcons Falco concolor breeding on 10 ground‐predator‐free islands in the Sea of Oman during 2007–2014 and evaluated spatio‐temporal trends in the number of breeding pairs occurring on the islands and the factors influencing nesting success. The number of breeding pairs on the islands declined during the study, due mostly to the decline on accessible islands; the rate of decline on islands accessible to humans was double that on inaccessible ones. The number of nests with one or more eggs declined during the study period, and the percentage of nests with eggs that produced one or more chicks showed an increasing trend over time. Sooty Falcon nests located farther away from beaches experienced a significantly higher probability of nesting success than those located closer to beaches. Our results suggest that the number of breeding Sooty Falcons on the islands of northern Oman is declining and that human disturbance may be a contributing factor; this probably mirrors the situation in other parts of the breeding range of this species.  相似文献   

Quantifying spatial patterns of bird nests and nest fate provides insights into processes influencing a species’ distribution. At Cape Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, recent declines in breeding Eastern Prairie Population Canada geese (Branta canadensis interior) has coincided with increasing populations of nesting lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) and Ross’s geese (Chen rossii). We conducted a spatial analysis of point patterns using Canada goose nest locations and nest fate, and lesser snow goose nest locations at two study areas in northern Manitoba with different densities and temporal durations of sympatric nesting Canada and lesser snow geese. Specifically, we assessed (1) whether Canada geese exhibited territoriality and at what scale and nest density; and (2) whether spatial patterns of Canada goose nest fate were associated with the density of nesting lesser snow geese as predicted by the protective-association hypothesis. Between 2001 and 2007, our data suggest that Canada geese were territorial at the scale of nearest neighbors, but were aggregated when considering overall density of conspecifics at slightly broader spatial scales. The spatial distribution of nest fates indicated that lesser snow goose nest proximity and density likely influence Canada goose nest fate. Our analyses of spatial point patterns suggested that continued changes in the distribution and abundance of breeding lesser snow geese on the Hudson Bay Lowlands may have impacts on the reproductive performance of Canada geese, and subsequently the spatial distribution of Canada goose nests.  相似文献   

The decision of females to nest communally has important consequences for reproductive success. While often associated with reduced energetic expenditure, conspecific aggregations also expose females and offspring to conspecific aggression, exploitation, and infanticide. Intrasexual competition pressures are expected to favor the evolution of conditional strategies, which could be based on simple decision rules (i.e., availability of nesting sites and synchronicity with conspecifics) or on a focal individual's condition or status (i.e., body size). Oviparous reptiles that reproduce seasonally and provide limited to no postnatal care provide ideal systems for disentangling social factors that influence different female reproductive tactics from those present in offspring‐rearing environments. In this study, we investigated whether nesting strategies in a West Indian rock iguana, Cyclura nubila caymanensis, vary conditionally with reproductive timing or body size, and evaluated consequences for nesting success. Nesting surveys were conducted on Little Cayman, Cayman Islands, British West Indies for four consecutive years. Use of high‐density nesting sites was increasingly favored up to seasonal nesting activity peaks, after which nesting was generally restricted to low‐density nesting areas. Although larger females were not more likely than smaller females to nest in high‐density areas, larger females nested earlier and gained access to priority oviposition sites. Smaller females constructed nests later in the season, apparently foregoing investment in extended nest defense. Late‐season nests were also constructed at shallower depths and exhibited shorter incubation periods. While nest depth and incubation length had significant effects on reproductive outcomes, so did local nest densities. Higher densities were associated with significant declines in hatching success, with up to 20% of egg‐filled nests experiencing later intrusion by a conspecific. Despite these risks, nests in high‐density areas were significantly more successful than elsewhere due to the benefits of greater chamber depths and longer incubation times. These results imply that communal nest sites convey honest signals of habitat quality, but that gaining and defending priority oviposition sites requires competitive ability.  相似文献   

Costs of conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) are expected to be influenced by a species’ life history traits. Precocial birds lay large clutches, and clutches that have been enlarged by CBP can affect host fitness through a longer incubation period, displaced eggs, and lower hatching success. We examined costs and response to CBP by hosts in a population of colonial red-breasted mergansers (Mergus serrator; n?=?400 nests over 8 years) within which 29% of parasitized clutches were enlarged considerably (≥?15 eggs). Length of the incubation period did not increase with clutch size. The mean number of eggs displaced from a parasitized nest during incubation (2.8) was 2×?greater than at an unparasitized nest (1.4). Hatching success declined by 2% for each additional egg in the nest. Thus, for a nest with?≥?15 eggs, one or more fewer host eggs hatch relative to an unparasitized nest with the same number of host eggs, assuming equal probability of success for all eggs. Hosts were 40% more likely to desert nests receiving 2 or 6 experimental eggs relative to unparasitized control nests, although it is unknown whether hens deserting a nest renested elsewhere. Our study indicates that costs of CBP to hosts during nesting may be limited to those red-breasted mergansers incubating the largest clutches (≥?15 eggs), and it raises questions about the adaptive significance of deserting a parasitized clutch.  相似文献   

