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This review examines the possible role of silicon in molecular evolution. It is possible silicon participated in early molecular evolution by providing a stable mineral surface or gel structure where the assembly and replication of primitive genetic information occurred. However, as molecular evolution proceeded, silicon was not required in the evolution of C-based organisms. Silicon can be accumulated by diatoms and other living organisms such as silicoflagellates, some xanthophytes, radiolarians and actinopods and plants such as grasses, ferns, horseradish, some trees and flowers, some sponges, insects and invertebrates and bacteria and fungi. Silicon also has a role in synthesis of DNA, DNA polymerase and thymidylate kinase activity in diatoms. It is not unreasonable to examine the role of silicon in early molecular evolution as it may have been part of a micro-environment in which assembly of genetic information occurred.  相似文献   

Diatoms are the single most important drivers of the oceanic silicon biogeochemical cycle. Due to their considerable promise in nanotechnology, there is tremendous interest in understanding the mechanism by which they produce their intricately and ornately decorated silica‐based cell wall. Although specific proteins have been implicated in some of the key steps of silicification, the exact mechanisms are poorly understood. Silicon transporters, identified in both diatoms and silicoflagellates, are hypothesized to mediate silicon uptake. Recently, macropinocytosis, the non‐specific engulfment of extracellular fluid, was proposed as a more energetically favorable uptake mechanism, which can also explain the long‐observed effect of salinity on frustule morphology. We explore the bioenergetic, membrane recycling, and vacuolar volume requirements that must be satisfied for pinocytosis‐mediated silicon uptake. These calculated requirements contrast starkly with existing data on diatom physiology, uptake kinetics, growth, and ultrastructure, leading us to conclude that pinocytosis cannot be the primary mechanism of silicon uptake.  相似文献   

Biosilicification is widespread across the eukaryotes and requires concentration of silicon in intracellular vesicles. Knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying this process remains limited, with unrelated silicon-transporting proteins found in the eukaryotic clades previously studied. Here, we report the identification of silicon transporter (SIT)-type genes from the siliceous loricate choanoflagellates Stephanoeca diplocostata and Diaphanoeca grandis. Until now, the SIT gene family has been identified only in diatoms and other siliceous stramenopiles, which are distantly related to choanoflagellates among the eukaryotes. This is the first evidence of similarity between SITs from different eukaryotic supergroups. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that choanoflagellate and stramenopile SITs form distinct monophyletic groups. The absence of putative SIT genes in any other eukaryotic groups, including non-siliceous choanoflagellates, leads us to propose that SIT genes underwent a lateral gene transfer event between stramenopiles and loricate choanoflagellates. We suggest that the incorporation of a foreign SIT gene into the stramenopile or choanoflagellate genome resulted in a major metabolic change: the acquisition of biomineralized silica structures. This hypothesis implies that biosilicification has evolved multiple times independently in the eukaryotes, and paves the way for a better understanding of the biochemical basis of silicon transport through identification of conserved sequence motifs.  相似文献   

Centric diatoms have three patterns of oogenesis and four patterns of spermatogenesis, yielding a combination of seven patterns. The evolution of these combinations was inferred from differences in character states of the meiotic patterns observed in oogenesis and spermatogenesis. Furthermore, we have inferred the evolutionary relationships among centric diatoms based on the evolution of these combinations, the data on occurrence of combinations and a molecular phylogenetic tree. Our results suggested that the last common ancestor of extant diatoms was a bipolar or multipolar centric diatom with the most primitive among extant oogenetic/spermatogenic combinations. Our results also suggested that ancestors of the radial centrics and pennates would have diverged, in that order, from a bipolar or multipolar centric diatom with the most primitive among extant oogenetic/spermatogenic combinations.  相似文献   

