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Studies have evidenced that zinc metabolism is altered in presence of Down syndrome, and zinc seems to have a relationship with the metabolic alterations usually present in this syndrome. In this work, the Zn-related nutritional status of adolescents with Down syndrome was evaluated by means of biochemical parameters and diet. A case–control study was performed in a group of adolescents with Down syndrome (n = 30) and a control group (n = 32), of both sexes, aged 10 to 19 years. Diet evaluation was accomplished by using a 3-day dietary record, and the analysis was performed by the NutWin program, version 1.5. Antropometric measurements were performed for evaluation of body composition. The Zn-related nutritional status of the groups was evaluated by means of zinc concentration determinations in plasma and erythrocytes, and 24-h urinary zinc excretion, by using the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy. The diet of both groups presented adequate concentrations of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and zinc. The mean values found for zinc concentration in erythrocytes were 49.2 ± 8.5 μg Zn/g Hb for the Down syndrome group and 35.9 ± 6.1 μg Zn/g Hb for the control group (p = 0.001). The average values found for zinc concentration in plasma were 67.6 ± 25.6 μg/dL for the Down syndrome group and 68.9 ± 22.3 μg/dL for the control group. The mean values found for zinc concentration in urine were 244.3 ± 194.9 μg Zn/24 h for the Down syndrome group and 200.3 ± 236.4 μg Zn/24 h for the control group. Assessment of body composition revealed overweight (26.7%) and obesity (6.6%) in the Down syndrome group. In this study, patients with Down syndrome presented altered zinc levels for some cellular compartments, and the average zinc concentrations were low in plasma and urine and elevated in erythrocytes.  相似文献   


Purpose of Review

Fungal infection of the nail, known as onychomycosis, occurs more frequently in older age, showing a higher prevalence in pediatric age in recent years. A high rate of dermatological infections befalls in patients with Down syndrome, including onychomycosis, due to a decrease in T and B lymphocytes in number and function, resulting in a disarrangement of cellular and humoral immunity. This has led to several investigations on onychomycosis in children with Down syndrome, so the purpose of this review is to show the available evidence.

Recent Findings

The etiological agents of onychomycosis can be dermatophytes, non-dermatophyte molds, and yeasts. Most cases are related with dermatophytes; Trichophyton rubrum being the most common cause. In children with Down syndrome, T. rubrum has been reported as the main cause, followed by T. mentagrophytes. Distal lateral subungual onychomycosis is the most common variety of onychomycosis in children. The importance of identifying the fungus lies in selecting the appropriate treatment, since not all antifungals have the same spectrum of action against molds and Candida. Terbinafine has showed to be safe and effective for the treatment of onychomycosis in patients from special populations, including children with Down syndrome. In patients with Down syndrome, treatment for onychomycosis has not been completely studied; so far, terbinafine has shown the best results.


The clinical presentations of children with Down syndrome and the rest of the general pediatric population are similar. However, there are few studies about onychomycosis in children with Down syndrome. It is necessary to perform new onychomycosis research in this study population, in order to establish recommendations.

A vegetarian diet may have beneficial effects on human health, however when it is not well-balanced may be deficient in some nutrients, as minerals for example. The aim of the present study was to assess the nutritional status of zinc and selenium in vegetarians in the city of São Paulo. A cross-sectional study was performed, and the inclusion criteria were age ≥ 18 years, both gender, no use of food or pharmaceutical supplements. Thirty vegetarian, of both genders, mean age of 27 years and 4,5 years of vegetarianism had performed the study, and their mean BMI was 21,5. Zinc plasma concentration was 71 and 62,5 μg/dL for men and women and erythrocyte concentration was 37 μg/gHb for both genders. Selenium concentration was 73,5 and 77,3 μg/L in plasma and 51,4 and 66,9 μg/L in erythrocytes for men and women, respectively. These biochemical values show that, according to the references, selenium blood levels are adequate and zinc concentration in erythrocytes is deficient in the studied population. For this reason, vegetarians should be constantly assessed and receive nutritional support to reduce the effects of inadequate zinc status.  相似文献   

Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have a high incidence of immunological alterations with increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections and high frequency of different types of hematologic malignancies and autoimmune disorders. In the current study, we profiled the expression pattern of 92 immune-related genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of two different groups, children with DS and control children, to identify differentially expressed genes that might be of pathogenetic importance for the development and phenotype of the immunological alterations observed in individuals with DS. PBMCs samples were obtained from six DS individuals with karyotypically confirmed full trisomy 21 and six healthy control individuals (ages 2–6 years). Gene expression was profiled in duplicate according to the manufacturer''s instructions provided by commercially available TaqMan Human Immune Array representing 92 immune function genes and four reference genes on a 96-plex gene card. A set of 17 differentially expressed genes, not located on chromosome 21 (HSA21), involved in immune and inflammatory pathways was identified including 13 genes (BCL2, CCL3, CCR7, CD19, CD28, CD40, CD40LG, CD80, EDN1, IKBKB, IL6, NOS2 and SKI) significantly down-regulated and four genes (BCL2L1, CCR2, CCR5 and IL10) significantly up-regulated in children with DS. These findings highlight a list of candidate genes for further investigation into the molecular mechanism underlying DS pathology and reinforce the secondary effects of the presence of a third copy of HSA21.  相似文献   

小麦锌营养状况对锌吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不论锌的供给形态是无视态(ZnSO_4),还是螯合态(ZnEDTA 或 Zn—PS),小麦锌吸收率均随供锌浓度的提高而增加。缺锌小麦锌吸收率明显高于对照。供ZnEDTA的小麦锌吸收率低于供ZnSO_4和 Zn—PS的小麦。无机态Zn~(24)在根自由空间内累积多,而 ZnEDTA态锌在根自由空间中累积少,缺锌小麦根分泌的有机物质对前者活化量大于后者、被植物吸收利用的数量也就高于后者。  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS, also known as trisomy 21) most often results from chromosomal nondisjunction during oogenesis. Numerous studies sustain a causal link between global DNA hypomethylation and genetic instability. It has been suggested that DNA hypomethylation might affect the structure and dynamics of chromatin regions that are critical for chromosome stability and segregation, thus favouring chromosomal nondisjunction during meiosis. Maternal global DNA hypomethylation has not yet been analyzed as a potential risk factor for chromosome 21 nondisjunction. This study aimed to asses the risk for DS in association with maternal global DNA methylation and the impact of endogenous and exogenous factors that reportedly influence DNA methylation status. Global DNA methylation was analyzed in peripheral blood lymphocytes by quantifying LINE-1 methylation using the MethyLight method. Levels of global DNA methylation were significantly lower among mothers of children with maternally derived trisomy 21 than among control mothers (P = 0.000). The combination of MTHFR C677T genotype and diet significantly influenced global DNA methylation (R2 = 4.5%, P = 0.046). The lowest values of global DNA methylation were observed in mothers with MTHFR 677 CT+TT genotype and low dietary folate. Although our findings revealed an association between maternal global DNA hypomethylation and trisomy 21 of maternal origin, further progress and final conclusions regarding the role of global DNA methylation and the occurrence of trisomy 21 are facing major challenges.  相似文献   

