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The eel and human pathogen Vibrio vulnificus serovar E (biotype 2) is seldom isolated from natural waters, although it can survive in sterilized artificial seawater microcosms for years. The main objective of the present study was to investigate whether aquatic microbiota can limit its survival and recovery from water samples. A set of preliminary experiments of survival in microcosms containing natural seawater and water from eel farms showed that the persistence of this pathogen was mainly controlled by grazing, and secondarily by bacterial competition. The bacterial competition was further analysed in artificial seawater microcosms co-inoculated with selected virulent serovar E (VSE) strains and potential competitors. Competitors included V. vulnificus biotype 1 isolates and strains of selected species that can grow on the selective media designed for V. vulnificus isolation from water samples. Evidences of bacterial competition that was detrimental for VSE recovery were recorded. Thus, some species produced a deleterious effect on VSE strains under starvation, and others were able to use the resources more efficiently under nutrient input. These results suggest that an overgrowth of more efficient competitor bacteria in conventional media used for isolation of V. vulnificus could mask the recovery of VSE strains and explain the scarcity of reports on the isolation of this human and eel pathogen from natural waters.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 (serovar E) is a primary eel pathogen. In this study, we performed long-term survival experiments to investigate whether the aquatic ecosystem can be a reservoir for this bacterium. We have used microcosms containing water of different salinities (ranging from 0.3 to 3.8%) maintained at three temperatures (12, 25, and 30 degrees C). Temperature and salinity significantly affected long-term survival: (i) the optimal salinity for survival was 1.5%; (ii) lower salinities reduced survival, although they were nonlethal; and (ii) the optimal temperature for survival was dependent on the salinity (25 degrees C for microcosms at 0.3 and 0.5% and 12 degrees C for microcosms at 1.5 to 3.8%). In the absence of salts, culturability dropped to zero in a few days, without evidence of cellular lysis. Under optimal conditions of salinity and temperature, the bacterium was able to survive in the free-living form for at least 3 years. The presence of a capsule on the bacterial cell seemed to confer an advantage, since the long-term survival rate of opaque variants was significantly higher than that of translucent ones. Long-term-starved cells maintained their infectivity for eels (as determined by both intraperitoneal and immersion challenges) and mice. Examination under the microscope showed that (i) the capsule was maintained, (ii) the cell size decreased, (iii) the rod shape changed to coccuslike along the time of starvation, and (iv) membrane vesicles and extracellular material were occasionally produced. In conclusion, V. vulnificus biotype 2 follows a survival strategy similar to that of biotype 1 of this species in response to starvation conditions in water. Moreover, the aquatic ecosystem is one of its reservoirs.  相似文献   

The existence of strains of Vibrio vulnificus serovar E that are avirulent for eels is reported in this work. These isolates were recovered from water and oysters and differed from eel virulent strains in (i) fermentation and utilization of mannitol, (ii) ribotyping after HindIII digestion, and (iii) susceptibility to eel serum. Lipopolysaccharide of these strains lacked the highest molecular weight immunoreactive bands, which are probably involved in serum resistance.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 serovar E (VSE) is a bacterial pathogen that produces a haemorrhagic septicaemia called vibriosis in eels. Its ability to grow in blood is conferred by a recently described virulence plasmid [Lee CT, Amaro C, Wu KM, Valiente E, Chang YF, Tsai SF, et al. A common virulence plasmid in biotype 2 Vibrio vulnificus and its dissemination aided by a conjugal plasmid. Journal of Bacteriology, submitted for publication.]. In this study, we analyzed the role of this plasmid together with the role played by the metalloprotease (Vvp) in the interaction between bacteria and eel innate immunity. To this end, we compared and statistically analyzed the differences in resistance to serum and mucus factors (complement, selected antimicrobial peptides, transferrin and lysozyme) and also to phagocytosis/opsonophagocytosis between one VSE strain and its derivatives: a plasmid-cured strain and a vvp-deficient mutant. The wild-type and the metalloprotease-deficient strains were resistant to both the bactericidal action of fresh serum and the phagocytosis and opsonophagocytosis by eel phagocytes, confirming that Vvp is not involved in resistance to eel innate immunity. In contrast, the cured strain was sensitive to both the bactericidal action of eel serum activated by the alternative pathway and phagocytosis/opsonophagocytosis. Since no plasmid-encoded ORF, with homology to known genes, is related to the resistance to innate immunity [Lee CT, Amaro C, Wu KM, Valiente E, Chang YF, Tsai SF, et al. A common virulence plasmid in biotype 2 Vibrio vulnificus and its dissemination aided by a conjugal plasmid. Journal of Bacteriology, submitted for publication.], this function could be codified by one or more new genes. Further studies are underway to characterize the plasmid-encoded system responsible for V. vulnificus resistance to the innate immune system of eels.  相似文献   

