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Systemic lupus erythematosus is considered a prototype of systemic autoimmune diseases; however, despite considerable advances in recent years in the understanding of basic mechanisms in immunology, little progress has been made in elucidating the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease. This even holds for inbred mice, such as the lupus-prone New Zealand Black/New Zealand White F(1) mice, which are all genetically programmed to develop lupus at a predetermined age. This frustrating state of affairs calls for a fundamental change in our scientific thinking and the opening of new directions in lupus research. In this study, we suggest that intrinsic B cell tolerance mechanisms are not grossly impaired in lupus-prone mice, but that an unusually strong positive selection event recruits a small number of autoreactive B cells to the germinal centers. This event could be facilitated by nucleic acid-protein complexes that are created by somatic changes in the susceptible animal.  相似文献   

It is well established that autoreactive B cells undergo negative selection. This stands in paradox with the high frequency of so-called natural autoreactive B cells producing low affinity polyreactive autoantibodies with recurrent specificities, suggesting that these B cells are selected on the basis of their autoreactivity. We previously described two transgenic mouse lines (with and without IgD) producing a human natural autoantibody (nAAb) that binds ssDNA and human Fcgamma. In the absence of human IgG, nAAb-transgenic B cells develop normally. By crossing these mice with animals expressing knockin chimeric IgG with the human Fcgamma, we now show that the constitutive expression of chimeric IgG promotes the increase of nAAb-expressing B cells. This positive selection is critically dependent on the presence of IgD, occurs in the spleen, and concerns all mature B cell subsets, with a relative preferential enrichment of marginal zone B cells. These data support the view that soluble self-Ags can result in positive clonal selection.  相似文献   



While the pathogenesis and epidemiology of tuberculosis are well studied, relatively little is known about the evolution of the infectious agent Mycobacterium tuberculosis, especially at the within-host level. The insertion sequence IS6110 is a genetic marker that is widely used to track the transmission of tuberculosis between individuals. This and other markers may also facilitate our understanding of the disease within patients.


This article presents three lines of evidence supporting the action of positive selection on M. tuberculosis within patients. The arguments are based on a comparison between empirical findings from molecular epidemiology, and population genetic models of evolution. Under the hypothesis of neutrality of genotypes, 1) the mutation rate of the marker IS6110 is unusually high, 2) the time it takes for substitutions to occur within patients is too short, and 3) the amount of polymorphism within patients is too low.


Empirical observations are explained by the action of positive selection during infection, or alternatively by very low effective population sizes. I discuss the possible roles of antibiotic treatment, the host immune system and extrapulmonary dissemination in creating opportunities for positive selection.

Notch governing mature T cell differentiation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The differentiation of naive T cells to effector/memory T cells is regulated by a variety of factors. The recent advance of the contribution of Notch signaling in this differentiation step has provided a new path to better understand the acquisition or persistence of effector function of mature T cells. In this review, we summarize emerging and, in some points, conflicting evidence for Notch signaling on mature T cell activation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Membrane origin for a signal eliciting a program of cell differentiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence is presented to indicate that the retiNOic acid (RA)-induced program of myeloid differentiation and growth arrest by HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells was initiated by a signal originating at the cell membrane. Free RA and RA covalently immobilized on a solid substrate elicited similar kinetics of differentiation and G1/0-specific growth arrest. No evidence of cell-induced RA detachment from the solid substrate was found. The data explain why HL-60 cells which are deficient in cellular RA-binding protein (CRABP) nevertheless respond to RA.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate (PtdIns5P) is emerging as a potential lipid messenger involved in several cell types, from plants to mammals. Expression of IpgD, a PtdIns(4, 5)P2 4-phosphatase induces Src kinase and Akt, but not ERK activation and enhances interleukin II promoter activity in T-cells. Expression of a new PtdIns5P interacting domain blocks IpgD-induced T-cell activation and selective signaling molecules downstream of TCR triggering. Altogether, these data suggest that PtdIns5P may play a sensor function in setting the threshold of T-cell activation and contributing to maintain T-cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

The alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) family of enzymes catalyzes the reversible oxidation of alcohol to acetaldehyde. Seven ADH genes exist in a segment of ~370 kb on 4q21. Products of the three class I ADH genes that share 95% sequence identity are believed to play the major role in the first step of ethanol metabolism. Because the common belief that selection has operated at the ADH1B*47His allele in East Asian populations lacks direct biological or statistical evidence, we used genomic data to test the hypothesis. Data consisted of 54 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the ADH clusters in a global sampling of 42 populations. Both the F(st) statistic and the long-range haplotype (LRH) test provided positive evidence of selection in several East Asian populations. The ADH1B Arg47His functional polymorphism has the highest F(st) of the 54 SNPs in the ADH cluster, and it is significantly above the mean F(st) of 382 presumably neutral sites tested on the same 42 population samples. The LRH test that uses cores including that site and extending on both sides also gives significant evidence of positive selection in some East Asian populations for a specific haplotype carrying the ADH1B*47His allele. Interestingly, this haplotype is present at a high frequency in only some East Asian populations, whereas the specific allele also exists in other East Asian populations and in the Near East and Europe but does not show evidence of selection with use of the LRH test. Although the ADH1B*47His allele conveys a well-confirmed protection against alcoholism, that modern phenotypic manifestation does not easily translate into a positive selective force, and the nature of that selective force, in the past and/or currently, remains speculative.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have been identified as key sensors of invading microbes by identifying pathogen-associated molecular patterns and activating innate immune responses. Whereas purifying selection has been suggested in mammalian TLR9, evolutionary features of TLR9 in teleosts have not been investigated in detail. We therefore analysed TLR9 DNA sequences of eight teleost species, including zebrafish (Danio rerio), Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes), and five seabreams. Eleven sites subjected to positive selection were identified using the codon-substitution models of PAML 3.15. Ten of these 11 sites were found to be associated with leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). Seven of these 10 positively selected sites were associated with the convex surface of the LRR solenoids, leading to variations of the structures of the LRRs possibly by the introduction of flexibility into the LRR solenoids. The positive selection of LRRs in TLR9 may indicate the adaptation of teleosts to different oligodeoxynucleotides present in different bacterial species.  相似文献   

Reproducible models for examining early stages of human B cell differentiation are poorly developed. We now describe the establishment and characterization of a novel human leukemic cell line that recapitulates the pre-B to B cell stage of differentiation. This cell line, designated BLIN-1, was initially established in tissue culture medium containing low m.w. B cell growth factor, and consistently shows a dependency on this cytokine for optimal growth at low density. BLIN-1 cells have a 9p chromosomal abnormality, identical to the abnormality present in the leukemic blasts from the patient's original bone marrow aspirate. The immunologic phenotype of BLIN-1 is consistent with a cell arrested at the pre-B cell stage of development. Analysis of Ig gene rearrangement and Ig expression in a series of BLIN-1 subclones show that the cells spontaneously rearrange kappa light chain genes, leading to the differentiation of surface kappa-negative pre-B cells into surface kappa-positive B cells. The BLIN-1 cell line is, to our knowledge, the first defined human model for examining this critical developmental stage in human B cell ontogeny. As such, it offers a unique resource for examining variables influencing onset of kappa L chain gene rearrangement and expression.  相似文献   

Isoeugenol-O-methyltransferase (IEMT) is an enzyme involved in the production of the floral volatile compounds methyl eugenol and methyl isoeugenol in Clarkia breweri (Onagraceae). IEMT likely evolved by gene duplication from caffeic acid-O-methyltransferase followed by amino acid divergence, leading to the acquisition of its novel function. To investigate the selective context under which IEMT evolved, maximum likelihood methods that estimate variable d(N)/d(S) ratios among lineages, among sites, and among a combination of both lineages and sites were utilized. Statistically significant support was obtained for a hypothesis of positive selection driving the evolution of IEMT since its origin. Subsequent Bayesian analyses identified several sites in IEMT that have experienced positive selection. Most of these positions are in the active site of IEMT and have been shown by site-directed mutagenesis to have large effects on substrate specificity. Although the selective agent is unknown, the adaptive evolution of this gene may have resulted in increased effectiveness of pollinator attraction or herbivore repellence.  相似文献   

