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Doppel protein (Dpl) is a paralog of the cellular form of the prion protein (PrPC), together sharing common structural and biochemical properties. Unlike PrPC, which is abundantly expressed throughout the central nervous system (CNS), Dpl protein expression is not detectable in the CNS. Interestingly, its ectopic expression in the brain elicits neurodegeneration in transgenic mice. Here, by combining native isoelectric focusing plus non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry analysis, we identified two Dpl binding partners: rat alpha-1-inhibitor-3 (α1I3) and, by sequence homology, alpha-2-macroglobulin (α2M), two known plasma metalloproteinase inhibitors. Biochemical investigations excluded the direct interaction of PrPC with either α1I3 or α2M. Nevertheless, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and surface plasmon resonance experiments revealed a high affinity binding occurring between PrPC and Dpl. In light of these findings, we suggest a mechanism for Dpl-induced neurodegeneration in mice expressing Dpl ectopically in the brain, linked to a withdrawal of natural inhibitors of metalloproteinase such as α2M. Interestingly, α2M has been proven to be a susceptibility factor in Alzheimer''s disease, and as our findings imply, it may also play a relevant role in other neurodegenerative disorders, including prion diseases.  相似文献   

All three α2-adrenoceptor subtypes have a long third intracellular loop (3i), which is conserved by overall size and charge-hydrophobic properties but not by amino acid sequence similarity. These properties must be relevant for function and structure, because they have been preserved during hundreds of millions of years of evolution. The contribution of different loop portions to agonist/antagonist binding properties and G protein coupling of the human α2B-adrenoceptor (α2B-AR) was investigated with a series of 3i truncated constructs (Δ 3i). We used a variety of agonists/antagonists in competition binding assays. We stimulated α2B-AR Δ3i with various agonists and measured [35S]GTPγS binding in isolated cell membranes with or without antagonist inhibition. We also evaluated the ability of oligopeptides, analogous to the amino and carboxyl terminal parts of 3i, to promote G protein activation, monitored with the [35S]GTPγS assay. Our results reveal that the carboxyl end residues of 3i, R360(6.24) to V372(6.36), are important for Gi/Go protein activation. Deletions in regions from G206(5.72) to R245(5.110) altered the binding of some α2B-AR agonists, indicating that agonist binding is dependent on the conformation of the 3i domain, possibly through the involvement of G protein interactions. The truncated receptor constructs may be more stable on purification and thus be useful for structural characterization of α2B-AR.  相似文献   

Phycobiliproteins, together with linker polypeptides and various chromophores, are basic building blocks of phycobilisomes, a supramolecular complex with a light-harvesting function in cyanobacteria and red algae. Previous studies suggest that the different types of phycobiliproteins and the linker polypeptides originated from the same ancestor. Here we retrieve the phycobilisome-related genes from the well-annotated and even unfinished cyanobacteria genomes and find that many sites with elevated d N /d S ratios in different phycobiliprotein lineages are located in the chromophore-binding domain and the helical hairpin domains (X and Y). Covariation analyses also reveal that these sites are significantly correlated, showing strong evidence of the functional-structural importance of interactions among these residues. The potential selective pressure driving the diversification of phycobiliproteins may be related to the phycobiliprotein-chromophore microenvironment formation and the subunits interaction. Sites and genes identified here would provide targets for further research on the structural-functional role of these residues and energy transfer through the chromophores. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rasmus Nielsen]  相似文献   

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ABSTRACT Dynein arms and isolated dynein from Paramecium tetraurelia ciliary axonemes are comparable in structure, direction of force generation, and microtubule translocation ability to other dyneins. In situ arms have dimensions and substructure similar to those of Tetrahymena. Based on spoke arrangement in intact axonemes, arms translocate axonemal microtubules in sliding such that active dynein arms are (-) end directed motors and the doublet to which the body and cape of the arms binds (N) translocates the adjacent doublet (N+1) upward. After salt extraction, based on ATPase activity, paramecium dynein is found as a 22S and a 14S species. the 22S dynein is a three-headed molecule that has unfolded from the in situ dimensions; the 14S dynein is single headed. Both dyneins can be photocleaved by UV light (350 nm) in the presence of Mg2-, ATP and vanadate; the photocleavage pattern of 22S dynein differs from that seen with Tetrahymena. Both isolated dyneins translocate taxol-stabilized, bovine brain microtubules in vitro. Under standard conditions, 22S dynein, like comparable dyneins from other organisms, translocates at velocities that are about three times faster than 14S dynein.  相似文献   

