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Infrared spectroscopic tissue imaging is a potentially powerful adjunct tool to current histopathology techniques. By coupling the biochemical signature obtained through infrared spectroscopy to the spatial information offered by microscopy, this technique can selectively analyze the chemical composition of different features of unlabeled, unstained tissue sections. In the past, the tissue features that have received the most interest were parenchymal and epithelial cells, chiefly due to their involvement in dysplasia and progression to carcinoma; however, the field has recently turned its focus toward stroma and areas of fibrotic change. These components of tissue present an untapped source of biochemical information that can shed light on many diverse disease processes, and potentially hold useful predictive markers for these same pathologies. Here we review the recent applications of infrared spectroscopic imaging to stromal and fibrotic regions of diseased tissue, and explore the potential of this technique to advance current capabilities for tissue analysis.  相似文献   

Electrical activity may cause observable changes in a cell's structure in the absence of exogenous reporter molecules. In this work, we report a low-coherence interferometric microscopy technique that can detect an optical signal correlated with the membrane potential changes in individual mammalian cells without exogenous labels. By measuring milliradian-scale phase shifts in the transmitted light, we can detect changes in the cells' membrane potential. We find that the observed optical signals are due to membrane electromotility, which causes the cells to deform in response to the membrane potential changes. We demonstrate wide-field imaging of the propagation of electrical stimuli in gap-junction-coupled cell networks. Membrane electromotility-induced cell deformation may be useful as a reporter of electrical activity.  相似文献   

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is a label-free detection method by which molecular interactions may be analyzed on a surface. Binding data are collected in real time, allowing the determination of interaction kinetics. SPR imaging (SPRi), the focus of this review, improves upon the efficiency of SPR by facilitating analysis of multiple interactions simultaneously. Here we summarize the principles of SPRi, provide examples of how SPRi arrays can be fabricated, and illustrate the utility of SPRi through example applications from the fields of proteomics, genomics and bioengineering.  相似文献   

We demonstrate detection of whole viruses and viral proteins with a new label-free platform based on spectral reflectance imaging. The Interferometric Reflectance Imaging Sensor (IRIS) has been shown to be capable of sensitive protein and DNA detection in a real time and high-throughput format. Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) was used as the target for detection as it is well-characterized for protein composition and can be modified to express viral coat proteins from other dangerous, highly pathogenic agents for surrogate detection while remaining a biosafety level 2 agent. We demonstrate specific detection of intact VSV virions achieved with surface-immobilized antibodies acting as capture probes which is confirmed using fluorescence imaging. The limit of detection is confirmed down to 3.5 × 10(5)plaque-forming units/mL (PFUs/mL). To increase specificity in a clinical scenario, both the external glycoprotein and internal viral proteins were simultaneously detected with the same antibody arrays with detergent-disrupted purified VSV and infected cell lysate solutions. Our results show sensitive and specific virus detection with a simple surface chemistry and minimal sample preparation on a quantitative label-free interferometric platform.  相似文献   

We employ an implementation of rapid-scan Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microspectroscopic imaging to acquire time-resolved images for assessing the non-repetitive reorganizational dynamics of aqueous dispersions of multilamellar lipid vesicles (MLVs) derived from distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC). The spatially and temporally resolved images allow direct and simultaneous determinations of various physical and chemical properties of the MLVs, including the main thermal gel to liquid crystalline phase transition, comparisons of vesicle diffusion rates in both phases and the variation in lipid bilayer packing properties between the inner and outer lamellae defining the vesicle. Specifically, in the lipid liquid crystalline phase, the inner bilayers of the MLVs are more intermolecularly ordered than the outer regions, while the intramolecular acyl chain order/disorder parameters, reflecting the overall characteristics of the fluid phase, remain uniform across the vesicle diameter. In contrast, the lipid vesicle gel phase displays no intermolecular or intramolecular dependence as a function of distance from the MLV center.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been demonstrated that Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) detects conformational changes in the glutamate receptor ligand-binding domain that are associated with agonist binding. Combined with flash photolysis, this observation offers the prospect of following conformational changes at individual protein and agonist moieties in parallel and with high temporal resolution. Here, we demonstrate that gamma(alpha-carboxy-2-nitrobenzyl) glutamate (caged glutamate) does not interact with the protein, and that following photolysis with UV light the FTIR difference spectrum indicated changes in the protein tertiary and secondary interactions. These changes were similar to those observed for the protein upon addition of free glutamate. Thus, caged glutamate and its photolysis by-products are inert in this system, whereas the released glutamate exhibits full activity. Difference spectra of caged glutamate and of reaction analogs permitted identification of and correction for FTIR signals arising from the photolytic reaction and confirmed that its products are indeed glutamate and 2-nitrosophenyl glyoxalic acid.  相似文献   