At present, no reports exist on the isolation of the eel pathogen Vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 from water samples. Nevertheless, it has recently been demonstrated that this biotype can use water as a route of infection. In the present study, the survival of this pathogen in artificial seawater (ASW) microcosms at different temperatures (25 and 5 degrees C) was investigated during a 50-day period, with biotype 1 as a control, V. vulnificus biotype 2 was able to survive in the culturable state in ASW at 25 degrees C in the free-living form, at least for 50 days, entering into the nonculturable state when exposed to low temperature. In this state, this microorganism survived with reduced rates of activity, showing marked changes in size and morphology. The rate at which cells became nonculturable was dependent on their physiological age. The capsule seems not to be necessary for the survival of biotype 2 in aquatic environments as a free-living organism. Culturability remained the highest on modified salt water yeast extract agar, which is closer in salt and nutrient composition to ASW than heart infusion agar. Biotype 2 cells recovered culturability on solid media after an increase of incubation temperature from 5 to 25 degrees C. Culturable cells of this bacterium maintained infectivity for either eel or mice, while dormant cells seemed to lose their virulence. The former finding suggests that the aquatic environment is a reservoir and vehicle of transmission of this pathogen.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is a zoonotic pathogen able to cause diseases in humans and fish that occasionally result in sepsis and death. Most reviews about this pathogen (including those related to its ecology) are clearly biased towards its role as a human pathogen, emphasizing its relationship with oysters as its main reservoir, the role of the known virulence factors as well as the clinic and the epidemiology of the human disease. This review tries to give to the reader a wider vision of the biology of this pathogen covering aspects related to its phylogeny and evolution and filling the gaps in our understanding of the general strategies that V. vulnificus uses to survive outside and inside its two main hosts, the human and the eel, and how its response to specific environmental parameters determines its survival, its death, or the triggering of an infectious process.  相似文献   

In the present work we develop a multiplex PCR assay for the detection and identification of the fish pathogen Vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 with discriminating potential for zoonotic strains (serovar E). The PCR assay allowed the identification of two new biotype 2 serovar E human isolates from culture collections. Finally, the multiplex was successfully applied to both diagnosis and carrier detection in field samples.  相似文献   

The viable but non-culturable state in the human pathogen Vibrio vulnificus   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract Genes encoding paniculate methane monooxygenase and ammonia monooxygenase share high sequence identity. Degenerate oligonucleotide primers were designed, based on regions of shared amino acid sequence between the 27-kDa polypeptides, which are believed to contain the active sites, of particulate methane monooxygenase and ammonia monooxygenase. A 525-bp internal DNA fragment of the genes encoding these polypeptides ( pmoA and amoA ) from a variety of methanotrophic and nitrifying bacteria was amplified by PCR, cloned and sequenced. Representatives of each of the phylogenetic groups of both methanotrophs (α- and γ-Proteobacteria) and ammonia-oxidizing nitrifying bacteria (β-and y-Proteobacteria) were included. Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequences of these genes revealed strong conservation of both primary and secondary structure. Nitrosococcus oceanus AmoA showed higher identity to PmoA sequences from other members of the γ-Proteobacteria than to AmoA sequences. These results suggest that the particulate methane monooxygenase and ammonia monooxygenase are evolutionarily related enzymes despite their different physiological roles in these bacteria.  相似文献   

