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Karyotypic studies with conventional staining have been unsuccessful due to the uniformity of Capsicum chromosomes. In this study, we found diagnostic chromosome characters that permit to characterize cultivars; this is the first cytological characterization of both rDNAs (18S and 5S) in a species of Capsicum using a genus-specific probe and the most exhaustive in C. annuum to date. The heterochromatic banding patterns enabled us to identify cultivars, and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) showed one 5S rDNA locus largely conserved within the cultivars, whereas high variation in the number of 18S rDNA loci was observed. One of the most obvious differences is the presence of an additional active nucleolar organizer region in pair #12 and the dispersal of inactive 18S rDNA signals. These results indicate that fluorochrome banding together with silver impregnation and FISH procedures are very useful for the identification of chromosomes and the interpretation of chromosomal variation between cultivars. The functional role of this variation is still uncertain, but our results show that copy number variation of repetitive DNA during the course of evolution might provide an excellent experimental system for studying genome rearrangements accompanying functional divergence in domesticated C. annuum.  相似文献   

The position and the number of 18S-5.8S-26S and 5S rDNA loci, characterization of nucleolar organizing region (NOR)-associated heterochromatin and NOR activity assessment are given for six south-eastern Adriatic populations of Allium commutatum Guss. The karyotype characteristics were identical for all the populations studied, even those of distant islands. Diploid karyotypes (2 n = 16) always possessed two NOR-bearing chromosome pairs with pericentric and median secondary constrictions (SCs) on the short arm of the chromosomes VII and VIII. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) confirmed that these were the only sites of 18S-5.8S-26S rRNA genes. NOR-associated heterochromatin was of the constitutive character as shown after C-banding. Differential fluorochrome banding with Chromomycin A3 (CMA) and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) revealed that this heterochromatin comprises both GC- and AT-rich DNA segments. Heteromorphism of C- and CMA-bands was noticed between homologous NOR-bearing chromosomes. The maximum number of four active NORs was correlated with the maximum number of four nucleoli in interphase. Variability of NOR-activity, expressed as number and size of silver stained NORs, existed between cells and between individuals of the same population. The different size of homologous and nonhomologous silver stained NORs was correlated with the extension of SCs. The only 5S rDNA locus was in an intercalary position on short arm of the chromosome VI, at the region of AT-rich constitutive heterochromatin. Dimorphism of C-bands and DAPI/Hoechst(H)-fluorescent bands was noticed between homologous chromosomes VI. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 99–108.  相似文献   

Chromosome number and other cytological features are reported from 35 species ofVelloziaceae, including several African and Brazilian populations. All analyzed species show areticulate interphase nuclei and prophase/prometaphase chromosomes with proximal early condensation. Most heteropycnotic blocks do not seem to correspond to heterochromatin since, at least inVellozia patens, they do not stain differentially after C-banding procedures. Regarding the chromosome number, three main groups could be identified. The first comprised diploid species of the generaNanuza, Vellozia and the Brazilian species ofXerophyta with 2n = 14 or 16; the second comprised tetraploid species with 2n = 34, and included all Brazilian species of subfam.Barbacenioideae; the third group, of hexaploid species, comprised the African representatives of the genusXerophyta. A single population ofVellozia, possibly of hybrid origin, had 2n 32. A basic number of x = 8 is proposed for the family. The karyological information supports the hypothesis that theVelloziaceae originated on the South American, rather than on the African continent.  相似文献   

