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Thiol reagents, covalently bound to cysteine beta 93, either inhibit or facilitate the polymerization process of hemoglobin S. The progelling effect of parahydroxymercurybenzoate or 2,2'-dithiodipyridine contrasted with the increased oxygen affinity and the destabilization of the T state of Hb shown by functional and NMR studies. Thiol reagents increased the oxygen affinity of Hb from 30 to 1000%. Such variability was also observed in the reduction (up to 50%) of the alkaline Bohr effect. We show that the antigelling or progelling activity of thiol reagents does not depend solely on the concentration of molecules present in the deoxy T state but that specific effects of the reagent affects molecular interactions of the hemoglobin S polymerization process.  相似文献   

We have clarified the use of Wyman's differential equation for the facilitated oxygen flux through a slab of solution of myoglobin or hemoglobin by showing that there is a unique choice of boundary condition on the carrier concentration to be employed in conjunction with it. The singular perturbation solution of Wyman's equation, due to Murrayand Mitchell and Murray, has been extended. By means of it, the paradox of Wittenberg, that the facilitated oxygen flux per mole of heme is apparently independent of the protein carrier, has been resolved.  相似文献   

Changes in the circular dichroic and absorption spectra were studied on solutions of myoglobin whose histidine residues had been modified by carboxymethylation under denaturing conditions. Carboxymethylation resulted in a dramatic decrease in the molar extinction coefficient in the Soret region indicative of a major change in the heme environment. This was accompanied by a remarkable change in the secondary structure of the protein involving helix-to-random coil transition, indicating that extensive histidine modification prevented unfolded myoglobin from refolding to its native conformation.  相似文献   

P Schlecht 《Biopolymers》1969,8(6):757-765
This paper is concerned with the molecular origin of the dipole moment of sperm whale myoglobin as it can be calculated from the dielectric dispersion at 1 Mcps on the basis of a mechanism of orientational polarization. It was possible to compare the dielectric increment of native myoglobin and its change during the reaction with bromo acetate with dipole moments calculated according to the known coordinates of the charged groups of the molecule. The agreement between the two shows that in myoglobin only the permanent dipole moment due to these charged groups is important, and that contributions from other possible sources remain within the limits of experimental error.  相似文献   

The binding of carbon monoxide to myoglobin and hemoglobin is examined to determine the origin of the deviation of the FeCO geometry from that found in model systems. Possible distortions due to protein-ligand interactions are analyzed with special attention to protein relaxation. It is estimated that the protein can support a strain of less than 10 kcal per mole; this may be sufficient to produce a displacement of a linear FeCO unit from the heme normal.  相似文献   

Methemoglobin and metmyoglobin catalyze the H2O2-dependent oxidation of styrene to styrene oxide and benzaldehyde. The formation of styrene oxide requires molecular oxygen as well as H2O2 but does not, as shown by inhibitor studies, involve the superoxide or hydroxyl radicals. Approximately 38, 67, and 78% of the oxygen in styrene oxide derives from 18O2 in the reactions catalyzed, respectively, by bovine hemoglobin, sperm whale myoglobin, and equine heart myoglobin, whereas 70, 55, and 35% of the oxygen can be shown to be derived from [18O]H2O2. However, a larger fraction of the epoxide oxygen than suggested by the labeling data (perhaps all) derives from molecular oxygen rather than H2O2 because the hemoproteins produce molecular oxygen from the peroxide. The epoxidation of styrene by methemoglobin gives equal amounts of the R and S enantiomers and, as shown by studies with trans-[1-2H]styrene, proceeds with partial (33%) loss of the olefin stereochemistry. The results are rationalized by H2O2-dependent formation of a protein radical that combines with molecular oxygen to give a protein-peroxy radical that oxidizes styrene.  相似文献   

