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Anopheles gambiae, a major vector of malaria, is widely distributed throughout sub-Saharan Africa. In an attempt to eliminate infective mosquitoes, researchers are trying to develop transgenic strains that are refractory to the Plasmodium parasite. Before any release of transgenic mosquitoes can be envisaged, we need an accurate picture of the differentiation between the two molecular forms of An. gambiae, termed M and S, which are of uncertain taxonomic status.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Insertion patterns of three transposable elements (TEs) were determined in populations from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, and Tanzania, using Transposon Display, a TE-anchored strategy based on Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism. The results reveal a clear differentiation between the M and S forms, whatever their geographical origin, suggesting an incipient speciation process.


Any attempt to control the transmission of malaria by An. gambiae using either conventional or novel technologies must take the M/S genetic differentiation into account. In addition, we localized three TE insertion sites that were present either in every individual or at a high frequency in the M molecular form. These sites were found to be located outside the chromosomal regions that are suspected of involvement in the speciation event between the two forms. This suggests that these chromosomal regions are either larger than previously thought, or there are additional differentiated genomic regions interspersed with undifferentiated regions.  相似文献   

This paper summarises published and unpublished data on the spatial and temporal distribution, and on the genetic characterisation of molecular forms M and S of Anopheles gambiae s.s. The two forms are characterised by a high level of gene-flow restriction, by a largely overlapping geographical and temporal distribution, and by a low degree of genetic differentiation. Floating paracentric inversions on chromosome-2 are shown to be shared by the two forms, although with very different frequencies of alternative arrangements, confirming that these inversions are most probably involved in ecotypic adaptation, rather than in the building of reproductive barriers. Further studies and tools are needed to throw light on the genetic and biological differentiation of M and S to improve the knowledge of the real composition of the vector system, of its demography, population genetics and dynamics, also in view of the possible consequences on the transmission of human pathogens in sub-Saharan Africa. Preliminary results and perspectives of the use of transposable element insertion sites as markers of genetic differentiation and tools for population genetic studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto exists as two often-sympatric races termed the M and S molecular forms, characterized by fixed differences at an X-linked marker. Extreme divergence between M and S forms at pericentromeric "genomic islands" suggested that selection on variants therein could be driving interform divergence in the presence of ongoing gene flow, but recent work has detected much more widespread genomic differentiation. Whether such genomic islands are important in reproductive isolation or represent ancestral differentiation preserved by low recombination is currently unclear. A critical test of these competing hypotheses could be provided by comparing genomic divergence when rates of recent introgression vary. We genotyped 871 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in A. gambiae sensu stricto from locations of M and S sympatry and allopatry, encompassing the full range of observed hybridization rates (0-25%). M and S forms were readily partitioned based on genomewide SNP variation in spite of evidence for ongoing introgression that qualitatively reflects hybridization rates. Yet both the level and the heterogeneity of genomic divergence varied markedly in line with levels of introgression. A few genomic regions of differentiation between M and S were common to each sampling location, the most pronounced being two centromere-proximal speciation islands identified previously but with at least one additional region outside of areas expected to exhibit reduced recombination. Our results demonstrate that extreme divergence at genomic islands does not simply represent segregating ancestral polymorphism in regions of low recombination and can be resilient to substantial gene flow. This highlights the potential for islands comprising a relatively small fraction of the genome to play an important role in early-stage speciation when reproductive isolation is limited.  相似文献   

The malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae s.s. is rapidly becoming a model for studies on the evolution of reproductive isolation. Debate has centered on the taxonomic status of two forms (denoted M and S) within the nominal taxon identified by point mutations in the X-linked rDNA region. Evidence is accumulating that there are significant barriers to gene flow between these forms, but that the barriers are not complete throughout the entire range of their distribution. We sampled populations from across Ghana and southern Burkina Faso, West Africa, from areas where the molecular forms occurred in both sympatry and allopatry. Neither Bayesian clustering methods nor F(ST)-based analysis of microsatellite data found differentiation between the M and S molecular forms, but revealed strong differentiation among different ecological zones, irrespective of M/S status and with no detectable effect of geographical distance. Although no M/S hybrids were found in the samples, admixture analysis detected evidence of contemporary interform gene flow, arguably most pronounced in southern Ghana where forms occur sympatrically. Thus, in the sampled area of West Africa, lack of differentiation between M and S forms likely reflects substantial introgression, and ecological barriers appear to be of greater importance in restricting gene flow.  相似文献   

