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Focus has been placed on the relative importance of environmental heterogeneity and biological interactions on community structure. For land snails, abiotic factors have commonly been assumed to be the most important factors for shaping communities because resources for land snails are commonly not limiting, and because interspecific resource competition would not be strong enough to promote ecological divergence. However, clear divergence in habitat use is often observed among sympatric land snail species. Such an ecological divergence would be promoted not by resource competition but by other interactions such as aggression. To test this hypothesis, laboratory experiments were designed to explore aggressive behaviour in the land snails Euhadra quaesita and E. peliomphala and field surveys were conducted to examine their habitat use. In the laboratory experiments, we examined how the presence of one species affects the growth of the other species by supplying sufficient amounts of food and calcium for both species. Experimental trials showed that adult E. quaesita decreased the growth of E. peliomphala under constant diet conditions. In contrast, E. peliomphala did not affect the growth of E. quaesita. Because E. peliomphala was often attacked by E. quaesita and its shell was often eroded by E. quaesita gnawing, aggression by E. quaesita appears to be the primary factor reducing the growth of E. peliomphala. When the two species coexist in nature, adults and juveniles of E. quaesita are terrestrial, while those of E. peliomphala are arboreal. When these species occurred alone, E. quaesita were still terrestrial, but E. peliomphala were more terrestrial than when they were in sympatry. Our results suggest that habitat use of these species in the natural communities is affected by interspecific interference. These findings further suggest that the divergence of habitat use between the species can occur by aggression even in environments with unlimited resources.  相似文献   

One of the key aims of global change studies is to predict more accurately how plant community composition responds to future environmental changes. Although interspecific relationship is one of the most important forces structuring plant communities, it remains a challenge to integrate long‐term consequences at the plant community level. As an increasing number of studies have shown that maternal environment affects offspring phenotypic plasticity as a response to global environment change through transgenerational effects, we speculated that the transgenerational effect would influence offspring competitive relationships. We conducted a 10‐year field experiment and a greenhouse experiment in a temperate grassland in an Inner Mongolian grassland to examine the effects of maternal and immediate nitrogen addition (N) and increased precipitation (Pr) on offspring growth and the interspecific relationship between the two dominant species, Stipa krylovii and Artemisia frigida. According to our results, Stipa kryloii suppressed A. frigida growth and population development when they grew in mixture, although immediate N and Pr stimulated S. kryloii and A. frigida growth simultaneously. Maternal N and Pr declined S. krylovii dominance and decreased A. frigida competitive suppression to some extent. The transgenerational effect should further facilitate the coexistence of the two species under scenarios of increased nitrogen input and precipitation. If we predicted these species'' interspecific relationships based only on immediate environmental effects, we would overestimate S. krylovii''s competitive advantage and population development, and underestimate competitive outcome and population development of A. frigida. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that the transgenerational effect of maternal environment on offspring interspecific competition must be considered when evaluating population dynamics and community composition under the global change scenario.  相似文献   

In order for competing species to coexist, segregation on some ecological niche component is required and is often mediated by differential habitat use. When unequal competitors are involved, the dominant species tends to displace the subordinate one to its less preferred habitat. Here, we use habitat isodars, an approach which reflects evolutionary stable strategies of habitat selection, to evaluate whether interspecific competition between two competing species with distinct habitat preferences, the little bustard Tetrax tetrax and the great bustard Otis tarda, modulates their habitat use. Field data on these endangered species demonstrate that unequal competitors can coexist without completely segregating on their preferred habitats. The negatively sloped isodar of the subordinate little bustard unveils its competition with the dominant great bustard. Interference from great bustards in secondary cereal habitats reinforces use of preferred natural habitat by little bustards. Studies of density‐dependent habitat selection by a single‐species can thus aid in identifying the effects of competition on community composition, and guide the conservation of at‐risk species. Isodars, in particular, represent a promising method to gain clear knowledge on interspecific competition for species in which experimental manipulations are not feasible.  相似文献   

