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The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is an important aquaculture species world-wide. Due to its wide environmental tolerance and high growth rate, it has also become a successful invader in many areas, leading to major ecosystem changes. Low water temperatures were previously believed to restrict the establishment of Pacific oysters in Scandinavia. However, recent surveys reveal that the Pacific oyster is now established in many areas in Scandinavia. We present data on the current distribution, abundance and age-structure in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The biomass of oysters in the Danish Wadden Sea increased from 1,056 to 6,264 tonnes between 2005 and 2007. Massive settlements were observed along the Swedish west coast in 2007, with densities >400 oysters per m−2. In Norway, populations are established on the southern coast, and specimens have been found as far north as 60°N. The potential impacts and probable causes of this recent large-scale establishment are discussed.  相似文献   

Weekly measurements of mesozooplankton (>76 μm) and hydrographic parameters have been carried out since 1984 in the List Tidal Basin (northern Wadden Sea). Monthly water temperature significantly increased by 0.04°C year−1. The largest increase by 3°C in 22 years occurred in September, implying an extension of the warm summer period. Mean annual copepod abundance and length of copepod season correlated significantly with mean temperature from January to May. Except for an increasing Acartia sp. abundance during spring (April–May), no long-term trends in copepod abundance were observed. The percentage of carnivorous zooplankton increased significantly since 1984 mainly due to a sudden increase in the cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis in 1997. We expect that global warming will lead to a longer copepod season and higher copepod abundances in the northern Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

The polychaete Nereis falsa Quatrefages, 1866 is present in the area of El Kala National Park on the East coast of Algeria. Field investigations were carried out from January to December 2007 to characterize the populations’ reproductive cycle, secondary production and dynamics. Reproduction followed the atokous type, and spawning occured from mid-June to the end of August/early September when sea temperature was highest (20–23°C). The diameter of mature oocytes was approximately 180 μm. Mean lifespan was estimated to about one year. In 2007, the mean density was 11.27 ind. m−2 with a minimum of 7.83 ind. m−2 in April and a maximum of 14.5 ind. m−2 in February. The mean annual biomass was 1.36 g m−2 (fresh weight) with a minimum of 0.86 g m−2 in December and a maximum of 2.00 g m−2 in June. The population consisted of two cohorts distinguishable from size frequency distributions. One cohort corresponded to the recruitment of 2006 and the other appeared during the study period in September 2007. The annual production of N. falsa was 1.45 g m−2 year−1, and the production/biomass ratio was 1.07 year−1.  相似文献   

Biological parameters such as age, growth and age (or size) at maturity are vital for stock assessment and management. Aging is essential in yielding such information. However, limited aging studies have been conducted for large tropical pelagic species in the eastern and central tropical Pacific Ocean. The objective of this study is to conduct a length frequency analysis for estimating growth and mortality of bigeye tuna in the eastern and central tropical Pacific Ocean using samples from the Chinese longline fishery during February to November 2006. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters of asymptotic fork length L and growth coefficient k were estimated at L = 207.4 cm fork length, k = 0.23 year-1, and theoretical age at zero length t 0 = −0.40 year. The total mortality rate (Z) was estimated to be 0.60; the fishing mortality rate (F) and the natural mortality rate (M) were 0.25 year-1 and 0.35 year-1, respectively. The exploitation rate (E) was 0.16. This study provides the estimates of growth and mortality rate for bigeye tuna in the eastern and central tropical Pacific Ocean, which can be used as biological input parameters in further stock evaluations in this region. However, age analysis, further validation of the age composition and stock structure are needed for future studies.  相似文献   

The tree changes of 1.02 ha of montane forest at the Santa Lúcia Biological Station, southeastern Brazil, were analyzed using two surveys separated by an interval of 11 years with the aim of confirming the patterns of stability of structure and diversity over time. In the original survey all trees with diameter at breast height ≥6.4 cm were sampled. In second survey (this study), dead trees, survivors and recruits in the same forest were reported. The data suggest a dynamic balance of the forest structure because mortality (−1.06% year−1 for number of trees and −0.85% year−1 for basal area) was very close to recruitment (0.89% year−1) and ingrowth (1.05% year−1). The high diversity of the original survey (H′ > 5.2) was maintained by the turnover species. The main tree populations also showed stability of number of trees and basal area. This pattern was shared by most of the 28 local endemic species, ensuring the maintenance of their populations in the plot.  相似文献   

