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从白三叶草(Trifolium repens L.)的叶中分离得一株真菌,鉴定为烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus),采用大米固体培养基发酵,其乙酸乙酯提取物具有抑制白菜种子发芽的能力,并从其中分离得4个生物碱化合物,通过波谱及理化性质鉴定为:pyripyropene A(1)、verruculogen (2)、fumigaclavine C(3)、fumiquinazoline J (4),其中化合物1~3采用钙流模型测定其生物活性,结果显示无活性.  相似文献   

三叶草夜蛾Scotogramma trifolii Rottemberg是一种多食性的害虫,其在农田生态系统中的种群动态及交配情况尚不清楚。本试验在库尔勒地区连续3年(2013-2015年4-9月)利用智能虫情测报灯监测了三叶草夜蛾的种群动态,并在实验室解剖雌蛾体内精包,评估野外雌蛾的交配情况。研究表明不同年际间相同月份其种群数量变化趋势相同,即每年的4月中下旬、6月中下旬和7月下旬均会出现三叶草夜蛾的种群高峰期;而相同年际内不同月份三叶草夜蛾的种群数量存在变异。解剖数据表明了三叶草夜蛾交配频率平均达到2.7次/头以上,同一年份内和不同年际间均存在一定比例的未成功交配雌蛾,其成功交配比例在55.56%~97.37%,2013年和2015年的成功交配比率较低,低于60%,而2014年的成功交配率却高于80%。通过本研究初步明确了野外三叶草夜蛾交配特征和种群动态,为绿洲农田三叶草夜蛾的综合防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

利用聚集度指标检验和比较频次法对白三叶草Trifolium repens生长期间西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis的空间分布型变化进行研究,结果如下:聚集度指标检验分析表明西花蓟马在白三叶草上的空间分布为聚集分布;利用频次拟合分析表明白三叶草上大部分生长期内其分布型为负二项分布,其聚集程度与虫口密度有关系,其空间分布不会因为一些人为干扰而改变。  相似文献   

重庆市武隆县和彭水县交界处白颊黑叶猴种群初步调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1998年4月至2001年12月,对重庆市武隆县和彭水县交界处的白颊黑叶猴种群进行了4次调查。结果表明,该交界处有4个黑叶猴家族群栖息,其中数量最多的1群曾达到17-18只个体,最少的1群为5只左右,目前调查统计到的个体总数量约40-45只。以常绿阔叶树为主的“斑块状”天然阔叶林地是黑叶猴栖息地生境的主要特征。影响武隆县和彭水县黑叶猴种群数量和分布区缩减的主要原因是:人类频繁活动、栖息地破碎化和生境条件的变化,很大可能还有生殖隔离的影响。  相似文献   

黄东林  蒋芳敏  徐波  陈军 《昆虫知识》2007,44(4):527-530
利用室内饲喂法,以高羊茅分别为对照,研究狗牙根(Cynodon dacyton)、白三叶草(Trifolium repens)对淡剑纹灰翅夜蛾Spodoptera depravata(Butler)存活、生长发育及繁殖的影响。结果表明,用狗牙根、白三叶草饲喂淡剑纹灰翅夜蛾的化蛹率、幼虫成蛾率均显著低于对照组。幼虫历期显著长于对照组。用狗牙根、白三叶草饲喂幼虫时,淡剑纹灰翅夜蛾的蛹期、产卵前期、产卵期、产卵量、♀成虫寿命与对照组均无显著差异,但幼虫龄期明显增加。狗牙根、白三叶草饲喂的淡剑纹灰翅夜蛾种群增长参数与对照组相比存在明显差异:(1)世代净生殖率(R0);(2)内禀增长率(rm);(3)周限增长率(λ);(4)种群数量趋势指数(I)明显降低;世代平均周期(T)和种群加倍时间(DT)明显延长。由此可见,狗牙根和白三叶草并不是淡剑纹灰翅夜蛾喜好的寄主植物。  相似文献   

