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We used an integrative approach to probe the significance of the interaction between the relay loop and converter domain of the myosin molecular motor from Drosophila melanogaster indirect flight muscle. During the myosin mechanochemical cycle, ATP-induced twisting of the relay loop is hypothesized to reposition the converter, resulting in cocking of the contiguous lever arm into the pre-power stroke configuration. The subsequent movement of the lever arm through its power stroke generates muscle contraction by causing myosin heads to pull on actin filaments. We generated a transgenic line expressing myosin with a mutation in the converter domain (R759E) at a site of relay loop interaction. Molecular modeling suggests that the interface between the relay loop and converter domain of R759E myosin would be significantly disrupted during the mechanochemical cycle. The mutation depressed calcium as well as basal and actin-activated MgATPase (Vmax) by ∼ 60% compared to wild-type myosin, but there is no change in apparent actin affinity (Km). While ATP or AMP-PNP (adenylyl-imidodiphosphate) binding to wild-type myosin subfragment-1 enhanced tryptophan fluorescence by ∼ 15% or ∼ 8%, respectively, enhancement does not occur in the mutant. This suggests that the mutation reduces lever arm movement. The mutation decreases in vitro motility of actin filaments by ∼ 35%. Mutant pupal indirect flight muscles display normal myofibril assembly, myofibril shape, and double-hexagonal arrangement of thick and thin filaments. Two-day-old fibers have occasional “cracking” of the crystal-like array of myofilaments. Fibers from 1-week-old adults show more severe cracking and frayed myofibrils with some disruption of the myofilament lattice. Flight ability is reduced in 2-day-old flies compared to wild-type controls, with no upward mobility but some horizontal flight. In 1-week-old adults, flight capability is lost. Thus, altered myosin function permits myofibril assembly, but results in a progressive disruption of the myofilament lattice and flight ability. We conclude that R759 in the myosin converter domain is essential for normal ATPase activity, in vitro motility and locomotion. Our results provide the first mutational evidence that intramolecular signaling between the relay loop and converter domain is critical for myosin function both in vitro and in muscle.  相似文献   

The interface between relay and converter domain of muscle myosin is critical for optimal myosin performance. Using Drosophila melanogaster indirect flight muscle S1, we performed a kinetic analysis of the effect of mutations in the converter and relay domain. Introduction of a mutation (R759E) in the converter domain inhibits the steady-state ATPase of myosin S1, whereas an additional mutation in the relay domain (N509K) is able to restore the ATPase toward wild-type values. The R759E S1 construct showed little effect on most steps of the actomyosin ATPase cycle. The exception was a 25–30% reduction in the rate constant of the hydrolysis step, the step coupled to the cross-bridge recovery stroke that involves a change in conformation at the relay/converter domain interface. Significantly, the double mutant restored the hydrolysis step to values similar to the wild-type myosin. Modeling the relay/converter interface suggests a possible interaction between converter residue 759 and relay residue 509 in the actin-detached conformation, which is lost in R759E but is restored in N509K/R759E. This detailed kinetic analysis of Drosophila myosin carrying the R759E mutation shows that the interface between the relay loop and converter domain is important for fine-tuning myosin kinetics, in particular ATP binding and hydrolysis.  相似文献   

We measured the influence of alternative versions of the Drosophila melanogaster myosin heavy chain relay domain on muscle mechanical properties. We exchanged relay domain regions (encoded by alternative versions of exon 9) between an embryonic (EMB) isoform and the indirect flight muscle isoform (IFI) of myosin. Previously, we observed no effect of exchanging the EMB relay domain region into the flight muscle isoform (IFI-9b) on in vitro actin motility velocity or solution ATPase measurements compared to IFI. However, in indirect flight muscle fibers, IFI-9b exhibited decreased maximum power generation (Pmax) and optimal frequency of power generation (fmax) to 70% and 83% of IFI fiber values. The decrease in muscle performance reduced the flight ability and wing-beat frequency of IFI-9b Drosophila compared to IFI Drosophila. Previously, we found that exchanging the flight muscle specific relay domain into the EMB isoform (EMB-9a) prevented actin movement in the in vitro motility assay compared to EMB, which does support actin movement. However, in indirect flight muscle fibers EMB-9a was a highly effective motor, increasing Pmax and fmax 2.5-fold and 1.4-fold, respectively, compared to fibers expressing EMB. We propose that the oscillatory load EMB-9a experiences in the muscle fiber reduces a high activation energy barrier between two strongly bound states of the cross-bridge cycle, thereby promoting cross-bridge cycling. The IFI relay domain's enhanced sensitivity to load increases cross-bridge kinetics, whereas the EMB version is less load-sensitive.  相似文献   

