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从王锦蛇Elaphe carinate体内检取曼氏裂头蚴Spirometra mansoni,口服法以5条/只感染昆明小鼠,于感染后10 min、20 min、30 min、1 h、2 h、4 h、6 h、24 h、7 d、14 d分别处死一组小鼠(3只小鼠/组),观察裂头蚴在小鼠体内的移行及分布。发现小鼠经口服感染裂头蚴后,裂头蚴最早于10 min穿透胃肠壁;感染后20 min,腹腔内已见穿过肠壁的裂头蚴;感染后10 min至6 h,裂头蚴主要见于胃肠腔、胃肠壁和腹腔内;感染24 h,有少数的裂头蚴移行至小鼠皮下;感染7 d后,大多数的裂头蚴移行至皮下组织,从颈部、躯干及头部皮下组织检获的裂头蚴数分别为7条、6条和1条;脑、心脏、肝脏、肾脏及肺等器官未见裂头蚴寄生。小鼠感染曼氏裂头蚴后,裂头蚴经胃肠壁进入腹腔,随后移行至身体的组织器官内寄生,其中以皮下组织多见。  相似文献   

人体寄生虫有原虫、蠕虫和节肢动物三大种类,其感染可见于全身大部分组织器官,亦可与眼部组织相互作用。寄生虫可寄生在眼球、眼眶软组织及睫毛根部等部位,致盲率较高。眼睛可与外界直接接触感染病原体,且随着获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)患者增多和角膜接触镜(隐形眼镜)佩戴人数增加,眼部寄生虫感染病例数量呈上升趋势,引起人们的广泛关注。本文选取原虫、蠕虫和节肢动物中能寄生于人眼,并导致眼部病变的几种典型寄生虫(棘阿米巴、刚地弓形虫、猪囊尾蚴、曼氏裂头蚴、结膜吸吮线虫、蠕形螨、蝇蛆、阴虱)进行介绍,并针对其最新病例及研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

目的调查和研究23种HPV基因亚型在杭州市萧山区女性中感染状况以及分子流行病学特点,为预防HPV感染和宫颈癌防治提供依据。方法利用DNA杂交技术检测妇科门诊样本,并进行基因分型,比较不同基因型流行病学特点。结果在15 414例样本中HPV感染者3 230例,感染率为20.95%,其中高危亚型检出2 203例,占感染者的68.20%,低危亚型569例,占17.62%,同时感染高危亚型和低危亚型的458例,占14.18%。单一感染2 295例,占感染者的71.05%,两重感染642例,占19.88%,≥3重的多重感染293例,占9.07%。23个亚型中16型最多,其次为52和58型。≤25年龄段感染比例最高,与其他年龄段感染率比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论高危亚型、单一感染为本地区常见类型,HPV16、52和58为主要感染亚型;HPV感染具有年龄分布特点。  相似文献   

探讨淋球菌(NG)、沙眼衣原体(CT)和解脲脲原体(UU)三种性传播疾病(STD)病原体在宁夏泌尿生殖系感染者中的感染状况,为临床防治提供参考。选取2013年1月至2017年12月在宁夏医科大学总医院就诊的患者4 542例,其中男性3 561例,女性981例,应用实时荧光PCR法检测上述病原体,并分析结果。3种病原体总感染率为26.51%(1 204/4 542),NG、CT、UU单一病原体感染率分别为26.31%、15.21%和35.70%,男、女感染率分别为23.48%和37.51%,感染率有性别差异(P<0.01),NG、CT感染率男性显著高于女性,UU感染率女性显著高于男性;混合感染率为3.32%(151/4 542),男、女混合感染率分别为3.82%和153%,主要以CT+UU为主,NG+UU次之;从年龄分布来说,男性≤20岁年龄段感染率最高,女性21~30岁年龄段感染率最高;5年来NG、CT和UU感染率呈上升趋势。泌尿生殖系感染者中NG、CT、UU感染情况严重,男性易感NG和CT,女性易感UU,同时,混合感染也较常见,提示应同时检测多种病原体以防漏检。  相似文献   