Field testing of a vaccine against eel diseases caused by Vibrio vulnificus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The field results of a vaccination programme against Vibrio vulnificus serovar E (biotype 2) in a Spanish eel farm are reported. A total of 9.5 million glass eels were vaccinated from January 1998 to March 2000 by prolonged immersion followed by 2 subsequent reimmunisations after 12 to 14 and 24 to 28 d, respectively. The acquired protection and the immune response against serovar E were estimated over a period of 6 mo after vaccination. A similar vaccination schedule was conducted with elvers in a Danish eel farm. In this case, the acquired protection and the immune response against serovar E and the new eel-pathogenic serovars, recently described in Denmark, were evaluated over a short term. The overall results show that the vaccine against V. vulnificus serovar E induces a satisfactory protective immunity during the main growth period of eels (around 6 mo) with a relative percentage survival of 62 to 86% and protects them against the new eel-pathogenic serovars. Vaccination of eels by immersion seems to be the best strategy to prevent diseases caused by V. vulnificus.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus was isolated in 1996 from 2 disease outbreaks on a Danish eel farm which used brackish water. A characteristic clinical sign was extensive, deep muscle necrosis in the head region. V. vulnificus was isolated from kidney, mucus, spleen, gill and intestine of diseased eels. Thirty-two isolates were examined phenotypically and serologically for pathogenicity to eels and for correlation to ribotype and plasmid profile. Biochemically, the isolates showed properties similar to those described previously for eel-pathogenic strains of V. vulnificus, with the exception of indole production. Virulence was evaluated by LD50 (the 50% lethal dose), which ranged from < 9.4 x 10(3) to 2.3 x 10(5) CFU (colony-forming units) per fish. The isolates which were lethal for eels showed identical ribotypes and serotypes. A relationship between certain plasmids and virulence was not found. A serotyping system based on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-associated O antigen type and on carbohydrate capsule antigens showed that the eel-virulent isolates shared a common LPS-based homogeneous O serogroup and a capsule antigen. V. vulnificus serovar O4 and capsule type 9 was identical serologically to the Japanese isolate ATCC 33149 and was the agent responsible for the disease outbreaks that occurred on the Danish eel farm. Despite absence of antibiotic resistance, treatment had little effect and disease reoccurred.  相似文献   

The eel pathogen Vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 comprises at least three serovars, with serovar E being the only one involved in both epizootics of eel vibriosis and sporadic cases of human infections. The virulent strains of this serovar (VSE) have only been recovered from clinical (mainly eel tissue) sources. The main objective of this work was to design and validate a new protocol for VSE-specific isolation from environmental samples. The key element of the new protocol is the broth used for the first step (saline eel serum broth [SEB]), which contains eel serum as a nutritive and selective component. This approach takes advantage of the ability of VSE cells to grow in eel serum and thus to separate themselves from the pool of competitors. The growth yield in SEB after 8 h of incubation was 1,000 times higher for VSE strains than for their putative competitors (including biotype 1 strains of the species). The selective and differential agar Vibrio vulnificus medium (VVM) was selected from five selective media for the second step because it gave the highest plating efficiency not only for the VSE group but also for other V. vulnificus groups, including biotype 3. The entire protocol was validated by field studies, with alkaline peptone water plus VVM as a control. V. vulnificus was isolated by both protocols, but serovar E was only recovered by the new method described here. All selected serovar E isolates were identified as VSE since they were virulent for both eels and iron-overloaded mice and resisted the bactericidal action of eel and iron-overloaded human sera. In conclusion, this new protocol is a suitable method for the isolation of VSE strains from environmental samples and is recommended for epidemiological studies of the pathogenic serovar E.  相似文献   