Spectral imaging approaches provide new possibilities for measuring and discriminating fluorescent molecules in living cells and tissues. These approaches often employ tunable filters and robust image processing algorithms to identify many fluorescent labels in a single image set. Here, we present results from a novel spectral imaging technology that scans the fluorescence excitation spectrum, demonstrating that excitation‐scanning hyperspectral image data can discriminate among tissue types and estimate the molecular composition of tissues. This approach allows fast, accurate quantification of many fluorescent species from multivariate image data without the need of exogenous labels or dyes. We evaluated the ability of the excitation‐scanning approach to identify endogenous fluorescence signatures in multiple unlabeled tissue types. Signatures were screened using multi‐pass principal component analysis. Endmember extraction techniques revealed conserved autofluorescent signatures across multiple tissue types. We further examined the ability to detect known molecular signatures by constructing spectral libraries of common endogenous fluorophores and applying multiple spectral analysis techniques on test images from lung, liver and kidney. Spectral deconvolution revealed structure‐specific morphologic contrast generated from pure molecule signatures. These results demonstrate that excitation‐scanning spectral imaging, coupled with spectral imaging processing techniques, provides an approach for discriminating among tissue types and assessing the molecular composition of tissues. Additionally, excitation scanning offers the ability to rapidly screen molecular markers across a range of tissues without using fluorescent labels. This approach lays the groundwork for translation of excitation‐scanning technologies to clinical imaging platforms.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Thermography, also known as thermal or infrared imaging, is a procedure to determine if an abnormality is present in the breast tissue temperature distribution. This abnormality in temperature distribution might indicate the presence of an embedded tumor. Although thermography is currently used to indicate the presence of an abnormality, there are no standard procedures to interpret these and determine the location of an embedded tumor. This research is a first step towards this direction. It explores the relationship between the characteristics (location and power) of an embedded heat source and the resulting temperature distribution on the surface. Experiments were conducted using a resistance heater that was embedded in agar in order to simulate the heat produced by a tumor in the biological tissue. The resulting temperature distribution on the surface was imaged using an infrared camera. In order to estimate the location and heat generation rate of the source from these temperature distributions, a genetic algorithm was used as the estimation method. The genetic algorithm utilizes a finite difference scheme for the direct solution of the Pennes bioheat equation. It was determined that a genetic algorithm based approach is well suited for the estimation problem since both the depth and the heat generation rate of the heat source were accurately predicted.  相似文献   

Confocal Raman spectroscopy is a noninvasive alternative to established cell imaging methods because it does not require chemical fixation, the use of fluorescent markers, or genetic engineering. In particular, single live-cell, high-resolution imaging by confocal Raman microscopy is desirable because it allows further experiments concerning the individually investigated cells. However, to derive meaningful images from the spectroscopic data, one must identify cell components within the dataset. Using immunofluorescence images as a reference, we derive Raman spectral signatures by means of information measures to identify cell components such as the nucleus, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and mitochondria. The extracted signatures allow us to generate representations equivalent to conventional (immuno)fluorescence images with more than three cell components at a time, exploiting the Raman spectral information alone.  相似文献   

Seventeen isolates from white rotted beech wood and six strains from a local culture collection were evaluated for their capability to delignify beech and spruce wood selectively. Six peroxidase-positive isolates were found using a colorimetric agar plate test (Poly R-478), and genetically identified by their internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) or 28S rDNA sequences. Colonised on beech and spruce wood veneers, some of the peroxidase-positive isolates caused selective white rot on both wood species. Weight loss and lignin content of the degraded veneers were estimated from FT-NIR spectra with established linear regression models and multivariate models based on partial least squares regression (PLSR). Weight loss of the samples was also determined gravimetrically. A measure for the relative selectivity of the strains for lignin degradation was formulated and the values were calculated. Two strains that were identified as Oxyporus latemarginatus and Trametes cervina exhibited high selectivity on spruce wood, but the lignin content of the decayed wood was higher than that degraded by the reference strain Ceriporiopsis subvermispora. One strain – identified as Phlebia tremellosa – led to a lower lignin content of beech wood but caused also comparably high weight loss and thus exhibited an overall lower selectivity. The NIR spectroscopic method proved to be convenient for the quick screening of selective white rot fungi. Furthermore, the results revealed that high selectivity for lignin degradation is much more pronounced in early degradation stages.  相似文献   