Transgenic Drosophila are highly useful for structure-function studies of muscle proteins. However, our ability to mechanically analyze transgenically expressed mutant proteins in Drosophila muscles has been limited to the skinned indirect flight muscle preparation. We have developed a new muscle preparation using the Drosophila tergal depressor of the trochanter (TDT or jump) muscle that increases our experimental repertoire to include maximum shortening velocity (Vslack), force-velocity curves and steady-state power generation; experiments not possible using indirect flight muscle fibers. When transgenically expressing its wild-type myosin isoform (Tr-WT) the TDT is equivalent to a very fast vertebrate muscle. TDT has a Vslack equal to 6.1 ± 0.3 ML/s at 15°C, a steep tension-pCa curve, isometric tension of 37 ± 3 mN/mm2, and maximum power production at 26% of isometric tension. Transgenically expressing an embryonic myosin isoform in the TDT muscle increased isometric tension 1.4-fold, but decreased Vslack 50% resulting in no significant difference in maximum power production compared to Tr-WT. Drosophila expressing embryonic myosin jumped <50% as far as Tr-WT that, along with comparisons to frog jump muscle studies, suggests fast muscle shortening velocity is relatively more important than high tension generation for Drosophila jumping.  相似文献   

We are investigating the influence of the converter and relay domains on elementary rate constants of the actomyosin cross-bridge cycle. The converter and relay domains vary between Drosophila myosin heavy chain isoforms due to alternative mRNA splicing. Previously, we found that separate insertions of embryonic myosin isoform (EMB) versions of these domains into the indirect flight muscle (IFM) myosin isoform (IFI) both decreased Drosophila IFM power and slowed muscle kinetics. To determine cross-bridge mechanisms behind the changes, we employed sinusoidal analysis while varying phosphate and MgATP concentrations in skinned Drosophila IFM fibers. Based on a six-state cross-bridge model, the EMB converter decreased myosin rate constants associated with actin attachment and work production, k4, but increased rates related to cross-bridge detachment and work absorption, k2. In contrast, the EMB relay domain had little influence on kinetics, because only k4 decreased. The main alteration was mechanical, in that work production amplitude decreased. That both domains decreased k4 supports the hypothesis that these domains are critical to lever-arm-mediated force generation. Neither domain significantly influenced MgATP affinity. Our modeling suggests the converter domain is responsible for the difference in rate-limiting cross-bridge steps between EMB and IFI myosin—i.e., a myosin isomerization associated with MgADP release for EMB and Pi release for IFI.  相似文献   

Muscles have evolved to power a wide variety of movements. A protein component critical to varying power generation is the myosin isoform present in the muscle. However, how functional variation in muscle arises from myosin structure is not well understood. We studied the influence of the converter, a myosin structural region at the junction of the lever arm and catalytic domain, using Drosophila because its single myosin heavy chain gene expresses five alternative converter versions (11a–e). We created five transgenic fly lines, each forced to express one of the converter versions in their indirect flight muscle (IFM) fibers. Electron microscopy showed that the converter exchanges did not alter muscle ultrastructure. The four lines expressing converter versions (11b–e) other than the native IFM 11a converter displayed decreased flight ability. IFM fibers expressing converters normally found in the adult stage muscles generated up to 2.8-fold more power and displayed up to 2.2-fold faster muscle kinetics than fibers with converters found in the embryonic and larval stage muscles. Small changes to stretch-activated force generation only played a minor role in altering power output of IFM. Muscle apparent rate constants, derived from sinusoidal analysis of the chimeric converter fibers, showed a strong positive correlation between optimal muscle oscillation frequency and myosin attachment kinetics to actin, and an inverse correlation with detachment related cross-bridge kinetics. This suggests the myosin converter alters at least two rate constants of the cross-bridge cycle with changes to attachment and power stroke related kinetics having the most influence on setting muscle oscillatory power kinetics.  相似文献   