T细胞抗原受体(T ceIl receptor,TCR)是T细胞表面关键的受体分子。TCR特异性地识别各种多肽抗原并通过胞内区ITAM磷酸化传递抗原刺激信号,进而引发T细胞的免疫效应。TCR的活性异常将会导致自身免疫病和免疫缺陷病的发生。对于TCR结构和功能的深入研究有助于我们更好地理解免疫反应的分子机理,从而为相关免疫疾病的预防和治疗提供重要的理论依据。该文对TCR的分类、基因重排机制、受体组装方式及其结构基础、TCR对抗原的识别以及活化机制等方面的研究成果进行了总结,综述了近几年来的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

Product temperature during the primary drying step of freeze-drying is controlled by a set point chamber pressure and shelf temperature. However, recent computational modeling suggests a possible variation in local chamber pressure. The current work presents an experimental verification of the local chamber pressure gradients in a lab-scale freeze-dryer. Pressure differences between the center and the edges of a lab-scale freeze-dryer shelf were measured as a function of sublimation flux and clearance between the sublimation front and the shelf above. A modest 3-mTorr difference in pressure was observed as the sublimation flux was doubled from 0.5 to 1.0 kg·h?1·m?2 at a clearance of 2.6 cm. Further, at a constant sublimation flux of 1.0 kg·h?1·m?2, an 8-fold increase in the pressure drop was observed across the shelf as the clearance was decreased from 4 to 1.6 cm. Scale-up of the pressure variation from lab- to a manufacturing-scale freeze-dryer predicted an increased uniformity in drying rates across the batch for two frequently used pharmaceutical excipients (mannitol and sucrose at 5% w/w). However, at an atypical condition of shelf temperature of +10°C and chamber pressure of 50 mTorr, the product temperature in the center vials was calculated to be a degree higher than the edge vial for a low resistance product, thus reversing the typical edge and center vial behavior. Thus, the effect of local pressure variation is more significant at the manufacturing-scale than at a lab-scale and accounting for the contribution of variations in the local chamber pressures can improve success in scale-up.  相似文献   

DOC2B (double-C2 domain) protein is thought to be a high-affinity Ca2 + sensor for spontaneous and asynchronous neurotransmitter release. To elucidate the molecular features underlying its physiological role, we determined the crystal structures of its isolated C2A and C2B domains and examined their Ca2 +-binding properties. We further characterized the solution structure of the tandem domains (C2AB) using small-angle X-ray scattering. In parallel, we tested structure–function correlates with live cell imaging tools. We found that, despite striking structural similarity, C2B binds Ca2 + with considerably higher affinity than C2A. The C2AB solution structure is best modeled as two domains with a highly flexible orientation and no difference in the presence or absence of Ca2 +. In addition, kinetic studies of C2AB demonstrate that, in the presence of unilamellar vesicles, Ca2 + binding is stabilized, as reflected by the ~ 10-fold slower rate of Ca2 + dissociation than in the absence of vesicles. In cells, isolated C2B translocates to the plasma membrane (PM) with an EC50 of 400 nM while the C2A does not translocate at submicromolar Ca2 + concentrations, supporting the biochemical observations. Nevertheless, C2AB translocates to the PM with an ~ 2-fold lower EC50 and to a greater extent than C2B. Our results, together with previous studies, reveal that the C2B is the primary Ca2 + sensing unit in DOC2B, whereas C2A enhances the interaction of C2AB with the PM.  相似文献   

