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Activation of plasminogen by pro-urokinase. II. Kinetics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The kinetics of the activation of plasminogen by recombinant pro-urokinase obtained by expression of human urokinase cDNA in Escherichia coli was studied. The conversion of pro-urokinase (U) and plasminogen (P) to urokinase (u) and plasmin (p) is represented by a sequence of three reactions which each obey Michaelis-Menten kinetics, i.e. (Formula: see text). In this model, pro-urokinase formally behaves as an enzyme in Reaction I and as a substrate in reaction II. The experimentally measured overall rates of formation of urokinase and plasmin are in good agreement with those calculated from the kinetic parameters and the initial concentrations of pro-urokinase and plasminogen, confirming the validity of the model. It appears that recombinant pro-urokinase is an equally potent activator of plasminogen (k2/Km = 0.05 microM-1 s-1), as in urokinase (k"2/K"m = 0.02 microM-1 s-1). This is due to the fact that the proenzyme, which is virtually inactive toward low Mr substrates for urokinase, forms an intermediate of the Michaelis-Menten type with plasminogen, with a much higher affinity than that of the active enzyme with its substrate. This is an exceptional phenomenon among the serine proteases.  相似文献   

Three alpha-amylase producing strains of Aspergillus oryzae used for recombinant protein production have been studied with respect to growth and protein production. By comparing the three strains with respect to morphology and protein production it is shown that a morphological mutant with a more dense mycelium is more efficient in producing -amylase.  相似文献   

The microscopic morphology, that is, total hyphal length and total number of tips, has been characterized during batch cultivations of Aspergillus oryzae. The specific growth rate estimated by measuring the total hyphal length (mu(h)) corresponds well with the specific growth rate estimated from dry weight measurements during cultures grown as free hyphal elements. The average tip extension rate can be described with a saturation type kinetics with respect to the average total hyphal length, and the branching frequency is closely related to the total hyphal length. For the applied strain of A. oryzae, pellet formation occurs by coagulation of spores. The agglomeration process is pH dependent and pellets are formed at pH values higher than 5, whereas low pH (<3.5) results in growth as freely dispersed hyphal elements. The maximum specific growth rate has a broad pH optimum between 3 and 7, whereas the alpha-amylase production has a sharper maximum at about pH 6. During batch cultivation with pellets the growth is described well by the cube-root law when pellet fragmentation can be neglected. The kinetic parameter k in the cube-root law is derived from the growth kinetics with no mass transfer limitation, k = mu(h)/3. Based on an oxygen balance, the active growth layer in the pellet is estimated to be 200 to 325 mum and, consequently, up to 50% of the biomass is limited by oxygen for large pellets. Ethanol production (up to 1 g L(-1)) was observed during batch cultivations with pellets, suggesting that ethanol is produced in the oxygen limited part of the biomass. A constitutive, low alpha-amylase production was observed at high glucose concentration. The specific alpha-amylase production was significantly higher for filamentous growth than for pellets and oxygen appears to be necessary for production of alpha-amylase. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The application of dielectric spectroscopy was frequently investigated as an on-line cell culture monitoring tool; however, it still requires supportive data and experience in order to become a robust technique. In this study, dielectric spectroscopy was used to predict viable cell density (VCD) at industrially relevant high levels in concentrated fed-batch culture of Chinese hamster ovary cells producing a monoclonal antibody for pharmaceutical purposes. For on-line dielectric spectroscopy measurements, capacitance was scanned within a wide range of frequency values (100–19,490 kHz) in six parallel cell cultivation batches. Prior to detailed mathematical analysis of the collected data, principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to compare dielectric behavior of the cultivations. PCA analysis resulted in detecting measurement disturbances. By using the measured spectroscopic data, partial least squares regression (PLS), Cole–Cole, and linear modeling were applied and compared in order to predict VCD. The Cole–Cole and the PLS model provided reliable prediction over the entire cultivation including both the early and decline phases of cell growth, while the linear model failed to estimate VCD in the later, declining cultivation phase. In regards to the measurement error sensitivity, remarkable differences were shown among PLS, Cole–Cole, and linear modeling. VCD prediction accuracy could be improved in the runs with measurement disturbances by first derivative pre-treatment in PLS and by parameter optimization of the Cole–Cole modeling.  相似文献   

