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Spin-state selective experiments, HSQC-/ and CT-HMQC-/, are proposed for the simple and rapid measurement of scalar one-bond coupling constants in two-dimensional,1 H-detected 15N-1H or13 C-1H correlation experiments based on HSQC and HMQC schemes. Pairs of subspectra are obtained, containing either the high-field or the low-field component of the doublet representing the one-bond coupling constant. The subspectral editing procedure retains the full sensitivity of HSQC and HMQC spectra recorded without heteronuclear decoupling during data acquisition, with a spectral resolution similar to that of decoupled spectra.  相似文献   

Summary Short peptides spanning the helicoidal sequences of the uteroglobin monomer (crystal forms P21 and C2221) were synthesized and studied by circular dichroism spectroscopy. None of them showed any secondary structure in the absence of HFIP. However, most peptides achieved a helical conformation when this structuring agent was used, with the exception of the analogue corresponding to the helicoidal fragment 19–24 (helix II, crystal P21). These results indicate that other factors, such as interchain interactions, have to contribute to helix stabilization in the molecule. On the other hand, while peptides corresponding to N- and C-terminal fragments that contain the first and fourth helices of the monomer, respectively (1–14 and 48–70) achieved a -like structure when 10–15% of HFIP was used, this behaviour was not observed when TFE was used. Moreover, substitution of cysteine by -aminobutyric acid at position 3 increased both the helicity of fragment 1–14 and its ability to adopt a -like structure, but the opposite effect was observed for fragment 48–70 when -aminobutyric acid was introduced at position 69. These results indicate that this part of the protein might be sensitive to the chemical environment it is exposed to and that the two cysteine residues at positions 3 and 69 of the monomer could play a different role in the folding process.  相似文献   

Analysis of starch-degrading enzymes in a crude extract of detached cotyledons of Pisum sativum L. by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) demonstrated the presence of one band of -amylase (EC activity. The activity of only this amylase was promoted in cotyledons incubated with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The auxin-induced -amylase from pea cotyledons was purified to homogeneity, as judged by the criterion of a single band after PAGE. The relative molecular mass (Mr), estimated by gel filtration, was approx. 42 000 and the enzyme contained no carbohydrate moiety. Sodium dodecylsulfate-PAGE yielded a single band that corresponded to an Mr of 41 000. The isoelectric point was 5.85 and the aminoacid composition was similar to that of -amylase from other plants. When [3H]leucine was fed to detached dry cotyledons prior to incubation, the radioactivity in -amylase from cotyledons incubated in the presence of 2,4-D was found to be approx. 10-fold higher than that from cotyledons incubated in distilled water. When -amylase from cotyledons incubated with 2H2O that contained 2,4-D and the tritiated amylase were centrifuged together in a CsCl density gradient, the peak of enzymatic activity of deuterated -amylase was shifted to a denser fraction than the peak of radioactivity of the tritiated enzyme. These results show that auxin-induced -amylase in pea cotyledons is synthesized de novo.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - Mr relative molecular mass - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PAS periodic acid-Schiff - pI isoelectric point - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate We are very grateful to Mr. Kazuo Itoh and Mrs. Matsumi Doe for carrying out the analysis of amino-acid composition.  相似文献   

A selective protonation strategy is described that uses [3-2H] 13C -ketoisovalerate to introduce (1H- methyl)-leucine and (1H- methyl)-valine into 15N-, 13C-, 2H-labeled proteins. A minimum level of 90% incorporation of label into both leucine and valine methyl groups is obtained by inclusion of 100 mg/L -ketoisovalerate in the bacterial growth medium. Addition of [3,3-2H2] -ketobutyrate to the expression media (D2O solvent) results in the production of proteins with (1H-1 methyl)-isoleucine (>90% incorporation). 1H-13C HSQC correlation spectroscopy establishes that CH2D and CHD2 isotopomers are not produced with this method. This approach offers enhanced labeling of Leu methyl groups over previous methods that utilize Val as the labeling agent and is more cost effective.  相似文献   

The prothymosin a kinase (ProTK) is an apparently novel enzyme that is responsible for the phosphorylation of prothymosin (ProT), involved in the proliferation of mammalian cells. The present study investigated the properties of this enzyme. ProTK is more effectively activated by Mn2+ than by other divalent cations, and its activity is unaffected by RNA. Its principal substrate in proliferating cells appears to be ProTa. Both in vivo and in vitro, it is unable to phosphorylate the peptides thymosin 1 and thymosin 11, derived from the amino terminus of ProT, despite the fact that the sites of phosphorylation of ProT are contained within this part of its sequence. In trials in vivo, inhibition of gene expression abolished both phosphorylation of ProT and ProTK activity. ProTK is located in the cytosolic fractions throughout the cell cycle. Its activity, which is dependent on cell proliferation, increases markedly during S phase and begins to decline as the cell enters G2. Studies of the effects of activators and inhibitors of protein kinases involved in signal transduction pathways suggest that ProTK is activated by phosphorylation in a mitogen-initiated pathway that is dependent on PKC; however, PKC does not itself phosphorylate ProTK, which is therefore presumably phosphorylated by another kinase.  相似文献   

