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We have cloned the Hansenula polymorpha PEX14 gene by functional complementation of the chemically induced pex14-1 mutant, which lacked normal peroxisomes. The sequence of the PEX14 gene predicts a novel protein product (Pex14p) of 39 kDa which showed no similarity to any known protein and lacked either of the two known peroxisomal targeting signals. Biochemical and electron microscopical analysis indicated that Pex14p is a component of the peroxisomal membrane. The synthesis of Pex14p is induced by peroxisome-inducing growth conditions. In cells of both pex14-1 and a PEX14 disruption mutant, peroxisomal membrane remnants were evident; these contained the H.polymorpha peroxisomal membrane protein Pex3p together with a small amount of the major peroxisomal matrix proteins alcohol oxidase, catalase and dihydroxyacetone synthase, the bulk of which resided in the cytosol. Unexpectedly, overproduction of Pex14p in wild-type H. polymorpha cells resulted in a peroxisome-deficient phenotype typified by the presence of numerous small vesicles which lacked matrix proteins; these were localized in the cytosol. Apparently, the stoichiometry of Pex14p relative to one or more other components of the peroxisome biogenesis machinery appears to be critical for protein import.  相似文献   

Import of matrix proteins into peroxisomes requires two targeting signal-specific import receptors, Pex5p and Pex7p, and their binding partners at the peroxisomal membrane, Pex13p and Pex14p. Several constructs of human PEX5 have been overexpressed and purified by affinity chromatography in order to determine functionally important interactions and provide initial structural information. Sizing chromatography and electron microscopy suggest that the two isoforms of the human PTS1 receptor, PEX5L and PEX5S, form homotetramers. Surface plasmon resonance analysis indicates that PEX5 binds to the N-terminal fragment of PEX14-(1-78) with a very high affinity in the low nanomolar range. Stable complexes between recombinant PEX14-(1-78) and both the full-length and truncated versions of PEX5 were formed in vitro. Analysis of these complexes revealed that PEX5 possesses multiple binding sites for PEX14, which appear to be distributed throughout its N-terminal half. Coincidentally, this part of the molecule is also responsible for oligomerization, whereas the C-terminal half with its seven tetratricopeptide repeats has been reported to bind PTS1-proteins. A pentapeptide motif that is reiterated seven times in PEX5 is proposed as a determinant for the interaction with PEX14.  相似文献   

Peroxisomal matrix protein import requires PEX12, an integral peroxisomal membrane protein with a zinc ring domain at its carboxy terminus. Mutations in human PEX12 result in Zellweger syndrome, a lethal neurological disorder, and implicate the zinc ring domain in PEX12 function. Using two-hybrid studies, blot overlay assays, and coimmunoprecipitation experiments, we observed that the zinc-binding domain of PEX12 binds both PEX5, the PTS1 receptor, and PEX10, another integral peroxisomal membrane protein required for peroxisomal matrix protein import. Furthermore, we identified a patient with a missense mutation in the PEX12 zinc-binding domain, S320F, and observed that this mutation reduces the binding of PEX12 to PEX5 and PEX10. Overexpression of either PEX5 or PEX10 can suppress this PEX12 mutation, providing genetic evidence that these interactions are biologically relevant. PEX5 is a predominantly cytoplasmic protein and previous PEX5-binding proteins have been implicated in docking PEX5 to the peroxisome surface. However, we find that loss of PEX12 or PEX10 does not reduce the association of PEX5 with peroxisomes, demonstrating that these peroxins are not required for receptor docking. These and other results lead us to propose that PEX12 and PEX10 play direct roles in peroxisomal matrix protein import downstream of the receptor docking event.  相似文献   

Plant peroxisomal proteins catalyze key metabolic reactions. Several peroxisome biogenesis PEROXIN (PEX) genes encode proteins acting in the import of targeted proteins necessary for these processes into the peroxisomal matrix. Most peroxisomal matrix proteins bear characterized Peroxisomal Targeting Signals (PTS1 or PTS2), which are bound by the receptors PEX5 or PEX7, respectively, for import into peroxisomes. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of an Arabidopsis peroxin mutant, pex7-1, which displays peroxisome-defective phenotypes including reduced PTS2 protein import. We also demonstrate that the pex5-1 PTS1 receptor mutant, which contains a lesion in a domain conserved among PEX7-binding proteins from various organisms, is defective not in PTS1 protein import, but rather in PTS2 protein import. Combining these mutations in a pex7-1 pex5-1 double mutant abolishes detectable PTS2 protein import and yields seedlings that are entirely sucrose-dependent for establishment, suggesting a severe block in peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation. Adult pex7-1 pex5-1 plants have reduced stature and bear abnormally shaped seeds, few of which are viable. The pex7-1 pex5-1 seedlings that germinate have dramatically fewer lateral roots and often display fused cotyledons, phenotypes associated with reduced auxin response. Thus PTS2-directed peroxisomal import is necessary for normal embryonic development, seedling establishment, and vegetative growth.  相似文献   