We investigated the photosynthesis–light intensity (P–I) relationships of phytoplankton collected from a sublittoral sand bank in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, under different temperature conditions. In spite of low chlorophyll a concentration (<3 mg m−3), phytoplankton had considerably high photosynthetic potential (>10 mg C (mg chl a)−1 h−1) in the study area. Based on the P–I relationships, we conducted numerical simulation of areal primary production using published data on water temperature, chlorophyll a concentration, and irradiance. The areal primary production ranged between 159 and 187 g C m−2 year−1. This production was within the range of typical values reported previously in deeper areas of the Seto Inland Sea. The productivity in the sand bank area was discussed in relation to water current, allochthonous resource input, and fisheries.  相似文献   

The number of eider in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein was counted by aerial surveys during 1986 and 1987. The highest number occurred during migration in October 1987 with 151 000 ducks, the lowest number during the breeding time in May 1987 with 6000 ducks. About 100 000–120 000 eiders moult in July/August in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein, but only 30 000–40 000 stay over winter. The average number was 62 000 ducks. Eider have increased in number since the seventies, when the average population size was estimated to be only 23 000. The increase referred mainly to moulting and migrating eider, whereas numbers in winter remained constant. There are substantial changes in the spatial distribution over the year. In most areas sites used during moult, migration and winter can be clearly separated, although so far no obvious differences in the morphology of these areas could be found. The annual food consumption was calculated to be 3.1×106 kg AFDW or 1.3 g AFDW×m−2×year−1, which is about 5% of the average biomass of macrozoobenthos. The increase in the number of eider has led to a significant increase in total food consumption of carnivorous birds, which was estimated at 7.1×106 kg AFDW × year−1 in the seventies and now reaches 9.0×106 kg AFDW×year−1, of which the eider takes 34%. The reasons for and consequences of the increase of the eider are discussed in context with the eutrophication of the North Sea and possible competition with shellfishery. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988)  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton distribution and composition in the very shallow part of the Siberian Laptev Sea shelf were studied during the German-Russian expeditions “Transdrift I” (August/September 1993) and “Transdrift III” (October 1995). Maximum abundances were found close to the outflow of the Lena River (7,965 ind. m−3) and in the Yana river mouth (38,163 ind. m−3). Lowest abundances occurred in the northeast and west of the Laptev Sea (64–95 ind. m−3). Highest biomass values (104–146 mg DM m−3) were determined in the northern and northeastern part of the shallow Laptev Sea, as well as close to the river outflows, with a record biomass maximum in the Yana river mouth (270 mg DM m−3). Biomass minima were situated north of the Lena Delta and in the western part of the shallow Laptev Sea (0.3–1.0 mg DM m−3). Copepods dominated in terms of abundance and biomass. Cluster analyses separated four mesozooplankton assemblages: the assemblage “Lena/Yana” in the southern part, “Eastern-central” in the centre, “Kotelnyy” in the eastern part and “Taimyr” in the western part of the shallow Laptev Sea. The small-sized neritic and brackish-water copepods Drepanopus bungei, Limnocalanus grimaldii and Pseudocalanus major occurred in enormous numbers and made up the bulk of zooplankton abundance and biomass in the very shallow part of the Laptev Sea close to the rivers Lena and Yana. In the more northern and northeastern areas, Calanus glacialis, P. minutus and P. major were dominant copepod species, whereas Oithona similis and Acartia sp. became important in the western Laptev Sea. Appendicularians, as well as hydromedusae and the chaetognath Sagitta sp., contributed significantly to abundance and biomass, respectively, but not over the entire area studied. One can identify taxon-specific distribution patterns (e.g. Sagitta predominated the biomass in a zone between the area heavily influenced by Lena/Yana and the offshore area to the north), which differ from the patterns revealed by cluster analysis. Hydrographic features, especially the enormous freshwater inflow, apparently determine the occurrence and formation of zooplankton aggregations. Extremely high numbers of small-sized neritic and brackish-water copepods occurred locally, which were probably also supported by excellent feeding conditions.  相似文献   