The relay domain of myosin is hypothesized to function as a communication pathway between the nucleotide-binding site, actin-binding site and the converter domain. In Drosophila melanogaster, a single myosin heavy chain gene encodes three alternative relay domains. Exon 9a encodes the indirect flight muscle isoform (IFI) relay domain, whereas exon 9b encodes one of the embryonic body wall isoform (EMB) relay domains. To gain a better understanding of the function of the relay domain and the differences imparted by the IFI and the EMB versions, we constructed two transgenic Drosophila lines expressing chimeric myosin heavy chains in indirect flight muscles lacking endogenous myosin. One expresses the IFI relay domain in the EMB backbone (EMB-9a), while the second expresses the EMB relay domain in the IFI backbone (IFI-9b). Our studies reveal that the EMB relay domain is functionally equivalent to the IFI relay domain when it is substituted into IFI. Essentially no differences in ATPase activity, actin-sliding velocity, flight ability at room temperature or muscle structure are observed in IFI-9b compared to native IFI. However, when the EMB relay domain is replaced with the IFI relay domain, we find a 50% reduction in actin-activated ATPase activity, a significant increase in actin affinity, abolition of actin sliding, defects in myofibril assembly and rapid degeneration of muscle structure compared to EMB. We hypothesize that altered relay domain conformational changes in EMB-9a impair intramolecular communication with the EMB-specific converter domain. This decreases transition rates involving strongly bound actomyosin states, leading to a reduced ATPase rate and loss of actin motility.  相似文献   

Freeman-Sheldon syndrome (FSS) is characterized by congenital contractures resulting from dominant point mutations in the embryonic isoform of muscle myosin. To investigate its disease mechanism, we used Drosophila models expressing FSS myosin mutations Y583S or T178I in their flight and jump muscles. We isolated these muscles from heterozygous mutant Drosophila and performed skinned fiber mechanics. The most striking mechanical alteration was an increase in active muscle stiffness. Y583S/+ and T178I/+ fibers’ elastic moduli increased 70 and 77%, respectively. Increased stiffness contributed to decreased power generation, 49 and 66%, as a result of increased work absorbed during the lengthening portion of the contractile cycle. Slower muscle kinetics also contributed to the mutant phenotype, as shown by 17 and 32% decreases in optimal frequency for power generation, and 27 and 41% slower muscle apparent rate constant 2πb. Combined with previous measurements of slower in vitro actin motility, our results suggest a rate reduction of at least one strongly bound cross-bridge cycle transition that increases the time myosin spends strongly bound to actin, ton. Increased ton was further supported by decreased ATP affinity and a 16% slowing of jump muscle relaxation rate in T178I heterozygotes. Impaired muscle function caused diminished flight and jump ability of Y583S/+ and T178I/+ Drosophila. Based on our results, assuming that our model system mimics human skeletal muscle, we propose that one mechanism driving FSS is elevated muscle stiffness arising from prolonged ton in developing muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Intramolecular communication within myosin is essential for its function as motor, but the specific amino acid residue interactions required are unexplored within muscle cells. Using Drosophila melanogaster skeletal muscle myosin, we performed a novel in vivo molecular suppression analysis to define the importance of three relay loop amino acid residues (Ile508, Asn509, and Asp511) in communicating with converter domain residue Arg759. We found that the N509K relay mutation suppressed defects in myosin ATPase, in vitro motility, myofibril stability, and muscle function associated with the R759E converter mutation. Through molecular modeling, we define a mechanism for this interaction and suggest why the I508K and D511K relay mutations fail to suppress R759E. Interestingly, I508K disabled motor function and myofibril assembly, suggesting that productive relay-converter interaction is essential for both processes. We conclude that the putative relay-converter interaction mediated by myosin residues 509 and 759 is critical for the biochemical and biophysical function of skeletal muscle myosin and the normal ultrastructural and mechanical properties of muscle.  相似文献   

