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Sun  Jianfei  Xia  Zongwei  He  Tongxin  Dai  Weiwei  Peng  Bo  Liu  Jun  Gao  Decai  Jiang  Ping  Han  Shijie  Bai  Edith 《Plant and Soil》2017,415(1-2):435-448
Plant and Soil - Biochar application to soil is widely claimed to increase plant productivity. However, the underlying mechanisms are still not conclusively described. Here, we aim to elucidate...  相似文献   

Soil respiration in a cropland is the sum of heterotrophic (mainly microorganisms) and autotrophic (root) respiration. The contribution of both these types to soil respiration needs to be understood to evaluate the effects of environmental change on soil carbon cycling and sequestration. In this paper, the effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on hetero- and autotrophic respiration in a wheat field were differentiated and evaluated by a novel split-root growth and gas collection system. Elevated atmospheric pCO2 of approximately 200 μmol mol−1 above the ambient pCO2 significantly increased soil respiration by 15.1 and 14.8% at high nitrogen (HN) and low nitrogen (LN) application rates, respectively. The effect of elevated atmospheric pCO2 on root respiration was not consistent across the wheat growth stages. Elevated pCO2 significantly increased and decreased root respiration at the booting-heading stage (middle stage) and the late-filling stage (late stage), respectively, in HN and LN treatments; however, no significant effect was found at the jointing stage (early stage). Thus, the effect of increased pCO2 on cumulative root respiration for the entire wheat growing season was not significant. Cumulative root respiration accounted for approximately 25–30% of cumulative soil respiration in the entire wheat growing season. Consequently, cumulative microbial respiration (soil respiration minus root respiration) increased by 22.5 and 21.1% due to elevated pCO2 in HN and LN, respectively. High nitrogen application significantly increased root respiration at the late stage under both elevated pCO2 and ambient pCO2; however, no significant effects were found on cumulative soil respiration, root respiration, and microbial respiration. These findings suggest that heterotrophic respiration, which is influenced by increased substrate supplies from the plant to the soil, is the key process to determine C emission from agro-ecosystems with regard to future scenarios of enriched pCO2.  相似文献   

多茎干萌生策略可赋予树木抗干扰能力。在山地生境中,树木的多茎干萌生有助于维持土壤稳定性以及森林生态系统功能的稳定性。 但对于多茎干萌生在何时(个体发育阶段偏好)、何地(生境偏好)发生,以及个体发育阶段和生境因子是否存在关联尚不了解。本文基于钱江 源国家公园古田山5 ha亚热带常绿阔叶林监测样地,研究了99个20 m × 20 m样方内常见树种青冈(Quercus glauca)萌生的发生时间与空间分 布规律。研究结果表明,青冈种群内存在3种萌生模式,大部分个体在生活史早期阶段即幼苗或者幼树阶段出现多茎干萌生。与凹凸度有关 的环境干扰可能是青冈多茎干萌生的主要驱动因素。此外,距离海拔较高的山脊越近,青冈多茎干萌生发生的越早。这一发现,强调了考虑 个体发育的重要性。因此,在研究其他森林或气候带中树种多茎干萌生策略的环境驱动因素时,要结合考虑个体发育,以期更好的理解多茎 干萌生策略及其对群落结构与功能的影响  相似文献   

We examined the response of mycorrhizal fungi to free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) and nitrogen (N) fertilization in a warm temperate forest to better understand potential influences over plant nutrient uptake and soil carbon (C) storage. In particular, we hypothesized that mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin would become more prevalent under elevated CO2 but decrease under N fertilization. In addition, we predicted that N fertilization would mitigate any positive effects of elevated CO2 on mycorrhizal abundance. Overall, we observed a 14% increase in ectomycorrhizal (ECM) root colonization under CO2 enrichment, which implies that elevated CO2 results in greater C investments in these fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) hyphal length and glomalin stocks did not respond substantially to CO2 enrichment, and effects of CO2 on AM root colonization varied by date. Nitrogen effects on AM fungi were not consistent with our hypothesis, as we found an increase in AM colonization under N fertilization. Lastly, neither glomalin concentrations nor ECM colonization responded significantly to N fertilization or to an N-by-CO2 interaction. A longer duration of N fertilization may be required to detect effects on these parameters.  相似文献   