Human adenovirus (Ad) serotypes Ad3, Ad7, Ad11, and Ad14, as well as a recently emerged strain of Ad14 (Ad14p1), use the epithelial junction protein desmoglein 2 (DSG2) as a receptor for infection. Unlike Ad interaction with CAR and CD46, structural details for Ad binding to DSG2 are still elusive. Using an approach based on Escherichia coli expression libraries of random Ad3 and Ad14p1 fiber knob mutants, we identified amino acid residues that, when mutated individually, ablated or reduced Ad knob binding to DSG2. These residues formed three clusters inside one groove at the extreme distal end of the fiber knob. The Ad3 fiber knob mutant library was also used to identify variants with increased affinity to DSG2. We found a number of mutations within or near the EF loop of the Ad3 knob that resulted in affinities to DSG2 that were several orders of magnitude higher than those to the wild-type Ad3 knob. Crystal structure analysis of one of the mutants showed that the introduced mutations make the EF loop more flexible, which might facilitate the interaction with DSG2. Our findings have practical relevance for cancer therapy. We have recently reported that an Ad3 fiber knob-containing recombinant protein (JO-1) is able to trigger opening of junctions between epithelial cancer cells which, in turn, greatly improved the intratumoral penetration and efficacy of therapeutic agents (I. Beyer, et al., Clin. Cancer Res. 18:3340–3351, 2012; I. Beyer, et al., Cancer Res. 71:7080–7090, 2011). Here, we show that affinity-enhanced versions of JO-1 are therapeutically more potent than the parental protein in a series of cancer models.  相似文献   

Viruses populate virtually every ecosystem on the planet, including the extreme acidic, thermal, and saline environments where archaeal organisms can dominate. For example, recent studies have identified crenarchaeal viruses in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park and other high temperature environments worldwide. These viruses are often morphologically and genetically unique, with genomes that show little similarity to genes of known function, complicating efforts to understand their viral life cycles. Here, we review progress in understanding these fascinating viruses at the molecular level and the evolutionary insights coming from these studies.The last decade has seen resurgent interest in the study of viruses that lie outside traditional agricultural and medical interests. One reason is the growing appreciation of the enormous abundance and impact of viruses on the greater biosphere. For example, the oceans are thought to contain ∼1031 viruses, a truly astronomical number (1), making viruses the most abundant biological entities in this ecosystem, where they catalyze turnover of 20% of the oceanic biomass per day (1). Remarkably, the virosphere has now been shown to extend to almost every known environment on earth, including the extreme acidic, thermal, and saline environments where archaeal organisms can be dominant. Thus, because of their abundance and variety, viruses are now thought to represent the greatest reservoir of genetic diversity on the planet (2).A second reason to study archaeal viruses is a growing appreciation for the roles viruses play in evolution. Remarkably with >500 cellular genomes sequenced to date, most show a significant amount of viral or virus-like sequence within their genome, further evidence that viruses play a central role in horizontal gene transfer and help drive the evolution of their hosts. Roles for viruses in cellular evolution are also being considered. Current hypotheses contend that viruses have catalyzed several major evolutionary transitions, including the invention of DNA and DNA replication mechanisms (3), the origin of the eukaryotic nucleus (4), and thus a role in the formation of the three domains of life. In addition, there is also considerable interest in viral genesis and evolution in and of itself. To evaluate these hypotheses and to analyze evolutionary relationships among viruses, knowledge of viruses infecting the archaea is essential, yet these viruses are vastly understudied. Finally, interest in archaeal viruses stems also from the exceptional molecular insight viruses have traditionally provided into host processes; archaeal viruses are certain to provide new insights into the molecular biology of this poorly understood domain of life.Pioneering studies by Wolfram Zillig et al. (5) identified the first archaeal viruses. Although initial studies suggested that viruses infecting the euryarchaea (principally halophiles and methanogens) were similar to head-tail bacteriophage, studies of viruses infecting the hyperthermophilic crenarchaea revealed morphologies suggesting new viral families. Indeed, work by several laboratories has led to the identification of seven new viral families infecting the crenarchaea, the Globuloviridae, Guttaviridae, Fuselloviridae, Bicaudaviridae, Ampullaviridae, Rudiviridae, and Lipothrixviridae (Fig. 1) (6, 7), with STIV3 (8) and STSV1 (9) awaiting assignment. All of these viruses contain double-stranded DNA genomes ranging in size from 13.7 to 75.3 kilobase pairs, encoding 31–74 ORFs. Although many package a circular genome, the filamentous Lipothrixviridae and rod-shaped Rudiviridae are notable exceptions and are the only viruses in any domain known to encapsidate linear double-stranded DNA. Although most crenarchaeal viruses are enveloped, the Rudiviridae are devoid of lipid, and with the exception of the Fuselloviridae, they employ a lytic life cycle, although only STIV and ATV (Bicaudaviridae) are known to cause cell lysis (11).4Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Morphological diversity in crenarchaeal viruses. A, clockwise, beginning at upper left: STIV (8), a PSV-like virus, Sulfolobus neozealandicus droplet-shaped virus (SNDV) (47), SSV1 (48), STSV1 (9), an ATV-like virus, an SIRV virus, and S. icelandicus filamentous virus (SIFV) (10). Micrographs of SIRV, PSV-like, and ATV-like viruses from Yellowstone National Park are the courtesy of M. J. Y. Other panels are reproduced, with permission, from Refs. 810, 47, and 48. B, cryoelectron microscopy reconstruction of the STIV particle (8) showing a cutaway view (20) of the T = 31 icosahedral capsid with turret-like projections that extend from each of the 5-fold vertices. Portions of the protein shell (blue) and inner lipid layer (yellow) have been removed to reveal the interior.The exceptional morphology of these viruses has been reviewed (6, 7) and thus is only summarized here (Fig. 1). For the rod-shaped Rudiviridae, plugs are seen at both ends, from which three short tail fibers emanate, whereas the Lipothrixviridae show mop- or claw-like structures at both ends (6). Similarly, the non-tailed icosahedral viruses, STIV and euryarchaeal SH1, have large turrets or spikes that project from the surface (8, 12). In each case, these structures are thought to facilitate virus-host interactions. In contrast, other crenarchaeal viruses utilize a fusiform or lemon-shaped virion, a morphology unique to archaeal viruses. These fusiform viruses generally contain tail fibers or an extended tail on one end that is also involved in host recognition. For ATV, however, nascent particles are devoid of tails when released from the host (13). Remarkably, extended tails develop at both ends of the virion in an extracellular maturation process. Finally, Acidianus bottle-shaped virus (Ampullaviridae) shows an exceptional morphology that differs in its basic architecture from any known virus.  相似文献   