Karyological data are presented for 13 genera of palm subfamily Coryphoideae s.l. Chromosome numbers of 4 species and of genus Guihaia (G. argyrata, 2n = 36) are new. Apart from the prevailing chromosome number of 2n = 36, subfam. Coryphoideae s.l. shows extreme heterogeneity with respect to chromosome size and morphology, organization of constitutive heterochromatin (C-banding, fluorochrome staining), interphase nucleus structures and prophase condensation patterns. Five karyologically differing groups of genera can be distinguished (Coccothrinax-group, Guihaia, Livistona-group incl. Sabal, Phoenix, and Bismarckia). Chromosome evolution probably has gone from medium sized to very small chromosomes with an average length of less than 1.5 μm; hc-distribution from evenly distributed throughout the karyotype to accumulated in few chromosomes; from simple banding patterns to complicated ones (hc-elaboration). Karyotypes with chromosomes of continuously decreasing size, similar morphology, and uniform prophase condensation probably gave rise to almost bimodal karyotypes with non-uniform, heteropycnotic chromosomal structures. Changes in the organization of interphase nuclei are corresponding. Karyotype differentiation is compared to major evolutionary events in floral and vegetative morphology of subfam. Coryphoideae s.l. Karyologically, genera Phoenix and Bismarckia are isolated and the relations to the remaining part of the subfamily are not clear.  相似文献   

The heterochromatin banding patterns in the karyotypes of 17 species belonging to 15 genera of Rutaceae subfamily Aurantioideae (= Citroideae) were analyzed with the fluorochromes chromomycin (CMA) and 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole-2HCl (DAPI). All species were diploids, except one tetraploid (Clausena excavata) and two hexaploids [Glycosmis parviflora agg. (aggregate) and G. pentaphylla agg.]. There are only CMA/DAPI bands, including those associated with the nucleolus. Using recent cpDNA (chloroplast DNA) sequence data as a phylogenetic background, it becomes evident that generally more basal genera with rather plesiomorphic traits in their morphology, anatomy, and phytochemistry exhibit very small amounts of heterochromatin (e.g., Glycosmis, Severinia, Swinglea), whereas relatively advanced genera from different clades with more apomorphic characters display numerous large CMA bands (e.g., Merrillia, Feroniella, Fortunella). Heterochromatin increase (from 0.7 to 13.7%) is interpreted as apomorphic. The bands are mostly located in the larger chromosomes and at telomeric regions of larger arms. However, one of the largest chromosome pair has been conserved throughout the subfamily with only very little heterochromatin. The heterochromatin-rich patterns observed in different clades of Aurantioideae appear quite similar, suggesting a kind of parallel chromosomal evolution. In respect to the current classification of the subfamily, it is proposed to divide Murraya s.l. (sensu lato) into Bergera and Murraya s.s. (sensu stricto) and to place the former near Clausena into Clauseneae s.s. and the latter together with Merrillia into Citreae s.l. The subtribes recognized within Clauseneae s.s. and Citreae s.l. appear heterogeneous and should be abandoned. On the other hand, the monophyletic nature of the core group of Citrinae, i.e., the Citrus clade with Eremocitrus, Microcitrus, Clymenia, Poncirus, Fortunella, and Citrus, is well supported.  相似文献   

Sisyrinchium micranthum and S. rosulatum are part of a species complex in which S. micranthum displays considerable morphological variation. S. rosulatum is a tetraploid species, whereas S. micranthum plants may present three different ploidy levels (2x, 4x, and 6x), so that polyploidy might have an important role in the diversification of this group. Notwithstanding, most cytogenetic studies on these species are based on chromosome counting. Aiming to understand how polyploidy may have impacted the genomes of these species, the DNA content of 184 specimens was estimated; fluorochrome banding with chromomycin A3 and fluorescent in situ hybridization using an 18S-5.8S-26S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) probe were also performed. The results showed a reduction in monoploid genome size (1Cx), as well as in the number of heterochromatin bands and rDNA sites per monoploid genome, from diploids to polyploids. Additionally, intraspecific and within-ploidy variations in genome size and number of rDNA sites were observed. The source of varying structure in genome organization of these plants may be the multiple independent formations of polyploids along with an ongoing diploidization process. However, the intraspecific and within-ploidy polymorphisms indicate genetic mechanisms other than genome duplication and diploidization to be important to the genome evolution of these taxa.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers for 26 different species of the generaPiper, Peperomia andPothomorphe (Piperaceae) are reported. The basic chromosome numbers are 2n = 26, x = 13 (Piper, Pothomorphe) and 2n = 22, x = 11 (Peperomia), polyploid series are characteristic forPiper andPeperomia. Piper has the smallest chromosomes and prochromosomal interphase nuclei,Peperomia the largest ones and mostly reticulate to euchromatic nuclei.Pothomorphe is intermediate in both characters. The karyomorphological differences betweenPothomorphe andPiper underline their generic separation. Interspecific size variation of chromosomes occurs inPiper andPeperomia. Infraspecific polyploidy was observed inPiper betle. C-banding reveals different patterns of heterochromatin (hc) distribution between the genera investigated. The genome evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

