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Purified prostaglandin H synthase contains cyclooxygenase activity that forms the hydroperoxide, prostaglandin G, and peroxidase activity which removes hydroperoxides. Since hydroperoxides are necessary activators of cyclooxygenase activity, the paradoxical presence of two apparently opposing activities requires careful interpretation. Kinetic studies indicate that the concentration of hydroperoxide needed for full cyclooxygenase activity is much less than that which gives 50 percent effectiveness with the peroxidase. Thus, the peroxidase activity of the synthase is very ineffective in decreasing the hydroperoxide concentration below levels that still permit rapid cyclooxygenase action.  相似文献   

The peroxidase activity of prostaglandin H (PGH) synthase catalyzes reduction of 5-phenyl-4-pentenyl hydroperoxide to 5-phenyl-4-pentenyl alcohol with a turnover number of approximately 8000 mol of 5-phenyl-4-pentenyl hydroperoxide/mol of enzyme/min. The kinetics and products of reaction establish PGH synthase as a classical heme peroxidase with catalytic efficiency similar to horseradish peroxidase. This suggests that the protein of PGH synthase evolved to facilitate peroxide heterolysis by the heme prosthetic group. Comparison of an extensive series of phenols, aromatic amines, beta-dicarbonyls, naturally occurring compounds, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs indicates that considerable differences exist in their ability to act as reducing substrates. No correlation is observed between the ability of compounds to support peroxidatic hydroperoxide reduction and to inhibit cyclooxygenase. In addition, the resolved enantiomers of MK-410 and etodolac exhibit dramatic enantiospecific differences in their ability to inhibit cyclooxygenase but are equally potent as peroxidase-reducing substrates. This suggests that there are significant differences in the orientation of compounds at cyclooxygenase inhibitory sites and the peroxidase oxidation site(s). Comparison of 5-phenyl-4-pentenyl hydroperoxide reduction by PGH synthase and horseradish peroxidase reveals considerable differences in reducing substrate specificity. Both the cyclooxygenase and peroxidase activities of PGH synthase inactivate in the presence of low micromolar amounts of hydroperoxides and arachidonic acid. PGH synthase was most sensitive to arachidonic acid, which exhibited an I50 of 0.6 microM in the absence of all protective agents. Inactivation by hydroperoxides requires peroxidase turnover and can be prevented by reducing substrates. The I50 values for inactivation by 15-hydroperoxy-5,8,11,13-eicosatetraenoic acid are 4.0 and 92 microM, respectively, in the absence and presence of 500 microM phenol, a moderately good reducing substrate. The ability of compounds to protect against hydroperoxide-induced inactivation correlates directly with their ability to act as reducing substrates. Hydroquinone, an excellent reducing substrate, protected against hydroperoxide-induced inactivation when present in less than 3-fold molar excess over hydroperoxide. The presence of a highly efficient hydroperoxide-reducing activity appears absolutely essential for protection of the cyclooxygenase capacity of PGH synthase. The peroxidase activity is, therefore, a twin-edged sword, responsible for and protective against hydroperoxide-dependent inactivation of PGH synthase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

R J Kulmacz 《Prostaglandins》1989,38(3):277-288
Prostaglandin H synthase has two distinct enzymatic activities: a cyclooxygenase that forms PGG2 from arachidonate and a peroxidase that can reduce hydroperoxides, such as PGG2, to the corresponding alcohols. The relative sensitivities of the two synthase activities to proteolytic attack have been examined, using trypsin, chymotrypsin, and proteinase K, all known to attack the native apoprotein in the arg 253 region. The relation between the specific activity of the synthase and the loss of the two activities and the cleavage of the synthase subunit during trypsin digestion was also examined. The cyclooxygenase and peroxidase activities declined in concert throughout room temperature digestions with each of the three proteases. There was no indication of a selective loss of either activity in any of the digestions. In separate digestions with the same preparation of synthase, 3.3% (w/w) proteinase K resulted in more extensive loss of activity (90% decrease after 90 min) than did 3% (w/w) trypsin (70% decrease after 120 min) or 5% (w/w) chymotrypsin (60% decrease after 135 min). In tryptic digestions of synthase preparations with cyclooxygenase specific activity between 16 and 125 k units/mg protein, the fractional loss of cyclooxygenase activity was, within experimental error, the same as that of peroxidase activity. The extent of cleavage of the 70 kDa synthase subunit was greater than the loss of enzymatic activity, with the discrepancy being larger for synthase preparations with lower specific activity. The presence of a variable amount of catalytically-inactive, protease-sensitive, synthase protein could account for the difference between surviving activity and intact subunit in six out of the seven synthase preparations examined. Thus, it is likely that the cyclooxygenase and peroxidase activities are destroyed together during proteolytic attack on the arg 253 region of the native synthase apoprotein.  相似文献   

