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We present an interactive key that is available online through any web browser without the need to install any additional software, making it an easily accessible tool for the larger public. The key can be found at http://identify.naturalis.nl/lithocolletinae. The key includes all 86 North-West European Lithocolletinae, a subfamily of smaller moths (“micro-moths”) that is commonly not treated in field guides. The user can input data on several external morphological character systems in addition to distribution, host plant and even characteristics of the larval feeding traces to reach an identification. We expect that this will enable more people to contribute with reliable observation data on this group of moths and alleviate the workload of taxonomic specialists, allowing them to focus on other new keys or taxonomic work.  相似文献   

The caterpillarCaloptilia serotinella generates the force required to roll leaves by stretching the silk strands it fixes between opposable plant surfaces. The Young's modulus of strands drawn by caterpillars at an average rate of 16 mm s–1 was 1.1×108 N m–2. Single strands stretched in a tensiometer had a final Young's modulus of 1.4×109 N m–2 and withstood a maximum force of 60 × 10–5 N (i.e., a 60-mg force) before breaking at 30% extension. Strands stretched approximately 14% beyond their equilibrium length by rolling caterpillars exerted an average axially retractive force of 3.2×10–5 N and drew the leaf 7×10–3 mm into the roll. During episodes of rolling, the caterpillars spun hundreds of strands capable of generating a collective force in excess of 0.1 N. Potential forces associated with wet contraction of strands were not harnessed by the caterpillar when rolling but subsequent supercontraction of the strands caused them to bind the roll tightly. Caterpillars appeared to facilitate leaf rolling by weakening the midrib with their mandibles.  相似文献   

宽瓣头细蛾Epicephala lativalvaris Li, Wang & Zhang是最近发现在黑面神Breynia fruticosa和喙果黑面神B. rostrata上专性传粉的昆虫。通过野外观察宽瓣头细蛾的访花行为、 室内饲养宽瓣头细蛾幼虫及解剖黑面神和喙果黑面神果实, 首次对其个体发育过程中各虫态的形态特征及生活习性和生活史进行了详细研究。结果表明: 宽瓣头细蛾的生活史因气候的不同而出现差异, 其在福建厦门1年发生4~5代, 有4个羽化主要高峰期, 分别为5月上旬至中旬、 6月中旬至下旬、 8月及9月下旬至10月上旬, 11月中下旬有少数成虫羽化, 12月上旬至次年4月中旬以卵或蛹越冬; 而在海南鹦哥岭1年发生6代, 无越冬现象。成虫分别主动为黑面神或喙果黑面神传粉并将卵产于子房内, 幼虫以寄主植物种子为食, 需要消耗果实内全部6粒种子才能发育成熟, 但每个种群内留有20.37%~77.63%完好的果实, 以维持互利关系的稳定。两种植物的结实率近似, 但宽瓣头细蛾对喙果黑面神的果实危害率是黑面神的2.05倍。结果说明, 在宽瓣头细蛾 黑面神和喙果黑面神专性传粉互利共生关系中, 两种寄主植物所获得的利益近似, 但喙果黑面神为宽瓣头细蛾提供了更多的回报。研究结果为头细蛾属其他种类生物学特性的了解提供了借鉴, 并为探讨宽瓣头细蛾 黑面神和喙果黑面神专性传粉互利共生关系稳定性的维持机制提供了基本依据。  相似文献   

A review of the species belonging to the genus Phyllonorycter Hübner, [1822] (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae), which are trophically associated with fagacean plants, is given, being provided with a new determination key and short diagnoses for 20 species recorded for the fauna of Russia. A contribution to the taxonomy of the genus Phyllonorycter is made based on the comparative morphology of the male genitalia of 54 Palaearctic species developing on Fagaceae, with 13 new taxonomic groups established within this ecological unit. Lectotype of Phyllonorycter suberifoliella (Zeller, 1850) is designated.  相似文献   

This article presents the activity of carbohydratases and proteases in the midgut of Cameraria ohridella larvae--an oligophagous pest whose preferred feeding is horse chestnuts leaves. Optimal media pH of the assayed enzymes were similar to those of other Lepidopterans. Relatively high amylase activity, as well as maltase and sucrase activities, indicates that starch and sucrose are the main digested saccharides. Trehalase activity was similar to that described in other Lepidopterans. Activities of glycosidases were significantly lower than those of disaccharidases what suggests that neither cellulose nor glycosides are important for C. ohridella. Trypsin is the main endoprotease of this pest. Like in other leaf-eaters carboxypeptidase activity was higher than that of aminopeptidase. The activity of the majority of examined enzymes increased in the following successive pest generations, which could be explained by the decreased nutritional value of older leaves. Probably this phenomenon in hydrolases activity in Cameraria is a nonspecific mechanism present at this stage of co-evolution of the horse chestnut and its pest.  相似文献   

