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Morphological data for 15 reproductive characters were compiled for 177 African collections of Penniseturn section Brevivalvula (Gramineae). Principal component analyses of the resulting data set revealed the presence of three phenetically distinct groups which are here treated as species. Although extensive morphological variation exists within two of these species, this variation is essentially continuous and is recognized here at the subspecific level.  相似文献   

为理解植物无孢子生殖胚囊未受精条件下的退化,对无孢子生殖植物非洲狼尾草未受精成熟胚囊中央细胞退化做了细胞形态学研究。没有受精的中央细胞退化时最显著的特点是细胞核产生核膜囊泡。核膜囊泡有两种类型:单层膜的囊泡和双层膜的囊泡,单层膜囊泡在细胞质中,双层膜囊泡在细胞核内。核膜囊泡有两种发生方式:1)核膜的外膜向细胞质一侧膨胀产生囊泡,囊泡进入细胞质;2)核膜向核内凹陷形成囊泡,囊泡进入细胞核。核膜囊泡类型与产生方式密切关联。核膜囊泡吞噬并消化包括线粒体在内的细胞质和核质。  相似文献   

Inflorescence structures of 81 species and two subspecies (representing 61 genera) of the Chloridoideae have been investigated using stereo microscopy (SM). Inflorescences of the Chloridoideae are true polytelic inflorescences. Thirteen inflorescence subtypes are distinguished based on modes of the truncation and the homogenization. These are categorized into four basic inflorescence types. A key for the identification of these inflorescence types is presented. Generally, inflorescence characters have definite systematic value in recognizing supra-generic taxa in the Chloridoideae. Twelve processes have been identified as responsible for inflorescence diversification that awaits verification by further systematic study.  相似文献   

Leaves can be a useful source of taxonomic information in plants particularly when flowers and fruits are absent during certain periods of the year. In this study, we applied an elliptic Fourier analysis (EFA)‐based morphometric technique to assess leaf morphological divergence among four species of southern African Strychnos section Densiflorae. Using leaf specimen images from field and herbarium collections, we extracted six shape variables [i.e. principal components (PCs)] from the Fourier coefficients and used these variables to describe leaf outline among the species. Our results indicate that the symmetric component of a leaf is the main source of shape differences accounting for 90.25% of total leaf shape variation and captures the more obvious range of observed shapes. PC1 of the symmetric variables describes a wide range of visually observable leaf shape among the species. MANOVA revealed significant interspecific differences except between S. innocua and S. madagascariensis, which could not be separated by outline analysis. A cross‐validated group classification suggests that S. gerrardii, with a classification rate of 88.4%, is distinct from S. madagascariensis, contrary to some taxonomic treatments. We discuss the value of geometric morphometrics at detecting subtle morphological variations and the evolutionary implications of such variations, which may be undetectable to the human eye. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 170 , 542–553.  相似文献   

Various taxonomic methods are being used to clarify the systematics of Solarium section Solanum , the large and variable species group centring around the black nightshade, S. nigrum. To put the experimental work into perspective, a summary of former taxonomic treatments is given, together with an outline of the provisional taxonomic framework of the section, initially established from earlier classical studies, and supplemented by later experimental work.
Experimentation with living populations has shown that Solanum taxonomy is complicated by several factors. In addition to the historical factors, phenotypic plasticity, genetic variation, the existence of a polyploid series, and the possibilities of interspecific hybridization accompanied by various pre- and post-zygotic isolating mechanisms are dealt with.
The various taxonomic categories attached to Solanum accessions during earlier classical studies derive support from the crossability behaviour of the taxa concerned. Morphological divergence is generally accompanied by genetical isolation which can manifest itself at any time between pollination and the maturation of the F2 progeny. Data from the hybridization studies, in which 14 diploid species, five tetraploid species, four hexaploid species and one octoploid taxon were used, are presented in detail.  相似文献   

