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1. An adaptation of the low-temperature low-salt ethanol procedure for the fractionation of rabbit plasma proteins into six fractions is described. 2. The composition of the fractions and the distribution of haptoglobins, caeruloplasmin and transferrin were determined. The protein and protein-bound carbohydrate distribution in the fractions is similar to that of human plasma proteins separated by a similar procedure. 3. The purification of albumin, α1-acid glycoprotein, transferrin and γ-globulin was carried out.  相似文献   

This report describes observations concerning the influence of the addition of 0.3 M cryoprotective agents (propylene glycol or glycerol) to Ringer's albumin solution used for rabbit kidney perfusion for periods of less than 4 and 24 hr. Endogenous creatinine clearance during short-term parabiotic perfusion on a shunt was used to evaluate function after perfusion. The findings were (A) Perfusion for less than 4 hr resulted in a significant loss of function by comparison with 1 hr ice-stored controls. (B) Continuing the perfusion for 24 hr resulted in a further significant fall in function. Much of the early perfusional injury seen in these two groups could be avoided by including 0.3 M cryoprotective agents in the perfusate.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria, its GFP variants (Aequorea GFPs), and more recently the novel GFP-like proteins from Anthozoa have greatly advanced our technologies for fluorescently labeling cells, organelles, and proteins. It has been shown, however, that some GFP-like proteins have a tendency to oligomerize and aggregate. Transfection of GFP-like proteins into cultured mammalian cells results in bright punctate structures, which are thought to be cytosolic protein aggregates. In this study, we demonstrate that these structures are not cytosolic aggregates but lysosomes that have accumulated the GFP-like proteins. Our biochemical and immunocytochemical experiments have revealed that certain GFP-like proteins expressed in the cytosol enter lysosomes possibly by an autophagy-related mechanism, but retain their fluorescence because of resistance not only to acidity but also to lysosomal proteases.  相似文献   

Human squamous carcinoma (COLO-16) cells release factors which specifically stimulate the synthesis of major acute-phase plasma proteins in human and rodent hepatic cells. Anion exchange, hydroxyapatite, lectin, and gel chromatography of conditioned medium of COLO-16 cells result in separation into three distinct forms of hepatocyte-stimulating factors (designated HSF-I, HSF-II, and HSF-III) with apparent molecular weights of 30,000, 50,000 and 70,000, respectively. None of the preparations contains detectable amounts of thymocyte-stimulating activity. Each of the three HSF forms stimulates the accumulation of mRNA for alpha 1-antichymotrypsin in the human hepatoma cell line, HepG2. When the same factors were added to primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes, the expression of the same set of plasma proteins was modulated as by nonfractionated medium. The hormonally induced accumulation of mRNA for acute phase proteins is qualitatively comparable to that occurring in the liver of inflamed rats. Unlike in human cells, in rat liver cells dexamethasone acts additively and synergistically with HSFs. The only functional difference between the three HSF forms lies in the level of maximal stimulation. HSF-I represents the predominant form produced by normal human keratinocytes and closely resembles in molecular size and isoelectric point the activity produced by activated peripheral blood monocytes while the larger molecular weight forms are more prevalent in human as well as mouse squamous carcinoma cells. The observation that HSFs from different sources elicit essentially the same pleiotropic response in hepatic cells led to the hypothesis that the species-specific reaction of adult liver cells to inflammatory stimuli is pre-programmed and that the function of any HSF is to trigger and tune the execution of this fixed cellular process.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative changes of serum proteins, apart from glycation, have not been sufficiently studied in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (D), the most common experimental model for diabetes. Thus, we decided to analyze the serum of diabetic rats by concanavalin A-blotting in comparison with rats with acute inflammation induced by fermented yeast (Y), in which characteristic alterations of serum proteins have been described. Two months after the streptozotocin treatment, the blood glucose levels were highly elevated (456+/-24 vs. 124+/-10 mg/dl, p<0.001, n=12), the body weight was significantly lower than normal (279+/-10 vs. 392+/-6 g, p<0.001, n=12), and serum proteins appeared to be highly glycated (p<0.001) when analyzed by the fructosamine assay, without any significant change in the total serum protein concentration. Analysis by concanavalin A-blotting, revealed a significant decrease of alpha1-inhibitor-3 (alpha1-I3, p<0.05) and an increase of the beta chain of haptoglobin (beta-Hp, p<0.05) in both D and Y rats (n=3) compared with control animals. However, acute inflammation caused a marked rise of two prominent acute phase proteins, alpha2-macroglobulin and hemopexin, which did not change appreciably in diabetic rats. Further work will be necessary to evaluate the physiopathological significance of these phenomena which could result from changes of both concentration and glycosylation of the aforementioned proteins.  相似文献   