【目的】明确金纹细蛾Lithocolletis ringoniella自身生理状态下的飞行能力,了解其飞行生物学的基础参数。【方法】利用昆虫飞行磨系统,室内测定了金纹细蛾雌雄成虫不同日龄和性别以及5日龄雌雄成虫补充营养(5%蜂蜜水)与交配状态下的飞行距离、飞行时间、飞行速度等参数。【结果】连续吊飞12 h的结果显示,金纹细蛾3-6日龄成虫飞行能力较强,5日龄成虫飞行能力最强; 5日龄雌成虫的平均 飞行距离、飞行时间和飞行速度分别为2.293±0.254 km, 5.341±0.617 h和0.711±0.126 km/h, 5日龄雄成虫的平均飞行距离、飞行时间和飞行速度分别为2.142±0.276 km, 5.132±0.628 h和0.620±0.132 km/h, 说明雌雄成虫间飞行能力差异不显著。金纹细蛾5日龄雌雄成虫取食5%蜂蜜水后其飞行能力较对照显著提高,取食5%蜂蜜水后5日龄雌成虫的飞行距离、飞行时间和飞行速度较对照(取食清水)的分别提高46.945%, 15.430%和15.978%;5日龄雄成虫的飞行距离、飞行时间和飞行速度较对照分别提高42.610%, 13.590%和6.529%。交配后5日龄雌成虫的飞行距离、飞行时间和飞行速度较未交配雌成虫的分别提高41.628%, 7.152%和39.925%,而5日龄雄成虫交配后飞行能力则较未交配雄成虫的分别降低35.823%, 17.888%和46.129%。【结论】金纹细蛾成虫具有一定的飞行能力,补充营养和雌雄交配状态对飞行能力有重要影响。  相似文献   

The developmental thresholds for Marmara gulosa Guillén & Davis (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) were investigated in the laboratory by using 17, 21, 25, 29, and 33 degrees C. The lowest mortality occurred in cohorts exposed to 25 and 29 degrees C. Other temperatures caused >10% mortality primarily in egg and first and second instar sap-feeding larvae. Linear regression analysis approximated the lower developmental threshold at 12.2 degrees C. High mortality and slow developmental rate at 33 degrees C indicate the upper developmental threshold is near this temperature. The degree-day (DD) model indicated that a generation requires an accumulation of 322 DD for development from egg to adult emergence. Average daily temperatures in the San Joaquin Valley could produce up to seven generations of M. gulosa per year. Field studies documented two, five, and three overlapping generations of M. gulosa in walnuts (Juglans regia L.; Juglandaceae), pummelos (Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.; Rutaceae), and oranges (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck; Rutaceae), for a total of seven observed peelminer generations. Degree-day units between generations averaged 375 DD for larvae infesting walnut twigs; however, availability of green wood probably affected timing of infestations. Degree-day units between larval generations averaged 322 for pummelos and 309 for oranges, confirming the laboratory estimation. First infestation of citrus occurred in June in pummelo fruit and August in orange fruit when fruit neared 60 mm in diameter. Fruit size and degree-day units could be used as management tools to more precisely time insecticide treatments to target the egg stage and prevent rind damage to citrus. Degree-day units also could be used to more precisely time natural enemy releases to target larval instars that are preferred for oviposition.  相似文献   

Hu B  Wang S  Zhang J  Li H 《ZooKeys》2011,(83):43-56
A NEW SPECIES AND NEW RECORD OF GRACILLARIID MOTHS FROM CHINA ARE REPORTED: Conopomorpha flueggella Li, sp. n. and Epicephala relictella Kuznetzov, 1979. Specimens were collected on flowers or leaves of Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill. (Euphorbiaceae) at night, and reared from fruits in captivity. Larvae of both species feed on the seeds of Flueggea suffruticosa, but they can be differentiated externally by the position of the red pattern on the thorax and abdomen. Morphology of the eggs, larvae, pupae and the life history of the two species are described and compared. Images of the life history and figures of the genital structures are provided.  相似文献   

