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The visual pigments in the retinal rods of elvers ( Anguilla anguilla L.) were examined by microspectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography. The glass elver stage had a mixture of rhodopsin P5011 and porphyropsin P5232 with the former predominating (P5011:P5232= c. 60:40). More mature pigmented elvers had a predominance of the porphyropsin P5232 (P5011:P5232= c. 10:90). The shift between the proportions of each pigment was monitored over a 7-month period and was shown to occur in individual retinal rods. This shift is a reverse of the pigment shift that occurs in adult eels during their downstream migration.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the organic and the mineral components of eel ( Anguilla anguilla L. 1758) otoliths was studied using sections through the nucleus and observed by scanning electron microscopy. The otoliths were composed of crystalline material (aragonite) running radially from the centre to the edge. Structural discontinuities were described: seasonal rings, checks and daily growth increments.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Phyllodistomum folium in a population of eels was studied throughout one year. Abundance exhibited a summer peak. Gravid adults were found in all months, indicating that eels can serve as a definitive host for this parasite.  相似文献   

The behavioural responses of glass eels of Anguilla anguilla towards amino acids were investigated by binary choice experiments testing different concentrations of 14 L-amino acids in fresh water and salt water. Glass eels responded to solutions of individual amino acids down to a concentration of 10−8M, 10−9m. Media of different salinities influenced the responses. In freshwater, gln and thr were strongly attractive; asn, ala, met, glu and ile induced significant avoidance; gly elicited multimodal reactions depending on concentrations; his, lys, phe, val, leu and asp hardly influenced behaviour. In salt water, only gly, asn and lys significantly influenced the behaviour of the glass eels.  相似文献   

Magnetization measurements of the European eel Anguilla anguilla demonstrated the presence of magnetic material concentrated in the region of the mandibular canals of the lateral line system. The data suggest that the material is magnetite, has a size suitable for magnetoreception and is of biogenic origin. The presence of magnetic particles in the lateral line system is discussed in relation to their possible role in allowing the fish to orientate with respect to the geomagnetic field during their extensive oceanic spawning migrations.  相似文献   

Summary Subpopulations of fast and slow fibres within the trunk musculature of elvers were examined using morphometric analysis of electron micrographs. Fibre regions were characterised by their histochemical staining characteristics, and individual fibres located using a coordinate mapping system utilising morphological features as reference points. Percentages of fibre volume occupied by mitochondria, myofibrils, sarcoplasmic reticulum (S.R.), and T-system were determined in each of the fibre groups, along a transect from the skin to the vertebral column (fibres 1–14, respectively).The fine structure of slow (red) fibres (1–2 fibres deep) is relatively homogeneous throughout its range, giving mean values for mitochondria, 21.4%; myofibrils, 61.0%; S.R., 2.10%; T-system, 0.31%. The fibres are relatively small (204 m2) and the mitochondrial cristae poorly developed.In contrast, there is a marked heterogeneity in the ultrastructure of fast (white) fibres, dependent on both position and size. The moderately small (333 m2) superficial fast fibres (3–4 fibres deep) have a significantly higher mitochondrial content (7.6%) than the larger deep fibres (1.2%) (6–12 fibres deep, 775 m2). The mean fractional volumes occupied by myofibrils, S.R., and T-system in the deep fibres are: 80.4%, 5.95%, and 0.38%, respectively. Fibres < 100 m2 constitute up to 5% of the fast muscle and have a significantly higher mitochondrial volume (4.3%), more glycogen granules, and a slightly lower volume of S.R. (5.57%) than larger fibres.It is suggested that metabolic subpopulations of fast fibres correspond to different stages of fibre growth. The relatively poorly developed S.R. of eel fast muscle is thought to be correlated with the low frequency, high amplitude nature of the propagated waveform found in anguilliform locomotion.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in populations of Proteocephalus macrocephalus (Creplin) were investigated for 17 months in the European eel, Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus), in two rivers in Devon, SW England, but no clear seasonal patterns in prevalence and abundance were apparent. Population levels of the cestode are low in both localities, and it is suggested that natural population levels of P. macrocephalus may generally be low. However, growth and maturation of the cestode show marked seasonality with both occurring mainly in early summer.  相似文献   