Incubation temperature is an important aspect in terms of biological performance among crocodiles, and several controlled experiments have demonstrated a significant relationship between incubation temperature, success in hatching and survival of hatchlings. However, a few studies have tested these relationships in the wild. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship of nest characteristics and environment (hatch year, nest basal area and height, clutch size, distance to shore line, and vegetation cover), to incubation temperature and hatching success among Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii). The study was carried out during the nesting seasons of Morelet's crocodile, from 2007 to 2009 in the Laguna de Las Ilusiones, an urban lake located in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. We physically characterized 18 nests and inserted a temperature data logger in each nest chamber. At the end of the nesting season and prior to hatching, we recovered the crocodile eggs and data loggers and calculated hatching success, under laboratory conditions. We related the environmental variables of the nest with the mean and fluctuation (standard deviation) of nest temperature, using linear models. We also related the environmental variables affecting the nest, to mean nest temperature and fluctuation in incubation temperature and to hatching success, using linear models. Although we found differences in incubation temperature between nests, mean incubation temperature did not differ between years, but there were differences in nest thermal fluctuation between years. The mean incubation temperature for 11 nests (61.1%) was lower than the suggested Female–Male pivotal temperature (producing 50% of each sex) for this species, and all hatchlings obtained were males. There were no differences in clutch size between years, but hatching success varied. Our study indicates that hatching success depends on certain environmental variables and nest conditions to which the eggs are subjected, including season, nest size and clutch size. We also discuss the importance of the fluctuation of incubation temperature on hatching success and sex determination.  相似文献   

Incubating common eiders (Somateria mollissima) insulate their nests with down to maintain desirable heat and humidity for their eggs. Eiderdown has been collected by Icelandic farmers for centuries, and down is replaced by hay during collection. This study determined whether down collecting affected the female eiders or their hatching success. We compared the following variables between down and hay nests: incubation temperature in the nest, incubation constancy, recess frequency, recess duration, egg rotation and hatching success of the clutch. Temperature data loggers recorded nest temperatures from 3 June to 9 July 2006 in nests insulated with down (n = 12) and hay (n = 12). The mean incubation temperatures, 31.5 and 30.7°C, in down and hay nests, or the maximum and minimum temperatures, did not differ between nest types where hatching succeeded. Cooling rates in down, on average 0.34°C/min and hay nests 0.44°C/min, were similar during incubation recesses. Females left their nests 0–4 times every 24 h regardless of nest type, for a mean duration of 45 and 47.5 min in down and hay nests, respectively. The mean frequency of egg rotation, 13.9 and 15.3 times every 24 h, was similar between down and hay nests, respectively. Hatching success adjusted for clutch size was similar, 0.60 and 0.67 in down and hay nests. These findings indicate that nest down is not a critical factor for the incubating eider. Because of high effect sizes for cooling rate and hatching success, we hesitate to conclude that absolutely no effects exist. However, we conclude that delaying down collection until just before eggs hatch will minimize any possible effect of down collection on females.  相似文献   

Bacteria play a central role in animal health. Yet, little is known about the acquisition of bacteria and the extent to which bacteria are acquired from different environmental sources. For example, bird nests host diverse bacteria associated with the eggs, nestlings and nesting material, but previous research has typically focussed on only a limited number of nest components at a time. It therefore remains unknown to what extent bacteria are transmitted between these components. Using both molecular and culture techniques, we characterised nest-associated bacterial assemblages throughout the entire nesting cycle of reed warblers by sampling bacteria on eggs before and during incubation, within nestling faeces, and on the nesting material of post-breeding nests. We found that bacterial assemblages clustered by nest component. Yet some overlap existed between nest components, suggesting that bacterial transmission across components is likely to occur. Eggs and nestlings from the same nest harboured more similar bacteria than expected by chance, suggesting an influence of environment or genetics on bacterial assemblages. Bacterial loads were not lower on incubated eggs. Instead, incubation was associated with a change in the structure of assemblages, including a decrease in potentially-harmful Gram-negative bacteria. In addition we show for the first time, that incubation is associated with the complete extinction of harmful haemolytic bacteria. Overall, our study appears to be the first to demonstrate differences in bacterial assemblages between bird nest components. In addition, we highlight the complexity of nest bacterial assemblages and provide new insights into the benefits of incubation.  相似文献   

