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We have studied the rate of DNA synthesis, cell cycle distribution, formation of gamma-H2AX, and Rad51 nuclear foci and association of Rad51 with the nuclear matrix after treatment of HeLa cells with the interstrand crosslinking agent mitomycin C (MMC) in the presence of the kinase inhibitors caffeine and wortmannin. The results showed that MMC treatment arrested the cells in S-phase and induced the appearance of gamma-H2AX and Rad51 nuclear foci, accompanied with a sequestering of Rad51 to the nuclear matrix. These effects were abrogated by caffeine, which inhibits the Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ATM- and Rad3-related (ATR) kinases. However, wortmannin at a concentration that inhibits ATM, but not ATR did not affect cell cycle progression, damage-induced phosphorylation of H2AX and Rad51 foci formation, and association with the nuclear matrix, suggesting that the S-phase arrest induced by MMC is ATR-dependent. These findings were confirmed by experiments with ATR-deficient and AT cells. They indicate that the DNA damage ATR-dependent S-phase checkpoint pathway may regulate the spatiotemporal organization of the process of repair of interstrand crosslinks.  相似文献   

The Cdc25 A phosphatase is required for the G1–S transition of the cell cycle and is overexpressed in human cancers. We found that it is ubiquitylated and rapidly degraded by the proteasome and that its levels increase from G1 until mitosis. By treating cells with the DNA synthesis inhibitor hydroxyurea, Cdc25 A rapidly decreased in abundance, and this was accompanied by an increase in Cdk2 phosphotyrosine content and a decrease in Cdk2 kinase activity. Cdc25 A overexpression altered the ability of cells to arrest in the presence of hydroxyurea, and caused them to undergo premature chromosome condensation. Cdc25 A overexpression could render tumor cells less sensitive to DNA replication checkpoints, thereby contributing to their genomic instability.  相似文献   

The S phase checkpoint protects the genome from spontaneous damage during DNA replication, although the cause of damage has been unknown. We used a dominant-negative mutant of a subunit of CAF-I, a complex that assembles newly synthesized DNA into nucleosomes, to inhibit S phase chromatin assembly and found that this induced S phase arrest. Arrest was accompanied by DNA damage and S phase checkpoint activation and required ATR or ATM kinase activity. These results show that in human cells CAF-I activity is required for completion of S phase and that a defect in chromatin assembly can itself induce DNA damage. We propose that errors in chromatin assembly, occurring spontaneously or caused by genetic mutations or environmental agents, contribute to genome instability.  相似文献   

Regulation of cell cycle progression involves redox (oxidation-reduction)-dependent modification of proteins including the mitosis-inducing phosphatase Cdc25C. The role of vitamin C (ascorbic acid, ASC), a known modulator of the cellular redox status, in regulating mitotic entry was investigated in this study. We demonstrated that vitamin C inhibits DNA synthesis in HeLa cells and, mainly the form of dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), delays the entry of p53-deficient synchronized HeLa and T98G cancer cells into mitosis. High concentrations of Vitamin C caused transient S and G2 arrest in both cell lines by delaying the activation of the M-phase promoting factor (MPF), Cdc2/cyclin-B complex. Although vitamin C did not inhibit the accumulation of cyclin-B1, it may have increased the level of Cdc2 inhibitory phosphorylation. This was achieved by transiently maintaining Cdc25C, the activator of Cdc2, both in low levels and in a phosphorylated on Ser216 inactive form that binds to 14-3-3 proteins contributing thus to the nuclear exclusion of Cdc25C. As expected, vitamin C prevented the nuclear accumulation of Cdc25C in both cell lines. In conclusion, it seems that vitamin C induces transient cell cycle arrest, at least in part, by delaying the accumulation and the activation of Cdc25C.  相似文献   

We have analyzed how single-strand DNA gaps affect DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts. DNA lesions generated by etoposide, a DNA topoisomerase II inhibitor, or by exonuclease treatment activate a DNA damage checkpoint that blocks initiation of plasmid and chromosomal DNA replication. The checkpoint is abrogated by caffeine and requires ATR, but not ATM, protein kinase. The block to DNA synthesis is due to inhibition of Cdc7/Dbf4 protein kinase activity and the subsequent failure of Cdc45 to bind to chromatin. The checkpoint does not require pre-RC assembly but requires loading of the single-strand binding protein, RPA, on chromatin. This is the biochemical demonstration of a DNA damage checkpoint that targets Cdc7/Dbf4 protein kinase.  相似文献   

