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The encystment of Scrippsiella lachrymosa cells (strain B-10), which can be induced reliably in encystment medium, was inhibited by stirring the culture. 100 mL cultures in glass beakers were stirred at 1 rotation s−1. Stirring inhibited vegetative cells from congregating (swarming) at the walls of the culture container. When stirring was stopped, a rapid induction of sexual reproduction was seen. As soon as stirring stopped (within 2 min), cells were observed swarming near the edges of the glass beaker. Four days after cessation of stirring, large percentages of the cells were mating and, after 7 days, most were zygotes. Cultures were observed after 31, 38, and, 45 days of stirring. When cultures were stirred for 45 days, cysts developed in the stirred treatments, but these cysts were attached to flocculent material that had also formed in the medium. The use of this laboratory method is advantageous for the study of the mating through cyst stages of the dinoflagellate life history. This method may also demonstrate the need for a ‘surface’ as a place for the dinoflagellate to congregate in order to successfully encyst and may help explain environmental observations of encystment at pycnoclines.  相似文献   

The life cycle events of an unarmored dinoflagellate Gyrodinium instriatum Freudenthal et Lee has been investigated using clonal cultures. After the inoculation of vegetative cells into fresh medium, clumping of gametes was observed after a period of 10 days. In the clumps, a number of gametes were observed to be swimming in close contact with each other, pairing successively and then forming a plano-zygote. This clumping behavior is considered to be useful in the performance of sexual reproduction, particularly in the event of low cell density, because it increases the chance of fusion. Gametes of this species were most often isogarnous, although apparent amsogamous fusions were occasionally observed. When planozygotes were isolated and placed in fresh medium, they enlarged their size and finally divided into two cells. The daughter cells continued to multiply by binary fission and produced vegetative cells. Thus, G. instriatum has an alternative cycle between vegetative cells and zygotes without a hypnozygote stage. However, cysts of this species were transformed from large motile cells (pre-cyst cells) which are oblong and dorso-ventrally flattened in shape. These mottle pre-cyst cells have two longitudinal flagella, which may indicate that cysts of this species are of zygote origin. On the basis of these results, the relationship between zygotes and pre-cysts of G. instriatum is discussed. Excystment was enhanced by dark and cold treatments prior to the incubation for germination experiments with a germination success rate of 26–64%. Encystment was greatly inhibited by the lack of dark and cold treatments.  相似文献   

High‐biomass blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense occur most summers in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA, posing a recurring threat to ecosystem health. Like many dinoflagellates, P. bahamense forms immobile resting cysts that can be deposited on the seafloor—creating a seed bank that can retain the organism within the ecosystem and initiate future blooms when cysts germinate. In this study, we examined changes in the dormancy status of cysts collected from Tampa Bay and applied lessons from plant ecology to explore dormancy controls. Pyrodinium bahamense cysts incubated immediately after field collection displayed a seasonal pattern in dormancy and germination that matched the pattern of cell abundance in the water column. Newly deposited (surface) cysts and older (buried) cysts exhibited similar germination patterns, suggesting that a common mechanism regulates dormancy expression in new and mature cysts. Extended cool‐ and warm‐temperature conditioning of field‐collected cysts altered the cycle of dormancy compared with that of cysts in nature, with the duration of cool temperature exposure being the best predictor of when cysts emerged from dormancy. Extended warm conditioning, on the other hand, elicited a return to dormancy, or secondary dormancy, in nondormant cysts. These results directly demonstrate environmental induction of secondary dormancy in dinoflagellates—a mechanism common and thoroughly documented in higher plants with seasonal growth cycles. Our findings support the hypothesis that a seasonal cycle in cyst germination drives P. bahamense bloom periodicity in Tampa Bay and point to environmentally induced secondary dormancy as an important regulatory factor of that cycle.  相似文献   