Seventeen isolates from white rotted beech wood and six strains from a local culture collection were evaluated for their capability to delignify beech and spruce wood selectively. Six peroxidase-positive isolates were found using a colorimetric agar plate test (Poly R-478), and genetically identified by their internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) or 28S rDNA sequences. Colonised on beech and spruce wood veneers, some of the peroxidase-positive isolates caused selective white rot on both wood species. Weight loss and lignin content of the degraded veneers were estimated from FT-NIR spectra with established linear regression models and multivariate models based on partial least squares regression (PLSR). Weight loss of the samples was also determined gravimetrically. A measure for the relative selectivity of the strains for lignin degradation was formulated and the values were calculated. Two strains that were identified as Oxyporus latemarginatus and Trametes cervina exhibited high selectivity on spruce wood, but the lignin content of the decayed wood was higher than that degraded by the reference strain Ceriporiopsis subvermispora. One strain – identified as Phlebia tremellosa – led to a lower lignin content of beech wood but caused also comparably high weight loss and thus exhibited an overall lower selectivity. The NIR spectroscopic method proved to be convenient for the quick screening of selective white rot fungi. Furthermore, the results revealed that high selectivity for lignin degradation is much more pronounced in early degradation stages.  相似文献   

Dou W  Zhang D  Jung Y  Cheng JX  Umulis DM 《Biophysical journal》2012,102(7):1666-1675
Lipid droplets are complex organelles that exhibit highly dynamic behavior in early Drosophila embryo development. Imaging lipid droplet motion provides a robust platform for the investigation of shuttling by kinesin and dynein motors, but methods for imaging are either destructive or deficient in resolution and penetration to study large populations of droplets in an individual embryo. Here we report real-time imaging and quantification of droplet motion in live embryos using a recently developed technique termed "femtosecond-stimulated Raman loss" microscopy. We captured long-duration time-lapse images of the developing embryo, tracked single droplet motion within large populations of droplets, and measured the velocity and turning frequency of each particle at different apical-to-basal depths and stages of development. To determine whether the quantities for speed and turning rate measured for individual droplets are sufficient to predict the population distributions of droplet density, we simulated droplet motion using a velocity-jump model. This model yielded droplet density distributions that agreed well with experimental observations without any model optimization or unknown parameter estimation, demonstrating the sufficiency of a velocity-jump process for droplet trafficking dynamics in blastoderm embryos.  相似文献   

Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopic imaging has been earlier applied for the spatial estimation of the collagen and the proteoglycan (PG) contents of articular cartilage (AC). However, earlier studies have been limited to the use of univariate analysis techniques. Current analysis methods lack the needed specificity for collagen and PGs. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the suitability of partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR) methods for the analysis of the PG content of AC. Multivariate regression models were compared with earlier used univariate methods and tested with a sample material consisting of healthy and enzymatically degraded steer AC. Chondroitinase ABC enzyme was used to increase the variation in PG content levels as compared to intact AC. Digital densitometric measurements of Safranin O-stained sections provided the reference for PG content. The results showed that multivariate regression models predict PG content of AC significantly better than earlier used absorbance spectrum (i.e. the area of carbohydrate region with or without amide I normalization) or second derivative spectrum univariate parameters. Increased molecular specificity favours the use of multivariate regression models, but they require more knowledge of chemometric analysis and extended laboratory resources for gathering reference data for establishing the models. When true molecular specificity is required, the multivariate models should be used.  相似文献   

A label-free method for DNA sequencing based on the principle of the Millikan oil drop experiment was developed. This sequencing-by-synthesis approach sensed increases in bead charge as nucleotides were added by a polymerase to DNA templates attached to beads. The balance between an electrical force, which was dependent on the number of nucleotide charges on a bead, and opposing hydrodynamic drag and restoring tether forces resulted in a bead velocity that was a function of the number of nucleotides attached to the bead. The velocity of beads tethered via a polymer to a microfluidic channel and subjected to an oscillating electric field was measured using dark-field microscopy and used to determine how many nucleotides were incorporated during each sequencing-by-synthesis cycle. Increases in bead velocity of approximately 1% were reliably detected during DNA polymerization, allowing for sequencing of short DNA templates. The method could lead to a low-cost, high-throughput sequencing platform that could enable routine sequencing in medical applications.  相似文献   

