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The DNA replication-related element-binding factor (DREF) regulates cell proliferation-related gene expression in Drosophila. We have carried out a genetic screening, taking advantage of the rough eye phenotype of transgenic flies that express full-length DREF in the eye imaginal discs and identified the eukaryotic initiation factor 4A (eIF4A) gene as a dominant suppressor of the DREF-induced rough eye phenotype. The eIF4A gene was here found to carry three DRE sequences, DRE1 (-40 to -47), DRE2 (-48 to -55), and DRE3 (-267 to -274) in its promoter region, these all being important for the eIF4A gene promoter activity in cultured Drosophila Kc cells and in living flies. Knockdown of DREF in Drosophila S2 cells decreased the eIF4A mRNA level and the eIF4A gene promoter activity. Furthermore, specific binding of DREF to genomic regions containing DRE sequences was demonstrated by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays using anti-DREF antibodies. Band mobility shift assays using Kc cell nuclear extracts revealed that DREF could bind to DRE1 and DRE3 sequences in the eIF4A gene promoter in vitro, but not to the DRE2 sequence. The results suggest that the eIF4A gene is under the control of the DREF pathway and DREF is therefore involved in the regulation of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, protein synthesis is a complex and multi-step process that has several mechanisms to start the translation including cap-dependent and cap-independent initiation. The translation control of eukaryotic gene expression occurs principally at the initiation step. In this context, it is critical that the eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E bind to the 7-methylguanosine (m7G) cap present at the 5′-UTRs of most eukaryotic mRNAs. Combined with other initiation factors, eIF4E mediates the mRNA recruitment on ribosomes to start the translation. Moreover, the eIF4E nuclear bodies are involved in the export of specific mRNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. In this review, we focus on the eIF4E structure and its physiological functions, and describe the role of eIF4E in cancer development and progression and the current therapeutic strategies to target eIF4E.  相似文献   

Initiation, a major rate-limiting step of host protein translation, is a critical target in many viral infections. Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection results in hepatocellular carcinoma. Translation initiation, up-regulated in many cancers, plays a critical role in tumorigenesis. mTOR is a major regulator of host protein translation. Even though activation of PI3K-AKT-mTOR by HCV non-structural protein 5A (NS5A) is known, not much is understood about the regulation of host translation initiation by this virus. Here for the first time we show that HCV up-regulates host cap-dependent translation machinery in Huh7.5 cells through simultaneous activation of mTORC1 and eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) by NS5A. NS5A, interestingly, overexpressed and subsequently hyperphosphorylated 4EBP1. NS5A phosphorylated eIF4E through the p38 MAPK-MNK pathway. Both HCV infection and NS5A expression augmented eIF4F complex assembly, an indicator of cap-dependent translation efficiency. Global translation, however, was not altered by HCV NS5A. 4EBP1 phosphorylation, but not that of S6K1, was uniquely resistant to rapamycin in NS5A-Huh7.5 cells, indicative of an alternate phosphorylation mechanism of 4EBP1. Resistance of Ser-473, but not Thr-308, phosphorylation of AKT to PI3K inhibitors suggested an activation of mTORC2 by NS5A. NS5A associated with eIF4F complex and polysomes, suggesting its active involvement in host translation. This is the first report that implicates an HCV protein in the up-regulation of host translation initiation apparatus through concomitant regulation of multiple pathways. Because both mTORC1 activation and eIF4E phosphorylation are involved in tumorigenesis, we propose that their simultaneous activation by NS5A might contribute significantly to the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

