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Weight discordance is very rare in monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs; when found, however, such pairs are advantageous in the search for either environmental or epigenetic causes and consequences of obesity. We analyzed the growth patterns of young adult MZ pairs discordant and concordant for obesity. Screening 5 consecutive birth cohorts (1975-1979) of 22- to 27-year-old Finnish twins (the FinnTwin16 study), we found 14 obesity discordant (Body Mass Index [BMI] difference > or = 4 kg/m2) MZ pairs out of 658. Ten pairs participated in clinical studies. Nine concordant pairs (BMI difference < or = 2 kg/m2) were examined as controls. Lifetime measured heights and weights recorded in hospitals and health centers were traced manually. Height development was similar in all the co-twins of both groups. The weight differences between the co-twins of the discordant pairs began to emerge at 18 years leading to an average discordance of 16.4 kg, 5.6 kg/m2 (p for both = .005) at 25.7 years. The heavier co-twin weighed 221 g (p = .066), 1.0 kg/m2 (p = .01) more already at birth than the leaner, but the differences waned by 6 months of age and reappeared only after adolescence. Both the leaner and the heavier co-twins of the discordant pairs weighed more than expected by the singleton reference values (Cole et al., 1998) after 8 years. The concordant co-twins, on the other hand, grew similarly and after 6 months, their mean growth was not distinguishable from the singleton patterns. Young adulthood represents a critical period of gaining weight irrespective of genetic background in this twin sample.  相似文献   

Cross-sectional studies in athletes and untrained subjects suggest that exercise training induces adaptations in cardiac structure and function. However, the role of genetic variation on the results has largely been ignored in these studies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of long-term volitionally increased physical activity on electrocardiographic and echocardiographic parameters in male monozygotic twin pairs discordant for physical activity and fitness. On the basis of the mailed questionnaires, a telephone interview, and the inclusion criteria, 12 pairs of young adult male monozygotic twins were recruited from a Finnish twin cohort. All subjects completed a maximal oxygen uptake (.VO2 (max)) test and electrocardiography and echocardiography studies. Nine pairs had at least 9% difference in .VO2(max) and were selected for further analysis and for a second echocardiography study. Twins were divided into the more (MAG) and less active group (LAG), according to their VO2(max). On average, MAG had 18% higher VO2(max) compared with LAG. In electrocardiography, MAG had 29% (P = 0.02) higher Cornell voltage and 37% (P = 0.01) higher right-side hypertrophy index. In echocardiography, no significant differences were observed between the groups, and left ventricular mass index was only 7% (P = 0.16) higher in MAG. These results show that the volitionally increased physical activity that has led to an 18% increase in cardiorespiratory fitness induces greater changes in electro- than echocardiographic parameters. Electrocardiographic changes were suggestive of left ventricular hypertrophy, and echocardiography showed a similar but statistically nonsignificant trend.  相似文献   

The process of mammalian X chromosome inactivation results in the inactivation of most, but not all, genes along one or the other of the two X chromosomes in females. On the human X chromosome, several genes have been described that "escape" inactivation and continue to be expressed from both homologues. All such previously mapped genes are located in the distal third of the short arm of the X chromosome, giving rise to the hypothesis of a region of the chromosome that remains noninactivated during development. The A1S9T gene, an X-linked locus that complements a mouse temperature-sensitive defect in DNA synthesis, escapes inactivation and has now been localized, in human-mouse somatic cell hybrids, to the proximal short arm, in Xp11.1 to Xp11.3. Thus, A1S9T lies in a region of the chromosome that is separate from the other genes known to escape inactivation and is located between other genes known to be subject to X inactivation. This finding both rules out models based on a single chromosomal region that escapes inactivation and suggests that X inactivation proceeds by a mechanism that allows considerable autonomy between different genes or regions on the chromosome.  相似文献   