Primary structure of single-chain pro-urokinase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Single-chain pro-urokinase is an inactive proenzyme form of human urokinase with a single-chain structure and a Mr of 50,000 and converted to the active two-chain form by catalytic amounts of plasmin. It was isolated from culture fluid of human kidney cells and subjected to chemical (CNBr) and proteolytic (lysyl endopeptidase) degradation. The resulting peptides were separated by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography and subjected to automated sequence analysis. Amino acid sequence of 85% of the 411 residues recovered in 17 peptides were found to be consistent with those of the A chain (157 amino acids) and B chain (253 amino acids) of human urokinase reported by Günzler and co-workers (Günzler, W. A., Steffens, G.J., Otting, F., Kim, S.-M., A., Frankus, E., and Flohé, L. (1982) Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 363, 133-141; 1155-1165; Steffens, G.J., Günzler, W.A., Otting, F., Frankus, E., and Flohé, L. (1982) Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 363, 1043-1058). It revealed the presence of Lys at position 158 in single-chain pro-urokinase through which the two polypeptide chains of human urokinase are unified into one molecule. In addition, firm evidence was found that upon activation by plasmin single-chain pro-urokinase is cleaved at the Lys-Ile bond between residues 158 and 159, resulting in the formation of a two-chain urokinase molecule held together by one disulfide linkage. These results indicate that the cleavage at the Lys-Ile bond between residues 158 and 159 is responsible for conformational change, appearance of enzyme activity and reduction of its high affinity for fibrin.  相似文献   

Online monitoring of Chinese hamster ovary fed‐batch cell cultures via two‐dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy (2DFS) was evaluated in this work. Particular attention was directed toward different process strategies regarding the use of nutrient‐rich feed media and temperature shifts. These intentionally performed process manipulations broadened the variances in the obtained fluorescence spectra and this was suspected to hamper the generation of reliable soft sensors. Principal component analysis of the obtained fluorescence data showed that temperature shift and feeding strategy had a considerable impact on the fluorescence signals. Partial least square regression models were calculated for the prediction of glucose, lactate, monoclonal antibody (mAb), and viable cell concentrations (VCC). It was aimed to integrate all 2DFS datasets in the respective calibration models regardless of the process‐strategy‐dependent diversity. Contrary to the expectations, it was feasible to calibrate soft sensors for the online prediction of glucose (7 latent variables (LVs), = 0.97, rout mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) = 1.1 g L?1), lactate (5 LV; = 0.96; RMSEP = 0.5 g L?1) and mAb concentrations (4 LV; = 0.99; RMSEP = 11.4 mg L?1). Feeding and temperature shifts had the highest impact on the VCC model (3 LV; = 0.94; RMSEP 3.8 × 105 mL?1), nevertheless the prediction of VCC from the fed‐batch 2DFS data was feasible. The results strongly indicate that variances in the datasets due to the process strategy can be tolerated to some extent by the respective soft sensors. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1592–1600, 2016  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus, Aspergillus oryzae, was cultivated in batch and fed-batch cultivations in order to investigate the use of multi-wavelength fluorescence for monitoring course of events during filamentous fungi cultivations. The A. oryzae strain applied expressed a fungal lipase from Thermomyces lanuginosus. Spectra of multi-wavelength fluorescence were collected every 5 min with the BioView system (DELTA, Denmark) and both explorative and predictive models, correlating the fluorescence data with cell mass and lipase activity, were built. During the cultivations, A. oryzae displayed dispersed hyphal growth and under these conditions no fouling of the multi-wavelength fluorescence sensor was observed. The scores of a parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) model, based on the fluorescence spectra, gave clear evidence of, for example, the on-set of the feeding phase. The predictive models, estimating the cell mass, showed correlations between 0.73 and 0.97 with root mean square error of cross validation (RMSECV) values between 1.48 and 0.77 g . kg(-1). A model estimating the lipase activity was also constructed for the fed-batch cultivations with a correlation of 0.93. The results presented here clearly show that multi-wavelength fluorescence is a useful tool for monitoring fed-batch cultivations of filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

In the biotechnological industry, economic decisions in investment are typically based on laboratory‐scale experiments. Scale‐down as a tool is therefore of high industrial importance to transfer the processes into larger production scale without loss in performance. In this study, large‐scale prolonged continuous cultivations with a heterologous protein producing Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain have been scaled‐down to a two‐compartment scale‐down reactor system. The effects of glucose, pH, and oxygen concentration gradients have been investigated by comparison with corresponding 300 mL standard continuous cultivations. It was found that substrate gradients within a limited range result in increased productivity of the heterologous protein under regulation of glycolytic TPI promoter and delay the decrease of protein and trehalose production during continuous cultivation. Based on these results, it is argued that introduction of variations in substrate concentration can be beneficial for industrial continuous cultivations. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:152–159, 2016  相似文献   