Epigenetics and plant evolution   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A fundamental precept of evolutionary biology is that natural selection acts on phenotypes determined by DNA sequence variation within natural populations. Recent advances in our understanding of gene regulation, however, have elucidated a spectrum of epigenetic molecular phenomena capable of altering the temporal, spatial, and abundance patterns of gene expression. These modifications may have morphological, physiological, and ecological consequences, and are heritable across generations, suggesting they are important in evolution. A corollary is that genetic variation per se is not always a prerequisite to evolutionary change. Here, we provide an introduction to epigenetic mechanisms in plants, and highlight some of the empirical studies illustrative of the possible connections between evolution and epigenetically mediated alterations in gene expression and morphology.  相似文献   

The megadiverse haplochromine cichlid radiations of the East African lakes, famous examples of explosive speciation and adaptive radiation, are according to recent studies, introgressed by different riverine lineages. This study is based on the first comprehensive mitochondrial and nuclear DNA dataset from extensive sampling of riverine haplochromine cichlids. It includes species from the lower River Congo and Angolan (River Kwanza) drainages. Reconstruction of phylogenetic hypotheses revealed the paradox of clearly discordant phylogenetic signals. Closely related mtDNA haplotypes are distributed thousands of kilometres apart and across major African watersheds, whereas some neighbouring species carry drastically divergent mtDNA haplotypes. At shallow and deep phylogenetic layers, strong signals of hybridization are attributed to the complex Late Miocene/Early Pliocene palaeohistory of African rivers. Hybridization of multiple lineages across changing watersheds shaped each of the major haplochromine radiations in lakes Tanganyika, Victoria, Malawi and the Kalahari Palaeolakes, as well as a miniature species flock in the Congo basin (River Fwa). On the basis of our results, introgression occurred not only on a spatially restricted scale, but massively over almost the whole range of the haplochromine distribution. This provides an alternative view on the origin and exceptional high diversity of this enigmatic vertebrate group.  相似文献   

J. W. F. Reumer 《Genetica》1984,65(2):149-158
A hypothetical phylogeny is presented for the genus Cryptocoryne (Araceae, Cryptocoryninae). This scheme is based on both geographical and cytological data. Therefore the geography of S. E. Asia, the distribution of the various base numbers and the possible relationships between the base numbers are discussed.In the resulting phylogeny the various base numbers of Cryptocoryne (and the one of Lagenandra) are thought to have been derived from a hypothetical primary base number x1=9. As a consequence of the scheme, Cryptocoryne is assumed to have a diphyletic character.  相似文献   

Few integrative analyses of the structure of agamospermous plant populations have been conducted. Erigeron compositus occurs in montane western North America and comprises both sexual and agamospermous populations. Sexual E. compositus has previously been characterized as outcrossing and predominantly diploid (2n = 18). Agamic E. compositus is usually hexaploid (2n = 54), though counts herein range from 2n = 36 to 2n = 80. Starch-gel electrophoresis, cytology, and analysis of pollen production were used to evaluate variation within and among agamospermous populations. Fifteen enzyme loci were used to identify 24 unique multilocus genotypes in seven populations, an average of 3.4 genotypes per population. Proportion of distinct genotypes per population sample size (GIN) and measures of genetic diversity (D) and evenness (E) are 0.10, 0.48, and 0.61, respectively, which indicate that E. compositus maintains levels of diversity similar to other agamospermous taxa. Most agamospermous populations are mosaics comprising groups of genetically distinct individuals that are frequently distinguished by cytotype and capacity for pollen production. The geographical and ecological separation of sexual and agamospermous populations make it unlikely that gene flow from sexual populations is a direct source of genetic variation in agamospermous populations. Instead, crossing between genetically distinct facultative agamosperms probably accounts for most variation. Genetic and morphological evidence document one such putative crossing event. Agamospermous E. compositus is very similar genetically to sexual E. compositus. Allozyme analysis further shows that genetic variation in agamospermous populations is partitioned among a few highly heterozygous genotypes, whereas sexual populations maintain numerous genotypes of relatively low heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Changes in chromosome structure and number play an importantrole in plant evolution. A system well-suited to studying differentmodes of chromosome evolution is the genus Hypochaeris (Asteraceae)with its centre of species' diversity in South America. AllSouth American species uniformly have a chromosome base numberof x = 4 combined with variation in rDNA number and distribution,and a high frequency of polyploidy. The aim of this paper isto assess directions and mechanisms of karyotype evolution inSouth American species by interpreting both newly obtained andprevious data concerning rDNA localization in a phylogeneticcontext. Methods: Eleven Hypochaeris species from 18 populations were studiedusing fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 35S and5S rDNA probes. A phylogenetic framework was established fromneighbour-net analysis of amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) fingerprint data. Key Results: A single 5S rDNA locus is invariably found on the short armof chromosome 2. Using 35S rDNA loci, based on number (one ortwo) and localization (interstitial on the long arm of chromosome2, but sometimes lacking, and terminal or interstitial on theshort arm of chromosome 3, only very rarely lacking), sevenkaryotype groups can be distinguished; five of these includepolyploids. Karyotype groups with more than one species do notform monophyletic groups. Conclusions: Early evolution of Hypochaeris in South America was characterizedby considerable karyotype differentiation resulting from independentderivations from an ancestral karyotype. There was marked diversificationwith respect to the position and evolution of the 35S rDNA locuson chromosome 3, probably involving inversions and/or transpositions,and on chromosome 2 (rarely 3) concerning inactivation and loss.Among these different karyotype assemblages, the apargioidesgroup and its derivatives constitute by far the majority ofspecies.  相似文献   