Maintenance of genome integrity requires a checkpoint that restrains mitosis in response to DNA damage [1]. This checkpoint is enforced by Chk1, a protein kinase that targets Cdc25 [2--7]. Phosphorylated Cdc25 associates with 14-3-3 proteins, which appear to occlude a nuclear localization signal (NLS) and thereby inhibit Cdc25 nuclear import [6, 8--14]. Proficient checkpoint arrest is thought to require Cdc25 nuclear exclusion, although definitive evidence for this model is lacking. We have tested this hypothesis in fission yeast. We show that elimination of an NLS in Cdc25 causes Cdc25 nuclear exclusion and a mitotic delay, as predicted by the model. Attachment of an exogenous NLS forces nuclear inclusion of Cdc25 in damaged cells. However, forced nuclear localization of Cdc25 fails to override the damage checkpoint. Thus, nuclear exclusion of Cdc25 is unnecessary for checkpoint enforcement. We propose that direct inhibition of Cdc25 phosphatase activity by Chk1, as demonstrated in vitro with fission yeast and human Chk1 [15, 16], is sufficient for proficient checkpoint regulation of Cdc25 and may be the primary mechanism of checkpoint enforcement in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Before S phase, cells license replication origins for initiation by loading them with Mcm2-7 heterohexamers. This process is dependent on Cdc6, which is recruited to unlicensed origins. Using Xenopus egg extracts we show that although each origin can load many Mcm2-7 hexamers, the affinity of Cdc6 for each origins drops once it has been licensed by loading the first hexamers. This encourages the distribution of at least one Mcm2-7 hexamer to each origin, and thereby helps to ensure that all origins are licensed. Although Cdc6 is not essential for DNA replication once licensing is complete, Cdc6 regains a high affinity for origins once replication forks are initiated and Mcm2-7 has been displaced from the origin DNA. We show that the presence of Cdc6 during S phase is essential for the checkpoint kinase Chk1 to become activated in response to replication inhibition. These results show that Cdc6 plays multiple roles in ensuring precise chromosome duplication.  相似文献   

We have used time-lapse fluorescence microscopy to study the properties of the Cdc25B and Cdc25C phosphatases that have both been implicated as initiators of mitosis in human cells. To differentiate between the functions of the two proteins, we have microinjected expression constructs encoding Cdc25B or Cdc25C or their GFP-chimeras into synchronized tissue culture cells. This assay allows us to express the proteins at defined points in the cell cycle. We have followed the microinjected cells by time-lapse microscopy, in the presence or absence of DNA synthesis inhibitors, and assayed whether they enter mitosis prematurely or at the correct time. We find that overexpressing Cdc25B alone rapidly causes S phase and G2 phase cells to enter mitosis, whether or not DNA replication is complete, whereas overexpressing Cdc25C does not cause premature mitosis. Overexpressing Cdc25C together with cyclin B1 does shorten the G2 phase and can override the unreplicated DNA checkpoint, but much less efficiently than overexpressing Cdc25B. These results suggest that Cdc25B and Cdc25C do not respond identically to the same cell cycle checkpoints. This difference may be related to the differential localization of the proteins; Cdc25C is nuclear throughout interphase, whereas Cdc25B is nuclear in the G1 phase and cytoplasmic in the S and G2 phases. We have found that the change in subcellular localization of Cdc25B is due to nuclear export and that this is dependent on cyclin B1. Our data suggest that although both Cdc25B and Cdc25C can promote mitosis, they are likely to have distinct roles in the controlling the initiation of mitosis.  相似文献   

In vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos show both cell cycle and developmental arrest. We previously showed oxidative damage activates the ATM?→?Chk1?→?Cdc25B/Cdc25C cascade to mediate G2/M cell cycle arrest for repair of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced oxidative damage in sperm. However, the mechanisms underlying the developmental delay of zygotes are unknown. To develop a model of oxidative-damaged zygotes, we treated mouse zygotes with different concentrations of H2O2 (0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05 mM), and evaluated in vitro zygote development, BrdU incorporation to detect the duration of S phase. We also examined reactive oxygen species level and used immunofluorescence to detect activation of γH2AX, Cdc2, and Cdc25. Oxidatively damaged zygotes showed a delay in G2/M phase and produced a higher level of ROS. At the same time, γH2AX was detected in oxidatively damaged zygotes as well as phospho-Cdc25B (Ser323), phospho-Cdc25C (Ser216), and phospho-Cdc2 (Tyr15). Our study indicates that oxidative stress-induced DNA damage of mouse zygotes triggers the cell cycle checkpoint, which results in G2/M cell cycle arrest, and that phospho-Cdc25B (Ser323), phospho-Cdc25C (Ser216), and phospho-Cdc2 (Tyr15) participate in activating the G2/M checkpoint.  相似文献   

The conserved checkpoint kinases Chk1 and Rad53-Dun1 block the metaphase to anaphase transition by the phosphorylation and stabilization of securin, and block the mitotic exit network regulated by the Bfa1-Bub2 complex. However, both chk1 and rad53 mutants are able to exit from mitosis and initiate a new cell cycle, suggesting that both pathways have supporting functions in restraining anaphase and in blocking the inactivation of mitotic cyclin-Cdk1 complexes. Here we find that the cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) pathway supports Chk1 in the regulation of mitosis by targeting the mitotic inducer Cdc20. Cdc20 is phosphorylated on PKA consensus sites after DNA damage, and this phosphorylation requires the Atr orthologue Mec1 and the PKA catalytic subunits Tpk1 and Tpk2. We show that the inactivation of PKA or expression of phosphorylation-defective Cdc20 proteins accelerates securin and Clb2 destruction in chk1 mutants and is sufficient to remove most of the DNA damage-induced delay. Mutation of the Cdc20 phosphorylation sites permitted the interaction of Cdc20 with Clb2 under conditions that should halt cell cycle progression. These data show that PKA pathways regulate mitotic progression through Cdc20 and support the DNA damage checkpoint pathways in regulating the destruction of Clb2 and securin.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that negative regulation of human Cdc25 protein phosphatases by phosphorylation at their 14-3-3 site can be antagonized through phosphorylation at an adjacent site in the -2 position.1 Based on structural homology for different Cdc25 phosphatases, a similar regulatory pathway also could be conserved in Xenopus embryos, where cell cycle checkpoints are not operational prior to the Midblastula Transition (MBT). Here, we demonstrate that before MBT, XeCdc25C is phosphorylated on Ser285, an analogous site to Ser214 in human Cdc25C or Ser307 Cdc25B.(1) Phosphorylation of Ser285 prevents subsequent inhibitory phosphorylation of XeCdc25C on Ser287, thus maintaining XeCdc25C in an active form. Mutation of Ser285 to alanine allows the reconstitution of a DNA damage replication checkpoint. This effect is completely dependent on Ser287 phosphorylation as additional mutation of Ser287 to alanine fully reversed the cell cycle inhibitory effect of Ser285A XeCdc25C. We propose that phosphorylation of XeCdc25C Ser285 may account for the lack of a DNA replication checkpoint in cleaving Xenopus embryos prior to the MBT.  相似文献   

Bid has multiple functions in apoptosis, survival, and proliferation. The role of Bid in etoposide-induced-DNA damage in HCC has not been investigated. Here, we report that p53-overexpression led to the notable up-regulation of the expression of Bid protein, whereas the acquired expression of Bid by PLC/PRF/5 cells dramatically decreased the p53 level. Upon the administration of a high dose of etoposide (causing irreparable damage), Bid sensitized cells to apoptosis. However, at a low dose of etoposide (repairable damage), Bid activated the S phase checkpoint through the up-regulation of p21 and p27, which are both p53-independent. While the unrepairable damage was being carried out, Bid was quickly translocated to the mitochondria to release cytochrome c into the cytosol, which activated caspases 9 and 3 and led to cell death. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that Bid both exhibits S phase checkpoint activation and plays a pro-apoptotic role in response to different degrees of etoposide-induced DNA damage in HCC cells. The elucidation of these intricate mechanisms of Bid points to the development of a possible therapeutic option that combines cytotoxic therapies to treat HCC.  相似文献   