Changes in species’ trophic niches due to habitat degradation can affect intra‐ and interspecific competition, with implications for biodiversity persistence. Difficulties of measuring species’ interactions in the field limit our comprehension of competition outcomes along disturbance gradients. Thus, information on how habitat degradation can destabilize food webs is scarce, hindering predictions regarding responses of multispecies systems to environmental changes. Seagrass ecosystems are undergoing degradation. We address effects of Posidonia oceanica coverage reduction on the trophic organization of a macroinvertebrate community in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy), hypothesizing increased trophic generalism, niche overlap among species and thus competition and decreased community stability due to degraded conditions. Census data, isotopic analysis, and Bayesian mixing models were used to quantify the trophic niches of three abundant invertebrate species, and intra‐ and interspecific isotopic and resource‐use similarity across locations differing in seagrass coverage. This allowed the computation of (1) competition strength, with respect to each other and remaining less abundant species and (2) habitat carrying capacity. To explore effects of the spatial scale on the interactions, we considered both individual locations and the entire study area (“‘meadow scale”). We observed that community stability and habitat carrying capacity decreased as P. oceanica coverage declined, whereas niche width, similarity of resource use and interspecific competition strength between species increased. Competition was stronger, and stability lower, at the meadow scale than at the location scale. Indirect effects of competition and the spatial compartmentalization of species interactions increased stability. Results emphasized the importance of trophic niche modifications for understanding effects of habitat loss on biodiversity persistence. Calculation of competition coefficients based on isotopic distances is a promising tool for describing competitive interactions in real communities, potentially extendible to any subset of ecological niche axes for which specimens’ positions and pairwise distances can be obtained.  相似文献   

Biomechanical models of the gecko adhesive system typically focus on setal mechanics from a single gecko species, Gekko gecko. In this study, we compared the predictions from three mathematical models with experimental observations considering an additional gecko species Phelsuma grandis, to quantify interspecific variation in setal micromechanics. We also considered the accuracy of our three focal models: the frictional adhesion model, work of detachment model, and the effective modulus model. Lastly, we report a novel approach to quantify the angle of toe detachment using the Weibull distribution. Our results suggested the coupling of frictional and adhesive forces in isolated setal arrays, first observed in G. gecko is also present in P. grandis although P. grandis displayed a higher toe detachment angle, suggesting they produce more adhesion relative to friction than G. gecko. We also found the angle of toe detachment accurately predicts a species’ maximum performance limit when fit to a Weibull distribution. When considering the energy stored during setal attachment, we observed less work to remove P. grandis arrays when compared with G. gecko, suggesting P. grandis arrays may store less energy during attachment, a conclusion supported by our model estimates of stored elastic energy. Our predictions of the effective elastic modulus model suggested P. grandis arrays to have a lower modulus, E eff, but our experimental assays did not show differences in moduli between the species. The considered mathematical models successfully estimated most of our experimentally measured performance values, validating our three focal models as template models of gecko adhesion (see Full and Koditschek in J Exp Biol 202(23):3325–3332, 1999), and suggesting common setal mechanics for our focal species and possibly for all fibular adhesives. Future anchored models, built upon the above templates, may more accurately predict performance by incorporating additional parameters, such as variation in setal length and diameter. Variation in adhesive performance may affect gecko locomotion and as a result, future ecological observations will help to determine how species with different performance capabilities use their habitat.  相似文献   

We investigated relationships between morphological attributes and mesohabitat use in populations of Cottus carolinae. Field studies revealed significant differences between Ozark and prairie stream mesohabitats where populations of C. carolinae occurred. Features of the mesohabitat that were characteristic of each stream type correlated with intra- and inter-specific differences in morphological attributes of Cottus. The morphology of Cottus occurring in the deeper, slower, and siltier prairie stream exhibited larger head width and depth, body width and depth, and caudal peduncle width while those occurring in a shallower, faster flowing Ozark stream had longer pelvic fins, larger eyes, and deeper caudal peduncles. Each population had a morphology tailored to optimize its performance in a specific habitat. Results of laboratory based performance studies using a variable flow chamber revealed that critical current velocities (CCV) of live and preserved specimens were weakly associated with distinct combinations of morphological traits. Specimens with higher CCV measurements typically had longer pelvic fins, larger eyes, and deeper caudal fins (Ozark morphology). Those with lower CCVs had larger head width and depth, body width and depth, and caudal peduncle width (prairie morphology) in studies using cobble as the substrate. Differences in flow regimes between prairie and Ozark streams may generate specific niches for specific morphotypes, and current velocity may exert selective pressure on morphology.  相似文献   

暖温带森林优势种群的地形生境变异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地形是影响植物种群分布格局、维持群落多样性的重要因子。以东灵山20hm2暖温带落叶阔叶林动态监测样地内的2个优势种群——辽东栎(Quercus wutaishanica)与胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)为研究对象,对比分析2种群同物种不同生长阶段、不同物种相同生长阶段群体的地形生境差异性。结果表明,样地内辽东栎种群主要分布在坡度大、南坡、西坡、凸出及高海拔的位置上,成年树比幼树更偏好凹地形;胡桃楸种群集中分布在坡度大、北坡、东坡、凹陷及低海拔的地形上,成年树相比幼树偏好分布在南坡、东坡及凹陷的位置。每个种群的幼树与成年树群体的地形因子之间差异都不显著(P>0.05),地形特征的分布范围一致;2物种成年树群体的海拔因子差异显著(P<0.05),幼树群体除了海拔外,南北坡向也表现了明显的差异(P<0.05)。同种群不同生长阶段地形因子的选择显示了物种地形生境的限制及保守性,不同种群同生长阶段地形因子的选择显示了物种间空间分布格局及多样性的维持。这对于理解暖温带森林的物种共存及生物多样性维持具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