Glycosides, 1-O-benzyl--glucoside (BG) and 1- O-benzyl--maltoside (BM), were synthesized from soluble starch and benzyl alcohol by transglycosylation with an -amylase in a water system. BG was mostly obtained in a reaction mixture of pH 5.0, while BM was synthesized in pH 8.0. The synthesized glycosides had -configuration linkage between sugar and benzyl alcohol. The BG was rapidly hydrolyzed to benzyl alcohol and glucose by -glucosidase. The BM was hydrolyzed to BG and glucose below pH 5.0 by the -amylase used for its synthesis but it was not hydrolyzed above pH 8.0.  相似文献   

Treatment of 18-glycyrrhizic acid with a methanolic solution of HCl resulted in 1 : 1 mixture of methyl esters of 18- and 18-glycyrrhetinic acids. Benzoylation of the mixture led to methyl esters of 3-benzoyl-18-glycyrrhetinic acid and 3-benzoyl-18-glycyrrhetinic acid, which were separated by chromatography on silica gel. 18-Glycyrrhetinic acid was prepared by alkaline hydrolysis of methyl 3-benzoyl-18-glycyrrhetinate and was further used for the syntheses of 3-keto-18-glycyrrhetinic acid and methyl esters of 18-glycyrrhetinic acid and 3-keto-18-glycyrrhetinic acid.  相似文献   

The present work investigated the possibility of cleavage of -linkages between mannose or galactose and serine/threonine residues by -mannosidase and -galactosidase. The study was carried out initially with model synthetic compounds imitating theO-glycosidic bond in glycoproteins, and further with glucoamylase. It was shown that -mannosidase and -galactosidase can hydrolyse these linkages after proteolytic digestion of glucosamylase.  相似文献   

The coupling of urethane protected amino acidfluorides is accomplished in the presence ofactivated, commercial zinc dust to synthesize severaldi- and tripeptides.The coupling was fast and racemization free. The yieldas well as purity of the peptides was satisfactory.The method was extended for the incorporation ofsterically hindered ,-dialkylaminoacids and N-methylamino acids as well.  相似文献   

In contrast to undifferentiated cell suspension cultures of Digitalis lanata, photomixotrophic shoot cultures of Digitalis purpurea accumulate cardiac glycosides in substantial concentrations. They are used to investigate enzymes of the cardenolide pathway. All cardenolides are 5-configurated. The progesterone 5-reductase and the 3-hydroxysteroid-5-oxidoreductase are present in shoot cultures but not in undifferentiated cell cultures. These enzymes provide precursors for cardenolides, whereas the presence of the progesterone 5-reductase, also present in shoot cultures, is discussed with regard to its role in phytosterol biosynthesis and may be attributed to the general steroid pathway. The progesterone 5-reductase had an activity maximum during the early growth period seven days after onset of cultivation, whereas the corresponding progesterone 5-reductase activity was highest on day 11. The maximum cardenolide accumulation was after 24 days. The enzyme activities present in crude extracts from shoot cultures were characterized with regard to their requirements for NADPH and NADH, pH-optimum, temperature optimum, affinity to their substrates and their localization in the cell. The progesterone 5-reductase was purified 769-fold.Abbreviations DW dry weight - FW fresh weight - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of immunoreactive -melanocyte-stimulating hormone (-MSH) within the brain of the frog, Rana esculenta, has been studied on adjacent serial sections using an indirect immunofluorescence technique. Immunoreactive cell bodies are found in the anterior part of the preoptic nucleus and in some ventral subependymal cerebrospinal fluid-contacting elements, and in the nucleus infundibularis ventralis. Numerous -MSH-like immunoreactive fibers are present in the preoptic area, in the pars ventralis of the tuber cinereum, and in the outer layer of the median eminence. This staining pattern is completely eliminated after preabsorbing the antiserum with the corresponding antigen, but blocking tests with -MSH-related peptides do not lead to any change in the immunoreaction. From these results it may be inferred that an -MSH-like system is present in the hypothalamic neurosecretory area of R. esculenta, and is probably related to its hypophysiotropic functions.The results are compared to the distribution of -MSH within the hypothalamus of reptiles and mammals.This work was supported by a grant from the M.P.I. (60%)  相似文献   

Cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and Interleukin-1 (IL1) are known to influence energy metabolism and mitochondrial function in tumor and vascular smooth muscle cells. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether in cardiomyocytes mitochondrial function and PDH activity may also be impaired by TNF and IL1. Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity and mitochondrial oxygen consumption of cultured cardiomyocytes were determined after subchronic exposure (24 h) to TNF (1, 10, 100, 1000 I.U./ml) and IL1 (0.1, 1, 10, 100 I.U./ ml).TNF- and IL1- exposure of the cardiomyocytes resulted in a concentration dependent decrease of PDH activity up to 38%. In parallel, selective oxygen consumption of the respiratory chain complexes I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) and II (succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) decreased by up to 45%. Addition of the PDH activator dichloracetate (0.01 M) resulted in complete restoration of PDH activity but not of mitochondrial function. The results suggest a primary inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain by TNF and IL1 and a subsequent down regulation of PDH activity.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of prothymosin (ProT) on the survival of DBA/2 mice inoculated with syngeneic tumour cells was studied. DBA/2 mice inoculated intraperitoneally (i.p.) with 2×105 syngeneic leukaemic L1210 cells developed ascites within 8–12 days and died 10–14 days later. Treatment with ProT consistently inhibited the development of ascites in 20% of the treated animals and prolonged the survival of 40%–60% of the animals up to 70 days. The most effective treatment schedule of ProT was 300 ng/mouse given i.p. at 2-day intervals for 3 weeks followed by a rest period of 7 days, prior to tumour cell inoculation. Peritoneal exudate (PE) cells collected from mice treated with the optimal dose of ProT produced, in the absence of exogenous stimulus, six- to eightfold higher levels of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) than PE cells from control mice. Furthermore these cells exhibited cytotoxic activity against several tumour cell lines including the syngeneic L1210, the TNF-insensitive P815 mastocytoma, the human MOLT-4 lymphoblastic leukaemia, as well as the murine TNF-sensitive L929 fibroblast cell line. Kinetic studies revealed that both production of TNF and tumoricidal activity peaked 7 days after the last injection of ProT and were maintained at high levels over a period of 1 month. Injections with 150 ng ProT slightly improved the survival of mice whereas higher (500 ng and 1000 ng) doses of ProT and a wide range of thymosin 1 doses remained without any effect. PE cells collected from these mice produced extremely low levels of TNF and exhibited negligible tumoricidal activity. Our data demonstrate that ProT has a protective effect in vivo against the growth of adoptively transfered tumour cells and suggest that this effect is, at least in part, mediated by ProT-activated PE cells. These cells were demonstrated to produce high levels of TNF in vitro and to exhibit activity against both TNF-sensitive and TNF-resistant cell lines.Supported by a CEC grant to Dr. M. Papamichail  相似文献   

The epitope structure of human alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was studied using more than 50 monoclonal antibodies (MAB) to human AFP. These MAB obtained from various world laboratories of the TD-2 AFP Workshops of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine (ISOBM-1996-1998-2000) were analyzed by competitive immunoaffinity electrochromatography (IAE) on nitrocellulose membranes (NCM). Five types of interaction of the AFP–MAB complex with the MAB fixed on NCM were found: 1) complete neutralization; 2) partial neutralization; 3) unidirectional neutralization; 4) enhanced binding; 5) lack of interaction. By IAE, 51 MAB were found to recognize 23 different epitopes in the AFP molecule. Based on these findings, an epitope map of AFP was designed which consists of eight epitope clusters and eight individual epitopes. The epitope location is considered with respect to the conformational state of the AFP molecule. Possible causes of the five types of interaction found on neutralization are discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-three species of marine invertebrates from the Sea of Japan were analyzed for contents of fucoidan hydrolases and some glycosidases. Fucoidan hydrolase activity was assessed by examining the effect of animal tissue extracts on fucoidans from the two brown seaweeds Laminaria cichorioides and Fucus evanescens, which have different structural characteristics. The activity of glycosidases (-glucosidase, -galactosidase, -fucosidase, and -mannosidase) was determined using p-nitrophenyl derivatives of sugars as substrates. It was found that glycosidases and fucoidan hydrolases of different specificities are fairly widely distributed among marine invertebrates. Mollusks and some species of echinoderms and arthropods showed the highest enzymatic activity. This research will enable us to choose organisms for the separation and study of fucoidan hydrolases and glycosidases, which may be useful in determining the structure of fucoidans.  相似文献   

