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Su CC  Nikaido H  Yu EW 《FEBS letters》2007,581(25):4972-4976
The AcrB of Escherichia coli pumps out a wide range of compounds, including most of the currently available antibiotics, and contributes significantly to the serious problem of multidrug resistance of pathogenic bacteria. Quantitative analysis of drug efflux by this pump requires the measurement of the affinity of ligands. Yet there has been no success in determining these values. We introduce here an approach of steady-state fluorescence polarization to study the interactions between four different ligands and the purified AcrB transporter in a detergent environment. Our assays indicate that the transporter binds these drugs with K(D) values ranging from 5.5 to 74.1microM.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal bacteria, like Escherichia coli, must remove bile acid to survive in the gut. Bile acid removal in E. coli is thought to be mediated primarily by the multidrug efflux pump, AcrB. Here, we present the structure of E. coli AcrB in complex with deoxycholate at 3.85 Å resolution. All evidence suggests that bile acid is transported out of the cell via the periplasmic vestibule of the AcrAB-TolC complex.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of the bacterial multidrug transporter AcrB in R32 and C2 space groups showing both symmetric and asymmetric trimeric assemblies, respectively, supplemented with biochemical investigations, have provided most of the structural basis for a molecular level understanding of the protein structure and mechanisms for substrate uptake and translocation carried out by this 114-kDa inner membrane protein. They suggest that AcrB captures ligands primarily from the periplasm. Substrates can also enter the inner cavity of the transporter from the cytoplasm, but the exact mechanism of this remains undefined. Analysis of the amino acid sequences of AcrB and its homologs revealed the presence of conserved residues at the N-terminus including two phenylalanines which may be exposed to the cytoplasm. Any potential role that these conserved residues may play in function has not been addressed by existing biochemical or structural studies. Since phenylalanine residues elsewhere in the protein have been implicated in ligand binding, we explored the structure of this N-terminal region to investigate structural determinants near the cytoplasmic opening that may mediate drug uptake. Our structure of AcrB in R32 space group reveals an N-terminus loop, reducing the diameter of the central opening to approximately 15 A as opposed to the previously reported value of approximately 30 A for crystal structures in this space group with disordered N-terminus. Recent structures of the AcrB in C2 space group have revealed a helical conformation of this N-terminus but have not discussed its possible implications. We present the crystal structure of AcrB that reveals the structure of the N-terminus containing the conserved residues. We hope that the structural information provides a structural basis for others to design further biochemical investigation of the role of this portion of AcrB in mediating cytoplasmic ligand discrimination and uptake.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance ABC transporters   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Chang G 《FEBS letters》2003,555(1):102-105
Clinical multidrug resistance is caused by a group of integral membrane proteins that transport hydrophobic drugs and lipids across the cell membrane. One class of these permeases, known as multidrug resistance ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters, translocate these molecules by coupling drug/lipid efflux with energy derived from the hydrolysis of ATP. In this review, we examine both the structures and conformational changes of multidrug resistance ABC transporters. Together with the available biochemical and structural evidence, we propose a general mechanism for hydrophobic substrate transport coupled to ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(24):4776-4783
The central component AcrB of the Escherichia coli drug efflux complex AcrA–AcrB–TolC has been extensively investigated by X-ray crystallography of detergent–protein 3-D crystals. In these crystals, AcrB packs as trimers – the functional unit. We visualized the AcrB–AcrB interaction in its native environment by examining E. coli lipid reconstituted 2-D crystals, which were overwhelmingly formed by asymmetric trimers stabilized by strongly-interacting monomers from adjacent trimers. Most interestingly, we observed lattices formed by an arrangement of AcrB monomers distinct from that in traditional trimers. This hitherto unobserved packing, might play a role in the biogenesis of trimeric AcrB.  相似文献   