The perturbations of the conformation of human deoxyhemoglobin induced by the covalent attachment of glutathione at cysteine beta 93 have been investigated by computer simulation in conjunction with molecular graphics. In the first phase of the analysis, a systematic search was carried out of the conformational space of glutathione attached to deoxyhemoglobin. In this search, the conformation of the hemoglobin molecule was held constant, while the relative energies of a series of 186,624 glutathione conformations involving systematic variation of six dihedral angels were calculated. From this search, the most favorable conformation was selected as the starting conformation for energy minimization of the glutathionyl hemoglobin molecule as a function of all Cartesian coordinates. In order to provide a reference state, an independent minimization by the same procedures was carried out for deoxyhemoglobin in the absence of glutathione. Comparison of the minimized structures with and without glutathione attached revealed a number of significant differences. The most conspicuous difference in the protein moiety concerned the salt bridge between aspartate beta 94 and histidine beta 146 which is destabilized upon minimization of the glutathionyl-hemoglobin complex due to interactions of the aspartate residue with the glycyl NH group of glutathione. Other observed differences in the minimized structures are located at the alpha 1-beta 2 interface and include displacement of the carboxyl group of aspartate beta 99. In the minimized complex, the glutathione portion assumes a quasi-cyclic conformation stabilized through interactions between the free (gamma-glutamyl) amino and (glycyl) carboxyl ends of the tripeptide and between this carboxyl end and the epsilon amino group of lysine alpha 40. In a parallel conformational study of glutathione alone, a similar structure was found as the lowest energy form. These quasi-cyclic conformations contrast with the extended structures reported by Wright (Wright, W.B. (1955) Acta Crystallogr. 11, 632-642) for crystals of glutathione where interactions between molecules play a major role. The conclusions of our analysis are in agreement with the experimental investigations reported in the two preceding papers and permit, moreover, a coherent interpretation of the observed functional and structural changes in deoxyhemoglobin induced by glutathione.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin adsorption to foreign surfaces has not previously been considered in studies of blood-material interactions, despite the fact that hemoglobin is the most abundant protein present in blood. A hemoglobin-like protein was detected on a number of surfaces exposed to blood plasma, serum, and red cell suspensions. Hemoglobin adsorption to polyethylene from plasma was found to approximately equal the amount of adsorption of albumin and fibrinogen. The high relative affinity of hemoglobin for polyethylene was further confirmed by adsorption isotherm and direct competition experiments. The data from all four experimental methods support the following ranking of plasma protein affinity for polyethylene: Hemoglobin greater than fibrinogen greater than albumin congruent to gamma-globulin.  相似文献   

A thin-layer gas-solution microcalorimeter has been developed to study the binding reactions of gaseous ligands with ligand binding macromolecules. We have measured the enthalpy of binding oxygen and carbon monoxide to horse myoglobin, human hemoglobin A0 and sperm whale myoglobin in phosphate buffer at pH 7.6, with the enzyme reducing system of Hayashi. Reactions of human hemoglobin were also done under various buffer conditions in order to elucidate the Bohr effect. These binding reactions were found not to exhibit a detectable enthalpy change over the temperature range of 10 degrees C to 25 degrees C. The enzyme reducing system was shown to react with oxygen in a manner that releases a substantial amount of heat. This problem was corrected by using a minimum amount and by placing the buffer and enzyme system in the reference cell effectively cancelling the oxygen enzyme reaction heat as well as the heat of gas dissolution. It was also demonstrated that glucose-6-phosphate, one of the reducing system components, in 50 mM concentrations can influence the heat of binding oxygen and carbon monoxide to hemoglobin. This effect was shown to be absent in the myoglobins and also with hemoglobin at glucose-6-phosphate concentrations less than 5 mM.  相似文献   

Gamma irradiation of DNA solutions containing copper causes changes in DNA conformation in oligonucleotides and in natural and synthetic DNAs. Diagnostic for these conformational changes is a ubiquitous 187-nm peak in the circular dichroism (CD) difference spectrum that has been predicted for a transformation from a right-handed to a left-handed helical DNA conformation. Changes in CD are correlated with changes in the UV spectrum. Reduction of DNA-bound Cu(II) to Cu(I) with ascorbic acid produces similar changes in CD spectra. These changes can be produced by the peroxy radical anion (O2*-) and the OH radical in the presence of copper. O2*- is approximately twice as efficient as *OH in initiating these changes in natural DNA. The changes in DNA conformation induced by ionizing radiation are remarkable in that they are dependent on the copper-ion concentration in a highly nonlinear manner at low copper concentrations and are not observed in the absence of copper ions. Possible implications of our results for radiobiological and oxidative damage in the cell nucleus are discussed.  相似文献   