We investigated the biochemical and biophysical properties of one of the four alternative regions within the Drosophila myosin catalytic domain: the relay domain encoded by exon 9. This domain of the myosin head transmits conformational changes in the nucleotide-binding pocket to the converter domain, which is crucial to coupling catalytic activity with mechanical movement of the lever arm. To study the function of this region, we used chimeric myosins (IFI-9b and EMB-9a), which were generated by exchange of the exon 9-encoded domains between the native embryonic body wall (EMB) and indirect flight muscle isoforms (IFI). Kinetic measurements show that exchange of the exon 9-encoded region alters the kinetic properties of the myosin S1 head. This is reflected in reduced values for ATP-induced actomyosin dissociation rate constant (K1k+2) and ADP affinity (KAD), measured for the chimeric constructs IFI-9b and EMB-9a, compared to wild-type IFI and EMB values. Homology models indicate that, in addition to affecting the communication pathway between the nucleotide-binding pocket and the converter domain, exchange of the relay domains between IFI and EMB affects the communication pathway between the nucleotide-binding pocket and the actin-binding site in the lower 50-kDa domain (loop 2). These results suggest an important role of the relay domain in the regulation of actomyosin cross-bridge kinetics.  相似文献   

Many animals regulate power generation for locomotion by varying the number of muscle fibers used for movement. However, insects with asynchronous flight muscles may regulate the power required for flight by varying the calcium concentration ([Ca2+]). In vivo myoplasmic calcium levels in Drosophila flight muscle have been found to vary twofold during flight and to correlate with aerodynamic power generation and wing beat frequency. This mechanism can only be possible if [Ca2+] also modulates the flight muscle power output and muscle kinetics to match the aerodynamic requirements. We found that the in vitro power produced by skinned Drosophila asynchronous flight muscle fibers increased with increasing [Ca2+]. Positive muscle power generation started at pCa = 5.8 and reached its maximum at pCa = 5.25. A twofold variation in [Ca2+] over the steepest portion of this curve resulted in a two- to threefold variation in power generation and a 1.2-fold variation in speed, matching the aerodynamic requirements. To determine the mechanism behind the variation in power, we analyzed the tension response to muscle fiber-lengthening steps at varying levels of [Ca2+]. Both calcium-activated and stretch-activated tensions increased with increasing [Ca2+]. However, calcium tension saturated at slightly lower [Ca2+] than stretch-activated tension, such that as [Ca2+] increased from pCa = 5.7 to pCa = 5.4 (the range likely used during flight), stretch- and calcium-activated tension contributed 80% and 20%, respectively, to the total tension increase. This suggests that the response of stretch activation to [Ca2+] is the main mechanism by which power is varied during flight.  相似文献   

We assessed the influence of alternative versions of a region near the N-terminus of Drosophila myosin heavy chain on muscle mechanical properties. Previously, we exchanged N-terminal regions (encoded by alternative exon 3s) between an embryonic (EMB) isoform and the indirect flight muscle isoform (IFI) of myosin, and demonstrated that it influences solution ATPase rates and in vitro actin sliding velocity. Because each myosin is expressed in Drosophila indirect flight muscle, in the absence of other myosin isoforms, this allows for muscle mechanical and whole organism locomotion assays. We found that exchanging the flight muscle specific exon 3 region into the embryonic isoform (EMB-3b) increased maximum power generation (P(max)) and optimal frequency of power generation (f(max)) threefold and twofold compared to fibers expressing EMB, whereas exchanging the embryonic exon 3 region into the flight muscle isoform (IFI-3a) decreased P(max) and f(max) to approximately 80% of IFI fiber values. Drosophila expressing IFI-3a exhibited a reduced wing beat frequency compared to flies expressing IFI, which optimized power generation from their kinetically slowed flight muscle. However, the slower wing beat frequency resulted in a substantial loss of aerodynamic power as manifest in decreased flight performance of IFI-3a compared to IFI. Thus the N-terminal region is important in tuning myosin kinetics to match muscle speed for optimal locomotory performance.  相似文献   