网纹克丽虾虎鱼 Chloea mororana Jordan et Snyder,1921 标本12尾。体长52—58毫米。采自辽宁省庄河、丹东、旅顺。 背鳍Ⅶ,Ⅰ—12—14;臀鳍1—11—14;胸鳍21—23。纵列鳞85—91,横列鳞23—28。体长为体高的5.7—6.3倍,为头长的3.6—4.6倍。头长为吻长的3.3—3.7倍,为眼径的4.7—5.7倍,为上颌长的  相似文献   

宫颈上皮内病变与HPV相关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解辽宁省妇女生殖道人乳头瘤病毒(Human Papillomavirus,HPV)感染情况,研究辽宁省妇女宫颈上皮内病变与HPV感染的相关性。方法回顾性分析600例行核酸分子快速导流杂交基因芯片技术(Hybri Max)检测的患者,该600例患者均行薄层液基细胞学技术(Liguid-based cytologic teset,LCT)检查,有127例患者行病理活检,结合3种方法研究HPV感染与宫颈病变的相关性。结果导流杂交HPV-DNA检测结果与LCT结果相结合,600例患者中,感染HPV的阳性率分别为正常32%(92/288),Asc-us42%(87/208),LSIL53%(40/75),HSIL86%(19/22),癌100%(7/7)。导流杂交HPV-DNA检测结果与病理活检结果相结合,感染HPV的阳性率分别为:正常或慢性炎症36.17%(17/47),CINⅠ66.67%(36/54),CINⅡ-Ⅲ84.21%(16/19),癌100%(7/7),HPV感染阳性率随宫颈病变程度加重而明显升高。细胞学与组织学病理诊断符合率分别为LSIL72%(54/75),HSIL86.36%(19/22),SCC100%(7/7)。不同年龄阶段妇女感染HPV的阳性率依次为20-29岁46.76%(65/139),30-39岁43.41%(79/182),40-9岁40.48%(71/174),50-59岁38.16%(29/76),60-69岁37.50%(6/16),70岁76.92%(10/13)。600例患者HPV感染总阳性率为40.83%(245/600),在HPV21种亚型中,有19种亚型均被检测出,感染率最高的是HPV16 35.51%(87/245),其它常见型别依次为HPV58,HPV6,HPV53,HPV18,HPV31,HPV52和cp8304。此外还发现高危型HPV16的感染率:正常或慢性炎症35.29%(6/17)CINⅠ33.33%(12/36),CINⅡ-Ⅲ56.25%(9/16),癌85.71%(6/7),其感染率阳性率在各种程度的宫颈病变中占很大比重,也随宫颈病变的严重程度而增高,进一步论证了HPV16的高危性。结论辽宁省妇女HPV感染的主要亚型是HPV16,HPV58及HPV6.无论是与细胞学检测结果相结合还是与病理活检结果相结合,HPV感染阳性率均随宫颈病变程度的加重而增高。提示宫颈病变的防治重点应放在预防及治疗HPV感染。  相似文献   

曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiella maindroni)和金乌贼(Sepia esculenta)的内骨骼称为海螵蛸,可用于制酸、止血等。通过对曼氏无针乌贼、金乌贼和虎斑乌贼(Sepia pharaonis)内骨骼生化成分的比较,有望实现传统中药海螵蛸原料质量的提升和替代。分别使用烘干干燥法、高温灼烧法、凯氏定氮法、索氏提取法、酸碱浸泡法、茚三酮柱后衍生离子交换色谱法、离子发光色谱法检测水分、灰分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗甲壳素、氨基酸及矿物质。结果显示:三种内骨骼营养成分中,虎斑乌贼水分和粗蛋白含量最高,分别为(2.52±0.16)%和(3.43±0.10)%;金乌贼灰分和粗脂肪含量最高,分别为(94.7±0.26)%和(0.24±0.04)%;甲壳素含量最高的为曼氏无针乌贼内骨骼,为(9.48±0.36)%,约为其他两种的1.50倍。三种乌贼内骨骼共检出15种氨基酸,其中必需氨基酸(EAA)7种,半必需氨基酸(HEAA)1种,非必需氨基酸(NEAA)7种,三种乌贼骨的EAA/TAA为44.64%~47.09%,符合FAO/WHO中对于蛋白质EAA/TAA的理想评定标准。金乌贼内骨骼的钙含量最高(3.93×105 mg/kg)、曼氏无针乌贼的钠含量最高(1.02×104 mg/kg)、虎斑乌贼的钾含量最高(589.5 mg/kg)。可见三种乌贼内骨骼均是低脂肪、高甲壳素、高矿物质的中药。虎斑乌贼内骨骼蛋白和灰分营养成分含量较为丰富,是否可以作为传统海螵蛸的替代品,值得进一步探讨。  相似文献   

目的:探讨胃癌患者发病部位、发病年龄年龄以及临床病理特征之间的关系。方法:选取2008年1月~2017年12月哈医大一院及哈医四院普外科经手术治疗的1200例胃癌患者,对其发病部位、发病年龄与性别、肿瘤大小、Borrmann分型、大体分型、病理分化类型等情况进行统计学分析。结果:在113例早期胃癌患者中,60例发病部位在胃窦小弯部,占53.1%;胃体小弯部29例,占25.7%;胃角部14例,12.4%;贲门部10例,占8.8%。不同发病部位患者性别构成比较差异存在明显的统计学意义(P0.05),但年龄、肿瘤大小、大体分型、病理分化类型比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。在1087例进展期胃癌患者中,好发部位以胃窦部最多,为608例(55.9%),其次是胃底贲门部249例(22.9%)和胃体部173(15.9%)。不同发病部位患者性别构成比较冲压存在明显的统计学意义(P0.05),而患者年龄、肿瘤大小、Borrmann分型、病理分化类型比较冲压无统计学意义(P0.05)。在不同年龄组别胃癌患者的统计中,全组男女总比为2.3:1,在≤40岁组中男女比例为1.1:1,40岁≤60岁组中男女比例为2.4:1,60岁组中男女比例为2.9:1,三组对比(x~2=8.39,P0.05)存在明显统计学意义;在病理学分化类型的三组对比中,以低分化腺癌为主占91.7%,但随着年龄的增长,高分化腺癌比例有所增加(x~2=16.74,P0.05)存在明显统计学意义;而发病部位以胃下部1/3最多649例,占54.1%,三组对比无明显统计学意义;肿瘤大小以2 cm≤5 cm最多567例,占47.3%,三组对比无明显统计学意义;Borrmann分型以BorrmannⅢ型最多594例,占49.5%,三组对比无明显统计学意义。结论:无论早期胃癌还是进展期胃癌,好发部位以胃窦小弯部最多;胃癌发病部位与性别存在一定关系,在早期胃癌中,发病部位越高,女性患者比例越大;在进展期胃癌中,胃癌发生的位置越高,男性比例越大;此外,胃癌患者年龄越小,女性比例越大;胃癌患者年龄越大,高、中分化腺癌的比例越大。胃癌患者的发病部位与临床病理特征无明显相关性。  相似文献   

目的 分析人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者的临床特点及其意义。方法 用微粒酶免疫试验和蛋白质印迹法对HIV感染者的血清进行HIV抗体初筛和确认,并对感染者的流行病学、机会性感染及免疫学特点进行分析。结果 在1998~2006年期间,我院共发现77例HIV感染者,其中上海户籍患者占了50.7%,男、女比例为2.85∶1,年龄以30~49岁为主,传播途径中以性传播最常见(40.3%)。早期症状常被忽略,以消化道及肺部真菌、假单胞菌感染,性传播疾病,病毒性肝炎,皮损等就诊于各科室。多重或多部位的机会性感染可见于大多数临床已发病患者。结论 HIV感染的及时诊断,对感染者的治疗、机会性感染的预防以及减少传播具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

