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In the first of two companion papers which attempt to correlate microtubules and their nucleating sites with developmental and cell division patterns in the unicellular flagellate, Ochromonas, the distribution of cytoplasmic and mitotic microtubules and various kinetosome-related fibers are detailed. Of the five kinetosome-related fibers, which have been found in Ochromonas, two, the kineto-beak fibers and the rhizoplast fibers are utilized as attachment sites for distinct groups of microtubules. The set of microtubules attached to the kineto-beak fibers apparently shape the anterior beak region of the cell whereas the rhizoplast microtubules appear to extend into and shape the tail in vegetative cells. In mitotic cells a rhizoplast is found at each spindle pole apparently serving as foci for the spindle microtubules. These findings are discussed in relation to the less well defined attachment sites for vegetative and mitotic microtubules in other kinds of cells. It is noted that the effects of depolymerizing microtubules in vivo might be easily quantitated in whole populations since no external wall or pellicle contributes to the maintenance or the biogenesis of the characteristic cell form of Ochromonas.  相似文献   

The proposal made in the preceding paper that the species-specific shape of Ochromonas is mediated by cytoplasmic microtubules which are related to two nucleating sites has been experimentally verified. Exposure of cells to colchicine or hydrostatic pressure causes microtubule disassembly and a correlative loss of cell shape in a posterior to anterior direction. Upon removal of colchicine or release of pressure, cell shape regenerates and microtubules reappear, first in association with the kineto-beak site concomitant with regeneration of the anterior asymmetry, and later at the rhizoplast site concomitant with formation of the posterior tail. It is concluded that two separate sets of cytoplasmic tubules function in formation and maintenance of specific portions of the total cell shape. On the basis of the following observations, we further suggest that the beak and rhizoplast sites could exert control over the position and timing of the appearance, the orientation, and the pattern of microtubule distribution in Ochromonas. (a) the two sites are accurately positioned in the cell relative to other cell organelles; (b) in regenerating cells microtubules reform first at these sites and appear to elongate to the cell posterior; (c) microtubules initially reappear in the orientation characteristic of the fully differentiated cell; (d) the two sets of tubules are polymerized at different times, in the same sequence, during reassembly or resynthesis of the microtubular system. Experiments using cycloheximide, after a treatment with colchicine, have demonstrated that Ochromonas cannot reassume its normal shape without new protein synthesis. This suggests that microtubule protein once exposed to colchicine cannot be reassembled into microtubules. Pressure-treated cells, on the other hand, reassemble tubules and regenerate the normal shape in the presence or absence of cycloheximide. The use of these two agents in analyzing nucleating site function and the independent processes of synthesis and assembly of microtubules is discussed.  相似文献   

1. The effects of a number of respiratory inhibiting agents on the cell division of fertilized eggs of Arbacia punctulata have been determined. For eggs initially exposed to the reagents at 30 minutes after fertilization at 20°C., the levels of oxygen consumption prevailing in the minimum concentrations of reagents which produced complete cleavage block were (as percentages of the control): In 0.4 per cent O2-99.6 per cent N2, 32; in 0.7 per cent O2-99.3 per cent CO, 32; in 1.6 x 10–4 M potassium cyanide, 34; in 1 x 10–3 M phenylurethane, 70; in 4 x 10–3 M 5-isoamyl-5-ethyl barbituric acid, 20; in 3 x 10–4 M iodoacetic acid, 53. 2. The carbon monoxide inhibition of oxygen consumption and cell division was reversed by light. The percentage inhibition of oxygen consumption by carbon monoxide in the dark is described by the usual mass action equation with K, the inhibition constant, equal to approximately 60, as compared to values of 5 to 10 for yeast and muscle. In 20 per cent O2-80 per cent CO in the dark there was a slight stimulation of oxygen consumption, averaging 20 per cent. 3. Spectroscopic examination of fertilized and unfertilized Arbacia eggs reduced by hydrosulfite revealed no cytochrome bands. The thickness and density of the egg suspension was such as to indicate that, if cytochrome is present at all, the amount in Arbacia eggs is extremely small as compared to that in other tissues having a comparable rate of oxygen consumption. 4. Three reagents poisoning copper catalyses, potassium dithio-oxalate (10–2 M), diphenylthiocarbazone (10–4 M), and isonitrosoacetophenone (2 x 10–3 M) produced no inhibition of division of fertilized Arbacia eggs. 5. These results indicate that the respiratory processes required to support division in the Arbacia egg may perhaps differ in certain essential steps from the principal respiratory processes in yeast and muscle.  相似文献   