The athecate, pseudocolonial polykrikoid dinoflag‐ellates show a greater morphological complexity than many other dinoflagellate cells and contain not only elaborate extrusomes but sulci, cinguli, flagellar pairs, and nuclei in multiple copies. Among polykrikoids, Polykrikos kofoidii is a common species that plays an important role as a grazer of toxic planktonic algae but whose life cycle is poorly known. In this study, the main life cycle stages of P. kofoidii were examined and documented for the first time. The formation of gametes, 2‐zooid‐1‐nucleus stages very different from vegetative cells, was observed and the process of gamete fusion, isogamy, was recorded. Karyogamy followed shortly after completed plasmogamy. A complex reorganization of furrows (cinguli and sulci) and flagella followed zygote formation, resulting in a 4‐zooid zygote with one nucleus. The fate of zygotes under different nutritional conditions was also investigated; well‐fed zygotes were able to reenter the vegetative cycle via meiotic divisions as indicated by nuclear cyclosis. However, nuclear cyclosis was preceded by a presumably mitotic division of the primary zygote nucleus which by definition would imply that P. kofoidii has a diplohaplontic life cycle. Nuclear cyclosis in germlings hatched from spiny resting cysts indicate that these cysts are of zygote origin (hypnozygotes). Hypnozygote formation, cyst hatching, the morphology of the germling (a 1‐zooid cell), and its development into a normal pseudocolony are documented here for the first time. There is evidence that P. kofoidii has a system of complex heterothallism.  相似文献   

The genus Gymnodinium includes many morphologically similar species, but molecular phylogenies show that it is polyphyletic. Eight strains of Gymnodinium impudicum, Gymnodinium dorsalisulcum and a novel Gymnodinium‐like species from Chinese and Malaysian waters and the Mediterranean Sea were established. All of these strains were examined with light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. SSU, LSU and internal transcribed spacers rDNA sequences were obtained. A new genus, Wangodinium, was erected to incorporate strains with a loop‐shaped apical structure complex (ASC) comprising two rows of amphiesmal vesicles, here referred to as a new type of ASC. The chloroplasts of Wangodinium sinense are enveloped by two membranes. Pigment analysis shows that peridinin is the main accessory pigment in W. sinense. Wangodinium differs from other genera mainly in its unique ASC, and additionally differs from Gymnodinium in the absence of nuclear chambers, and from Lepidodinium in the absence of Chl b and nuclear chambers. New morphological information was provided for G. dorsalisulcum and G. impudicum, e.g., a short sulcal intrusion in G. dorsalisulcum; nuclear chambers in G. impudicum and G. dorsalisulcum; and a chloroplast enveloped by two membranes in G. impudicum. Molecular phylogeny was inferred using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference with independent SSU and LSU rDNA sequences. Our results support the classification of Wangodinium within the Gymnodiniales sensu stricto clade and it is close to Lepidodinium. Our results also support the close relationship among G. dorsalisulcum, G. impudicum, and Barrufeta. Further research is needed to assign these Gymnodinium species to Barrufeta or to erect new genera.  相似文献   

Didymosphenia geminata has received a great deal of attention in the last 25 years, and considerable effort has gone into determining the origin, ecological impact, and economic consequences of its invasive behavior. While environmental conditions are a controlling influence in distribution, the extreme success of the species may be tied to its basic biology and life history. Little is known, however, about population dynamics, size restoration and reproduction of D. geminata. The objective of this study was to determine the temporal patterns in cell size frequency, size restoration strategy, and synchronization of life cycles between populations in close proximity. We implemented FlowCam technology to measure the length of more than 100,000 D. geminata cells from two sites in South Boulder Creek, Colorado over 1 year. We applied finite mixture modeling to uncover temporal patterns in size distribution. Our results show that collections of D. geminata exhibited a complex, multimodal size distribution, almost always containing four overlapping age cohorts. We failed to observe direct visual evidence of the sexual phase. Multiple abrupt and directional shifts in size distribution, however, were documented providing conclusive evidence of cell size restoration. Lastly, nodules in close proximity were asynchronous with respect to size frequency profiles and size diminution, highlighting the relevance of spatial heterogeneity in in situ diatom size dynamics. This study is the first to document the complexity of diatom cell size distribution in a lotic system, size restoration in D. geminata, and the variability in rates of size reduction at microhabitat spatial scales.  相似文献   