Striated muscles across phyla share a highly conserved sarcomere design yet exhibit broad diversity in contractile velocity, force, power output, and efficiency. Insect asynchronous flight muscles are characterized by high-frequency contraction, endurance, and high-power output. These muscles have evolved an enhanced delayed force response to stretch that is largely responsible for their enhanced oscillatory work and power production. In this study we investigated the contribution of flightin to oscillatory work using sinusoidal analysis of fibers from three flightless mutants affecting flightin expression: 1) fln0, a flightin null mutant, 2) Mhc13, a myosin rod point mutant with reduced levels of flightin, and 3) Mhc6, a second myosin rod point mutant with reduced levels of phosphorylated flightin. Fibers from the three mutants show deficits in their passive and dynamic viscoelastic properties that are commensurate with their effect on flightin expression and result in a significant loss of oscillatory work and power. Passive tension and passive stiffness were significantly reduced in fln0 and Mhc13 but not in Mhc6. The dynamic viscous modulus was significantly reduced in the three mutants, whereas the dynamic elastic modulus was reduced in fln0 and Mhc13 but not in Mhc6. Tension generation under isometric conditions was not impaired in fln0. However, when subjected to sinusoidal length perturbations, work-absorbing processes dominated over work-producing processes, resulting in no net positive work output. We propose that flightin is a major contributor to myofilament stiffness and a key determinant of the enhanced delayed force response to stretch in Drosophila flight muscles. flight muscles; muscle mutants; myosin  相似文献   

The N-terminal extension and phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) independently improve Drosophila melanogaster flight performance. Here we examine the functional and structural role of the RLC in chemically skinned fibers at various thick and thin filament lattice spacings from four transgenic Drosophila lines: rescued null or control (Dmlc2+), truncated N-terminal extension (Dmlc2Δ2-46), disrupted myosin light chain kinase phosphorylation sites (Dmlc2S66A,S67A), and dual mutant (Dmlc2Δ2-46; S66A,S67A). The N-terminal extension truncation and phosphorylation sites disruption mutations decreased oscillatory power output and the frequency of maximum power output in maximally Ca2+-activated fibers compressed to near in vivo inter-thick filament spacing, with the phosphorylation sites disruption mutation having a larger affect. The diminished power output parameters with the N-terminal extension truncation and phosphorylation sites disruption mutations were due to the reduction of the number of strongly-bound cross-bridges and rate of myosin force production, with the larger parameter reductions in the phosphorylation sites disruption mutation additionally related to reduced myosin attachment time. The phosphorylation and N-terminal extension-dependent boost in cross-bridge kinetics corroborates previous structural data, which indicate these RLC attributes play a complementary role in moving and orienting myosin heads toward actin target sites, thereby increasing fiber and whole fly power generation.  相似文献   

The structure and function of myosin crossbridges in asynchronous insect flight muscle (IFM) have been elucidated in situ using multiple approaches. These include generating “atomic” models of myosin in multiple contractile states by rebuilding the crystal structure of chicken subfragment 1 (S1) to fit IFM crossbridges in lower-resolution electron microscopy tomograms and by “mapping” the functional effects of genetically substituted, isoform-specific domains, including the converter domain, in chimeric IFM myosin to sequences in the crystal structure of chicken S1.We prepared helical reconstructions (∼ 25 Å resolution) to compare the structural characteristics of nucleotide-free myosin0 S1 bound to actin (acto-S1) isolated from chicken skeletal muscle (CSk) and the flight muscles of Lethocerus (Leth) wild-type Drosophila (wt Dros) and a Drosophila chimera (IFI-EC) wherein the converter domain of the indirect flight muscle myosin isoform has been replaced by the embryonic skeletal myosin converter domain. Superimposition of the maps of the frozen-hydrated acto-S1 complexes shows that differences between CSk and IFM S1 are limited to the azimuthal curvature of the lever arm: the regulatory light-chain (RLC) region of chicken skeletal S1 bends clockwise (as seen from the pointed end of actin) while those of IFM S1 project in a straight radial direction. All the IFM S1s are essentially identical other than some variation in the azimuthal spread of density in the RLC region. This spread is most pronounced in the IFI-EC S1, consistent with proposals that the embryonic converter domain increases the compliance of the IFM lever arm affecting the function of the myosin motor. These are the first unconstrained models of IFM S1 bound to actin and the first direct comparison of the vertebrate and invertebrate skeletal myosin II classes, the latter for which, data on the structure of discrete acto-S1 complexes, are not readily available.  相似文献   