Ost M  Wickman M  Matulionis E  Steele B 《Oecologia》2008,158(2):205-216
The energetic incubation constraint hypothesis (EICH) for clutch size states that birds breeding in poor habitat may free up resources for future reproduction by laying a smaller clutch. The eider (Somateria mollissima) is considered a candidate for supporting this hypothesis. Clutch size is smaller in exposed nests, presumably because of faster heat loss and higher incubation cost, and, hence, smaller optimal clutch size. However, an alternative explanation is partial predation: the first egg(s) are left unattended and vulnerable to predation, which may disproportionately affect exposed nests, so clutch size may be underestimated. We experimentally investigated whether predation on first-laid eggs in eiders depends on nest cover. We then re-evaluated how nesting habitat affects clutch size and incubation costs based on long-term data, accounting for confounding effects between habitat and individual quality. We also experimentally assessed adult survival costs of nesting in sheltered nests. The risk of egg predation in experimental nests decreased with cover. Confounding between individual and habitat quality is unlikely, as clutch size was also smaller in open nests within individuals, and early and late breeders had similar nest cover characteristics. A trade-off between clutch and female safety may explain nest cover variation, as the risk of female capture by us, mimicking predation on adults, increased with nest cover. Nest habitat had no effect on female hatching weight or weight loss, while lower temperature during incubation had an unanticipated positive relationship with hatching weight. There were no indications of elevated costs of incubating larger clutches, while clutch size and colony size were positively correlated, a pattern not predicted by the ‘energetic incubation constraint’ hypothesis. Differential partial clutch predation thus offers the more parsimonious explanation for clutch size variation among habitats in eiders, highlighting the need for caution when analysing fecundity and associated life-history parameters when habitat-specific rates of clutch predation occur.  相似文献   

Amur Falcons (Falco amurensis) are a migratory species that face a variety of threats across their range, but little is known about their breeding ecology. These falcons breed in forest habitats in Eastern and Central Asia using nests constructed by corvids, including Eurasian Magpies (Pica pica). We monitored nests of 21 pairs of Amur Falcons at Hustai National Park in central Mongolia in 2017. Our objectives were to describe their basic nesting ecology, estimate nest survival by modeling the daily survival rate (DSR), examine nest selection by modeling it as a function of nest and site covariates, and use a spatial simulation to test hypotheses concerning intra‐ and interspecific avoidance. Clutch sizes averaged 4.1 eggs (= 21 nests), and incubation and nestling periods averaged 25.7 and 26.1 d, respectively. The daily survival rate was 0.98, with young in 12 nests surviving to fledging. Nest structures were more likely to be selected as percent cover of nest bowls increased, usually in the form of a dome of sticks with multiple side entrances. Closed nests likely provide increased protection from predators. In contrast to congeneric Red‐footed Falcons (F. vespertinus) that nest in large colonies, Amur Falcons nested no farther from or closer to nests of either conspecifics or congeners than expected by chance. One factor likely contributing to this difference is that Red‐footed Falcons often use the nests of colonial‐nesting Rooks (Corvus frugilegus), whereas Amur Falcons typically use the nests of non‐colonial Eurasian Magpies. The ongoing loss of deciduous trees like white birch (Betula platyphylla) across the breeding range of Amur Falcons, probably due to climate change and increased grazing pressure, is likely to reduce the availability of nesting habitat for Eurasian Magpies which, in turn, will likely reduce availability of nests for Amur Falcons and other small falcons.  相似文献   

Red-breasted goose colonies have been studied near Medusa Bay (73°21′N, 80°32′E), on the northwestern Taimyr Peninsula, and along the Agapa River (70°11′N, 86°15′E) down to its mouth (71°26′N, 89° 13′E), in the central Taimyr Peninsula. Red-breasted geese nesting near peregrine falcons are protected by the falcons from arctic foxes; however, they are sometimes attacked by the falcons themselves. In the colonies near peregrine falcon nests, the vast majority of goose nests were situated no farther than 100 m from the falcon nest. When food is abundant, falcons protect a larger area around their nest. The distance between the falcon nest and the surrounding goose nests is inversely related to the falcon’s activity. In years of higher falcon activity, falcons prevent red-breasted geese from nesting as close to their nest as in years of lower falcon activity. Additional stimuli are required for red-breasted geese to form colonies near rough-legged buzzard nests. The distance between snowy owl nests and red-breasted goose nests was smaller when arctic foxes were abundant than when they were scarce.  相似文献   

Intraspecific brood parasitism (IBP) is a remarkable phenomenon by which parasitic females can increase their reproductive output by laying eggs in conspecific females' nests in addition to incubating eggs in their own nest. Kin selection could explain the tolerance, or even the selective advantage, of IBP, but different models of IBP based on game theory yield contradicting predictions. Our analyses of seven polymorphic autosomal microsatellites in two eider duck colonies indicate that relatedness between host and parasitizing females is significantly higher than the background relatedness within the colony. This result is unlikely to be a by-product of relatives nesting in close vicinity, as nest distance and genetic identity are not correlated. For eider females that had been ring-marked during the decades prior to our study, our analyses indicate that (i) the average age of parasitized females is higher than the age of nonparasitized females, (ii) the percentage of nests with alien eggs increases with the age of nesting females, (iii) the level of IBP increases with the host females' age, and (iv) the number of own eggs in the nest of parasitized females significantly decreases with age. IBP may allow those older females unable to produce as many eggs as they can incubate to gain indirect fitness without impairing their direct fitness: genetically related females specialize in their energy allocation, with young females producing more eggs than they can incubate and entrusting these to their older relatives. Intraspecific brood parasitism in ducks may constitute cooperation among generations of closely related females.  相似文献   

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