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Sleep is highly organized activity which is associated with decreased muscular activity and reduced response to environmental stimuli. The sleep is regulated by both, circadian and homeostatic mechanisms. Sleep patterns can be studied by behavioral assays by observing different sleep behaviors or by neuronal activity such as EEG (electroencephalogram), EOG (electro-oculogram), and EMG (electromyogram). Sleep is organized into non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement. The sleep pattern in birds are similar to that in mammals, however, few differences such as existence of unihemispheric sleep (UHS) in almost all birds compared to few marine mammals do exist. The UHS results in asymmetry of the brain function measured as slow wave activity (SWA). Several migrants exhibit sleeplessness and they compensate it by NREM. They employ UHS during their migratory flight to remain alert while sleeping and maintain the balance while flying which is advantageous for these birds. Thus, sleep is of fundamental significance for the animal as it lies on the continuum of activity and rest. The present review focuses on some of above mentioned facts about sleep in higher vertebrates particularly in birds.  相似文献   

The evolution of tendon--morphology and material properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phylogenetically, tendinous tissue first appears in the invertebrate chordate Branchiostoma as myosepta. This two-dimensional array of collagen fibers is highly organized, with fibers running along two primary axes. In hagfish the first linear tendons appear and the myosepta have developed specialized regions with unidirectional fiber orientation-a linear tendon within the flat sheet of myoseptum. Tendons react to compressive load by first forming a fibrocartilaginous pad, and under severe stress, sesamoid bones. Evidence for this ability to react to load first arises in the cartilaginous fish, here documented in a tendon from the jaw of a hard-prey crushing stingray. Sesamoid bones are common in bony fish and also in tetrapods. Tendons will also calcify under tensile loads in some groups of birds, and this reaction to load is seen in no other vertebrates. We conclude that the evolutionary history of tendon gives us insight into the use of model systems for investigating tendon biology. Using mammal and fish models may be more appropriate than avian models because of the apparent evolution of a novel reaction to tensile loads in birds.  相似文献   

After making foraging flights of several thousands of kilometers, wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) are able to pinpoint a specific remote island where their nests are located. This impressive navigation ability is highly precise but its nature is mysterious. Here we examined whether albatrosses rely on the perception of the Earth's magnetic field to accomplish this task. We disturbed the perception of the magnetic field using mobile magnets glued to the head of nine albatrosses and compared their performances with those of 11 control birds. We then used satellite telemetry to monitor their behavior. We found that the ability of birds to home specific nest sites was unimpaired by this manipulation. In particular, experimental and control birds did not show significant differences with respect to either foraging trip duration, or length, or with respect to homing straightness index. Our data suggest that wandering albatrosses do not require magnetic cues to navigate back to their nesting birds.  相似文献   

To what degree juvenile migrant birds are able to correct for orientation errors or wind drift is still largely unknown. We studied the orientation of passerines on the Faroe Islands far off the normal migration routes of European migrants. The ability to compensate for displacement was tested in naturally occurring vagrants presumably displaced by wind and in birds experimentally displaced 1100 km from Denmark to the Faroes. The orientation was studied in orientation cages as well as in the free-flying birds after release by tracking departures using small radio transmitters. Both the naturally displaced and the experimentally displaced birds oriented in more easterly directions on the Faroes than was observed in Denmark prior to displacement. This pattern was even more pronounced in departure directions, perhaps because of wind influence. The clear directional compensation found even in experimentally displaced birds indicates that first-year birds can also possess the ability to correct for displacement in some circumstances, possibly involving either some primitive form of true navigation, or 'sign posts', but the cues used for this are highly speculative. We also found some indications of differences between species in the reaction to displacement. Such differences might be involved in the diversity of results reported in displacement studies so far.  相似文献   

J W Davis  P O'Donald 《Heredity》1976,36(2):235-244
Methods are described for the maximum likelihood estimation of mating preferences in models of assortative mating for monogamous and polygamous organisms. These methods are applied to data of matings of the three phenotypes, pale, intermediated and dark of the Arctic Skua. The data were obtained by exhaustive surveys of the Arctic Skua populations on the islands of Fair Isle and Foula. The data give evidence of significant assortative mating of pale birds on Foula and intermediate birds on Fair Isle. The combined data show that there is very highly significant assortative mating, but only of intermediates. In previous surveys, data, in which intermediates and darks were not distinguished, were obtained from a number of islands in the Shetlands. These data, combined with the present data, show that the overall assortative mating of pale is very highly significant with no evidience of heterogeneity. The assortative mating of intermediate birds on Fair Isle agrees with other evidence showing that inermediate males have an advantage as a result of sexual selection.  相似文献   