Myosin is the molecular motor that powers muscle contraction as a result of conformational changes during its mechanochemical cycle. We demonstrate that the converter, a compact structural domain that differs in sequence between Drosophila melanogaster myosin isoforms, dramatically influences the kinetic properties of myosin and muscle fibres. Transgenic replacement of the converter in the fast indirect flight muscle with the converter from an embryonic muscle slowed muscle kinetics, forcing a compensatory reduction in wing beat frequency to sustain flight. Conversely, replacing the embryonic converter with the flight muscle converter sped up muscle kinetics and increased maximum power twofold, compared to flight muscles expressing the embryonic myosin isoform. The substitutions also dramatically influenced in vitro actin sliding velocity, suggesting that the converter modulates a rate-limiting step preceding cross-bridge detachment. Our integrative analysis demonstrates that isoform-specific differences in the myosin converter allow different muscle types to meet their specific locomotion demands.  相似文献   

During flight, the wings of Drosophila melanogaster beat nearly 200 times per second. The indirect flight muscle fibers that power this movement have evolved to resist the repetitive mechanical stress that results from the 5-ms wing beat cycle at a strain amplitude of 3.5%. In order to understand how this is achieved at the sarcomere level, we have analyzed the mechanical properties of native thick filaments isolated from indirect flight muscle. Single filaments adsorbed onto a solid support were manipulated in physiological buffer using an atomic force microscope. Images taken after the manipulation revealed that segments were stretched, on average, to 150%, with a maximum at 385% extension. The lateral-force-versus-displacement curve associated with each manipulation contained information about the bending and tensile properties of each filament. The bending process was dominated by shearing between myosin dimers and yielded a shear modulus between 3 and 13 MPa. Maximum tension along the stretched filaments was observed at ∼ 200% extension and varied between 8 and 17 nN. Based on current models of thick filament structure, these variations can be attributed to cross-links between myosin dimers distributed along the filament.  相似文献   

The assembly of striated muscle myosin into thick filaments of precise and regular length requires the assistance of accessory proteins. Drosophila indirect flight muscle (IFM) contain flightin, a 20-kDa protein that has been shown to be essential for flight, for maintenance of sarcomeric integrity in active muscle, and informative in length determination of thick filaments during IFM development. Additionally, a point mutation in the myosin rod (Mhc 13) negates flightin accumulation in the IFM in vivo. The manner in which flightin interacts with thick filaments is not known. Here, two different solid-state binding assays demonstrate that flightin binds to myosin and to a recombinant fragment of the myosin rod that include the COOH-terminal 600 amino acids (zone 19 to tail piece). The interaction of flightin and myosin is abolished by the single amino acid substitution in Mhc 13 at position 1e of zone 27 of the red (residue 1554). The molar ratio of flightin to myosin is approx 1∶1 to 1∶2. Thus, the instability of thick filaments, seen in vivo in the absence of flightin suggests that the flightin-myosin interaction is critical for maintaining sarcomere integrity in active muscle.  相似文献   

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), a life-threatening disease characterized by pathological heart enlargement, can be caused by myosin mutations that reduce contractile function. To better define the mechanistic basis of this disease, we employed the powerful genetic and integrative approaches available in Drosophila melanogaster. To this end, we generated and analyzed the first fly model of human myosin–induced DCM. The model reproduces the S532P human β-cardiac myosin heavy chain DCM mutation, which is located within an actin-binding region of the motor domain. In concordance with the mutation’s location at the actomyosin interface, steady-state ATPase and muscle mechanics experiments revealed that the S532P mutation reduces the rates of actin-dependent ATPase activity and actin binding and increases the rate of actin detachment. The depressed function of this myosin form reduces the number of cross-bridges during active wing beating, the power output of indirect flight muscles, and flight ability. Further, S532P mutant hearts exhibit cardiac dilation that is mutant gene dose–dependent. Our study shows that Drosophila can faithfully model various aspects of human DCM phenotypes and suggests that impaired actomyosin interactions in S532P myosin induce contractile deficits that trigger the disease.  相似文献   

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