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Carboplatin is a platinum analogue that is used in a number of chemotherapeutic regimens for solid tumors, such as lung and ovarian carcinomas. Most often characterization of carboplatin's pharmacokinetic properties is based on measurement of platinum, rather than intact carboplatin. We have developed a sensitive LC-MS method for the determination of intact carboplatin in plasma ultrafiltrate and in tumor tissue. Carboplatin was extracted from rat plasma ultrafiltrate and tumor samples using solid-phase extraction cartridges and analyzed using reversed-phase chromatography with positive electrospray ionization followed by mass spectrometric detection. Using 50 microliter of plasma ultrafiltrate or 140 microliter of tumor homogenate supernatant, the extraction afforded a recovery of 58.7 and 45.8% for plasma and tumor, respectively. The mobile phase was 5% acetonitrile in 0.5% acetic acid at 0.2 ml/min that yielded a retention time of carboplatin of 2.2 min. The method has been validated at carboplatin plasma ultrafiltrate concentrations from 0.07 to 2.5 microgram/ml, and from 0.03 to 1.3 microgram/ml in tumor homogenates. The main advantages of this method compared with earlier methods are the ability to measure intact carboplatin in a sensitive and specific manner.  相似文献   

Measurement of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dGuo) in DNA by high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) was studied. A methodology was developed for separation by LC of 8-OH-dGuo from intact and modified nucleosides in DNA hydrolyzed by a combination of four enzymes: DNase I, phosphodiesterases I and II and alkaline phosphatase. The atmospheric pressure ionization-electrospray process was used for mass spectral measurements. A stable isotope-labeled analog of 8-OH-dGuo was used as an internal standard for quantification by isotope-dilution MS (IDMS). Results showed that LC/IDMS with selected ion-monitoring (SIM) is well suited for identification and quantification of 8-OH-dGuo in DNA at background levels and in damaged DNA. The sensitivity level of LC/IDMS-SIM was found to be comparable to that reported previously using LC-tandem MS (LC/MS/MS). It was found that approximately five lesions per 10(6) DNA bases can be detected using amounts of DNA as low as 2 microgram. The results also suggest that this lesion may be quantified in DNA at levels of one lesion per 10(6) DNA bases, or even lower, when more DNA is used. Up to 50 microgram of DNA per injection were used without adversely affecting the measurements. Gas chromatography/isotope-dilution MS with selected-ion monitoring (GC/IDMS-SIM) was also used to measure this compound in DNA following its removal from DNA by acidic hydrolysis or by hydrolysis with Escherichia coli Fpg protein. The background levels obtained by LC/IDMS-SIM and GC/IDMS-SIM were almost identical. Calf thymus DNA and DNA isolated from cultured HeLa cells were used for this purpose. This indicates that these two techniques can provide similar results in terms of the measurement of 8-OH-dGuo in DNA. In addition, DNA in buffered aqueous solution was damaged by ionizing radiation at different radiation doses and analyzed by LC/IDMS-SIM and GC/IDMS-SIM. Again, similar results were obtained by the two techniques. The sensitivity of GC/MS-SIM for 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine was also examined and found to be much greater than that of LC/MS-SIM and the reported sensitivity of LC/MS/MS for 8-OH-dGuo. Taken together, the results unequivocally show that LC/IDMS-SIM is well suited for sensitive and accurate measurement of 8-OH-dGuo in DNA and that both LC/IDMS-SIM and GC/IDMS-SIM can provide similar results.  相似文献   