Seasonal trends of biodeposition and animal coverage in backbarrier beds of the musselMytilus edulis in the East Frisian Wadden Sea were documented and quantified to assess the effects of physical disturbance by storms and to develop a conceptual model for the interpretation of biodeposits in the stratigraphic record. Accretion and erosion of biogenic muds (faeces and pseudofaeces) were quantified by repeated precision levelling of a 12 m2 test area. Animal coverage was documented by vertical photography prior to each levelling survey. Levelling and photography were conducted from a bridge and rail system to avoid physical disturbance by trampling. Four surveys, covering a period of different weather conditions, showed variable mean accretion/erosion rates of biodeposits ranging from +0.56 mm d−1 (accretion) to −1.34 mm d−1 (erosion) and areal coverage of mussels ranging from 39.1% to 0%. A pronounced seasonal trend in the biodepositional pattern was observed. Mean accretion rates were high (>0.5 mm d−1) during the summer season, whereas in the winter season net deposition decreased to zero or showed erosional trends. Longterm sediment budgets are thus composed of highly variable mean annual rates which, in turn, comprise highly variable seasonal and even monthly rates, depending on the local weather pattern. This forms the basis for a conceptual model, in terms of which the stratigraphic record of fossil biodeposits can be meaningfully interpreted.  相似文献   

To understand the background of the strong variation and recent decline of stocks and production of mussels (Mytilus edulis) on tidal flats of the Wadden Sea, we analysed long-term (twice-annual for 26 years) and multi-station (15 sites) estimates of numbers, mean individual weights, biomass, and annual production on Balgzand, a 50-km2 tidal-flat area in the westernmost part of the Wadden Sea (The Netherlands). Somatic production was estimated from summed growth increments of soft tissues per half-year period and expressed in ash-free dry mass (AFDM). In adults, positive values in spring/summer regularly alternated with negative values in autumn/winter, when up to ∼25% (mean: 14%) of individual weight gains in the preceding season were lost. No weight losses were observed during the first winter of the life of mussels. The 26-year mean of net somatic tissue production P amounted to 5.5 g AFDM m−2 a−1 at a mean biomass B of 3.2 g AFDM m−2; the ratio P/B varied strongly with age composition of the mussel population and ranged between 0.5 and 3.0 a−1 (mean: 1.7). Within the restricted areas of mussel beds, mean biomass and annual production values were two orders of magnitude higher. In the Wadden Sea, mussel beds cover a typical 1% of extensive tidal flat areas. Numerical densities of recruits showed straight-line relationships with subsequent life-time year-class production. Once recruits had reached an age of ∼10 months, their numbers predicted subsequent production within narrow limits. Production per recruit averaged 0.21 g AFDM for 10-mo recruits and was not related to recruit density. Local variation in annual production varied strongly, with maximal values between mid-tide and low-tide level, where recruitment was also maximal. Production per recruit was higher at low than at high intertidal levels. Frequently failing recruitment is indicated as the main cause of declining mussel stocks in the Wadden Sea. As in other bivalve species, a declining frequency of the occurrence of cold winters appears to govern declining recruitment success and consequently declining production.  相似文献   

We conducted multinet sampling during winter and summer in the Southern Ocean (Atlantic sector) to investigate the effect of water mass, season and water depth on abundance and species composition of meso- and bathypelagic chaetognaths. Eukrohnia hamata (mean 115 ind. 1,000 m−3) and Sagitta marri (mean 51 ind. 1,000 m−3) were dominant, complemented by E. bathypelagica (mean 19 ind. 1,000 m−3) and E. bathyantarctica (mean 19 ind. 1,000 m−3) below 1,000 m. A further six species were identified, among them the rare bathypelagic species Heterokrohnia fragilis and the subtropical Eukrohnia macroneura that is new to the Antarctic. Water depth and season were the principal determinants of abundance and species composition patterns, indicating vertical seasonal migration and vertical segregation of species. The life cycles of E. hamata and S. marri were studied additionally. Their maturity stages were vertically segregated and prolonged reproductive periods are suggested for both species.  相似文献   