The virulence for eels of Vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 serovar E (VSE) is conferred by a plasmid that codifies ability to survive in eel serum and cause septicaemia. To find out whether the plasmid and the selected chromosomal gene vvp plays a role in the initial steps of infection, the VSE strain CECT4999, the cured strain CT218 and the Vvp-deficient mutant CT201 (obtained in this work by allelic exchange) were used in colonization and virulence experiments. The eel avirulent biotype 1 (BT1) strain YJ016, whose genome has been sequenced, was used for comparative purposes. The global results demonstrate that the plasmid does not play a significant role in surface colonization because (i) CECT4999 and CT218 were equally chemoattracted towards and adherent to eel mucus and gills, and (ii) CT218 persisted in gills from bath-infected eels 2 weeks post infection. In contrast, mutation in vvp gene reduced significantly chemoattraction and attachment to eel mucus and gills, as well as virulence degree by immersion challenge. Co-infection experiments by bath with CECT4999 and CT201 confirmed that Vvp was involved in eel colonization and persistence in gills, because CECT4999 was recovered at higher numbers compared with CT201 from both internal organs of moribund fish (ratio 4:1) and gills from survivors (ratio 50:1). Interestingly, YJ016 also showed chemoattraction and attachment to mucus, and complementation of CT201 with BT1- vvp gene restored both activities together with virulence degree by immersion challenge. Additional experiments with algae mucus and purified mucin gave similar results. In conclusion, the protease Vvp of V. vulnificus seems to play an essential role in colonization of mucosal surfaces present in aquatic environments. Among the V. vulnificus strains colonizing fish mucus, only those harbouring the plasmid could survive in blood and cause septicaemia.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus serovar E (formerly biotype 2) is the etiologic agent that is responsible for the main infectious disease affecting farmed eels. Although the pathogen can theoretically use water as a vehicle for disease transmission, it has not been isolated from tank water during epizootics to date. In this work, the mode of transmission of the disease to healthy eels, the portals of entry of the pathogen into fish, and their putative reservoirs have been investigated by means of laboratory and field experiments. Results of the experiments of direct and indirect host-to-host transmission, patch contact challenges, and oral-anal intubations suggest that water is the prime vehicle for disease transmission and that gills are the main portals of entry into the eel body. The pathogen mixed with food can also come into the fish through the gastrointestinal tract and develop the disease. These conclusions were supported by field data obtained during a natural outbreak in which we were able to isolate this microorganism from tank water for the first time. The examination of some survivors from experimental infections by indirect immunofluorescence and scanning electron microscopy showed that V. vulnificus serovar E formed a biofilm-like structure on the eel skin surface. In vitro assays demonstrated that the ability of the pathogen to colonize both hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces was inhibited by glucose. The capacity to form biofilms on eel surface could constitute a strategy for surviving between epizootics or outbreaks, and coated survivors could act as reservoirs for the disease.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is a marine bacterium associated with human and fish (mainly farmed eels) diseases globally known as vibriosis. The ability to infect and overcome eel innate immunity relies on a virulence plasmid (pVvbt2) specific for biotype 2 (Bt2) strains. In the present study, we demonstrated that pVvbt2 encodes a host‐specific iron acquisition system that depends on an outer membrane receptor for eel transferrin called Vep20. The inactivation of vep20 did not affect either bacterial growth in human plasma or virulence for mice, while bacterial growth in eel blood/plasma was abolished and virulence for eels was significantly impaired. Furthermore, vep20 is an iron‐regulated gene overexpressed in eel blood during artificially induced vibriosis both in vitro and in vivo. Interestingly, homologues to vep20 were identified in the transferable plasmids of two fish pathogen species of broad‐host range, Vibrio harveyi (pVh1) and Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae (pPHDD1). These data suggest that Vep20 belongs to a new family of plasmid‐encoded fish‐specific transferrin receptors, and the acquisition of these plasmids through horizontal gene transfer is likely positively selected in the fish‐farming environment. Moreover, we propose Ftbp (fish transferrin binding proteins) as a formal name for this family of proteins.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of Vibrio vulnificus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This review describes the factors which are currently recognized as being central to the virulence of the human pathogen, Vibrio vulnificus. This estuarine/marine bacterium occurs in high numbers in molluscan shellfish, primarily oysters, and its ingestion in raw oysters results in a ca. 60% mortality in those persons who are susceptible to this bacterium. The organism is also able to produce life-threatening wound infections. We describe here the nature of both the wound and primary septicemia infections, the virulence factors known or believed to be involved in these infections, possible immunotherapy, and some thoughts on the possibility that not all strains of this pathogen are virulent.  相似文献   

Vibriosis due to Vibrio vulnificus serovar E (biotype 2) is one of the main causes of mortality in European eels cultured in Europe. The main objective of this study was to develop a vaccine and a vaccination procedure against this pathogen. With this aim, we tested several vaccine formulations (inactivated whole-cells with and without toxoids--inactivated extracellular products--from capsulated and uncapsulated strains, attenuated live vaccines and purified lipopolysaccharide [LPS]) on eels maintained under controlled laboratory conditions using different delivery routes (injection and immersion). To study the immune response we estimated antibody titers and bactericidal/bacteriostatic activity in mucus and serum. To evaluate protection, we calculated the relative percent survival (RPS) after intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection and bath challenge of the pathogen. The overall results indicate that: (1) capsular antigens seem to be essential for protective immunization; (2) vaccines confer the highest protection when administered by i.p. injection; (3) booster is needed to achieve good protection by immersion; (4) enriching the vaccine with toxoids enhances protection to optimal levels (RPS values around 70 to 100%, depending on the delivery route); and (5) the protective effect in serum and mucus depends on the route of administration and seems to be related to the production of specific antibodies.  相似文献   