小麦双基因型混合种群的稳态效应研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在作物生产中,不但要高产,稳产更为重要,因为大多数作物种植者处在易变多样的环境中。生产实践证明,在易变多样的生态系统中,靠单一基因型作物种群来达到既高产又稳产的目的是很困难的。根据生物多样性稳态学原理可知,若将同种作物的两个或两个以上纯系品种或品系按一定的比例组成混合种群,肯定能够提高作物群体产量的稳产性。有关作物双基因型混合种群的稳产效应研究,国内外已有许多研究报道,但大多为抗病稳产方面的研究,有关其它逆境方面的稳产效应研究报道较少。1989~1993年我们利用耐盐性不同的小麦品种,在山东省鲁北地区的盐碱土地上…  相似文献   

麦蚜复合种群发生期预报的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
麦蚜是曲阜地区小麦穗期的主要害虫,种类有麦长管蚜Macrosiphumavenae(Fabricius)、麦一叉蚜Schizaphumgraminum(Rondani)、禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphumpadi(L、)等,其发生或早晚不同年份间差异很大.为了及时准确作出预报,指导防治,笔者依据本站1982~1994年系统观测资料,对麦蚜复合种群发生期预报进行了研究,现将结果报告如下。1资料整理1.互选取预报因子据13年系统观测资料,以麦蚜发生期(蚜量始达500头/百株的日期)为预报对象(y),为研究方便,令4月25日为儿将历年发生朝代换成自然数值,然后用单因子相关法选定相关性…  相似文献   

小麦玉米不同幅宽套作对种群生态关系和作物产量的影响李萍萍陈欣(南京农业大学农学系,210014)InfluenceofDiferentBedWidthontheInterspecificRelationshipandYieldinRelayCropp...  相似文献   

国内鱼粉来源紧缺,其他配合饲料价格上涨,限制了鱼用配合饲料工业和优质鱼养殖业的发展。一些研究者对开发鱼饲料蛋白源作了许多有益的探索。三叶草(Trifolium sp.)是一种豆科车轴属草属的多年生牧草,在我国分布广泛。仅湖北省鄂西地区就有天然和人工草场近30万亩,每年可提供6万多吨三叶草干粉。三叶草不仅来源广泛,而且营养丰富,价格低廉。据测定含粗蛋白  相似文献   

刈割频次对白三叶能量分配及构型的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
4~ 10月 ,在亚热带高山人工草地 ,通过生长季割 2、4和 7次的刈割试验后发现 ,不同刈割频次对翌年白三叶能量分配、构件密度、分枝数量及分枝角度影响显著 .随刈割频次的增加 ,白三叶匍匐茎的能量分配递增 ,分别为 42 .8%、44 .9%、47.7% ,而单位长度茎所含能量递减 ,分别为 13 .0、12 .2和 11.1kJ·m-1;叶密度、茎密度、分枝数量及节间长度出现低→高→低的变化趋势 .提高刈割频次后 ,白三叶的分枝强度由 15分枝·m-1递增到 2 3 .7分枝·m-1;分枝角度由 49.5°递增到 60 .2° ,从而提高了白三叶种群在刈割干扰下对土壤微生境资源的利用率  相似文献   

Trifolium repens L. and Trifolium nigrescens Viv. are two of the approximately six cyanogenic species known in the genus Trifolium. The two species are closely related: T. nigrescens is considered to be one of the diploid ancestors of the amphidiploid T. repens . We studied morphology, meiosis and the cyanogenic system in T. repens (amphidiploid), T. nigrescens (diploid) and their reciprocal hybrids. A comparison of the enzyme linamarase in the species and hybrids shows that there is a general resemblance between their linamarases. Immunological studies indicate that the linamarases must have a somewhat different three-dimensional structure. These facts are consistent with the view that T. nigrescens (or an ancestral form of this species) has donated the Li gene of T. repens . The other putative parent, T. occidentale has probably not donated an active Li gene. The hypothesis of the origin of the Li gene does not explain its polymorphism in European populations of T. repens , as T. nigrescens is monomorphic for cyanogenesis and amphidiploids do not segregate for genes which are homozygous dominant in one of the parents. Segregation for Li could be caused by a gene mutation or a small exchange between homeologous chromosomes. The latter event is more probable. A nigrescens-repens exchange would give rise to a chromosomal region with reduced homology to both parental chromosomes. The genes in the region of exchange will be tightly linked due to diminished cross-over frequency. It has been known for years that Li has effects on the vegetative and reproductive characters in T. repens and we have recently shown that these effects must be the result of genes linked to Li . As the associated characters influence the fitness of the cyanotypes, not only the origin but also the maintenance of the cyanogenic polymorphism is closely related to the evolutionary history of T. repens .  相似文献   

