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亚热带红壤丘陵区四种人工林凋落物分解动态及养分释放   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
应用网袋分解法,连续2a对我国亚热带红壤丘陵区内有代表性的人工林类型马尾松(Pinus,massoniana)、湿地松(Pinus elliottii)、杉木(Cunninghamialanceolata)、木荷(Schimasuperba)+马尾松(Pinus,massoniana)混交林的凋落物的分解速率,及其C、N元素释放动态进行了研究,凋落物样品分地上、地下两组处理方式。4种林分凋落物地上组的第1、2年分解速率(凋落物的年失重率)依次为马尾松林〉混交林〉湿地松林〉杉木林,马尾松林〉混交林〉杉木林〉湿地松林;地下组的第1、2年分解速率顺序分别为马尾松林〉混交林〉杉木林〉湿地松林,马尾松〉杉木林〉湿地松林〉混交林。各林分地上组凋落物分解速率明显快于地下部分,马尾松林凋落物的分解速率在不同时期均高于其它林分。4种林分凋落物的分解动态符合Olson指数衰减模型。根据拟合方程得出的凋落物分解95%时间为4~01a,介于暖温带常见树种凋落物95%被分解所需时间8~17a,地处南亚热带季风区的鼎湖山凋落物分解95%所需的时间2~8a。养分元素释放率的变化因不同林分和分解时期而异。C在各林分中始终表现为净释放,地上组凋落物的释放率大多数时间均高于地下组。N则于湿地松林、马尾松林和混交林中前期表现出富集现象,而后开始净释放,其中湿地松林凋落物的N富集现象最为显著,释放速率在两个试验年度均为各林分中最低,凋落物中初始的高C/N比是导致上述现象的原因。杉木林凋落物具有最低的初始C/N比,没有出现N富集现象,且在两个试验年度末期均维持了较高的N释放率.  相似文献   

We examined the relative importance of exogenous (pH, water table, soil nutrient and cation availability) and endogenous (carbon quality, nutrient and cation concentrations of litter) controls on litter decay over both the short term (1 yr) and intermediate term (3 yr) in four freshwater peatland communities that occur along a P and N availability gradient in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Four litter types were reciprocally transplanted into each community. Additionally, the effects of exogenous nutrient availability and low pH on decomposition dynamics were examined by fertilizing and liming plots in the most nutrient-deficient community, the short pocosin. Both exogenous and endogenous factors were important in controlling decay rates and nutrient mineralization-immobilization dynamics. The most important site factor controlling decay rates was water table, with greater rates of decomposition in drained sites. High initial soluble phenolic concentrations and a low holocellulose quotient (% holocellulose / % lignocellulose) in litter inhibited decay rates. Despite the extremely low nutrient availability in the pocosins and low soil pH in all three communities, both the cross-community comparison and the amendment experiment in the short pocosin demonstrated that exogenous nutrient availability, endogenous nutrient concentrations in litter, and low soil pH do not inhibit decomposition in these sites. In contrast, immobilization-mineralization dynamics of N and P were largely driven by a source-sink relationship, with greatest immobilization found with high exogenous nutrient availability and low initial endogenous nutrient concentrations. We suggest a conceptual model of nutrient control over decomposition as a function of carbon quality of litter.  相似文献   

We measured changes in carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations and mass of 10 foliar litters decomposing over 12 years at 21 sites across Canada, ranging from subarctic to temperate, to evaluate the influence of litter quality (nature) and forest floor (nurture) on N and P dynamics. Most litters lost P faster than N, relative to C, except in one litter which had a high initial C:P quotient (2,122). Net N loss occurred at mass C:N quotients of between 33 and 68, positively correlated with the C:N quotient in the original litter, and net P loss likely occurred at C:P quotients between 800 and 1,200. Forest floor properties also influenced N and P dynamics: the higher the C:N or C:P quotient in the surface soil organic matter, the smaller the proportion of initial N or P left in the decomposing litter, relative to C. There was a convergence of C:N and C:P quotients as the litters decomposed, with an overall mass ratio of 427:17:1 when the litters reached 20% original C remaining. These results, covering a wide range of sites and litters and thus decomposition rates, showed that the C:N:P quotients followed similar trajectories and converged as the litters decomposed. The relative loss of N and P was affected by both the initial litter nutrient concentration and the chemistry of the site forest floor, with the former being more important than the latter, resulting in spatial variations in nutrient content of the forest floor.  相似文献   