Interrelations between peroxidase and cyclooxygenase reactions catalyzed by prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (prostaglandin H synthase) were analyzed in terms of the mutual influence of these reactions. The original branched-chain mechanism predicts competition between these two reactions for enzyme, so that peroxidase cosubstrate should inhibit the cyclooxygenase reaction and the cyclooxygenase substrate is expected to inhibit the peroxidase reaction. In stark contrast, the peroxidase reducing substrate is well known to strongly stimulate the cyclooxygenase reaction. In the present work the opposite effect, the influence of the cyclooxygenase substrate on the peroxidase reaction was studied. Experiments were conducted on the effect of arachidonic acid on the consumption of p-coumaric acid by prostaglandin H synthase and 5-phenyl-4-pentenyl-1-hydroperoxide. Neither the steady-state rates nor the total extent of p-coumaric acid consumption was affected by the addition of arachidonic acid. This suggests that the cyclooxygenase substrate does not influence observable velocities of the peroxidase reaction, namely oxidation and regeneration of the resting enzyme. The data support coupling of the cyclooxygenase and peroxidase reactions. A combination of the branched-chain and tightly coupled mechanisms is proposed, which includes a tyrosyl radical active enzyme intermediate regenerated through the peroxidase cycle. Numerical integration of the proposed reaction scheme agrees with the observed relations between peroxidase and cyclooxygenase reactions in the steady state.  相似文献   

The spectral behavior of the enzyme prostaglandin H synthase was studied in the Soret region under conditions that permitted comparison of enzyme intermediates involved in peroxidase and cyclooxygenase activities. First, the peroxidase activity was examined. The enzyme's spectral behavior upon reacting with 5-phenyl-pent-4-enyl-1-hydroperoxide was different depending on the presence or absence of the reducing substrate, phenol. In the reaction of prostaglandin H synthase with the peroxide in the absence of phenol, formation of the enzyme intermediate compound I is observed followed by partial conversion to compound II and then by enzyme bleaching. In the reaction with both peroxide and phenol the absorbance decreases and a steady-state spectrum is observed which is a mixture of native enzyme and compound II. The steady state is followed by an increase in absorbance back to that of the native enzyme with no bleaching. The difference can be explained by the reactivity of phenol as a reducing substrate with the prostaglandin H synthase intermediate compounds. Cyclooxygenase activity with arachidonic acid could not be examined in the absence of diethyldithiocarbamate because extensive bleaching occurred. In the presence of diethyldithiocarbamate, enzyme spectral behavior similar to that seen in the reaction of the peroxide and phenol was observed. The similarity of the spectra strongly suggests that the enzyme intermediates involved in both the peroxidase and cyclooxygenase reactions are the same.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthases (PGHSs)-1 and -2 have a cyclooxygenase (COX) activity involved in forming prostaglandin G2 (PGG2) from arachidonic acid and an associated peroxidase (POX) activity that reduces PGG2 to PGH2. Suicide inactivation processes are observed for both POX and COX reactions. Here we report COX reaction conditions for PGHS-1 under which complete COX inactivation occurs but with > or = 60% retention of POX activity. The rates of POX inactivation were compared for native oPGHS-1 versus Y385F oPGHS-1, a mutant that cannot form the Tyr385 radical of COX Intermediate II; the rates were the same for both native and Y385F oPGHS-1. Our data indicate that a COX Intermediate II/acyl or product complex is the precursor in COX inactivation. However, another species, probably an Intermediate II-like species but with a radical centered on a tyrosine other than Tyr385, is the immediate precursor for POX inactivation.  相似文献   