PEX19 is a chaperone and import receptor for newly synthesized, class I peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs). PEX19 binds these PMPs in the cytoplasm and delivers them to the peroxisome for subsequent insertion into the peroxisome membrane, indicating that there may be a PEX19 docking factor in the peroxisome membrane. Here we show that PEX3 is required for PEX19 to dock at peroxisomes, interacts specifically with the docking domain of PEX19, and is required for recruitment of the PEX19 docking domain to peroxisomes. PEX3 is also sufficient to dock PEX19 at heterologous organelles and binds PEX19 via a conserved motif that is essential for this docking activity and for PEX3 function in general. Not surprisingly, transient inhibition of PEX3 abrogates class I PMP import but has no effect on class II PMP import or peroxisomal matrix protein import. Taken together, these results suggest that PEX3 plays a selective, essential, and direct role in PMP import as a docking factor for PEX19.  相似文献   

The receptor for alpha 2-macroglobulin-proteinase complexes (alpha 2MR) was purified recently, and its binding of ligand was shown to depend on calcium ions (Moestrup, S. K., and Gliemann, J. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 15574-15577). This paper shows that the 440-kDa human placental alpha 2MR is a cysteine-rich glycoprotein with high affinity calcium binding sites important for receptor conformation; and the relationship between Ca2+ concentration and receptor function is presented. Autoradiography showed 45Ca2+ binding to the 440-kDa alpha 2MR blotted onto nitrocellulose from a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel. alpha 2MR immobilized on nitrocellulose in the absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate bound 45Ca2+ in the presence of 5 mM Mg2+, and 2-3 microM unlabeled Ca2+ was required to displace half of the bound 45Ca2+. The calcium concentration dependence showed upward concave Scatchard plots, and the number of binding sites was estimated to be approximately eight/alpha 2MR molecule. Binding of calcium did not change in the pH range 6.5-8.0 but decreased at lower pH values. Addition of Ca2+ to the medium was necessary for receptor binding of the alpha 2-macroglobulin-trypsin complex, and half of the maximal binding capacity was obtained with about 16 micrograms Ca2+ at pH 7.8. The requirement for calcium was increased at lower pH values, and half of the maximal 125I-alpha 2M-trypsin binding was obtained with about 30-40 microM Ca2+ at pH 7.0. Monoclonal antibodies were produced against alpha 2MR, and one of them distinguished between the Ca2(+)-occupied and nonoccupied forms. Like Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ elicited ligand binding affinity and competed for binding with 45Ca2+ in the order Ca2+ greater than Sr2+ greater than Ba2+. In conclusion, calcium ions bind specifically to alpha 2MR with high affinity, and it is likely that several sites on the alpha 2MR molecule have to be occupied to elicit the conformation recognizing the ligand.  相似文献   

Peroxisomal biogenesis depends on the correct import of matrix proteins into the lumen of the organelle. Most peroxisomal matrix proteins harbor the peroxisomal targeting-type 1 (PTS1), which is recognized by the soluble PTS1-receptor Pex5p in the cytosol. Pex5p ferries the PTS1-proteins to the peroxisomal membrane and releases them into the lumen. Finally, the PTS1-receptor is monoubiquitinated on the conserved cysteine 6 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The monoubiquitinated Pex5p is recognized by the peroxisomal export machinery and is retrotranslocated into the cytosol for further rounds of protein import. However, the functional relevance of deubiquitination has not yet been addressed.In this study, we have analyzed a Pex5p-truncation lacking Cys6 [(Δ6)Pex5p], a construct with a ubiquitin-moiety genetically fused to the truncation [Ub-(Δ6)Pex5p], as well as a construct with a reduced susceptibility to deubiquitination [Ub(G75/76A)-(Δ6)Pex5p]. While the (Δ6)Pex5p-truncation is not functional, the Ub-(Δ6)Pex5p chimeric protein can facilitate matrix protein import. In contrast, the Ub(G75/76A)-(Δ6)Pex5p chimera exhibits a complete PTS1-import defect. The data show for the first time that not only ubiquitination but also deubiquitination rates are tightly regulated and that efficient deubiquitination of Pex5p is essential for peroxisomal biogenesis.  相似文献   