24S-Hydroxycholesterol (24S-OH-Chol) and 27-hydroxycholesterol (27-OH-Chol) are oxidized derivatives of cholesterol and of potential diagnostic interest because their circulating levels may reflect the cholesterol metabolism of the brain and macrophages, respectively. We developed a sensitive and specific HPLC-MS method for the quantification of 24S-OH-Chol and 27-OH-Chol in human plasma. In contrast to currently available procedures based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, this methodology offers the advantage that no time-consuming derivatization is needed. After saponification, solid-phase extraction, and HPLC separation under reversed-phase column conditions, detection by MS was performed using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization and selected ion monitoring mode. The standard curves were linear throughout the calibration range for both oxysterols. Within-day and between-day coefficients of variation were less than 9%, and the recoveries ranged between 98% and 103%. The quantification limits were 40 and 25 microg/l for 24S-OH-Chol and 27-OH-Chol, respectively. Mean values for both oxysterols were determined in plasma from 22 healthy volunteers. The sensitive and selective HPLC-MS method described here combined with the appropriate workup procedure allow the quantification of 24S-OH-Chol and 27-OH-Chol in plasma samples, for example in clinical studies to elaborate the clinical usefulness of these two oxysterols.  相似文献   

A new high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) assay for cediranib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor for VEGFRs, was developed and validated, for the determination of plasma and brain levels of cediranib in small specimen volumes. Tyrphostin (AG1478) was used as internal standard. Mouse plasma and brain homogenate samples were prepared using liquid-liquid extraction. The assay was validated for a 2.5-2500 ng/mL concentration range for plasma, and for 1-2000 ng/mL range for brain homogenate. For these calibration ranges, within-assay variabilities were 1.1-14.3% for plasma and 1.5-9.4% for brain homogenate; between-assay variabilities were 2.4-9.2% for plasma, and 4.9-10.2% for brain homogenate. Overall accuracy ranged from 101.5 to 107.0% for plasma and 96.5 to 100.2% for brain homogenate, for all target concentrations. The developed assay has been successfully applied for a brain distribution study in mice at an oral dose of 5 mg/kg.  相似文献   

Measurement of 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dGuo) in DNA by high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) was studied. A methodology was developed for separation by LC of 8-OH-dGuo from intact and modified nucleosides in DNA hydrolyzed by a combination of four enzymes: DNase I, phosphodiesterases I and II and alkaline phosphatase. The atmospheric pressure ionization-electrospray process was used for mass spectral measurements. A stable isotope-labeled analog of 8-OH-dGuo was used as an internal standard for quantification by isotope-dilution MS (IDMS). Results showed that LC/IDMS with selected ion-monitoring (SIM) is well suited for identification and quantification of 8-OH-dGuo in DNA at background levels and in damaged DNA. The sensitivity level of LC/IDMS-SIM was found to be comparable to that reported previously using LC-tandem MS (LC/MS/MS). It was found that approximately five lesions per 106 DNA bases can be detected using amounts of DNA as low as 2 µg. The results also suggest that this lesion may be quantified in DNA at levels of one lesion per 106 DNA bases, or even lower, when more DNA is used. Up to 50 µg of DNA per injection were used without adversely affecting the measurements. Gas chromatography/isotope-dilution MS with selected-ion monitoring (GC/IDMS-SIM) was also used to measure this compound in DNA following its removal from DNA by acidic hydrolysis or by hydrolysis with Escherichia coli Fpg protein. The background levels obtained by LC/IDMS-SIM and GC/IDMS-SIM were almost identical. Calf thymus DNA and DNA isolated from cultured HeLa cells were used for this purpose. This indicates that these two techniques can provide similar results in terms of the measurement of 8-OH-dGuo in DNA. In addition, DNA in buffered aqueous solution was damaged by ionizing radiation at different radiation doses and analyzed by LC/IDMS-SIM and GC/IDMS-SIM. Again, similar results were obtained by the two techniques. The sensitivity of GC/MS-SIM for 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine was also examined and found to be much greater than that of LC/MS-SIM and the reported sensitivity of LC/MS/MS for 8-OH-dGuo. Taken together, the results unequivocally show that LC/IDMS-SIM is well suited for sensitive and accurate measurement of 8-OH-dGuo in DNA and that both LC/IDMS-SIM and GC/IDMS-SIM can provide similar results.  相似文献   