The development and reproduction of the citrus leafminer (CLM), Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton, were evaluated in six citrus genotypes in order to identify genotypes with resistance traits that could be applied in a program for the development of citrus varieties resistant to the citrus leafminer. Tests were conducted under controlled laboratory conditions (25 ± 1oC, 70 ± 10% RH, and 14h photophase). Seedlings of each genotype tested were infested with eggs obtained from a stock colony of CLM maintained on 'Cravo' lemon (Citrus limonia L. Osbeck), and the duration and survival of the eggs, larval and pupal stages, pupal size and weight, fecundity and longevity of adults, and sex ratio were evaluated. No influence was observed on the duration and survival of eggs, larvae and pupae of P. citrella. However, pupae obtained in the hybrid C x R(4) were significantly smaller and lighter than pupae from the remaining treatments. Adult females from the hybrids C x R(4) and C x R(315) were the least fecund. However, the lowest value for the corrected reproductive potential (CRP) was recorded in the hybrid C x R(315), suggesting that this genotype is the least favorable for the development and reproduction of CLM. On the other hand, the highest CRP value obtained in the 'Rugoso' lemon confirms the susceptibility of this genotype, indicating it as the most suitable for CLM.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation in ecological traits plays an important role in the reproductive isolation of phytophagous insects. The present study aims to elucidate the genetic changes involved during the process of host shifts, by combining analyses for (1) host adaptations, (2) pre‐ and postmating isolation, and (3) phylogeney among populations, using a leaf‐mining moth, Acrocercops transecta. This species is associated with Juglans ailanthifolia and Lyonia ovalifolia. Transplantation of the larvae demonstrated that the Juglans‐associated population completely failed to survive on Lyonia, whereas the Lyonia‐associated population survived on Juglans as well as on Lyonia. Females of respective host‐associated populations oviposited on their natal host plant only. An mtDNA‐based phylogeny clearly separated the Lyonia‐associated population from the Juglandaceae‐associated population, and indicated that the Lyonia‐associated population once evolved from the Juglandaceae‐associated population. These results indicate that the processes of host shifting from juglandaceous species to Lyonia involved genetic changes both in larval ability to use host plants and in host preference of females. The derived Lyonia‐associated population has retained the potential to assimilate the ancestral host, Juglandaceae. Mating between the two host‐associated populations was successful for both directions of crossing, and there were no significant differences in egg hatchability between hybrids and control crosses. No adults emerged when the F1 hybrid larvae were maintained on Lyonia; however, on Juglans the F1 hybrid larvae grew to adulthood as well as in the control, suggesting a lack of genomic incompatibilities between the two host‐associated populations. In conclusion, the results showed that the two host‐associated populations are host races that are partially reproductively isolated, and that the differences in performance and preference function as strong barriers against gene flow between the host races. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 93 , 135–145.  相似文献   

The effects of ants on a population ofPhyllonorycter leaf miners were observed in an oak chaparral on the Ishikari Coast. The density of ant nests was higher at the chaparral's edge than in the interior, while the density of mines was lower at the edge than in the interior. The effects of ant predation were examined in a comparison between treated ant-free trees and untreated ant-rich trees. Percentages of the torn mines observed were higher on the ant-rich trees than on the ant-free trees, whereas the mortality due to parasitoids was higher on the ant-free trees than on the ant-rich trees. This shows that ants greatly contributed to the mortality of leaf miners.  相似文献   

Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton, the citrus-leafminer, is an important pest of citrus worldwide. Knowledge of natural parasitism levels is fundamental to the establishment of tactics of management and control of this species. This work aimed to evaluate the parasitism in two citrus orchards, one of 'Montenegrina' (Citrus deliciosa Ten.) and the other of 'Murcott' (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck x C. reticulata Blanco), located in Montenegro, RS. In fortnightly samplings, from July/2001 to June/2003, all leaves containing P. citrella pupae from randomly selected plants were collected and maintained individually until emergence of the parasitoids or the citrus-leafminer. Parasitism was calculated considering the number of emerged parasitoids relative to the total number of emerged individuals. Correlation and linear regression tests were done to evaluate the relationship and the influence of biotic and abiotic factors upon the parasitism index. In both orchards the greatest parasitism percentage was registered on autumn in both years. The total percentage was 36.2% in 'Murcott' and 26.4% in 'Montenegrina' in the first year, and 30.2% and 37.6%, respectively, in the second year. In 'Murcott', this index did not differed between the years (chi2 = 2.06; df = 1; P > 0.05), in 'Montenegrina' the parasitism was significantly higher in the second year (chi2 = 7.36; df = 1; P < 0.05). The correlation and linear regression tests indicated a strong influence, in the parasitism index, of the host populational density registered in the previous 45 and 135 days.  相似文献   