Drug efflux pumps confer multidrug resistance to dangerous pathogens which makes these pumps important drug targets. We have synthesised a novel series of compounds based on a 2-naphthamide pharmacore aimed at inhibiting the efflux pumps from Gram-negative bacteria. The archeatypical transporter AcrB from Escherichia coli was used as model efflux pump as AcrB is widely conserved throughout Gram-negative organisms. The compounds were tested for their antibacterial action, ability to potentiate the action of antibiotics and for their ability to inhibit Nile Red efflux by AcrB. None of the compounds were antimicrobial against E. coli wild type cells. Most of the compounds were able to inhibit Nile Red efflux indicating that they are substrates of the AcrB efflux pump. Three compounds were able to synergise with antibiotics and reverse resistance in the resistant phenotype. Compound A3, 4-(isopentyloxy)-2-naphthamide, reduced the MICs of erythromycin and chloramphenicol to the MIC levels of the drug sensitive strain that lacks an efflux pump. A3 had no effect on the MIC of the non-substrate rifampicin indicating that this compound acts specifically through the AcrB efflux pump. A3 also does not act through non-specific mechanisms such as outer membrane or inner membrane permeabilisation and is not cytotoxic against mammalian cell lines. Therefore, we have designed and synthesised a novel chemical compound with great potential to further optimisation as inhibitor of drug efflux pumps.  相似文献   

EmrE is a small multidrug transporter that contains 110 amino acid residues that form four transmembrane alpha-helices. The three-dimensional structure of EmrE has been determined from two-dimensional crystals by electron cryo-microscopy. EmrE is an asymmetric homo-dimer with one substrate molecule bound in a chamber accessible laterally from one leaflet of the lipid bilayer. Evidence from substrate binding analyses and analytical ultracentrifugation of detergent-solubilised EmrE shows that the minimum functional unit for substrate binding is a dimer. However, it is possible that EmrE exists as a tetramer in vivo and plausible models are suggested based upon analyses of two-dimensional crystals.  相似文献   

The interaction of dioxygen with iron plays a key role in many important biological processes, such as dioxygen transport in the bloodstream and the reduction of dioxygen by iron in respiration. However, the catalytic mechanisms employed, for example in ligand oxidation, are not fully understood at the current time despite intensive biochemical, spectroscopic and structural studies. This review outlines the structural evidence obtained by X-ray crystallographic methods for the nature of the interactions between dioxygen and the metal in iron-containing proteins. Proteins involved in iron transport or electron transfer are not included.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) is an ATP-binding cassette protein that is associated with the acquisition of multi-drug resistance in cancer and the failure of chemotherapy in humans. Structural insights into this protein are described using a combination of small angle X-ray scattering data and cryo-electron crystallography data. We have compared the structures with bacterial homologues, and discuss the development of homology models for P-glycoprotein based on the bacterial Sav1866 structure.  相似文献   

Bacterial multidrug efflux pumps operate by periplasmic recruitment and opening of TolC family outer membrane exit ducts by cognate inner membrane translocases. Directed evolution of active hybrid pumps was achieved by challenging a library of mutated, shuffled TolC variants to adapt to the non-cognate Pseudomonas MexAB translocase, and confer resistance to the efflux substrate novobiocin. Amino acid substitutions in MexAB-adapted TolC variants that endowed high resistance were recreated independently, and revealed that MexAB-adaptation was conferred only by substitutions located in the lower alpha-helical barrel of TolC, specifically the periplasmic equatorial domain and entrance coiled coils. These changes converge to the native MexAB partner OprM, and indicate an interface key to the function and diversity of efflux pumps.  相似文献   