The M and S molecular forms of Anopheles gambiae s.s. have been considered incipient species for more than ten years, yet the mechanism underlying assortative mating of these incipient species has remained elusive. The discovery of the importance of harmonic convergence of wing beat frequency in mosquito mating and its relation to wing size have laid the foundation for exploring phenotypic divergence in wing size of wild populations of the two forms. In this study, wings from field collected mosquitoes were measured for wing length and wing width from two parts of the sympatric distribution, which differ with respect to the strength of assortative mating. In Mali, where assortative mating is strong, as evidenced by low rates of hybridization, mean wing lengths and wing widths were significantly larger than those from Guinea-Bissau. In addition, mean wing widths in Mali were significantly different between molecular forms. In Guinea-Bissau, assortative mating appears comparatively reduced and wing lengths and widths did not differ significantly between molecular forms. The data presented in this study support the hypothesis that wing beat frequency may mediate assortative mating in the incipient species of A. gambiae and represent the first documentation of a morphological difference between the M and S molecular forms.  相似文献   

The molecular form composition of Anopheles gambiae Giles s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae) mating swarms and the associated mating pairs (copulae) were investigated during two rainy seasons (July to October, 2005 and July to November, 2006) in the villages of Soumousso and Vallée du Kou (VK7). Although the habitats of these villages differ markedly, sympatric populations of M and S molecular forms of An. gambiae s.s. occur in both places periodically. The main aim was to assess the degree to which these molecular forms mate assortatively. In Soumousso, a wooded savannah habitat, the majority of swarm samples consisted of only S‐form males (21/28), although a few M‐form males were found in mixed M‐ and S‐form swarms. In VK7, a rice growing area, the majority of swarm samples consisted of only M‐form males (38/62), until October and November 2006, when there were nearly as many mixed‐form as single‐form swarms. Overall, ~60% of M‐ and S‐form swarms were temporally or spatially segregated; the two forms were effectively prevented from encountering each other. Of the remaining 40% of swarms, however, only about half were single‐form and the rest were mixed‐form. Of the 33 copulae collected from mixed‐form swarms, only four were mixed‐form pairs, significantly fewer than expected by random pairing between forms (χ2 = 10.34, d.f. = 2, P < 0.01). Finally, all specimens of inseminated females were of the same form as the sperm contained within their spermatheca (n = 91), even for the four mixed‐form copulae. These findings indicate that assortative mating occurs within mixed‐form swarms, mediated most probably by close‐range mate recognition cues.  相似文献   

Emerging species within the primary malaria vector Anopheles gambiae show different ecological preferences and significant prezygotic reproductive isolation. They are defined by fixed sequence differences in X-linked rDNA, but most previous studies have failed to detect large and significant differentiation between these taxa elsewhere in the genome, except at two other loci on the X chromosome near the rDNA locus. Hypothesizing that this pericentromeric region of the X chromosome may be accumulating differences faster than other regions of the genome, we explored the pattern and extent of differentiation between A. gambiae incipient species and a sibling species, A. arabiensis, from Burkina Faso, West Africa, at 17 microsatellite loci spanning the X chromosome. Interspecific differentiation was large and significant across the entire X chromosome. Among A. gambiae incipient species, we found some of the highest levels of differentiation recorded in a large region including eight independent loci near the centromere of the X chromosome. Outside of this region, no significant differentiation was detected. This pattern suggests that selection is playing a role in the emergence of A. gambiae incipient species. This process, associated with efficient exploitation of anthropogenic modifications to the environment, has public health implications as it fosters the spread of malaria transmission both spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