Imaging contrasts other than fluorescence are highly desirable for label-free detection and interrogation of nonfluorescent molecular species inside live cells, tissues, and organisms. The recently developed stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) and stimulated emission microscopy techniques provide sensitive and specific contrast mechanisms for nonfluorescent species, by employing the light amplification aspect of stimulated radiation. Compared to their spontaneous counterparts, stimulated radiation can enhance the imaging performance significantly, making the previously 'dark' molecules observable. Here we review and summarize the underlying principles of this emerging class of molecular imaging techniques.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and optimization of a novel class of SERS-based immuno-nanosensors for the label-free detection of specific proteins in complex environments (e.g., cell culture matrices and intracellular environments). These SERS-based nanosphere sensors are fabricated by depositing multiple layers of silver on silica nanospheres, followed by binding of the antibody of interest to the silver surface via a short rigid crosslinker. In these studies, several different crosslinkers were characterized and evaluated for optimal nanosensor activity. The crosslinkers evaluated contained either thiol or isothiocyanate functionalities, which bind to the silver surface on one end, while the other end of the crosslinker contained either a carboxylic or primary amine group, which reacts readily with the antibodies. These SERS-based nanosensors were also optimized for underlying silica sphere diameters, silica sphere coating conditions during silver deposition, number of silver layers applied, and silver surface coverage with crosslinkers. Upon optimization, the nanosensors were evaluated by monitoring their response to various antigens (e.g., human insulin or interleukin II) in complex environments.  相似文献   

Kim JH  Kim JH  Ahn BJ  Park JH  Shon HK  Yu YS  Moon DW  Lee TG  Kim KW 《Biophysical journal》2008,94(10):4095-4102
The distribution and movement of elemental ions in biologic tissues is critical for many cellular processes. In contrast to chemical techniques for imaging the intracellular distribution of ions, however, techniques for imaging the distribution of ions across tissues are not well developed. We used time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) to obtain nonlabeled high-resolution analytic images of ion distribution in ischemic retinal tissues. Marked changes in Ca2+ distribution, compared with other fundamental ions, such as Na+, K+, and Mg2+, were detected during the progression of ischemia. Furthermore, the Ca2+ redistribution pattern correlated closely with TUNEL-positive (positive for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated 2′-deoxyuridine 5′-triphosphate nick end-labeling) cell death in ischemic retinas. After treatment with a calcium chelator, Ca2+ ion redistribution was delayed, resulting in a decrease in TUNEL-positive cells. These results indicate that ischemia-induced Ca2+ redistribution within retinal tissues is associated with the order of apoptotic cell death, which possibly explains the different susceptibility of various types of retinal cells to ischemia. Thus, the TOF-SIMS technique provides a tool for the study of intercellular communication by Ca2+ ion movement.  相似文献   

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a disorder when a blood clot (thrombus) is formed in one of the deep veins. These clots detach from the original sites and circulate in the blood stream at high velocities. Diagnosing these blood clots at an early stage is necessary to decide the treatment strategy. For label-free, in vivo, and real-time detection, high framerate photoacoustic imaging can be used. In this work, a dual modal clinical ultrasound and photoacoustic (PA) system is used for the high framerate PA imaging of circulating blood clots in blood at linear velocities up to 107 cm/sec. Blood clot had 1.4 times higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the static mode and 1.3 times higher SNR compared to blood PA signal in the flow experiments. This work demonstrates that fast-moving circulating blood clots are easy to recognize against the background PA signal and may aid in early diagnosis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the detection of bacterial cell-extracted 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) using an emerging technology, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) imaging of DNA arrays. Surface plasmon resonance enables detection of molecular interactions on surfaces in response to changes in the index of refraction, therefore eliminating the need for a fluorescent or radioactive label. A variation of the more common SPR techniques, SPR imaging enables detection from multiple probes in a reusable array format. The arrays developed here contain DNA probes (15-21 bases) designed to be complementary to 16S rRNA gene sequences of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis as well as to a highly conserved sequence found in rRNAs from most members of the domain Bacteria. We report species-specific hybridization of cell-extracted total RNA and in vitro transcribed 16S rRNA to oligonucleotide probes on SPR arrays. We tested multiple probe sequences for each species, and found that success or failure of hybridization was dependent upon probe position in the 16S rRNA molecule. It was also determined that one of the probes intended to bind 16S rRNA also bound an unknown protein. The amount of binding to these probes was quantified with SPR imaging. A detection limit of 2 micro g ml-1 was determined for fragmented E. coli total cellular RNA under the experimental conditions used. These results indicate the feasibility of using SPR imaging for 16S rRNA identification and encourage further development of this method for direct detection of other RNA molecules.  相似文献   

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