Invasive species can monopolize resources and thus dominate ecosystem production. In this study we estimated secondary production and diet of four populations of Pomacea canaliculata, a freshwater invasive snail, in wetlands (abandoned paddy, oxbow pond, drainage channel, and river meander) in monsoonal Hong Kong (lat. 22°N). Apple snail secondary production (ash-free dry mass [AFDM]) ranged from 165.9 to 233.3 g m−2 year−1, and varied between seasons. Production was lower during the cool dry northeast monsoon, when water temperatures might have limited growth, but fast growth and recruitment of multiple cohorts were possible throughout much (7–10 months) of the year and especially during the warm, wet southwest monsoon. The diet, as revealed by stomach-content analysis, consisted mainly of detritus and macrophytes, and was broadly consistent among habitats despite considerable variation in the composition and cover of aquatic plants. Apple snail annual production was >10 times greater than production estimates for other benthic macroinvertebrates in Hong Kong (range 0.004–15 g AFDM m−2 year−1, n = 29). Furthermore, annual production estimates for three apple snail populations (i.e. >230 g AFDM m−2 year−1) were greater than published estimates for any other freshwater snails (range 0.002–194 g AFDM m−2 year−1, n = 33), regardless of climatic regime or habitat type. High production by P. canaliculata in Hong Kong was attributable to the topical climate (annual mean ~24°C), permitting rapid growth and repeated reproduction, together with dietary flexibility including an ability to consume a range of macrophytes. If invasive P. canaliculata can monopolize food resources, its high productivity indicates potential for competition with other macroinvertebrate primary consumers. Manipulative experiments will be needed to quantify these impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem function in wetlands, combined with management strategies to prevent further range extension by P. canaliculata.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of scleractinian corals is responsible for the persistence of coral reefs through time. Coral growth rates have declined over the past 30 years in the western Pacific, Indian, and North Atlantic Oceans. The spatial scale of this decline has led researchers to suggest that a global phenomenon like ocean acidification may be responsible. A multi-species inventory of coral growth from Pacific Panamá confirms that declines have occurred in some, but not all species. Linear extension declined significantly in the most important reef builder of the eastern tropical Pacific, Pocillopora damicornis, by nearly one-third from 1974 to 2006. The rate of decline in skeletal extension for P. damicornis from Pacific Panamá (0.9% year−1) was nearly identical to massive Porites in the Indo-Pacific over the past 20–30 years (0.89–1.23% year−1). The branching pocilloporid corals have shown an increased tolerance to recurrent thermal stress events in Panamá, but appear to be susceptible to acidification. In contrast, the massive pavonid corals have shown less tolerance to thermal stress, but may be less sensitive to acidification. These differing sensitivities will be a fundamental determinant of eastern tropical Pacific coral reef community structure with accelerating climate change that has implications for the future of reef communities worldwide.  相似文献   

