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EB1 proteins bind to microtubule ends where they act in concert with other components, including the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumor suppressor, to regulate the microtubule filament system. We find that EB1 is a stable dimer with a parallel coiled coil and show that dimerization is essential for the formation of its C-terminal domain (EB1-C). The crystal structure of EB1-C reveals a highly conserved surface patch with a deep hydrophobic cavity at its center. EB1-C binds two copies of an APC-derived C-terminal peptide (C-APCp1) with equal 5 microM affinity. The conserved APC Ile2805-Pro2806 sequence motif serves as an anchor for the interaction of C-APCp1 with the hydrophobic cavity of EB1-C. Phosphorylation of the conserved Cdc2 site Ser2789-Lys2792 in C-APCp1 reduces binding four-fold, indicating that the interaction APC-EB1 is post-translationally regulated in cells. Our findings provide a basis for understanding the dynamic crosstalk of EB1 proteins with their molecular targets in eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

基于实验验证的22种大肠杆菌K12的转录因子结合位点序列,分析了转录因子结合位点每一位置的碱基保守性,提出了预测转录因子结合位点的位置权重矩阵打分函数算法(PWMSA)。利用self-consistency和cross-validation两种检验方法对此算法进行检验,self-consistency检验总的预测成功率达到87.59%,cross-validation检验成功率达到85.48%。对基因间序列进行搜索,获得了多个可能的转录因子结合位点。  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) plays an important role in the delivery of secretory proteins to cellular membranes. Mammalian SRP is composed of six polypeptides among which SRP68 and SRP72 form a heterodimer that has been notoriously difficult to investigate. Human SRP68 was purified from overexpressing Escherichia coli cells and was found to bind to recombinant SRP72 as well as in vitro-transcribed human SRP RNA. Polypeptide fragments covering essentially the entire SRP68 molecule were generated recombinantly or by proteolytic digestion. The RNA binding domain of SRP68 included residues from positions 52 to 252. Ninety-four amino acids near the C terminus of SRP68 mediated the binding to SRP72. The SRP68-SRP72 interaction remained stable at elevated salt concentrations and engaged approximately 150 amino acids from the N-terminal region of SRP72. This portion of SRP72 was located within a predicted tandem array of four tetratricopeptide (TPR)-like motifs suggested to form a superhelical structure with a groove to accommodate the C-terminal region of SRP68.  相似文献   

Pulsed-field gradient (PFG) diffusion NMR spectroscopy studies were conducted with several helix-loop-helix regulatory Ca(2+)-binding proteins to characterize the conformational changes associated with Ca(2+)-saturation and/or binding targets. The calmodulin (CaM) system was used as a basis for evaluation, with similar hydrodynamic radii (R(h)) obtained for apo- and Ca(2+)-CaM, consistent with previously reported R(h) data. In addition, conformational changes associated with CaM binding to target peptides from myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), phosphodiesterase (PDE), and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) were accurately determined compared with small-angle X-ray scattering results. Both sets of data demonstrate the well-established collapse of the extended Ca(2+)-CaM molecule into a globular complex upon peptide binding. The R(h) of CaM complexes with target peptides from CaM-dependent protein kinase I (CaMKI) and an N-terminal portion of the SIV peptide (SIV-N), as well as the anticancer drug cisplatin were also determined. The CaMKI complex demonstrates a collapse analogous to that observed for MLCK, PDE, and SIV, while the SIV-N shows only a partial collapse. Interestingly, the covalent CaM-cisplatin complex shows a near complete collapse, not expected from previous studies. The method was extended to related calcium binding proteins to show that the R(h) of calcium and integrin binding protein (CIB), calbrain, and the calcium-binding region from soybean calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) decrease on Ca(2+)-binding to various extents. Heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy suggests that for CIB and calbrain this is likely because of shifting the equilibrium from unfolded to folded conformations, with calbrain forming a dimer structure. These results demonstrate the utility of PFG-diffusion NMR to rapidly and accurately screen for molecular size changes on protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions for this class of proteins.  相似文献   

Bin1/M-amphiphysin-II is an amphiphysin-II isoform highly expressed in transverse tubules of adult striated muscle and is implicated in their biogenesis. Bin1 contains a basic unique amino-acid sequence, Exon10, which interacts with certain phosphoinositides such as phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P(2)), to localize to membranes. Here we found that Exon10 also binds to the src homology 3 (SH3) domain of Bin1 itself, and hence blocks the binding of the SH3 domain to its canonical PxxP ligands, including dynamin. This blockage was released by addition of PI(4,5)P(2) in vitro or in cells overexpressing phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase. The Exon10-binding interface of the Bin1 SH3 domain largely overlapped with its PxxP-binding interface. We also show that the PLCdelta pleckstrin homology domain, another PI(4,5)P(2)-binding module, cannot substitute for Exon10 in Bin1 function in transverse tubule formation, and suggest the importance of the dual biochemical properties of Exon10 in myogenesis. Our results exemplify a novel mechanism of SH3 domain regulation, and suggest that the SH3-mediated protein-protein interactions of Bin1 are regulated by Exon10 so that it may only occur when Bin1 localizes to certain submembrane areas.  相似文献   