The physical mapping of three abundant tandemly repeated DNA sequences, CON1, CON2, and COM2, and the distributional pattern of AT- and GC-rich regions in the chromosomes of 32 species of the grass family Poaceae have been established by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization and fluorochrome banding with chromomycin and DAPI. Additionally, locations of 5S, 35S rDNA, and the C-banding pattern were examined. All satellite DNAs (satDNA) tested are situated predominantly subtelomerically in the chromosomes, but occur also colocalized with 35S and 5S ribosomal DNAs (rDNA). Especially, CON2 is most often colocalized with the 5S rDNA, but is evolutionarily not derived from it. Subtelomeric heterochromatin bands are frequently, but not always correlated with satDNA bands. Moreover, the DAPI- or rarely chromomycin-positive stainability of heterochromatin is not caused by these satDNAs as revealed by their sequence organization, showing too few clusters of AT or GC base pairs as required for binding of the fluorochromes. The occurrence of satDNAs is not correlated with that of other components of the heterochromatin. Proportions of satDNAs and other sequences of the heterochromatin relative to the entire genome appear subjected to a much faster evolutionary change than the rather stable proportions of the rDNAs. Heteromorphism in banding patterns found in many species is related in most instances with breeding system and life form. The independent evolution and amplification of different satDNAs is discussed in relation to molecular phylogenetic data. The value and limitations of satDNA data in addressing systematic questions in grasses is exemplified for several grass subfamilies and tribes.  相似文献   

Plant genome size evolution is a very dynamic process: the ancestral genome of angiosperms was initially most likely small, which led to a tendency towards genome increase during evolution. However, findings in several angiosperm lineages demonstrate mechanisms that also led to genome size contraction. Recent molecular investigations on the Asteraceae genus Crepis suggest that several genomic reduction events have occurred during the evolution of the genus. This study focuses on the Mediterranean Crepis sect. Neglectoides, which includes three species with some of the smallest genomes within the whole genus. Crepis neglecta has the largest genome in sect. Neglectoides, approximately twice the size of the two species Crepis cretica and Crepis hellenica. Whereas C. cretica and C. hellencia are more closely related to each other than to C. neglecta the karyotypes of the latter species and C. cretica are similar, while that of C. hellenica differs considerably. Here, the karyotypic organisation of the three species is investigated with fluorescence in‐situ hybridisation and studied in a molecular phylogenetic framework based on the nuclear markers Actin, CHR12, CPN60B, GPCR1 and XTH23. Our findings further corroborate the occurrence of genome size contraction in Crepis, and suggest that the difference in genome size between C. neglecta and C. cretica is mostly due to elimination of dispersed repetitive elements, whereas chromosomal reorganisation was involved in the karyotype formation of C. hellenica.  相似文献   