The applications of an indirect fluorescent antibody technique (IFAT), developed to detect and enumerate the pathogenic bacterium Vibrio vulnificus serovar E from water and clinical samples, are described. This technique proved accurate for detecting V. vulnificus, even under starvation conditions and in the non-culturable state, and could differentiate this species from other bacteria which share the same habitats. The IFAT was successfully used to diagnose vibriosis from naturally- and artificially-infected eels. The overall data suggest that applying this technique properly in environmental and epidemiological/epizootiological studies could significantly increase our knowledge of this bacterium.  相似文献   

从创伤弧菌(Vibrio vulnificus)中提取菌体脂多糖(lipopolysaccaride,LPS)和外膜蛋白(outer membrane protein,OMP)并制备福尔马林灭活全菌苗(FKC),腹腔注射接种黄姑鱼。分别在注射第0、7、14、21和28天后测定了受免鱼血清中凝集抗体效价、血清溶菌酶活性和血液白细胞吞噬活性,以及免疫28d后的相对免疫保护率。结果表明,3种抗原对黄姑鱼均有较强的免疫原性。免疫后,免疫组血清凝集抗体效价逐渐增高,第28天时最高;溶菌酶活性(LMZ)、白细胞吞噬活性(PP)和吞噬指数(PI)显著升高(P<0.01),第21天达到峰值,随后逐渐下降。各组之间比较表明,受免后7、14、21和28d,免疫组黄姑鱼凝集抗体效价、PP、PI和LMZ显著高于对照组(P<0.05),LPS和OMP组凝集抗体效价低于FKC组,LPS和OMP组的相对免疫保护率高于FKC组,各组间免疫保护率大小顺序为LPS组>OMP组>FKC组>对照组。  相似文献   

Water and sediment samples from Charlotte Harbor, Florida were examined for the autochthonous human pathogen, Vibrio vulnificus, for 1 year (March 1997–February 1998). Within the estuary, mean water column levels of V. vulnificus ranged between 58 CFU/100 ml and 1.21×103 CFU/100 ml while sediment levels were up to 2 orders of magnitude greater.Vibrio vulnificus was detected throughout the year in Charlotte Harbor. The highest concentrations (5.14×103 CFU/100 ml) of the year were found at warm temperatures and moderate salinities in September. The lowest mean concentration occurred in March at 26 CFU/100 ml. Although concentrations of Vibrio vulnificus were positively correlated with temperature, salinity was a more important factor influencing variability of this organism. In Charlotte Harbor, an optimal salinity of 15 psu (practical salinity units) was found for recovery of high concentrations of the pathogen. There were significant positive and negative correlations above and below 15 psu, respectively. Results from this study suggest that unlike temperate estuaries, in regions of moderate year round temperatures, such as the tropics or subtropics, salinity strongly controls the geographical and seasonal distribution of V. vulnificus between sediment and water column.  相似文献   

Genomic islands (GIs) are large chromosomal regions present in a subset of bacterial strains that increase the fitness of the organism under specific conditions. We compared the complete genome sequences of two Vibrio vulnificus strains YJ016 and CMCP6 and identified 14 regions (ranging in size from 14 to 117 kb), which had the characteristics of GIs. Bioinformatic analysis of these 14 GI regions identified the presence of phage-like integrase genes, aberrant GC content and genome signature (dinucleotide frequency) within each GI compared with the core genome indicating that these regions were acquired from an anomalous source. We examined the distribution of the nine GIs from strain YJ016 among 27 V. vulnificus isolates and found that most GIs were absent from the majority of these isolates. The chromosomal insertion sites of three GIs were adjacent to tRNA sites, which contained novel horizontally acquired DNA in all six available sequenced Vibrionaceae genomes. Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

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