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The EEG of 10 right-handed healthy subjects preceding saccade and antisaccade with mean values of latency in the eye fixations period were selected and averaged. The positive potential P2 appearing on the fixation stimuly switching on and slow positive wave following after it were more prominent before antisaccades than normal saccades. Space-temporal analyses of presaccadic potentials showed that right frontal cortex was activated more before antisaccades. These findings suggest that right cortical hemisphere dominate in spatial attention and inhibition of automatic saccades to visual stimuli in the period of antisaccades preparing. During the period of central fixations "intermediate" positivity potentials, developing in 600-400 ms prior to saccade or antisaccade onset, were find out. These potentials were predominantly recorded in the left frontal and frontosagittal cortical areas. The obtained evidence suggest that "intermediate" positive potentials a period related to the process of motor attention, anticipation and decision making in the period of eyes fixation.  相似文献   

The EEG of 10 right-handed subjects preceding saccades with mean values of latent periods were selected and averaged. Two standard paradigms of presentation of visual stimuli (central fixation stimulus-peripheral target succession): with a 200-ms inerstimulus interval (GAP) and successive single step (SS). During the period of central fixation, two kinds of positive potentials were observed: fast potentials of "inermediate" positivity (IP) developing 600-400 ms prior to saccade onset and fast potentials of "leading" positivity (LP), which immediately preceded the offset of the central fixation stimulus. Peak latency of the LP potentials was 300 ms prior to saccade onset in the SS paradigm and 400 ms in the GAP paradigm. These potentials were predominantly recorded in the frontal and frontosagittal cortical areas. Decrease in the latency by 30-50 ms in the GAP paradigm was associated with more pronounced positive potentials during the fixation period and absence of the initiation potential P-1' (or decrease in its amplitude). The obtained evidence suggest that the fast positive presaccadic potentials are of a complex nature related to attention, anticipation, motor preparation, decision making, saccadic initiation, and backward afferentation.  相似文献   

In age aspect, topography and parameters were studied of late EPs and slow negative components (CNV) to successively presented visual stimuli: the preliminary signal and two compared contour images. Age characteristics of development of the frontal negativity N450 and the late positive complex (LPC) were revealed. in children 7 and 10 years old, the component N450 was present in response both to the preliminary and the first stimulus in the compared pair; LPC was recorded to all three presented visual stimuli. In 17 years old subjects and in adults, selectivity of N450 formation in the EP to the first of the compared stimuli and LPC to the second (imperative) stimulus correlates with involvement of rostral brain areas--central in youths, central and frontal ones in adults--both in the process of waiting (CNV) and evaluation of coming information (LPC).  相似文献   

Characteristics of saccades and presaccadic slow potentials were studied in 36 right-handed men with right (the RE group) and left (the LE group) eye dominance. Three light-emitting diodes located in the center of the visual field (the central fixation stimulus, CFS) and 10 deg to the left and to the right of the center (peripheral stimuli, PSs) were used for stimulation. The subjects performed a task with simple saccades to a PS and a task with antisaccades to the horizontal mirror position of the PS. Monopolar EEGs at 19 derivations and electrooculograms (EOGs) were recorded. Back averaging of the EEG time-locked to the PS onset or the saccade onset was used to obtain slow presaccadic potentials. The saccade characteristics in the RE and LE groups were similar. Differences between them were found only in the antisaccade task. The amplitude of negative presaccadic potentials (NPPs) time-locked to the PS in the frontal cortex was lower in the LE group compared to the RE group. Analysis of potentials time-locked to the saccade onset showed that changes in the slow potentials during the last 50 s before the saccade depended on the saccade direction and reflected the activation of the hemisphere opposite to the saccade direction. The activation of the right hemisphere before left-side saccades was higher in the LE than the RE group. In addition, the amplitude of NPPs was decreased in the frontal area and increased in the left posterior temporal area in the LE group compared to the RE group. The obtained results indicate that the involvement of the frontal cortex in cognitive and motor processes is decreased in subjects with the left eye dominance.  相似文献   

Scalp somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were recorded after electrical stimulation of the spinal cord in humans. Stimulating electrodes were placed at different vertebral levels of the epidural space over the midline of the posterior aspect of the spinal cord. The wave form of the response differed according to the level of the stimulating epidural electrodes. Cervical stimulation elicited an SEP very similar to that produced by stimulation of upper extremity nerves, e.g., bilateral median nerve SEP, but with a shorter latency. Epidural stimulation of the lower thoracic cord elicited an SEP similar to that produced by stimulation of lower extremity nerves. The results of upper thoracic stimulation appeared as a mixed upper and lower extremity type of SEP. The overall amplitudes of SEPs elicited by the epidural stimulation were higher than SEPs elicited by peripheral nerve stimulation. In 4 patients the CV along the spinal cord was calculated from the difference in latencies of the cortical responses to stimulation at two different vertebral levels. The CVs were in the range of 45–65 m/sec. The method was shown to be promising for future study of spinal cord dysfunctions.  相似文献   