Positive and negative signals from self-Ags shape the B cell repertoire and the development of distinct B cell subsets, but little is known about what distinguishes these signals. To address this question, we have studied the development of anti-hen egg lysozyme MD4 Ig transgene B cells while systematically varying the level, distribution, and timing of exposure to different forms of hen egg lysozyme as a self-Ag. This process has allowed us to explore the effects of Ag independent of BCR specificity. Our findings show how the selection of autoreactive B cells is a competitive process involving immunogenic and tolerogenic forms of self-Ags. Due to a developmental switch during B cell ontogeny, autoreactive anti-hen egg lysozyme MD4 Ig transgene B cells are negatively selected by self-Ags in adult bone marrow but susceptible to positive selection by some of the same self-Ags in fetal and neonatal life. However, the persistence of B1 cells and IgM autoantibodies from early ontogeny enables autoreactive B cells from the adult bone marrow to escape negative selection. Our data suggest that this rescue may be due to the clearance or masking of self-Ag by IgM autoantibody. We discuss the implications of these findings in terms of B cell selection and the maintenance of self-tolerance during early and adult life.  相似文献   

Inherited deficiency of early components of the classical complement pathway is strongly associated with the targeting of intracellular self Ags in systemic lupus erythematosus, but the reasons for this association are debated. In this study, we show that C1q deficiency increases the positive selection of B1b B cells and IgM autoantibodies by an intracellular self Ag, which is exposed on dying cells, and decreases the negative selection of autoreactive conventional B cells by the same Ag. These effects are specific to intracellular Ag because C1q deficiency does not affect negative selection by extracellular self Ag or increase the positive selection of naive B cells. The B1-derived IgM autoantibody binds to the intracellular Ag when it is expressed on dying cells, leading to fixation of C1q and clearance of cells by phagocytosis. These findings suggest that the positive selection of autoreactive B1 cells by self Ags may contribute to the IgM and C1q-dependent clearance of dying cells in a feedback loop that limits exposure of conventional B cells to immunogenic self Ags. We show that exposure of intracellular Ag leads to the activation of conventional B cells, when there is a source of T cell help in vivo.  相似文献   

Two missense polymorphisms (E272K and L374F) of the AIM1 locus,encoding a melanocyte differentiation antigen, were shown tohave a clear association with human ethnicities. These two nonpathogenicsingle nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may be associated withhuman pigmentation variation. In this study, we investigatedsequence variation in the coding region and exon-flanking sequenceand found low genetic variation only in subjects of Europeandescent. All four statistical tests applied to the 7.55-kb regionsurrounding the L374F polymorphism detected statistically significantdeviations from selective neutrality in Europeans. In addition,haplotype analysis revealed that one haplotype carrying 374Fwas overrepresented in this population, and the low rate ofvariation, with some features of selective sweeps, was shownto be statistically significant. These results suggest thatpositive selection recently has been acting or has acted onat least this region of the melanogenic gene and that an advantageoushaplotype spread rapidly in Europe.  相似文献   