Zhou Y  Li MH  Cheng XB  Wang CG  Fan AN  Shi LX  Wang XX  Han S 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e15134
Knowledge of soil respiration and photosynthesis under elevated CO2 is crucial for exactly understanding and predicting the carbon balance in forest ecosystems in a rapid CO2-enriched world. Quercus mongolica Fischer ex Ledebour seedlings were planted in open-top chambers exposed to elevated CO2 (EC = 500 µmol mol−1) and ambient CO2 (AC = 370 µmol mol−1) from 2005 to 2008. Daily, seasonal and inter-annual variations in soil respiration and photosynthetic assimilation were measured during 2007 and 2008 growing seasons. EC significantly stimulated the daytime soil respiration by 24.5% (322.4 at EC vs. 259.0 mg CO2 m−2 hr−1 at AC) in 2007 and 21.0% (281.2 at EC vs. 232.6 mg CO2 m−2 hr−1 at AC) in 2008, and increased the daytime CO2 assimilation by 28.8% (624.1 at EC vs. 484.6 mg CO2 m−2 hr−1 at AC) across the two growing seasons. The temporal variation in soil respiration was positively correlated with the aboveground photosynthesis, soil temperature, and soil water content at both EC and AC. EC did not affect the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration. The increased daytime soil respiration at EC resulted mainly from the increased aboveground photosynthesis. The present study indicates that increases in CO2 fixation of plants in a CO2-rich world will rapidly return to the atmosphere by increased soil respiration.  相似文献   

CO2浓度升高和施氮条件下小麦根际呼吸对土壤呼吸的贡献   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Kou TJ  Xu XF  Zhu JG  Xie ZB  Guo DY  Miao YF 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2533-2538
依托FACE技术平台,采用稳定13C同位素技术,通过将小麦(C3作物)种植于长期单作玉米(C4作物)的土壤上,研究了大气CO2浓度升高和不同氮肥水平对土壤排放CO2的δ13C值及根际呼吸的影响.结果表明:种植小麦后土壤排放CO2的δ13C值随作物生长逐渐降低,CO2浓度升高200 μmol·mol-1显著降低了孕穗、抽穗期(施氮量为250 kg·hm-2,HN)与拔节、孕穗期(施氮量为150 kg·hm-2,LN)土壤排放CO2的δ13C值,显著提高了孕穗、抽穗期的根际呼吸比例.拔节至成熟期,根际呼吸占土壤呼吸的比例在高CO2浓度下为24%~48% (HN)和21% ~48% (LN),在正常CO2浓度下为20% ~36% (HN)和19%~32%(LN).不同CO2浓度下土壤排放CO2的δ13C值和根际呼吸对氮肥增加的响应不同,CO2浓度与氮肥用量在拔节期对根际呼吸的交互效应显著.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the variability of the dynamics of the actual and observed root respiration rate in relation to abiotic factors. In this study, we describe I) interactions between soil CO2 concentration, temperature, soil water content and root respiration, and II) the effect of short-term fluctuations of these three environmental factors on the relation between actual and observed root respiration rates. We designed an automated, open, gas-exchange system that allows continuous measurements on 12 chambers with intact roots in soil. By using three distinct chamber designs with each a different path for the air flow, we were able to measure root respiration over a 50-fold range of soil CO2 concentrations (400 to 25000 ppm) and to separate the effect of irrigation on observed vs. actual root respiration rate. All respiration measurements were made on one-year-old citrus seedlings in sterilized sandy soil with minimal organic material.Root respiration was strongly affected by diurnal fluctuations in temperature (Q10 = 2), which agrees well with the literature. In contrast to earlier findings for Douglas-fir (Qi et al., 1994), root respiration rates of citrus were not affected by soil CO2 concentrations (400 to 25000 ppm CO2; pH around 6). Soil CO2 was strongly affected by soil water content but not by respiration measurements, unless the air flow for root respiration measurements was directed through the soil. The latter method of measuring root respiration reduced soil CO2 concentration to that of incoming air. Irrigation caused a temporary reduction in CO2 diffusion, decreasing the observed respiration rates obtained by techniques that depended on diffusion. This apparent drop in respiration rate did not occur if the air flow was directed through the soil. Our dynamic data are used to indicate the optimal method of measuring root respiration in soil, in relation to the objectives and limitations of the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