X-ray structures have been determined for five mutant reaction centres from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, at resolutions varying between 3.4 Å and 2.3 Å. The aim was to examine the effects of mutagenesis of polar residues in the binding pocket of the reaction centre carotenoid. The number of water molecules identified in each structure depended on the resolution and completeness of the data. In a 2.3 Å structure for a WM115F/FM197R mutant reaction centre, two water molecules partially filled the cavity that was created when the tryptophan residue was replaced by a less bulky phenylalanine. Structures obtained for four reaction centres with mutations of polar residues in the carotenoid binding pocket failed to show any significant change in the structure of the reaction centre carotenoid. Low resolution data for a YM210W mutant reaction centre showed that the overall structure of this complex is well conserved. This finding is discussed in light of the intriguing spectroscopic properties of the YM210W mutant reaction centre, and an alternative pathway for transmembrane electron transfer identified in this mutant.  相似文献   

Kunji ER 《FEBS letters》2004,578(3):239-244
We have identified a novel CARD-containing protein from EST database. BinCARD (Bcl10-interacting protein with CARD). BinCARD was ubiquitously expressed. Co-immunoprecipitation, In vitro binding, mammalian two-hybrid, and immunostaining assays revealed that BinCARD interacted with Bcl10 through CARD. BinCARD potently suppressed NF-kappa B activation induced by Bcl10 and decreased the amounts of phosphorylated Bcl10. Mutations at the residue Leu17 or Leu65, which is highly conserved in CARD, abolished the inhibitory effects of BinCARD on both Bcl10-induced activation of NF-kappa B and phosphorylation of Bcl10. Further, expression of BinCARD inhibited Bcl10 phosphorylation induced by T cell activation signal. These results suggest that BinCARD interacts with Bcl10 to inhibit Bcl10-mediated activation of NF-kappa B and to suppress Bcl10 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Understanding the molecular determinants for recognition, binding and transport of antibiotics by multidrug efflux systems is important for basic research and useful for the design of more effective antimicrobial compounds. Imipenem and meropenem are two carbapenems whose antibacterial activity is known to be poorly and strongly affected by MexAB-OprM, the major efflux pump transporter in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, not much is known regarding recognition and transport of these compounds by AcrAB-TolC, which is the MexAB-OprM homologue in Escherichia coli and by definition the paradigm model for structural studies on efflux pumps. Prompted by this motivation, we unveiled the molecular details of the interaction of imipenem and meropenem with the transporter AcrB by combining computer simulations with biophysical experiments. Regarding the interaction with the two main substrate binding regions of AcrB, the so-called access and deep binding pockets, molecular dynamics simulations revealed imipenem to be more mobile than meropenem in the former, while comparable mobilities were observed in the latter. This result is in line with isothermal titration calorimetry, differential scanning experiments, and binding free energy calculations, indicating a higher affinity for meropenem than imipenem at the deep binding pocket, while both sharing similar affinities at the access pocket. Our findings rationalize how different physico-chemical properties of compounds reflect on their interactions with AcrB. As such, they constitute precious information to be exploited for the rational design of antibiotics able to evade efflux pumps.  相似文献   

Microorganisms can be engineered to produce a variety of biofuels and commodity chemicals. The accumulation of these products, however, is often toxic to the cells and subsequently lowers production yields. Efflux pumps are a natural mechanism for alleviating toxicity through secretion of the product; unfortunately, pump overexpression also often inhibits growth. Tuning expression levels with inducible promoters is time-consuming and the reliance on small-molecule inducers is cost-prohibitive in industry. We design an expression regulation system utilizing a native Escherichia coli stress promoter, PgntK, to provide negative feedback to regulate transporter expression levels. We test the promoter in the context of the efflux pump AcrB and its butanol-secreting variant, AcrBv2. PgntK-driven AcrBv2 confers increased tolerance to n-butanol and increased titers of n-butanol in production. Furthermore, the system is responsive to stress from toxic overexpression of other membrane-associated proteins. Our results suggest a use for feedback regulation networks in membrane protein expression.  相似文献   