We were interested in the role of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) in the competition between plants of different sizes. A pot experiment of factorial design was established, in which AM root colonization and competition were used as treatments. Five-week-old Prunella vulgaris seedlings were chosen as target plants (i.e. plants whose response to competition was studied) and the following (13 replicates of each) were used as neighbours: (1) a large, 10-week-old P. vulgaris, (2) two P. vulgaris seedlings, and (3) a large, 10-week-old Fragaria vesca. In the experiment where small neighbours were grown together with small target plants, competition did not reduce target plant weight significantly, compared to the other two treatments. The competitive effects of large neighbours were significant, regardless of species (both older neighbours reduced the weights of target plants similarly), but there was a clear difference between intra- and interspecific competition when plants were mycorrhizal. In intraspecific competition with a large neighbour, the target plant shoot weight was reduced 24% when inoculated with AM. Thus, AM amplified rather than balanced intraspecific competition. In interspecific competition with old F. vesca, the shoot weights of target plants were 22% greater when inoculated with AM than when non-mycorrhizal. The results showed that, for given soil condition, AM might increase species diversity by increasing competitive intraspecific suppression and decreasing the interspecific suppression of small plants by larger neighbours.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have shown that plant carbon isotope composition varies when plants experience differences in water and nutrient availability. However, none have addressed the effect of root interactions, including competition for these soil resources, on carbon isotope ratios. We studied the effect of interspecific root interactions on the productivity and carbon isotope ratios of two Great Basin tussock grass species (Agropyron desertorum and Pseudoroegneria spicata). We compared grasses grown in mixture with sagebrush (Artemisia tridentara) to grasses in similar mixtures but where root interactions with sagebrush were limited by fiberglass partitions. During both years of the study, tussocks growing in competition with sagebrush produced tissue with more negative 13C values than grasses experiencing limited root interaction with sagebrush. The magnitude of this difference (0.5 to 0.9%) is similar to that found in other studies when soil fertility and moisture availability were altered.  相似文献   

Plant Ecology - Post-dispersal seed predation is a key process regulating plant population dynamics and community composition. Because food preference (i.e., seed species selection) can interact...  相似文献   

Across the Pacific the invading gecko species Hemidactylus frenatus has competitively displaced the resident gecko species Lepidodactylus lugubris in urban/surburban habitats. Do parasites enhance, inhibit, orhave no effect on this invasion? Parasites can confer an advantage to an invading species when the invader (1) introduces a new parasite to a resident species that has a greater detrimental effect on the resident than the invader, (2) is less susceptible to endemic parasites than the resident, and/or (3) increases the susceptibility of the resident to parasites. Conversely, parasites may protect a resident against invasion when endemic parasites have a greater impact on the invader than the resident. We screened more than one thousand H. frenatus and L. lugubris in areas of sympatry and allopatry from 28 islands and 5 sites on mainland Asia for a broad array of blood parasites, coccidia and helminths in order to evaluate the potential for parasites to affect their interaction. We found that 1) There were no parasites which appear to protect L. lugubris against invasion by H. frenatus. 2) H. frenatus does not introduce the same parasite to L. lugubris in every location where the two come in to contact, but probably has introduced different parasites in different locations. L. lugubris also seems to have introduced at least one parasite to H. frenatus. 3) The prevalence of parasite species shared by the two hosts is generally higher in H. frenatus; however, prevalence is determined by many factors and cannot be directly translated as susceptibility. We discuss the implications of this difference in prevalence for the Red Queen hypothesis. 4) The prevalence of the cestode Cylindrotaenia sp. is significantly higher in L. lugubris that are sympatric with H. frenatus than those which are allopatric.  相似文献   