Type I interferons (IFNs) are a family of homologous helical cytokines that exhibit pleiotropic effects on a wide variety of cell types, including antiviral activity and antibacterial, antiprozoal, immunomodulatory, and cell growth regulatory functions. Consequently, IFNs are the human proteins most widely used in the treatment of several kinds of cancer, hepatitis C, and multiple sclerosis. All type I IFNs bind to a cell surface receptor consisting of two subunits, IFNAR1 and IFNAR2, associating upon binding of interferon. The structure of the extracellular domain of IFNAR2 (R2-EC) was solved recently. Here we study the complex and the binding interface of IFNalpha2 with R2-EC using multidimensional NMR techniques. NMR shows that IFNalpha2 does not undergo significant structural changes upon binding to its receptor, suggesting a lock-and-key mechanism for binding. Cross saturation experiments were used to determine the receptor binding site upon IFNalpha2. The NMR data and previously published mutagenesis data were used to derive a docking model of the complex with an RMSD of 1 Angstrom, and its well-defined orientation between IFNalpha2 and R2-EC and the structural quality greatly improve upon previously suggested models. The relative ligand-receptor orientation is believed to be important for interferon signaling and possibly one of the parameters that distinguish the different IFN I subtypes. This structural information provides important insight into interferon signaling processes and may allow improvement in the development of therapeutically used IFNs and IFN-like molecules.  相似文献   

Protein arginine methylation often modulates protein-protein interactions. To isolate a sufficient quantity of proteins enriched in methyl arginine(s) from natural sources for biochemical studies is laborious and difficult. We describe here an expression system that produces recombinant proteins that are enriched in omega-N(G),N(G)-asymmetry dimethylarginines. A yeast type I arginine methyltransferase gene (HMT1) is put on a plasmid under the control of the Escherichia coli methionine aminopeptidase promoter for constitutive expression. The protein targeted for post-translational modification is put on the same plasmid behind a T7 promoter for inducible expression of His(6)-tagged proteins. Sbp1p and Stm1p were used as model proteins to examine this expression system. The 13 arginines within the arginine-glycine-rich motif of Sbp1p and the RGG sequence near the C terminus of Stm1p were methylated. Unexpectedly, the arginine residue on the thrombin cleavage site (LVPRGS) of the fusion proteins can also be methylated by Hmt1p. Sbp1p and Sbp1p/hmt1 were covalently attached to solid supports for the isolation of interacting proteins. The results indicate that arginine methylation on Sbp1p exerts both positive and negative effects on protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

Guanidinium hydrochloride (GuHCl) at low concentrations significantly stabilizes the Fyn SH3 domain. In this work, we have demonstrated that this stabilizing effect is manifested through a dramatic (five- to sixfold) decrease in the unfolding rate of the domain with the folding rate being affected minimally. This behavior contrasts to the effect of NaCl, which stabilizes this domain by accelerating the folding rate. These data imply that the stabilizing effect of GuHCl is not predominantly ionic in nature. Through NMR studies, we have identified a specific binding site for guanidinium, and we have determined a dissociation constant of 90 mM for this interaction. The guanidinium-binding site overlaps with a functionally important arginine-binding pocket on the domain surface, and we have shown that GuHCl is a specific inhibitor of the peptide-binding activity of the domain. A different SH3 domain possessing a similar arginine-binding pocket is also thermodynamically stabilized by GuHCl. These data suggest that many proteins that normally interact with arginine-containing ligands may also be able to specifically interact with guanidinium. Thus, some caution should be used when using GuHCl as a denaturant in protein folding studies. Since arginine-mediated interactions are often important in the energetics of protein-protein interactions, our observations could be relevant for the design of small molecule inhibitors of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Biotin protein ligase of Escherichia coli, the BirA protein, catalyses the covalent attachment of the biotin prosthetic group to a specific lysine of the biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) subunit of acetyl-CoA carboxylase. BirA also functions to repress the biotin biosynthetic operon and synthesizes its own corepressor, biotinyl-5'-AMP, the catalytic intermediate in the biotinylation reaction. We have previously identified two charge substitution mutants in BCCP, E119K, and E147K that are poorly biotinylated by BirA. Here we used site-directed mutagenesis to investigate residues in BirA that may interact with E119 or E147 in BCCP. None of the complementary charge substitution mutations at selected residues in BirA restored activity to wild-type levels when assayed with our BCCP mutant substrates. However, a BirA variant, in which K277 of the C-terminal domain was substituted with Glu, had significantly higher activity with E119K BCCP than did wild-type BirA. No function has been identified previously for the BirA C-terminal domain, which is distinct from the central domain thought to contain the ATP binding site and is known to contain the biotin binding site. Kinetic analysis of several purified mutant enzymes indicated that a single amino acid substitution within the C-terminal domain (R317E) and located some distance from the presumptive ATP binding site resulted in a 25-fold decrease in the affinity for ATP. Our data indicate that the C-terminal domain of BirA is essential for the catalytic activity of the enzyme and contributes to the interaction with ATP and the protein substrate, the BCCP biotin domain.  相似文献   

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