Pex14p is a peroxisomal membrane-associated protein involved in docking of both Pex5p and Pex7p to the peroxisomal membrane. Previous studies have shown that, in humans, the N-terminal region of Pex14p interacts with WxxxF/Y motifs in Pex5p. Here, we report that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pex14p contains two independent Pex5p binding sites, one in the N- and one in the C-terminus. Using deletion analysis we show that, in vivo, both of these interactions are needed for PTS1 import. Furthermore, we show that the characterized WxxxF/Y motifs of Pex5p are not essential for binding to the N-terminus of Pex14p but do play a role in the interaction with the Pex14 C-terminus. Thus, the data suggest that the mechanism of the Pex14p-Pex5p interaction in yeast is different from that previously reported for humans.  相似文献   

The group B streptococcus (GBS) is the most important cause of life-threatening bacterial infections in newborn infants. Protective immunity to GBS infection is elicited by several surface proteins, one of which, the beta protein, is known to bind human IgA-Fc. Here, we show that the beta protein also binds human factor H (FH), a negative regulator of complement activation. Absorption experiments with whole human plasma demonstrated binding of FH to a GBS strain expressing beta protein but not to an isogenic beta-negative mutant. This binding was due to a direct interaction between beta and FH, as shown by experiments with purified proteins. Inhibition tests and studies with beta fragments demonstrated that FH and IgA-Fc bind to separate and nonoverlapping regions in beta. Heparin, a known ligand for FH, specifically inhibited the binding between beta and FH, suggesting that FH has overlapping binding sites for beta and heparin. Bacteria-bound FH retained its complement regulatory activity, implying that beta-expressing GBS may use bound FH to evade complement attack. The finding that beta protein binds FH adds to a growing list of interactions between human pathogens and complement regulatory proteins, supporting the notion that these interactions are of general importance in bacterial pathogenesis.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(5):1825-1838
A chloroplast import receptor from pea, previously identified by antiidiotypic antibodies was purified and its primary structure deduced from its cDNA sequence. The protein is a 36-kD integral membrane protein (p36) with eight potential transmembrane segments. Fab prepared from monospecific anti-p36 IgG inhibits the import of the ribulose-1,5- bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit precursor (pS) by interfering with pS binding at the chloroplast surface. Anti-p36 IgGs are able to immunoprecipitate a Triton X-100 soluble p36-pS complex, suggesting a direct interaction between p36 and pS. This immunoprecipitation was specific as it was abolished by a pS synthetic transit peptide, consistent with the transit sequence receptor function of p36. Immunoelectron microscopy localized p36 to regions of the outer chloroplast membrane that are in close contact with the inner chloroplast membrane. Comparison of the deduced sequence of pea p36 to that of other known proteins indicates a striking homology to a protein from spinach chloroplasts that was previously suggested to be the triose phosphate-3-phosphoglycerate-phosphate translocator (phosphate translocator) (Flugge, U. I., K. Fischer, A. Gross, W. Sebald, F. Lottspeich, and C. Eckerskorn. 1989. EMBO (Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.) J. 8:39-46). However, incubation of Triton X-100 solubilized chloroplast envelope material with hydroxylapatite indicated that p36 was quantitatively absorbed, whereas previous reports have shown that phosphate translocator activity does not bind to hydroxylapatite (Flugge, U. I., and H. W. Heldt. 1981. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 638:296- 304. These data, in addition to the topology and import inhibition data presented in this report support the assignment of p36 as a receptor for chloroplast protein import, and argue against the assignment of the spinach homologue of this protein as the chloroplast phosphate translocator.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor. Structural basis for high affinity ligand binding   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Treatment of the soluble insulin receptor from human placenta with 1.25 mM dithiothreitol and 75 mM Tris at pH 8.5 results in complete reduction of interhalf disulfide bonds (class 1 disulfides) and dissociation of the tetrameric receptor into the dimeric alpha beta form. The alpha beta receptor halves exhibit a reduced affinity for insulin binding (B?ni-Schnetzler, M., Rubin, J. B., and Pilch, P. F. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 15281-15287). Kinetic experiments reveal that reduction of class 1 disulfides is a faster process than the loss of affinity for ligand, indicating that events subsequent to reduction of interhalf disulfides are responsible for the affinity change. We show that a third class of alpha subunit intrachain disulfides is more susceptible to reduction at pH 7.6 than at pH 8.5 and appears to form part of the ligand binding domain. Reduction of the intrachain disulfide bonds in this part of the alpha subunit leads to a loss of insulin binding. Modification of this putative binding domain by dithiothreitol can be minimized if reduction is carried out at pH 8.5. When the insulin receptor in placental membranes is reduced at pH 8.5, the receptor's affinity for insulin is not changed when binding is measured in the membrane. However, the Kd for insulin binding is reduced 10-fold when alpha beta receptor halves are subsequently solubilized. Scatchard analysis of insulin binding to reduced or intact receptors in the membrane and in soluble form together with sucrose density gradient analysis of soluble receptors suggests that alpha beta receptor halves remain associated in the membrane after reduction, but they are dissociated upon solubilization. We interpret these results to mean that the association of two ligand binding domains, 2 alpha beta receptor halves, is required for the formation of an insulin receptor with high affinity for ligand.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the antireceptor antibody alpha IR-3 inhibits binding of 125I-somatomedin-C/insulin-like growth factor I (Sm-C/IGF-I) to the 130-kDa alpha subunit of the type I receptor in human placental membranes, but does not block 125I-insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) binding to a similar 130-kDa complex in these membranes. To determine whether the 130-kDa 125I-IGF-II binding complex represents a homologous receptor or whether 125I-IGF-II binds to the type I receptor at a site that is not blocked by alpha IR-3, type I receptors were purified by affinity chromatography on Sepharose linked alpha IR-3. The purified receptors bound both 125I-Sm-C/IGF-I and 125I-IGF-II avidly (KD = 2.0 X 10(-10) M and 3.0 X 10(-10) M, respectively). The maximal inhibition of 125I-Sm-C/IGF-I binding by the antibody, however, was 62% while only 15% of 125I-IGF-II binding was inhibited by alpha IR-3. In the presence of 500 nM alpha IR-3, Sm-C/IGF-I bound with lower affinity (KD = 6.5 X 10(-10) M) than IGF-II (KD = 4.5 X 10(-10) M) and IGF-II was the more potent inhibitor of 125I-Sm-C/IGF-I binding. These findings suggest that the type I receptor contains two different binding sites. The site designated IA has highest affinity for Sm-C/IGF-I and is blocked by alpha IR-3. Site IB has higher affinity for IGF-II than for Sm-C/IGF-I and is not blocked by alpha IR-3.  相似文献   