【摘 要】 目的 调查妊娠期女性常见阴道感染的发病情况。方法 随机选取我院孕检妇女、妇科病普查妇女各200例,采用阴道分泌物常规镜检方法对其阴道分泌物进行常规分析。结果 200妊娠期孕检妇女中,检出清洁度Ⅰ~Ⅱ 88例(占受检人数的44%)、清洁度Ⅲ~Ⅳ 112例(占受检人数的56%),阴道感染患者57例(占受检人数的28.5%),其中外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病(VVC)37例(占受检人数的18.5%)、细菌性阴道病(BV)18例(占受检人数的9%)、滴虫性阴道炎(TV)2例(占受检人数的1%);200例妇科病普查妇女中,检出清洁度Ⅰ-Ⅱ 94例(占受检人数的47%)、清洁度Ⅲ-Ⅳ 106例(占受检人数的53%)、阴道感染患者59例(占受检人数的29.5%),其中外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病(VVC)34例(占受检人数的17%)、细菌性阴道病(BV)22例(占受检人数的11%)、滴虫性阴道炎(TV)3例(占受检人数的1.5%)。经卡方检验,妊娠期孕检妇女和妇科病普查妇女中VVC、BV和TV的发病率差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 大兴区妊娠期女性阴道感染以VVC为主。  相似文献   

A total of 351 serum samples was examined for anti-T. gondii antibody titers; the overall seroprevalence was 3.7%. The Sabin-Feldman dye test (DT), latex agglutination test (LAT), and IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (IgG ELISA) indicated seroprevalences of 3.7%, 3.4%, and 4.0%, respectively. Compared with the DT, the sensitivities of the LAT and IgG ELISA were 84.6% and 100.0%, respectively, and the specificities of the LAT and IgG ELISA were both 99.7%. An increase in T. gondii seroprevalence with increasing age was detected, but the difference was not significant. The overall seroprevalence of T. gondii-antibody titers in pregnant Korean women was relatively low compared to those of Europeans and Americans. A multivariate analysis of risk factors showed that T. gondii infection was positively correlated with eating raw meat, but was not associated with the consumption of unwashed vegetables, drinking untreated water, a history of raising a cat, or blood transfusion. The consumption of raw or undercooked meat may, therefore, be the main route of T. gondii infection in Korea.  相似文献   

The materials, comprehensively characterizing the water outbreaks of gastroenteritis with its etiology established and its clinico-epidemiological interpretation made, are presented. Along with other data, the water nature of the outbreak was verified by the detection of rotavirus antigen, made in the enzyme immunoassay, not only in patients, but also in water samples from the surface water source and from sewage. To isolate the infective agent from environmental objects, bentonite, a mineral sorbent, has been used for the first time. The authors believe that the water route plays the main (primary) role in the spread of rotavirus gastroenteritis and the adult population is the main reservoir of this infection. The fact the disease is registered mainly among younger age groups of the child population reflects only the maximum manifestation of rotavirus infection among these age groups.  相似文献   

Giardia cyst concentrations were determined in an inventory of 153 raw and 91 chlorinated drinking water samples collected at 86 sites from throughout the western Canadian province of British Columbia. Sixty-four percent of raw water samples were cyst positive (69% of sites). Cyst concentrations were lower in chlorinated than in raw water. The viability of cysts in drinking water samples assessed by infectivity in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) was decreased in chlorinated water. Two rural communities using Giardia-contaminated surface drinking water sources were selected for longitudinal studies including drinking water testing and serological studies of residents. Three hundred thirty-six raw and treated samples from these communities were collected over 24 months. Cyst concentrations and viability were assessed in a 12-month study of each community. Parasite concentrations were lower in chlorinated water than in raw water in both communities. Cyst concentrations were lower in reservoir-settled water than in raw water. Viability, assessed by animal infectivity and corrected for inoculum, decreased following reservoir settling as well as after chlorination. A bolus or spiking phenomenon of cysts was observed in both community drinking water systems and deserves further study. A striking seasonal pattern was seen in one community but not in the second. The seroprevalence data and number of laboratory-confirmed cases identified in each year-long community study are consistent with the possibility that low-level endemic transmission is occurring.  相似文献   