刘志祥曾超珍  谭晓风 《遗传》2013,35(11):1307-1316
MicroRNA(miRNA)是真核生物中普遍存在的一类参与基因表达调控的小分子RNA。ptc-MIR169基因家族有33个成员, 是杨树中规模最大的miRNA基因家族。研究MIR169基因家族的进化对揭示杨树miRNA基因的进化机制具有重要的意义。文章对毛果杨MIR169基因家族的分子系统发育、基因倍增模式、表达分化和靶基因进行了分析。结果表明, 染色体大片段重复和串联重复在毛果杨MIR169基因家族扩张中均具有重要作用; MIR169基因家族在表达方式上已经出现了较大的分化; MIR169基因家族可能在杨树中已经形成了复杂的调控网络, 对杨树的生长发育和适应性等具有重要的调控作用。文章为杨树及杨柳科相关植物中miRNA基因家族的分子进化研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

Here, we describe two nearly identical expressed genes for cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS3A and GS3B) in Pisum sativum L. RFLP mapping data indicates that the GS3A and GS3B genes are separate loci located on different chromosomes. DNA sequencing of the GS3A and GS3B genes revealed that the coding regions are 99% identical with only simple nucleotide substitutions resulting in three amino acid differences. Surprisingly, the non-coding regions (5 non-coding leader, the 11 introns, and 3 non-coding tail) all showed a high degree of identity (96%). In these non-coding regions, 25% of the observed differences between the GS3A and GS3B genes were deletions or duplications. The single difference in the 3 non-coding regions of the GS3A and GS3B genes was a 25 bp duplication of an AU-rich element in the GS3B gene. As the GS3B mRNA accumulates to lower levels than the GS3A gene, we tested whether this sequence which resembles an mRNA instability determinant functioned as such in the context of the GS mRNA. Using the GS3B 3 tail as part of a chimeric gene in transgenic plants, we showed that this AU-rich sequence has little effect on transgene mRNA levels. To determine whether the GS3A/GS3B genes represent a recent duplication, we examined GS3-like genes in genomic DNA of ancient relatives of P. sativum. We observed that several members of the Viceae each contain two genomic DNA fragments homologous to the GS3B gene, suggesting that this is an ancient duplication event. Gene conversion has been invoked as a possible mechanism for maintaining the high level of nucleotide similarity found between the GS3A and GS3B genes. Possible evolutionary reasons for the maintenance of these twin GS genes in pea, and the general duplication of genes for cytosolic GS in all plant species are discussed.  相似文献   

A previous study of available diatom sequences tested the value of multiple outgroups in analyses of the 18S ribosomal RNA gene aimed at recovering the three diatom Classes (Coscinodiscophyceae, Mediophyceae, Bacillariophyceae) as monophyletic groups. Of the 34 datasets tested in that study, three recovered these Classes and two of these are explored here in more detail. The major differences between these two datasets were the number of outgroups, the number of nucleotides selected for the analysis and the addition to the dataset of short clone library sequences, primarily from raphid pennate taxa. The addition of short sequences resulted in a smaller dataset in terms of total nucleotides analysed because of the filter selected in the ARB program to generate the final dataset for phylogenetic analysis. The 50% parsimony filter selects a base for the final dataset if that position is parsimony-informative in at least 50% of the sequences chosen for the analysis. Thus, with short sequences, fewer bases are available for selection in the final dataset. A final dataset with fewer nucleotides is produced from the original alignment than from a similar one with no filter applied. If no filter is applied, then a final dataset is produced with all full-length sequences. From these analyses, it was determined that the addition of short clone library sequences recovered sister relationships for certain raphid diatoms that go against conventional wisdom with regard to valve morphology. Thus, the smaller database caused some of the groupings to be unnatural. It was determined that the optimal resolution of the taxa in these datasets resulted from using only full length sequences and selected multiple outgroups. Results obtained from the reduced dataset would be a cause for concern with next generation sequencing in which short amplicons are used to identify taxa.  相似文献   