1. Measurements of the rate of oxygen uptake per cell in transplants of Bacterium coli from cultures of this organism in different phases of growth have given results in essential agreement with the observations of others. 2. Correlations of viable count, centrifugable nitrogen, and turbidity, with oxygen consumption, indicate that the increased metabolism during the early portion of the growth period is quantitatively referable to increased average size of cells. 3. Indirect evidence has suggested that the initial rate of growth of transplants is not related to the phase of growth of the parent culture.  相似文献   

The nonlethal procedure of incubation in EDTA solution makes the peripheral regions of ascites sarcoma 37 cells more easily deformable, as reflected in measurements of the decreased amount of negative pressure required to suck out standard hemispherical bulges from the cells into micropipettes. The facilitation of deformability was abolished after reincubation of cells in calcium-containing saline, and this mechanical parameter was partially restored to normal after reincubation in magnesium-containing saline; the mechanical effect of EDTA treatment is, therefore, thought to be due mainly to the removal of calcium from the cell periphery. As EDTA treatment produces no detectable change in cellular electrophoretic mobility, it is concluded that peripheral calcium must be bound to anionic sites deeper than about 10 A from the cellular hydrodynamic slip plane. The data are discussed with emphasis on the view that they should not be extrapolated freely to other cell types.  相似文献   

Previous papers in this series have reported an acute, transitory effect of antigens on lymphoid cell nuclei. In the previous reports the effect was related to a change in ammoniacal silver (A-S) stainability of smears and cryostat sections. The variable substrate was identified as histone. This paper reports the results of an extended series of studies of histone and chromatin extracts from thymus glands exposed to antigen in vivo and in vitro. The antigen effect on A-S stainability is demonstrable not only in vitro but also in chromatin fibers representing a DNA-histone complex. However, it is not demonstrable in isolated histone fractions. The inference is drawn that the antigen-induced alteration in A-S stainability is brought about not by any quantitative change in histone, but by a biologically significant shift in histone binding, perhaps to DNA. It is suggested that alteration in DNA-histone binding during gene activation may alter A-S stainability of histones.  相似文献   

The numbers of leaves and the areas and cell numbers of leavesfrom the first five nodes of the cucumber were determined throughouttheir development with three different amounts of daily radiationand two conditions of nutrient supply. The rate of leaf production was found to be constant with timefor any one amount of radiation and to increase with increasedradiation. The transition from the rate in darkness to thatin light was sharp and occurred more quickly the higher theradiation. Provided the nutrient supply was high the ultimate areas ofindividual leaves were greater the higher the radiation; ifmineral nutrients were depleted the maximum area of a leaf occurredwith an intermediate amount of light. This arose because thesefactors exercised a differential effect on the various phasesof growth. Each leaf commenced its life as a mass of dividing cells andthe mean rate of division remained constant until it unfoldedfrom the terminal bud. The mean rate of division was much greaterat high than at low levels of radiation and was interpretedas being regulated by carbohydrate supply. Although expansionof some cells was likely before unfolding, after this stagethere was a marked decrease in the proportion of cells proceedingto division. The duration of division in the leaf after unfoldingwas independent of radiation; although 70–98 per cent,of the final number of cells were formed after unfolding, theultimate number was effectively determined by the rate of divisionprior to unfolding. Low nutrient supply restricted the duration of division in theleaf to a significant extent and the expansion of cells to avery considerable degree. The smaller leaves on plants receivinghigh rather than medium radiation were due to their cells beingmuch smaller.  相似文献   