A technique of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for the separation of plasma proteins is described. Human plasma proteins were separated by isoelectric focusing followed by electrophoresis in a 4 to 21% linear gradient gel slab. No denaturing agent was used throughout the procedure, so that the analysis of native proteins is possible. Two-dimensional patterns obtained from normal human plasma samples were recorded as "staining density maps," which are similar to contour line maps, and more than 230 protein spots were counted reproducibly on each "staining density map." This technique permits the simultaneous estimation of pI's and approximate molecular weights of native proteins on the slab gel. Applications of this technique to an IgA myeloma plasma sample and a porcine serum sample are described.  相似文献   

When single oral doses of oxprenolol were given to three healthy subjects on three separate occasions under standardised conditions the plasma concentration-time curves for each subject were closely similar. In two of the subjects, however, a mild illness led to a dramatic, temporary increase in the peak plasma concentration and area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC). This effect of inflammatory disease was confirmed by comparing a group of patients with an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of over 20 mm in the first hour with a group whose ESR was below this value. The mean peak plasma concentration and AUC were significantly higher in the group with a raised ESR. This may be related to altered concentrations of one of the acute-phase proteins. Thus it is concluded that plasma oxprenolol concentrations are raised in inflammatory disease, but further work is needed to determine the mechanism of this increase.  相似文献   

Immunodepletion of albumin to improve the 2-D gel resolution of human plasma proteins has recently been described. With the importance of mouse models in many studies in which serum or plasma is often analyzed, we have adopted this approach to immunoprecipitate mouse albumin and evaluated its effectiveness for 2-D separation of mouse plasma proteins. Purified polyclonal antibodies against mouse albumin were effective depleting intact albumin as well as its numerous fragments from mouse plasma samples. Removal of albumin resulted in better resolution of mouse plasma proteins. Three proteins, alpha2-macroglobulin, coagulation factor XII, and hemopexin, that were previously either undetectable or poorly resolved, were identified from albumin-depleted 2-D gels by peptide mass fingerprinting. Albumin depletion also led to partial loss of several other proteins such as clusterin and gelsolin. This loss can be attributed to the interaction with albumin itself because the specificity of the antibody was demonstrated by Western blot. When applying this method to the 2-D separation of plasma from inflamed mouse induced by cutaneous burn injury with superimposed Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, the upregulation of inter alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 4 (ITIH4) and hemopexin was unambiguously detected along with other mouse acute-phase proteins (APP), including haptoglobin and serum amyloid A. Based on the significant increase of ITIH4, we propose that this protein is a new member of mouse APP that are upregulated during the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Rabbit transferrin (Tf) was studied electrophoretically using 1141 blood samples from individuals belonging to seven populations (Spanish Common, Spanish Giant, Butterfly, Lyoné de Bourgogne, New Zealand White, Californian and New Zealand White X Californian hybrids). No Tf polymorphism was found by starch gel electrophoresis, but six patterns, differing in the presence and/or intensity of three bands ('a', anodic; 'b', intermediate; and 'c', cathodic) were observed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. No genetic model could explain these patterns, since they reflect differences in plasma Tf iron content. The electrophoretic test allowed a direct observation of the relative in vivo levels of the different Tf molecular species; saturated (band 'a', Fe2Tf); semi-saturated (band 'b', Fe1Tf); and without iron (band 'c' Fe0Tf, apotransferrin). The degree of iron saturation of Tf varied among individuals and throughout the individual's life. Specifically, in pregnant females, Fe2Tf and Fe1Tf are generally observed, except in late pregnancy (from day 25 to parturition), when mainly apotransferrin is observed. Significantly, within 24 h post-partum, high levels of Fe2Tf are reached in the female's serum.  相似文献   