The ability in prototype symbolization was studied in four crows trained in matching concept. The experimental approach was characterized by the absence of direct training providing an association between the pictured arrays and Arabic numerals. Experimental sessions were divided into demonstrative and test phases. In the demonstrative phases, the sample and the reinforced stimulus belonged to the same category: if the sample was a pictured array, the reinforced stimulus was also the pictured array, if the sample was a numeral, the reinforced stimulus was likewise a numeral. Matching-to-sample competence was sufficient to perform this task successfully. In case of a correct choice a crow received some mealworms, their number was equal to the number of items in the pictured array or the Arabic numeral. In the test phases, the sample and the comparison stimuli were of different categories. If the sample was a pictured array, the comparison stimuli were numerals; if the sample was a numeral, the comparisons were the pictured arrays. Such tests required the birds to choose a numeric symbol corresponding to the pictured array or to choose the array of pictured items numerically equal to the Arabic symbol. All four crows performed this task successfully. Birds were able to set up a correspondence between the Arabic numeral from 1 to 4 and the number of elements in pictured arrays by way of mental juxtaposition of the earlier received information. Similar experiments showed that crows are likely to be able to perform mental operations with numerals analogous to simple arithmetic addition.  相似文献   

Technological advances for wildlife monitoring have expanded our ability to study behavior and space use of many species. But biotelemetry is limited by size, weight, data memory and battery power of the attached devices, especially in animals with light body masses, such as the majority of bird species. In this study, we describe the combined use of GPS data logger information obtained from free-ranging birds, and environmental information recorded by unmanned aerial systems (UASs). As a case study, we studied habitat selection of a small raptorial bird, the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni, foraging in a highly dynamic landscape. After downloading spatio-temporal information from data loggers attached to the birds, we programmed the UASs to fly and take imagery by means of an onboard digital camera documenting the flight paths of those same birds shortly after their recorded flights. This methodology permitted us to extract environmental information at quasi-real time. We demonstrate that UASs are a useful tool for a wide variety of wildlife studies.  相似文献   

Frugivory and seed dispersal are key processes for the maintenance of biodiversity. This is particularly true in the Neotropics, where most plant species depend on animals to disperse their seeds and most birds and mammals include fruits in their diets. We performed a continental‐scale literature review to build a database of interactions between neotropical fruits and fruit‐eating birds and mammals. Our objective was to evaluate the viability of combining literature data from different studies to describe the structure of highly diverse fruit–frugivore neotropical communities. We investigated sites that had been the focus of studies of at least four different avian and/or mammalian taxonomic orders and we included in our database only those conducted for at least a 6‐month period in order to account for the seasonality in fruit availability. In spite of a large number of study sites investigated for frugivory (n = 156), we found a huge gap in the knowledge of community‐wide fruit–frugivore interactions in the Neotropics, since most studies focused on single or a few species. Nevertheless, we were able to construct diverse plant–frugivore qualitative networks for 17 areas unevenly spread throughout the neotropical region. Using complex network analyses, we found that these networks were highly informative and non‐randomly organized. Most networks were both significantly nested and modular, characteristics related to stability and resilience in biological systems. We concluded that it is possible to use merged data to build networks for sites of conservation interest. The main advantage of using this approach is to optimize resources, avoiding exhaustive, costly and time‐consuming fieldwork when data is already available. Whilst bearing in mind the shortcomings of this methodology, these results can be used in studies aiming to understand the ecological processes structuring different communities in the neotropical region and to support conservation and restoration actions.  相似文献   

We sought to determine whether early arrival was a determinant of contest outcome in loosely organized, non‐breeding flocks of birds. In White‐throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) arrival date during autumn migration, i.e. within‐year prior residence, was a significant determinant of contest outcome for those birds that were not present on the study site in previous years. To determine whether the advantage of early arrival was due to prior residence per se, as opposed to some correlate of arrival date (e.g. condition), we experimentally delayed the arrival of 60 migrants. We found a significant effect of the delay: the outcome of contests between naturally arriving (control) birds and experimentally delayed birds was significantly related to the difference between the control bird's natural arrival date and the experimental bird's delayed arrival date. Thus, prior residence per se, and not some correlate of arrival date, had a significant effect on a naïve individual's ability to win contests. Interestingly, arrival date had no effect on contest outcome among birds that had wintered on the site in previous years. Because a prior residence advantage accumulates in a time‐dependent manner, our results suggest that fighting ability or perceived resource value increases with site familiarity. Thus, there may be selection on arrival date and site‐faithfulness as behavioral strategies to increase access to resources.  相似文献   