Serum albumin stimulates the uptake of U-glucose-14C and the incorporation of 14C-counts into triglyceride glycerol and inhibits the incorporation of 14C-counts into triglyceride fatty acids by isolated adipose cells; insulin and epinephrine enhance these effects. In the absence of hormones, these responses to albumin increase with increasing albumin concentration. In the presence of insulin, a qualitatively similar pattern of increasing responses to albumin is observed; the enhancement of each response by insulin is, however, only slightly potentiated by higher albumin concentrations. In contrast, in the presence of epinephrine, these responses to albumin are maximal at the lowest albumin concentration tested, 0.1%; the enhancement of each response by epinephrine is similarly maximal at 0.1% albumin, but decreases rapidly as the albumin concentration is raised. Increasing serum albumin concentrations do, however, stimulate the release of fatty acids and glycerol by epinephrine-treated cells increasingly until a plateau, determined by the epinephrine dose, is reached. These data support the suggestion that intracellular fatty acid levels function in the regulation of adipose cell activity, and further suggest that serum albumin plays a role in determining the metabolic fate of these fatty acids.  相似文献   

  1. Previous reports that Michaelis enzyme kinetics may be appliedto the system controlling cell elongation in Avena coleoptilesare confirmed.
  2. Substrate (applied hormone) and enzyme arenot in direct contactwith each other. Active transport of theapplied hormone incoleoptile sections, and permeability ofcells to hormone, regulatethe intracellular substrate concentration,thereby markedlyinfluencing the value of K5, a parameter givinga measure ofthe affinity of substrate for enzyme.
  3. The effectof permeability and transport factors on calculatingK1 valuesof competitive hormone inhibitors is considered. Dataof otherworkers are used to show that observed K1 values arenot necessarilyindependent of the hormone used.
  4. Auxin-induced inhibitionof cell elongation results primarilyfrom a toxic action ofhormones on cell protoplasm leading finallyto cellular disorganization,shrinkage, and death. The datado not decisively support thehypothesis of inhibition resultingfrom steric hindrance totwo-point attachment between substrateand enzyme.

The growth conditions known to influence the occurrence of mitochondrial profiles and other cell membrane systems in anaerobic cells of S. cerevisiae have been examined, and the effect of the several growth media on the lipid composition of the organism has been determined. The anaerobic cell type containing neither detectable mitochondrial profiles nor the large cell vacuole may be obtained by the culture of the organism on growth-limiting levels of the lipids, ergosterol, and unsaturated fatty acids. Under these conditions, the organism has a high content of short-chain saturated fatty acids (10:0, 12:0), phosphatidyl choline, and squalene, compared with aerobically grown cells, and it is especially low in phosphatidyl ethanolamine and the glycerol phosphatides (phosphatidyl glycerol + cardiolipin). The high levels of unsaturated fatty acids normally found in the phospholipids of the aerobic cells are largely replaced by the short-chain saturated acids, even though the phospholipid fraction contains virtually all of the small amounts of unsaturated fatty acid present in the anaerobic cells. Such anaerobic cells may contain as little as 0.12 mg of ergosterol per g dry weight of cells while the aerobic cells contain about 6 mg of ergosterol per g dry weight. Anaerobic cell types containing mitochondrial profiles can be obtained by the culture of the organism in the presence of excess quantities of ergosterol and unsaturated fatty acids. Such cells have increased levels of total phospholipid, ergosterol, and unsaturated fatty acids, although these compounds do not reach the levels found in aerobic cells. The level of ergosterol in anaerobic cells is markedly influenced by the nature of the carbohydrate in the medium; those cells grown on galactose media supplemented with ergosterol and unsaturated fatty acids have well defined mitochondrial profiles and an ergosterol content (2 mg per g dry weight of cells) three times that of equivalent glucose-grown cells which have poorly defined organelle profiles. Anaerobic cells which are low in ergosterol synthesize increased amounts of squalene.  相似文献   