Species may survive under contemporary climate change by either shifting their range or adapting locally to the warmer conditions. Theoretical and empirical studies recently underlined that dispersal, the central mechanism behind these responses, may depend on the match between an individuals’ phenotype and local environment. Such matching habitat choice is expected to induce an adaptive gene flow, but it now remains to be studied whether this local process could promote species’ responses to climate change. Here, we investigate this by developing an individual‐based model including either random dispersal or temperature‐dependent matching habitat choice. We monitored population composition and distribution through space and time under climate change. Relative to random dispersal, matching habitat choice induced an adaptive gene flow that lessened spatial range loss during climate warming by improving populations’ viability within the range (i.e. limiting range fragmentation) and by facilitating colonization of new habitats at the cold margin. The model even predicted range contraction under random dispersal but range expansion under optimal matching habitat choice. These benefits of matching habitat choice for population persistence mostly resulted from adaptive immigration decision and were greater for populations with larger dispersal distance and higher emigration probability. We also found that environmental stochasticity resulted in suboptimal matching habitat choice, decreasing the benefits of this dispersal mode under climate change. However population persistence was still better under suboptimal matching habitat choice than under random dispersal. Our results highlight the urgent need to implement more realistic mechanisms of dispersal such as matching habitat choice into models predicting the impacts of ongoing climate change on biodiversity.  相似文献   

Disentangling the relative influence of the environment and biotic interactions in determining species coexistence patterns is a major challenge in ecology. The zonation occurring along elevation gradients, or at bioclimatic contact zones, offers a good opportunity to improve such understanding because the small scale at which the partitioning occurs facilitates inference based on experiments and ecological modelling. We studied the influence of abiotic gradients, habitat types, and interspecific competition in determining the spatial turnover between two pipit and two bunting species in NW Spain. We explored two independent lines of evidence to draw inference about the relative importance of environment and biotic interactions in driving range partitioning along elevation, latitude, and longitude. We combined occurrence data with environmental data to develop joint species distribution models (JSDM), in order to attribute co‐occurrence (or exclusion) to shared (or divergent) environmental responses and to interactions (attraction or exclusion). In the same region, we tested for interference competition by means of playback experiments in the contact zone. The JSDMs highlighted different responses for the two species pairs, although we did not find direct evidence of interspecific aggressiveness in our playback experiments. In pipits, partitioning was explained by divergent climate and habitat requirements and also by the negative correlations between species not explained by the environment. This significant residual correlation may reflect forms of competition others than direct interference, although we could not completely exclude the influence of unmeasured environmental predictors. When bunting species co‐occurred, it was because of shared habitat preferences, and a possible limitation to dispersal might cause their partitioning. Our results indicate that no single mechanism dominates in driving the distribution of our study species, but rather distributions are determined by the combination of many small forces including biotic and abiotic determinants of niche, whose relative strengths varied among species.  相似文献   

Climate warming and biological invasions by alien species are two key factors threatening the world’s biodiversity. To date, their impact has largely been studied independently, and knowledge on whether climate warming will promote invasions relies strongly on bioclimatic models. We therefore set up a study to experimentally compare responses to warming in native and alien plant species. Ten congeneric species pairs were exposed to ambient and elevated temperature (+3°C) in sunlit, climate-controlled chambers, under optimal water and nutrient supply to avoid interaction with other factors. All species pairs combined, total plant biomass reacted differently to warming in alien versus native species, which could be traced to significantly different root responses. On average, native species became less productive in the warmer climate, whereas their alien counterparts showed no response. The three alien species with the strongest warming response (Lathyrus latifolius, Cerastium tomentosum and Artemisia verlotiorum) are currently non-invasive but all originate from regions with a warmer climate. Still, other alien species that also originate from warmer regions became less or remained equally productive. Structural or ecophysiological acclimation to warming was largely absent, both in native and alien species, apart from light-saturated photosynthetic rate, where warming tended to restrain the native but not the alien species. A difference in the capacity to acclimate photosynthetic rates to the new climate may therefore have caused the contrasting biomass response. Future experiments are needed to ascertain whether climate warming can effectively tip the balance between native and alien competitors.  相似文献   

Evangelou  V. P.  Marsi  M. 《Plant and Soil》2003,250(2):307-313
Salt-affected soils have been studied extensively with respect to their Na–Ca exchange properties. These studies have focused on soil environments of the arid West. However, because of irrigation and oil well brine discharges in the temperate region of the U.S. there is need to understand sodicity behavior of such soils. In this study, two Kentucky soils (Pembroke and Uniontown) at the 0–10 cm depth were studied to evaluate the influence of ionic strength (I) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) on cation selectivity coefficients. The data showed that both soils exhibit at least two classes of exchange sites and in general the apparent affinity for Na+ increased when solution ionic strength increased. Furthermore, both soils under all three ionic strengths tested showed greater affinity for Na+ than the average agricultural saline soil of the arid West. The data suggested the need for establishing critical salt dispersion thresholds for temperate climate soils and developing effective brine management approaches.  相似文献   