Several components of translation, e.g. eIF4E and PKR, are implicated in cancer. The e-subunit (p48) of mammalian initiation factor 3 is encoded by the Int6 gene, a common site for integration of the mouse mammary tumor virus genome, leading to the production of a truncated eukaryotic initiation factor-3e (eIF3e). Stable expression of a truncated eIF3e in NIH 3T3 cells causes malignant transformation by four criteria: foci formation; anchorage independent growth; accelerated growth; and lack of contact inhibition. Stable expression of full-length eIF3e does not cause transformation. The truncated eIF3e also inhibits the onset of apoptosis caused by serum starvation.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(8):2481-2488.e5
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Previous observations of association of mRNAs and ribosomes with subcellular structures highlight the importance of localised translation. However, little is known regarding associations between eukaryotic translation initiation factors and cellular structures within the cytoplasm of normally growing cells. We have used detergent-based cellular fractionation coupled with immunofluorescence microscopy to investigate the subcellular localisation in NIH3T3 fibroblasts of the initiation factors involved in recruitment of mRNA for translation, focussing on eIF4E, the mRNA cap-binding protein, the scaffold protein eIF4GI and poly(A) binding protein (PABP). We find that these proteins exist mainly in a soluble cytosolic pool, with only a subfraction tightly associated with cellular structures. However, this "associated" fraction was enriched in active "eIF4F" complexes (eIF4E.eIF4G.eIF4A.PABP). Immunofluorescence analysis reveals both a diffuse and a perinuclear distribution of eIF4G, with the perinuclear staining pattern similar to that of the endoplasmic reticulum. eIF4E also shows both a diffuse staining pattern and a tighter perinuclear stain, partly coincident with vimentin intermediate filaments. All three proteins localise to the lamellipodia of migrating cells in close proximity to ribosomes, microtubules, microfilaments and focal adhesions, with eIF4G and eIF4E at the periphery showing a similar staining pattern to the focal adhesion protein vinculin.  相似文献   

Translation of the small G protein RhoA in neurons is regulated by the eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E. Here we show that this translation factor also regulates RhoA expression and activity in breast cancer cells. The introduction of eIF4E into breast tumor cells increased RhoA protein levels, while expression of an eIF4E siRNA reduced RhoA expression. Previous studies indicate that the axon repulsion factor Semaphorin3A (Sema3A) stimulates the eIF4E-dependent translation of RhoA in neurons, and breast tumor cells support autocrine Sema3A signaling. Accordingly, we next examined if autocrine Sema3A signaling drives eIF4E-dependent RhoA translation in breast cancer cells. The incubation of breast tumor cells with recombinant Sema3A rapidly increased eIF4E activity, RhoA protein levels, and RhoA activity. This Sema3A activity was blocked in tumor cells expressing an shRNA-specific for the Sema3A receptor, Neuropilin-1 (NP-1), as well as in cells incubated with an eIF4E inhibitor. Importantly, RhoA protein levels were reduced in Sema3A shRNA-expressing compared to control shRNA-expressing breast tumor cells, demonstrating that autocrine Sema3A increases RhoA expression in breast cancer. Considering that Sema3A suppresses axon extension by stimulating RhoA translation, we next examined if the Sema3A/RhoA axis impacts breast tumor cell migration. The incubation of control breast tumor cells, but not RhoA shRNA-expressing cells, with rSema3A significantly reduced their migration. Collectively, these studies indicate that Sema3A impedes breast tumor cell migration in part by stimulating RhoA. These findings identify common signaling pathways that regulate the navigation of neurons and breast cancer cells, thus suggesting novel targets for suppressing breast tumor cell migration.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic translation initiation, eIF2B is the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) required for reactivation of the G protein eIF2 between rounds of protein synthesis initiation. eIF2B is unusually complex with five subunits (α-ε) necessary for GEF activity and its control by phosphorylation of eIF2α. In addition, inherited mutations in eIF2B cause a fatal leukoencephalopathy. Here we describe experiments examining domains of eIF2Bγ and ε that both share sequence and predicted tertiary structure similarity with a family of phospho-hexose sugar nucleotide pyrophosphorylases. Firstly, using a genetic approach, we find no evidence to support a significant role for a potential nucleotide-binding region within the pyrophosphorylase-like domain (PLD) of eIF2Bε for nucleotide exchange. These findings are at odds with one mechanism for nucleotide exchange proposed previously. By using a series of constructs and a co-expression and precipitation strategy, we find that the eIF2Bε and -γ PLDs and a shared second domain predicted to form a left-handed β helix are all critical for interprotein interactions between eIF2B subunits necessary for eIF2B complex formation. We have identified extensive interactions between the PLDs and left-handed β helix domains that form the eIF2Bγε subcomplex and propose a model for domain interactions between eIF2B subunits.  相似文献   

