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Cell wall metabolism during maturation, ripening and senescence of peach fruit   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Cell wall changes were examined in fruit of a melting flesh peach (Prunus persica L.) allowed to ripen on the tree. Three phases to softening were noted, the first of which began prior to the completion of flesh colour change and an increase in ethylene evolution. Softening in young mature fruit, prior to ripening, was associated with a depolymerization of matrix glycans both loosely and tightly attached to cellulose and a loss of Gal from all cell wall fractions. After the initiation of ripening, but before the melting stage, softening was associated with continuing, progressive depolymerization of matrix glycans. A massive loss of Ara from the loosely bound matrix glycan fraction was observed, probably from side chains of glucuronoarabinoxylan, pectin, or possibly arabinogalactan protein firmly bound into the wall and solubilized in this extract. An increase in the solubilization of polyuronides also occurred during this period, when softening was already well advanced. The extensive softening of the melting period was marked by substantial depolymerization of both loosely and tightly bound matrix glycans, including a loss of Ara from the latter, an increase in matrix glycan extractability, and a dramatic depolymerization of chelator-soluble polyuronides which continued during senescence. Depolymerization of chelator-soluble polyuronides thus occurred substantially after the increase in their solubilization. Ripening-related increases were observed in the activities of exo- and endo-polygalacturonase (EC; EC, pectin methylesterase (EC, endo-1,4-beta-glucanase (EC, endo-1,4-beta-mannanase (EC, alpha-arabinosidase (EC, and beta-galactosidase (EC, but the timing and extent of the increases differed between enzymes and was not necessarily related to ethylene evolution. Fruit softening in peach is a continuous process and correlated closely with the depolymerization of matrix glycans, which proceeded throughout development. However, numerous other cell wall changes also took place, such as the deglycosylation of particular polymers and the solubilization and depolymerization of chelator-soluble polyuronides, but these were transient and occurred only at specific phases of the softening process. Fruit softening and other textural changes in peach appear to have a number of stages, each involving a different set of cell wall modifications.  相似文献   

Galactanase from Phytophthora infestans and an arabinosidase isoenzyme from Sclerotinia fructigena attacked the cortical cell walls of apple fruits liberating galactose and arabinose residues, respectively. Other arabinosidase isoenzymes from S. fructigena attacked cell walls very slowly. A S. fructigena polygalacturonase isoenzyme liberated half of the uronic acid residues with few associated neutral residues, while a second polygalacturonase isoenzyme released more uronic acid with a substantial proportion of arabinose and galactose and lesser amounts of xylose, rhamnose and glucose; reaction products of this enzyme could be further degraded by the first isoenzyme to give high MW fragments, rich in arabinose with most of the xylose, rhamnose and glucose, and low MW fragments rich in galactose and uronic acid. Endoglucanase from Trichoderma viride released a small proportion of the glucose residues from cell walls together with uronic acid, arabinose, xylose and galactose; more extensive degradation occurred if walls were pre-treated with the second polygalacturonase isoenzyme. Endoglucanase reaction products were separated into a high MW fraction, rich in arabinose, and lower MW fractions rich in galactose and glucose residues. The high MW polygalacturonase and endoglucanase products could be degraded with an arabinosidase isoenzyme to release about 75% of their arabinose. Cell walls from ripe fruit showed similar susceptibility to arabinosidase and galactanase to those from unripe apples. Cell walls from fruit, ripened detached from the tree were more susceptible to degradation by polygalacturonase than walls from unripe fruit or fruit ripened on the tree. Endoglucanase released less carbohydrate from ripe fruit cell walls than from unripe fruit cell walls.  相似文献   

The review concerns the newer aspects of plant cell wall construction and modification, including the structure and biosynthesis of basic components during the cell growth and differentiation, as well as their breakdown. The special interest is given to the enzymes incorporated into the cell wall and their specific activity in the biosynthesis and degradation processes, but also in the transfer of glycosyl fragments (blocks), which is connected with its thickening, softening, constructing the channels a.o. New aspects of lignification and specialisation of particular wall fragments, playing various functions, such as fruit ripening, dropping down leaves, fruits and flowers, breaking the dormancy, and others, are also presented.  相似文献   

Roy  S.  Conway  W. S.  Watada  A. E.  Sams  C. E.  Pooley  C. D.  Wergin  W. P. 《Protoplasma》1994,178(3-4):156-167
Summary The ripening and softening of fleshy fruits involves biochemical changes in the cell wall. These changes reduce cell wall strength and lead to cell separation and the formation of intercellular spaces. Calcium, a constituent of the cell wall, plays an important role in interacting with pectic acid polymers to form cross-bridges that influence cell wall strength. In the present study, cationic colloidal gold was used for light and electron microscopic examinations to determine whether the frequency and distribution of anionic binding sites in the walls of parenchyma cells in the apple were influenced by calcium, which was pressure infiltrated into mature fruits. Controls were designed to determine the specificity of this method for in muro labelling of the anionic sites on the pectin polymers. The results indicate that two areas of the cell wall were transformed by the calcium treatment: the primary cell walls on either side of the middle lamella and the middle lamella intersects that delineate the intercellular spaces. The data suggest that calcium ions reduce fruit softening by strengthening the cell walls, thereby preventing cell separation that results in formation of intercellular spaces.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid - PATAg periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate  相似文献   