Checkpoint pathways regulate genomic integrity in part by blocking anaphase until all chromosomes have been completely replicated, repaired, and correctly aligned on the spindle. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, DNA damage and mono-oriented or unattached kinetochores trigger checkpoint pathways that bifurcate to regulate both the metaphase to anaphase transition and mitotic exit. The sensor-associated kinase, Mec1, phosphorylates two downstream kinases, Chk1 and Rad53. Activation of Chk1 and Rad53 prevents anaphase and causes inhibition of the mitotic exit network. We have previously shown that the PKA pathway plays a role in blocking securin and Clb2 destruction following DNA damage. Here we show that the Mec1 DNA damage checkpoint regulates phosphorylation of the regulatory (R) subunit of PKA following DNA damage and that the phosphorylated R subunit has a role in restraining mitosis following DNA damage. In addition we found that proteins known to regulate PKA in response to nutrients and stress either by phosphorylation of the R subunit or regulating levels of cAMP are required for the role of PKA in the DNA damage checkpoint. Our data indicate that there is cross-talk between the DNA damage checkpoint and the proteins that integrate nutrient and stress signals to regulate PKA.  相似文献   

We previously used a soluble cell-free system derived from Xenopus eggs to investigate the role of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) in chromosomal DNA replication. We found that immunodepletion of PP2A or inhibition of PP2A by okadaic acid (OA) inhibits initiation of DNA replication by preventing loading of the initiation factor Cdc45 onto prereplication complexes. Evidence was provided that PP2A counteracts an inhibitory protein kinase that phosphorylates and inactivates a crucial Cdc45 loading factor. Here, we report that the inhibitory effect of OA is abolished by caffeine, an inhibitor of the checkpoint kinases ataxia-telangiectasia mutated protein (ATM) and ataxia-telangiectasia related protein (ATR) but not by depletion of ATM or ATR from the extract. Furthermore, we demonstrate that double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) cause inhibition of Cdc45 loading and initiation of DNA replication and that caffeine, as well as immunodepletion of either ATM or ATR, abolishes this inhibition. Importantly, the DSB-induced inhibition of Cdc45 loading is prevented by addition of the catalytic subunit of PP2A to the extract. These data suggest that DSBs and OA prevent Cdc45 loading through different pathways, both of which involve PP2A, but only the DSB-induced checkpoint implicates ATM and ATR. The inhibitory effect of DSBs on Cdc45 loading does not result from downregulation of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) or Cdc7 activity and is independent of Chk2. However, it is partially dependent on Chk1, which becomes phosphorylated in response to DSBs. These data suggest that PP2A counteracts ATM and ATR in a DNA damage checkpoint in Xenopus egg extracts.  相似文献   

Claspin is a critical mediator protein in the DNA replication checkpoint, responsible for ATR-dependent activation of the effector kinase Chk1. Cdc7, an essential kinase required for the initiation of DNA replication, can also interact with and phosphorylate Claspin. In this study we use small-molecule inhibitors of Cdc7 kinase to further understand the relationship between Cdc7, Claspin and Chk1 activation. We demonstrate that inhibition of Cdc7 kinase delays HU-induced phosphorylation of Chk1 but does not affect the maintenance of the replication checkpoint once it is established. We find that while chromatin association of Claspin is not affected by Cdc7 inhibition, Claspin phosphorylation is attenuated following HU treatment, which may be responsible for the altered kinetics of HU-induced Chk1 phosphorylation. We demonstrate that Claspin is an in vitro substrate of Cdc7 kinase, and using mass-spectrometry, we identify multiple phosphorylation sites that help to define a Cdc7 phosphorylation motif. Finally, we show that the interaction between Claspin and Cdc7 is not dependent on Cdc7 kinase activity, but Claspin interaction with the DNA helicase subunit Mcm2 is lost upon Cdc7 inhibition. We propose Cdc7-dependent phosphorylation regulates critical protein-protein interactions and modulates Claspin’s function in the DNA replication checkpoint.  相似文献   