近年来,国内中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(Chinese hamster ovary,CHO)生产罐的培养规模已达上千升,国外已达上万升,最终的生产罐前需要多级摇瓶、种子罐进行种子细胞扩增,扩增效率较低,严重影响了抗体、融合蛋白等生物制品的生产效率。文中利用WAVETM波浪式生物反应器,通过灌注培养的方法,成功地实现了种子细胞的高效扩增。WAVETM波浪式生物反应器灌注培养方法制备种子细胞,CHO细胞密度高达2.28×107cells/mL时仍处于指数生长期且细胞活力大于95%,以此细胞作为种子细胞,4×105cells/mL接种于另一个WAVETM生物反应器进行流加培养,最大活细胞密度仍可达1.73×107cells/mL。通过此种扩增方式,1台WAVETM20/50即可为1 000 L或2 000 L的生产罐提供种子细胞,种子细胞的扩增倍数(Split ratio)可以达到1∶50~1∶100倍,与传统不锈钢罐种子细胞扩增倍数1∶2~1∶10相比,可以显著减少2~3级种子罐,种子细胞的扩增时间减少7~9 d,极大地提高生产效率。  相似文献   

Viable cell concentration (VCC) is an essential parameter that is required to support the efficient cultivation of mammalian cells. Although commonly determined using at-line or off-line analytics, in-line capacitance measurements represent a suitable alternative method for the determination of VCC. In addition, these latter efforts are complimentary with the Food and Drug Administration's initiative for process analytical technologies (PATs). However, current applications for online determination of the VCC often rely on single frequency measurements and corresponding linear regression models. It has been reported that this may be insufficient for application at all stages of a mammalian cell culture processes due to changes in multiple cell parameters over time. Alternatively, dielectric spectroscopy, measuring capacitance at multiple frequencies, in combination with multivariate mathematical models, has proven to be more robust. However, this has only been applied for retrospective data analysis. Here, we present the implementation of an O-PLS model for the online processing of multifrequency capacitance signals and the on-the-fly integration of the models’ VCC results into a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system commonly used for cultivation observation and control. This system was evaluated using a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell perfusion process.  相似文献   

Secretion of a nonglycosylated form of human pro-urokinase, also known as single-chain urinary plasminogen activator (scu-PA), from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is described. A "supersecreting" yeast strain harboring multiple copies of integrated plasmids was grown batchwise and at constant respiratory quotient (RQ) in 20-L fermenters. Because the promoters used to drive expression of the pro-urokinase genes are not tightly regulated, secretion into the culture supernatant was growth associated. Although the final cell density achieved in the perturbed-batch fermentation (45 g dry wt/L) was less than that observed in the RQ-controlled culture (77 g dry wt/L), the scu-PA titer in the perturbed-batch fermentation (1863 IU/mL) was nearly twice that attained at constant RQ (1108 IU/mL). The effects on cell growth and scu-PA titer of other process variables (pH, temperature, phosphate concentration, and medium composition) are also discussed.  相似文献   

Bifidobacteria are gaining commercial significance due to their probiotic properties. However, little is still known about the production of these bacteria and their behavior in bioreactors. Two Bifidobacterium longum strains were sensitive to light when grown in a transparent (glass) bioreactor under microaerophilic growth conditions (i.e. no gases added and slow mixing). The sensitivity was less clear the more anaerobic the initial conditions were. In a darkened bioreactor in microaerophilic conditions, the two strains grew with maximum specific growth rates of 0.36 h(-1) and 0.48 h(-1). In an illuminated bioreactor neither strain grew. In comparison, Lactobacillus reuteri was not sensitive to light under the same conditions.  相似文献   

The plasminogen activation (PA) system is involved in the degradation of fibrin and various extracellular matrix proteins, taking part in a number of physiological and pathological tissue remodeling processes including cancer invasion. This system is organized as a classical proteolytic cascade, and as for other cascade systems, understanding the physiological initiation mechanism is of central importance. The attempts to identify initiation routes for activation of the proform of the key enzyme urokinase-type plasminogen activator (pro-uPA) in vivo have been hampered by the strong activator potency of the plasmin, that is generated during the progress of the cascade. Using gene-targeted mice deficient in plasminogen (Plg -/- mice) [Bugge, T. H., Flick, M. J., Daugherty, C. C., and Degen, J. L. (1995) Genes Dev. 9, 794-807], we have now demonstrated and identified a component capable of initiating the cascade by activating pro-uPA. The urine from Plg -/- mice contained active two-chain uPA as well as a proteinase capable of activating exogenously added pro-uPA. The active component was purified and identified by mass spectrometry-based peptide mapping as mouse glandular kallikrein mGK-6 (true tissue kallikrein). The pro-uPA converting activity of the mGK-6 enzyme, as well as its ability to cleave a synthetic substrate for glandular kallikrein, was inhibited by the serine proteinase inhibitor leupeptin but not by other serine proteinase inhibitors such as aprotinin, antithrombin III, or alpha(1)-antitrypsin. We suggest that mouse glandular kallikrein mGK-6 is an activator of pro-uPA in the mouse urinary tract in vivo. Since this kallikrein is expressed in a number of tissues and also occurs in plasma, it can also be considered a candidate for a physiological pro-uPA activator in other locations.  相似文献   