We analyzed 17 months (August 2005 to December 2006) of continuous measurements of soil CO2 efflux or soil respiration (RS) in an 18‐year‐old west‐coast temperate Douglas‐fir stand that experienced somewhat greater than normal summertime water deficit. For soil water content at the 4 cm depth (θ) > 0.11 m3 m?3 (corresponding to a soil water matric potential of ?2 MPa), RS was positively correlated to soil temperature at the 2 cm depth (TS). Below this value of θ, however, RS was largely decoupled from TS, and evapotranspiration, ecosystem respiration and gross primary productivity (GPP) began to decrease, dropping to about half of their maximum values when θ reached 0.07 m3 m?3. Soil water deficit substantially reduced RS sensitivity to temperature resulting in a Q10 significantly < 2. The absolute temperature sensitivity of RS (i.e. dRS/dTS) increased with θ up to 0.15 m3 m?3, above which it slowly declined. The value of dRS/dTS was nearly 0 for θ < 0.08 m3 m?3, thereby confirming that RS was largely unaffected by temperature under soil water stress conditions. Despite the possible effects of seasonality of photosynthesis, root activity and litterfall on RS, the observed decrease in its temperature sensitivity at low θ was consistent with the reduction in substrate availability due to a decrease in (a) microbial mobility, and diffusion of substrates and extracellular enzymes, and (b) the fraction of substrate that can react at high TS, which is associated with low θ. We found that an exponential (van't Hoff type) model with Q10 and R10 dependent on only θ explained 92% of the variance in half‐hourly values of RS, including the period with soil water stress conditions. We hypothesize that relating Q10 and R10 to θ not only accounted for the effects of TS on RS and its temperature sensitivity but also accounted for the seasonality of biotic (photosynthesis, root activity, and litterfall) and abiotic (soil moisture and temperature) controls and their interactions.  相似文献   

Temperate terrestrial ecosystems are currently exposed to increased atmospheric CO2 and progressive climatic changes with increased temperature and periodical drought. We here present results from a field experiment, where the effects of these three main climate change related factors are investigated solely and in all combinations at a temperate heathland. Significant responses were found in the top soils below the two dominant species (Calluna vulgaris and Deschampsia flexuosa). During winter incubation, microbial immobilization of N and ammonification rate decreased in response to warming in Deschampsia soil, and microbial immobilization of N and P decreased in warmed Calluna soil. Warming tended to increase microbial N and P in Calluna but not in Deschampsia soil in fall, and more microbial C was accumulated under drought in Calluna soil. The effects of warming were often counteracted or erased when combined with CO2 and drought. Below Deschampsia, the net nitrification rate decreased in response to drought and, while phosphorus availability and microbial P immobilization decreased, but nitrification increased in response to elevated CO2. Furthermore, leaf litter decomposition of both species decreased in response to drought. These complex changes in availability and release of nutrients from soil organic matter turnover and mineralization in response to elevated CO2 and climate change may influence the future plant carbon sequestration and species composition at temperate heathlands.  相似文献   


Background and aims

The response of soil respiration (SR) to elevated CO2 is driven by a number of processes and feedbacks. This work aims to i) detect the effect of elevated CO2 on soil respiration during the second rotation of a short rotation forest, at two levels of N availability; and ii) identify the main drivers behind any changes in soil respiration.


A poplar plantation (POP-EUROFACE) was grown for two rotations of 3 years under elevated CO2 maintained by a FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) technique. Root biomass, litter production and soil respiration were followed for two consecutive years after coppice.


In the plantation, the stimulation of fine root and litter production under elevated CO2 observed at the beginning of the rotation declined over time. Soil respiration (SR) was continuously stimulated by elevated CO2, with a much larger enhancement during the growing (up to 111 %) than in the dormant season (40 %). The SR increase at first appeared to be due to the increase in fine root biomass, but at the end of the 2nd rotation was supported by litter decomposition and the availability of labile C. Soil respiration increase under elevated CO2 was not affected by N availability.


The stimulation of SR by elevated CO2 was sustained by the decomposition of above and belowground litter and by the greater availability of easily decomposable substrates into the soil. In the final year as elevated CO2 did not increase C allocation to roots, the higher SR suggests greater C losses from the soil, thus reducing the potential for C accumulation.  相似文献   

Some single-factor experiments suggest that elevated CO2 concentrations can increase soil carbon, but few experiments have examined the effects of interacting environmental factors on soil carbon dynamics. We undertook studies of soil carbon and nitrogen in a multi-factor (CO2 × temperature × soil moisture) climate change experiment on a constructed old-field ecosystem. After four growing seasons, elevated CO2 had no measurable effect on carbon and nitrogen concentrations in whole soil, particulate organic matter (POM), and mineral-associated organic matter (MOM). Analysis of stable carbon isotopes, under elevated CO2, indicated between 14 and 19% new soil carbon under two different watering treatments with as much as 48% new carbon in POM. Despite significant belowground inputs of new organic matter, soil carbon concentrations and stocks in POM declined over four years under soil moisture conditions that corresponded to prevailing precipitation inputs (1,300 mm yr?1). Changes over time in soil carbon and nitrogen under a drought treatment (approximately 20% lower soil water content) were not statistically significant. Reduced soil moisture lowered soil CO2 efflux and slowed soil carbon cycling in the POM pool. In this experiment, soil moisture (produced by different watering treatments) was more important than elevated CO2 and temperature as a control on soil carbon dynamics.  相似文献   