铜对三叶草-土壤酶系统的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过盆栽实验研究了重金属Cu污染对植物(三叶草)-土壤酶(脲酶、蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶)系统的影响.结果表明,随着Cu浓度增加,脲酶、蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性均逐渐减小,与Cu浓度有高度相关性,蔗糖酶>多酚氧化酶>脲酶>过氧化氢酶.在处理浓度不变情况下,酶活性随时间而变化,且呈现低Cu浓度(<00 mg·kg-1)时4种酶活性均有所上升,而Cu浓度增高(00~3 000 mg·kg-1)时各酶活性逐渐下降的趋势.统计分析表明,在每一梯度浓度上,4种酶在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组内均存在显著差异性(P<0.01),与植物受重金属Cu污染时的生长情况一致.随着Cu浓度增加,土壤pH值逐渐下降,而电导率上升;同一Cu浓度下的pH值和电导率均随时间呈缓慢上升趋势,统计分析显示,二者在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组内均存在显著差异性(P<0.01).土壤pH值和电导率与4种土壤酶活性有高度相关性,多酚氧化酶>蔗糖酶>过氧化氢酶>脲酶.这4种酶同时可作为检测土壤环境质量的指标.  相似文献   

 A genetic analysis was carried out on progeny families from pair crosses among plants polymorphic for shikimate dehydrogenase (SDH) isozymes in white clover (Trifolium repens L.). SDH was controlled by two independently assorting disomic loci. This result is consistent with the presence of a single gene (Sdh) represented in this putative allotetraploid by one locus in each of the genomes. One of the Sdh loci is linked (6.0±2.0 cM) to the linamarase (Li) locus. There was no evidence for differentiation of the duplicate Sdh loci (both carry common alleles). White clover behaves genetically as a diploidised allotetraploid but the possibility of a low frequency of multivalent formation and homoeologous pairing has not been ruled out. The SDH locus is likely to be useful for the marker-assisted selection of agronomic traits. Received: 5 June 1997 / Accepted: 19 November 1997  相似文献   

Plants exhibit a great variety of types of clonal growth. Moderate variation in clonal traits often exists even within species. The consequences of these variations for species interaction are of great interests to ecologists. In this paper, I address the small-leaved (phalanx) to large-leaved (guerrilla) variation in white clover ( Trifolium repens ), and discuss its consequences for species and genotype coexistence. I also address the clonal and sexual resource allocation variants within the large-leaved type. Small-leaved and large-leaved genotypes differ in various aspects of clonal growth. The large-leaved genotype displays greater phenotypic plasticity but is less physiologically integrated than the small-leaved genotype. We examined the consequences in a grazed sward, where white clover and zoysia grass coexist. In this sward, white clover is patchily distributed. We first tested the hypothesis that the large-leaved genotype is more advantageous in growth than the small-leaved genotype. Results from both common garden and competition experiments supported the hypothesis. Second, we tested the hypothesis that within large-leaved plants, the clonal subtype (which invests more resources to stolons but less in flower heads than the sexual one) is more advantageous than the sexual one because it is more competitive. This hypothesis was rejected. Both subtypes coexisted in the sward. This is probably because the sexual subtype is superior for interpatch migration than the clonal one. Both subtypes differ in advantages they offer for between-patch and within-patch processes, which promotes their coexistence. Finally, field monitoring of the behavior of a large-leaved clone is described. This monitoring was conducted in a moderately grazed sward, where microenvironmental heterogeneity is extremely high in time and space.  相似文献   