The pigmentation development process of glass eels Anguilla anguilla from stage VB to VIA3 was modelled by gamma cumulative functions. These functions varied with respect to the factors temperature and salinity whose effects were adjusted by beta functions. Temperature was shown to accelerate pigmentation, while salinity acted as a secondary factor slowing down the pigmentation. The model fits the development of 15 samples kept at various temperatures and salinities in the Vilaine River, as well as samples monitored at other dates and places in Europe. It allows the prediction of the duration of estuarine residency for glass eels, in winter and spring, in the Atlantic estuaries.  相似文献   

Established populations of Pseudodacrylogyrus anguillae are reported from eels in England for the first time. Prevalence and abundance peak in late summer in all three localities and the parasite overwinters at low levels on eels.  相似文献   

Eels were fyke-netted in different zones of the Thames Estuary at various times of year and subsamples sexed, aged and stomachcontentsexamined. Instantaneous mortality coefficients (Z) were calculated for each 3 cm length class for eels > 30 cm and used to construct a compartmental model to assess effects of natural and fishing mortality and migration on different life stages of males and females. Growth rates were good and fishing mortality effects low and masked by effects of emigration/immigration (and, possibly, local migrations). Density-dependent mortality appeared to be having minor effects. Males dominate freshwater sites, females the more saline zone and possible implications of food availability and density are discussed. It is concluded the stock is not being over-exploited but that elver recruitment is relatively low. Means of increasing exploitation are discussed, as are ways of increasing production of females to enhance elver recruitment to the Thames and other European rivers.  相似文献   

1. The distribution and abundance of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, were investigated in the Mondego River, a strongly modified river in central Portugal. Nine freshwater sites, located below the first impassable obstacle to eel migration, were surveyed for 2 years. The study was conducted monthly during the first year and seasonally during the second year. Fish were caught by electric fishing and, physical and biotic variables potentially influencing eel length distribution and abundance were determined at each sampling session. 2. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to explain the relationships between abiotic and biotic habitat variables, and eel length distribution. Spatial variation was strongly associated with distance from the sea, number of obstacles, river width and percentage of instream cover. Depth, river flow, water temperature and cannibalism had weaker effects on the longitudinal distribution, but contributed as explanatory variables for the model. The influence of spatial variables outweighed the importance of temporal variables as predictors in this model. 3. Length distribution changed in space from a dominance of small eels (<100 mm) closer to the sea to larger eels (≥250 mm) in the upper reaches of the river. The smallest length class (eels <100 mm) was strongly associated with wider stretches where instream cover, mainly composed of aquatic submerged macrophytes, was abundant (>75% area coverage). On the contrary, larger eels (≥250 mm) preferred deeper stretches with stronger river flow and less instream cover. 4. The effect of biotic interactions with conspecifics as well as with the non‐native red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii, in sites with poor instream cover, modified this general pattern of distribution leading to fewer eels <100 mm at some sites closer to the sea. Therefore, despite the ubiquity and plasticity shown by this species, there were clear ontogenetic variations in habitat use such that the first two canonical axes of a CCA accounted for 58.4% of the spatial variability in size structure.  相似文献   

In the present study, a new hepatic tissue‐origin cell line from European eel Anguilla anguilla has been developed and characterized. This cell line designated EL has been maintained in Leibovitz L‐15 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum over 72 months, and subcultured more than 90 times. The EL cell line consisted predominantly of fibroblast‐like cells, which could survive over 100 days in vitro, and could grow at 15–32°C. The optimum temperature for growth was 27°C. The chromosome analysis revealed a modal diploid karyotype of 2n = 38. The origin of this cell line was confirmed by the 18S recombinant (r)RNA sequencing. The susceptibility test indicated significant cytopathic effects in the EL cells with regard to the Rana grylio virus and the Herpesvirus anguillae. The viral replication was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy and polymerase chain reaction analysis. Following poly (I:C) exposure, the expression levels of the immune‐related molecules interferon regulatory factor‐7 (irf7) and transforming growth factor‐β (TGF‐β) were downregulated in EL cells, whereas the expression levels of the rf3 and the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) were upregulated. All four genes were significantly upregulated following inflammation by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). These data suggested the application of EL cell line for viral identification, as well as for immunodiagnosis and pharmacological targeting.  相似文献   

