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Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is associated with variants in amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin (PSEN) 1 and 2. It is increasingly recognized that patients with AD experience undiagnosed focal seizures. These AD patients with reported seizures may have worsened disease trajectory. Seizures in epilepsy can also lead to cognitive deficits, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration. Epilepsy is roughly three times more common in individuals aged 65 and older. Due to the numerous available antiseizure drugs (ASDs), treatment of seizures has been proposed to reduce the burden of AD. More work is needed to establish the functional impact of seizures in AD to determine whether ASDs could be a rational therapeutic strategy. The efficacy of ASDs in aged animals is not routinely studied, despite the fact that the elderly represents the fastest growing demographic with epilepsy. This leaves a particular gap in understanding the discrete pathophysiological overlap between hyperexcitability and aging, and AD more specifically. Most of our preclinical knowledge of hyperexcitability in AD has come from mouse models that overexpress APP. While these studies have been invaluable, other drivers underlie AD, e.g. PSEN2. A diversity of animal models should be more frequently integrated into the study of hyperexcitability in AD, which could be particularly beneficial to identify novel therapies. Specifically, AD-associated risk genes, in particular PSENs, altogether represent underexplored contributors to hyperexcitability. This review assesses the available studies of ASDs administration in clinical AD populations and preclinical studies with AD-associated models and offers a perspective on the opportunities for further therapeutic innovation.


Dobzhansky and Montagu debated the use and validity of the term “race” over a period of decades. They failed to reach an agreement, and the “debate” has continued to the present. The ms contains an account of the debate to the present. This essay is part of a Special Issue, Revisiting Garland Allen’s Views on the History of the Life Sciences in the Twentieth Century.  相似文献   

Optimal brain sensitivity to the fundamental frequency (F0) contour changes in the human voice is important for understanding a speaker’s intonation, and consequently, the speaker’s attitude. However, whether sensitivity in the brain’s response to a human voice F0 contour change varies with an interaction between an individual’s traits (i.e., autistic traits) and a human voice element (i.e., presence or absence of communicative action such as calling) has not been investigated. In the present study, we investigated the neural processes involved in the perception of F0 contour changes in the Japanese monosyllables “ne” and “nu.” “Ne” is an interjection that means “hi” or “hey” in English; pronunciation of “ne” with a high falling F0 contour is used when the speaker wants to attract a listener’s attention (i.e., social intonation). Meanwhile, the Japanese concrete noun “nu” has no communicative meaning. We applied an adaptive spatial filtering method to the neuromagnetic time course recorded by whole-head magnetoencephalography (MEG) and estimated the spatiotemporal frequency dynamics of event-related cerebral oscillatory changes in beta band during the oddball paradigm. During the perception of the F0 contour change when “ne” was presented, there was event-related de-synchronization (ERD) in the right temporal lobe. In contrast, during the perception of the F0 contour change when “nu” was presented, ERD occurred in the left temporal lobe and in the bilateral occipital lobes. ERD that occurred during the social stimulus “ne” in the right hemisphere was significantly correlated with a greater number of autistic traits measured according to the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ), suggesting that the differences in human voice processing are associated with higher autistic traits, even in non-clinical subjects.  相似文献   

In the United States, disease screening is offered to the public as a consumer service. It has been proposed that the act of “consumption” is a manifestation of agency and that the decision to consume is an exercise of autonomy. The enthusiasm of the American public for disease screening and the expansion in the demand for all sorts of disease screening in recent years can be viewed as an expression of such autonomy. Here, we argue that the enthusiasm for disease screening witnessed in the American public today may be more a reflection of the constraint on autonomy than its facilitation. It is our opinion that the articulation of socio-historical processes has contributed to a moral imperative which is reflected in the decision making of individuals around disease screening. We suggest medical and health professionals have a responsibility to facilitate the exercise of individual autonomy in health care decision making as an integral component of professional obligation. These professionals need to problematise healthcare activities that constrain individual autonomy.  相似文献   