The effect of elevated CO2 on photosynthesis, respiration, and growth efficiency of sunflower plants at the whole‐stand level was investigated using a whole‐system gas exchange facility (the EcoCELLs at the Desert Research Institute) and a 13C natural tracer method. Total daily photosynthesis (GPP), net primary production (NPP), and respiration under the elevated CO2 treatment were consistently higher than under the ambient CO2 treatment. The overall level of enhancement due to elevated CO2 was consistent with published results for a typical C3 plant species. The patterns of daily GPP and NPP through time approximated logistic curves under both CO2 treatments. Regression analysis indicated that both the rate of increase (the parameter ‘r’) and the maximum value (the parameter ‘k’) of daily GPP and NPP under the elevated CO2 treatment were significantly higher than under the ambient CO2 treatment. The percentage increase in daily GPP due to elevated CO2 varied systematically through time according to the logistic equations used for the two treatments. The GPP increase due to elevated CO2 ranged from approximately 10% initially to 73% at the peak, while declining to about 33%, as predicted by the ratio of the two maximum values. Different values of percentage increase in GPP and NPP were obtained at different sampling times. This result demonstrated that one‐time measurements of percentage increases due to elevated CO2 could be misleading, thereby making interpretation difficult. Although rhizosphere respiration was substantially enhanced by elevated CO2, no effect of elevated CO2 on R:P (respiration:photosynthesis) was found, suggesting an invariant NPP:GPP ratio during the entire experiment. Further validation of the notion of an invariant NPP:GPP ratio may significantly simplify the process of quantifying terrestrial carbon sequestration by directly relating total photosynthesis to net primary production.  相似文献   

1. A new open-top chamber for measuring CO2 efflux from the soil is reported here. The new design enables measurement of the equilibrium CO2 efflux, when there is no detectable pressure difference between the chamber and outside nor leakage of CO2 into or out of the chamber.
2. In previous dynamic-chamber techniques, the measured CO2 efflux is dependent on the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the chamber, and a negative pressure difference of –1Pa may cause an order of magnitude increase in measured CO2 efflux. Although the measured CO2 efflux is less sensitive to a positive pressure difference than to a negative one, a positive pressure difference of even a few tenths of a Pa will lead to a considerable underestimation in soil CO2 evolution.
3. The influence of pressure difference on measured CO2 efflux is negligible in the new design and the estimated CO2 efflux is close to the undisturbed soil respiration rate. Flow rates up to 8lmin–1, or air movement over the soil surface up to 55cmmin–1, will not affect CO2 evolution from the soil. The influence of pressure difference is related to the type of soil being measured and this has also been reported here for the new design.  相似文献   

Root construction and maintenance costs were estimated in four evergreen and three deciduous Quercus species that are typical in the landscape of southern Spain. The cost quantification was based on analysis of the growth–­respiration ratio. Values observed for both construction cost (ranging from 1·17 to 1·29 g glucose g?1 dry weight) and maintenance cost (ranging from 6·22 to 11·71 mg glucose g?1 dry weight d?1) were generally lower than those reported in other studies. The results showed non‐significant differences between deciduous and evergreen species. The lack of significant differences between species appeared to be due to the homogeneity of growth conditions. Hydroponic culture, with unrestricted nutrient and water supply, would lead to low tissue carbon content and low respiration rates, leading to the low costs observed. Furthermore, the fact that root organs are clearly importers of organic molecules inevitably entails some underestimation of the respiration associated with growth and, to a lesser extent, with maintenance respiration. This leads in turn to underestimation of the corresponding construction and maintenance costs. All this raises doubts as to the suitability of this method for studying root systems.  相似文献   

全球大气CO2浓度升高对土壤微生物生态系统的影响已引起广泛关注。本文从土壤微生物群落结构、微生物区系、土壤呼吸、微生物生物量以及土壤酶活性方面对大气高浓度CO2的响应进行了综述。由于提供高浓度CO2的实验系统、所选植物材料以及土壤特性等的不同,大气CO2浓度升高对土壤微生物群落结构、微生物区系、土壤呼吸、微生物生物量以及土壤酶活性的影响并未得出一致结论。但高浓度CO2对土壤微生物生态系统的影响是存在的。  相似文献   