Diarrheal disease is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. Drinking water is a primary transmission route of infectious diarrheagenic bacteria in a rural area of Kenya (Microbiol. Immunol. 41: 773-778, 1997). We tried to prevent diarrhea at villages with approximately 1,500 households in Kenya by pasteurizing drinking water. A durable simple thermoindicator which changes color at 70 C was used as an indicator of pasteurization. The number of households in which drinking water was coliform bacteria-free increased from 10.7% to 43.1% after adoption of a pasteurization practice. Consequently, the incidence of severe diarrhea among people drinking pasteurized water was significantly lower than in people taking raw water (odds ratio=0.55, P=0.0016). The reduction ratio of the incidence after pasteurization was nearly equivalent with that after the adoption of a boiling method. Employment of women leaders as fieldworkers and demonstration of bacterial colony disappearance on agar plates by pasteurization also affected reduction of the diarrheal incidence.  相似文献   

The results of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies revealed that the sharp rise of morbidity in viral hepatitides in Osh Province, the Kirghiz SSR in autumn 1987 was caused by hepatitis non A, non B virus with fecal-oral transmission. At this period the results of the enzyme immunoassay showed the absence of the markers of hepatitides A, B and Delta in 72.2% of viral hepatitis patients. Hepatitis non A, non B occurred only in 2.4% of viral hepatitis patients of preschool age (of these, 83.3% had hepatitis A) and was diagnosed in autumn 1987 in 50% of the patients aged 7-14 years and in 97.4% of the patients aged 15-29 years (in the latter age group 95-98% of the patients had IgG to hepatitis A virus in their blood). The appearance of the outbreak of the above-mentioned infection in Kirghizia is linked with the water route of the transmission of the infective agent. The epidemiological and clinical signs, characteristic of fecal-oral hepatitis non A, non B in Kirghizia, were not different from those registered earlier in other republics of the Central Asia and could be used for the identification of this infection.  相似文献   

The oral, percutaneous and subcutaneous routes of infection of Oswaldocruzia filiformis were investigated in amphibia. Tadpoles of Bufo bufo and Rana temporaria can be infected with O. filiformis when kept temporarily in a suspension of infective larvae in water. Larval stages and subadults were found in tadpoles. All stages of the parasite, including egg-producing females, were found after metamorphosis of the host. However, under natural circumstances infection of tadpoles seems unlikely. Oral infections in metamorphosed hosts of both species were successful in 97.5% of the host animals used. The first eggs appeared 29 days after infection in the faeces. The oral route seems to be normal for O. filiformis in amphibia. Experiments on percutaneous infections did not reveal actual penetration of larvae in or through the skin nor a subsequent migration through host tissues. Sometimes a few larvae were found in the stomach and intestine, but in these particular cases the experimental conditions did not totally exclude the possibility of oral infections. Consequently, the percutaneous route of infection is not plausible for O. filiformis. Subcutaneous inoculation of infective larvae seems to be a possible way of establishing experimental infections. Erratic localisation of the parasite in the enlarged gall bladder of the host was observed.  相似文献   