Absence of fire is increasingly recognized as an important driver of soil nutrient budgets in Eucalyptus forest, especially in forests affected by premature Eucalyptus decline, due to the effects of soil nutrient accumulation on nutrient balances and forest community dynamics. In this study, we present a dataset of soil and foliar nutrient analyses, and vegetation measurements from a fire chronosequence survey in native E. delegatensis forest. Measured indices include total soil and extractable soil nitrogen (N), or phosphorus (P), soil organic carbon (C), soil acid‐phosphatase (PME) activity, foliar N and foliar P, and understorey and overstorey vegetation canopy height. We show that in some cases indices are strongly linked to time since fire (2–46 years). Time since fire correlated positively with foliar N, total and extractable soil N, soil organic C, and also soil PME activity; the latter an indicator of biotic P demand. Differences in the strength of these relationships were apparent between two geology types, with stronger relationships on the potentially less‐fertile geology. The strong positive correlation with time since fire and understorey canopy height reflected increasing shrub biomass and thickening of the shrub layer. The strong positive correlation for soil or foliar N, but not P, with time since fire, indicates that P does not increase relative to N over time. P may, therefore, become limiting to growth in this plant community. Similarly, the significantly higher concentrations of soil N but not P, also found in both older and long‐unburnt forest stands (>100 years since management), may exacerbate a situation of soil nutrient limitation over several decades. A characteristic feature of long unmanaged stands is a developing tea tree (Leptospermum sp.) understorey, which may benefit from elevated soil N availability and increasing organic C accumulation with prolonged fire absence. This increased shrub biomass would outcompete Eucalyptus for resources, including soil nutrients and water.  相似文献   

神农架常绿落叶阔叶混交林碳氮磷化学计量比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
生态化学计量学是研究生态过程中化学元素平衡的科学, 碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量比是生态系统过程及其功能的重要特征。该研究测定了神农架常绿落叶阔叶混交林植物器官、凋落物及土壤的C、N、P含量, 利用生物量加权法计算其化学计量比, 并分析该生态系统不同组分间及不同器官间化学计量比的差异。研究结果发现: 在不同组分之间, C含量、C:N及C:P表现为植物>凋落物>土壤; N、P含量及N:P表现为凋落物>植物>土壤。在不同植物器官间, C含量的差异较小, 其变异系数相对N、P含量较低且保持稳定; N、P含量为叶片最高且变异系数最低; N:P为树皮最高, 而枝的变异系数最低。常绿与落叶树种的叶片N、P含量差异显著。与不同森林类型的化学计量比相比, 该常绿落叶阔叶混交林植物群落的C:P及N:P较低, 凋落物的C:P及N:P较高, 土壤的C、N、P化学计量比与亚热带常绿阔叶林基本一致, 生态系统的C:N相对较低。利用生物量加权法计算得到的该森林生态系统不同组分的C、N、P化学计量比的大小关系与前人利用枝叶取样算术平均的结果存在较大差异。C、N、P含量及其化学计量比在不同器官的分配及内稳性与器官的生理功能关系密切。  相似文献   

Although the immune system, inflammation, and cellular metabolism are linked to diseases associated with dyslipidemias, the mechanism(s) remain unclear. To determine whether there is a mechanistic link between lipid availability and inflammation/immune activation, we evaluated macrophage cell lines incubated under conditions of altered exogenous and endogenous lipid availability. Limiting exogenous lipids results in decreased lysosomal acidity and decreased lysosomal enzymatic activity. Both lysosomal parameters are restored with the addition of oleoyl-CoA, suggesting that fatty acids play a role in the regulation of lysosomal function. Cell surface expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded molecules is also decreased in the absence of exogenous lipids. Additionally, we observe decreased gamma-interferon stimulation of cell surface MHC class II. Using cerulenin to limit the endogenous synthesis of fatty acids results in decreased cell surface expression of MHC class II but does not appear to alter lysosomal acidity, suggesting that lysosomal acidity is dependent on exogenous, but not endogenous, fatty acid availability. Testing these conclusions in an in vivo mouse model, we observed statistically significant, diet-dependent differences in lysosomal acidity and MHC class II cell surface expression. Collectively, these data demonstrate a mechanistic link between lipid availability and early events in the immune response.  相似文献   