M. Knee 《Phytochemistry》1973,12(3):637-653
A proportion of the polysaccharides and glycoproteins of apple fruit cell walls can be readily extracted in neutral buffer at or below 20°. Removal of more material was not achieved with a wide range of dissociative aqueous reagents or non-aqueous solvents. Thus traditional degradative extractants were used to obtain soluble components for further characterization. Polysaccharides and glycoproteins were separated and purified by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose columns and by gel filtration. Purified components were hydrolysed and analysed for neutral sugar and uronic acid content and for their amino acid and hydroxyproline content. The possibility of linkages existing in the cell wall between polyuronide and glycoproteins containing hydroxyproline, arabinose and galactose residues is discussed. Because of aggregation between these components, which occurs after extraction, the presence of such linkages in vivo is difficult to establish. Other cell wall glycoproteins containing xylose and glucose residues are thought to have a possible role in stabilizing hemicellulose structure.  相似文献   

JA O'Brien  A Daudi  VS Butt  G Paul Bolwell 《Planta》2012,236(3):765-779
Harnessing the toxic properties of reactive oxygen species (ROS) to fight off invading pathogens can be considered a major evolutionary success story. All aerobic organisms have evolved the ability to regulate the levels of these toxic intermediates, whereas some have evolved elaborate signalling pathways to dramatically increase the levels of ROS and use them as weapons in mounting a defence response, a process commonly referred to as the oxidative burst. The balance between steady state levels of ROS and the exponential increase in these levels during the oxidative burst has begun to shed light on complex signalling networks mediated by these molecules. Here, we discuss the different sources of ROS that are present in plant cells and review their role in the oxidative burst. We further describe two well-studied ROS generating systems, the NADPH oxidase and apoplastic peroxidase proteins, and their role as the primary producers of ROS during pathogen invasion. We then discuss what is known about the metabolic and proteomic fluxes that occur in plant cells during the oxidative burst and after pathogen recognition, and try to highlight underlying biochemical processes that may provide more insight on the complex regulation of ROS in plants.  相似文献   

Planta - Du ring on-tree ripening, the pectin distribution changed from polydispersed in cell wall to cumulated in cell wall corners. During apple storage, the pectin distribution returned to...  相似文献   


Book reviews

Conjugated plant hormones: Structure, metabolism and functionK. Schreiber, H.R. Schütte and G. Sembdner (Eds.), proceedings of the international symposium on conjugated plant hormones. Structure, metabolism and function. Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1987. 405 pages  相似文献   

This study provides the first report on the occurrence of the respiratory climacteric during cold storage of apple fruit ( Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Reinette du Canada). The respiratory pattern at 4°C was very similar to that observed during postharvest ripening at room temperature, except that shelf life was considerably extended and the onset of the climacteric delayed. Increasing the calcium content of the apple fruit significantly reduced loss of firmness during cold storage, but showed no effect on respiration or on the other parameters determined. A gradual accumulation of soluble sugars occurred during the first 60 days after harvest and was effectively completed before the climacteric peak was reached. This increase in sugars correlated with an increase in the activity of sucrose-phosphate synthase (EC, and a marked change in the kinetic properties of the enzyme was observed after sucrose accumulation ceased. Changes in the hexose-phosphate pool and in glycolytic and gluconeogenic activities indicated an initial increase in the gluconeogenic flow at early stages of the climacteric, followed by activation of glycolysis, with the carbon flow being most likely regulated at the reversible phosphorylation of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (mostly via pyrophosphate:fructose-6-phosphate phosphotransferase, EC and at the pyruvate kinase (EC steps. The results presented indicate that the respiratory climacteric does not occur to accommodate extra ATP requirements during sucrose synthesis nor can it be a consequence of an increased supply of respiratory substrate.  相似文献   

Olive fruits at the green, cherry and black stages were used to investigate the structural and microstructural changes in tissues during ripening. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) tissue fracture of green olives resulted in cell wall breakage of epicarp and mesocarp cells. Tissue fracture resulted in fewer broken cells in cherry than in green olives and even less in black olive tissues. Cell separation occurred in the middle lamella region in some of the cells of the cherry fruit and in most of the black olive cells. Solubilization and loss of pectic polysaccharides, mainly the arabinan moiety, and glucuronoxylans occurred in the green to cherry stages. The pulp cell wall constituent polysaccharides, pectic polysaccharides, cellulose, glucuronoxylans and xyloglucans, were degraded and/or solubilized at the cherry to black ripening stages. The resultant depolymerization of the pectic polymers, especially those of the middle lamella region, was consistent with the progressive cell separation at the different ripening stages by SEM. This showed that partial solubilization of pectic, hemicellulosic and cellulosic polysaccharides within the cell wall matrix weakened the cell wall structures, preventing the breaking of cells when the tissues were fractured.  相似文献   