The contents of ginsenosides in Panax ginseng not only vary in different parts of the root, but also exhibit yearly variation. In this study, an HPLC-MS method was established in order to simultaneously analyse ginsenosides Rb1, Rb2, Rb3, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf, Rg1 and Rg2. The concentration of ginsenosides in the tap root and root fibre were compared and the yearly variations of nine ginsenosides elucidated. The results indicate that the total content of ginsenosides in the main root and the root fibre both attain a maximum level in the fourth year of growth, although the amount in the former is much higher than in the latter. The variation in the content of ginsenosides during a 2-6 year period suggests that cultivated P. Ginseng can be harvested after the fourth year. The current results will provide useful information for the quality control and good agricultural practice farming of ginseng.  相似文献   

An improved high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the separation and characterization of cardiolipin molecular species is presented. Reverse-phase ion pair chromatography with acidified triethylamine resulted in increased chromatographic retention and resolution when compared with chromatography without acidified triethylamine. Using a hybrid triple quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer to generate MS/MS spectra revealed three regions within each spectrum that could be used to deduce the structure of the cardiolipin molecular species: the diacylglycerol phosphate region, the monoacylglycerol phosphate region, and the fatty acid region. Cardiolipin standards of known composition were analyzed and exhibited expected chromatographic and mass spectral results. Two minor components in commercial bovine heart cardiolipin, (with the same molecular weight but different chromatographic retention times), were shown to differ by fatty acid composition: (C18:2)2(C18:1)2 versus (C18:2)3(C18:0)1. These compounds were then analyzed by HPLC-MS3 to examine specific diac ylglycerol phosphate generated fatty acid fragmentation. Also, two commercial sources of bovine heart cardiolipin were shown to have minor differences in cardiolipin species content. Cardiolipin isolated from rat liver, mouse heart, and dog heart mitochondria were then characterized and the relative distributions of the major cardiolipin species were determined.  相似文献   

Gambogic acid (GBA), the main component of Gamboge, possesses significant anti-tumour activity. Due to its structural complexity, little is known about GBA metabolism. Here, we investigate the metabolism of GBA in vivo in rat bile. Identification of the metabolites formed was elucidated using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV-vis detection, HPLC/ion trap electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry, as well as HPLC/nuclear magnetic resonance. Four main metabolites were determined. Two phase I metabolites, 10-hydroxygambogic acid and 9,10-epoxygambogic acid, were oxides on the 9,10-olefinic bond of GBA. The others phase II metabolites, were 9,10-epoxygambogic acid-30-O-glucuronide and 10-hydroxylgambogic acid-30-O-glucuronide.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method for the identification of Vinca alkaloids from a crude extract of Catharanthus roseus G. Don (Apocynaceae) by direct-injection electrospray ionisation (ESI) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) has been developed. The alkaloids vindoline, vindolidine, vincristine and vinblastine were evaluated in a commercial extract of C. roseus using this method. Catharanthine and its isomers 19S-vindolinine and vindolinine were detected in the commercial product by direct injection ESI/MS/MS and confirmed by preparation and by HPLC-ESI/MS. For the characterisation of different fragment fingerprints, ESI/MS/MS is a sensitive, rapid and convenient technique by which to identify some constituents in complex and mixed plant extracts.  相似文献   

Several modifications of GC-MS and HPLC methods for plasma level DHPG have been described. The effects of storage temperature and stabilizing agents on DHPG stability have been studied. The stabilizing agent has been found to play a more important role than low-temperature storage in preventing DHPG from decomposition during sample storage. A specific and sensitive GC-MS method (electron impact) has been established using stable isotope-labeled DHPG as an internal standard. HPLC has been improved by modifying the conditions, resulting in a good separation of DHPG and internal standard from solvent front and other early eluting compounds. Comparison of the GC-MS and HPLC procedures demonstrates a strong correlation between these two methods.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-mass spectrometry (MS) assay, already validated for opiates and cocaine in meconium, has been re-applied for determination of m- and p-hydroxybenzoylecgonine, using nalorphine as the internal standard. Methodology included an initial extraction from the matrix by methanol and then a solid-phase extraction (SPE). A reversed-phase chromatography was used with a gradient of 1% acetic acid-acetonitrile coupled to atmospheric pressure ionization electrospray-mass spectrometry single ion monitoring mode. This method, validated in the range 0.005-1.00 microg analytes/g meconium, proved useful to identify and quantify these two metabolites in meconium samples, already tested for the presence of cocaine, benzoylecgonine and cocaethylene. A positivity of range of concentrations varied between 0.007 and 0.338 microg/g, confirming the importance of these two hydroxylated derivatives to monitor fetal exposure to cocaine.  相似文献   