Skeletal extension (3.67 ± 0.65 mm year−1), density (1.49 ± 0.16 g cm−3), and calcification rate (0.55 ± 0.12 g cm−2 year−1) were determined using annual growth bands of Porites astreoides skeletons collected in three different reef systems in the Western Atlantic. The corals showed a low-density annual growth band at their apex, and seasonal timing of low and high-density band formation in P. astreoides appears to be similar at the three study sites in the Western Atlantic. The range of values presented here, for the three growth variables, spans the known range of skeletal-growth variability in P. astreoides for the Western Atlantic. The relationships between the growth parameters were similar to those previously described by other authors for massive Porites species from the Indo-Pacific, suggesting that P. astreoides has the same growth strategy, primarily investing calcification resources in extension rate. It is noteworthy that the P. astreoides population growing off the northwest coast of Cuba had similar growth characteristics as populations from the Caribbean region which were different from populations in the Gulf of Mexico, which seem to be isolated and adapted for growth at higher average sea-surface temperatures.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of forest fertilization on the forest carbon (C) dynamics in a 36-year-old larch (Larix leptolepis) plantation in Korea. Above- and below-ground C storage, litterfall, root decomposition and soil CO2 efflux rates after fertilization were measured for 2 years. Fertilizers were applied to the forest floor at rates of 112 kg N ha−1 year−1, 75 kg P ha−1 year−1 and 37 kg K ha−1 year−1 for 2 years (May 2002, 2003). There was no significant difference in the above-ground C storage between fertilized (41.20 Mg C ha−1) and unfertilized (42.25 Mg C ha−1) plots, and the C increment was similar between the fertilized (1.65 Mg C ha−1 year−1) and unfertilized (1.52 Mg C ha−1 year−1) plots. There was no significant difference in the soil C storage between the fertilized and unfertilized plots at each soil depth (0–15, 15–30 and 30–50 cm). The organic C inputs due to litterfall ranged from 1.57 Mg C ha−1 year−1 for fertilized to 1.68 Mg C ha−1 year−1 for unfertilized plots. There was no significant difference in the needle litter decomposition rates between the fertilized and unfertilized plots, while the decomposition of roots with 1–2 mm diameters increased significantly with the fertilization relative to the unfertilized plots. The mean annual soil CO2 efflux rates for the 2 years were similar between the fertilized (0.38 g CO2 m−2 h−1) and unfertilized (0.40 g CO2 m−2 h−1) plots, which corresponded with the similar fluctuation in the organic carbon (litterfall, needle and root decomposition) and soil environmental parameters (soil temperature and soil water content). These results indicate that little effect on the C dynamics of the larch plantation could be attributed to the 2-year short-term fertilization trials and/or the soil fertility in the mature coniferous plantation used in this study.  相似文献   

From 1996 to 2002, we measured litterfall, standing litter crop, and litter turnover rates in scrub, basin, fringe and riverine forests in two contrasting mangrove ecosystems: a carbonate-dominated system in the Southeastern Everglades and a terrigenous-dominated system in Laguna de Terminos (LT), Mexico. We hypothesized that litter dynamics is driven by latitude, geomorphology, hydrology, soil fertility and soil salinity stress. There were significant temporal patterns in LT with litterfall rates higher during the rainy season (2.4 g m−2 day−1) than during the dry season (1.8 g m−2 day−1). Total annual litterfall was significantly higher in the riverine forest (12.8 Mg ha−2 year−1) than in the fringe and basin forests (9.7 and 5.2 Mg ha−2 year−1, respectively). In Southeastern Everglades, total annual litterfall was also significantly higher during the rainy season than during the dry season. Spatially, the scrub forest had the lowest annual litterfall (2.5 Mg ha−2 year−1), while the fringe and basin had the highest (9.1 and 6.5 Mg ha−2 year−1, respectively). In LT, annual standing litter crop was 3.3 Mg ha−1 in the fringe and 2.2 Mg ha−1 in the basin. Litter turnover rates were significantly higher in the fringe mangrove forest (4.1 year−1) relative to the basin forests (2.2 year−1). At Southeastern Everglades there were significant differences in annual standing litter crop: 1.9, 3.3 and 4.5 Mg ha−1 at scrub, basin and fringe mangrove sites, respectively. Furthermore, turnover rates were similar at both basin and fringe mangrove types (2.1 and 2.0 year−1, respectively) but significantly higher than scrub mangrove forest (1.3 year−1). These findings suggest that litter export is important in regulating litter turnover rates in frequently flooded riverine and fringe forests, while in infrequently flooded basin forests, in situ litter decomposition controls litter turnover rates.  相似文献   