A fluorescence in situ hybridization method using a biotinylated DNA probe specific for the centromeric region of the human X chromosome was used to differentiate the genetically active from the inactive X in interphase cells. With this technique, we were able to interpret both the relative position and the degree of condensation of the X chromosomes within the nucleus. We first established the specificity of fluorescence labelling of the hybridized probe by comparing its location and appearance (either dense or diffuse) when associated with a sex chromatin body (SCB) in early passage normal human female fibroblasts. In these cells, where the presence of inactive X chromatin was verified by identification of a 4',6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole (DAPI)-positive SCB in 85% of the cells examined, the X chromatin fluorescence was always associated with the SCB. The signal was dense in structure in 98% and peripheral in location in 80% of the nuclei. A second type of signal, diffuse in form, was observed in 85% of the nuclei and presumably represents the location of the active X chromosome. It was located peripherally or centrally with equal frequency and was not associated with any identifiable nuclear component. This diffuse signal was the major type associated with human male fibroblasts. In rodent x human hybrid cells containing a human inactive X, the fluorescent signal was associated with an SCB-like structure in only 13% of the nuclei; it was dense in 66% of the nuclei and equally peripheral or central in location. This indicates an alteration in the interphase structure of the human inactive X chromosome in hybrid cells which may explain its known instability with respect to genetic activity in such systems.  相似文献   

Alport syndrome (AS) and hereditary nephropathy (HN) are glomerular nephropathies caused by mutations in the genes encoding the type IV collagens. In a mixed breed of dog, termed Navasota (NAV) dogs, X-linked hereditary nephropathy (XLHN) is caused by a 10-bp deletion in exon 9 of COL4A5. Males harboring this mutation succumb to end-stage renal disease before 18 months of age. In contrast, female carriers of this disease survive much longer, most have a normal life-span, and vary in disease progression as compared with XLHN-affected males. X chromosome inactivation (XCI) patterns have been studied in human X-linked AS carriers and some have been shown to have a high degree of skewed XCI. However, similar studies have never been reported in an animal model of this disease. Therefore, patterns of XCI were examined in XLHN-carrier NAV dogs. The variation in XCI among the 26 XLHN-carrier and seven normal female NAV dogs studied was low and only three were found to preferentially inactivate one X chromosome, all of which were XLHN-carriers. The average skewedness among all dogs was 59% and 57% among the XLHN-carriers. No significant difference in XCI was found between the two groups (P = 0.477). It is clear from these data that genotype does not seem to have an effect on inactivation; the majority of these dogs have random patterns of XCI. Highly skewed X chromosome inactivation also appears to be random, given that no difference was observed between the XLHN-carriers and normal females. Because of the apparent rarity of skewed XCI, these dogs may not be a suitable model for studying a potential correlation between this phenomenon and disease progression.  相似文献   

Summary A de novo interstitial deletion (X)(q27.1q27.3), between the loci DXS 105 and F8, has been found in a mentally retarded female. The deleted X chromosome is preferentially early replicating in fibroblasts, B cells and T cells, suggesting that the missing region plays a role in inactivation of the X chromosome. None of the available DNA probes except DXS 98 maps to the deleted region of about 10000kb. The locus FRAXA is either included in the deletion, or located close to the distal break point.  相似文献   



In many eukaryotes, microRNAs (miRNAs) bind to complementary sites in the 3'-untranslated regions (3'-UTRs) of target messenger RNAs (mRNAs) and regulate their expression at the stage of translation. Recent studies have revealed that many miRNAs are evolutionarily conserved; however, the evolution of their target genes has yet to be systematically characterized. We sought to elucidate a set of conserved miRNA/target-gene pairs and to analyse the mechanism underlying miRNA-mediated gene regulation in the early stage of bilaterian evolution.


Initially, we extracted five evolutionarily conserved miRNAs (let-7, miR-1, miR-124, miR-125/lin-4, and miR-34) among five diverse bilaterian animals. Subsequently, we designed a procedure to predict evolutionarily conserved miRNA/target-gene pairs by introducing orthologous gene information. As a result, we extracted 31 orthologous miRNA/target-gene pairs that were conserved among at least four diverse bilaterian animals; the prediction set showed prominent enrichment of orthologous miRNA/target-gene pairs that were verified experimentally. Approximately 84% of the target genes were regulated by three miRNAs (let-7, miR-1, and miR-124) and their function was classified mainly into the following categories: development, muscle formation, cell adhesion, and gene regulation. We used a reporter gene assay to experimentally verify the downregulation of six candidate pairs (out of six tested pairs) in HeLa cells.