Studies have evidenced that zinc metabolism is altered in the presence of Down syndrome, and zinc seems to have a relationship with the metabolic alterations usually present in this syndrome. In this work, the effect of zinc supplementation on thyroid hormone metabolism was evaluated in adolescents with Down syndrome. A prospective study was carried out on 16 adolescents with Down syndrome (age: 10–19 years) who were randomized for treatment with 30 mg zinc daily for 4 weeks. Diet evaluation was accomplished y using a 3-day dietary record, and the analysis was performed by the NutWin program, version 1.5. Anthropometric measurements were performed for evaluation of body composition. The Zn-related nutritional status of the groups was evaluated by means of zinc concentration determinations in plasma and erythrocytes using the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy, and the thyroid hormone was obtained by radioimmunoassay. The diet of patients with Down syndrome, before and after the intervention presented reduced energy level and adequate zinc concentrations. Mean plasma zinc values were 59.2?±?13.2 and 71.0?±?21.9 μg/dL before and after the intervention, respectively. Erythrocyte concentrations of the mineral before supplementation, instead, were 51.5 μg/dL?±?11.1 μg Zn/gHb, and at the end of the experiment, they were 42.9?±?8/5 μg Zn/gHb, with a significant statistical difference (p?<?0.05). Serum concentrations of T4 hormone before and after zinc supplementation were 1.26?±?0.20 and 1.54?±?0.63 pg/mL, respectively. Mean T3 values before intervention were 2.47?±?037 pg/mL and, after supplementation, 2.25?±?0.67 pg/mL, without significant statistical difference (p?>?0.05). Intervention with zinc showed to be effective in the stabilization of the concentrations of this mineral in plasma and erythrocytes, but had no influence on the metabolism of thyroid hormones.  相似文献   


Background & Aims

Among children hospitalized for pneumonia, those with parapneumonic effusion (PPE) are at particular risk for nutritional deterioration. This study aimed to 1) investigate the evolution of the nutritional status during hospitalization and at outpatient follow-up; 2) determine clinical risk factors for weight loss during hospitalization; 3) describe the nutritional interventions for these children.


Retrospective chart review (January ‘07 - September ‘12) of 56 children with pneumonia, complicated by PPE in two Belgian hospitals for data on body weight and height at admission (t0) and discharge (t1), and two weeks (t2) and one month (t3) after discharge. Length of hospitalization (LoS), length of stay in paediatric intensive care (LoSPICU) and maximal in-hospital weight loss (tmax) were calculated and nutritional interventions were recorded.


The median (range) age was 3.5 (1.0–14.8) years. Weight or height was lacking in five (8.9%) children at t0 and in 28 (50%) at t1; 21.4% was weighed only once during hospitalization. At tmax, respectively 17/44 and 5/44 children lost ≥5% and ≥10% of their weight. Median (range) LoS and LoSPICU were 18.0 (10–41) and 4.0 (0–23) days. One-fourth received a nutritional intervention. Weight for height at admission (WFH(t0)) significantly predicted maximal weight loss (β (95% CI) = −0.34 (−2.0–−0.1); p = 0.03). At t2 and t3, 13/32 and 5/22 of the children with available follow-up data did not reach WFH(t0), whilst in 4/35 and 5/26 body weight remained ≥5% under the weight(t0).


One-third of children with pneumonia complicated by PPE and monitored for weight and height, lost ≥5% of their body weight during hospitalization. One-fourth did not reach initial WFH one month after discharge. Those with a higher WFH at admission were at higher risk of weight loss. More attention for monitoring of weight loss and the nutritional policy during and after hospitalization is warranted.  相似文献   

This paper reports on nutritional status of 4 to 10 year-old Sekmai children. The Sekmais belong to a section of the Meiteis of Manipur. They are included in the scheduled caste list of the state. The study is based on height and weight of 731 children, 360 boys 371 girls. It aims to throw light on different conventional methods of nutritional assessments based on height and weight and their varied results. The Sekmai children are shorter in height and lighter in body weight from the American (National Center for Health Statistics) and Indian children in all the age groups. According to Waterlow’s classification of height for age, 43.37% of the Sekmai children are malnourished, whereas Gomez’s classification of weight for age shows 68.67% as malnourished of different grades. But if we look at the classification of Vishveshwara Rao and the Indian Academy of Paediatrics classification (IAPC), the Sekmai children’s nutritional status is not disappointing. Rao’s classification of height for age reveals 88.37% as normal while that of IAPC shows 71.70% as normal. Waterlow’s classification of weight for height also depicts 89.74% of the children as normal. H. Jibonkumar is a lecturer at the Presidency College, Motbung, Manipur, India while T. Shyamacharan Singh is an associate professor of Department of Anthropology, Manipur University, Imphal, Canchipur, India.  相似文献   