Cro repressor is a small dimeric protein that binds to specific sites on the DNA of bacteriophage λ. The structure of Cro has been determined and suggests that the protein binds to its sequence-specific sites with a pair of two-fold related α-helices of the protein located within successive major grooves of the DNA.

From the known three-dimensional structure of the repressor, model building and energy refinement have been used to develop a detailed model for the presumed complex between Cro and DNA. Recognition of specific DNA binding sites appears to occur via multiple hydrogen bonds between amino acid side chains of the protein and base pair atoms exposed within the major groove of DNA. The Cro:DNA model is consistent with the calculated electrostatic potential energy surface of the protein.

From a series of amino acid sequence and gene sequence comparisons, it appears that a number of other DNA-binding proteins have an α-helical DNA-binding region similar to that seen in Cro. The apparent sequence homology includes not only DNA-binding proteins from different bacteriophages, but also gene-regulatory proteins from bacteria and yeast. It has also been found that the conformations of part of the presumed DNA-binding regions of Cro repressor, λ repressor and CAP gene activator proteins are strikingly similar. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that a two-helical structural unit occurs in the DNA-binding region of many proteins that regulate gene expression. However, the results to date do not suggest that there is a simple one-to-one recognition code between amino acids and bases.

Crystals have been obtained of complexes of Cro with six-base-pair and nine-basepair DNA oligomers, and X-ray analysis of these co-crystals is in progress.  相似文献   