The cyclooxygenase (COX) activity of prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthases (PGHSs) converts arachidonic acid and O2 to prostaglandin G2 (PGG2). PGHS peroxidase (POX) activity reduces PGG2 to PGH2. The first step in POX catalysis is formation of an oxyferryl heme radical cation (Compound I), which undergoes intramolecular electron transfer forming Intermediate II having an oxyferryl heme and a Tyr-385 radical required for COX catalysis. PGHS POX catalyzes heterolytic cleavage of primary and secondary hydroperoxides much more readily than H2O2, but the basis for this specificity has been unresolved. Several large amino acids form a hydrophobic "dome" over part of the heme, but when these residues were mutated to alanines there was little effect on Compound I formation from H2O2 or 15-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid, a surrogate substrate for PGG2. Ab initio calculations of heterolytic bond dissociation energies of the peroxyl groups of small peroxides indicated that they are almost the same. Molecular Dynamics simulations suggest that PGG2 binds the POX site through a peroxyl-iron bond, a hydrogen bond with His-207 and van der Waals interactions involving methylene groups adjoining the carbon bearing the peroxyl group and the protoporphyrin IX. We speculate that these latter interactions, which are not possible with H2O2, are major contributors to PGHS POX specificity. The distal Gln-203 four residues removed from His-207 have been thought to be essential for Compound I formation. However, Q203V PGHS-1 and PGHS-2 mutants catalyzed heterolytic cleavage of peroxides and exhibited native COX activity. PGHSs are homodimers with each monomer having a POX site and COX site. Cross-talk occurs between the COX sites of adjoining monomers. However, no cross-talk between the POX and COX sites of monomers was detected in a PGHS-2 heterodimer comprised of a Q203R monomer having an inactive POX site and a G533A monomer with an inactive COX site.  相似文献   

Two novel salicylate-derived quinhydrones were evaluated for their effect on the kinetics of cyclooxygenase activity of sheep seminal vesicle prostaglandin H synthase. These quinhydrones, which form semiquinone radicals in solution, were designed to resemble oxidized intermediates of salicylic acid metabolism. Although initially investigated for their potential role in irreversible inactivation of cyclooxygenase, these derivatives were found to give three-fold stimulation of this activity. In the absence of arachidonic acid, preincubation of the enzyme with these quinhydrones did not lead to inactivation of the cyclooxygenase activity. These compounds thus resemble the phenolic antioxidants in their effects on the cyclooxygenase activity of the synthase.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin H synthase has two distinct catalytic activities: a cyclooxygenase activity that forms prostaglandin G2 from arachidonic acid; and a peroxidase activity that reduces prostaglandin G2 to prostaglandin H2. Lipid hydroperoxides, such as prostaglandin G2, also initiate the cyclooxygenase reaction, probably via peroxidase reaction cycle enzyme intermediates. The relation between the binding sites for lipid substrates of the two activities was investigated with an analysis of the effects of arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids on the reaction kinetics of the peroxidase activity, and their effects on the ability of a lipid hydroperoxide to initiate the cyclooxygenase reaction. The cyclooxygenase activity of pure ovine synthase was found to have an apparent Km value for arachidonate of 5.3 microM and a Ki value (competetive inhibitor) for docosahexaenoate of 5.2 microM. When present at 20 microM neither fatty acid had a significant effect on the apparent Km value of the peroxidase for 15-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid: the values were 7.6 microM in the absence of docosahexaenoic acid and 5.9 microM in its presence, and (using aspirin-treated synthase) 13.7 microM in the absence of arachidonic acid and 15.7 microM in its presence. Over a range of 1 to 110 microM the level of arachidonate had no significant effect on the initiation of the cyclooxygenase reaction by 15-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid. The inability of either arachidonic acid or docosahexaenoic acid to interfere with the interaction between the peroxidase and lipid hydroperoxides indicates that the cyclooxygenase and peroxidase activities of prostaglandin H synthase have distinct binding sites for their lipid substrates.  相似文献   