Modulation of interactions among proteins is an important mechanism for regulating both the subcellular location and the function of proteins. An example of the importance of protein-protein interaction is the reversible association of eukaryotic initiation factor eIF4E with the eIF4E binding proteins 4E-BP1 and eIF4G. When bound to 4E-BP1, eIF4E cannot bind to eIF4G to form the active eIF4F complex, an event that is required for the binding of mRNA to the ribosome. Thus, association of eIF4E with 4E-BP1 represses mRNA translation by preventing the binding of mRNA to the ribosome. Previous studies have measured the amount of 4E-BP1 or eIF4G bound to eIF4E by either affinity chromatography or immunoprecipitation of eIF4E followed by Western blot analysis for quantitation of 4E-BP1 and eIF4G. Both of these techniques have significant limitations. In the present study, we describe a microtiter plate-based assay for quantitation of the amount of 4E-BP1 and eIF4G bound to eIF4E that obviates many of the limitations of the earlier approaches. It also has the advantage that absolute amounts of the individual proteins can be easily estimated. The approach should be applicable to the study of a wide variety of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

M Ishfaq  K Maeta  S Maeda  T Natsume  A Ito  M Yoshida 《FEBS letters》2012,586(19):3236-3241
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is a protein subject to hypusination, which is essential for its function. eIF5A is also acetylated, but the role of that modification is unknown. Here, we report that acetylation regulates the subcellular localization of eIF5A. We identified PCAF as the major cellular acetyltransferase of eIF5A, and HDAC6 and SIRT2 as its major deacetylases. Inhibition of the deacetylases or impaired hypusination increased acetylation of eIF5A, leading to nuclear accumulation. As eIF5A is constitutively hypusinated under physiological conditions, we suggest that reversible acetylation plays a major role in controlling the subcellular localization of eIF5A.  相似文献   

During eukaryotic translation initiation, the 43 S ribosomal pre-initiation complex is recruited to the 5'-end of an mRNA through its interaction with the 7-methylguanosine cap, and it subsequently scans along the mRNA to locate the start codon. Both mRNA recruitment and scanning require the removal of secondary structure within the mRNA. Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A is an essential component of the translational machinery thought to participate in the clearing of secondary structural elements in the 5'-untranslated regions of mRNAs. eIF4A is part of the 5'-7-methylguanosine cap-binding complex, eIF4F, along with eIF4E, the cap-binding protein, and the scaffolding protein eIF4G. Here, we show that Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF4F has a strong preference for unwinding an RNA duplex with a single-stranded 5'-overhang versus the same duplex with a 3'-overhang or without an overhang. In contrast, eIF4A on its own has little RNA substrate specificity. Using a series of deletion constructs of eIF4G, we demonstrate that its three previously elucidated RNA binding domains work together to provide eIF4F with its 5'-end specificity, both by promoting unwinding of substrates with 5'-overhangs and inhibiting unwinding of substrates with 3'-overhangs. Our data suggest that the RNA binding domains of eIF4G provide the S. cerevisiae eIF4F complex with a second mechanism, in addition to the eIF4E-cap interaction, for directing the binding of pre-initiation complexes to the 5'-ends of mRNAs and for biasing scanning in the 5' to 3' direction.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) undergoes a specific post-translational modification called hypusination. This modification is required for the functionality of this protein. The compound N1-guanyl-1,7-diaminoheptane (GC7) is a potent and selective inhibitor of deoxyhypusine synthase, which catalyses the first step of eIF5A hypusination process. In the present study, the effects of GC7 on cell death were investigated using two cell lines: melan-a murine melanocytes and Tm5 murine melanoma. In vitro treatment with GC7 increased by 3-fold the number of cells presenting DNA fragmentation in Tm5 cells. Exposure to GC7 also decreased viability to both cell lines. This study also describes, for the first time, the in vivo antitumour effect of GC7, as indicated by impaired melanoma growth in C57BL/6 mice.  相似文献   