Lack of diagnostic capacity has been a crucial barrier preventing an effective response to the challenges of malnutrition and tuberculosis (TB). Point-of-care diagnostic tests for TB in immuno-incompetent, malnourished population are thus needed to ensure rapid and accurate detection. The aim of the study was to identify potential biomarkers specific for TB infection and progression to overt disease in the malnourished population of Melghat. A prospective cohort study was conducted in the year 2009 through 2011 in six villages of the Melghat region. 275 participants consisting of malnourished cases with a) active TB (n = 32), b) latent TB infection (n = 90), c) with no clinical or bacteriological signs of active or latent TB (n = 130) and healthy control subjects (n = 23) were recruited for the study. The proteome changes of the host serum in response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) infection were investigated using one dimensional electrophoresis in combination with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Three most differentially expressed proteins; alpha-2-macroglobulin (A-2-M), sero-transferrin and haptoglobin were identified by MALDI-TOF MS analysis, which were up-regulated in the malnourished patients with active TB and down-regulated in the malnourished patients compared with the healthy controls. Additionally, follow-up studies indicated that the expression of these proteins increased to nearly two folds in patients who developed active disease from latent state. Our preliminary results suggest that A-2-M, sero-transferrin and haptoglobin may be clinically relevant host biomarkers for TB diagnosis and disease progression in the malnourished population. This study provides preliminary framework for an in-depth analysis of the biomarkers in larger well-characterized cohorts. Evaluation of these biomarkers in follow-up cases may further aid in improving TB diagnosis.  相似文献   

The 5′ untranslated region (5′UTR) of the dengue virus (DENV) genome contains two defined elements essential for viral replication. At the 5′ end, a large stem-loop (SLA) structure functions as the promoter for viral polymerase activity. Next to the SLA, there is a short stem-loop that contains a cyclization sequence known as the 5′ upstream AUG region (5′UAR). Here, we analyzed the secondary structure of the SLA in solution and the structural requirements of this element for viral replication. Using infectious DENV clones, viral replicons, and in vitro polymerase assays, we defined two helical regions, a side stem-loop, a top loop, and a U bulge within SLA as crucial elements for viral replication. The determinants for SLA-polymerase recognition were found to be common in different DENV serotypes. In addition, structural elements within the SLA required for DENV RNA replication were also conserved among different mosquito- and tick-borne flavivirus genomes, suggesting possible common strategies for polymerase-promoter recognition in flaviviruses. Furthermore, a conserved oligo(U) track present downstream of the SLA was found to modulate RNA synthesis in transfected cells. In vitro polymerase assays indicated that a sequence of at least 10 residues following the SLA, upstream of the 5′UAR, was necessary for efficient RNA synthesis using the viral 3′UTR as template.  相似文献   

To study the lipid-protein interaction in a reductionistic fashion, it is necessary to incorporate the membrane proteins into membranes of well-defined lipid composition. We are studying the lipid-dependent gating effects in a prototype voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channel, and have worked out detailed procedures to reconstitute the channels into different membrane systems. Our reconstitution procedures take consideration of both detergent-induced fusion of vesicles and the fusion of protein/detergent micelles with the lipid/detergent mixed micelles as well as the importance of reaching an equilibrium distribution of lipids among the protein/detergent/lipid and the detergent/lipid mixed micelles. Our data suggested that the insertion of the channels in the lipid vesicles is relatively random in orientations, and the reconstitution efficiency is so high that no detectable protein aggregates were seen in fractionation experiments. We have utilized the reconstituted channels to determine the conformational states of the channels in different lipids, record electrical activities of a small number of channels incorporated in planar lipid bilayers, screen for conformation-specific ligands from a phage-displayed peptide library, and support the growth of 2D crystals of the channels in membranes. The reconstitution procedures described here may be adapted for studying other membrane proteins in lipid bilayers, especially for the investigation of the lipid effects on the eukaryotic voltage-gated ion channels.  相似文献   

Perforin-like proteins (PLPs) play key roles in mechanisms associated with parasitic disease caused by the apicomplexan parasites Plasmodium and Toxoplasma. The T. gondii PLP1 (TgPLP1) mediates tachyzoite egress from cells, while the five Plasmodium PLPs carry out various roles in the life cycle of the parasite and with respect to the molecular basis of disease. Here we focus on Plasmodium vivax PLP1 and PLP2 (PvPLP1 and PvPLP2) compared to TgPLP1. Determination of the crystal structure of the membrane-binding APCβ domain of PvPLP1 reveals notable differences with TgPLP1, reflected in its inability to bind lipid bilayers as TgPLP1 and PvPLP2 do. Molecular dynamics simulations combined with site-directed mutagenesis and functional assays allow dissection of the binding interactions of TgPLP1 and PvPLP2 on lipid bilayers, and reveal similar tropisms for lipids enriched in the inner leaflet of the mammalian plasma membrane. In addition PvPLP2 displays a secondary synergistic interaction side-on from its principal bilayer interface. This study underlines the substantial differences between the biophysical properties of the APCβ domains of apicomplexan PLPs, which reflect their significant sequence diversity. Such differences will be important factors in determining the cell targeting and membrane-binding activity of the different proteins in parasitic life cycles and disease.  相似文献   