Treatment of prostaglandin (PG)H synthase purified from ram seminal vesicle microsomes with trypsin cleaves the 70-kDa subunits into 33- and 38-kDa fragments (Chen, Y.-N. P., Bienkowski, M. J., and Marnett, L. J. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 16892-16899). In contrast to a minimal decrease in cyclooxygenase activity, peroxidase activity declines rapidly following trypsin treatment. The time course for loss of guaiacol peroxidase activity corresponds closely to the time course for protein cleavage. The ability of trypsin-treated enzyme to support catalytic reduction of 5-phenyl-4-pentenyl-1-hydroperoxide in the presence of reducing substrates is significantly reduced. The products of metabolism of 10-hydroperoxy-8,12-octadecadienoic acid indicate that trypsin-treated enzyme catalyzes homolytic scission of the hydroperoxide bond in contrast to the heterolytic scission catalyzed by intact enzyme. Spectrophotometric titrations of hematin addition to trypsin-treated PGH synthase indicate approximately a 50% reduction in heme binding. These observations suggest that trypsin treatment of PGH synthase decreases the ability of the protein to bind prosthetic heme at a site that controls peroxidase activity. Comparison of the N-terminal sequence of the 38-kDa fragment of trypsin-treated PGH synthase to the amino acid sequence of the intact protein indicates that cleavage occurs between Arg253 and Gly254. Based on literature precedents and the results of the present investigations, we propose that the heme prosthetic group that controls the peroxidase activity of PGH synthase binds to the His residue of the sequence His250-Tyr251-Pro252-Arg253 located immediately adjacent to the trypsin cleavage site.  相似文献   