The suggestion that genetic divergence can arise and/or be maintained in the face of gene flow has been contentious since first proposed. This controversy and a rarity of good examples have limited our understanding of this process. Partially reproductively isolated taxa have been highlighted as offering unique opportunities for identifying the mechanisms underlying divergence with gene flow. The African malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae s.s., is widely regarded as consisting of two sympatric forms, thought by many to represent incipient species, the M and S molecular forms. However, there has been much debate about the extent of reproductive isolation between M and S, with one view positing that divergence may have arisen and is being maintained in the presence of gene flow, and the other proposing a more advanced speciation process with little realized gene flow because of low hybrid fitness. These hypotheses have been difficult to address because hybrids are typically rare (<1%). Here, we assess samples from an area of high hybridization and demonstrate that hybrids are fit and responsible for extensive introgression. Nonetheless, we show that strong divergent selection at a subset of loci combined with highly asymmetric introgression has enabled M and S to remain genetically differentiated despite extensive gene flow. We propose that the extent of reproductive isolation between M and S varies across West Africa resulting in a 'geographic mosaic of reproductive isolation'; a finding which adds further complexity to our understanding of divergence in this taxon and which has considerable implications for transgenic control strategies.  相似文献   

The M and S forms of Anopheles gambiae have been the subject of intense study, but are morphologically indistinguishable and can only be identified using molecular techniques. PCR‐based assays to distinguish the two forms have been designed and applied widely. However, the application of these assays towards identifying hybrids between the two forms, and backcrossed hybrids in particular, has been problematic as the currently available diagnostic assays are based on single locus and/or are located within a multicopy gene. Here, we present an alternative genotyping method for detecting hybridization and introgression between M and S molecular forms based on a multilocus panel of single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) fixed between the M and S forms. The panel of SNPs employed is located in so‐called islands of divergence leading us to describe this method as the ‘Divergence Island SNP’ (DIS) assay. We show this multilocus SNP genotyping approach can robustly and accurately detect F1 hybrids as well as backcrossed individuals.  相似文献   

Tripet F  Dolo G  Lanzaro GC 《Genetics》2005,169(1):313-324
Malaria control projects based on the introduction and spread of transgenes into mosquito populations depend on the extent of isolation between those populations. On the basis of the distribution of paracentric inversions, Anopheles gambiae has been subdivided into five subspecific chromosomal forms. Estimating gene flow between and within these forms of An. gambiae presents a number of challenges. We compared patterns of genetic divergence (F(ST)) between sympatric populations of the Bamako and Mopti forms at five sites. We used microsatellite loci within the j inversion on chromosome 2, which is fixed in the Bamako form but absent in the Mopti form, and microsatellites on chromosome 3, a region void of inversions. Estimates of genetic diversity and F(ST)'s suggest genetic exchanges between forms for the third chromosome but little for the j inversion. These results suggest a role for the inversion in speciation. Extensive gene flow within forms among sites resulted in populations clustering according to form despite substantial gene flow between forms. These patterns underscore the low levels of current gene flow between chromosomal forms in this area of sympatry. Introducing refractoriness genes in areas of the genome void of inversions may facilitate their spread within forms but their passage between forms may prove more difficult than previously thought.  相似文献   

The insertion polymorphism of five transposable element (TE) families was studied by Southern blots in several populations of the M and S molecular forms of the mosquito Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto from southern Cameroon. We showed that the mean TE insertion site number and the within-population insertion site polymorphism globally differed between the M and S molecular forms. The comparison of the TE insertion profiles of the populations revealed a significant differentiation between these two molecular forms (0.163 < Phi(ST) < 0.371). We cloned several insertions of a non-LTR retrotransposon (Aara8) that were fixed in one form and absent in the other one. The only insertion that could be clearly located on a chromosome arm mapped to cytological division 6 of chromosome X, confirming the importance of this region in the ongoing speciation between the M and S molecular forms.  相似文献   