Entry into mitosis is catalyzed by cdc2 kinase. Previous work identified the cdc2-activating phosphatase cdc25C and the cdc2-inhibitory kinase wee1 as targets of the incomplete replication-induced kinase Chk1. Further work led to the model that checkpoint kinases block mitotic entry by inhibiting cdc25C through phosphorylation on Ser287 and activating wee1 through phosphorylation on Ser549. However, almost all conclusions underlying this idea were drawn from work using recombinant proteins. Here, we report that in the early Xenopus egg cell cycles, phosphorylation of endogenous cdc25C Ser287 is normally high during interphase and shows no obvious increase after checkpoint activation. By contrast, endogenous wee1 Ser549 phosphorylation is low during interphase and increases after activation of either the DNA damage or replication checkpoints; this is accompanied by a slight increase in wee1 kinase activity. Blocking mitotic entry by adding the catalytic subunit of PKA also results in increased wee1 Ser549 phosphorylation and maintenance of cdc25C Ser287 phosphorylation. These results argue that in response to checkpoint activation, endogenous wee1 is indeed a critical responder that functions by repressing the cdc2-cdc25C positive feedback loop. Surprisingly, endogenous wee1 Ser549 phosphorylation is highest during mitosis just after the peak of cdc2 activity. Treatments that block inactivation of cdc2 result in further increases in wee1 Ser549 phosphorylation, suggesting a previously unsuspected role for wee1 in mitosis.  相似文献   

In response to DNA damage, cells activate a signaling pathway that promotes cell cycle arrest and degradation of the cell cycle regulator Cdc25A. Cdc25A degradation occurs via the SCFbeta-TRCP pathway and phosphorylation of Ser-76. Previous work indicates that the checkpoint kinase Checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) is capable of phosphorylating Ser-76 in Cdc25A, thereby promoting its degradation. In contrast, other experiments involving overexpression of dominant Chk2 mutant proteins point to a role for Chk2 in Cdc25A degradation. However, loss-of-function studies that implicate Chk2 in Cdc25A turnover are lacking, and there is no evidence that Chk2 is capable of phosphorylating Ser-76 in Cdc25A despite the finding that Chk1 and Chk2 sometimes share overlapping primary specificity. We find that although Chk2 can phosphorylate many of the same sites in Cdc25A that Chk1 phosphorylates, albeit with reduced efficiency, Chk2 is unable to efficiently phosphorylate Ser-76. Consistent with this, Chk2, unlike Chk1, is unable to support SCFbeta-TRCP-mediated ubiquitination of Cdc25A in vitro. In CHK2(-/-) HCT116 cells, the kinetics of Cdc25A degradation in response to ionizing radiation is comparable with that seen in HCT116 cells containing Chk2, indicating that Chk2 is not generally required for timely DNA damage-dependent Cdc25A turnover. In contrast, depletion of Chk1 by RNA interference in CHK2(-/-) cells leads to Cdc25A stabilization in response to ionizing radiation. These data support the idea that Chk1 is the primary signal transducer linking activation of the ATM/ATR kinases to Cdc25A destruction in response to ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Nuclear events of mitosis are initiated when the protein kinase cyclin-B1-Cdk1 is translocated into the nucleus during prophase. Recent work has unveiled many of the mechanisms that govern the localization of cyclin-B1-Cdk1 and its regulator Cdc25C. Phosphorylation-dependent changes in the rate of nuclear import and export of these proteins help to control the onset of mitosis both in normal cells and in cells delayed before mitosis by DNA damage.  相似文献   

When cells traversing G(1) are irradiated with UV light, two parallel damage checkpoint pathways are activated: Chk1-Cdc25A and p53-p21(WAF1/CIP1), both targeting Cdk2, but the latter inducing a long lasting arrest. In similarly treated S phase-progressing cells, however, only the Cdc25A-dependent checkpoint is active. We have recently found that the p21-dependent checkpoint can be activated and induce a prolonged arrest if S phase cells are damaged with a base-modifying agent, such as methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and cisplatin. But the mechanistic basis for the differential activation of the p21-dependent checkpoint by different DNA damaging agents is not understood. Here we report that treatment of S phase cells with MMS but not a comparable dose of UV light elicits proteasome-mediated degradation of Cdc6, the assembler of pre-replicative complexes, which allows induced p21 to bind Cdk2, thereby extending inactivation of Cdk2 and S phase arrest. Consistently, enforced expression of Cdc6 largely eliminates the prolonged S phase arrest and Cdk2 inactivation induced with MMS, whereas RNA interference-mediated Cdc6 knockdown not only prolongs such arrest and inactivation but also effectively activates the p21-dependent checkpoint in the UV-irradiated S phase cells.  相似文献   

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