An extensive survey of isozyme phenotypes in British populations of the amphidiploid salt marsh grass Spartina anglica and its putative parents has confirmed that the species arose by chromosome doubling in S. × townsendii , a sterile hybrid between S. maritima and S. alterniflora. Isozyme phenotypes and seed protein profiles indicate that S. anglica is almost totally lacking in genetic variation. Isozyme evidence also indicates that the parental species are characterized by low levels of genetic variation. The lack of variation in S. anglica is proposed as being due to a narrow genetic base resulting from a single origin, or a multiple origin from uniform parents; the fact that many populations are derived from very small founder populations; and because preferential pairing between identical homologous chromosomes prevents recombination between the divergent component genomes of the species. The low levels of isozyme variation that occur appear to be due to chromosome loss.
The consequences for the future evolution of S. anglica , given its lack of genetic variation, are discussed.  相似文献   

Three taxa are distinguished in the sectionPhleum Griseb. in Poland:P. nodosum (2n = 14),P. pratense (2n = 42), and the third one unformally named hereP. commutatum (2n = 14). It corresponds morphologically toP. commutatum Gaud. reported as a tetraploid taxon (2n = 28) from other geographic regions. Giemsa C-banded karyotypes of these three taxa help clarify the taxonomic status ofP. commutatum and the origin of the hexaploidP. pratense. It is suggested that changes in the amount of telomeric heterochromatin played an important role in the evolution ofPhleum karyotypes.  相似文献   

The rare rainforest tree species, Syzygium paniculatum, is the only known Australian species of the genus to produce seeds that regularly have multiple embryos. Evidence from other species suggests that this is a case of adventitious polyembryony, with the embryos arising from maternal nucellar tissue. In the present study we use microsatellite data to determine whether sexual reproduction does occur and, if it does, to investigate the relative fitness of asexual versus sexual seedlings. Genotyping suggested that the species is a polyploid and our results found very little genetic diversity within and among populations (with a total of nine genotypic combinations across the entire species). The only significant variation was between the three northernmost populations and the other eight populations sampled. Analysis of individual embryos showed that sexually derived embryos did occur in some seeds but that these were not necessarily the fittest. In general, the seedling from the largest embryo is the first to emerge and maintains a competitive advantage over the other seedlings from the same seed. We discuss the ramifications of the low levels of genetic diversity and consider whether there is a direct relationship between polyembryony and the inferred polyploidy of the species. We consider the possible advantages of reproductive bet‐hedging but also highlight the susceptibility of a species with low genetic diversity to extreme stochastic events. Syzygium paniculatum occurs in areas heavily impacted by human activity and these findings should contribute to improved management of this threatened species.  相似文献   