The dynamics of 47 major and trace elements were examined during a long-term (up to 8 years between 1979 and 1988) litter decomposition experiment in European boreal and nemoboreal forests (Sweden). Litterbags were incubated in 11 monocultural stands at 10 different locations including seven with Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) and four with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Principal component analysis and manual scatter plots revealed groups of elements behaving in a similar manner. One group consisted mainly of nutrients, but also of the unessential or toxic elements Rb, Sc, Sr and Tl, and had a general trend with decreasing mass-normalised (mn) concentrations during decomposition. Another group contained mostly unessential and potentially toxic elements, whose concentrations generally increased during the decay process. An exception from this increasing trend was found for Cd, Hf, Hg, Ta and Zr, for which the mn-concentrations increased initially followed by a net leaching from the litter. The influence of sea spray was identified in the early stages of the experiment (in particular for Na), and the impact of the anthropogenic component of atmospheric deposition was clearly visible (e.g. Pb, Cd, Hg). A regional northern Sb source is indicated in the pine, but not in the spruce, needles. The fact that the samples were collected at a time of higher atmospheric metal deposition than at present provides additional information and usefulness of the results.  相似文献   

滇中亚高山森林植物叶-凋落叶-土壤生态化学计量特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了深入认识滇中亚高山区域5种典型森林生态系统养分循环规律和系统稳定机质,通过测定植物叶、凋落叶和土壤C、N、P含量,掌握该区域典型森林植物叶-凋落叶-土壤生态化学计量特征。结果显示:(1)5种森林类型C、N、P含量差异显著,其中各林型植物叶和凋落叶C、N、P含量均高于土壤。(2)5种森林类型植物N、P再吸收率均为华山松林 > 云南松林 > 常绿阔叶林 > 高山栎林 > 滇油杉林;5种森林类型的再吸收率均为P(均值为61.20%)高于N(均值为36.48%),表明了该区域土壤P的相对匮乏。(3)5种森林类型C/N、C/P、N/P均表现为凋落叶 > 植物叶 > 土壤;各林型植物叶N/P范围为10.17-15.31。(4)5种森林类型植物叶与凋落叶C、N、P含量、C/N和C/P均呈极显著或显著正相关;凋落叶与土壤的C、N含量及N/P呈显著正相关;5种森林类型植物叶N与P含量呈显著正相关关系;土壤N与P含量呈显著负相关关系。本文探究养分元素在"植物叶-凋落叶-土壤"之间的化学计量特征,为了解该区域森林生态系统的养分状况和揭示生物地球化学循环过程提供了理论数据。  相似文献   

以浙江天童常绿阔叶林、常绿针叶林和落叶阔叶林为对象, 通过对叶片和凋落物C:N:P比率与N、P重吸收的研究, 揭示3种植被类型N、P养分限制和N、P重吸收的内在联系。结果显示: 1)叶片C:N:P在常绿阔叶林为758:18:1, 在常绿针叶林为678:14:1, 在落叶阔叶林为338:11:1; 凋落物C:N:P在常绿阔叶林为777:13:1, 常绿针叶林为691:14:1, 落叶阔叶林为567:14:1; 2)常绿阔叶林和常绿针叶林叶片与凋落物C:N均显著高于落叶阔叶林; 叶片C:P在常绿阔叶林最高, 常绿针叶林中等, 落叶阔叶林最低, 常绿阔叶林和常绿针叶林凋落物C:P显著高于落叶阔叶林; 叶片N:P比也是常绿阔叶林最高、常绿针叶林次之, 落叶阔叶林最低, 但常绿阔叶林凋落物N:P最低; 3)植被叶片N、P含量间(N为x, P为y)的II类线性回归斜率显著大于1 (p < 0.05), 表明叶片P含量的增加可显著提高叶片N含量; 凋落物N、P含量的回归斜率约等于1, 反映了凋落物中单位P含量与单位N含量间的等速损耗关系; 4)常绿阔叶林N重吸收率显著高于常绿针叶林与落叶阔叶林, 落叶阔叶林P重吸收率显著高于常绿阔叶林和常绿针叶林。虽然植被的N:P指示常绿阔叶林受P限制, 落叶阔叶林受N限制, 常绿针叶林受N、P的共同限制, 但是N、P重吸收研究结果表明: 受N素限制的常绿阔叶林具有高的N重吸收率, 受P限制的落叶阔叶林并不具有高的P重吸收率。可见, 较高的N、P养分转移率可能不是植物对N、P养分胁迫的一种重要适应机制, 是物种固有的特征。  相似文献   