白车轴草和紫花苜蓿根瘤的显微及超微结构   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对白车轴草(Trifolium repens Linn.)和紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa Linn.)根瘤的显微及超微结构进行观察,发现其根瘤显微结构都由4部分组成,由外向内依次为:保护层、皮层、鞘细胞层和中心组织(侵染组织)。在中心组织的侵染细胞中,分布有大量的线粒体、高尔基体、核糖体及内质网,白车轴草根瘤侵染细胞中的细菌圆形或椭圆形,有明显的周膜、细菌细胞壁和质膜,在细菌发育过程中,周膜活动旺盛,有时相邻细菌的周膜发生融合,在周膜附近常分布有大量的内质网、高尔基体以及高尔基体小泡,似与周膜融合有关。紫花苜蓿细菌椭圆形、长棒形,甚至有的细菌呈分枝状。二者细菌细胞质中分布着大量的核糖体和纤维状的核物质。在白车轴草中还有染色很深的多聚磷酸盐颗粒。  相似文献   

In comparison with ordinary methods of colorimetric evaluation of cyanogenic potential based on visual evaluation of the alkaline picrate reaction, a spectrophotometer-aided method could be more accurate (since it determines the exact amount of hydrogen cyanide released by the plant material), and less time-consuming as it can be performed on bulk material rather than on a number of individual plants. Ten white clover populations were evaluated by a spectrophotometer-aided method and by two visual evaluation criteria. All methods indicated the presence of large variation between populations. Visual methods gave almost identical results and allowed only for the distinction between cyanogenic and substantially acyanogenic populations. The results were only moderately consistent with those obtained by the spectrophotometer-aided method, which could detect the presence of variation also between cyanogenic populations. The effects of various incubation times (from 4 to 48 h) and of the addition of β-glucosidase on hydrogen cyanide release were also investigated. Comparable results for ranking of populations could be obtained over a range of incubation times, but at least 24 h were needed for a reliable estimation of the hydrogen cyanide produced by plants. The addition of enzyme did not increase the released cyanide. The effect of season and/or conditions of evaluation was marked on mean cyanogenic potential but limited on ranking of populations. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

温度胁迫对白车轴草水浸提液化感作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用蚕豆根尖细胞微核试验和染色体畸变试验,研究了温度胁迫下白车轴草水浸提液对蚕豆根尖细胞的化感作用。结果表明:不同温度(5℃、25℃和35℃)处理后的白车轴草的水浸提液对蚕豆根尖细胞有丝分裂指数的影响为低浓度促进,高浓度抑制。在白车轴草水浸提液的作用下,蚕豆根尖细胞内出现了多种染色体畸变,如微核、染色体断片、染色体桥、落后染色体等,对微核率和染色体畸变率的诱导效应表现为随水浸提液浓度的增大而增大。温度胁迫后的化感作用明显大于胁迫前,其化感效应表现为低温(5℃)下白车轴草水浸提液高温(35℃)常温(25℃)白车轴草水浸提液。推测原因可能是温度胁迫改变和增加了化感物质的释放。  相似文献   

气候因子和非气候因子对白三叶草叶片生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用裂区试验设计,研究了刈割频率(强度)和品种对永久性混播草地组分白三叶草叶片生长的影响,并通过回归分析探讨了气候因子与白三叶草叶片生长的相关性。刈割对叶片出生率和每个葡萄茎现存叶片数的处理效应具季节依赖性特性,在夏季生长期,高频率刈割 处理。三叶草品种对叶片出生率和每葡萄茎观存叶片数均无显著的处理效应,但刈割与品种对秋初生长期叶片的出生率有显著的互作效应,对秋季生长期每葡萄茎现存叶片数有微弱  相似文献   

The influence of vesicular–arbuscular mycorrhizal (M) colonization on biomass production and photosynthesis of Trifolium repens L. was investigated in two experiments in which the foliar nitrogen and phosphorus contents of non-mycorrhizal (NM) plants were manipulated to be no lower than that of M plants. Throughout both experiments there was a stimulation in the rate of CO2 assimilation of the youngest, fully expanded leaf of M compared with NM plants. In addition, M plants exhibited a higher specific leaf area compared with NM plants, a response that maximized the area available for CO2 assimilation per unit of carbon (C) invested. Despite the increased rate of photosynthesis in M plants there was no evidence that the additional C gained was converted to biomass production of M plants. It is suggested that this additional C gained by colonized plants was allocated to the mycorrhizal fungus and that it is the fungus, by acting as a sink for assimilates, that facilitated the stimulation in the rate of photosynthesis of the plant partner.  相似文献   

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