Newly synthesized peroxisomal matrix proteins are targeted to the organelle by PEX5. PEX5 has a dual role in this process. First, it acts as a soluble receptor recognizing these proteins in the cytosol. Subsequently, at the peroxisomal docking/translocation machinery, PEX5 promotes their translocation across the organelle membrane. Despite significant advances made in recent years, several aspects of this pathway remain unclear. Two important ones regard the formation and disruption of the PEX5-cargo protein interaction in the cytosol and at the docking/translocation machinery, respectively. Here, we provide data on the interaction of PEX5 with catalase, a homotetrameric enzyme in its native state. We found that PEX5 interacts with monomeric catalase yielding a stable protein complex; no such complex was detected with tetrameric catalase. Binding of PEX5 to monomeric catalase potently inhibits its tetramerization, a property that depends on domains present in both the N- and C-terminal halves of PEX5. Interestingly, the PEX5-catalase interaction is disrupted by the N-terminal domain of PEX14, a component of the docking/translocation machinery. One or two of the seven PEX14-binding diaromatic motifs present in the N-terminal half of PEX5 are probably involved in this phenomenon. These results suggest the following: 1) catalase domain(s) involved in the interaction with PEX5 are no longer accessible upon tetramerization of the enzyme; 2) the catalase-binding interface in PEX5 is not restricted to its C-terminal peroxisomal targeting sequence type 1-binding domain and also involves PEX5 N-terminal domain(s); and 3) PEX14 participates in the cargo protein release step.  相似文献   