The multidrug resistance (MDR) system effectively expels antibiotics out of bacteria causing serious issues during bacterial infection. In addition to drug, indole, a common metabolic waste of bacteria, is expelled by MDR system of gram-negative bacteria for their survival. Experimental results suggest that AcrB, one of the key components of MDR system, undergoes large scale conformation changes during the pumping due to proton-motive process. However, due to extremely short time scale, it is difficult to observe (experimentally) those changes in the AcrB, which might facilitate the pumping process. Molecular simulations can shed light to understand the conformational changes for transport of indole in AcrB. Examination of conformational changes using all-atom simulation is, however, impractical. Here, we develop a hybrid coarse-grained force field to study the conformational changes of AcrB in presence of indole in the porter domain of monomer II. Using the coarse-grained force field, we investigated the conformational changes of AcrB for a number of model systems considering the effect of protonation in aspartic acid (Asp) residues Asp407 and Asp408 in the transmembrane domain of monomer II. Our results show that in the presence of indole, protonation of Asp408 or Asp407 residue causes conformational changes from binding state to extrusion state in monomer II, while remaining two monomers (I and III) approach access state in AcrB protein. We also observed that all three AcrB monomers prefer to go back to access state in the absence of indole. Steered molecular dynamics simulations were performed to demonstrate the feasibility of indole transport mechanism for protonated systems. Identification of indole transport pathway through AcrB can be very helpful in understanding the drug efflux mechanism used by the MDR bacteria.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structures of several important vitamin B12 binding proteins that have been solved in recent years have enhanced our current understanding in the vitamin B12 field. These structurally diverse groups of B12 binding proteins perform various important biological activities, both by transporting B12 as well as catalyzing various biological reactions. An in-depth comparative analysis of these structures was carried out using PDB coordinates of a carefully chosen database of B12 binding proteins to correlate the overall folding of the molecule with phylogeny, the B12 interactions, and with their biological function. The structures of these proteins are discussed in the context of this comparative analysis.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of lamprey hemoglobin was previously determined and refined by conventional crystallographic analysis. In this study, the structural analysis has been repeated in the course of developing the method of multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) for phase determination. New experimental and analytical procedures that were devised to perform this determination should have general applicability. These include an experimental design to optimize signal strength and reduce systematic errors, experimental evaluation of anomalous scattering factors, and a least-squares procedure for analyzing the MAD data. MAD phases for the structure at 3 A resolution are as accurate overall as the multiple isomorphous replacement (MIR) phases determined previously.  相似文献   

We study the uniformly 13C,15N isotopically enriched Escherichia coli multidrug resistance transporter EmrE using MAS solid-state NMR. Solid-state NMR can provide complementary structural information as the method allows studying membrane proteins in their native environment as no detergent is required for reconstitution. We compare the spectra obtained from wildtype EmrE to those obtained from the mutant EmrE-E14C. To resolve the critical amino acid E14, glutamic/aspartic acid selective experiments are carried out. These experiments allow to assign the chemical shift of the carboxylic carbon of E14. In addition, spectra are analyzed which are obtained in the presence and absence of the ligand TPP+.  相似文献   

TolC--the bacterial exit duct for proteins and drugs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Koronakis V 《FEBS letters》2003,555(1):66-71
The TolC structure has unveiled a common mechanism for the movement of molecules, large and small, from the bacterial cell cytosol, across two membranes and the intervening periplasm, into the environment. Trimeric TolC is a remarkable cell exit duct that differs radically from other membrane proteins, comprising a 100-A long alpha-barrel that projects across the periplasmic space, anchored by a 40-A long beta-barrel spanning the outer membrane. The periplasmic entrance of TolC is closed until recruitment by substrate-specific translocases in the inner membrane triggers its transition to the open state, achieved by an iris-like 'untwisting' of the tunnel alpha-helices. TolC-dependent machineries present ubiquitous exit routes for virulence proteins and antibacterial drugs, and their conserved structure, specifically the electronegative TolC entrance constriction, may present a target for inhibitors of multidrug-resistant pathogens.  相似文献   

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