锌营养状况对小麦根细胞膜透性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦缺锌不仅导致根系K~ 和NO_3~-泌出量增加,而且低分子量有机化合物如氨基酸、糖类化合物和酚类化合物的泌出量也明显提高。重新供锌(ZnSO_4)12h后,根系K~ 、NO_3~-、氨基酸和碳水化合物的泌出量迅速减少,随着时间的延长,泌出量接近对照水平。结果说明锌对根细胞膜结构的稳定性及膜功能的完整性是必不可少的。  相似文献   



The extent that the dual burden of undernutrition and overnutrition affects refugee children before resettlement in the US is not well described.


To describe the prevalence of wasting, stunting, overweight, and obesity among refugee children ages 0–10 years at their overseas medical screening examination prior to resettlement in Washington State (WA), and to compare the nutritional status of refugee children with that of low-income children in WA.


We analyzed anthropometric measurements of 1047 refugee children ages 0–10 years old to assess their nutritional status at the overseas medical screening examination prior to resettlement in WA from July 2012—June 2014. The prevalence estimates of the nutritional status categories were compared by country of origin. In addition, the nutritional status of refugee children age 0–5 years old were compared to that of low-income children in WA from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System.


A total of 982 children were eligible for the study, with the majority (65%) from Somalia, Iraq and Burma. Overall, nearly one-half of all refugee children had at least one form of malnutrition (44.9%). Refugee children ages 0–10 years were affected by wasting (17.3%), stunting (20.1%), overweight (7.6%) and obesity (5.9%). Among children 0–5 years old, refugee children had a significantly higher prevalence of wasting (14.3% versus 1.9%, p<0.001) and stunting (21.3% versus 5.5%, p<0.001), and a lower prevalence of obesity (6.2% versus 12.9%, p<0.001) than low-income children in WA.


The dual burden of under- and over-nutrition among incoming refugee children as well as their overall difference in prevalence of nutritional status categories compared to low-income children in WA provides evidence for the importance of tailored interventions to address the nutritional needs of refugee children.  相似文献   

Down Syndrome     
Andrew Sherrington 《CMAJ》1981,124(7):896-897



Children with Down syndrome, the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability, are prone to multiple and varied health-related problems. This study describes patterns of hospitalisations for children and young people with Down syndrome in Western Australia.


Birth records were linked to the Western Australian population-based Intellectual Disability database to identify all children born with Down syndrome in Western Australia between 1 January, 1983 and 31 December, 1999. These records were linked to the Hospital Morbidity Data System to provide information on all hospitalisations up to 31 December, 2004. Hospitalisation data, coded using ICD-9CM or ICD-10 (v0.5) were grouped into clinically relevant categories using the primary diagnosis. Rates of hospital admission for all and specific diagnoses were expressed in 1000-person-years at-risk and median age at first admission and length of stay were calculated.


Of the 405 children, 395 had one or more hospital admissions, totalling 3786 admissions for all children and an estimated 39.5 person-years in hospital. On average, children were admitted 9.7 times, with an estimated rate of 757.2 admissions per 1000pyr (95% CI: 680, 843). A quarter of all admissions occurred in the first year of life. The average hospital length of stay was 3.8 days (95% CI: 3.7, 4.1). Upper respiratory tract conditions affected the most children (58.5%) and accounted for 12.1% of all admissions. Other disorders which affected a high percentage of children were ear/hearing conditions (50.6%), disorders of the oral cavity (38.0%) and lower respiratory tract conditions (37.5%). Overall, children with Down syndrome were hospitalised at a rate five times (95% CI = 4.3–6.2) that of the general population.