Understanding how Nep-like proteins (NLPs) behave during the cell cycle and disease progression of plant pathogenic oomycetes, fungi and bacteria is crucial in light of compelling evidence that these proteins play a role in Witches` Broom Disease (WBD) of Theobroma cacao, one of the most important phytopathological problems to afflict the Southern Hemisphere. The crystal structure of MpNep2, a member of the NLP family and the causal agent of WBD, revealed the key elements for its activity. This protein has the ability to refold after heating and was believed to act as a monomer in solution, in contrast to the related homologs MpNep1 and NPP from the oomyceteous fungus Phytophthora parasitica. Here, we identify and characterize a metastable MpNep2 dimer upon over-expression in Escherichia coli using different biochemical and structural approaches. We found using ultra-fast liquid chromatography that the MpNep2 dimer can be dissociated by heating but not by dilution, oxidation or high ionic strength. Small-angle X-ray scattering revealed a possible tail-to-tail interaction between monomers, and nuclear magnetic resonance measurements identified perturbed residues involved in the putative interface of interaction. We also explored the ability of the MpNep2 monomer to refold after heating or chemical denaturation. We observed that MpNep2 has a low stability and cooperative fold that could be an explanation for its structure and activity recovery after stress. These results can provide new insights into the mechanism for MpNep2′s action in dicot plants during the progression of WBD and may open new avenues for the involvement of NLP- oligomeric species in phytopathological disorders.  相似文献   

Mx蛋白是很多物种中干扰素诱导的抗病毒状态的关键成分.它们是一类动素样GTPase,具有类似动素的结构和功能特点,例如自我组装以及和细胞内膜结合.Mx蛋白独特的性质使其具有广泛的抗病毒活性,它们作用于病毒进入细胞后不久、病毒基因组复制之前,抑制病毒复制周期的早期阶段.已知一些Mx蛋白识别病毒的核衣壳成分,干扰病毒基因组的复制.动素家族某些成员的晶体结构已经得到解析,解析Mx蛋白的晶体结构对理解其抗病毒机制以及防治新生突发病毒有重要意义.  相似文献   

The mechanism that underlies a multitude of human disorders, including type II diabetes, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s, and the prion encephalopathies, is β-structure expansion through a pathogenic aggregation-prone monomeric form. β-sheet expansion disorders share intermolecular association as a common determinant, being therefore collectively identified as conformational diseases, but little is known about the underlying mechanism. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, also known as prion diseases, are all characterised by progressive neuronal degeneration associated to marked extracellular accumulation of an amyloidogenic conformer of the normal cellular prion protein (PrPC), referred to as the scrapie isoform (PrPSc), which is thought to be responsible for the disease symptoms. PrPC is a ubiquitous 231-amino acid glycoprotein, whose physiological role is still elusive. It is organised as an N-terminal disordered region and a compact C-terminal domain, where secondary structure elements consist of three α-helices (α1, α2 and α3), with an α2-α3 disulphide bridge, and two short β-strands (β1 and β2). Evidence accumulated so far suggests that the protein possesses one or several ‘spots’ of intrinsic conformational weakness, which may trigger generic folding, leading the whole architecture to adopt aggregation-prone conformations. One of such spots is suspected to be the C-terminal side of the α-helix 2, which has recently gained the attention of several investigations because it gathers several disease-associated point mutations, can be strongly fibrillogenic and toxic to neuronal cells, and possesses chameleon conformational behaviour. This paper briefly reviews recent literature on α-2 domain-derived model peptides.  相似文献   

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