Changes occurring after feeding in the digestive enzyme activities of European eel were investigated to provide some insights into the digestive physiology of this fish. Total and specific proteases, amylase and lipase activities were measured using standard biochemical assays over a 24 h cycle in fed eels, compared to starved ones, under the same rearing conditions. In the gastrointestinal tract of fed eels quantitative changes started 4 h after feeding and continued later on; conversely, in starved eels enzyme activities remained unchanged over time. In fed eels, total and specific protease activities showed an overall increasing trend in the intestine, while in the stomach they progressively decreased to values 22–50% lower than those measured at the pre-feeding time; this behaviour probably reflected the progression of digesta along the intestinal tract. The prolonged secretory response of European eel to food ingestion proved its extended activity in the digestive process.  相似文献   

The metazoan parasite communities of eels Anguilla anguilla were investigated in three riverine localities and one lake in Devon. Altogether 21 species of parasite, the majority of the British eel parasite fauna, were recorded. Parasite communities in the three riverine localities were more similar to each other than to that of the lake. The four parasite component communities were typical and representative of those from eels in other parts of the U.K. They were characterized by low species diversity and domination by a single species: Pseudodacytlogyrus anguillae in the rivers and Diplostomum spathaceum in the lake. Both the dominant species and the majority of parasite species, and hence individuals, in any locality infected eels directly by free swimming planktonic larval stages or indirectly by the ingestion of infected planktonic copepod intermediate hosts. Examination of other species of fish in each locality showed that only Raphidascaris acus utilized a fish species as an intermediate or paratenic host to infect eels. Increases in prevalence and intensity of infection with size of eel by helminths such as Camallanus lacustris and Paraquimperia tenerrima were observed in localities in which transmission of these parasites could not have involved another fish species. Over 63% of the specialist, specific parasites of eels throughout Europe employ planktonic transmission to their hosts, as do several species of the commoner generalists. A study of eel parasite communities thus leads to the conclusion that eels are widely and closely associated in their habits with plankton and that eels of all sizes feed regularly upon planktonic copepods: the widely accepted view of eels as being more or less exclusively benthic in habit and feeding behaviour requires re-appraisal.  相似文献   

To validate the yearly periodicity of annulus formation in the otolith of the eel, the structure of annuli in otoliths of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla , stocked for 7 and 12 years in Lake Ommen on the east coast of southern Sweden, was examined. The population was stocked from elvers imported both from France (Bay of Biscay) in April 1979 and England (River Severn) in March–April 1984. The microstructure of an annulus consisted of single, double and/or composite tings depending on the location in the otolith. The counts of annuli in otoliths of these eels were approximately consistent with the expected age. However, supernumerary false annuli and/or annulus underestimation frequently occurred. The methodology for annulus discrimination with light and scanning electron microscopes is described.  相似文献   

Summary Opsin-like immunoreactivity was observed in the retinae and pineal organs of the mouse, rat and guinea pig, and the pineal organ of the cat. In the retina the immunoreaction was restricted to photoreceptor cells, which displayed immunostaining in their perikarya and outer and inner segments. Distinct pinealocytes endowed with characteristic processes were labelled in the pineal organs of the mouse and cat. However, in the cat the number of immunoreactive pinealocytes was very limited. In the pineal organs of the rat and guinea pig immunoreaction was very weak and diffuse. No immunoreaction was observed when the antibody was preabsorbed with purified bovine (rhod)opsin. These findings are in accord with the results of previous studies indicating molecular similarities between retinal photoreceptors and pinealocytes in mammals.Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to HWK, the European Science Foundation to RGF, the Alexander-von-Humboldt Stiftung to PE, and the Dutch Foundation for the Advancement of Basic Research. The authors are greatly indebted to Dr. Willem de Grip, Nijmegen, and Profesor Andreas Oksche, Giessen, for their critical interest in this study  相似文献   

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