Children with Down syndrome are at increased risk of morbidity for varied causes underlining the importance of comprehensive and targeted primary care for this group.  相似文献   

Cognitive and speech development are delayed in children with Down syndrome (DS). We investigated the effect of dolphin-assisted therapy (DAT), a form of animal-assisted intervention, on the development of speech/language and social behavior in children with DS. We hypothesized that DAT would improve the social and cognitive functions with respect to verbalization and thereby promote task performance. A semi-crossover design was used to study 45 children with DS: 18 received a weekly one-hour session of DAT for 6 weeks (group A), 12 children (group B) started with swimming pool sessions (control period of 6 weeks) and thereafter received DAT, and 17 children (group C) were put on a waiting list (control period of 6 weeks) before receiving DAT. The parameters “verbalization,” “impulsiveness,” “proper understanding of rules,” “recognition of persons,” and “establishing contacts” were measured using the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills for Individuals with Severe Retardation (MESSIER) before and after DAT, as well as before and after each of the control periods. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed no significant changes for any of the variables during the control periods (swimming pool, waiting list). Following the period of DAT there was a significant improvement in “verbalization” and “recognition of persons,” while “impulsiveness” decreased. No significant changes were found for the other parameters. “Verbalization” continued to increase during the follow-up period of 6 months, while “recognition of persons” slightly decreased. The results of this study provide support for our hypothesis. Through improvements in verbalization and the recognition of persons, the execution of tasks among children with DS receiving DAT improved. Additional studies are needed to determine if these positive effects of DAT are long-term.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to examine secular changes in growth and nutritional status of Mozambican children and adolescents between 1992, 1999 and 2012.


3374 subjects (1600 boys, 1774 girls), distributed across the three time points (523 subjects in 1992; 1565 in 1999; and 1286 in 2012), were studied. Height and weight were measured, BMI was computed, and WHO cut-points were used to define nutritional status. ANCOVA models were used to compare height, weight and BMI across study years; chi-square was used to determine differences in the nutritional status prevalence across the years.


Significant differences for boys were found for height and weight (p<0.05) across the three time points, where those from 2012 were the heaviest, but those in 1999 were the tallest, and for BMI the highest value was observed in 2012 (1992<2012, 1999<2012). Among girls, those from 1999 were the tallest (1992<1999, 1999>2012), and those from 2012 had the highest BMI (1999<2012). In general, similar patterns were observed when mean values were analyzed by age. A positive trend was observed for overweight and obesity prevalences, whereas a negative trend emerged for wasting, stunting-wasting (in boys), and normal-weight (in girls); no clear trend was evident for stunting.


Significant positive changes in growth and nutritional status were observed among Mozambican youth from 1992 to 2012, which are associated with economic, social and cultural transitional processes, expressing a dual burden in this population, with reduction in malnourished youth in association with an increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity.  相似文献   

Finger-prints of the parents of thirty four Down children were compared with thirty four couples with two or more normal children without a family history of genetic problems. The parents with children affected by translocation Down Syndrome and those with mosaicism were excluded. A comparison of the figure distributions in each of the fingers of the two groups shows a different distribution. Parents of children affected by Down Syndrome occupy an intermediate position between the parents of normal children and the subjects affected by Down Syndrome. The total sum of values of A (arch), Lu (ulnar loop), Lt (radial loop) and W in each of the groups were also compared using a contingency table. A significant difference (p<0,05) was found between both groups. The differences are imputed to the variables A and L.  相似文献   



Premature aging seriously compromises the health status of Down Syndrome (DS) persons. Since human aging has been associated with a deterioration of the gut microbiota (GM)-host mutualism, here we investigated the composition of GM in DS.


The observational study presented involved 17 adult DS persons. We characterized the GM structure by 454 pyrosequencing of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. DS microbiome was compared with that of age-matched healthy non-trisomic adults enrolled in the same geographic area.

Results and Conclusions

The dominant GM fraction of DS persons showed an overall mutualistic immune-modulatory layout, comparable to that of healthy controls. This makes GM a possible factor counteracting the genetic determined acceleration of immune senescence in DS persons. However, we also found detectable signatures specific for DS among subdominant GM components, such as the increase of Parasporobacterium and Sutterella. In particular, the abundance of this last microorganism significantly correlated with the Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) total score, allowing us to hypothesize a possible role for this microbial genus in behavioral features in DS.  相似文献   

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