The cholesterol complexing agent methyl-cyclodextrin (MCD) provides an efficient mean for the removal of cholesterol from biological membranes. In order to study the effects of this agent on the lysosomal membrane in situ, we treated HepG2 cells with MCD and studied the effects of this treatment on lysosomes in isolated fractions. We found that lysosomes prepared from treated cells are more sensitive to various membrane perturbing treatments such as: incubation of lysosomes in isotonic glucose, in hypotonic sucrose or in the presence of the lytic agent glycyl-L-phenylalanine 2-naphthylamide. The lysosomal membrane is also less resistant to increased hydrostatic pressure. Centrifugation methods were used to analyse the effect of MCD on lysosomes. Isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose density gradients demonstrates that the drug induces a reversible density increase of the lysosomes. Our study indicates that extracellularly added MCD can modify the properties of the lysosomal membrane in living cells. It suggests that MCD could be an effective tool to modulate the physical properties of lysosomes within intact cells and to monitor the cellular responses to such modifications.  相似文献   

Binding of urate to proteins of human and rabbit plasma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Data from animal studies indicate neuroleptic drugs act via their properties as antagonists of CNS dopamine (DA) receptors and this finding has led to the suggestion that alterations in CNS DA neuronal function are associated with psychotic disorders. Clinical investigations of this hypothesis, however, have been hindered by the lack of the availability of a direct and relatively easily obtained index of CNS DA neuronal activity. The work reported here was aimed at the development of such an index. Using a double blind design, human male subjects were given either placebo or debrisoquin, which is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor which does not penetrate brain. On the baseline day (no debrisoquin) and after 6 and 13 days of drug administration blood samples were obtained. In addition, for some patients CSF specimens were obtained via lumbar puncture on the baseline day and after 13 days of drug administration. It was found that debrisoquin produced a highly significant decrease in plasma homovanillic acid (HVA) concentrations whereas the concentrations of HVA in CSF were unchanged. In addition, it was found that the correlation between CSF and plasma HVA prior to debrisoquin was non-significant (r = 0.39, p = N.S., N = 10) whereas after 13 days of debrisoquin treatment the correlation was highly significant (r = 0.95, p less than .01, N = 7). These findings suggest that the administration of debrisoquin produces a situation in which plasma HVA reflects CNS HVA production, and as such debrisoquin may be a useful tool for the clinical investigator who is interested in studying relationships in human subjects between CNS DA neuronal system function and psychopathological states or other disorders which may be mediated via brain DA systems.  相似文献   

The turnover of rat liver lysosomal proteins was studied by a double isotope-labeling technique. The cellular fractions investigated included soluble lysosomal proteins, lysosomal membrane proteins, highly purified lysosomal beta-glucuronidase, and for comparison, microsomal proteins and soluble cytoplasmic proteins. Both "normal" lysosomes and Triton WR-1339-filled lysosomes (tritosomes) were studied, with similar results. It was found that (a) the turnover rate of lysosomal proteins, of both the soluble and membranous compartments, was very similar to that of the proteins of the microsomal and soluble cytoplasmic fractions, and (b) the turnover rate of lysosomal proteins was asynchronous. The latter conclusion was based on two lines of evidence: (a) lysosomal beta-glucuronidase had a distinctly slower turnover rate than the average rate of the soluble lysosomal proteins, and (b) subunits of the proteins of the soluble lysosomal fraction as separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate. Sephadex G-200 gel filtration showed different rates of degradation.  相似文献   

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