Smyth  C. E.  Titus  B.  Trofymow  J. A.  Moore  T. R.  Preston  C. M.  Prescott  C. E. 《Plant and Soil》2016,409(1-2):459-477
Plant and Soil - We measured changes in mass and in carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations and content of surface-placed and buried wood blocks decomposing over...  相似文献   

Active restoration strategies increase the production of leaf litter in tropical forests, but little is known about their effect on litter decomposition and subsequent nutrient release. We quantified changes in leaf litter stoichiometry during decomposition in former pasture sites under contrasting restoration strategies (natural regeneration, applied nucleation/islands tree planting and plantation), as well as in nearby primary forest. Litterbags were employed to evaluate decomposition. We used a leaf mixture of either the four planted tree species in the plantation and island treatments or the nearby primary forest and compared them under a factorial design. Decomposition rates were similar between restoration treatments (p > 0.5), but leaves decomposed faster in the forest mixture than in the plantation mixture (p < 0.01). The content of Ca, Mg, K, P, and the C:N ratio were higher in the forest mixture at the beginning and during decomposition (p < 0.05); the N content in the plantation mixture was higher at the beginning but lower during decomposition (p < 0.05), which meant greater mobilization of nitrogen per unit of carbon lost. K and P had a strong initial release, while Mg was released more gradually. N and Ca had an irregular pattern of initial fast release, immobilization, and re‐release in the later stages. We conclude that the differences in rates of decomposition and nutrient release in these systems under restoration were at least partly determined by the floristic heterogeneity and chemical quality of the leaf litter that reaches the soil.  相似文献   

On Aneurolepidium chinease grassland, the amounts of N, P and Ktransferred from deadplants into the litters are respectively 0.7227, 0.1137 and 0.4974g·m-2·yr-1.After oneyear, the loss rates of them are respectively 59.71, 73.21 and 83.26%.Under imbalancestate, the input of these three elements is larger than their output, being at accumulationstage, while under stable state, their contents in litters are respectively 1.1859, 0.1565 and 0.5963g·m-2.  相似文献   

格氏栲天然林与人工林凋落叶分解过程中养分动态   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对中亚热带格氏栲天然林 (natural forest of Castanopsis kawakamii, 约150a)、格氏栲和杉木人工林 (monoculture plantations of C. Kawakamii and Cunninghamia lanceolata,33年生) 凋落叶分解过程中养分动态的研究表明,各凋落叶分解过程中N初始浓度均发生不同程度的增加后下降;除格氏栲天然林中其它树种叶和杉木叶P浓度先增加后下降外,其它均随分解过程而下降;除杉木叶外,其它类型凋落叶的Ca和Mg浓度呈上升趋势;凋落叶K浓度均随分解过程不断下降.养分残留率与分解时间之间存在着指数函数关系xt=x0e-kt.凋落叶分解过程中各养分释放常数分别为N(kN) 0.678~4.088;P (kP) 0.621~4.308;K(kK) 1.408~4.421;Ca (kCa) 0.799~3.756;Mg (kMg) 0.837 ~ 3.894.除杉木叶外,其它凋落叶分解过程中均呈kK>kP>kN>kMg>kCa的顺序变化.各林分凋落叶的年养分释放量分别为N 10.73~48.19kg/(hm2·a),P 0.61~3.70kg/(hm2·a),K 6.66~39.61kg/(hm2·a),Ca 17.90~20.91kg/(hm2·a),Mg 3.21~9.85kg/(hm2·a).与针叶树人工林相比,天然阔叶林凋落叶分解过程中较快的养分释放和较高的养分释放量有利于促进养分再循环,这对地力维持有重要作用.  相似文献   