The relative contributions made by the l-arginine/agmatine/N-carbamoylputrescine/putrescine and the l-ornithine/putrescine pathways to hyoscyamine formation have been investigated in a transformed root culture of Datura stramonium. The activity of either arginine decarboxylase (EC or ornithine decarboxylase (EC was suppressed in vivo by using the specific irreversible inhibitors of these activities, dl--difluoromethylarginine or dl--difluoromethylornithine, respectively. It was found that suppression of arginine decarboxylase resulted in a severe decrease in free and conjugated putrescine and in the putrescine-derived intermediates of hyoscyamine biosynthesis. In contrast, the suppression of ornithine decarboxylase activity stimulated an elevation of arginine decarboxylase and minimal loss of metabolites from the amine and alkaloid pools. The stimulation of arginine decarboxylase was not, however, sufficient to maintain the same potential rate of putrescine biosynthesis as in control tissue. It is concluded that (i) in Datura the two routes by which putrescine may be formed do not act in isolation from one another, (ii) arginine decarboxylase is the more important activity for hyoscyamine formation, and (iii) the formation of polyamines is favoured over the biosynthesis of tropane alkaloids. An interaction between putrescine metabolism and other amines is also indicated from a stimulation of tyramine accumulation seen at high levels of dl--difluoromethylornithine.Abbreviations ADC arginine decarboxylase - DFMA dl--dif-luoromethylarginine - DFMO dl--difluoromethylornithine - MPO N-methylputrescine oxidase - ODC ornithine decarboxylase - PMT putrescine N-methyltransferase We are indebted to Dr. E.W.H. Bohme of Merrell Dow Research Laboratories (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) for kind gifts of DFMO and DFMA and to Dr. M.J.C. Rhodes for helpful advice and discussion.  相似文献   

An -L-fucosidase (E.C. exhibiting a wide aglycon specificity expressed in ability of cleaving 1 6-, 1 3-, 1 4-, and 1 2-O-fucosyl bonds in fucosylated oligosaccharides, has been isolated from culture filtrate of Thermus sp. strain Y5. The -L-fucosidase hydrolyzes p-nitrophenyl -L-fucopyranoside with V max of 12.0 ± 0.1 M/min/mg and K m = 0.20 ± 0.05 mM and is able to cleave off about 90% of total L-fucose from pronase-treated fractions of fucosyl-containing glycoproteins and about 30% from the native glycoproteins. The purified enzyme is a tetramer with a molecular mass of 240 ± 10 kDa consisting of four identical subunits with a molecular mass of 61.0 ± 0.5 kDa. The N-terminal sequence showed homology to some -L-fucosidases from microbial and plant sources. Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl -L-fucopyranoside occurs with retention of the anomeric configuration. Transglycosylating activity of the -L-fucosidase was demonstrated in reactions with such acceptors as alcohols, N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine while no transglycosylation products were observed in the reaction with p-nitrophenyl -L-fucopyranoside. The enzyme can be classified in glycosyl hydrolase family 29.  相似文献   

Summary -neurotoxins from elapid snake venoms and-conotoxins from marine snails bind specifically and with high affinity to nicotinic cholinoceptors. Although both types of toxin are polypeptides, there is more than a fourfold difference in size between the two and no clear sequence homology is evident. A systematic computer search of the three-dimensional structure of erabutoxin b (an-neurotoxin from the false sea snakeLaticauda semifasciata) was performed to identify the locality that most closely matched the amino acid compositions of the smaller-conotoxins (from the marine snailsConus magus andConus geographus). The area of greatest similarity centered on residue position 25 of erabutoxin b, a locale that is conserved throughout the snake-neurotoxins and their homologues. Six Proteins unrelated to erabutoxin b were compared to the-conotoxins to show that the extent of the erabutoxin b/-conotoxin match was too high to be coincidental. Homologues of erabutoxin b, namely-cobratoxin fromNaja naja siamensis and cytotoxin VII4 fromNaja mossambica mossambica, were also analyzed. The extent of the matching with the-conotoxins decreased in the series erabutoxin b>-cobratoxin>cytotoxin VII4, and this also relates the order of similarity to the pharmacological properties of the-conotoxins.The-conotoxin-like area of the snake-neurotoxins is peripheral to the site previously considered important for binding to the cholinoceptor, even though it seems to represent the focus of evolutionary convergence between the two types of neurotoxin. The area of resemblance does, however, have strong associations with the conformational behavior of the snake toxins. Hence, the outcome of this study has important consequences for the current ideas on snake-neurotoxin structure/activity relationships and the evolutionary origins of neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Calf lens A-crystallin isolated by reversed-phase HPLC demonstrates a slightly more hydrophobic profile than B-crystallin. Fluorescent probes in addition to bis-ANS, like cis-parinaric acid (PA) and pyrene, show higher quantum yields or Ham ratios when bound to A-crystallin than to B-crystallin at room temperature. Bis-ANS binding to both A- and B-crystallin decreases with increase in temperature. At room temperature, the chaperone-like activity of A-crystallin is lower than that of B-crystallin whereas at higher temperatures, A-crystallin shows significantly higher protection against aggregation of substrate proteins compared to B-crystallin. Therefore, calf lens A-crystallin is more hydrophobic than B-crystallin and chaperone-like activity of -crystallin subunits is not quantitatively related to their hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

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