Individual variation in resource acquisition should have consequences for life‐history traits and trade‐offs between them because such variation determines how many resources can be allocated to different life‐history functions, such as growth, survival and reproduction. Since resource acquisition can vary across an individual's life cycle, the consequences for life‐history traits and trade‐offs may depend on when during the life cycle resources are limited. We tested for differential and/or interactive effects of variation in resource acquisition in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. We designed an experiment in which individuals acquired high or low amounts of resources across three stages of the life cycle: larval development, prior to breeding and the onset of breeding in a fully crossed design. Resource acquisition during larval development and prior to breeding affected egg size and offspring survival, respectively. Meanwhile, resource acquisition at the onset of breeding affected size and number of both eggs and offspring. In addition, there were interactive effects between resource acquisition at different stages on egg size and offspring survival. However, only when females acquired few resources at the onset of breeding was there evidence for a trade‐off between offspring size and number. Our results demonstrate that individual variation in resource acquisition during different stages of the life cycle has important consequences for life‐history traits but limited effects on trade‐offs. This suggests that in species that acquire a fixed‐sized resource at the onset of breeding, the size of this resource has larger effects on life‐history trade‐offs than resources acquired at earlier stages.  相似文献   

Mixed modes of reproduction, combining sexual processes with thelytokous parthenogenesis, occur in all major clades of social insects. In several species of termites, queens maximize their genetic input into nondispersing replacement queens through parthenogenesis, while maintaining genetically diverse sterile offspring and dispersing reproductives via sexual reproduction. This so‐called asexual queen succession (AQS) has multiple independent origins and its presumed advantages are diverse as well, ranging from multiplication of colony reproductive potential to extension of its lifespan beyond that of the foundress. However, how AQS shapes colony life cycles under natural conditions remains poorly known. The neotropical termite Silvestritermes minutus inhabits small but conspicuous nests, offering a unique opportunity to investigate the impact of AQS on life history. We report on its breeding system, life cycle and sex allocation using social structure census in 137 nests and genotyping of 12 colonies at 12 microsatellite loci. We show that colonies are established by an outbred pair of primary reproductives. In less than 2 years, the foundress is replaced by multiple neotenic queens, arising mostly through automixis with central fusion. Sterile castes, male and most (93%) female dispersers are produced sexually. Colony reproduction is usually restricted to a single dispersal of alates with unbiased sex ratio, taking place after 3 years. We conclude that S. minutus benefits from AQS to maximize colony growth rate and alate production within a very short life cycle rather than to extend colony lifespan. This highlights the versatile role of AQS in different cases of its polyphyletic origin.  相似文献   