S-Transnitrosylation reactions are supposed to be the basic principle by which nitric oxide-related biological activities are regulated in vivo. Mechanisms of S-transnitrosylation reactions are poorly understood and equilibria constants for physiological S-nitroso compounds and thiols are rare. In the present study we investigated S-transnitrosylation reactions of the thiols homocysteine, cysteine, glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, N-acetylpenicillamine, and human plasma albumin and their corresponding S-nitroso compounds SNhC, SNC, GSNO, SNAC, SNAP, and SNALB utilizing high-performance liquid chromatographic and gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric techniques. These methods allowed to study S-transnitrosylation reactions in mixtures of several S-nitroso compound/thiol pairs, to determine equilibria constants, and to elucidate the mechanism of S-transnitrosylation reactions. We obtained the following order for the equilibria constants in aqueous buffered solution at pH 7.4: SNhC approximately SNAC > GSNO approximately SNALB > SNAP > SNC. Our results suggest that the mechanism of S-transnitrosylation reactions of these S-nitroso compounds and their thiols involve heterolytic cleavage of the S&sbond;N bond. Incubation of SNC with human red blood cells resulted in a dose-dependent formation of GSNO in the cytosol through S-transnitrosylation of intracellular GSH by the SNC transported into the cells. This reaction was accompanied with an almost complete disappearance of the SNC fraction transported into the cells. This finding is in full agreement with the equilibrium constant Keq of 1.9 for the reaction SNC + GSH <--> Cys + GSNO in aqueous buffer.  相似文献   

In the present study, the metabolic profile of PAC-1, a potential anticancer drug, was investigated using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric (LC/MS) techniques. Two different types of mass spectrometers--a quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrometer and an ion trap (IT) mass spectrometer--were employed to acquire structural information on PAC-1 metabolites. A gradient liquid chromatographic system composed of 0.2% formic acid in methanol and 0.2% formic acid in water was used for metabolite separation on an Agilent TC-C(18) column. A total of 16 metabolites were detected. The corresponding product ion spectra were acquired and interpreted, and structures were proposed. Accurate mass measurement using LC-Q-TOF was used to determine the elemental composition of metabolites thereby confirming the proposed structures of these metabolites. Phase I metabolic changes were predominantly observed, including debenzylation, dihydrodiol formation, hydroxylation, and dihydroxylation. The detected phase II metabolites included PAC-1 and hydroxylated PAC-1 glucuronide conjugates. Based on metabolite analysis, several PAC-1 metabolic pathways in rat were proposed.  相似文献   

A method for determining triazine herbicides in infant nutrient cereal-based foods by pressurized microwave-assisted extraction (PMAE), coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI/MS), is described. The key parameters of PMAE, including extraction solvent, extraction time and temperature, were optimized. The isolation of the target compounds from the matrix was found to be efficient when 2 g of nutrient cereal samples was extracted with 20 mL of methanol for 10 min at 105 degrees C. Final determination was accomplished by HPLC-ESI/MS. The recoveries from 66.2 to 88.6% were obtained for three compounds at fortification levels (5-500 microg kg(-1)) with relative standard deviations (R.S.D.) 相似文献   