在福建省白砂国有林场选取幼龄林(5年)、中幼龄林(8年)、近熟林(21年)、成熟林(27年)和过熟林(40年)5个生长阶段的杉木人工林,测定不同土层(0~10、10~20、20~40 cm)土壤总碳(TC)、全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)、全钾(TK)、全钙(Ca)、全镁(Mg)含量以及C∶N∶P化学计量比,探究杉木人工林土壤碳氮磷(C∶N∶P)化学计量特征与养分随林龄的变化规律。结果表明: 随着林分发育,TC、TN未发生显著变化,土壤C∶N保持不变。随着林分发育,0~20 cm土层土壤TP含量呈增加-降低-增加的变化趋势,其中在杉木成熟林达到最低,C∶P和N∶P最大,而20~40 cm土层土壤TP在各个林龄之间无显著变化。Ca、Mg含量在所有土层均在杉木成熟林达到最低。土壤TC与C∶P、N∶P、C∶N均呈显著正相关,TP与C∶P、N∶P呈显著负相关,土壤TP含量是调控土壤C∶P和N∶P的关键因子。杉木人工林发育到成熟期受到P的限制,为保证人工林正常发育,可在杉木速生阶段施加P肥,促进养分良性循环。适当提高杉木林的轮伐期可能会有利于土壤养分的恢复与保持。  相似文献   

To gain insight into fine roots decomposition in subtropical China, the litter bag method was used to examine the decomposition dynamics of dry mass, N, P, K, and organic fractions in six natural forests and a Chinese fir plantation over a 2-year period in the Wanmulin Nature Reserve, Fujian. The seven tree species examined, representative of this area, differed significantly in their initial chemical quality and were used to determine the best substrate quality parameters to predict decomposition dynamics. Dry mass loss varied significantly among the different roots, which showed fast decomposition in the first year, with mass loss regulated by extractive and acid-soluble fraction, followed by a low rate in the second year, with mass loss dominated by acid-insoluble fraction. Net N release was constantly slower than the mass loss of acid-insoluble fractions, while K release was the other way around. Release of P seemed to be independent of disappearance of acid-insoluble fraction. Not all the very fine roots (0–1 mm) decomposed faster than the fine ones (1–2 mm), and decomposition rates of coniferous roots were not always lower than broadleaved species. Correlation analysis demonstrated that dry mass loss and net N and P release rates were not correlated with initial N concentration, but with acid-insoluble organic fraction and P related parameters at the end of a 2-year decomposition period. Our results suggest that N is a limiting factor of fine root decomposition. Additionally, P could also be an important driver of fine root decomposition and N and P dynamics in this low soil P availability area.  相似文献   

分析植物叶片(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及其比值的季节动态, 不仅有助于认识植物生长发育和养分吸收利用等生理生态过程, 也有利于认识植物化学计量的动态平衡关系。该文选择内蒙古典型温带草原18种常见植物, 在生长季的6-9月, 每半月一次进行连续采样, 在此基础上分析了叶片C、N、P含量及其比值在生长季内的变化。主要结果: 1)植物叶片C、N、P含量及其比值的季节性变化在不同功能类群间不同步, 其中叶片N、P含量的季节变化体现了明显的稀释作用。2)叶片C、N、P含量及其比值在不同功能类群间差异显著, 单子叶、多年生禾草类的叶片N、P含量显著低于双子叶和多年生杂类草植物, 而其叶片C:N、C:P则高于双子叶和多年生杂类草植物。3)叶片N、P含量显著正相关, 叶片C:N和C:P分别与N和P含量显著负相关, 可能体现了植物体内营养元素间的内在耦合机制。4)叶片N含量与C:N, 叶片P含量与C:P以及叶片N含量与P含量均呈现等速生长关系, 且等速生长关系在生长季保持稳定。  相似文献   