Yu L  Jin W  Zhang X  Wang D  Zheng JS  Yang G  Xu SX  Cho S  Zhang YP 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26579
The leptin gene has received intensive attention and scientific investigation for its importance in energy homeostasis and reproductive regulation in mammals. Furthermore, study of the leptin gene is of crucial importance for public health, particularly for its role in obesity, as well as for other numerous physiological roles that it plays in mammals. In the present work, we report the identification of novel leptin genes in 4 species of Cetacea, and a comparison with 55 publicly available leptin sequences from mammalian genome assemblies and previous studies. Our study provides evidence for positive selection in the suborder Odontoceti (toothed whales) of the Cetacea and the family Phocidae (earless seals) of the Pinnipedia. We also detected positive selection in several leptin gene residues in these two lineages. To test whether leptin and its receptor evolved in a coordinated manner, we analyzed 24 leptin receptor gene (LPR) sequences from available mammalian genome assemblies and other published data. Unlike the case of leptin, our analyses did not find evidence of positive selection for LPR across the Cetacea and Pinnipedia lineages. In line with this, positively selected sites identified in the leptin genes of these two lineages were located outside of leptin receptor binding sites, which at least partially explains why co-evolution of leptin and its receptor was not observed in the present study. Our study provides interesting insights into current understanding of the evolution of mammalian leptin genes in response to selective pressures from life in an aquatic environment, and leads to a hypothesis that new tissue specificity or novel physiologic functions of leptin genes may have arisen in both odontocetes and phocids. Additional data from other species encompassing varying life histories and functional tests of the adaptive role of the amino acid changes identified in this study will help determine the factors that promote the adaptive evolution of the leptin genes in marine mammals.  相似文献   

Proteins present in the seminal fluid of Drosophila melanogaster (accessory gland proteins Acps) contribute to female postmating behavioral changes, sperm storage, sperm competition, and immunity. Consequently, male-female coevolution and host-pathogen interactions are thought to underlie the rapid, adaptive evolution that characterizes several Acp-encoding genes. We propose that seminal fluid proteases are likely targets of selection due to their demonstrated or potential roles in between-sex interactions and immune processes. We use within- and between-species sequence data for 5 predicted protease-encoding Acp loci to test this hypothesis. Our polymorphism-based analyses find evidence for positive selection at 2 genes, both of which encode predicted serine protease homologs. One of these genes, CG6069, also shows evidence for consistent selection on a subset of codons over a deeper evolutionary time scale. The second gene, CG9997, was previously shown to be essential for normal sperm usage, suggesting that sexual selection may underlie its history of adaptation.  相似文献   

Autoreactive B cells arise routinely as part of the naive B cell repertoire. The immune system employs several mechanisms in an attempt to silence these autoreactive cells before they achieve immunocompetence. The BCR plays a central role in B cell development, activation, survival, and apoptosis, and thus is a critical component of the regulation of both protective and autoreactive B cells. The strength of signal mediated by the BCR is determined by numerous factors, both B cell intrinsic and B cell extrinsic. Perturbations in the molecules that regulate the BCR signal strength or that activate pathways that engage in cross talk with the BCR-mediated signaling pathways can lead to the aberrant survival and activation of autoreactive B cells. In this review, we will discuss the some newly identified genetic loci and factors that modulate the BCR signal transduction pathway and, therefore, the regulation of autoreactive B cells. We will also provide evidence for a model of autoreactivity in which a reduction in the strength of the BCR signal allows the survival and the modulation of a naive B cell repertoire replete with autoreactivity.  相似文献   

When small B lymphocytes bind antigen in the context of suitable signals, a profound geno-proteomic metamorphosis is activated that generates antibody-secreting cells. To study the metabolic changes associated with this differentiation program, we compared the exometabolome of differentiating murine B lymphoma cells and primary B cells by monodimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry coupled to liquid chromatography. Principal component analysis, a multivariate statistical analysis, highlighted metabolic hallmarks of the sequential differentiation phases discriminating between the proliferation and antibody secreting phases and revealing novel metabolic pathways. During proliferation, lactate production increased together with consumption of essential amino acids; massive Ig secretion was paralleled by alanine and glutamate production, glutamine being used as carbon and energy sources. Notably, ethanol and 5'-methylthioadenosine were produced during the last phase of protein secretion and the proliferative burst, respectively. Our metabolomics results are in agreement with previous genoproteomics studies. Thus, metabolic profiling of extracellular medium is a useful tool to characterize the functional state of differentiating B cells and to identify novel underlying metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

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