As rapid climate warming creates a mismatch between forest trees and their home environment, the ability of trees to cope with warming depends on their capacity to physiologically adjust to higher temperatures. In widespread species, individual trees in cooler home climates are hypothesized to more successfully acclimate to warming than their counterparts in warmer climates that may approach thermal limits. We tested this prediction with a climate‐shift experiment in widely distributed Eucalyptus tereticornis and E. grandis using provenances originating along a ~2500 km latitudinal transect (15.5–38.0°S) in eastern Australia. We grew 21 provenances in conditions approximating summer temperatures at seed origin and warmed temperatures (+3.5 °C) using a series of climate‐controlled glasshouse bays. The effects of +3.5 °C warming strongly depended on home climate. Cool‐origin provenances responded to warming through an increase in photosynthetic capacity and total leaf area, leading to enhanced growth of 20–60%. Warm‐origin provenances, however, responded to warming through a reduction in photosynthetic capacity and total leaf area, leading to reduced growth of approximately 10%. These results suggest that there is predictable intraspecific variation in the capacity of trees to respond to warming; cool‐origin taxa are likely to benefit from warming, while warm‐origin taxa may be negatively affected.  相似文献   

Faunal responses to anthropogenic habitat modification represent an important aspect of global change. In Puerto Rico, two species of arboreal lizard, Anolis cristatellus and A. stratulus, are commonly encountered in urban areas, yet seem to use the urban habitat in different ways. In this study, we quantified differences in habitat use between these two species in an urban setting. For each species, we measured habitat use and preference, and the niche space of each taxon, with respect to manmade features of the urban environment. To measure niche space of these species in an urban environment, we collected data from a total of six urban sites across four different municipalities on the island of Puerto Rico. We quantified relative abundance of both species, their habitat use, and the available habitat in the environment to measure both microhabitat preference in an urban setting, as well as niche partitioning between the two different lizards. Overall, we found that the two species utilize different portions of the urban habitat. Anolis stratulus tends to use more “natural” portions of the urban environment (i.e., trees and other cultivated vegetation), whereas A. cristatellus more frequently uses anthropogenic structures. We also found that aspects of habitat discrimination in urban areas mirror a pattern measured in prior studies for forested sites in which A. stratulus was found to perch higher than A. cristatellus and preferred lower temperatures and greater canopy cover. In our study, we found that the multivariate niche space occupied by A. stratulus did not differ from the available niche space in natural portions of the urban environment and in turn represented a subset of the niche space occupied by A. cristatellus. The unique niche space occupied by A. cristatellus corresponds to manmade aspects of the urban environment generally not utilized by A. stratulus. Our results demonstrate that some species are merely tolerant of urbanization while others utilize urban habitats in novel ways. This finding has implications for long‐term persistence in urban habitats and suggests that loss of natural habitat elements may lead to nonrandom species extirpations as urbanization intensifies.  相似文献   


Background and aims

To test the hypothesis that dominant plant species could acquire different nitrogen (N) forms over a spatial scale and they also have the ability to compete for available N with microbes.


A short-term 15N labeling experiment was conducted in the temperate grassland ecosystem of North China in July of 2013. Three N forms (NO3 ? , NH4 + and glycine) labeled with 15N were injected into the two soil depths (0–5 and 5–15 cm) surrounding each plant to explore N acquisition by plants and microbes. Three dominant plant species (Artemisia frigida, Cleistogenes squarrosa and Artemisia capillaris) were investigated.


Two hours after 15N labeling, all three dominant plant species absorbed both organic and inorganic N, but different patterns were observed at two soil depths. Uptake of NO3 ? was significantly higher at 0–5 cm than at 5–15 cm soil depth among all the dominant plant species. 15N recovery by microbes was significantly higher than plants. However, 15N recovery by plants showed different patterns over soil depths.


Dominant plant species in the temperate grassland have different patterns in acquisition of N added to soil in organic form and absorption of inorganic N, and microbes were more effectively than plants at competing for N in a short-term period.

The experiment was carried out in order to analyze the results of interspecific competition which were mentioned in the previous reports (Sasaba 1964, 1965). The following definite tendencies were obtained and an account was given with regard to the process of competition. (1)T. minutum had a higher reproductive rate than T. japonicum at a lower density of the parent wasps. (2) The parasitic efficiency of T. minutum was high as compared with T. japonicum. (3)T. japonicum was consistently superior to T. minutum in the interspecific competition at larval stage.  相似文献   

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