Life expectancy has increased in most developed countries, which has led to an increase in the proportion of elderly people in the world’s population. However, this increase in life expectancy is not accompanied by a lengthening of the health span since aging is characterized with progressive deterioration in cellular and organ functions. The brain is particularly vulnerable to disease, and this is reflected in the onset of age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Research shows that dysfunction of two barriers in the central nervous system (CNS), the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and the blood–cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier (BCSFB), plays an important role in the progression of these neurodegenerative diseases. The BBB is formed by the endothelial cells of the blood capillaries, whereas the BCSFB is formed by the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus (CP), both of which are affected during aging. Here, we give an overview of how these barriers undergo changes during aging and in Alzheimer’s disease, thereby disturbing brain homeostasis. Studying these changes is needed in order to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms of aging at the brain barriers, which might lead to the development of new therapies to lengthen the health span (including mental health) and reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

Jafari and Smith hypothesized that time during games may pass slower for the world’s best football player, Lionel Messi, from Argentina. This hypothesis leads to two questions: How can we explain such temporal paradox and how could this explain his dominant performances? Remarkably, the Argentinian’s case was preceded by the equally astonishing case of Wayne Gretzky: The Canadian considered ice hockey as a rather slow game and was the best player in the sport’s history. Whether Messi’s and Gretzky’s motor neurons fire faster, (inter)act differently or whether other mechanisms are at (inter)play warrants targeted research. A further explanation for such dominance of football and ice hockey, respectively, could be that both athletes “buy time”: To this end, automized motor skills may allow their predictive brains to make better use of time than other players to read the games and plan ahead. Deconstructing predictive minds of outperforming individuals like Gretzky and Messi could provide unique options to elucidate how differential time perception may make performances in athletes, and beyond, more swift and more efficient.  相似文献   

The initiation of DNA synthesis during replication of the human genome is accomplished primarily by the DNA polymerase α-primase complex, which makes the RNA-DNA primers accessible to processive DNA pols. The structural information needed to understand the mechanism of regulation of this complex biochemical reaction is incomplete. The presence of two enzymes in one complex poses the question of how these two enzymes cooperate during priming of DNA synthesis. Yeast two-hybrid and direct pulldown assays revealed that the N-terminal domain of the large subunit of primase (p58N) directly interacts with the C-terminal domain of the catalytic subunit of polα (p180C). We found that a complex of the C-terminal domain of the catalytic subunit of polα with the second subunit (p180C-p70) stimulated primase activity, whereas the whole catalytically active heterodimer of polα (p180ΔN-p70) inhibited RNA synthesis by primase. Conversely, the polα catalytic domain without the C-terminal part (p180ΔN-core) possessed a much higher propensity to extend the RNA primer than the two-subunit polα (p180ΔN-p70), suggesting that p180C and/or p70 are involved in the negative regulation of DNA pol activity. We conclude that the interaction between p180C, p70, and p58 regulates the proper primase and polymerase function. The composition of the template DNA is another important factor determining the activity of the complex. We have found that polα activity strongly depends on the sequence of the template and that homopyrimidine runs create a strong barrier for DNA synthesis by polα.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the frequency of use of marine resources in recruitment of Southern Hemisphere native riverine fish Galaxias maculatus from rivers across a latitudinal gradient. To do this, we analysed the concentrations of δ34S in vertebral column tissues from fish collected in ten Chilean river systems across latitudes 36°–47°S. The analyses of δ34S signatures in these rivers suggest that the use of marine resources by riverine populations of G. maculatus in large river systems in Chile is variable, with marine resources playing a limited role in more northern large rivers, characterised by warmer temperatures and predictable flow regimes and floodplain inundations. This is in contrast to life histories described for G. maculatus in rivers from New Zealand and Australia, where riverine populations are believed to be characterised by an obligatory recruitment phase in marine environments. Recruitment of G. maculatus in Chilean large rivers appears to depend on their freshwater productivity driven by climate as well as both longitudinal (headwaters lakes-estuary) and lateral (main channel-floodplains) hydrologic connectivities.  相似文献   