Dilution and copepod addition incubations were conducted in the Yellow Sea (June) and the East China Sea (September) in 2003. Microzooplankton grazing rates were in the range of 0.37–0.83 d−1 in most of the experiments (except at Station A3). Correspondingly, 31–50% of the chlorophyll a (Chl a) stock and 81–179% of the Chl a production was grazed by microzooplankton. At the end of 24 h copepod addition incubations, Chl a concentrations were higher in the copepod-added bottles than in the control bottles. The Chl a growth rate in the bottles showed good linear relationship with added copepod abundance. The presence of copepods could enhance the Chl a growth at a rate (Z) of 0.03–0.25 (on average 0.0691) d−1 ind−1 l. This study, therefore parallels many others, which show that microzooplankton are the main grazers of primary production in the sea, whereas copepods appear to have little direct role in controlling phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Pinus sylvestris L., Abies alba Mill. and Fagus sylvatica L.—the significant forest forming tree species in Europe are important for palaeoecological interpretations based on the results of pollen analysis of fossil deposits. The potential pollen loading for Pinus sylvestris, Abies alba and Fagus sylvatica was modelled using simulated and actual vegetation maps, measured fall-speed values and pollen productivity estimates from the literature. The influx of fir pollen drops sharply with distance from the pollen source due to the high fall speed and moderate pollen productivity. The vast majority of Abies alba pollen is deposited within less than 50 m of the sampling site and a major proportion within 100 m. For beech the corresponding numbers would be 300 and 1,800 m, and for pine 1,000 and 4,500 m. The observed mean pollen accumulation rate (PAR) values for Pinus and Fagus were ca. 5,800 and 1,100 grains cm−2 year−1, respectively. In the case of Abies, the mean annual PAR for the whole region is ca. 700 grains cm−2 year−1. In SE Poland the regional signal is represented by PARs of Abies alba <200 grains cm−2 year−1 and of Fagus sylvatica <500 grains cm−2 year−1. The local presence/absence threshold values for Abies alba, Fagus sylvatica and Pinus sylvestris are >1,000 grains cm−2 year−1, >2,000 grains cm−2 year−1 and >3,500 grains cm−2 year−1 respectively.  相似文献   

Watershed nitrogen input and riverine export on the west coast of the US   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study evaluated the sources, sinks, and factors controlling net export of nitrogen (N) from watersheds on the west coast of the US. We calculated input of new N to 22 watersheds for 1992 and 2002. 1992 inputs ranged from 541 to 11,644 kg N km−2 year−1, with an overall area-weighted average of 1,870 kg N km−2 year−1. In 2002, the range of inputs was 490–10,875 kg N km−2 year−1, averaging 2,158 kg N km−2 year−1. Fertilizer was the most important source of new N, averaging 956 (1992) and 1,073 kg N km−2 year−1 (2002). Atmospheric deposition was the next most important input, averaging 833 (1992) and 717 kg N km−2 year−1 (2002), followed by biological N fixation in agricultural lands. Riverine N export, calculated based on measurements taken at the furthest downstream USGS water quality monitoring station, averaged 165 (1992) and 196 kg N km−2 year−1 (2002), although data were available for only 7 watersheds at the latter time point. Downstream riverine N export was correlated with variations in streamflow (export = 0.94 × streamflow − 5.65, R 2 = 0.66), with N inputs explaining an additional 16% of the variance (export = 1.06 × streamflow + 0.06 × input − 227.78, R 2 = 0.82). The percentage of N input that is exported averaged 12%. Percent export was also related to streamflow (%export = 0.05 × streamflow − 2.61, R 2 = 0.60). The correlations with streamflow are likely a result of its large dynamic range in these systems. However, the processes that control watershed N export are not yet completely understood.  相似文献   

This article reviews historical changes in the total phosphorus (TP) inputs to Loch Leven, Scotland, UK. Data derived from palaeolimnological records suggest that inputs in the early 1900s were about 6 t TP year−1 (0.45 g TP m−2 year−1). By 1985, this had risen to about 20 t TP year−1 (1.5 g TP m−2 year−1) due to increases in runoff from agricultural land and discharges from point sources. By the late 1970s, increased TP inputs were causing serious degradation of lake water quality. Most noticeably, there had been an increase in cyanobacterial blooms. A catchment management plan was implemented in the early 1990s. This resulted in a 60% reduction in the annual TP input between 1985 (20 t TP year−1/1.5 g TP m−2 year−1) and 1995 (8 t TP year−1/0.6 g TP m−2 year−1). The main reduction was associated with better control of point source discharges, but attempts were also made to reduce inputs from diffuse sources. The reduction in external TP loading to the lake led to a marked decline in TP retention by the lake each year.  相似文献   

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