Severe clinical disease caused by the major human parasite Schistosoma mansoni is the consequence of high and prolonged infections. Epidemiological studies indicate that, for individuals having frequent contacts with cercaria-infested waters, both infection intensities and reinfection after treatment depend, in large part, on their intrinsic susceptibility/resistance to infection, suggesting the role of genetic factors in human resistance to S. mansoni. To investigate whether a major gene controls human susceptibility/resistance to infection by S. mansoni, segregation analysis of infection intensities, adjusted for the factors relevant in schistosomiasis (water contact, age, sex), was performed on 20 Brazilian pedigrees (269 individuals), using both the unified mixed model and the regressive model of analysis. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that there is a codominant major gene controlling human susceptibility/resistance to infection by S. mansoni. Parameter estimates indicate a frequency of .20-.25 for the deleterious allele; thus, about 5% of the population is predisposed to high infections, 60% is resistant, and 35% has an intermediate, although fairly good, level of resistance. These findings provide a genetic basis for earlier observations on the lower resistance and the predisposition to reinfection of certain individuals. In addition to the detection of a major gene effect, the data suggest that immunity to S. mansoni develops progressively during childhood to reach a maximum around the age of puberty. The implications of these results for the strategy to be used in endemic areas to reduce morbidity and to control parasite transmission are discussed.  相似文献   

Sixteen patients, 8 to 30 yr of age, with acute (toxemic) phase schistosomiasis mansoni were studied immunologically within 2 to 3 mo of their exposure to Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, and were monitored after chemotherapy. Total leukocyte levels and peripheral blood eosinophilias were higher in these patients than in similar individuals with chronic schistosomiasis mansoni. In contrast to chronic patients, the eosinophilias of the acute cases were decreased rather than elevated upon treatment. Total lymphocyte population (T and B cell) percentages were not altered during acute infection. Lymphoid subset (T3+, T4+, and T8+) analysis revealed elevated levels of both T4+ and T8+ cells. In vitro blastogenic responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMN) to heterogeneous schistosome-derived antigens (eggs, SEA; adult worms, AW; and cercariae, CERC) were evaluated. SEA responsiveness was considerably higher than that of patients with chronic S. mansoni infections. The ratios of SEA to AW responses in acute cases gave a mean of 2.0, as opposed to 0.5 for a comparable group of chronically infected patients. The sera of most acute patients already contained suppressive factors that specifically decreased schistosomal antigen-induced PBMN blastogenesis. Chemotherapy of acute cases lead to a diminution of PBMN responsiveness to SEA and CERC. Treatment of patients with chronic infections lead to the elevation of such responses. PBMN from patients with acute infections produced lymphokine leukocyte inhibition factor upon exposure of the cells to SEA but not AW. A similar pattern was true for production of the lymphokine activity mitogenic factor. Levels of antibody in sera of acutely infected patients against SEA, CERC, and AW were considerably higher than levels in sera of chronically infected patients matched for age and intensity of their infections. These high antibody titers persisted for at least 6 mo after treatment, and were unrelated to the intensity of infection. The immunologic status of these patients with acute schistosomiasis mansoni differed considerably from patients with chronic infections. These findings re-emphasize the immunoregulatory events that apparently develop upon continued exposure to schistosomes and their products during chronic infection.  相似文献   

The present investigation involves a reevaluation of previous results obtained after experimental infection of Swiss Webster mice with cercariae and schistosomula of the Schistosoma mansoni LE strain maintained under laboratory conditions. Three experimental groups of mice were considered: the animals of the first group were percutaneously (ring method) infected with cercariae, those of the second were subcutaneously inoculated with cercariae and the mice of the third were inoculated by the same route with schistosomula transformed in vitro. The data obtained so far indicated that the most effective method of infection is the subcutaneous injection with schistosomula, with a mean adult worm burden recovery of 54.1% when compared to the abdominal percutaneous and subcutaneous routes of infection with cercariae, in which the values were 36.7% and 32.4%, respectively. This suggests that, in experimental infections of SW mice with a LE S. mansoni strain, the skin is to be considered an effective attrition site in the percutaneous route, whereas in the case of inoculation with cercariae, a small amount of larvae fails to be transformed into viable schistosomula, possibly due to skin phase avoidance. A brief discussion about attrition sites and elimination of larval S. mansoni worms in mice is presented.  相似文献   

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