Many cosubstrates for the peroxidase activity of prostaglandin H synthase-1 (PGHS-1) have been reported to produce a large (2-7-fold) increase in the cyclooxygenase velocity in addition to a substantial increase in the number of cyclooxygenase catalytic turnovers. The large stimulation of cyclooxygenase velocity has become an important criterion for evaluation of putative PGHS reaction mechanisms. This criterion has been a major weakness of branched-chain tyrosyl radical mechanisms, which correctly predict many other cyclooxygenase characteristics. Our computer simulations based on a branched-chain mechanism indicated that the uncorrected oxygen electrode signals commonly used to monitor activity can seriously overestimate the effects of cosubstrate on cyclooxygenase velocity. The simulation results prompted re-examination of the effect of several cosubstrates (phenol, acetaminophen, N,N,N',N'-tetramethylphenylenediamine, and Trolox) on PGHS-1 cyclooxygenase velocity. Cyclooxygenase kinetics were examined at reduced temperature or elevated pH, where the oxygen electrode signal can be corrected to provide reliable oxygen consumption trajectories. The cosubstrates produced only a slight (10-60%) stimulation of the cyclooxygenase velocity. Peroxidase cosubstrates thus have a much smaller stimulatory effect on cyclooxygenase velocity than previously reported. This corrects a longstanding misperception of cosubstrate effects, provides more realistic kinetic constraints on PGHS mechanisms, and removes what was a major deficiency of branched-chain tyrosyl radical mechanisms.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the primary arylamine carcinogen 2-aminofluorene (2-AF) is oxidized by the prostaglandin H synthase peroxidase to mutagenic and electrophilic products capable of covalent binding to macromolecules. The present study was designed to identify the potential reactive intermediate(s) responsible for binding, and to characterize further the metabolic intermediates in 2-AF peroxidation. Both prostaglandin H synthase and horseradish peroxidase, with H2O2, oxidize 2-AF to azofluorene, 2-aminodifluorenylamine (2-ADFA), 2-nitrofluorene, polymeric and nonorganic-extractable material. Both enzymes show greater activity at pH 5.0 than at pH 7.0. In the presence of either 2-t-butyl-4-methoxyphenol or 2,6-dimethylphenol, arylamine/phenol adducts were formed in high yield, with the nitrogen of either 2-AF or 2-ADFA coupled to the para position of the phenol (loss of -OCH3 with 2-t-butyl-4-methoxyphenol). These structures were confirmed by mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy. Acid hydrolysis of N-hydroxy-2-AF to yield the nitrenium ion, in the presence of a phenol, also results in adduct formation, but only at times greater than 2 h and in very limited yield. The peroxidase-catalyzed adduct formation, however is rapid (less than 2 min) and extensive. These and other data support a one-electron pathway for 2-AF peroxidation, with a free radical or a free radical-derived product responsible for binding to protein and DNA. An N-hydroxy intermediate may therefore not be obligatory in the enzymatic activation of 2-AF to a mutagenic product.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (PES, EC catalyse the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandin H2. The enzyme is a 140 kDa homodimer which contains both a cyclo-oxygenase activity (converting arachidonate into prostaglandin G2) and peroxidase activity (reducing prostaglandin G2 to H2). PES undergoes rapid self-inactivation during oxygenation of arachidonate to prostaglandin H2 in vitro. The previously reported cDNA-derived amino acid sequence indicates numerous sites for trypsin or thrombin cleavage. Most of these sites must be inaccessible, since these enzymes cleave only at Arg253. The enzyme appears to be a self-adherent and highly folded molecule, since after cleavage it retains its functional assembly and its homodimer size of 140 kDa, as well as its overall enzymic activity. Only under denaturing conditions (e.g. SDS/PAGE) can the proteolytic peptides be demonstrated: a 38 kDa C-terminal fragment containing the aspirin-derived-acetyl-binding ability, and a 33 kDa N-terminal fragment. In the present studies we investigated whether the two enzymic activities of PES can be differentially manipulated by proteolytic cleavage or by substrate (arachidonate) self-inactivation. The results indicated that, during arachidonate oxygenation by PES, the cyclooxygenase activity is selectively inactivated, whereas the peroxidase activity is essentially retained. By contrast, thrombin or trypsin cleavage of pure PES or microsomal PES (to yield the 38 and 33 kDa peptide fragments) inactivated the peroxidase, but not the cyclo-oxygenase. Taken together, these results suggest the presence of separate cyclo-oxygenase and peroxidase structural domains on the enzyme.  相似文献   

We have proposed, using styrene as a model, a new mechanism for the formation of glutathione conjugates that is independent of epoxide formation but dependent on the oxidation of glutathione to a thiyl radical by peroxidases such as prostaglandin H synthase or horseradish peroxidase. The thiyl radical reacts with styrene to yield a carbon-centered radical which subsequently reacts with molecular oxygen to give the styrene-glutathione conjugate. We have used electron spin resonance spin trapping techniques to detect the proposed free radical intermediates. A styrene carbon-centered radical was trapped using the spin traps 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) and t-nitrosobutane. The position of the carbon-centered radical was confirmed to be at carbon 7 by the use of specific 2H-labeled styrenes. The addition of the spin trap DMPO inhibited both the utilization of molecular oxygen and the formation of styrene-glutathione conjugates. Under anaerobic conditions additional styrene-glutathione conjugates were formed, one of which was identified by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry as S-(2-phenyl)ethylglutathione. The glutathione thiyl radical intermediate was observed by spin trapping with DMPO. These results support the proposed free radical-mediated formation of styrene-glutathione conjugates by peroxidase enzymes.  相似文献   