Locating and capturing food are suggested as significant selection pressures for the evolution of various cognitive abilities in mammals and birds. The hypothesis is proposed that aspects of food procuring behaviour should be strongly indicative of particular cognitive abilities.Experimental data concerning higher mental abilities in mammals and birds are reviewed. These data deal with self-recognition studies, rule-learning experiments, number concept, deceptive abilities, tool-use and observational learning.A Darwinian approach reveals: (1) the adaptiveness of particular abilities for particular niches, (2) that in complex foraging environments, increases in foraging efficiencies in animals should result from the evolution of particular cognitive abilities, (3) that phenomena such as convergent mental evolution should be expected to have taken place across taxonomic groups for species exploiting similar niches, (4) that divergence in mental ability should also have taken place where related species have exploited dissimilar niches.Experimental data of higher mental abilities in animals concur with a Darwinian explanation for the distribution of these cognitive abilities and no anomalies have been found.There are, as a consequence, significant implications for the welfare of animals subject to training when training methodology gives little or no consideration to the various mental abilities of species.  相似文献   

 Schools of fish and flocks of birds are examples for groups of individuals moving in a highly organized way. Individuals adapt their orientation and speed to that of their (nearest) neighbors. Adaptation of orientation can also be found on the cellular and subcellular level and is called alignment. A model for alignment and movement is derived on the basis of reaction transport equations in one space dimension. Existence of solutions is shown and long time behavior of the system is described. The effect of schooling on the risk of predation is investigated. Then the model is generalized to two space dimensions and compared to other models for alignment which do not incorporate individual movement in space. Received: 27 March 2001 / Revised version: 17 January 2002 / Published online: 23 August 2002  相似文献   

Marc Mirande 《FEBS letters》2010,584(2):443-41068
Several lines of evidence led to the conclusion that mammalian ribosomal protein synthesis is a highly organized biological process in vivo. A wealth of data support the concept according to which tRNA aminoacylation, formation of the ternary complex on EF1A and delivery of aminoacyl-tRNA to the ribosome is a processive mechanism where tRNA is vectorially transferred from one component to another. Polypeptide extensions, referred to as tRBDs (tRNA binding domains), are appended to mammalian and yeast aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. The involvement of these domains in the capture of deacylated tRNA and in the sequestration of aminoacylated tRNA, suggests that cycling of tRNA in translation is mediated by the processivity of the consecutive steps. The possible origin of the tRBDs is discussed.  相似文献   

Ecological barriers are the riskiest phases of the annual migrations for migratory birds. Comparatively little field data exists pertaining to the ability of migratory birds to prepare for the challenges of crossing ecological barriers, or their ability to recuperate afterward. Migrating Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) were captured in Eilat, Israel, during their spring and autumn migrations. Data on spring and autumn body masses, their inter-annual variation, and the pattern of body mass increase were analysed. The birds show a significant inter-annual variation in their body mass and body condition index in both seasons, which is consistent with the data from other sites and for other passerine species. During stopovers, mass gain occurred in both seasons. Birds in poor initial condition, and those that stop over for a longer period of time, gained more body mass faster. In spring, but not in autumn, the progress of the season was also an important factor; late-arriving birds gained more fuel faster. The average rate of fuel gain was 0,157g·day?1 ± 0.018 SE.  相似文献   

野生鸟类传染性疾病研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘冬平  肖文发  陆军  张正旺 《生态学报》2011,31(22):6959-6966
由于具有独特的飞行能力和极强的地理扩散能力,鸟类活动为某些传染性疾病的快速传播和扩散带来了潜在风险.自20世纪以来,以禽霍乱、禽波特淋菌病、西尼罗河热、禽流感等为代表的鸟类疾病频繁暴发,导致为数众多的野生鸟类、家禽甚至人类死亡,给社会造成巨大的经济损失.因此,有关鸟类传染性疾病的研究已引起了国内外学者的广泛关注.从鸟类传染性疾病的生态学特征、疾病对鸟类与人类社会的影响、鸟类对疾病的传播、鸟类疾病的监测、预警和防控等方面对野生鸟类的传染性疾病研究进展进行了综述.不同疾病导致的鸟类死亡量、易感物种数量、暴发频率和地理扩散等特征差异显著.20世纪以来,疾病已成为全球生物多样性的七大威胁因子之一.疾病可能造成鸟类大量死亡,从而对鸟类种群,特别是濒危鸟类种群造成严重影响.其中,人畜共患病还会导致家禽家畜甚至人类的死亡,从而对社会产生严重的影响.野生鸟类作为多种疾病传播的媒介,其移动和迁徙可能会导致疾病的传播与扩散.开展全面的监测活动和建立疾病预警体系,对于疾病的防控具有重要意义.  相似文献   