Root dynamics are important for plant, ecosystem and global carbon cycling. Changes in root dynamics caused by rising atmospheric CO2 not only have the potential to moderate further CO2 increases, but will likely affect forest function. We used FACE (Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment) to expose three 30‐m diameter plots in a 13‐year‐old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) forest to elevated (ambient + 200 µL L?1) atmospheric CO2. Three identical fully instrumented plots were implemented as controls (ambient air only). We quantified root dynamics from October 1998 to October 1999 using minirhizotrons. In spite of 16% greater root lengths and 24% more roots per minirhizotron tube, the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on root lengths and numbers were not statistically significant. Similarly, production and mortality were also unaffected by the CO2 treatment, even though annual root production and mortality were 26% and 46% greater in elevated compared to ambient CO2 plots. Average diameters of live roots present at the shallowest soil depth were, however, significantly enhanced in CO2‐enriched plots. Mortality decreased with increasing soil depth and the slopes of linear regression lines (mortality vs. depth) differed between elevated and ambient CO2 treatments, reflecting the significant CO2 by depth interaction. Relative root turnover (root flux/live root pool) was unchanged by exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2. Results from this study suggest modest, if any, increases in ecosystem‐level root productivity in CO2‐enriched environments.  相似文献   

蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)是中国东北地区天然次生林重要组成树种, 研究该树种幼苗有机碳积累及碳库容对未来气候变化的响应, 可为预测未来气候变暖情景下蒙古栎林的天然更新及幼苗的培育提供科学参考。该文旨在探讨CO2浓度和温度升高综合作用对蒙古栎幼苗非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)积累及其分配的影响。实验环境条件用人工气候箱控制, 控制条件如下: 1) CO2浓度倍增(700 μmol·mol-1), 温度升高4 ℃处理(HCHT); 2) CO2浓度正常(400 μmol·mol-1), 温度升高4 ℃处理(HT); 3) CO2浓度和温度均正常, 即对照组(CK); 每个气候箱幼苗分别在3种氮素水平下生长: N2 (15 mmol·L-1, 高氮), N1 (7.5 mmol·L-1, 正常供氮)和N0 (不施氮), 一共为9个处理。研究结果表明, 1) HCHT共同作用对NSC积累无促进作用, 但改变了植物各器官中NSC的分配比例, 叶片中可溶性糖和淀粉的积累明显增加, HCHT下N2水平有利于NSC的积累。2) HT明显影响了蒙古栎一年生幼苗NCS的积累和分配。在N2水平下, HT明显促进NSC的积累, 并增加了在主根中的分配比例。3)植株各器官可溶性糖含量的动态变化因处理不同而异。主根淀粉含量随时间逐渐增加, 而细根淀粉含量随时间逐渐减少。在未来气候变暖的情况下, 土壤中大量的氮供给, 可能将促进蒙古栎幼苗的生长、增加其碳库容和抵御不良环境的能力, 进而提高其天然更新潜力。  相似文献   

A meta-analytical test of elevated CO2 effects on plant respiration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wang  Xianzhong  Curtis  Peter 《Plant Ecology》2002,161(2):251-261
Contrasting results regarding elevated CO2 effects on leafdark respiration (Rd) have hampered efforts to incorporate this importantcomponent of the plant carbon budget into long-term predictions of ecologicalresponses to rising atmospheric CO2. To help resolve some of theseinconsistencies in the literature, we used meta-analysis to quantitativelysummarize 45 area-based leaf Rd (Rda) and 44 mass-based leaf Rd(Rdm) observations from independent studies on 33 species. Ouranalysis showed that across all studies, leaf Rdm was significantlyreduced (–18%, P < 0.05), while leaf Rda was marginallyincreased (+8%, P < 0.15), under elevated CO2. There weresignificant differences among categorical groups in CO2 effects onleaf Rda and Rdm. For example, leaf Rda ofherbaceous species increased 28%, but leaf Rda of woody speciesremained unchanged under elevated CO2. Plants exposed to elevatedCO2 for < 60 days had significantly higher leaf Rda atelevated compared to ambient CO2, while plants exposed to elevatedCO2 for longer period of time showed no response. The magnitude ofreduction in leaf Rdm for plants exposed to elevated CO2for > 100 days was significantly greater than that for plants exposed toelevated CO2 for < 100 days. Our meta-analysis of publishedresults suggest that the amount of carbon loss through leaf Rd will likelyincrease in a higher CO2 environment because of higher leafRda and a proportionally greater leaf biomass increase than leafRdm reduction at elevated CO2. Our results alsodemonstrated the strong dependency of Rd responses to elevated CO2onexperimental conditions.  相似文献   