There is a need for more cost-effective options to more accurately discriminate among members of the Anopheles gambiae complex, particularly An. gambiae and Anopheles arabiensis. These species are morphologically indistinguishable in the adult stage, have overlapping distributions, but are behaviorally and ecologically different, yet both are efficient vectors of malaria in equatorial Africa. The method described here, High-Resolution Melt (HRM) analysis, takes advantage of minute differences in DNA melting characteristics, depending on the number of incongruent single nucleotide polymorphisms in an intragenic spacer region of the X-chromosome-based ribosomal DNA. The two species in question differ by an average of 13 single-nucleotide polymorphisms giving widely divergent melting curves. A real-time PCR system, Bio-Rad CFX96, was used in combination with a dsDNA-specific dye, EvaGreen, to detect and measure the melting properties of the amplicon generated from leg-extracted DNA of selected mosquitoes. Results with seven individuals from pure colonies of known species, as well as 10 field-captured individuals unambiguously identified by DNA sequencing, demonstrated that the method provided a high level of accuracy. The method was used to identify 86 field mosquitoes through the assignment of each to the two common clusters with a high degree of certainty. Each cluster was defined by individuals from pure colonies. HRM analysis is simpler to use than most other methods and provides comparable or more accurate discrimination between the two sibling species but requires a specialized melt-analysis instrument and software.  相似文献   

In West Africa, M and S molecular forms of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae) Giles, frequently occur together, although with different population bionomics. The S form typically breeds in rain‐dependant water collections and is present during the rainy season only whereas the M form can thrive all year long in areas with permanent breeding opportunities. In the present study, we explored physiological and developmental trade‐offs at play in laboratory colonies and field populations of the M and S forms that originated from an area of sympatry in Burkina Faso, where M and S larvae exhibit such habitat segregation. In the laboratory, larvae of the M form developed slower than the S form (mean values 9.51 and 8.85 days, respectively, Wilcoxon's test, P < 0.001). Although wing length and dry weight at emergence showed large variations, M females were on average 8% heavier than S females of similar wing length. Higher nutritional reserves (proteins and lipids) in teneral adults explained part of this weight difference, reflecting a better ability of the M form to garner resources at the larval stage. Furthermore, a higher rate of ovarian maturation was observed in the M form after a single bloodmeal. The relevance of these findings for parasite transmission is discussed.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae, the major malaria vector in Africa, can be divided into two subgroups based on genetic and ecological criteria. These two subgroups, termed the M and S molecular forms, are believed to be incipient species. Although they display differences in the ecological niches they occupy in the field, they are often sympatric and readily hybridize in the laboratory to produce viable and fertile offspring. Evidence for assortative mating in the field was recently reported, but the underlying mechanisms awaited discovery. We studied swarming behaviour of the molecular forms and investigated the role of swarm segregation in mediating assortative mating. Molecular identification of 1145 males collected from 68 swarms in Donéguébougou, Mali, over 2 years revealed a strict pattern of spatial segregation, resulting in almost exclusively monotypic swarms with respect to molecular form. We found evidence of clustering of swarms composed of individuals of a single molecular form within the village. Tethered M and S females were introduced into natural swarms of the M form to verify the existence of possible mate recognition operating within-swarm. Both M and S females were inseminated regardless of their form under these conditions, suggesting no within-mate recognition. We argue that our results provide evidence that swarm spatial segregation strongly contributes to reproductive isolation between the molecular forms in Mali. However this does not exclude the possibility of additional mate recognition operating across the range distribution of the forms. We discuss the importance of spatial segregation in the context of possible geographic variation in mechanisms of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