We report here that the bacterial lipopolysaccharide endotoxin induces human blood monocytes in a time- and dose-dependent manner to release prodigious amounts of prostaglandins with thromboxane A2, the major metabolite formed. Cells responded to as little as 1 ng/ml lipopolysaccharide to release prostaglandin E2 and thromboxane A2 with maximal stimulation at 10 micrograms/ml. Lipopolysaccharide was found to induce increased activity of cyclooxygenase enzyme without affecting the activities of phospholipase and thromboxane synthase or the formation of 5-lipoxygenase products (e.g. leukotriene B4). The glucocorticoid dexamethasone completely blocked the lipopolysaccharide-induced prostanoid release by inhibiting the activity of monocyte cyclooxygenase. Dexamethasone did not affect phospholipase and thromboxane synthase activities or leukotriene formation. Immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-labeled cyclooxygenase confirmed that the effect of lipopolysaccharide and dexamethasone on the monocyte prostanoid production could be attributed to an increase or decrease, respectively, in cellular cyclooxygenase de novo synthesis.  相似文献   

Regulation of arachidonate metabolism in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells by phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) and cytosolic glutathione peroxidase (GPx1) was studied. In order to study the effect of reduced glutathione (GSH) on the catalysis regulation of these oxygenation enzymes, diethyl maleate was used to deplete the intracellular GSH. In the presence of 13-hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic acid, the enzymatic catalysis of cyclooxygenase and 12-lipoxygenase was significantly increased in the GSH-depleted cells. In terms of the inhibitory effect on 12-lipoxygenase, PHGPx was more sensitive to GSH concentrations than GPx1. Inhibition of PHGPx activity by the treatment of cells with antisense oligonucleotide of PHGPx mRNA increased the enzymatic catalysis of both cyclooxygenase and 12-lipoxygenase. In conclusion, the results indicate that catalysis of cyclooxygenase and 12-lipoxygenase in A431 cells was regulated by redox-reaction, and PHGPx seems to play an important role in the controlling of these reactions.  相似文献   

Bioactivation of xenobiotics by prostaglandin H synthase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Prostaglandin H synthase (PHS) catalyzes the oxidation of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin H2 in reactions which utilize two activities, a cyclooxygenase and a peroxidase. These enzymatic activities generate enzyme- and substrate-derived free radical intermediates which can oxidize xenobiotics to biologically reactive intermediates. As a consequence, in the presence of arachidonic acid or a peroxide source, PHS can bioactivate many chemical carcinogens to their ultimate mutagenic and carcinogenic forms. In general, PHS-dependent bioactivation is most important in extrahepatic tissues with low monooxygenase activity such as the urinary bladder, renal medulla, skin and lung. Mutagenicity assays are useful in the detection of compounds which are converted to genotoxic metabolites during PHS oxidation. In addition, the oxidation of xenobiotics by PHS often form metabolites or adducts to cellular macromolecules which are specific for peroxidase- or peroxyl radical-dependent reactions. These specific metabolites and/or adducts have served as biological markers of xenobiotic bioactivation by PHS in certain tissues. Evidence is presented which supports a role for PHS in the bioactivation of several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and aromatic amines, two classes of carcinogens which induce extrahepatic neoplasia. It should be emphasized that the toxicities induced by PHS-dependent bioactivation of xenobiotics are not limited to carcinogenicity. Examples are given which demonstrate a role for PHS in pulmonary toxicity, teratogenicity, nephrotoxicity and myelotoxicity.  相似文献   