Three endemic Centaurea species from North Africa are investigated for the first time by chromomycin fluorochrome banding for GC-rich DNA distribution, fluorescence in situ hybridization for physical mapping of rRNA genes, and flow cytometry for genome-size assessment. Investigated species belong to three different sections and possess three basic chromosome numbers: C. tougourensis subsp. tougourensis 2n = 4x = 36 (x = 9), C. musimonum 2n = 2x = 20 (x = 10), and C. maroccana 2n = 2x = 24 (x = 12). The number and distribution of chromomycin positive bands (CMA+) and 18S-5.8S-26S (35S) rDNA loci were different among investigated species and ranged from 6 to 80 chromomycin bands and from 2 to 6 35S rDNA loci. The three species have just one 5S rDNA locus at intercalary position on a separate chromosome pairs, except in the case of C. musimonum in which both rDNA loci were localized on the same chromosome. All rDNA loci were co-localized with CMA+ bands, except three 35S in C. musimonum. Genome size ranged from 2C = 1.66 to 2C = 2.86 pg in diploid species (C. musimonum and C. maroccana, respectively) and to 2C = 4.51 pg in tetraploid C. tougourensis subsp. tougourensis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Selaginella is the largest genus of heterosporous pteridophytes, but karyologically the genus is known only by the occurrence of a dysploid series of n=7-12, and a low frequency of polyploids. Aiming to contribute to a better understanding of the structural chromosomal variability of this genus, different staining methods were applied in species with different chromosome numbers. METHODS: The chromosome complements of seven species of Selaginella were analysed and, in four of them, the distribution of 45S rDNA sites was determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Additionally, CMA/DA/DAPI and silver nitrate staining were performed to investigate the correlation between the 45S rDNA sites, the heterochromatic bands and the number of active rDNA sites. KEY RESULTS: The chromosome numbers observed were 2n=18, 20 and 24. The species with 2n=20 exhibited chromosome complement sizes smaller and less variable than those with 2n=18. The only species with 2n=24, S. convoluta, had relatively large and asymmetrical chromosomes. The interphase nuclei in all species were of the chromocentric type. CMA/DA/DAPI staining showed only a weak chromosomal differentiation of heterochromatic bands. In S. willdenowii and S. convoluta eight and six CMA+ bands were observed, respectively, but no DAPI+ bands. The CMA+ bands corresponded in number, size and location to the rDNA sites. In general, the number of rDNA sites correlated with the maximum number of nucleoli per nucleus. Ten rDNA sites were found in S. plana (2n=20), eight in S. willdenowii (2n=18), six in S. convoluta (2n=24) and two in S. producta (2n=20). CONCLUSIONS: The remarkable variation in chromosome size and number and rDNA sites shows that dramatic karyological changes have occurred during the evolution of the genus at the diploid level. These data further suggest that the two putative basic numbers of the genus, x=9 and x=10, may have arisen two or more times independently.  相似文献   

For the large Neotropical plant family Bromeliaceae, we provide new data on chromosome numbers, cytological features and genome size estimations, and combine them with data available in the literature. Root‐tip chromosome counts for 46 species representing four subfamilies and a literature review of previously published data were carried out. Propidium iodide staining and flow cytometry were used to estimate absolute genome sizes in five subfamilies of Bromeliaceae, sampling 28 species. Most species were diploid with 2n = 50 in Bromelioideae, Puyoideae and Pitcairnioideae, followed by 2n = 48 observed mainly in Tillandsioideae. Individual chromosome sizes varied more than tenfold, with the largest chromosomes observed in Tillandsioideae and the smallest in Bromelioideae. Genome sizes (2C‐values) varied from 0.85 to 2.23 pg, with the largest genomes in Tillandsioideae. Genome evolution in Bromeliaceae relies on two main mechanisms: polyploidy and dysploidy. With the exception of Tillandsioideae, polyploidy is positively correlated with genome size. Dysploidy is suggested as the mechanism responsible for the generation of the derived chromosome numbers, such as 2n = 32/34 or 2n = 48. The occurrence of B chromosomes in the dysploid genus Cryptanthus suggests ongoing speciation processes closely associated with chromosome rearrangements. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 349–368.  相似文献   