The evolution of meiotic patterns of the oogenesis and spermatogenesis in centric diatoms was inferred according to the parsimony principle. The pattern provisionally named type 1, in which one of two daughter nuclei becomes pycnotic, no cytokinesis occurs at meiosis II and two eggs are produced, was inferred to be the most primitive among extant meiotic patterns of oogenesis. It was also inferred that the pattern provisionally named 4‐2EC, in which equal cytokinesis occurs after each nuclear division and four functional haploid cells are produced, is the most primitive among extant meiotic patterns of spermatogenesis. The evolution of meiotic pattern suggests that bipolar or multipolar forms are primitive among centric diatoms.  相似文献   

Current hypotheses of gene duplicate divergence propose that surviving members of a gene duplicate pair may evolve, under conditions of purifying or nearly neutral selection, in one of two ways: with new function arising in one duplicate while the other retains original function (neofunctionalization [NF]) or partitioning of the original function between the 2 paralogs (subfunctionalization [SF]). More recent studies propose that SF followed by NF (subneofunctionalization [SNF]) explains the divergence of many duplicate genes. In this analysis, we evaluate these hypotheses in the context of the large monosaccharide transporter (MST) gene families in Arabidopsis and rice. MSTs have an ancient origin, predating plants, and have evolved in the seed plant lineage to comprise 7 subfamilies. In Arabidopsis, 53 putative MST genes have been identified, with one subfamily greatly expanded by tandem gene duplications. We searched the rice genome for members of the MST gene family and compared them with the MST gene family in Arabidopsis to determine subfamily expansion patterns and estimate gene duplicate divergence times. We tested hypotheses of gene duplicate divergence in 24 paralog pairs by comparing protein sequence divergence rates, estimating positive selection on codon sites, and analyzing tissue expression patterns. Results reveal the MST gene family to be significantly larger (65) in rice with 2 subfamilies greatly expanded by tandem duplications. Gene duplicate divergence time estimates indicate that early diversification of most subfamilies occurred in the Proterozoic (2500-540 Myr) and that expansion of large subfamilies continued through the Cenozoic (65-0 Myr). Two-thirds of paralog pairs show statistically symmetric rates of sequence evolution, most consistent with the SF model, with half of those showing evidence for positive selection in one or both genes. Among 8 paralog pairs showing asymmetric divergence rates, most consistent with the NF model, nearly half show evidence of positive selection. Positive selection does not appear in any duplicate pairs younger than approximately 34 Myr. Our data suggest that the NF, SF, and SNF models describe different outcomes along a continuum of divergence resulting from initial conditions of relaxed constraint after duplication.  相似文献   

To clarify the changes in Si content of diatoms, the particulate silicon (PSi) concentration and total diatom volume (TDV) were determined in Lake Barato, Japan, from April to July 1998–2000. The soluble reactive silicon (SRSi) concentration decreased markedly with the rapid increase in TDV in May and June in all three years, although the value did not fall below that at which diatom growth might be limited. The proliferation of small discoid diatoms contributed to the decrease in SRSi concentration each year. The Si content of diatoms may not be constant as indicated by the changes in PSi:TDV ratio. The low PSi:TDV ratio and the fact that PSi concentration was lower than diatom PSi concentration (calculated from the volume of diatom species) accompanying the decrease in TDV suggests the possibility of a disturbance in the silicification in May and June 1999. These parameter changes accompanying the increase in TDV suggest that the silicification did not catch up with the cell division in early April 1998, early May 1999, and mid-June 2000. In addition, the PSi:TDV ratio increased rapidly and showed large fluctuations in July 1998 and 1999. This may have been caused by a change in dominant species from small discoid diatoms to Aulacoseira granulata because of the differences in Si content per unit cell volume.  相似文献   