The changes occurring in rat hepatocytes during a 5 day period of treatment with phenobarbital were determined by morphometric and biochemical methods, particular attention being paid to the endoplasmic reticulum. The hepatocytic cytoplasm played an overwhelming part in the liver hypertrophy, while the hepatocytic nuclei contributed to only a moderate extent. The endoplasmic reticulum accounted for more than half of the increase in cytoplasmic volume. The increase in the volume and number of hepatocytic nuclei in the course of phenobarbital treatment was associated with changes in the ploidy pattern. Until the 2nd day of treatment both the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (SER) participated in the increase in volume and surface of the whole endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Subsequently, the values for RER fell again to control levels, whereas those for SER continued to increase, with the result that by the 5th day of treatment the SER constituted the dominant cytoplasmic element. The specific volume of mitochondria and microbodies (peroxisomes) remained constant throughout the duration of the experiment, while that of the dense bodies increased. The specific number of mitochondria and microbodies displayed a significant increase, associated with a decrease in their mean volume. The phenobarbital-induced increase in the phospholipid and cytochrome P-450 content of the microsomes, as well as in the activities of microsomal reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate-cytochrome c reductase and N-demethylase, was correlated with the morphometric data on the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

A method for quantifying changes in the cell population of Pisumsativum cotyledons during development is described. The methodis based on determining the frequency distribution for cellarea following the random sampling of a single-cell suspensionof cotyledon cells. The population profile of these cells changedprogressively and systematically from a single population, similarin size to meristematic cells, found in embryos less than 3.0mg in fresh weight, to a bimodal population in embryos greaterthan 100 mg fresh weight. This method was used to compare embryosof similar size from two genotypes near-isogenic except forgenes at the r locus. No significant differences were foundbetween the cell population profiles of embryos up to 30 mgfresh weight. However, a significant difference was found betweenembryos with fresh weights of 100 mg, the wrinkled (rr) linehaving a higher mean and maximum cell area (2 951 µm2and 9 240 µm2 respectively) than the round (RR) line (2591µm2and 6470 µm2respectively). Comparisons were alsomade between cotyledon cell populations from round (RR) embryosgrown in vivo and in vitro. The most obvious differences werethe higher mean and maximum cell size of the large cell populationof in vitro grown embryos which were twice those found in vivo.Embryos grown to either 30 mg or 100 mg fresh weight in vitrohad a much greater proportion of large cells in the populationwith a corresponding reduction in total cotyledon cell number,compared with similar sized embryos grown in vivo. These data suggest that comparisons between different genotypes,or, between cultured and in vivoembryos, based on morphologicalsimilarities between embryos, may be invalid and subject tomisinterpretation. Key words: Pea, seed development, cell population  相似文献   

Microtubule breakdown in the presence of 5 or 40 µg/ml of colchicine is observed in BHK-21/C13 fibroblast-like cells. Several morphological and physiological effects are noted in the absence of microtubules: (a) the cells transform from fibroblast-like to epithelial-like cells; (b) the normal pattern of intracellular birefringence changes and a juxtanuclear cap of birefringent filaments is formed; (c) time-lapse cinematography demonstrates that cell locomotion is inhibited in colchicine-treated cells, even though membrane ruffling persists. The results are discussed in terms of the specific roles of microtubules in cultured cell motility and possible functional relationships of the three types of cytoplasmic fibers seen in BHK-21 cells.  相似文献   

The development of the third leaf was followed from soon afterinitiation to the attainment of full area in cucumbers grownunder two levels of radiation and, following leaf unfolding,with the shoot above the developing leaf present or absent.Cell numbers, proportion of cells in meta-, ana-, and telo-phases,leaf areas, and aspects of leaf structures were recorded. Cell numbers increased exponentially until near unfolding atboth intensities—at a higher rate under high light andfor a longer time under low light. Thereafter, the rate declinedto zero. Final cell numbers were higher under high than lowlight. Leaf structure and cell dimensions parallel to the leafsurface were not affected by light intensity and therefore finalareas depended solely on cell numbers. Apex removal resultedin much larger cells, and in consequence, correspondingly greaterleaf areas. The proportions of cells in the mitotic stages recordedwere similar at both intensities but fell steadily throughoutthe periods of exponential increase of cell number. Previous hypotheses that all cells are active in division untilthe leaf unfolds could be largely reconciled with mitotic behaviourunder high light, but some decline in the proportion of dividingcells was indicated. Under low light, such a decline must beimportant. Greater cell numbers in leaves at high light arose,therefore, from a higher rate of division in dividing cells,combined with a larger proportion remaining active. Greater leaf areas following apex removal are consistent withhypotheses of competition between developing leaves but throwno new light on the specific factors involved.  相似文献   