The response of temperate forest ecosystems to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations is important because these ecosystems represent a significant component of the global carbon cycle. Two important but not well understood processes which elevated CO2 may substantially alter in these systems are regeneration and nitrogen cycling. If elevated CO2 leads to changes in species composition in regenerating forest communities then the structure and function of these ecosystems may be affected. In most temperate forests, nitrogen appears to be a limiting nutrient. If elevated CO2 leads to reductions in nitrogen cycling through increased sequestration of nitrogen in plant biomass or reductions in mineralization rates, long-term forest productivity may be constrained. To study these processes, we established mesocosms of regenerating forest communities in controlled environments maintained at either ambient (375 ppm) or elevated (700 ppm) CO2 concentrations. Mesocosms were constructed from intact monoliths of organic forest soil. We maintained these mesocosms for 2 years without any external inputs of nitrogen and allowed the plants naturally present as seeds and rhizomes to regenerate. We used 15N pool dilution techniques to quantify nitrogen fluxes within the mesocosms at the end of the 2 years. Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration significantly affected a number of plant and soil processes in the experimental regenerating forest mesocosms. These changes included increases in total plant biomass production, plant C/N ratios, ectomycorrhizal colonization of tree fine roots, changes in tree fine root architecture, and decreases in plant NH4 + uptake rates, gross NH4 + mineralization rates, and gross NH4 + consumption rates. In addition, there was a shift in the relative biomass contribution of the two dominant regenerating tree species; the proportion of total biomass contributed by white birch (Betula papyrifera) decreased and the proportion of total biomass contributed by yellow birch (B. alleghaniensis) increased. However, elevated CO2 had no significant effect on the total amount of nitrogen in plant and soil microbial biomass. In this study we observed a suite of effects due to elevated CO2, some of which could lead to increases in potential long term growth responses to elevated CO2, other to decreases. The reduced plant NH4 + uptake rates we observed are consistent with reduced NH4 + availability due to reduced gross mineralization rates. Reduced NH4 + mineralization rates are consistent with the increases in C/N ratios we observed for leaf and fine root material. Together, these data suggest the positive increases in plant root architectural parameters and mycorrhizal colonization may not be as important as the potential negative effects of reduced nitrogen availability through decreased decomposition rates in a future atmosphere with elevated CO2. Received: 10 January 1997 / Accepted: 25 July 1997  相似文献   

Terrestrial plant and soil respiration, or ecosystem respiration (Reco), represents a major CO2 flux in the global carbon cycle. However, there is disagreement in how Reco will respond to future global changes, such as elevated atmosphere CO2 and warming. To address this, we synthesized six years (2007–2012) of Reco data from the Prairie Heating And CO2 Enrichment (PHACE) experiment. We applied a semi‐mechanistic temperature–response model to simultaneously evaluate the response of Reco to three treatment factors (elevated CO2, warming, and soil water manipulation) and their interactions with antecedent soil conditions [e.g., past soil water content (SWC) and temperature (SoilT)] and aboveground factors (e.g., vapor pressure deficit, photosynthetically active radiation, vegetation greenness). The model fits the observed Reco well (R= 0.77). We applied the model to estimate annual (March–October) Reco, which was stimulated under elevated CO2 in most years, likely due to the indirect effect of elevated CO2 on SWC. When aggregated from 2007 to 2012, total six‐year Reco was stimulated by elevated CO2 singly (24%) or in combination with warming (28%). Warming had little effect on annual Reco under ambient CO2, but stimulated it under elevated CO2 (32% across all years) when precipitation was high (e.g., 44% in 2009, a ‘wet’ year). Treatment‐level differences in Reco can be partly attributed to the effects of antecedent SoilT and vegetation greenness on the apparent temperature sensitivity of Reco and to the effects of antecedent and current SWC and vegetation activity (greenness modulated by VPD) on Reco base rates. Thus, this study indicates that the incorporation of both antecedent environmental conditions and aboveground vegetation activity are critical to predicting Reco at multiple timescales (subdaily to annual) and under a future climate of elevated CO2 and warming.  相似文献   

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