There are spectral and biochemical data suggesting that a tyrosine group(s) is involved in the cyclooxygenase reaction catalyzed by prostaglandin endoperoxide (PGH) synthase. Treatment with tetranitromethane, a reagent which nitrates tyrosine residues, abolishes cyclooxygenase activity, but this inactivation can be largely prevented by competitive cyclooxygenase inhibitors such as ibuprofen and indomethacin. To identify sites of nitration, native PGH synthase and indomethacin-pretreated PGH synthase were incubated with tetranitromethane, and the sequences of peptides containing nitrotyrosine were determined. Three unique tyrosines (Tyr-355, Tyr-385, and Tyr-417) were nitrated in the native enzyme but not in the indomethacin-treated PGH synthase. Using site-directed mutagenesis of sheep PGH synthase, each of these tyrosines, as well as two other tyrosine residues selected as controls (Tyr-254 and Tyr-262), were replaced with phenylalanine; cos-1 cells were transfected with constructs containing cDNAs coding for the native PGH synthase and each of the five phenylalanine mutants, and microsomes from these cells were assayed for cyclooxygenase and hydroperoxidase activities. The Phe-385 mutant of PGH synthase lacked cyclooxygenase activity but retained peroxidase activity; all other mutants expressed both enzyme activities. Our results establish that Tyr-385 is essential for the cyclooxygenase activity of PGH synthase and that nitration of this residue can be prevented by indomethacin. We conclude that Tyr-385 is at or near the cyclooxygenase active site of PGH synthase and could be the tyrosine residue proposed to be involved in the first step of the cyclooxygenase reaction, abstraction of the 13-proS hydrogen from arachidonate.  相似文献   

Severe steroidogenic and spermatogenic alterations are reported in association with diabetic manifestations in humans and experimental animals. This study was planned to determine whether oxidative stress is involved in diabetes-induced alterations in the testes. Diabetes was induced in male rats by injection of 50 mg/kg of streptozotocin (STZ). Ten weeks after injection of STZ, levels of selenium and activities of selenium dependent-glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) were measured in rat testis. Lipid and protein oxidations were evaluated as measurements of testis malondialdehyde (MDA) and protein carbonyl levels, respectively. Testis sulfydryl (SH) levels were also determined. The control levels of GPx and PHGPx activities were found to be 46.5 +/- 6.2 and 108.8 +/- 19.8 nmol GSH/mg protein/min, respectively. Diabetes caused an increase in testis GPx (65.0 +/- 21.1) and PHGPx (155.9 +/- 43.1) activities but did not affect the levels of selenium or SH. However, the testis MDA and protein carbonyl levels as markers of lipid and protein oxidation, respectively, did not increase in the diabetic group. Aminoguanidine (AG) treatment of diabetic rats returned the testis PHGPx activity (136.5 +/- 24.9) to the control level but did not change the value of GPx activity (69.2 +/- 17.4) compared with diabetic group. MDA and protein carbonyl levels in testis were not affected by AG treatment of diabetic rats, but interestingly AG caused SH levels to increase. The results indicate that reactive oxygen radicals were not involved in possible testicular complications of diabetes because diabetes-induced activations of GPx and PHGPx provided protection against oxidative stress, which was reported to be related to some diabetic complications.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin H synthases (PGHSs) have been identified in the majority of vertebrate and invertebrate animals, and most recently in the red alga Gracilaria vermiculophylla. Here we report on the cloning, expression and characterization of the algal PGHS, which shares only about 20% of the amino acid sequence identity with its animal counterparts, yet catalyzes the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandin-endoperoxides, PGG2 and PGH2. The algal PGHS lacks structural elements identified in all known animal PGHSs, such as epidermal growth factor-like domain and helix B in the membrane binding domain. The key residues of animal PGHS, like catalytic Tyr-385 and heme liganding His-388 are conserved in the algal enzyme. However, the amino acid residues shown to be important for substrate binding and coordination, and the target residues for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Arg-120, Tyr-355, and Ser-530) are not found at the appropriate positions in the algal sequences. Differently from animal PGHSs the G. vermiculophylla PGHS easily expresses in Escherichia coli as a fully functional enzyme. The recombinant protein was identified as an oligomeric (evidently tetrameric) ferric heme protein. The preferred substrate for the algal PGHS is arachidonic acid with cyclooxygenase reaction rate remarkably higher than values reported for mammalian PGHS isoforms. Similarly to animal PGHS-2, the algal enzyme is capable of metabolizing ester and amide derivatives of arachidonic acid to corresponding prostaglandin products. Algal PGHS is not inhibited by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A single copy of intron-free gene encoding for PGHS was identified in the red algae G. vermiculophylla and Coccotylus truncatus genomes.  相似文献   

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