分析植物叶片(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及其比值的季节动态, 不仅有助于认识植物生长发育和养分吸收利用等生理生态过程, 也有利于认识植物化学计量的动态平衡关系。该文选择内蒙古典型温带草原18种常见植物, 在生长季的6-9月, 每半月一次进行连续采样, 在此基础上分析了叶片C、N、P含量及其比值在生长季内的变化。主要结果: 1)植物叶片C、N、P含量及其比值的季节性变化在不同功能类群间不同步, 其中叶片N、P含量的季节变化体现了明显的稀释作用。2)叶片C、N、P含量及其比值在不同功能类群间差异显著, 单子叶、多年生禾草类的叶片N、P含量显著低于双子叶和多年生杂类草植物, 而其叶片C:N、C:P则高于双子叶和多年生杂类草植物。3)叶片N、P含量显著正相关, 叶片C:N和C:P分别与N和P含量显著负相关, 可能体现了植物体内营养元素间的内在耦合机制。4)叶片N含量与C:N, 叶片P含量与C:P以及叶片N含量与P含量均呈现等速生长关系, 且等速生长关系在生长季保持稳定。  相似文献   

以中亚热带常绿阔叶林及由其改造而来的闽楠、毛竹及杉木人工林为研究对象,采用氯仿熏蒸浸提法测定了4种林分类型表层(0~10 cm)和深层(40~60 cm)土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)和氮(MBN),并分析了其季节变化及与土壤理化性质之间的关系.结果表明: 4种林分类型表层土壤MBC和MBN均以常绿阔叶林最高,其次为闽楠人工林、毛竹人工林和杉木人工林,且前三者显著高于后者;各林分深层土壤MBC和MBN无显著差异.4种林分类型的表层土壤MBC和MBN均显著高于深层土壤,且各土层MBC和MBN均具有明显的季节变化,总体呈现出“夏高冬低”单峰曲线变化模式.相关分析表明,4种林分类型土壤MBC和MBN与土壤有机碳、全氮及土壤温度呈显著正相关关系,与土壤容重呈显著负相关关系.表明常绿阔叶林改造成人工林30多年后,表层土壤MBC和MBN呈下降趋势,其中杉木人工林下降幅度最大(分别下降39.0%和49.8%),而对深层土壤MBC和MBN的影响较小.凋落物数量和质量、土壤有机碳和总氮含量及土壤温度是导致各林分类型土壤微生物生物量碳氮差异和季节变化的主要因素.  相似文献   

羊草草地枯枝落叶中N,P,K变化动态   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
羊草草地枯枝落叶中N、P、K变化动态郭继勋,祝廷成(东北师范大学国家草地生态工程实验室,长春130024)DynamicsofN,PandKinlittersonAneurolopidiumchinensegrassland.¥GuoJixunand...  相似文献   

研究森林植被与土壤碳(C)氮(N)磷(P)化学计量关系是理解生态系统各组分的相互作用和探究植物的生长状况及生态适应性的关键。阿尔泰山天然林是我国北方典型的泰加林,在区域水汽、养分循环和多样性维持等方面发挥了重要作用。以喀纳斯天然林30种乔灌草植物及其生境为对象,运用方差分析、相关分析、冗余分析等方法研究植物叶片及土壤的化学计量特征及其相互关系,揭示喀纳斯天然林乔木、灌木和草本环境适应性的异同。结果显示:30种植物叶片C、N、P的平均含量分别为496.66 g/kg、23.87 g/kg、3.67 g/kg;叶片C∶N、C∶P、N∶P分别为26.52、160.91、6.74。不同生活型植物叶片C、N、P含量及其计量比间显著差异。其中C含量大小顺序为乔木>灌木>草本(P<0.05),N含量大小顺序为草本>灌木>乔木(P<0.05),灌木和草本之间叶片P含量差异不显著(P>0.05),但均显著高于乔木叶片P含量(P<0.05)。叶片C∶N和C∶P大小顺序均为乔木>灌木>草本(P<0.05),乔木和灌木叶片N∶P不存在显著差异(...  相似文献   

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