Cardiospermum L. belongs to the Paullinieae tribe (Sapindaceae) and comprises 16 species. Of these, 12 species are present in South America and all occur in Brazil. Cardiospermum shows the most variable chromosome number of the tribe. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Cardiospermum, especially with other species of the tribe, are poorly understood. This research focuses on characterisation of the karyotypic features of Cardiospermum using conventional cytogenetic methods, CMA/DAPI chromosome banding and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). To elucidate the phylogeny of the genus, the nuclear markers ITS1 and ITS2 were sequenced and analysed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Cardiospermum shows important diversity in basic numbers, with x = 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12. All species studied have metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, some species have subtelocentric chromosomes, while telocentric chromosomes are absent. The interphase nuclei differentiate the Cardiospermum species into two groups. The CMA3/DAPI chromosome banding revealed the presence of an AT‐rich terminal region in C. corindum, C. grandiflorum and C. urvilleoides, whereas GC‐rich regions were found in C. grandiflorum, C. halicacabum var. halicacabum, C. halicacabum var. microcarpum, C. heringeri and C. integerrimum. FISH revealed syntenic and non‐syntenic distribution of the 18‐5.8‐26S and 5S rDNA. The syntenic distribution always occurred in the short arms of the same chromosome in all of the species. The phylogenetic relationships reveal, in part, the taxonomic arrangement of the genus Cardiospermum.  相似文献   

Seven species of the family Cercopithecidae have been studied using highresolution banding techniques. Comparative studies allowed us to identify the main chromosomal reorganizations in this group, as well as to establish the phylogenetic relationships between species. Some of the regions involved in evolutionary rearrangements correspond to human fragile sites and/or chromosomal rearrangements related to neoplasia.  相似文献   

Oliver is an African ape whose species identity has been debated in the popular media and by various scientists since the early 1970s. Although decisive morphological data has never been adduced on Oliver, many reports indicated that Oliver was morphologically unusual for a chimpanzee, particularly in his habitual bipedal posture. In addition, his diploid chromosome number was reported to be inconsistent with either human or chimpanzee, but instead intermediate between those species. We performed standard chromosomal studies which demonstrated that Oliver had the diploid number expected for a chimpanzee (2N = 48) and that the banding patterns of his chromosomes were typical for a chimpanzee and different from both humans and bonobos. We also sequenced a 312 bp region of his mitochondrial DNA D-loop region. Results indicated a high sequence homology to the Central African variety of chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes troglodytes. The highest percent homology was observed with a previously characterized specimen from Gabon, strongly suggesting that Oliver originated from this region. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:395–403, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

本文报道纳特竖蟾(Eupemphix nattereri Steindachner,1863)巴西3个产地标本的核型,均为2n=22,由1对端部和10对中或亚中部着丝点染色体组成.仅一对NORs位于No.11染色体对长臂端部,而其位置有别于常见的具有标志性意义的近着丝点位置.该NORs的位置为rDNA为探针的荧光原位杂交(FISH)所确认.各染色体对中,着丝点C-带明显,插入或端带偶见.某些标本的No.8同源染色体对间C-带的大小随异染色质化的程度不同而变化.居于较小的实验标本量,这种在3个产地的雌或雄性标本之一中观察到的C-带异型现象可能为种下细胞地理学变异,亦或为细胞学意义的性染体分化.3产地之一的标本核型的No.11着丝点C-带异染色质化的程度较高.CMA3染色检测到部分GC-rich区域,DAPI染色未显示任何AT-rich区.成功获得BrdU复制带,并将其与滑背蟾类动物(leiuperid)中近缘属及物种进行对比分析.比较结果表明,纳特竖蟾的核型与斑符泡蟾种组(Physalaemus signifer group)难以相互区别,而与肿肋蟾属(Pleurodema Tschudi,1838)极为相似.核型数据支持形态学上将纳特竖蟾、二光肿肋蟾[Pleurodema diplolister (Peters,1870)]和短头肿肋蟾[P.brachyops(Cope,1869)]划为同一分支的观点[动物学报 53(2):285-293,2007].  相似文献   