Agrilus mali Matsumara (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) is a wood‐boring beetle distributed to eastern China that occasionally injures apple species. However, this wood‐boring beetle is new to the wild apple forests (Malus sieversii) of the Tianshan Mountains (western China) and has caused extensive tree mortality. The development of a biological control program for these wild apple forests is a high priority that requires exploration of the life cycle, DNA barcoding and taxonomic status of A. mali. In this study, to determine the diversity of invasive beetles, a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase gene was analyzed. Based on the results, beetles from Gongliu and Xinyuan counties of Xinjiang were identical but differed from those in the apple nursery of Gongliu by a single‐nucleotide substitution. We summarize the taxonomic status, relationships, and genetic distances of A. mali among other Agrilus species using the Tajima‐Nei model in maximum likelihood phylogeny. Analysis revealed that A. mali was closely related to Agrilus mendax and both belong to the Sinuatiagrulus subgenus. The life cycle of A. mali was investigated based on a monthly regular inspection in the wild apple forests of Tianshan. Similar to congeneric species, hosts are injured by larvae of A. mali feeding on phloem tissue, resulting in serpentine galleries constructed between bark and xylem that prevent nutrient transport and leading to tree mortality. Future studies will focus on plant physiological responses to the invasive beetles and include surveys of natural enemies for a potential classical biological control program.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity can enhance a species’ ability to persist in a new and stressful environment, so that reaction norms are expected to evolve as organisms encounter novel environments. Biological invasions provide a robust system to investigate such changes. We measured the rates of early growth and development in tadpoles of invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) in Australia, from a range of locations and at different larval densities. Populations in long‐colonized areas have had the opportunity to adapt to local conditions, whereas at the expanding range edge, the invader is likely to encounter challenges that are both novel and unpredictable. We thus expected invasion‐vanguard populations to exhibit less phenotypic plasticity than range‐core populations. Compared to clutches from long‐colonized areas, clutches from the invasion front were indeed less plastic (i.e. rates of larval growth and development were less sensitive to density). In contrast, those rates were highly variable in clutches from the invasion front, even among siblings from the same clutch under standard conditions. Clutches with highly variable rates of growth and development under constant conditions had lower phenotypic plasticity, suggesting a trade‐off between these two strategies. Although these results reveal a strong pattern, further investigation is needed to determine whether these different developmental strategies are adaptive (i.e. adaptive phenotypic plasticity vs. bet‐hedging) or instead are driven by geographic variation in genetic quality or parental effects.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is produced by many species of marine phytoplankton and has been reported to provide a variety of beneficial functions including osmoregulation. Dinoflagellates are recognized as major DMSP producers; however, accumulation has been shown to be highly variable in this group. We explored the effect of hyposaline transfer in Gambierdiscus belizeanus between ecologically relevant salinities (36 and 31) on DMSP accumulation, Chl a, cell growth, and cell volume, over 12 d. Our results showed that G. belizeanus maintained an intracellular DMSP content of 16.3 pmol cell?1 and concentration of 139 mM in both salinities. Although this intracellular concentration was near the median reported for other dinoflagellates, the cellular content achieved by G. belizeanus was the highest reported of any dinoflagellate thus far, owing mainly to its large size. DMSP levels were not significantly affected by salinity treatment but did change over time during the experiment. Salinity, however, did have a significant effect on the ratio of DMSP:Chl a, suggesting that salinity transfer of G. belizeanus induced a physiological response other than DMSP adjustment. A survey of DMSP content in a variety of Gambierdiscus species and strains revealed relatively high DMSP concentrations (1.0–16.4 pmol cell?1) as well as high intrageneric and intraspecific variation. We conclude that, although DMSP may not be involved in long‐term (3–12 d) osmoregulation in this species, G. belizeanus and other Gambierdiscus species may be important contributors to DMSP production in tropical benthic microalgal communities due to their large size and high cellular content.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are increasingly threatened by disease outbreaks, which affect the coral animal and/or its algal symbionts (Symbiodinium spp.) and can cause mass mortalities. Currently around half of the recognized coral diseases have unknown causative agents. While many of the diseases are thought to be bacterial in origin, there is growing evidence that viruses may play a role. In particular, it appears that viruses may infect the algal symbionts, causing breakdown of the coral‐algal mutualism. In this study, we screened a wide range of Symbiodinium cultures in vitro for the presence of latent viral infections. Using flow cytometry and electron microscopy, we found that many types of Symbiodinium apparently harbor such infections, and that the type of putative virus varied within and among host types. Furthermore, the putative viral infections could be induced via abiotic stress and cause host cell lysis and population decline. If similar processes occur in Symbiodinium cells in hospite, they may provide an explanation for some of the diseases affecting corals and other organisms forming symbioses with these algae.  相似文献   