The application of our new method enables the identification of 31 miRNA/target-gene pairs that were expected to have been regulated from the era of the common bilaterian ancestor. The downregulation of all six candidate pairs suggests that orthologous information contributed to the elucidation of the primordial set of genes that has been regulated by miRNAs; it was also an efficient tool for the elimination of false positives from the predicted candidates. In conclusion, our study identified potentially important miRNA-target pairs that were evolutionarily conserved throughout diverse bilaterian animals and that may provide new insights into early-stage miRNA functions.  相似文献   

X inactivation--the mammalian method of X chromosome dosage compensation--is extremely stable in human somatic cells; only fetal germ cells have a developmental program to reverse the process. The human placenta, at term, differs from other somatic tissues, since it has the ability to reverse the X-inactivation program. To determine whether reversal can be induced at other stages of placental development, we examined earlier placental specimens using a cell-hybridization assay. We found that global X reactivation is also inducible in villi cells from first-trimester spontaneous abortions but not from first-trimester elective terminations. These differences in inducibility are not associated with detectable variation in histone H4 acetylation, DNA methylation, or XIST expression--hallmarks of the inactivation process--so other factors must have a role. One notable feature is that the permissive cells, unlike nonpermissive ones, have ceased to proliferate in vivo and are either beginning or in the process of programmed cell death. Cessation of mitotic proliferation also characterizes oocytes at the stage at which they undergo X reactivation. We suggest that, along with undermethylation, the apoptotic changes accompanying cessation of cell proliferation contribute to the reversal of inactivation, not only in placental cells, but also in oocytes entering meiosis.  相似文献   

Differential induction of the X-linked non-coding Xist gene is a key event in the process of X inactivation occurring in female mammalian embryos. Xist is negatively regulated in cis by its antisense gene Tsix through modification of the chromatin structure. The maternal Xist allele, which is normally silent in the extraembryonic lineages, is ectopically activated when Tsix is disrupted on the same chromosome, and subsequently the maternal X chromosome undergoes inactivation in the extraembryonic lineages even in males. However, it is still unknown whether the single Tsix-deficient X chromosome (XDeltaTsix) in males is also inactivated in the embryonic lineage. Here, we show that both male and female embryos carrying a maternally derived XDeltaTsix could survive if the extraembryonic tissues were complemented by wild-type tetraploid cells. In addition, Xist on the XDeltaTsix was properly silenced and methylated at CpG sites in adult male somatic cells. These results indicate that the embryonic lethality caused by the maternal XDeltaTsix is solely attributable to the defects in the extraembryonic lineages. XDeltaTsix does not seem to undergo inactivation in the embryonic lineage in males, suggesting the presence of a Tsix-independent silencing mechanism for Xist in the embryonic lineage.  相似文献   

The abnormal phenotype and/or mental retardation seen in persons with small marker X (mar(X)) chromosomes has been hypothesized to be due to the loss of the X inactivation center (XIC) at Xq13.2, resulting in two active copies of genes in the pericentromeric region. In order to define precisely the DNA content of mar(X) chromosomes and to correlate phenotype with karyotype, we studied small mar(X) chromosomes, using FISH with probes in the juxtacentromeric region. One of the probes was a 40-kb genomic cosmid for the XIST gene, which maps to the smallest interval known to contain the XIC and is thought to be involved in X inactivation. Our findings reveal that small mar(X) chromosomes do not include the XIC and therefore cannot be subject to X inactivation, supporting the premise that abnormal dosage of expressed genes in the pericentromeric region of the X generates the aberrant phenotype seen in patients with small mar(X) chromosomes.  相似文献   

In humans, it is thought that the X-inactivation phenomenon occurs no matter how many X chromosomes are present, and that only one of them remains active. Nevertheless, individuals who have an abnormal number of X chromosomes show a wide spectrum of abnormalities, which increase with the number of X chromosomes present in a given individual. It has been shown that the inactive X chromosome in female mammals is distinguished by a lack of histone H4 acetylation, and that this could be used as an accessible marker for distinguishing between Xi and Xa in spreads of metaphase chromosomes. We studied three X-polysomic patients for the presence of active chromatin by analysis of histone H4 acetylation on unfixed metaphase spreads. Using antisera to H4 acetylated at lysines 16, 8 and 5, respectively, we observed frequencies different from those expected from cells with only one underacetylated X chromosome. In particular, when antiserum to H4 acetylated at lysine 16 was used about 90% of the cells showed acetylation of all X chromosomes. This suggests a possible disturbance in the deacetylation process, probably due to the presence of multiple Xs. Received: 25 April 1997 / Accepted: 15 March 1998  相似文献   