The internodal cells of the alga Nitella opaca L, which arein the form of long thin cylinders, exhibit the phenomenon ofspiral growth, i.e. as the cells elongate they also twist abouttheir longitudinal axis. It has been shown in an earlier paper(Probine and Preston, 1962) that the cell wall is mechanicallyanisotropic. In this paper the moduli necessary to describethe elastic behaviour of a material possessing this sort ofsymmetry are considered. It is pointed out that if the Nitellacell is regarded as a thin-walled cylinder built of a materialpossessing orthorhombic elastic symmetry, then there can bea coupling between shear and extension which will produce atorsional twist as the cylinder is pressurized. It is suggested that this is the basic mechanism of spiral growth.Experimental evidence is presented which supports this view.  相似文献   

Use of diacetyl reductase, a reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)-requiring enzyme, to eliminate diacetyl off-flavor in beer was studied. The crude enzyme was extracted from Aerobacter aerogenes and partially purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation or Sephadex chromatography. In the semipure state, the enzyme was inactivated by lyophilization; in a crude state, the lyophilized extract remained stable for at least 4 months at - 20 C. A 50% reduction in specific activity within 5 min was observed when crude diacetyl reductase was suspended (5 mg of protein/ml) in phosphate buffer at pH 5.5 or below; a similar inactivation rate was observed when the crude enzyme was dissolved in a 5% aqueous ethyl alcohol solution. Effective crude enzyme activity in beer at a natural pH of 4.1 required protection of the enzyme in 10% gelatin. Incorporation of yeast cells with the gel-protected enzyme provided regeneration of NADH. Combinations of yeast, enzyme, and gelatin were tested to obtain data analyzed by regression analysis to determine the optimal concentration of each component of the system required to reduce the level of diacetyl in spiked (0.5 ppm) beer to less than 0.12 ppm within 48 hr at 5 C. The protected enzyme system was also effective in removing diacetyl from orange juice (pH 3.8) and some distilled liquors.  相似文献   

Growth under conditions of oxygen restriction results in a generalized decrease in the definition of the mitochondrial membranes, a decrease in the mitochondrial cytochromes, and a decrease in citric acid cycle enzymes of the obligate aerobic yeast Candida parapsilosis. Addition of unsaturated fatty acids and ergosterol to cultures exposed to limited oxygen results in improved definition of the mitochondrial membranes and an increase in the total mitochondrial cytochrome content of the cells. Euflavine completely inhibits mitochondrial protein synthesis in vitro. Its in vivo effect is to cause the formation of giant mitochondrial profiles with apparently intact outer membranes and modified internal membranes; the cristae (in-folds) appear only as apparently disorganized remnants while the remainder of the inner membrane seems intact. Cytochromes a, a3, b, and c1 are not synthesized by the cells in the presence of euflavine. Ethidium appears to have effects identical to those of euflavine, whereas chloramphenicol, lincomycin, and erythromycin have similar effects in principle but they are less marked. The effects of all the inhibitors are freely reversible after removal of the drugs. The results are discussed in terms of a functionally three-membrane model of the mitochondrion. In addition, the phylogenetic implications of the observed differences between this organism and the facultative anaerobic yeasts are considered.  相似文献   

Tongue anlagen from which the anterior, posterior, right or left lateral halves had been extirpated generally regenerated completely within 15–30 days in Rana catesbeiana and R. clamitans. Regeneration was most rapid and greatest in posterior and median regions. Removal of anterior-posterior and left-right middle thirds and of anterior, posterior, right or left dorsal or ventral quarter anlagen (R. catesbeiana) showed similar regenerative gradients. Regeneration never occurred when entire anlagen were removed. Extirpations of early and half-developed lingual cornua were made in metamorphosing and young adult R. catesbeiana, R. clamitans R. palustris and R. pipiens. Regeneration occurred where preoperative cornua did not exceed 1.5 mm, but never when they exceeded this length. It is concluded that anuran tongue anlagen, at the stages operated on, possess considerable reorganizing powers following partial extirpations.  相似文献   

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