陆地棉的核型模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陆地棉的核型公式为2n=4x=52=30m+20sm(4SAT)+2st(2SAT); 染色体绝对长度平均3.40μm; 臂比值最大与最小的分别是4.02和1.14,平均1.77;随体3对,分别位于第12、19和26对同源染色体的短臂上;最长与最短染色体的比值为2.36;其核型属于Stebbin的2B类型。 Abstract:Karyotype formula of Gossypium hirsutum L.was 2n=4s=52=30m+20m (4SAT)+2st (2SAT); and its absolute lengths of chromosomes averaged 3.40μm; arm ratio differed from 1.24 to 4.02,with the mean value of 1.77; three pairs of satellite chromosomes; the ratio of the longest to the shortest chromosomes was 2.36; and the karyotype belonged to 2B in Stebbin’s classification.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, all strains possess a gene for the evolutionarily conserved POT family peptide transporter, Ptr2; however, the genes for a novel FOT family transporter were found only in some wine brewing strains. The substrate specificity of the POT and FOT family of transporters was compared. Among the naturally occurring oligopeptides that were tested, Lys-Leu and Arg-Phe were Ptr2-specific substrates. Artificial dipeptide aspartame was imported specifically through the FOT transporter, but the structurally similar Asp-Phe was a substrate of both FOT and Ptr2 transporters. Furthermore, only the FOT transporter was important for high sensitivity to an antibiotic puromycin. These results demonstrate that the POT and FOT family of transporters have distinct substrate preferences although both transporters import overlapping dipeptide substrates. Having POT and FOT transporters is advantageous for cells to acquire nutrients, but also detrimental when these cells are exposed to the toxic molecules of their substrates.  相似文献   



Glutathione (GSH) is synthesized in the cytoplasm but there is a requirement for glutathione not only in the cytoplasm, but in the other organelles and the extracellular milieu. GSH is also imported into the cytoplasm. The transports of glutathione across these different membranes in different systems have been biochemically demonstrated. However the molecular identity of the transporters has been established only in a few cases.

Scope of review

An attempt has been made to present the current state of knowledge of glutathione transporters from different organisms as well as different organelles. These include the most well characterized transporters, the yeast high-affinity, high-specificity glutathione transporters involved in import into the cytoplasm, and the mammalian MRP proteins involved in low affinity glutathione efflux from the cytoplasm. Other glutathione transporters that have been described either with direct or indirect evidences are also discussed.

Major conclusions

The molecular identity of a few glutathione transporters has been unambiguously established but there is a need to identify the transporters of other systems and organelles. There is a lack of direct evidence establishing transport by suggested transporters in many cases. Studies with the high affinity transporters have led to important structure-function insights.

General significance

An understanding of glutathione transporters is critical to our understanding of redox homeostasis in living cells. By presenting our current state of understanding and the gaps in our knowledge the review hopes to stimulate research in these fields. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Cellular functions of glutathione.  相似文献   

Attached to solid substrate species of the tube-forming diatoms are found th entire Dutch coast. Probably because of the increased eutrophication over the last decades there is an indication that the abundance of certain tube-dwelling species such aParlibellus delognei andParlibellus berkeleya shows also a strong increase. At some favourable sites it is estimated that at there peak of their seasonal development more than 1010 diatomcells per square metre can be found. The taxonomy of the tube-dwelling species has a long history started in 1803 when the first species were described by the wellknown phycologist Dillwyn. In short this taxonomic history is described. In addition the process of formation and development of the muco-polysaccharide tubes is documented and illustrated. In conclusion the occurance of endo and epitubular symbionts or associates is overviewed. Especially diatoms of the generaNitzschia are found inside the tubes of some species while species from the generaLicmophora, Synedra, Amphora andCocconeis have a preference to become attached to the outer surface of tubes.  相似文献   

The diatoms are one of the best characterised algal groups. Despite this, little is known of the evolution of the group from the earliest cell to the myriad of taxa known today. Relationships among taxa at the family or generic level have been recognised in some diatoms. However, relationships at higher taxonomic levels are poorly understood and have often been strongly influenced by the first appearances of key taxa in the fossil record. An independent assessment of relationships among the diatoms at these higher taxonomic levels has been made using rRNA sequence data to infer phylogenetic relationships. In this paper we present an analysis of 18S rRNA data from several chosen centric, araphid and raphid pennate taxa. The phylogenetic inferences from these 18S rRNA sequences are supported by evidence from the fossil record and evidence from ontogenetic data. Ribosomal RNA data indicate that both the centric and araphid pennate lineages may not be monophyletic.  相似文献   

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