Acrocercops Wallengren (Gracillariidae) is recorded for the first time from Chile. The little known Acrocercops serrigera serrigera Meyrick is reported from the Azapa Valley, Arica Province, northern Chilean coastal desert. Specimens were reared from Malva nicaeensis and Waltheria ovata (both Malvaceae). Specimen identification is based on comparisons of the male genitalia with that of the lectotype of the species originated from Peru. Sequences of a fragment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase subunit I of specimens reared on both plants indicate that there is only one Acrocercops species involved as only one substitution site was found over the 524-bp sequenced.  相似文献   

室内试验结果表明,利用荔枝种仁作为食物成功饲养荔枝蒂蛀虫至完成一世代.荔枝蒂蛀虫在荔枝、龙眼鲜果表皮产卵量较高,10 d产卵数分别为88.33和179.33粒/处理.蒂蛀虫卵散产在特制收卵卡的凹陷处且呈规则排列.选荔枝种仁作为其食物,并注入清水保持种仁的湿度,荔枝蒂蛀虫在角度90~150 °折纸内化蛹,化蛹率和羽化率分别为33.67%和94.06%.  相似文献   

Europe has one of the best-known Lepidopteran faunas in the world, yet many species are still being discovered, especially in groups of small moths. Here we describe a new gracillariid species from the south-eastern Alps, Callisto basistrigella Huemer, Deutsch & Triberti, sp. n. It shows differences from its sister species Callisto coffeella in morphology, the barcode region of the cytochrome c oxidase I gene and the nuclear gene histone H3. Both Callisto basistrigella and Callisto coffeella can co-occur in sympatry without evidence of admixture. Two Callisto basistrigella specimens show evidence of introgression. We highlight the importance of an integrative approach to delimit species, combining morphological and ecological data with mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. Furthermore, in connection with this study, Ornix blandella Müller-Rutz, 1920, syn. n. is synonymized with Callisto coffeella (Zetterstedt, 1839).  相似文献   

The relationship between damage by citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton, and 'Tahiti' lime yield were investigated in a 15-yr-old and a 5-yr-old lime orchard. Citrus leafminer population densities were controlled by insecticide applications of abamectin plus FC 435 oil, abamectin plus FC435 oil plus imidacloprid, and methomyl. The control was not treated. To ensure adequate citrus leafminer densities, adult citrus leafminer were periodically released in the experimental plots during fall and winter. For the 15-yr-old trees, the least amount of leaf area damage occurred in the abamectin plus FC 435 oil plus imidacloprid (1.9%) and the abamectin plus FC435 oil (2.3%) treatments compared with the control treatment (10-21%). In the 5-yr-old orchard, the least amount of leaf area damaged occurred in the abamectin plus FC 435 oil plus imidacloprid (0.4%) and the imidacloprid (0.1%) treatments compared with the control (20.85%). The percentage of leaf area damaged was linearly correlated with the average number of mines per leaf, average mine days, and cumulative mine days in both orchards. In both orchards, the percentage of leaf area damaged and cumulative mine days was linearly correlated with the number of fruit per tree and total fruit weight per tree. Calculating the economic injury levels indicated that 16-23% and 18-85% of leaf area damaged caused significant yield reductions in 15-yr-old and 5-yr-old trees, respectively.  相似文献   

Fifteen species of parasitoids, Chrysocharis idyia (Walker, 1983), Ch. laricinellae (Ratzeburg, 1848), Ch. submutica Graham, 1963, Ch. viridis (Nees, 1834), Hemiptarsenus ornatus (Nees, 1834), Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood, 1833), Pediobius cassidae Erd?s, 1958, P. metallicus (Nees, 1834), Pnigalio nemati (Westwood, 1838), P. mediterraneus Ferriére & Delucchi, 1957, P. pectinicornis (Linnaeus, 1758), P. soemius (Walker, 1839), Rhicnopelte crassicornis (Nees, 1834), Sympiesis gordius (Walker, 1839), and Hyssopus sp. n., were reared from Phyllonorycter medicaginella on Melilotius offlcinalis for the first time. Hyssopus simbirskiensis sp. n. reared from Ph. medicaginella is described. Eight ectoparasitoid species (Hyssopus ornatus, H. simbirskiensis sp. n., Rh. crassicornis, P. mediterraneus, P. nemati, P. pectinicornis, P. soemius, and S. gordius) attack all the larval instars of Ph. medicaginella. Seven endoparasitoids (P. cassidae, P. metallicus, Ch. idyia, Ch. laricinellae, Ch. submutica, Ch. viridis, and N. formosa) attack only the 4-5th-instar larvae.  相似文献   

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