One of the functions of telomeres is to counteract the terminal nucleotide loss associated with DNA replication. While the vast majority of eukaryotic organisms maintain their chromosome ends via telomerase, an enzyme system that generates short, tandem repeats on the ends of chromosomes, other mechanisms such as the transposition of retrotransposons or recombination can also be used in some species. Chromosome end regression and extension were studied in a medically important mosquito, the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, to determine how this dipteran insect maintains its chromosome ends. The insertion of a transgenic pUChsneo plasmid at the left end of chromosome 2 provided a unique marker for measuring the dynamics of the 2L telomere over a period of about 3 years. The terminal length was relatively uniform in the 1993 population with the chromosomes ending within the white gene sequence of the inserted transgene. Cloned terminal chromosome fragments did not end in short repeat sequences that could have been synthesized by telomerase. By late 1995, the chromosome ends had become heterogeneous: some had further shortened while other chromosomes had been elongated by regenerating part of the integrated pUChsneo plasmid. A model is presented for extension of the 2L chromosome by recombination between homologous 2L chromosome ends by using the partial plasmid duplication generated during its original integration. It is postulated that this mechanism is also important in wild-type telomere elongation.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae, the primary mosquito vector of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, is divided into 2 sympatric incipient species known as M form and S form. Recent genomic analysis of each form revealed that differentiation between forms is clustered into 3 unlinked regions of the genome. Here, we expand the investigation of these "genomic islands of speciation" to multiple populations, including all of the genes across one of the islands. Differentiation between the M and S forms in 2 of the islands is complete across all individuals in all populations, confirming that the M and S forms are reproductively isolated taxa. Differentiation at the third island (on chromosome 2R) is limited to Cameroon populations. There is reduced variation in the M form in Cameroon at this location and increased divergence to the outgroup Anopheles arabiensis, supporting an association of adaptation with reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Of the seven recognized species of the Anopheles gambiae complex, A. gambiae s.s. is the most widespread and most important vector of malaria. It is becoming clear that, in parts of West Africa, this nominal species is not a single panmictic unit. We found that the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the X-linked rDNA has two distinct sequences with three fixed nucleotide differences; we detected no heterozygotes at these three sites, even in areas of sympatry of the two ITS types. The intergenic spacer (IGS) of this region also displays two distinct sequences that are in almost complete linkage disequilibrium with the distinct ITS alleles. We have designated these two types as S/type I and M/type II. These rDNA types correspond at least partly to the previously recognized chromosomal forms. Here we expand the geographic range of sampling to 251 individuals from 38 populations. Outside of West Africa, a single rDNA type, S/type I, corresponds to the Savanna chromosomal form. In West Africa, both types are often found in a single local sample. To understand if these findings might be due to unusual behavior of the rDNA region, we sequenced the same region for 46 A. arabiensis, a sympatric sibling species. No such distinct discontinuity was observed for this species. Autosomal inversions in one chromosome arm (2R), an insecticide resistance gene on 2L, and this single X-linked region indicate at least two genetically differentiated subpopulations of A. gambiae. Yet, rather extensive studies of other regions of the genome have failed to reveal genetic discontinuity. Evidently, incomplete genetic isolation exists within this single nominal species.  相似文献   

The M and S molecular forms of the African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) are morphologically identical incipient species in which reproductive isolation is incomplete, enabling low-level gene flow between forms. In an attempt to find differences between the M and S forms, sequence variation was studied at loci along the X chromosome in adult female An. gambiae from Angola. A high proportion of M form specimens from Angola (79% of the 456 X chromosomes sampled) were found to contain a 16-bp insertion in intron 4 of the X-linked GPRCCK1 locus, relative to the AgamP3 release of the An. gambiae PEST genome sequence. The insertion was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in Angolan M form populations. The same insertion was found in all S form specimens examined, regardless of where in Africa they were sampled, but was absent from a sample of M form specimens collected in Ghana, Bioko and Mali. In M form specimens from Angola, there was an association between alleles at the GPRCCK1 locus and those at a microsatellite locus, AGXH678, close to the centromere of the X chromosome, with significant linkage disequilibrium between loci separated by 0.472 Mbp (P < 0.033). We show that the insertion results from introgression from the S form into the M form, rather than from the retention of an ancestral character. Gene flow from the S to M form could allow genes of adaptive value to be transferred, including those conferring insecticide resistance and others influencing ecology and behaviour, and thus malaria transmission and control. We discuss factors that may have led to this introgression event.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto is a principal vector of malaria through much of sub-Saharan Africa, where this disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in human populations. Accordingly, population sizes and gene flow in this species have received special attention, as these parameters are important in attempts to control malaria by impacting its mosquito vector. Past measures of genetic differentiation have sometimes yielded conflicting results, in some cases suggesting that gene flow is extensive over vast distances (6000 km) and is disrupted only by major geological disturbances and/or barriers. Using microsatellite DNA loci from populations in Mali, West Africa, we measured genetic differentiation over uniform habitats favorable to the species across distances ranging from 62 to 536 km. Gene flow was strongly correlated with distance (r(2) = 0.77), with no major differences among chromosomes. We conclude that in this part of Africa, at least, genetic differentiation for microsatellite DNA loci is consistent with traditional models of isolation by distance.  相似文献   

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