中国现有1,445种鸟类, 是世界上鸟类物种数最多的国家之一。物种特征反映了生物有机体的功能和适合度, 在生态学、进化生物学和保护生物学研究中具有重要作用。但是, 目前还没有关于我国鸟类生活史、生态学和地理分布等物种特征的完整数据库。通过系统查阅文献和各种数据资料, 本文共收集整理出了中国1,445种鸟类17个功能特征数据: 体重、体长、嘴峰长、翅长、尾长、跗蹠长、食性、窝卵数、卵大小、卵体积、巢址、巢的类型、集群状况、迁徙状况、是否特有种、地理分布范围和分布省份等。在这些特征中, 除迁徙状况、是否特有种、地理分布范围和分布省份外, 其余特征数据均存在不同程度的缺失, 数据的完整度为60.83%‒100%。本数据库是目前关于中国鸟类最新和最全的物种特征数据库, 期望能为我国鸟类生态学、进化生物学、生物地理学、保护生物学等研究提供支持。  相似文献   

Both mammals and birds can flexibly organize their behavior over time. In mammals, the mental operations generating this ability are called executive functions and are associated with the prefrontal cortex. The corresponding structure in birds is the nidopallium caudolaterale. Anatomical, neurochemical, electrophysiological and behavioral studies show these structures to be highly similar. The avian forebrain displays no lamination that corresponds to the mammalian neocortex, hence lamination does not seem to be a requirement for higher cognitive functions. Because all other aspects of the neural architecture of the mammalian and the avian prefrontal areas are extremely comparable, the freedom to create different neural architectures that generate prefrontal functions seems to be very limited.  相似文献   

Long-distance migratory birds are often considered extreme athletes, possessing a range of traits that approach the physiological limits of vertebrate design. In addition, their movements must be carefully timed to ensure that they obtain resources of sufficient quantity and quality to satisfy their high-energy needs. Migratory birds may therefore be particularly vulnerable to global change processes that are projected to alter the quality and quantity of resource availability. Because long-distance flight requires high and sustained aerobic capacity, even minor decreases in vitality can have large negative consequences for migrants. In the light of this, we assess how current global change processes may affect the ability of birds to meet the physiological demands of migration, and suggest areas where avian physiologists may help to identify potential hazards. Predicting the consequences of global change scenarios on migrant species requires (i) reconciliation of empirical and theoretical studies of avian flight physiology; (ii) an understanding of the effects of food quality, toxicants and disease on migrant performance; and (iii) mechanistic models that integrate abiotic and biotic factors to predict migratory behaviour. Critically, a multi-dimensional concept of vitality would greatly facilitate evaluation of the impact of various global change processes on the population dynamics of migratory birds.  相似文献   

A primary assumption of environmental niche models (ENMs) is that models are both accurate and transferable across geography or time; however, recent work has shown that models may be accurate but not highly transferable. While some of this is due to modeling technique, individual species ecologies may also underlie this phenomenon. Life history traits certainly influence the accuracy of predictive ENMs, but their impact on model transferability is less understood. This study investigated how life history traits influence the predictive accuracy and transferability of ENMs using historically calibrated models for birds. In this study I used historical occurrence and climate data (1950-1990s) to build models for a sample of birds, and then projected them forward to the ‘future’ (1960-1990s). The models were then validated against models generated from occurrence data at that ‘future’ time. Internal and external validation metrics, as well as metrics assessing transferability, and Generalized Linear Models were used to identify life history traits that were significant predictors of accuracy and transferability. This study found that the predictive ability of ENMs differs with regard to life history characteristics such as range, migration, and habitat, and that the rarity versus commonness of a species affects the predicted stability and overlap and hence the transferability of projected models. Projected ENMs with both high accuracy and transferability scores, still sometimes suffered from over- or under- predicted species ranges. Life history traits certainly influenced the accuracy of predictive ENMs for birds, but while aspects of geographic range impact model transferability, the mechanisms underlying this are less understood.  相似文献   

Most extant species are in clades with poor fossil records, and recent studies of comparative methods show they have low power to infer even highly simplified models of trait evolution without fossil data. Birds are a well‐studied radiation, yet their early evolutionary patterns are still contentious. The fossil record suggests that birds underwent a rapid ecological radiation after the end‐Cretaceous mass extinction, and several smaller, subsequent radiations. This hypothesized series of repeated radiations from fossil data is difficult to test using extant data alone. By uniting morphological and phylogenetic data on 604 extant genera of birds with morphological data on 58 species of extinct birds from 50 million years ago, the “halfway point” of avian evolution, I have been able to test how well extant‐only methods predict the diversity of fossil forms. All extant‐only methods underestimate the disparity, although the ratio of within‐ to between‐clade disparity does suggest high early rates. The failure of standard models to predict high early disparity suggests that recent radiations are obscuring deep time patterns in the evolution of birds. Metrics from different models can be used in conjunction to provide more valuable insights than simply finding the model with the highest relative fit.  相似文献   

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