The role of the ripening-specific expansin Exp1 protein in fruit softening and cell wall metabolism was investigated by suppression and overexpression of Exp1 in transgenic tomato plants. Fruit in which Exp1 protein accumulation was suppressed to 3% that of wild-type levels were firmer than controls throughout ripening. Suppression of Exp1 protein also substantially inhibited polyuronide depolymerization late in ripening but did not prevent the breakdown of structurally important hemicelluloses, a major contributor to softening. In contrast, fruit overexpressing high levels of recombinant Exp1 protein were much softer than controls, even in mature green fruit before ripening commenced. This softening was correlated with the precocious and extensive depolymerization of structural hemicelluloses, whereas polyuronide depolymerization was not altered. These data are consistent with there being at least three components to fruit softening and textural changes. One component is a relaxation of the wall directly mediated by Exp1, which indirectly limits part of a second component due to polyuronide depolymerization late in ripening, perhaps by controlling access of a pectinase to its substrate. The third component is caused by depolymerization of hemicelluloses, which occurs independently of or requires only very small amounts of Exp1 protein.  相似文献   

Membrane permeabilizing plant defensive proteins first encounter the fungal cell wall that can harbor specific components that facilitate or prevent access to the plasma membrane. However, signal transduction pathways controlling cell wall composition in filamentous fungi are largely unknown. We report here that the deposition of cell wall constituents that block the action of osmotin (PR-5), an antifungal plant defense protein, against Aspergillus nidulans requires the activity of a heterotrimeric G-protein mediated signaling pathway. The guanidine nucleotide GDPbetaS, that locks G-proteins in a GDP-bound inactive form, inhibits osmotin-induced conidial lysis. A dominant interfering mutation in FadA, the alpha-subunit of a heterotrimeric G-protein, confers resistance to osmotin. A deletion mutation in SfaD, the beta-subunit of a heterotrimeric G-protein also increases osmotin resistance. Aspergillus nidulans strains bearing these mutations also have increased tolerance to SDS, reduced cell wall porosity and increased chitin content in the cell wall.  相似文献   

Michael Knee 《Phytochemistry》1978,17(8):1257-1260
Examination of the hydrodynamic properties of polygalacturonate fractions from unripe and ripe apple tissue suggested that the wall bound fraction was degraded during ripening but that the soluble fraction was not. Esterification of cell wall preparations with CH2N2 caused solubilisation of polygalacturonate. Acid MeOH caused more extensive solubilization, but this reagent hydrolysed arabinofuranosyl linkages. Both reagents reduced the cohesion of EtOH extracted apple tissue. This effect could also be achieved by treatment with sodium polyphosphate at pH 4 but not by EDTA or chaotropic agents. Free carboxyl groups on polygalacturonate probably maintain cell cohesion through co-operative binding of Ca2+ ions. The integrity of primary wall structure is thought to depend upon non-covalent bonding between cellulose, protein and polygalacturonate.  相似文献   

Post‐harvest storage is largely limited by fruit softening, a result of cell wall degradation. Pectin methylesterase (PE) (EC is a major hydrolase responsible for pectin de‐esterification in the cell wall, a response to fruit ripening. Two major PE isoforms, PE1 and PE2, have been isolated from tomato (Solanum lycopersicon) pericarp tissue and both have previously been down‐regulated using antisense suppression. In this paper, PE1 and PE2 double antisense tomato plants were successfully generated through crossing the two single antisense lines. In the double antisense fruit, approximately 10% of normal PE activity remained and ripening associated pectin de‐esterification was almost completely blocked. However, double antisense fruit softened normally during ripening. In tomato fruit, the PE1 isoform was found to contribute little to total PE activity and have little effect on the degree of esterification of pectin. In contrast, the other dominant fruit isoform, PE2, has a major impact on de‐esterification of total pectin. PE2 appears to act on non‐CDTA‐soluble pectin during ripening and on CDTA‐soluble pectin before the start of ripening in a potentially block‐wise fashion.  相似文献   

Natural abscission of young fruit and its regulation by plant hormones isconsidered and compared to the generally accepted model of senescencetriggered abscission of, for example, leaves or mature fruit. It isconcluded that abscission of young fruit cannot be explained by this model.Alternatively, it is suggested that the senescence triggered initial step inthe classical abscission model should be replaced by a correlativelytriggered step. Polar basipetal IAA transport with its autostimulation andautoinhibition components is the main regulating signal in this correlativeacting system and replaces ethylene as the initial driving force from thesenescence triggered model.Results supporting this model are presented and tested against existingresults from the literature. Finally, this hypothesis is tested as a possibleexplanation of the mode of action of some thinning chemicals orbioregulators. It is speculated how a thinning chemical should be designedto function in a more reliable way, at least as far as its interference with the endogenous hormone system is concerned.  相似文献   

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