We have identified high and low affinity insulin-like growth factor I (IGF I)-binding sites with mean dissociation constants of 0.37 and 6.25 nM, respectively, in solubilized placental membranes. We have separated these sites and purified the high affinity IGF I receptor 1,300-fold, with an overall yield of 9.9%, using wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose chromatography, insulin affinity chromatography, and IGF I affinity chromatography. The Scatchard plot of IGF I binding to the high affinity receptor is linear, suggesting the purification of a single homogeneous class of binding sites. Insulin is two orders of magnitude less effective than IGF I in competitively inhibiting IGF I binding to this receptor. The high affinity IGF I receptor is composed of alpha and beta subunits with apparent molecular weights of 135,500 and 96,200, respectively. IGF I at concentrations of greater than or equal to 50 ng/ml stimulates autophosphorylation of the beta subunit of the purified high affinity receptor 4.6-fold. Low affinity IGF I-binding sites run through the IGF I affinity column or are eluted from the insulin affinity column. The separation of IGF I receptors with different binding affinities by sequential affinity chromatography will make it possible to examine directly the determinants of receptor affinity.  相似文献   

Aminopyrazoles with high affinity for the human neuropeptide Y5 receptor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1,3-Disubstituted-5-aminopyrazoles were prepared based on a lead compound found through high-throughput screening of our corporate compound library in an assay measuring affinity for the human neuropeptide Y5 receptor. The target compounds were prepared by cyclization of alpha-cyanoketones with appropriate hydrazines, followed by reduction and coupling to various sulfonamido-carboxylic acids. Several of these arylpyrazoles (e.g., 19 and 45) displayed high affinity for the human NPY Y5 receptor (<20nM IC(50)s).  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, beta-oxidation of fatty acids is compartmentalised in peroxisomes. Most yeast peroxisomal matrix proteins contain a type 1C-terminal peroxisomal targeting signal (PTS1) consisting of the tripeptide SKL or a conservative variant thereof. PTS1-terminated proteins are imported by Pex5p, which interacts with the targeting signal via a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain. Yeast cells devoid of Pex5p are unable to import PTS1-containing proteins and cannot degrade fatty acids. Here, the PEX5-TPR domains from human, tobacco, and nematode were inserted into a TPR-less yeast Pex5p construct to generate Pex5p chimaeras. These hybrid proteins were examined for functional complementation of the pex5delta mutant phenotype. Expression of the Pex5p chimaeras in pex5delta mutant cells restored peroxisomal import of PTS1-terminated proteins. Chimaera expression also re-established degradation of oleic acid, allowing growth on this fatty acid as a sole carbon source. We conclude that, in the context of Pex5p chimaeras, the human, tobacco, and nematode Pex5p-TPR domains are functionally interchangeable with the native domain for the peroxisomal import of yeast proteins terminating with canonical PTS1s. Non-conserved yeast PTS1s, such as HRL and HKL, did not interact with the tobacco PEX5-TPR domain in the two-hybrid system. HRL occurs at the C-terminus of the peroxisomal protein Eci1p, which is required for growth on unsaturated fatty acids. Although mutant pex5delta cells expressing a yeast/tobacco Pex5p chimaera failed to import a GFP-Eci1p reporter protein, they were able to grow on oleic acid. We reason that this is due to a cryptic PTS in native Eci1p that can function in a redundant system with the C-terminal HRL.  相似文献   

Pex14p is a central component of the peroxisomal matrix protein import machinery. In the recently determined crystal structure, a characteristic face consisting of conserved residues was found on a side of the conserved N-terminal domain of the protein. The face is highly hydrophobic, and is also the binding site for the WXXXF/Y motif of Pex5p. We report herein the dimerization of the domain in the isolated state. The homo-dimers are in equilibrium with the monomers. The homo-dimers are completely dissociated into monomers by complex formation with the WXXXF/Y motif peptide of Pex5p. A putative dimer model shows the interaction between the conserved face and the PXXP motif of another protomer. The model allows us to discuss the mechanism of the oligomeric transition of the full-length Pex14p modulated by the binding of other peroxins.  相似文献   

Pex5p, which is the import receptor for peroxisomal matrix proteins harboring a type I signal sequence (PTS1), is mono- and polyubiquitinated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We identified Pex5p as a molecular target for Pex4p-dependent monoubiquitination and demonstrated that either poly- or monoubiquitination of the receptor is required for the ATP-dependent release of the protein from the peroxisomal membrane to the cytosol as part of the receptor cycle. Therefore, the energy requirement of the peroxisomal import pathway has to be extended by a second ATP-dependent step, namely receptor monoubiquitination.  相似文献   

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