Although Rallidae is the most diverse family within Gruiformes, there is little information concerning the karyotype of the species in this group. In fact, Gallinula melanops, a species of Rallidae found in Brazil, is among the few species studied cytogenetically, but only with conventional staining and repetitive DNA mapping, showing 2n=80. Thus, in order to understand the karyotypic evolution and phylogeny of this group, the present study aimed to analyze the karyotype of G. melanops by classical and molecular cytogenetics, comparing the results with other species of Gruiformes. The results show that G. melanops has the same chromosome rearrangements as described in Gallinula chloropus (Clade Fulica), including fission of ancestral chromosomes 4 and 5 of Gallus gallus (GGA), beyond the fusion between two of segments resultants of the GGA4/GGA5, also fusions between the chromosomes GGA6/GGA7. Thus, despite the fact that some authors have suggested the inclusion of G. melanops in genus Porphyriops, our molecular cytogenetic results confirm its place in the Gallinula genus.  相似文献   

Somatic chromosome numbers, conventional karyotype features and idiograms are reported for 27 Limonium species inhabiting the Western Mediterranean basin (Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands). The chromosome numbers of Limonium barceloi (2 n  = 36), L. ejulabilis (2 n  = 24), L. inexpectans (2 n  = 26), L. interjectum (2 n  = 24), and L. scopulorum (2 n  = 25) were determined for the first time. In addition, new aneuploid and/or polyploid cytotypes are reported in L. alcudianum (2 n  = 26), L. bonafei (2 n  = 26), L. camposanum (2 n  = 26) , L. companyonis (2 n  = 26), L. dufourii (2 n  = 26), L. geronense (2 n  = 36), L. marisolii (2n = 54), L. migjornense (2 n  = 50), and L. pseudodictyocladon (2 n  = 16). A group of polyploid species showed karyotypes comprising homologous chromosomes in groups of three ( L. antonii-llorensii, L. ejulabilis, L. interjectum, L. virgatum, and L. wiedmanii ) , four ( L. geronense ), or six ( L. marisolii ), which suggests an autopolyploid origin. Other polyploid species were characterized by the presence of two different chromosome sets ( x  = 8 and x  = 9) in the genome. The species L. alcudianum , L . bonafei , L. camposanum , L. companyonis , L. dufourii , L. gibertii , L. girardianum , L. inexpectans , L. leonardi-llorensii , L. magallufianum , L. migjornense , L. minoricense , and L. scopulorum showed various combinations of paired and unpaired x  = 8 and x  = 9 chromosome sets, suggesting that they are allopolyploids. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 257–272.  相似文献   

Two accessions of Brachiaria brizantha under cytological analysis showed 2 n  = 5x = 45 chromosomes. Pentaploidy probably resulted from natural hybridization between two species that were not closely related: an apomictic tetraploid male (2 n  = 4x = 36), and a sexual diploid female (2 n  = 2x = 18). The lack of affinity between genomes was clearly indicated by asynchrony during meiosis. The haploid genome ( n  = 9) showed unique behaviour, remaining univalent during prophase I and metaphase I, and undergoing sister-chromatid segregation and lagging at anaphase I. The laggard genome did not always reach the poles in time to be included in the telophase nucleus. However, when the inclusion was effective, this genome was distributed peripherally, changing the otherwise spherical nucleus shape. In the second division, the haploid genome behaved similarly, but as there was sister-chromatid segregation during the first division, the chromatids were slow to reach the poles, forming several micronuclei at telophase II. The two accessions were characterized as allo-autopentaploids, with the tetraploid genome (2 n  = 4x = 36) designated as B (from B. brizantha ) and the haploid genome as X, representing a species with a distinct genome having little affinity with the B genome. Thus, the hybrids' genome composition is represented by BBBBX. By comparing their meiotic behaviour with that observed in synthetic hybrids between B. brizantha and B. ruziziensis analysed previously, B. ruziziensis is the putative diploid sexual parent species in these pentaploid accessions.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London , Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 441–446.  相似文献   

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