To localize interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs) and to test whether their pattern of distribution could be linked to chromosomal evolution, we hybridized telomeric sequence probes (peptide nucleic acid, PNA) on metaphases of New World monkeys: Callithrix argentata, Callithrix jacchus, Cebuella pygmaea, Saguinus oedipus, Saimiri sciureus, Aotus lemurinus griseimembra, Aotus nancymaae (Cebidae), Lagothrix lagotricha (Atelidae) and Callicebus moloch (Pithecidae), characterized by a rapid radiation and a high rate of chromosomal rearrangements. Our analysis of the probe signal localization allowed us to show in all the species analysed, as normally, the telomeric location at the terminal ends of chromosomes and unexpected signal distributions in some species. Indeed, in three species among the nine studied, Aotus lemurinus griseimembra, Aotus nancymaae (Cebidae) and Lagothrix lagotricha (Atelidae), we showed a high variability in terms of localization and degree of amplification of interstitial telomeric sequences, especially for the ones found at centromeric or pericentromeric positions (het‐ITS). A comparative analysis, between species, of homologous chromosomes to human syntenies, on which we have found positive interspersed PNA signals, allowed us to explain the observed pattern of ITS distribution as results of chromosomal rearrangements in the neotropical primates analysed. This evidence permitted us to discuss the possible implication of ITSs as phylogenetic markers for closely related species. Moreover, reviewing previous literature data of ITSs distribution in Primates and in the light of our results, we suggest an underestimation of ITSs and highlight the importance of the molecular cytogenetics approach in characterizing ITSs, which role is still not clarified.  相似文献   

动物细胞系的染色体组型与遗传变异率分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在建立国内首家犬,猫,猴,鼠传代细胞库,即7种动物肾细胞系(F-81,CRFK,MDCK,Vero,Vero-2,MA-104,BHK-21)的种子库和工作库的基础上,通过细胞染色体组型,G带核型,染色体数目变异率,结构畸变率分析,了解7种细胞系传代培养不同代次的染色体变异情况,以相应的细胞株皮下接种褐 形成肿瘤实验,软琼脂细胞克隆一苦恼经与植物凝集素作用下细胞凝集实验为对照,筛选出无致癌/致瘤性,符合细胞遗传学要求,无传染因子污染的细胞系(F-81,CRFK,Vero,Vero-2)或极低致癌性的MDCK细胞系用于制苗,发现肿瘤细胞系高变异率株可在裸鼠体内快速选育成功,细胞系染色体遗传特征决定致性质并具有种属特异性,得到一些100%成瘤和100%不成瘤的细胞株并了与染色体组型的关系,对于肿瘤的发病机理及实验治疗,都是非常好的模型,一些细胞系不仅成瘤而且还可转移(致恶性横纹肌样瘤的BHK-21和Vero 细胞株),其他致瘤细胞株只成瘤不转移或不明显转移。  相似文献   

A 6kb rDNA probe comprising the 18S coding plus spacer sequences has been hybridized to the metaphase chromosomes of apple rootstock cultivar MM106 demonstrating the localization of ribosomal gene arrays in the vicinity of the telomeric regions of the short arms of chromosomes 6 and 14.The in situ results using digoxygenin labelling coupled to an alkaline phosphatase immunoassay were confirmed by silver staining for NORs and nucleoli.This study demonstrates the feasibility of molecular cytogenetic analysis of very small chromosomes(1.0-2.7μm) of apple.  相似文献   

The relationships between Dactylorhiza romana and D. saccifera from southern Italy were analysed. These two species, both with 2 n = 2 x = 40 chromosomes and belonging to different sections of the genus, were distinguishable on the basis of karyotype structure and heterochromatin amounts and distribution. Their C-banded karyotypes differed considerably. D. saccifera showed most chromosomes with banded regions in the short arms, whereas in D. romana the bands were located mostly at telomeric regions of longer arms. Several individuals of D. romana had one or two very large heterochromatic supernumerary chromosomes. Based on evidence resulting from karyotype structure and heterochromatin distribution in the two species and on the genetic distances derived from the comparison of ITS sequences, it is suggested that D. romana represents a primitive form with respect to D. saccifera and is a possible intermediate step in the evolution of the genus Dactylorhiza from the 42-chromosome Orchis group. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 138 , 85–91.  相似文献   

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