A micro method involving high-performance liquid chromatography-fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (HPLC/FAB/MS) has been developed for the sensitive structural characterization of neutral glycosphingolipids and monosialogangliosides. The method involves a micro silica gel column (0.3 mm i.d. x 100 mm) and a micro HPLC apparatus working at a flow rate of 6 microliters/min. All injected materials can be structurally characterized by mass spectrometry without the splitting or wasting of materials, which was not possible with our previous method [M. Suzuki et al. (1990) J. Biochem. 108, 92-98]. A mixture containing 160 ng each of five neutral glycosphingolipids (GlcCer, LacCer, Gb3Cer, Gb4Cer, and IV3 alpha GalNAc-Gb4Cer) and a mixture containing 160 ng each of three monosialogangliosides [GM3(NeuAc), GM2(NeuAc), and GM1(NeuAc)] were injected into the micro HPLC with programmed elution with isopropanol-n-hexane-water with or without ammonium hydroxide. Each glycosphingolipid was separated by mass chromatography and the obtained mass spectra were suitable for structural characterization. Thus, the characterization of glycosphingolipids was achieved with small amounts of materials, 160 ng each, and in mixtures.  相似文献   

A selective analytical method based on high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), combined with atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI-) mass spectrometry (MS), has been developed for simultaneous determination of B-trichothecenes and the major metabolites of deoxynivalenol. The method allows simultaneous analysis of nivalenol (NIV), deoxynivalenol (DON), 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-AcDON), 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-AcDON), fusarenon X (Fus-X) and de-epoxydeoxynivalenol (DOM-1). The method is based on one-step sample clean-up using a multifunctional MycoSep column. A linear gradient mobile phase system, consisting of water:acetonitrile:methanol (H2O:ACN:MeOH) at a flow-rate of 1 ml/min, and a Polar-RP C18 column, were utilised to obtain the best resolution of all tested compounds along with column and equilibrating within 30 min. Dexamethasone (Dex) was used as internal standard. The developed method shows good repeatability for inter- and intra-day precisions as well as good linearity of calibration curves (r2 ranged from 0.9936 to 0.9998). Average recoveries for tested compounds in both matrices have been determined ranging from 63.7 to 102.3% and limit of quantification (LOQ) ranged from 25 to 150 ng/g. The utility and practical impact of the method is demonstrated using contaminated pig urine and maize samples.  相似文献   

A sensitive liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric (LC/MS) method for the quantification of schizandrin in rat plasma was developed and validated after solid-phase extraction (SPE). Chromatographic separation was achieved on a reversed-phase Shimadzu C(18) column with the mobile phase of acetonitrile-sodium acetate (10 micromol/L) and step gradient elution resulted in a total run time of about 11.7 min. The analytes were detected using an electrospray positive ionization mass spectrometry in the selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode. A good linear relationship was obtained in the concentration range studied (0.005-2.000 microg/mL) (r=0.9999). Lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 5 ng/mL and the lower limit of detection (LLOD) was 2 ng/mL using 100 microL plasma sample. Average recoveries ranged from 75.85 to 88.51% in plasma at the concentrations of 0.005, 0.100 and 1.000 microg/mL. Intra- and inter-day relative standard deviations were 5.95-12.93% and 3.87-14.53%, respectively. This method was successfully applied for the pharmacokinetic studies in rats.  相似文献   

A method is described for the qualiitative and quantitative determination of phenylbutazone and oxyphenbutazone in horse urine and plasma samples viewing antidoping control. A horse was administered intravenously with 3 g of phenylbutazone. For the qualitative determination, a screening by HPLC was performed after acidic extraction of the urine samples and the confirmation process was realized by GC-MS. Using the proposed method it was possible to detect phenylbutazone and oxyphenbutazone in urine for up to 48 and 120 h, respectively. For the quantitation of these drugs the plasma was deproteinized with acetonitrile and 20 gml were injected directly into the HPLC system equipped with a UV detector and LiChrospher RP-18 column. The mobile phase used was 0.01 M acetic acid in methanol (45:55, v/v). The limit of detection was 0.5 μg/ml for phenylbutazone and oxyphenbutazone and the limit of quantitation was 1.0 μg/ml for both drugs. Using the proposed method it was possible to quantify phenylbutazone up to 30 h and oxyphenbutazone up to 39 h after administration.  相似文献   

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