Lymphocytes of female carriers of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (XSCID; McKusick 300400; HGM genetic locus designation SCIDX1) exhibit nonrandom X chromosome inactivation. This phenomenon reflects a tissue-specific selective disadvantage for lymphocyte progenitors with an XSCID mutation on the active X chromosome and presumably is analogous to the process that inhibits T-cell development in affected boys with a single XSCID-bearing X chromosome. We investigated the specificity of T-cell X chromosome inactivation pattern as an indicator of immunodeficiency carrier status, as follows: X-inactivation ratios determined in a control group of noncarrier women exhibited a wide range, 20%-86% of T-cells with the paternal X active. Maximum-likelihood analysis of these data suggested that, in humans, mature T-cells are derived from a small pool of only about 10 randomly inactivated stem cells. Despite the wide variability in normal X-inactivation ratios, X inactivation in XSCID carriers appeared far more markedly skewed. Therefore a maximum-likelihood odds-ratio test was developed and proved to be successful in predicting the carrier status of women in XSCID pedigrees. This test has made it possible to identify XSCID carriers among mothers of boys with the heterogeneous syndrome of sporadic severe combined immunodeficiency.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the comparative importance of environment and genes in the development of islet cell autoimmunity associated with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. DESIGN: Population based study of diabetic twins. SETTING: Danish population. SUBJECTS: 18 monozygotic and 36 dizygotic twin pairs with one or both partners having insulin dependent diabetes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Presence of islet cell antibodies, insulin autoantibodies, and autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) in serum samples from twin pairs 10 years (range 0-30 years) and 9.5 years (2-30 years) after onset of disease. RESULTS: In those with diabetes the prevalence of islet cell antibodies, insulin autoantibodies, and autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase in the 26 monozygotic twins was 38%, 85%, and 92%, respectively, and in the dizygotic twins was 57%, 70%, and 57%, respectively. In those without diabetes the proportions were 20%, 50%, and 40% in the 10 monozygotic twins and 26%, 49%, and 40% in the 35 dizygotic twins. CONCLUSION: There is no difference between the prevalence of islet cell autoantibodies in dizygotic and monozygotic twins without diabetes, suggesting that islet cell autoimmunity is environmentally rather than genetically determined. Furthermore, the prevalence of islet cell antibodies was higher in the non-diabetic twins than in other first degree relatives of patients with insulin dependent diabetes. This implies that the prenatal or early postnatal period during which twins are exposed to the same environment, in contrast with that experienced by first degree relatives, is of aetiological importance.  相似文献   

Rett syndrome (RS) is a neurologic disorder with an exclusive incidence in females. A nonrandom X-inactivation could provide insight into the understanding of this disease. We performed molecular analysis based on the differential methylation of the active and inactive X with probe M27ß, taking into account the parental origin of the two Xs, in 30 control girls, 8 sisters, and 30 RS girls. In 27 control an 31 RS mothers, the inactivation status of the X transmitted to their daughters was also analyzed. The results showed a significantly increased frequency of partial paternal X inactivation (> 65%) in lymphocytes from 16/30 RS compared with 4/30 controls (P = 0.001). These results do not support the hypothesis of a monogenic X-linked mutation but should be taken into account when researching the etiology of this desease.  相似文献   

Two female identical twins who were clinically normal were obligatory heterozygotes for X-linked deuteranomaly associated with a green-red fusion gene derived from their deuteranomalous father. On anomaloscopy, one of the twins was phenotypically deuteranomalous while the other had normal color vision. The color vision-defective twin had two sons with normal color vision and one deuteranomalous son. X-inactivation analysis was done with the highly informative probe M27 beta. This probe detects a locus (DXS255) which contains a VNTR and which is somewhat differentially methylated on the active and inactive X chromosomes. In skin cells of the color vision-defective twin, almost all paternal X chromosomes with the abnormal color-vision genes were active, thereby explaining her color-vision defect. In contrast, a different pattern was observed in skin cells from the woman with normal color vision; her maternal X chromosome was mostly active. However, in blood lymphocytes, both twins showed identical patterns with mixtures of inactivated maternal and paternal X chromosomes. Deuteranomaly in one of the twins is explained by extremely skewed X inactivation, as shown in skin cells. Failure to find this skewed pattern in blood cells is explained by the sharing of fetal circulation and exchange of hematopoietic precursor cells between twins. These data give evidence for X inactivation of the color-vision locus and add another MZ twin pair with markedly different X-inactivation patterns for X-linked traits.  相似文献   

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