Distribution of recombinant pro-urokinase (PRU) in segments of blocked carotid arteries of rabbits was measured in 10, 20 and 30 minutes after i.v. administration of the RPU. Concentration of the latter in the bloodstream taken as 100% on the 3rd minute, after the infusion decreased to 42% in 10 min., 24% in 20 min., and 13% in 30 min. The RPU concentration decreased to 2% at the artery clamp point, to 20% at 10-15 cm from the clamp point, and remained constant for 10-30 min. A thrombolytic agent accumulated at the dead-end of the blocked artery, was not subject to rapid clearance in contrast to circulating pro-urokinase.  相似文献   

The bacterial metalloproteinase thermolysin catalyzes the efficient activation of pro-urokinase to an active high-molecular-weight form of the protein. Thermolysin and plasmin convert pro-urokinase to enzymes of essentially equal activities in amidolytic assays, but with different molecular structures. The B-chains of the proteins produced by thermolysin and plasmin are of the same size (33 kDa) and have the same amino-terminal sequences, demonstrating that the cleavage of the Lys158-Ile159 bond of pro-urokinase is catalyzed by both enzymes. However, thermolysin also reacts at additional sites in the growth factor domain of the A-chain at nearly the same rate as that of the activation reaction. Polypeptides derived from hydrolyses of the Glu3-Leu4, Tyr24-Phe25, Asn27-Ile28 and Lys36-Phe37 bonds are recovered after reduction of the activated protein. The carboxy-terminus of the A-chain has been shown to be Arg-156, a consequence of proteolysis of the Arg156-Phe157 bond. In contrast to plasmin, thermolysin activates thrombin-inactivated pro-urokinase nearly as rapidly as it does the native zymogen. Thermolysin provides a useful alternative to plasmin for the catalytic activation and analysis of pro-urokinase, since the bacterial metalloproteinase is stable in solution and not susceptible to inhibition by aprotinin and other serine proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Rational design of large-scale bioreactors is still suffering from inadequate scale-up of technical parameters from lab to large scale and from missing kinetic information concerning the physiological reactions of the specific strain under cultivation. Therefore, simulations of processes expected in large-scale have to be carried out as far as possible and experiments have to be performed in small-scale reactors mimicking the situation in large scale. This procedure is referred to as scale-down. In this paper a concept to accomplish this task is proposed. Firstly, interactions between light transfer, fluid dynamics, and microbial metabolism are described. Secondly, a procedure is given to decompose the interactions by simulation on the one hand and by finding physiological parameters in model reactors on the other. Light transfer can be calculated by Monte Carlo methods, while fluid dynamics is handled by CFD. Ideally illuminated model photo-bioreactors and pilot reactors with enforced flow field are proposed to measure physiological parameters especially induced by light/dark cycles generated by interaction of turbulences and light attenuation.  相似文献   

Clavulanic acid (CA) is an important antibiotic that is produced by Streptomyces clavuligerus. CA is unstable and product degradation has turned out to have a major impact on product titers in fed-batch cultivations. Three different types of experiments have been used to elucidate CA degradation under fed-batch cultivation conditions. First, the influence of individual medium compounds was examined. Second, degradation was monitored during the exponential growth phase in batch cultivations. Third, CA degradation was studied in the supernatant of samples taken during a fed-batch. In addition, data from six fed-batch cultivations were studied to derive information about CA degradation during the production phase. These cultivations were based on a mineral medium, containing glycerol, glutamate, ammonium, and phosphate as the main nutrients. The ammonium concentration had a large influence on the degradation rate constant. In addition, either changes in the substrate availability or high concentrations of ammonium or glycerol cause a major increase in the degradation rate constant. Finally, a linear and a fuzzy logic model were made to predict CA degradation rates in these fed-batches.  相似文献   

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