Enterovirus (EV) infection has been shown to cause a marked shutoff of host protein synthesis, an event mainly achieved through the cleavages of eukaryotic translation initiation factors eIF4GI and eIF4GII that are mediated by viral 2A protease (2Apro). Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), we developed genetically encoded and FRET‐based biosensors to visualize and quantify the specific proteolytic process in intact cells. This was accomplished by stable expression of a fusion substrate construct composed of the green fluorescent protein 2 (GFP2) and red fluorescent protein 2 (DsRed2), with a cleavage motif on eIF4GI or eIF4GII connected in between. The FRET biosensor showed a real‐time and quantifiable impairment of FRET upon EV infection. Levels of the reduced FRET closely correlated with the cleavage kinetics of the endogenous eIF4Gs isoforms. The FRET impairments were solely attributed to 2Apro catalytic activity, irrespective of other viral‐encoded protease, the activated caspases or general inhibition of protein synthesis in the EV‐infected cells. The FRET biosensors appeared to be a universal platform for several related EVs. The spatiotemporal and quantitative imaging enabled by FRET can shed light on the protease–substrate behaviors in their normal milieu, permitting investigation into the molecular mechanism underlying virus‐induced host translation inhibition. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 1142–1152. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The position of mRNA on 40S ribosomal subunits in eukaryotic initiation complexes was determined by UV crosslinking using mRNAs containing uniquely positioned 4-thiouridines. Crosslinking of mRNA positions (+)11 to ribosomal protein (rp) rpS2(S5p) and rpS3(S3p), and (+)9-(+)11 and (+)8-(+)9 to h18 and h34 of 18S rRNA, respectively, indicated that mRNA enters the mRNA-binding channel through the same layers of rRNA and proteins as in prokaryotes. Upstream of the P-site, the proximity of positions (-)3/(-)4 to rpS5(S7p) and h23b, (-)6/(-)7 to rpS14(S11p), and (-)8-(-)11 to the 3'-terminus of 18S rRNA (mRNA/rRNA elements forming the bacterial Shine-Dalgarno duplex) also resembles elements of the bacterial mRNA path. In addition to these striking parallels, differences between mRNA paths included the proximity in eukaryotic initiation complexes of positions (+)7/(+)8 to the central region of h28, (+)4/(+)5 to rpS15(S19p), and (-)6 and (-)7/(-)10 to eukaryote-specific rpS26 and rpS28, respectively. Moreover, we previously determined that eukaryotic initiation factor2alpha (eIF2alpha) contacts position (-)3, and now report that eIF3 interacts with positions (-)8-(-)17, forming an extension of the mRNA-binding channel that likely contributes to unique aspects of eukaryotic initiation.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 is composed of 13 subunits (eIF3a through eIF3m) and plays an essential role in translation. During apoptosis, several caspases rapidly down-regulate protein synthesis by cleaving eIF4G, -4B, -3j, and -2α. In this study, we found that the activation of caspases by cisplatin in T24 cells induces the cleavage of subunit G of the eIF3 complex (eIF3g). The cleavage site (SLRD220G) was identified, and we found that the cleaved N-terminus was translocated to the nucleus, activating caspase-3, and that it also showed a strong DNase activity. These data demonstrate the important roles of eIF3g in the translation initiation machinery and in DNA degradation during apoptosis.  相似文献   