Recordings of slow potentials and changes of steady level of the EEG in man during manual and mental tasks show that an increase in mental load (as determined by the difficulty of the task) is accompanied by an increase in negativity at midline electrodes. It is suggested that this negativity is due to cortical excitation that facilitates performance.  相似文献   

Slow negative (N) and slow positive (P) waves are frequently produced in the posterior epidural space at the lumbosacral enlargement by epidural stimulation of the rostral part of human spinal cord. The production of these slow potentials are thought to be responsible for analgesia at the stimulated segment as well as below that level. In order to define the spinal tract which mediates these slow potentials, we stimulated directly or from the epidural space the dorsal, dorsolateral, lateral and ventral columns at the cervical or thoracic level, and epidurally recorded spinal cord potentials (des.SCPs) at the lumbosacral enlargement in 7 patients who underwent spine or spinal cord surgery. The des.SCPs recorded in the lumbosacral enlargement consisted of polyphasic spike potentials followed by slow N and P waves. At a near threshold level of stimulus intensity the slow N and P potentials were consistently elicited only by stimulation of the dorsal column. The slow waves were also produced by intense stimulation of other tracts, but remained significantly (P < 0.05−P <0.01) smaller than those evoked by dorsal column stimulation when compared at the same stimulus intensity. Moreover, the slow P wave could not be elicited even by intense stimulation (10 times the threshold strength for the initial spike potentials) of the ventral column. Thus, the results suggest that the slow N and P waves are mostly mediated by the antidromic impulses descending through the dorsal column.  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Auditory evoked potentials to a 2000-Hz pure tone were recorded in wakefulness and in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. A late positive wave with a maximal amplitude...  相似文献   

A stochastic model describing small eye movements occurring during steady fixation on a stationary target is presented. Based on eye movement data for steady gaze, the model has a hierarchical structure; the principal level represents the random motion of the image point within a local area of fixation while the higher level mimics the jump processes involved in transitions from one local area to another. Target image motion within a local area is described by a Langevinlike stochastic differential equation taking into consideration, the microsaccadic jumps pictured as being due to point processes and the high frequency muscle tremor, represented as a white noise. The transform of the probability density function for local area motion is obtained, leading to explicit expressions for their means and moments. Evaluation of these moments based on the model are comparable with experimental results. A physiologically based criterion for the occurrence of local area changes is assumed and the renewal density of these transitions is obtained. These transitions are brought about by the occurrence of large saccades. Hence, our analysis leads us to derive expressions for the mean and moments of the occurrence of large saccades in a given time T. These predictions may be checked against experimental results.This investigation was supported by National Institutes of Health under Grants Numbers GM 16197-03, GM 16437, and RR-0712-04, by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number GK-1834X, and by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant Number NGL-05-018-022.R.Vasudevan and J.D. Smith are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California. —R.Vasudevan is on leave of absence from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Madras, India.A.V. Phatak is now with Systems Control, Inc. in Palo Alto, California.  相似文献   

We have been studying association between distorted perception and visual event-related potentials, which appear in response to the Poggendorff figure's presentation in Jastrow modification. It was shown that the amplitude sign is determined by the presence or absence of subjective distortion at the earliest and the latest phase of Poggendorff figure's perception. The amplitude of the wave P150 was bigger at the distorted perception, and the amplitude of the waves N200 and P300 was smaller than during perception without distortion. It is suggested that both ascending nervous processes and cognitive processes of analysis are involved into the emergence of the Poggendorff illusion.  相似文献   

The ERPs to familiar, unfamiliar, and recently learned words were recorded in 20 right-handed students who have recently studied a course in sensory physiology during performance of two tasks. The first task consisted in processing of different types of words, the second task required recognition of terms from sensory physiology. In the first task, three types of words were presented to a subject: familiar words related and unrelated to a given category and unfamiliar words. Subjects had to press the appropriate button responding to the questions whether they considered the presented word be related to the given category and whether they were sure in their answer. In the second task, terms from recently studied physiological material were presented to the students who had to detect whether those terms were related or unrelated to the given sensory system. Significant differences between late ERP components were revealed by Student test for matched samples. In the first task, component N400 of the ERP to unfamiliar words was higher than that of the ERP to familiar words. It was also higher in ERPs to words unrelated to the given category than in ERPs to related words. However, this component did not differ between ERPs to well and poorly acquired words in the test on sensory physiology. On the contrary, the late positive component was more expressed in ERPs to familiar and better acquired words in both tasks. Brain mechanisms of processing of different types of words are discussed.  相似文献   

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