Higher brain regions are more susceptible to global ischemia than the brainstem, but is there a gradual increase in vulnerability in the caudal-rostral direction or is there a discrete boundary? We examined the interface between `higher` thalamus and the hypothalamus the using live brain slices where variation in blood flow is not a factor. Whole-cell current clamp recording of 18 thalamic neurons in response to 10 min O2/glucose deprivation (OGD) revealed a rapid anoxic depolarization (AD) from which thalamic neurons do not recover. Newly acquired neurons could not be patched following AD, confirming significant regional thalamic injury. Coinciding with AD, light transmittance (LT) imaging during whole-cell recording showed an elevated LT front that initiated in midline thalamus and that propagated into adjacent hypothalamus. However, hypothalamic neurons patched in paraventricular nucleus (PVN, n= 8 magnocellular and 12 parvocellular neurons) and suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN, n= 18) only slowly depolarized as AD passed through these regions. And with return to control aCSF, hypothalamic neurons repolarized and recovered their input resistance and action potential amplitude. Moreover, newly acquired hypothalamic neurons could be readily patched following exposure to OGD, with resting parameters similar to neurons not previously exposed to OGD. Thalamic susceptibility and hypothalamic resilience were also observed following ouabain exposure which blocks the Na+/K+ pump, evoking depolarization similar to OGD in all neuronal types tested. Finally, brief exposure to elevated [K+]o caused spreading depression (SD, a milder, AD-like event) only in thalamic neurons so SD generation is regionally correlated with strong AD. Therefore the thalamus-hypothalamus interface represents a discrete boundary where neuronal vulnerability to ischemia is high in thalamus (like more rostral neocortex, striatum, hippocampus). In contrast hypothalamic neurons are comparatively resistant, generating weaker and recoverable anoxic depolarization similar to brainstem neurons, possibly the result of a Na/K pump that better functions during ischemia.  相似文献   


Purpose:?Localized mechanical vibration, applied directly to a muscle, is known to have powerful, duration-dependent effects on the muscle spindle’s reflex arc. Here, the conditioning of the function of the spindle reflex arc via vibration was examined with considerations for use as a non-invasive, sensorimotor research tool.

Methods:?Muscle spindle function was examined with patellar tendon taps prior to and following exposure to muscle vibration applied to the quadriceps femoris for acute (<5?s) and prolonged (20?min) durations. Surface electromyography (sEMG), torque, and accelerometry signals were obtained during the taps to quantify various measures of reflex magnitude and latency.

Results:?Our findings suggest that acute vibration had no effect on normalized reflex torque or sEMG amplitude (p?>?0.05), but increased total reflex latency (p?=?0.022). Alternatively, prolonged vibration reduced normalized reflex torque and sEMG amplitude (p?<?0.001), and increased reflex latency (p?<?0.001).

Conclusions:?Our findings support the use of prolonged vibration as a practical means to decrease the function of the muscle spindle’s reflex arc. Overall, this suppressive effect was evident in the majority of subjects, but the extent was variable. This approach could potentially be used to help delineate the muscle spindle’s role in various sensory or motor tasks in which more direct measures are not feasible. Acute vibration, however, did not potentiate muscle spindle function as hypothesized. Rather, our results suggest that acute vibration increased total reflex latency. Accordingly, potential mechanical and neurophysiological mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

To study the effects of and approaches to technological progress on China’s regional environmental performance, this study first estimates China’s regional environmental performance and its variation indexes by applying a slack-based model (SBM) and an entropy-based model (EBM). The results indicate that the environmental performance in different regions of China has improved, but the rate of improvement differs greatly. This may be attributed to heterogeneous characteristics and changes in the green technology innovation level in different regions. Considering the overflow effect of environmental pollution among different regions, we study the impact of various technological progress patterns on China’s regional environmental performance using spatial econometrics, and we find that there are significant spatial effects of technology innovation, technology transfer, and imitative innovation on China’s regional environmental performance. Also, different technological progress patterns have different effects. Specifically, independent innovation has failed to effectively improve regional environmental performance, whereas the introduction of technology and imitative innovation have significantly improved this performance. Moreover, after the cross-items of independent innovation and human capital are introduced, the effects of technology introduction and imitative innovation on China’s regional environmental performance through the absorptive capacity of human capital remain significant, whereas the effect of independent innovation on regional environmental performance via the absorptive capacity of human capital becomes more obvious. Based on this and from the perspective of environmental enhancement, we believe that China should strengthen human capital accumulation and give consideration to imitative innovation and technology introduction while emphasizing independent innovation.  相似文献   

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