In Massachusetts, paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is annually recurrent along the coastline, including within several small embayments on Cape Cod. One such system, the Nauset Marsh System (NMS), supports extensive marshes and a thriving shellfishing industry. Over the last decade, PSP in the NMS has grown significantly worse; however, the origins and dynamics of the toxic Alexandrium fundyense (Balech) populations that bloom within the NMS are not well known. This study examined a collection of 412 strains isolated from the NMS and the Gulf of Maine (GOM) in 2006–2007 to investigate the genetic characteristics of localized blooms and assess connectivity with coastal populations. Comparisons of genetic differentiation showed that A. fundyense blooms in the NMS exhibited extensive clonal diversity and were genetically distinct from populations in the GOM. In both project years, genetic differentiation was observed among temporal samples collected from the NMS, sometimes occurring on the order of approximately 7 days. The underlying reasons for temporal differentiation are unknown, but may be due, in part, to life‐cycle characteristics unique to the populations in shallow embayments, or possibly driven by selection from parasitism and zooplankton grazing; these results highlight the need to investigate the role of selective forces in the genetic dynamics of bloom populations. The small geographic scale and limited connectivity of NMS salt ponds provide a novel system for investigating regulators of blooms, as well as the influence of selective forces on population structure, all of which are otherwise difficult or impossible to study in the adjacent open‐coastal waters or within larger estuaries.  相似文献   

Drift, selection, or their combined effects commonly drive geographic variation in traits. Clarifying the relative roles of each process is a long‐standing research goal in evolutionary biology. Acoustic signals of bats are a phenotypic characteristic that plays an important role in social organization and species recognition. We extensively sampled the Chinese rufous horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus sinicus) throughout China and Vietnam and reconstructed a species phylogeny to better understand the patterns and causes of the geographic variation of acoustic signals. Our results showed that the resting frequency (RF) of calls varied with latitude, sex, and distance among different colony locations. RF differences were not correlated with genetic distance (based on only one nuclear locus and the mitochondrial locus), climatic factors (mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitable water), or body size, although differences in calls increased with distance among various populations. This suggests that cultural drift may play more important roles than genetic drift and acoustic adaptation in shaping acoustic differences within regions in R. sinicus.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic hybridization of historically isolated taxa has become a primary conservation challenge for many imperiled species. Indeed, hybridization between red wolves (Canis rufus) and coyotes (Canis latrans) poses a significant challenge to red wolf recovery. We considered seven hypotheses to assess factors influencing hybridization between red wolves and coyotes via pair‐bonding between the two species. Because long‐term monogamy and defense of all‐purpose territories are core characteristics of both species, mate choice has long‐term consequences. Therefore, red wolves may choose similar‐sized mates to acquire partners that behave similarly to themselves in the use of space and diet. We observed multiple factors influencing breeding pair formation by red wolves and found that most wolves paired with similar‐sized conspecifics and wolves that formed congeneric pairs with nonwolves (coyotes and hybrids) were mostly female wolves, the smaller of the two sexes. Additionally, we observed that lower red wolf abundance relative to nonwolves and the absence of helpers increased the probability that wolves consorted with nonwolves. However, successful pairings between red wolves and nonwolves were associated with wolves that maintained small home ranges. Behaviors associated with territoriality are energetically demanding and behaviors (e.g., aggressive interactions, foraging, and space use) involved in maintaining territories are influenced by body size. Consequently, we propose the hypothesis that size disparities between consorting red wolves and coyotes influence positive assortative mating and may represent a reproductive barrier between the two species. We offer that it may be possible to maintain wild populations of red wolves in the presence of coyotes if management strategies increase red wolf abundance on the landscape by mitigating key threats, such as human‐caused mortality and hybridization with coyotes. Increasing red wolf abundance would likely restore selection pressures that increase mean body and home‐range sizes of red wolves and decrease hybridization rates via reduced occurrence of congeneric pairs.  相似文献   

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