One of the earliest steps in translation initiation is recognition of the mRNA cap structure (m7GpppX) by the initiation factor eIF4E. Studies of interactions between purified eIF4E and its binding partners provide important information for understanding mechanisms underlying translational control in normal and cancer cells. Numerous impediments of the available methods used for eIF4E purification led us to develop a novel methodology for obtaining fractions of eIF4E free from undesired by-products. Herein we report methods for bacterial expression of eIF4E tagged with mutant dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) followed by isolation and purification of the DHFR–eIF4E protein by using affinity and anion exchange chromatography. Fluorescence quenching experiments indicated the cap-analog, 7MeGTP, bound to DHFR–eIF4E and eIF4E with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 6 ± 5 and 10 ± 3 nM, respectively. Recombinant eIF4E and DHFR–eIF4E were both shown to significantly enhance in vitro translation in dose dependent manner by 75% at 0.5 μM. Nevertheless increased concentrations of eIF4E and DHFR–eIF4E significantly inhibited translation in a dose dependent manner by a maximum at 2 μM of 60% and 90%, respectively. Thus, we have demonstrated that we have developed an expression system for fully functional recombinant eIF4E. We have also shown that the fusion protein DHFR–eIF4E is functional and thus may be useful for cell based affinity tag studies with fluorescently labeled trimethoprim analogs.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) is the cap‐binding protein that binds the 5′ cap structure of cellular messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Despite the obligatory role of eIF4E in cap‐dependent mRNA translation, how the translation activity of eIF4E is controlled remains largely undefined. Here, we report that mammalian eIF4E is regulated by SUMO1 (small ubiquitin‐related modifier 1) conjugation. eIF4E sumoylation promotes the formation of the active eIF4F translation initiation complex and induces the translation of a subset of proteins that are essential for cell proliferation and preventing apoptosis. Furthermore, disruption of eIF4E sumoylation inhibits eIF4E‐dependent protein translation and abrogates the oncogenic and antiapoptotic functions associated with eIF4E. These data indicate that sumoylation is a new fundamental regulatory mechanism of protein synthesis. Our findings suggest further that eIF4E sumoylation might be important in promoting human cancers.  相似文献   

Translation mechanisms at different stages of the cell cycle have been studied for many years, resulting in the dogma that translation rates are slowed during mitosis, with cap-independent translation mechanisms favored to give expression of key regulatory proteins. However, such cell culture studies involve synchronization using harsh methods, which may in themselves stress cells and affect protein synthesis rates. One such commonly used chemical is the microtubule de-polymerization agent, nocodazole, which arrests cells in mitosis and has been used to demonstrate that translation rates are strongly reduced (down to 30% of that of asynchronous cells). Using synchronized HeLa cells released from a double thymidine block (G1/S boundary) or the Cdk1 inhibitor, RO3306 (G2/M boundary), we have systematically re-addressed this dogma. Using FACS analysis and pulse labeling of proteins with labeled methionine, we now show that translation rates do not slow as cells enter mitosis. This study is complemented by studies employing confocal microscopy, which show enrichment of translation initiation factors at the microtubule organizing centers, mitotic spindle, and midbody structure during the final steps of cytokinesis, suggesting that translation is maintained during mitosis. Furthermore, we show that inhibition of translation in response to extended times of exposure to nocodazole reflects increased eIF2α phosphorylation, disaggregation of polysomes, and hyperphosphorylation of selected initiation factors, including novel Cdk1-dependent N-terminal phosphorylation of eIF4GII. Our work suggests that effects on translation in nocodazole-arrested cells might be related to those of the treatment used to synchronize cells rather than cell cycle status.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis is very sensitive to NaCl. However, the molecular targets responsible for this sensitivity have not been described. A cDNA library of the halotolerant plant sugar beet was functionally screened in a sodium-sensitive yeast strain. We obtained a cDNA clone (BveIF1A) encoding the eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF1A. BveIF1A was able to partially complement the yeast eIF1A-deficient strain. Overexpression of the sugar beet eIF1A specifically increased the sodium and lithium salt tolerance of yeast. This phenotype was not accompanied by changes in sodium or potassium homeostasis. Under salt stress conditions, yeast cells expressing BveIF1A presented a higher rate of amino acid incorporation into proteins than control cells. In an in vitro protein synthesis system from wheat germ, the BveIF1A recombinant protein improved translation in the presence of NaCl. Finally, transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing BveIF1A exhibited increased tolerance to NaCl. These results suggest that the translation initiation factor eIF1A is an important determinant of sodium tolerance in yeast and plants.  相似文献   

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