K Zhang  K S Reddy  G Bunker  B Chance 《Proteins》1991,10(4):279-286
X-ray absorption fine structure experiments were performed to study structural and dynamic aspects of the active site of various forms of myoglobin. The structures determined for deoxyMb, MbCO, and MbO2 are consistent with the structure established by X-ray absorption fine structure experiment and X-ray crystallography. The first shell of ferrous MbNO determined contains 5 nitrogens located at 2.02 A and a short NO bond length of 1.76 A. This study focuses on the change of the XAFS Debye-Waller factor with temperature, which is a measure of thermal and static disorder. It was found that the changes of Debye-Waller factor with temperature for the Mb proteins, except deoxyMb, are consistent with a simple Einstein model, in which a single frequency was assumed for the bond stretching modes. In contrast, the temperature dependence of deoxyMb cannot be fitted to the Einstein model and a large disorder was found at low temperatures, which indicates the existence of conformational substates of the active site.  相似文献   

The optical transient absorption spectra at 30 ps and 6.5 ns after photolysis are compared for both carboxy hemoglobin (HbCO) and carboxy myoglobin (MbCO). Both 355- and 532-nm excitation pulses were used. In all cases the shapes of the optical difference spectra thus generated are stationary over the complete time-scale studied. The photolysis spectra for MbCO are not significantly different from the equilibrium difference spectra generated on the same picosecond spectrometer when measured to an accuracy of +/- 0.5 nm. In addition, spectral parameters for delegated HbCO generated on the same spectrometer but detected by two different techniques, either by a Vidicon detector or point by point with photomultiplier tubes, are reported; the results are different from some of the previously reported picosecond experiments.  相似文献   

Saroff HA 《Biopolymers》2007,85(5-6):450-455
Analyses of the binding of oxygen to monomers such as myoglobin employ the Mass Action equation. The Mass Action equation, as such, is not directly applicable for the analysis of the binding of oxygen to oligomers such as hemoglobin. When the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin is analyzed, models incorporating extensions of mass action are employed. Oxidation-reduction reactions of the heme group in myoglobin and hemoglobin involve the binding and dissociation of electrons. This reaction is described with the Nernst equation. The Nernst equation is applicable only to a monomeric species even if the number of electrons involved is greater than unity. To analyze the oxidation-reduction reaction in a molecule such as hemoglobin a model is required which incorporates extensions of the Nernst equation. This communication develops models employing the Nernst equation for oxidation-reduction reactions analogous to those employed for hemoglobin in the analysis of the oxygenation (binding of oxygen) reaction.  相似文献   

Alphaviruses, like many enveloped animal viruses, enter the cell by fusing with the cell membrane. This fusion occurs only in coated vesicles at a low pH. By using X-ray solution scattering of highly purified virus particles we have gained direct evidence that a drop in pH does not alter the structure of the virus core but does cause a significant change in the structure of the virus envelope. Thus these experiments give direct evidence to support the hypothesis that a reduction in pH causes a conformational change in the virus E protein, which enables it to promote fusion with the cell envelope and trigger virus infection.  相似文献   

Myoglobin is extracted from muscle and separated from blood hemoglobin by subunit-exchange chromatography on a column of Sepharose 4B to which hemoglobin α-β subunits are linked covalently. Hemoglobin is retained on the column. Myoglobin in the effluent is determined spectrophotometrically as ferrous myoglobin or as carbon monoxide ferrous myoglobin. The method is applicable to cardiac, smooth, or skeletal muscle from mammals, reptiles, birds, and teleost fish, but failed with the one amphibian and the one shark tested.  相似文献   

57Fe-enriched complexes of hemoglobin and myoglobin with CO and O2 were photodissociated at 4.2 degrees K, and the resulting spectra were compared with those of the deoxy forms. Differences in both quadrupole splitting and isomer shift were noted for each protein, the photoproducts having smaller isomer shift and larger quadrupole splitting than the deoxy forms. The photoproducts of HbCO and HbO2 had narrow absorption lines, indicating a well-defined iron environment. The corresponding myoglobin species had broader absorption lines, as did both deoxy forms. The weak absorption lines of photodissociated NO complexes appeared to be wide, possibly indicating magnetic interaction with the unpaired electron of the nearby NO.  相似文献   

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